Users Manual


Users Manual

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                                                           4-channel avoids interference. Two operation options
             C301U                                         let you choose: Automatic Operation or Manual
       TX VC301 Rx VR121
       2.4GHz PIR ACTIVATED                                Note: Read this entire manual before you start to
                                                                 install the system.
     LIGHTING CAMERA SYSTEM                                SAFETY PRECAUTIONS
                                                           z   Do not install the PIR LIGHTING CAMERA when
                                                               it is raining.
                                                           z   Be sure to switch off power source before
                                                           z   Make sure that the power wiring comes from
                                                               circuit with an external 16A miniature circuit
                                                               breaker for the short circuit protection or a
                                                               suitable fuse.
                                                           z   Keep minimum 0.8m away from the lighted
                                                           z   The adjusting screw shall not be removed.
                                                               Tighten the connection of the floodlight head
                                                               assembly and motion sensor to the base so as to
                                                               avoid any rotation.
                                                           z   The unit is wall and ceiling mountable.(FIGURE

c Floodlight
d Tempered Glass
e Wiring Box
f Adjusting Screw
                                                                                FIGURE 1
g Lens                                                     z   When mounting on the wall, it can be installed
h PIR Motion Sensor                                            only vertically (FIGURE 2a), not horizontally
                                                               (FIGURE 2b).
i Antenna
j Channel Selection Switch
k Lux Adjustment
l Time Adjustment
    Backplate (valid for European version)


Your EVERSPRING 2.4GHz PIR ACTIVATED                                 VERTICAL      HORIZONTAL
surveillance system for your home or business                                 FIGURE 2a & 2b
operating at 2.4GHz. The system includes a PIR             z    The distance between floodlight and PIR
LIGHTING CAMERA and a Wireless Receiver. Using                  Camera cannot be too close to avoid the heat
the Wireless Receiver as a bridge to connect to TV
                                                                from the floodlight being hindered the normal
will see and hear real-time video images at all times.
                                                                operation of PIR Camera. (FIGURE 3)
At night, the built-in passive infrared (PIR) motion
sensor turns on the floodlight when it detects motion in
its coverage area, so that camera images can be
clearly seen on the TV for improved night time vision.
During the day, the built-in photocell sensor saves
electricity by deactivating the floodlight. A 4-position
time adjustment switch lets you select how long the
floodlight will stay on after activation. Adjustable                              FIGURE 3

z   The adjustable angle for the floodlight and PIR                                        2
    Camera can be 45° leftward and rightward.
    (FIGURE 4)

                                                                             SENSOR               SENSOR
                                                                          LESS SENSITIVE        MORE SENSITIVE
                                                                             SENSITIVITY TO MOTION
                                                                                    FIGURE 6
                                                             BULB INSTALLATION
                     FIGURE 4
z   The suggested swiveling angle of floodlight and          CAUTION: Always handle halogen bulbs with a soft
    PIR Camera are outlined hereunder: (FIGURE 5)                    cloth. Do not touch the bulb with your bare
                                                                     hand as it will shorten the life of the bulb.
    Wall mount               Ceiling mount
                                                             (1) Do not touch the floodlight while it is in use or still
                                                                 hot. Allow it to cool off (about 5 minutes) before
                                                                 touching it.
                                                             (2) Do not use halogen bulb rated higher than 150
                                                             (3) Disconnect the power cord or wall switch.
                                                             (4) Unscrew the screw at the bottom of floodlight
                                                                 (FIGURE 7).

                      FIGURE 5
Installation must be performed by skilled technicians
who are informed about the standards and technical
requirements of the appliance and its proper

Maintenance or repairing work such as replacing                                    FIGURE 7
current fuse shall be done by a qualified electrician        (5) Install bulb by inserting one end first and
or technician.                                                   depressing until enough clearance is gained to
                                                                 seat the other end of the socket. Rotate halogen
Before proceeding with the installation, TURN OFF                bulb to assure proper seating.
THE POWER TO THE LIGHTING CIRCUIT AT THE                     (6) Carefully replace the front surround and make
CIRCUIT BREAKER OR FUSE BOX TO AVOID                             sure that the seal is correctly positioned and then
ELECTRICAL SHOCK.                                                screw up tightly.

                                                             To facilitate installation, it is essential to get a drill and
z   For the best results, fix your PIR LIGHTING              a screwdriver ready. Select a location for the unit
    CAMERA on a solid surface, 2M above the                  based on the coverage angles shown in FIGURE 8.
z   For outdoor installation, a location under eaves is
z   Avoid aiming the motion sensor at pools, heating
    vents, air conditioners or objects that may
    change temperature rapidly.
z   Do not allow sunlight to fall directly on the front of
z   Try to avoid pointing the unit at trees or shrubs or
    where the motion of pets may be detected.
z   The transmission range to the Wireless Receiver
    is up to 100m in clear line of sight.
z   Prior to mounting, keep in mind that the motion
    sensor is more sensitive to the motion, which is
    across the detection field and less sensitive to
    the motion, which moves directly towards the
    detector (FIGURE 6).                                                              FIGURE 8

Install a wall switch adjacent to the power source.
(FIGURE 9). This will help you operate this PIR                                       4
LIGHTING CAMERA with ease. See OPERATION for              (4) Using the backplate as a template to mark the
further information.                                          position of two fixing holes on the wall. Drill these
                                                              two holes by inserting the plastic wall plugs
European Version                                              supplied. Fix the backplate using the two screws
                                                              provided. (FIGURE 11)

American Version

                                                                                FIGURE 11
                                                          (4) Connect the BROWN wire (Live wire) to the
                                                              terminal block “L” mark.

                                                               Connect the BLUE wire (Neutral wire) to the
                                                               terminal block “N” mark.

                                                             Connect the YELLOW/GREEN (Ground wire) to

                                                             the terminal block “     “mark. (FIGURE 12).

                      FIGURE 9
European Version
(1) Switch off the power source or wall switch
(2) Detach the wiring box from the backplate.
(3) Use a flat blade screwdriver to break a hole on the
    rubber gasket. Route the power cord through the
    rubber gasket and strain relief by fastening the
    power cord with two screws provided.(FIGURE

                                                                                FIGURE 12
                                                          (5) Place the wiring box to the backplate using
                                                             screws provided. (FIGURE 13)


                     FIGURE 10

                      FIGURE 13
                                                                               FIGURE 16
                            5                             (6) Adjust the antenna upright and vertically to the
American Version                                              ground.
(1) Switch off the power source or wall switch.
(2) Line up the holes on the mounting bracket with
   the holes on your junction box. Using fitting screws   SETTING THE LIGHTING SYSTEM
   (depending on size of the holes in your junction
   box), attach the mounting bracket to your junction     (1) TEST MODE
   box. (FIGURE 14).

                                                          z   Turn the LUX control to the T position and the
                                                              TIME adjustment slide switch to 5 second.
                                                              (FIGURE 17)

                     FIGURE 14
(3) Place the gasket in position before wiring.

(4) Connect the black wire from the fixture to the
    black (Live) power supply wire from your power
    source using the wire nuts provided. Connect the
    white wire from the fixture to the white (Neutral)
    power supply wire using the wire nuts provided.
    Connect the yellow/green wire from the fixture to                           FIGURE 17
    the yellow/green (Earth) power supply wire using
    the wire nuts provided. (FIGURE 15)                   z   Turn on the wall switch. The floodlight will turn
                                                              on for about 1 minute to warm up. Then it turns
            Black                                             off.
            White                                         z   Walk through the detection area. The floodlight
   Yellow / Green                                             turns on when you move and turns off when you
                                                              stop. Wait for the floodlight to turn off before
                                                              moving again to test the sensor.
                                                          z   Adjust the motion sensor to cover the desired
                                                              detection area. See Installation for details.

                                                          (2) TIME ADJUSTMENT
                    Earth Neutral
                                                          The TIME adjustment controls how long the floodlight
                                                          will stay on after the motion has been detected.
                      FIGURE 15
                                                          A 4-position slide switch provides you with four
(5) Place the wiring box and secure it with the two       intervals (5 second, one, five and 10 minute). Before
    screws provided (FIGURE 16).                          connecting it to the power source, set the 4-position
                                                          slide switch to 5 second. After the elapse of warm-up
                                                          period, adjust the switch to the period you desired.
                                                          (FIGURE 18).

                                                                                FIGURE 18

Note:                                                        override the Automatic Operation. Turn the wall switch
5” means 5 second                                            off and on twice within 4 seconds. The interval
1 means 1 minute                                             between the first and second operation must be within
5 means 5 minute                                             0.5 - 2 seconds.
10 means 10 minute
                                                             In Manual Override mode, the light will remain on for
(3) LUX ADJUSTMENT                                           around 4 ~ 6 hours despite no motion; then the light
                                                             will turn off and the motion sensor will be back to Auto
The LUX adjustment determines at what light level the        Operation mode automatically.
floodlight will start operating when you set the sensor
to automatic operation.                                      Users can also set the motion sensor back to Auto
                                                             Operation by turning off the wall switch for at least 10
Provisionally turn the Motion Sensor LUX control knob        seconds and then turn it back on.
to the edge at the moon (dusk) position (FIGURE 19).
In this provisional setting mode, the Motion Sensor          WIRELESS RECEIVER
remains inactive during daylight. At dusk when you
find it is the LUX level desired for operation, simply set   The 2.4 GHz Wireless Receiver is designed to
the LUX control knob to the position which will              connect to TV, VCR, VCD R/W or DVD R/W, serving
become active as daylight declines.                          as a medium to receive the radio signal from the PIR
                                                             Lighting Camera. There are four selectable channels
                                                             that can be manually operated if needed. By
                                                             connecting it to the TV, the camera images can be
                                                             viewed from the TV at all times. It is so user-friendly
                                                             that you can complete the installation in a few

                     FIGURE 19



                      FIGURE 20
                                                                                                         AV OUT
                                                                              DC9V     OFF /ON   VIDEO     L      R

For better communication, the channel between PIR
Lighting Camera and Wireless Receiver must be the
same. In case of interference, adjust the channel                                                                         3
selection switch for resolution. (FIGURE 20)                              4                        2

OPERATION                                                    c Channel Selection Button
By using the wall switch connected to your motion
sensor, you can easily select one of two modes of
                                                             d Power
operation: Automatic Operation and Manual Override.
                                                             e A/V Output
                                                             f DC Jack
Turn on the wall switch. The light will be automatically
on when the motion sensor detects motion and will be         g Channel LEDs
off after the motion is stopped or out of detection
range. The unit is active only from dusk to dawn.            INSTALLATION

(2) MANUAL OVERRIDE                                          There are available in two versions : European and
To keep the light on regardless of the motion, you can

European Version                                                                                                                   TROUBLE SHOOTING
To connect Receiver to your TV:                                                                                                    Light does not turn on:
1. Plug the Scart connector cable that package                                                                                     z Confirm that you have made a correct “wiring
    included into your TV.                                                                                                             connection”.
2. Plug the other end, yellow (video), white (audio)                                                                               z Make sure that the bulb has not burned out.
    and red (audio) RCA connectors into the                                                                                        Light remains on:
    corresponding RCA connectors on the Receiver.                                                                                  z    Make sure the wiring connection is correct.
    (FIGURE 21)                                                                                                                    z    If you set the motion sensor to Manual
                   Scart Plug
                                                                                                                                        Override, remember that you must turn the wall
                                                                                                                                        switch off for at least 10 seconds before switch
                                                                                                                                        the motion sensor back to Automatic Operation.
                                                                                                                                   z    Check if the TIME setting is correct.

                                                                                             Power             DC JACK

                        FIGURE 21
American Version
To connect Receiver to your TV:
1. Plug the yellow (video), white (audio) and red                                                                                  SPECIFICATIONS
    (audio) RCA connectors into TV socket.                                                                                         PIR Lighting Camera Transmitter
2. Plug the yellow (video), white (audio) and red                                                                                                        AC 120 V / 60Hz
    (audio) RCA connectors into the corresponding                                                                                  Power Requirement
                                                                                                                                                         AC 230 V / 50Hz
    RCA connectors on the Receiver. (FIGURE 22)                                                                                    Lighting Load         Max. 150W Halogen Bulb
                                                                                                                                   PIR Detection Angle Up to 110° at 20°C
                                                                                                                                   PIR Detection
                                                                                                                                                         Up to 12M at 20°C
                                                                                                                                                         Lamp Part: Horizontal 90°,
                                                                                                                                                         Downward 30°; Upward 90°
                                                                                                                                   Swiveling Angle
                                                                                                                                                         Sensor Part: Horizontal 90°,
                                                                                                                                                         Downward 45°, Upward 90°

                                                                                                                                                         Recommended 2M (6.5 Ft) Wall

                                                                                                                                   Mounting Height
                                                                                                     Antenna                                             Mount
                                                                                                                 DC JACK           Wall Switch Control On / Off / Manual Override
                                                                                                                                   Sensor Operation      Auto
                                                                                                                                   Time Adjustment       5”, 1, 5, 10
                                                                                                                                   Lux Adjustment        Yes
                                                                                                                                   Warm Up Time          About 1 min
                                                                                                                                   Camera Type           Color CMOS
                                                                                                                                   TV System             PAL/NTSC
                        FIGURE 22                                                                                                  Resolution (TV lines) 320
                                                                                                                                                         PAL: 628 x 582
                                                                                                                                   Pixel Array (H x V)
OPERATION                                                                                                                                                NTSC: 510 x 492
                                                                                                                                   Auto Exposure         Up to 1/15000 Sec.
1. Connect the Receiver with 9VDC power adapter                                                                                    Lens                  f=4.4mm F=2.0
   and set the Receiver in the same channel as that                                                                                Lens Angle            56°, Diagonal
   of the video device you have planned to view.                                                                                   Sensitivity           <3 Lux @F1.2
2. Power switch: Slide the switch to On position to                                                                                S/N (Noise)           >48dB
   turn on the power, while Off position to turn off the                                                                           Microphone            Built-in
   power.                                                                                                                                                2413MHz / 2432MHz
                                                                                                                                   2.4GHz Channel
3. Connect the video device with power source and                                                                                                        2451MHz / 2470MHz ± 200KHz
   turn on the TV. Then switch the TV to the video                                                                                 Wireless Receiver     Receiver
   mode. The video images can be viewed right from                                                                                                       AC 120V / 60Hz
                                                                                                                                   Power Adapter Input
   the TV.                                                                                                                                               AC 230V / 50Hz
4. The Channel LED will light up when the particular                                                                               Power Adapter
                                                                                                                                                         9VDC 300mA
   channel is in use.                                                                                                              Output
                                                                                                                                   Video Output          0.9~1.35Vpp, 75Ω
                                                                                                                                   Communication         Max. 100m (in open space)

Range                                                             into the food chain, damaging your health and well-being.
Protection Class         Class I
Protection Degree        IP44                                     When replacing old appliances with new once, the retailer is
Safety                   UL, cUL, FCC, CE                         legally obligated to take back your old appliance for disposal
Specifications subject to change without notice.                  at least for free of charge.

Federal Communication Commission Interference
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with
the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of
the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interference in a
residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and
can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and
used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful
interference to radio communications. However, there is no
guarantee that interference will not occur in a                                                12

particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful
interference to radio or television reception, which can be
determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is
encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the
following measures:
- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
- Increase the separation between the equipment and
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different
  from that to which the receiver is connected.
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician
   for help.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This
device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this
device must accept any interference received, including
interference that may cause undesired operation.

Per FCC 15.21, you are cautioned that changes or
modifications not expressly approved by the part responsible
for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the

FCC Radiation Exposure Statement:
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits
set forth for an uncontrolled environment. End users must
follow the specific operating instructions for satisfying RF
exposure compliance.

This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in
conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.

Do not dispose of electrical appliances as unsorted
municipal waste, use separate collection facilities.

Contact your local government for information regarding the
collection systems available.

If electrical appliances are disposed of in landfills or dumps,
hazardous substances can leak into the groundwater and get

Document Created: 2006-09-29 18:00:56
Document Modified: 2006-09-29 18:00:56

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