User Manual


Users Manual

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                                                                                                   3.   Insert 3 AA-size 1.5V batteries to the battery
                                                                                                        compartment with the correct polarity. The LED on
     SP816              OUTDOOR MOTION DETECTOR                                                         the device should turns ON..

The SP816 Outdoor Motion Detector is a Z-Wave PlusTM enabled device and is fully
compatible with any Z-WaveTM enabled network. The device can be set up in a Z-wave
network to communicate directly with other end devices such as lighting controllers, or to
report directly to a Z-wave controller (usually a gateway).
                                                                                                   4.   The Inclusion process should be completed when the LED stops blinking.
This motion detector is primarily designed for outdoor lighting control application. It features   5.   Do not refit the rear cover yet.
a PIR motion detector to detect movement in a protected area and a lux sensor for                       Note: If Auto Inclusion fails, refer to the Troubleshooting section regarding Manual
determining brightness of its surroundings. It comes with a built in timer to set the duration          Inclusion.
for light turn on. The lux level and the timer can be set through knobs on the device itself.
If the PIR detects motion when lux level falls below a preset setting, the device will transmit
a signal to turn on the outdoor lighting (or indirectly through gateway) and then later turns it   Warm-Up
off when its timer has elapsed.                                                                    It will take approximately 1 minute for the detector to warm up after a battery is inserted.
                                                                                                   During this period the LED behind the lens will turn on. When the LED turns off, it implies
This device can also be used as a basic motion sensor for indoor security application.             warm-up procedure is complete and the detector is ready for detection.
                                                                                                   - This will not affect the Inclusion/Exclusion process.
                                                                                                   - After removing batteries, wait for 5 seconds to refit batteries.

                                                                                                   Quick Test
                                                                                                   1.   With the tamper switch not being pressed, the unit will enters Test mode to allow the
                                                                                                        user to test the device before it is mounted on the wall.
                                                                                                   2.   During Test mode, if movement is detected, the LED on the detector will illuminate
                                                                                                        implying the unit is working properly.
                                                                                                   3.   To exit the Test mode, simply press the Tamper switch for more than 10 seconds to
                                                                                                        enter Normal mode.

                                                                                                   Mounting the Detector
Product Overview
      Front Cover                                 Battery
                                                                                                   Choosing the location
                                                                                                        The recommended location for the detector is outside the house under the eaves or
      Motion Sensor                               Rear Cover                                          other shaded areas where it is not directly exposed to sunlight. Though the detector is
      Time-off / Lux Knob                        7 Tamper Switch
                                                  ○                                                     waterproof (IP44 rated), avoid direct contact with rain.
      LED indicator (hidden behind lens)
                                                                                                        - Do not position the detector facing a window or direct sunlight.
Adding to Z-WaveTM Network
                                                                                                        - Do not position the detector directly above or facing any source of heat, eg: fires,
                                                                                                        radiators, boiler etc.
Auto Inclusion
The detector supports Auto Inclusion feature where it will automatically enter Inclusion                - Where possible, mount the detector so
mode when first powered up after a factory reset.                                                       that the path of an intruder would cut
                                                                                                        across the fan pattern rather than directly
1.     Use a screwdriver to detach the rear cover.                                                      towards the detector.

2.     Put a Z-Wave Controller into inclusion mode.

     mount the detector 2m from the floor. At this                 (M)
     height, the detector will detect movement                       8
     within its 100 degrees fan-shaped detection                     6                             When the detector is mounted on the wall, i.e. tamper switch is pressed, for more than 10
     pattern up to 6-12m depending on                                                              seconds, it will enter Normal mode.
     adjustment. .
                                                                     0                      100°   - Upon motion being sensed, the detector will turn ON the connected lighting. After the
                                                                     2                             elapse of preset time-off, the detector will turn OFF the connected lighting (see Time
                                                                     4                             adjustment knob below).
                                                                                                   - In Normal mode, the red indicator LED on the detector will not illuminate when the
                                                                                                   detector is triggered in order to conserve battery life, unless the battery is low.

                                                                                                   - If the Tamper switch is released, the detector will send a Notification command
                                                                                                   (1) Time adjustment
                                                                         0 2 4 6 8 10 (M)          Time-off knob controls how long the connected lighting will stay on after the motion is
Installation                                                                                       detected. It can be set from 5 seconds to 12 minutes.
1.   Use the rear cover to mark the two mounting holes.
2.   Drill the holes, insert the plastic wall plugs and screw the rear cover to the wall using
     the screws supplied.
3.   Assemble the detector back to its rear cover using screws as originally supplied.

                                                                                                                             About 5 seconds        About 12 minutes

                                                                                                   “T” means 5 seconds, while “+” is 12 minutes. After the expiry of preset time-off, the
                                                                                                   detector will send a turn OFF signal.

                                                                                                   (2) Lux adjustment
                                                                                                   The LUX adjustment sets the brightness level threshold that will activate the motion sensor
                                                                                                   in the detector.

                                                                                                   For instance, turning the LUX knob clockwise to the MOON position will activate detector’s
4.   The detector will enter Normal mode after 10 seconds.                                         motion sensor only night and inactivated during the day. The adjustable Lux range is about
                                                                                                   30 - 200 Lux.
                                                                                                   To set the lux level:
Walk Test
                                                                                                   1.    Turn the Time-off knob to “T” for maximum response.
The user can perform a walk test to ensure the detector’s detection range falls within the         2.   Turn the LUX control knob to the edge clockwise at the “moon” (dusk) position.
desired area of coverage. This test also checks if the detector is still within the                3.   Wait until the ambient light level reaches the level of darkness at which you wish the
communication range of the controller. For this test, the detector needs to be configured to            detector to activate.
turn on a connected lighting or other observable action set using the controller.                  4.   Slowly rotate the Lux knob while anti-clockwise while keep creating motion during the
1. On the detector, turn both knobs Time-Off and Lux to the “T” mark.                                   process until the detector sends out a signal to turn on the connected lighting. At this
2. Walk into the detector’s range and check if the connected lighting turns on and off.                 position the light should become operative at approximately the same level of
3. If necessary, tilt the head of the detector to achieve desired result.                               darkness each evening
                                                                                                   5.   Set the Time-off knob back to the desired preset time.

                                                                                                   Low Battery: When the battery becomes low, the LED will flash for 1 second when motion is
                                                                                                   detected in Normal mode to indicate low battery condition to the user.
                                                                                                   When the battery becomes low in Test mode, the LED will flash once every 30 seconds.

Programming                                                                                     Notification
                                                                                                 Event                                      Type     Event    Parameters
Z-Wave Group                                                                                                                                                                   Parameters
The detector supports either one of two Z-wave Association Groups:                               The power is applied for the first time    0x08     0x01     0x00
Group 1: Association with 1 Controller node.                                                     PIR Trigger ON                             0x07     0x08     0x00
Group 2: Association with 4 nodes (i.e. end devices such as smart plugs and other lighting       PIR Trigger OFF                            0x07     0x00     0x01             0x08
controllers). This allows the detector to transfer commands directly to end devices without
the participation of the controller. This has the effect that when the detector triggers, all    Tamper switch being press more than
                                                                                                                                            0x07     0x00     0x01             0x03
devices associated with detector will be operated.                                               10 seconds
Group 1 commands:                                                                                Tamper switch being press more than
 When the unit is powered up and was already a part of a Z-Wave network, the unit will                                                     0x07     0x03     0x01
                                                                                                 10 seconds and released
    send a Notification Report to the node in Group 1.
 When the detector senses a movement, the unit will send a Notification Report to the
    nodes of Group 1. Once the movement is stopped, a Notification Report will be sent          Battery
    again to Group 1.                                                                            Battery Report (value)         Description
 Upon detector status being changed, the unit will check its battery status simultaneously.     20~100                         Battery Level (%)
    When the battery level of the unit drops to an unacceptable level, the unit will emit
    Battery report to the nodes of Group 1.                                                      0xFF                           Low Battery
 When performing Factory Reset the unit will send Device Reset Locally Notification to
    the node of Group1.
                                                                                                Command Classes
Group 2 commands:
 When the detector is triggered, the unit will send BASIC_SET command which contains           The module supports Command Classes including…
   a value to the nodes of Group 2.                                                              COMMAND_CLASS_ZWAVEPLUS_INFO_V2
                                                                                                 COMMAND_CLASS_ASSOCIATION_V2
                                                                                                 COMMAND_CLASS_ASSOCIATION_GRP_INFO
Z-Wave Plus Info                                                                                 COMMAND_CLASS_TRANSPORT_SERVICE_V2
 Role Type              Node Type               Installer Icon           User Icon               COMMAND_CLASS_VERSION_V2
 Slave Sleeping         Z-Wave Plus node        Sensor Notification      Sensor Notification     COMMAND_CLASS_MANUFACTURER_SPECIFIC_V2
                                                                                                 COMMAND_CLASS_DEVICE_RESET_LOCALLY
 report                                         Device Type (Home        Device Type (Home       COMMAND_CLASS_POWERLEVEL
                                                Security)                Security)               COMMAND_CLASS_SECURITY
                                                                                                 COMMAND_CLASS_SECURITY_2
Version                                                                                          COMMAND_CLASS_SUPERVISION
                                                                                                 COMMAND_CLASS_FIRMWARE_UPDATE_MD_V4
 Protocol Library       3 (Slave_Enhance_232_Library)                                            COMMAND_CLASS_BATTERY
 Protocol Version       4.3D ( 6.71.01)                                                          COMMAND_CLASS_WAKE_UP_V2
                                                                                                 COMMAND_CLASS_NOTIFICATION_V4
Manufacturer                                                                                    Wakeup Command Class
 Manufacturer ID                Product Type                   Product ID
 0x0060                         0x0001                         0x0005                           After it has been included into a Z-wave network, the detector will go to sleep but will send a
                                                                                                Wakeup Notification Command periodically at preset period to the controller. The Motion
                                                                                                detector will stay awake for 10 seconds at least and then go back to sleep to conserve
AGI (Association Group Information) Table                                                       battery life.
                        Command Class & Command (List) N
 Group      Profile                                                   Group Name(UTF-8)
                        bytes                                                                   The time interval between Wakeup Notification Commands can be set in the Wakeup
                        Battery Report                                                          Command Class based on the range values below:
 1          General     Notification Report                           Lifeline
                        Device Reset Locally Notification                                        Minimum Wake Up Interval                   600s (10 minutes)
 2          Control     Basic Set                                     PIR Control                Maximum Wake Up Interval                   86400s (1 day)
                                                                                                 Default Wake Up Interval                   14400s (4 hours)
                                                                                                 Wake Up Interval Step Seconds              600s (10 minutes)

Troubleshooting                                                                              Specifications
The table below lists the several steps involved when adding or removing the detector from
the Z-wave network.                                                                           Battery                     1.5V AA size x 3
                                                                                              Battery Life                1 year*
Action/Status       Description                                      LED indication
                                                                                              Range                       Up to 100 meters line of sight
                                                                     2-second on, 2-second
                    The Z-Wave Controller does not allocate a                                 Warm Up Time                About 1 minute
No node ID                                                           off
                    node ID to the unit.                             For 2 minutes            PIR Detection Coverage      Up to 10m x 100° (at 2m mounting height & below 20°C)
                    The power is applied for the first time and no
Auto Inclusion      node ID has been stored in the module, or                                 Frequency Range             908.42 MHz (US) / 868.42 MHz (EU)
                    after executing reset.                                                   Specifications are subject to change without notice
                                                                                             *measured at 10 triggers per day
                    1. Put the Z-Wave Controller into
                       inclusion mode.
Manual Inclusion
                    2. Press the tamper switch 3 times within 1.5                            Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement
                        seconds to put the unit into inclusion                               This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital
                        mode.                                                                device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
                    1. Put the Z-Wave Controller into exclusion                              reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This
                        mode.                                                                equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and
                    2. Press the tamper switch 3 times within 1.5                            used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
                        seconds to put the unit into exclusion                               communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
                        mode.                                                                particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
Exclusion           2. Within 1 second of step 1, press the                                  television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user
                         tamper switch again and hold until LED is                           is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following measures:
                         off (about 5 seconds).                                              -      Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
                    3. Node ID is excluded. The device reverts                               -      Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
                         to factory default state and will be in                             -    Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
                         auto-inclusion mode for 4 minutes.                                       receiver is connected.
 Failed or successful results in including/excluding the ID can be viewed on the Z-Wave     -    Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
                                                                                             This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following
Table below lists typical problems encountered:                                              two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device
                                                                                             must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired
 Symptom                    Possible Cause                  Recommendation
 Cannot carry out           1. Run out of battery power     1. Replace a new battery         FCC Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party
 inclusion and              2. Check if reverse battery     2. Refit the battery with        responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.
 association                   polarity                        correct polarity
                            3. Check if the detector is     3. Ensure the detector is        This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna
                               out of order                    working properly              or transmitter.
 Cannot control the         1. Run out of battery power     1. Replace a new battery
 connected modules          2. Check if the detector is     2. Ensure the detector is        WARNING:
                               out of order                    working properly              Do not dispose of electrical appliances as unsorted municipal waste, use separate
 The detector not           1. Run out of battery           1. Replace a new battery         collection facilities.
 working                       power                        2. Reposition its mounting
                            2. Check if the mounting           location                      Contact your local government for information regarding the collection systems available.
                               location is proper           3. Remove the source of
                            3. Check if the detector is        interference or reposition    If electrical appliances are disposed of in landfills or dumps, hazardous substances can
                               mounted above a                 its mounting location         leak into the groundwater and get into the food chain, damaging your health and well-being.
                               radiator or heater           4. Ensure the detector is
                            4. Check if the detector is        working properly              When replacing old appliances with new ones, the retailer is legally obligated to take back
                               out of order                                                  your old appliance for disposal at least for free of charge.

                                                                                                                   50 Sect. 1 Zhonghua Rd Tucheng
                                                                                       NewTaipeiCity 236 Taiwan

Document Created: 2017-07-14 17:16:33
Document Modified: 2017-07-14 17:16:33

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