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           SE801 Solar-powered Wirefree Siren & Strobe
                           Installation and Operating Instructions

This featured product can work with a series of               Although the Siren is designed to work on any aspect
Everspring control panel, such as SC801, SC811 or             wall, for optimum performance you should refrain
SC821, operating at 868MHz or 923MHz.                         from sitting the unit on a north facing wall, where
The Siren is housed within a tough polycarbonate                                           NORTH

housing.   This housing provides full protection
against adverse weather conditions.                                                                Avoid if

A LED/Strobe unit is built into the siren to act as a
visible deterrent/indication that the system is active.
The Strobe LEDs will slowly and alternately flash
whether the system is armed or disarmed. However,                 WEST                                              EAST

during an alarm condition the Strobe LEDs will flash

The Siren is powered by a high capacity
rechargeable sealed lead acid battery. A Solar
Panel mounted on the top of the housing charges the
battery during daylight hours. During darkness, only                                       SOUTH

a small amount of energy is required to operate the
                                                              Shadows cast by neighbouring walls, trees and roof
Siren unit. A 9V PP3 Alkaline battery is supplied in
the Siren to boost the initial power to the unit when         overhangs should also be avoided. If the Siren is to
the system is first activated until the Solar Panel           be mounted below the eaves, it should be positioned
charges the main battery.                                     a distance of at least twice the width of the eaves
                                                              overhang below the eaves. Remembers that in
An integral anti-tamper switch provides additional            winter the sun is lower in the sky and you should
security protection to the Siren and will immediately         avoid winter shadows where possible.
generate a full alarm should any unauthorized
attempt be made to interfere with and remove the              The Siren & Strobe contains sophisticated radio
siren cover.                                                  receiver. However, reception of radio signals can be
                                                              affected by the presence of metallic objects within the
POSITIONING THE SIREN &                                       vicinity of the Siren. It is therefore important to
STROBE                                                        mount the Siren a minimum distance of 1m away
                                                              from any external or internal metalwork, (i.e.
The Siren should be located as high as possible in a          drainpipes, gutters, radiators, mirrors etc).
prominent position so that it can be easily seen and
heard. The Siren should be mounted on a sound
flat surface so that the rear tamper switch is not
activated when mounted. Ensure that the tamper
switch does not fall into the recess between brick
courses as this could prevent the switch from closing
and give a permanent tamper signal.

To provide the optimum amount of daylight to the
Solar Panel, you should ideally mount the Siren on a
south facing wall. However, an easterly or westerly
position will suffice.


                                     Front cover                                  7.5 V DC charging                                Learning Button
                                     locating tabs                                adaptor input

                       Solar Panel

                                                              Receiver Aerial
    Tamper switch                                                                                                DC1      SW1

    6V 1.2Ahr                                     SW1

    rechargeable                                        JP1

                                                              Jumper Link Cover



    9V PP3 initial
    power up battery

                                                               Printed circuit
                                                               board enclosure

LCD Strobe Lamp PCB

    INSTALLING AND CONFIGURING                                         7. Undo the 3 screws holding the jumper link Cover
                                                                          in place and remove the cover.
                                                                       8. Under the cover you will find one DC socket,
    1. Remove the fixing screw from the bottom edge of                    jumper link JP1 and learning button SW1.
       the Siren housing and carefully hinge off the front
       cover. All electronic components are housed
                                                                       9.     Jumper link JP1 is designed for function setting
       within the front cover.
                                                                           as outlined hereunder:
                                                                       Position Link fitted                            Link removed
    2. Hold the mounting plate in position and mark the
                                                                       ALARM          Enabling alarm sound             Disabling alarm sound
       positions of the four mounting holes. A spirit
                                                                       CU             control panel based system       Siren controlled system
       level placed on the casing will ensure a perfect
                                                                       1MIN           1 min. (control panel based      3 min. (control panel based
                                                                                              system)                           System)
                                                                                      3 min. (siren controlled         15 min. (siren controlled
    3. Drill four 6mm holes and fit the wall plugs.                                          system)                            System)
                                                                       ANTI           Enabling anti-jamming            Disabling anti-jamming
    4. Fit the two 30mm fixing screws in the top holes                 BEEP           Enabling beep sound              Disabling beep sound
       leaving approx. 10mm of the screw protruding.

                                                                       10. In order to prevent any unauthorized attempt to
    5. Fit the top keyhole slots of the mounting plate                     operate or disarm your system, you must
       over the screw heads. Adjust the mounting                           configure your system to accept radio signals
       plate and adjust the screws until they form a neat                  only from your own system devices. All
       fit with the mounting plate with minimal                            components have their unique ID code, they
       movement.                                                           must learn it with each other for the system to
                                                                           operate correctly.
    6. Secure the mounting plate in position using the
       two 25mm fixing screws in the bottom fixing
                                                                                Proceed with learning the ID code as follows:
                                                                                a. Press and hold the “learning” button for
                                                                                    more than 3 seconds. When the LED is

           changed from illuminating steadily to                  POWER-UP OF THE SIREN &
           flashing, it means that the system enters              STROBE
           learning mode.
      b. The unit has a 30-second duration to learn               The use of ear defenders is advisable when working
           the ID code.                                           in close proximity to the Siren due to the high sound
      c. If it fails to learn the ID code within 30               level produced by this device if the siren is triggered.

           seconds, three short beeps will be heard. If
                                                                  1. Connect the 9V PP3 initial power battery to the
           successful, longer beep can be heard.
                                                                       battery clip.
11.   In the event that any of the components are out
       of order, you may clear all of the preset ID                    Connect the rechargeable battery to the charging
       codes all at one time. Procedure is listed                      leads.   Connect the Red lead to the Red (+ve)
       hereunder:                                                      terminal and the Black lead to the Black (-ve)
      a. Press and hold the “learning” button for                      terminals.
           more than 3 seconds. The unit has a
           30-second duration to learn the ID code.
                                                                       Note: Once the batteries have been connected,
                                                                       the Siren will be operational and it is important
      b. Within this 30 seconds, press the “learning”
                                                                       that the solar panel receives sufficient light to
         button again for more than 6 seconds.
                                                                       maintain the battery charge.     The Siren should
      c.  After clearing all of the preset ID codes,                   not be operated repeatedly during installation
         the LED will flash every 2 seconds and one                    and testing, as this will rapidly drain the battery.
         short beep will be emitted at 10 second                       It is recommended that the Siren be left for at
         intervals.                                                    least a day in order to charge the battery before
12.     After selecting between the siren controlled                   the system is armed.
       system and control panel based system by
       setting jumper link JP1, be sure to disconnect             2. Press the anti-tamper switch, the LEDs will flash
       and then re-connect the power source.                           together to indicate that the unit is operational.

      After switching its mode, the preset ID code will
                                                                  3.   Hinge the front cover locating tabs over the top
      be no longer in existence. Resume ID code
                                                                       edge of the back plate and carefully push the
      learning process as prerequisite.
                                                                       base of the siren cover into place. Secure the
13.   Upon completion of mounting the solar panel
                                                                       siren cover in place by refitting the fixing screw
      on the wall with the tamper switch being
                                                                       in the bottom edge of the cover. Do not over
      pressed firmly, the siren will flash about 3
                                                                       tighten the screw as this could damage the
      seconds as an indication of normal operation.
14.   After the preset alarm duration has expired the
      alarm will stop and the system will
                                                                       IMPORTANT: Ensure that the rear tamper switch
      automatically reset.    Subsequent activation
      will again initiate an alarm condition. If an                    is closed when you fit the siren cover to the back
      alarm condition is initiated more than three                     plate (i.e. listen for the switch to click).   If the
      times then the alarm will be locked out and any                  switch does not close, this will prevent the Siren
      further alarm signals will be ignored until the                  from operating correctly.    If necessary, remove
      system is disarmed.                                              the siren cover again and adjust the screw on the
                                                                       back plate tamper plunger to ensure the switch
15.   System off is to facilitate the installation of siren            closes when the siren is secured in position.
      & strobe without triggering an alarm condition
      despite the detector or tamper switch being                 4. If fitted remove the protective film covering the
      triggered. Once the installation is complete                     Solar Panel.
      set the system to system on.


5.   The fitting of the Siren is now complete.                     will be on steadily.
                                                               3. Following activation into alarm condition, the
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS                                             control panel will emit “Start” radio signal to the
                                                                   siren to generate a full alarm.         After alarm
1. The anti-jamming detection will be disabled,                    condition has been disarmed manually or alarm
     though the jumper link JP1 of ANTI is fitted.                 duration is expired, the control panel will send
2. With siren being set at “system on”, when the                   “Stop” radio signal to the siren to stop the alarm
     control panel enters the arm mode, it will transmit           sound.
     radio signal to the siren which will generate one         4. When the siren detects the activation of tamper
     beep. When it enters the disarm mode, the                     switch, it will send a radio signal to the control
     siren will generate two short beeps. But when the             panel to generate a full alarm condition.
     siren is system off, whenever the control panel           5. When battery level drops, the siren will transmit a
     enters the arm or disarm mode, it will enable the             radio signal to the control panel of which status
     siren to be system on by emitting temperament                 will be indicated on the control panel’s LED.
     sound changing from low to high frequency and
     during this audible transmission period the LED


Status                       LED/Strobe Indication         Audible acknowledge            Explanation
No ID code                   LED flash every 2             One short beep at 10           Every time selecting
                             seconds                       seconds interval               between siren controlled
                                                                                          system and control panel
                                                                                          based system by
                                                                                          disconnecting and
                                                                                          reconnecting the power
                                                                                          source or after clearing
                                                                                          the ID code
About to learn the ID        LED Illuminates when          After pressing the
code by pressing the         pressing the learning         learning button, one short
learning button              button within 3 seconds.      beep per second will be
                             LED flashes every 0.5         emitted.    Once 3
                             seconds by pressing the       seconds is expired, one
                             learning button for more      long beep will be emitted.
                             than 3 seconds                After that, the system
                                                           enters ID code learning
Under learning the ID        LED flashes every 0.5         One short beep at 3            Successful learning can
code                         seconds repeatedly            seconds interval               be expected when both
                                                                                          units enter the ID code
                                                                                          learning mode.


Success in learning the     LED illuminates for 0.5    Beep 0.5 seconds
ID code                     seconds then
Failure learning the ID     LED flashes 3 times        3 short beep rapidly
code                        rapidly
Clear the ID code           LED illuminates when       One short beep at 0.5       Within 30 seconds
                            pressing the learning      seconds interval, which     period, release and press
                            button. LED extinguishes   lasts for 6 seconds by      the learning button for
                            after successful           emitting a long beep as     more than 6 seconds, all
                            clearance.                 successful clearance.       of the preset ID code will
                                                                                   be cleared.
Failure ID code clearance   LED flashes 3 times        3 short beep rapidly        Less than 6 seconds by
                            rapidly                                                pressing the learning
                                                                                   button for ID code
Standby                     LED flashes once at 10                                 LED flashes once at 20
                            seconds interval                                       seconds interval as low
                                                                                   battery indication
System off                  LED off                    Temperament sound           Enter system off
                                                       changing from high to low
System on                   LED keeps on. After        Temperament sound           Enter system on
                            completion, LED off.       changing from low to high
Delay arm mode              LED flashes during 15      The beep speed of first     Enter delay arm mode
                            seconds exit/entry delay   10 seconds slower while
                            time                       latter 5 seconds quicker
Full alarm                  Strobe flashes             Generate full alarm
Installation is ok          Strobe flashes for 3                                   Press the tamper switch
                            seconds                                                once resume connect the
                                                                                   power source or learn the
                                                                                   ID code after clearing the
                                                                                   ID code
Low battery indication      LED flashes 20 times



Symptom                                     Possible Cause                       Recommendation

LED on siren not illuminating               Improper battery connection or       Ensure battery connections are
                                            reverse polarity                     good. Connect the Red lead to the
                                                                                 Red (+ve) terminal and the Black
                                                                                 lead to the Black (—ve) terminals.
                                            Siren is out of order                Do not attempt to open the casing
                                                                                 as it will invalidate the warranty.
                                                                                 Send it for repair.
LED on siren operating, but cannot          Failure learning the ID code under   According to the operating
learn the ID code or take control of        Siren controlled system              instruction, resume learning the ID

siren                                                                            code process.

                                                                                 Ensure it is set at siren controlled

                                            Radio channel interference, using    Wait for a moment to start
                                            868.3MHz frequency                   operating


Frequency               868MHz or 923MHz Transceiver

Stand—by Current        25mA¥ max.

Operating Current       330mA¥ max.

Working Range            Min. 200 meter

Siren Volume             Min. 1000B/ 1 meter

*specifications are subject to change without prior notice.

                                    FE CE £

Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part
15 of the FCC Rules.      These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference
in a residential installation.   This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not
installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.   If this equipment
does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the
equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following measures:
-     Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
-     Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
-    Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
-     Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This
device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including
interference that may cause undesired operation.
FCC Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance
could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.
This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.

Do not dispose of electrical appliances as unsorted municipal waste, use separate collection facilities.

Contact your local government for information regarding the collection systems available.

If electrical appliances are disposed of in landfills or dumps, hazardous substances can leak into the
groundwater and get into the food chain, damaging your health and well-being.

When replacing old appliances with new once, the retailer is legally obligated to take back your old appliance for
disposal at least for free of charge.


Document Created: 2019-03-14 03:59:50
Document Modified: 2019-03-14 03:59:50

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