Test Report


Test Report

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                                                                            Report No. 136400R-RFUSP30V01

                                 FCC Test Report

                        Product Name             Mini-Magnetic sensor
                        Model No.                HSM02-0
                        FCC ID.                  FU5HSM02

          Applicant EVERSPRING INDUSTRY CO., LTD
          Address         3F, No.50, Sec.1, Zhonghua Rd., Tucheng Dist.,
                          New Taipei City 23666,Taiwan

                            Date of Receipt Jun. 25, 2013

                            Issued Date         Aug. 05, 2013

                            Report No.          136400R-RFUSP30V01

                            Report Version V1.0

The Test Results relate only to the samples tested.
The test report shall not be reproduced except in full without the written approval of QuieTek Corporation.
This report must not be used to claim product endorsement by TAF or any agency of the U.S. Government

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                                                                                   Report No. 136400R-RFUSP30V01

                             Tes t R e p o r t C e r t i f i c a t i o n
                                                                           Issued Date: Aug. 05, 2013
                                                                           Report No. : 136400R-RFUSP30V01

    Product Name               Mini-Magnetic sensor

    Applicant                  EVERSPRING INDUSTRY CO., LTD

                               3F, No.50, Sec.1, Zhonghua Rd., Tucheng Dist., New Taipei City

    Manufacturer               Dong-Guan Li Yuan Electronics Co., Ltd

    Model No.                  HSM02-0

    FCC ID.                    FU5HSM02

    EUT Rated Voltage          DC 6V (Power by CR2450 Battery x2)

    EUT Test Voltage           DC 6V (Power by CR2450 Battery x2)

    Trade Name                 EVERSPRING

    Applicable Standard        FCC CFR Title 47 Part 15 Subpart C: 2012

                               ANSI C63.4: 2003, ANSI C63.10: 2009

    Test Result                Complied
The Test Results relate only to the samples tested.
The test report shall not be reproduced except in full without the written approval of QuieTek Corporation.
This report must not be used to claim product endorsement by TAF or any agency of the U.S. Government

    Documented By              :
                                     ( Senior Adm. Specialist / Jinn Chen )

    Tested By                  :

                                             ( Engineer / Andy Lin )

    Approved By                :

                                            ( Manager / Vincent Lin )

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                                                                                                                  Report No. 136400R-RFUSP30V01

                                                   TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S
       Description                                                                                                                                       Page
1.        GENERAL INFORMATION................................................................................................................4
1.1.      EUT Description ......................................................................................................................................4
1.2.      Tested System Details ..............................................................................................................................5
1.3.      Configuration of Test System...................................................................................................................5
1.4.      EUT Exercise Software............................................................................................................................5
1.5.      Test Facility..............................................................................................................................................6
2.        Conducted Emission ..............................................................................................................................7
2.1.      Test Equipment ........................................................................................................................................7
2.2.      Test Setup.................................................................................................................................................7
2.3.      Limits .......................................................................................................................................................8
2.4.      Test Procedure..........................................................................................................................................8
2.5.      Uncertainty...............................................................................................................................................8
2.6.      Test Result of Conducted Emission .........................................................................................................9
3.        Radiated Emission ...............................................................................................................................10
3.1.      Test Equipment ......................................................................................................................................10
3.2.      Test Setup...............................................................................................................................................11
3.3.      Limits .....................................................................................................................................................12
3.4.      Test Procedure........................................................................................................................................13
3.5.      Uncertainty.............................................................................................................................................13
3.6.      Test Result of Radiated Emission ..........................................................................................................14
4.        Band Edge.............................................................................................................................................20
4.1.      Test Equipment ......................................................................................................................................20
4.2.      Test Setup...............................................................................................................................................21
4.3.      Limit.......................................................................................................................................................21
4.4.      Test Procedure........................................................................................................................................22
4.5.      Uncertainty.............................................................................................................................................22
4.6.      Test Result of Band Edge.......................................................................................................................23
5.        Occupied Bandwidth............................................................................................................................25
5.1.      Test Equipment ......................................................................................................................................25
5.2.      Test Setup...............................................................................................................................................25
5.3.      Limits .....................................................................................................................................................25
5.4.      Test Procedure........................................................................................................................................25
5.5.      Uncertainty.............................................................................................................................................25
5.6.      Test Result of Occupied Bandwidth.......................................................................................................26
6.        EMI Reduction Method During Compliance Testing .......................................................................27

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                                                                        Report No. 136400R-RFUSP30V01


1.1.    EUT Description

       Product Name         Mini-Magnetic sensor
       Trade Name           EVERSPRING
       FCC ID.              FU5HSM02
       Model No.            HSM02-0
       Frequency Range      908.42MHz
       Type of Modulation   FSK
       Number of Channels   1
       Antenna Type         Coil Antenna

        Center Frequency of Each Channel:
           Channel        Frequency
          Channel 1:     908.42MHz

        1. The EUT is a Mini-Magnetic sensor with a built-in 908.42MHz Z-Wave transceiver.
        2. The new batteries are used during the measurement.
        3. These tests are conducted on a sample of the equipment for the purpose of
             demonstrating compliance with Part 15 Subpart C Paragraph 15.249.
        4. Regarding to the operation frequency, the lowest, middle and highest frequency are
             selected to perform the test.
        5. The radiation measurements are performed in X, Y, Z axis positioning. Only the worst
             case is shown in the report.

          Test Mode               Mode 1: Transmit

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                                                                                   Report No. 136400R-RFUSP30V01

1.2.        Tested System Details

            The types for all equipment, plus descriptions of all cables used in the tested system (including
            inserted cards) are:

       Product               Manufacturer           Model No.              Serial No.          Power Cord

       Signal Cable Type                                      Signal cable Description

1.3.        Configuration of Test System

1.4.        EUT Exercise Software

         (1) Setup the EUT as shown in section 1.4.
         (2) Inserts the battery, start continuous transmit
         (3) Verify that the EUT works correctly.

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                                                                         Report No. 136400R-RFUSP30V01

1.5.   Test Facility

       Ambient conditions in the laboratory:
                 Items               Required (IEC 68-1)                 Actual
       Temperature (C)          15-35                        20-35
       Humidity (%RH)            25-75                        50-65
       Barometric pressure (mbar) 860-1060                    950-1000

       The related certificate for our laboratories about the test site and management system can be
       downloaded from QuieTek Corporation’s Web Site : http://tw.quietek.com/modules/myalbum/
       The address and introduction of QuieTek Corporation’s laboratories can be founded in our Web site :

       Site Description:   File on
                           Federal Communications Commission
                           FCC Engineering Laboratory
                           7435 Oakland Mills Road
                           Columbia, MD 21046
                           Registration Number: 92195

       Site Name:          Quietek Corporation
       Site Address:       No.5-22, Ruishukeng Linkou Dist., New Taipei City
                           24451, Taiwan, R.O.C.
                           TEL: 886-2-8601-3788 / FAX : 886-2-8601-3789
                           E-Mail : service@quietek.com

       FCC Accreditation Number: TW1014

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                                                                                     Report No. 136400R-RFUSP30V01

2.      Conducted Emission

2.1.    Test Equipment

          Equipment                         Manufacturer       Model No. / Serial No.         Last Cal.    Remark
       X Test Receiver                      R&S                ESCS 30 / 825442/018           Sep., 2012
       X Artificial Mains Network           R&S                ENV4200 / 848411/10            Feb., 2013   Peripherals
       X LISN                               R&S                ESH3-Z5 / 825562/002           Feb., 2013   EUT
          DC LISN                           Schwarzbeck        8226 / 176                     Mar, 2013    EUT
       X Pulse Limiter                      R&S                ESH3-Z2 / 357.8810.52          Feb., 2013
          No.8 Shielded Room
        1. All equipments are calibrated every one year.
        2. The test instruments marked by “X” are used to measure the final test results.

2.2.    Test Setup

                                                                            Reference Plane

                         Test Receiver

                       12dBuV                                   Load        EUT

                                                        LISN                                    LISN

                                         Ground Plane

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                                                                             Report No. 136400R-RFUSP30V01

2.3.   Limits

                        FCC Part 15 Subpart C Paragraph 15.207 (dBuV) Limit

                         Frequency                               Limits

                                                      QP                       AV

                         0.15 - 0.50                 66-56                   56-46

                           0.50-5.0                    56                      46

                           5.0 - 30                    60                      50

                   Remarks: In the above table, the tighter limit applies at the band edges.

2.4.   Test Procedure

       The EUT and simulators are connected to the main power through a line impedance stabilization
       network (L.I.S.N.). This provides a 50 ohm /50uH coupling impedance for the measuring
       equipment. The peripheral devices are also connected to the main power through a LISN that
       provides a 50ohm /50uH coupling impedance with 50ohm termination. (Please refers to the block
       diagram of the test setup and photographs.)
       Both sides of A.C. line are checked for maximum conducted interference. In order to find the
       maximum emission, the relative positions of equipment and all of the interface cables must be
       changed according to ANSI C63.10: 2009 on conducted measurement.
       Conducted emissions were invested over the frequency range from 0.15MHz to 30MHz using a
       receiver bandwidth of 9kHz.

2.5.   Uncertainty

       ± 2.26 dB

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                                                                              Report No. 136400R-RFUSP30V01

2.6.      Test Result of Conducted Emission

       Owing to the EUT use battery supply voltage, this test item is not performed.

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                                                                               Report No. 136400R-RFUSP30V01

3.        Radiated Emission

3.1.      Test Equipment

          The following test equipment are used during the radiated emission test:
     Test Site Equipment                   Manufacturer          Model No./Serial No.                 Last Cal.
      Site # 3 X Loop Antenna              Teseq                 HLA6120 / 26739                      Jul., 2013
               X Bilog Antenna             Schaffner Chase       CBL6112B/2673                       Sep., 2012
              X    Horn Antenna            Schwarzbeck           BBHA9120D/D305                      Sep., 2012
              X    Horn Antenna            Schwarzbeck           BBHA9170/208                         Jul., 2013
              X    Pre-Amplifier           QTK                   QTK-AMP-03 / 0003                   May, 2013
              X    Pre-Amplifier           QTK                   AP-180C / CHM_0906076               Sep., 2012
              X    Pre-Amplifier           MITEQ                 AMF-4D-180400-45-6P/ 925975         Mar, 2013
              X    Spectrum Analyzer       Agilent               E4407B / US39440758                 May, 2013
              X    Test Receiver           R&S                   ESCS 30/ 825442/018                 Sep., 2012
              X    Coaxial Cable           QuieTek               QTK-CABLE/ CAB5                     Feb., 2013
              X    Controller              QuieTek               QTK-CONTROLLER/ CTRL3                  N/A
              X    Coaxial Switch          Anritsu               MP59B/6200265729                       N/A
          Note:   1. All equipments are calibrated with traceable calibrations. Each calibration is traceable to the
                     national or international standards.
                  2. The test instruments marked with “X” are used to measure the final test results.

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                                                                                   Report No. 136400R-RFUSP30V01

3.2.   Test Setup

       Below 1GHz


                       FRP Dome
                                                                                                                 1m to 4m

                                                                              The height of broad
                                                                              band or Dipole
                                                                              Antenna was scanned
                                                                              from 1M to 4M.
                                                                              The distance between
                                                                              antenna and turn table
                                      EUT                                     was 3M regards to the
              Non-Conducted Table                                             standard adopted.


                                                              Fully soldered Metal Ground                To Controller
                  Test                                                                                       To Receiver

       Above 1GHz


                    FRP Dome

                                                                            The height of broad
                                                                            band or Dipole Antenna
                                                                            was scanned from 1M
                                                                            to 4M.
                                                                            The distance between
                                                                            antenna and turn table
                                    EUT                                     was 3M regards to the
                                                                            standard adopted.


                                                                                           To Receiver     Pre-

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                                                                            Report No. 136400R-RFUSP30V01

3.3.   Limits

        Fundamental and Harmonics Emission Limits

                             FCC Part 15 Subpart C Paragraph 15.249 Limits
             Frequency        Field Strength of Fundamental       Field Strength of Harmonics
                 MHz          (mV/m @3m) (dBuV/m @3m) (uV/m @3m) (dBuV/m @3m)

                902-928              50             94                500                 54

            2400-2483.5              50             94                500                 54

             5725-5875               50             94                500                 54
       Remarks : 1. RF Voltage (dBuV/m) = 20 log RF Voltage (uV/m)
                    2. Distance refers to the distance in meters between the measuring instrument
                    antenna and the closed point of any part of the device or system.

        General Radiated Emission Limits

       Emissions radiated outside of the specified frequency bands, except for harmonics, shall be attenuated
       by at least 50dB below the level of the fundamental or to the general radiated emission limits in
       paragraph 15.209, whichever is the lesser attenuation.

                             FCC Part 15 Subpart C Paragraph 15.209 Limits
                       Frequency               Field strength
                         MHz                                          Measurement distance
                                             (microvolts/meter)               (meter)

                       0.009-0.490              2400/F(kHz)                    300

                       0.490-1.705             24000/F(kHz)                     30

                          1.705-30                   30                         30

                           30-88                     100                         3

                          88-216                     150                         3

                          216-960                    200                         3

                       Above 960                     500                         3

       Remarks :    1. RF Voltage (dBuV/m) = 20 log RF Voltage (uV/m)
                    2. In the Above Table, the tighter limit applies at the band edges.
                    3. Distance refers to the distance in meters between the measuring instrument
                    antenna and the closed point of any part of the device or system.

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                                                                           Report No. 136400R-RFUSP30V01

3.4.   Test Procedure

       The EUT and its simulators are placed on a turn table which is 0.8 meter above ground. The turn
       table can rotate 360 degrees to determine the position of the maximum emission level. The EUT
       was positioned such that the distance from antenna to the EUT was 3 meters.
       The antenna can move up and down between 1 meter and 4 meters to find out the maximum
       emission level.
       Both horizontal and vertical polarization of the antenna are set on measurement. In order to find
       the maximum emission, all of the interface cables must be manipulated according to ANSI
       C63.10: 2009 on radiated measurement.
       The resolution bandwidth below 30MHz setting on the field strength meter is 9kHz and
       30MHz~1GHz is 120kHz and above 1GHz is 1MHz.
       Radiated emission measurements below 30MHz are made using Loop Antenna and 30MHz~1GHz are
       made using broadband Bilog antenna and above 1GHz are made using Horn Antennas.
       The measurement is divided into the Preliminary Measurement and the Final Measurement.
       The suspected frequencies are searched for in Preliminary Measurement with the measurement
       antenna kept pointed at the source of the emission both in azimuth and elevation, with the polarization
       of the antenna oriented for maximum response. The antenna is pointed at an angle towards the source
       of the emission, and the EUT is rotated in both height and polarization to maximize the measured
       emission. The emission is kept within the illumination area of the 3 dB bandwidth of the antenna.
       The worst radiated emission is measured on the Final Measurement.
       The measurement frequency range form 9KHz - 10th Harmonic of fundamental was investigated.

3.5.   Uncertainty

       ± 3.9 dB above 1GHz
       ± 3.8 dB below 1GHz

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                                                                         Report No. 136400R-RFUSP30V01

3.6.       Test Result of Radiated Emission

           Product        :   Mini-Magnetic sensor
           Test Item      :   Fundamental Radiated Emission
           Test Site      :   No.3OATS
           Test Mode      :   Mode 1: Transmit (X-asix )

          Peak Detector
          Frequency           Correct       Reading       Measurement     Margin         Limit
                              Factor         Level           Level
           MHz                 dB            dBuV          dBuV/m           dB          dBuV/m
           908.420            5.992          83.210            89.202     -4.798         94.000

           908.420            2.503          86.199            88.702     -5.298         94.000

        1. All Readings below 1GHz are Peak, above 1GHz are performed with peak and/or average
           measurements as necessary.
        2. Measurement Level = Reading Level + Correct Factor.
        3. Correct Factor = Antenna Factor + Cable Loss – PreAMP.

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                                                                         Report No. 136400R-RFUSP30V01

           Product        :   Mini-Magnetic sensor
           Test Item      :   Fundamental Radiated Emission
           Test Site      :   No.3OATS
           Test Mode      :   Mode 1: Transmit (Y-asix )

          Peak Detector
          Frequency           Correct       Reading       Measurement     Margin         Limit
                              Factor         Level           Level
           MHz                 dB            dBuV          dBuV/m           dB          dBuV/m
           908.420            5.992          87.110            93.102     -0.898         94.000

           908.420            2.503          87.199            89.702     -4.298         94.000

        1. All Readings below 1GHz are Peak, above 1GHz are performed with peak and/or average
           measurements as necessary.
        2. Measurement Level = Reading Level + Correct Factor.
        3. Correct Factor = Antenna Factor + Cable Loss – PreAMP.

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                                                                         Report No. 136400R-RFUSP30V01

           Product        :   Mini-Magnetic sensor
           Test Item      :   Fundamental Radiated Emission
           Test Site      :   No.3OATS
           Test Mode      :   Mode 1: Transmit (Z-asix )

          Peak Detector
          Frequency           Correct       Reading       Measurement     Margin         Limit
                              Factor         Level           Level
           MHz                 dB            dBuV          dBuV/m           dB          dBuV/m
           908.420            5.992          86.910            92.902     -1.098         94.000

           908.420            2.503          88.299            90.802     -3.198         94.000

        1. All Readings below 1GHz are Peak, above 1GHz are performed with peak and/or average
           measurements as necessary.
        2. Measurement Level = Reading Level + Correct Factor.
        3. Correct Factor = Antenna Factor + Cable Loss – PreAMP.

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                                                                            Report No. 136400R-RFUSP30V01

              Product     :      Mini-Magnetic sensor
              Test Item   :      Harmonic Radiated Emission Data
              Test Site   :      No.3 OATS
              Test Mode   :      Mode 1: Transmit

    Frequency                 Correct        Reading         Measurement       Margin             Limit
                              Factor          Level                Level
             MHz                dB            dBuV                dBuV/m          dB             dBuV/m
  Peak Detector:
    1816.840                  -4.390         37.094               32.704       -41.296            74.000
    2725.260                  -1.075         36.737               35.661       -38.339            74.000
    3633.680                  -0.395         38.253               37.858       -36.142            74.000
    4542.100                  1.901          36.251               38.153       -35.847            74.000
    5450.520                  4.228          36.097               40.325       -33.675            74.000
    6358.940                  6.502          35.497               41.999       -32.001            74.000
    7267.360                  11.106         34.434               45.540       -28.460            74.000
    8175.780                  14.925         34.264               49.189       -24.811            74.000
    9084.200                  13.021         33.774               46.795       -27.205            74.000

Average Detector:

        1. All Readings below 1GHz are Quasi-Peak, above 1GHz are performed with peak and/or average
           measurements as necessary.
        2. Peak measurements: RBW = 1MHz, VBW = 3 MHz, Sweep: Auto.
        3. Average measurements: RBW = 1MHz, VBW = 10 Hz, Sweep: Auto.
        4. Measurement Level = Reading Level + Correct Factor.
        5. Correct Factor = Antenna factor + Cable loss –Amplifier gain.
        6. The average measurement was not performed when the peak measured data under the limit of average
        7. The emission levels of other frequencies are very lower than the limit and not show in test report.

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                                                                            Report No. 136400R-RFUSP30V01

              Product     :      Mini-Magnetic sensor
              Test Item   :      Harmonic Radiated Emission Data
              Test Site   :      No.3 OATS
              Test Mode   :      Mode 1: Transmit

    Frequency                 Correct        Reading         Measurement       Margin             Limit
                              Factor          Level                Level
             MHz                dB            dBuV                dBuV/m          dB             dBuV/m
  Peak Detector:
        1816.840              -2.613         38.567               35.954       -38.046            74.000
        2725.260              -1.228         37.185               35.957       -38.043            74.000
        3633.680              0.379          39.006               39.385       -34.615            74.000
        4542.100              5.407          36.512               41.919       -32.081            74.000
        5450.520              5.976          35.906               41.881       -32.119            74.000
        6358.940              7.975          36.241               44.217       -29.783            74.000
        7267.360              11.925         35.336               47.261       -26.739            74.000
        8175.780              15.635         34.109               49.744       -24.256            74.000
        9084.200              13.142         34.285               47.427       -26.573            74.000

Average Detector:

        1. All Readings below 1GHz are Quasi-Peak, above 1GHz are performed with peak and/or average
           measurements as necessary.
        2. Peak measurements: RBW = 1MHz, VBW = 3 MHz, Sweep: Auto.
        3. Average measurements: RBW = 1MHz, VBW = 10 Hz, Sweep: Auto.
        4. Measurement Level = Reading Level + Correct Factor.
        5. Correct Factor = Antenna factor + Cable loss –Amplifier gain.
        6. The average measurement was not performed when the peak measured data under the limit of average
        7. The emission levels of other frequencies are very lower than the limit and not show in test report.

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                                                                          Report No. 136400R-RFUSP30V01

         Product      :         Mini-Magnetic sensor
         Test Item    :         General Radiated Emission Data
         Test Site    :         No.3 OATS
         Test Mode    :         Mode 1: Transmit

   Frequency          Correct              Reading         Measurement      Margin            Limit
                      Factor                Level                Level
        MHz                dB               dBuV             dBuV/m           dB             dBuV/m

    371.440           -1.097                25.070               23.973    -22.027           46.000
    472.320               0.637             25.425               26.062    -19.938           46.000
    544.100               3.512             24.675               28.187    -17.813           46.000
    644.980               1.552             26.096               27.648    -18.352           46.000
    745.860               3.308             26.193               29.501    -16.499           46.000
    837.040               5.103             24.083               29.185    -16.815           46.000

    107.600           -0.318                23.818               23.500    -20.000           43.500
    381.140           -1.558                23.809               22.251    -23.749           46.000
    544.100           -0.688                23.635               22.947    -23.053           46.000
    689.600               2.538             23.715               26.253    -19.747           46.000
    807.940               3.586             23.264               26.849    -19.151           46.000
    988.360               3.370             22.645               26.015    -27.985           54.000

    1.   All Readings below 1GHz are Quasi-Peak, above 1GHz are performed with peak and/or average
         measurements as necessary.
    2.   Peak measurements: RBW = 1MHz, VBW = 3 MHz, Sweep: Auto.
    3.   Average measurements: RBW = 1MHz, VBW = 10 Hz, Sweep: Auto.
    4.   Measurement Level = Reading Level + Correct Factor.
    5.   Correct Factor = Antenna factor + Cable loss –Amplifier gain.
    6.   The average measurement was not performed when the peak measured data under the limit of average
    7.   The emission levels of other frequencies are very lower than the limit and not show in test report.
    8.   No emission found between lowest internal used/generated frequency to 30MHz.

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                                                                               Report No. 136400R-RFUSP30V01

4.        Band Edge

4.1.      Test Equipment

          The following test equipments are used during the band edge tests:
     Test Site Equipment                  Manufacturer          Model No./Serial No.            Last Cal.
      Site # 3 X Bilog Antenna            Schaffner Chase       CBL6112B/2673                   Sep., 2012
                   Horn Antenna           Schwarzbeck           BBHA9120D/D305                  Sep., 2012
                   Horn Antenna           Schwarzbeck           BBHA9170/208                    Jul., 2013
               X Pre-Amplifier            QTK                   QTK-AMP-03 / 0003               May, 2013
                   Pre-Amplifier          QTK                   AP-180C / CHM_0906076           Sep., 2012
                   Pre-Amplifier          MITEQ                 AMF-4D-180400-45-6P/ 925975     Mar, 2013
                   Spectrum Analyzer      Agilent               E4407B / US39440758             May, 2013
               X Test Receiver            R&S                   ESCS 30/ 825442/018             Sep., 2012
               X Coaxial Cable            QuieTek               QTK-CABLE/ CAB5                 Feb., 2013
               X Controller               QuieTek               QTK-CONTROLLER/ CTRL3           N/A
               X Coaxial Switch           Anritsu               MP59B/6200265729                N/A
          Note:    1. All equipments are calibrated every one year.
                   2. The test equipments marked by “X” are used to measure the final test results.

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                                                                                 Report No. 136400R-RFUSP30V01

4.2.   Test Setup


                     FRP Dome
                                                                                                       1m to 4m

                                                                      The height of broad
                                                                      band or Dipole
                                                                      Antenna was scanned
                                                                      from 1M to 4M.
                                                                      The distance between
                                                                      antenna and turn table
                                  EUT                                 was 3M regards to the
            Non-Conducted Table                                       standard adopted.


                                                      Fully soldered Metal Ground              To Controller
                 Test                                                                              To Receiver

4.3.   Limit

         Attenuation below the general limits specified in Section 15.209(a) is not required. In addition,
       radiated emissions which fall in the restricted bands, as defined in Section 15.205(a), must also
       comply with the radiated emission limits specified in Section 15.209(a) (see Section 15.205(c)).

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                                                                           Report No. 136400R-RFUSP30V01

4.4.   Test Procedure

       The EUT and its simulators are placed on a turn table which is 0.8 meter above ground. The turn
       table can rotate 360 degrees to determine the position of the maximum emission level. The EUT
       was positioned such that the distance from antenna to the EUT was 3 meters.
       The antenna can move up and down between 1 meter and 4 meters to find out the maximum
       emission level.
       Both horizontal and vertical polarization of the antenna are set on measurement. In order to find
       the maximum emission, all of the interface cables must be manipulated according to ANSI
       C63.10:2009 on radiated measurement.
       The bandwidth below 1GHz setting on the field strength meter (R&S Test Receiver ESCS 30 )is 120
       kHz, above 1GHz are 1 MHz.

4.5.   Uncertainty

       Radiated is ± 3.9 dB.

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                                                                            Report No. 136400R-RFUSP30V01

4.6.         Test Result of Band Edge

             Product       :      Mini-Magnetic sensor
             Test Item     :      Band Edge Data
               Test Site   :      No.3 OATS
             Test Mode     :      Mode 1: Transmit

  RF Radiated Measurement (Horizontal):
                           Frequency      Correct Factor Reading Level Emission Level
             No.                                                                          Limit      Result
                             (MHz)            (dB)          (dBuV)       (dBuV/m)
  01(Quasi-Peak)               902.000        5.628           29.201       34.829         46.000     Pass
  02(Quasi-Peak)               928.000        6.848           27.391       34.238         46.000     Pass

Figure Channel 01:                               Horizontal (Quasi-Peak)


        1.   Quasi-Peak measurements: RBW=100kHz,VBW=1MHz,Sweep: Auto.
        2.   “ * ”, means this data is the worst emission level.
        3.   Measurement Level = Reading Level + Correct Factor.

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                                                                          Report No. 136400R-RFUSP30V01

             Product     :      Mini-Magnetic sensor
             Test Item   :      Band Edge Data
             Test Site   :      No.3 OATS
             Test Mode   :      Mode 1: Transmit

  RF Radiated Measurement (Vertical):
                             Frequency Correct Factor Reading Level Emission Level
              No.                                                                      Limit      Result
                               (MHz)       (dB)          (dBuV)       (dBuV/m)
    01(Quasi-Peak)            902.000      3.155           31.075       34.229        46.000      Pass
    02(Quasi-Peak)            928.000      6.160           28.078       34.238        46.000      Pass

Figure Channel 01:                            Vertical (Quasi-Peak)

        1.   Quasi-Peak measurements: RBW=100kHz,VBW=1MHz,Sweep: Auto.
        2.   “ * ”, means this data is the worst emission level.
        3.   Measurement Level = Reading Level + Correct Factor.

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                                                                             Report No. 136400R-RFUSP30V01

5.     Occupied Bandwidth

5.1.   Test Equipment

                  Equipment                Manufacturer          Model No./Serial No.          Last Cal.
                  Spectrum Analyzer            R&S                 FSP40 / 100170              Jun, 2013
                  Spectrum Analyzer           Agilent          E4407B / US39440758             Jun, 2013
        X         Spectrum Analyzer           Agilent          N9010A / MY48030495            Apr., 2013
       Note:    1. All equipments are calibrated every one year.
                2. The test instruments marked by “X” are used to measure the final test results.

5.2.   Test Setup

                                    RF Cable
                   EUT                                                                  Spectrum

5.3.   Limits

       Accordance with 15.215 requirement.

5.4.   Test Procedure

       The EUT was setup to ANSI C63.4, 2003

5.5.   Uncertainty

       ± 150Hz

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                                                                                      Report No. 136400R-RFUSP30V01

5.6.    Test Result of Occupied Bandwidth

        Product         :     Mini-Magnetic sensor
        Test Item       :     Occupied Bandwidth Data
        Test Site       :     No.3 OATS
        Test Mode       :     Mode 1: Transmit(2402MHz)

           Frequency                    20dB Bandwidth                            Required Limit
             (MHz)                          (MHz)                                    (MHz)
                               Frequency (Low)                     908.14             >902                 PASS
                               Frequency (High)                    908.65               <928               PASS

       NOTE:     Accordance with 15.215 requirements.

                                                            * RBW 100 kHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                            * VBW 100 kHz             -26.17 dBm
                Ref -17 dBm         * Att   0 dB            * SWT 200 ms       908.380000000 MHz

                -20                                                         ndB [T1]   20.00   dB
                                                        1                   BW 510.000000000   kHz
                                                                            Temp 1 [T1 ndB]           A
                -30                                                                   -46.26   dBm
         1 PK
                                                                               908.140000000   MHz
                                                                            Temp 2 [T1 ndB]
                                                                                      -46.19   dBm
                                                   T1         T2
                                                                               908.650000000   MHz







                Center 908.42 MHz                  500 kHz/                           Span 5 MHz

        Date: 24.JAN.2003       06:12:11

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                                                          Report No. 136400R-RFUSP30V01

6.   EMI Reduction Method During Compliance Testing

     No modification was made during testing.

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Document Created: 2013-08-09 14:29:41
Document Modified: 2013-08-09 14:29:41

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