Users Manual

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                                  3 Ainovalive shope will give you better comfurt, quafity, and                   The Sclect OEM Option dialog box will appeor in a few seconds, Press tbe Down—Ar—

coutrul aver a ko         ; pericd oT tine. hi has plug and playfentures and is very camy toinslall.              tow key to select "Genins Serint Mouse, 3 or 2 button Serinl Mouse on COM1
                                                                                                                  (¥1.002) {ar "Genins Serinl Mouse, 3 or 2 button Serial Mouse on COM2 (V1.002)".
Installing the Mouse                                                                                              Press Eamter to contionc.
            Turnoff your computer.                                                                                The Chonge Setting dialng box appears with the driver title hightighted. If this is a
                                                                                                                  first installntion, the title shouldbe the same as the title in the previous dinlog box.
                                                                                                                  Press Eater to cantinuc, If yuu have previously instatled this driver, the tiile may be
                                                                                                                  not the same, However, press Enter to contiune; the correct driver will be kinded.
                                                                                                            7. The       {Fimdows NTSetup dinfog box will now ask if you want to nse the current or a
            Fer 1           on Mouse:              Altachthe mouse mini—dia 6—pin connocior                       new¥hriver. Always sclect New (Alt—N).
                                                   to the PW2 type G—pin mouse port.                            Another dialng box will appear mi roquest the full path to the driver ile. This is the
            Tum on your contprter,                                                                              instollation «isk (A: or B:). Press Enter to continue. The driver file wilt be capied to
                                                                                                                the NDRIVERS\ directory.
                ing MouscBate for DOS and Windows 34                                                        9. Quit the NT Setup progrnmusing Alt—F4 (or Alt—Space, then C).
                    i             wse software, make a back up of your ariginal diskette and make           10. Restact Windows NT to kiad the new driver.
                                d the mouse to your computer,
                          ie Driver diskeite into drive A ar B.
                                                                                                            Using the DOS Mouse Driver Software (GMOUSE)
                                     it AAlnsiall (oc B:\fastall). Press the Enter key to cuntimus,             Afer the DOS prompi, type GMOUSE to enable the monse. For mote information on
                                                                                                                parmneters, check the README.DOC on the diskette or type GMOUSE/? for help.
                                ppoars. it will antomaticalty deteet your mouse.
                               box appears. You have a choice of installations to chnose from Win—              DOS Mouse Control Panet (GDPANEL)
                         3 Installation. Use the scrow keys or the manse to make yout selection;                Typr GODPANELto configure your mouse after you installed the mouse driver. Hold
             Click on the "Contimic the setting" button to continne.                                            dsn [Cttl}—{Alt] and the left mouse button to activate the Gentus Control Panel.
             Folke:te on—sereen installation to (inish the installation procedurex.
ropr y |P

                                                                                                                UsingWindows MouseMate softwrare
                    i MouseiGate for Windows 95
                                                                                                                MoweMete software — a Windows mouse control panel, lets you configure your mouse.
                 A the mowse dlriver diskette Into Drive A (or B);                                              For example, you can rssign "Double Click" to yone right button, changethe stipe of
                       e  Sturt inton in the Windows 95 task bas, then select Run.                              yournumruse cursor for ensier visibility. To tun the program double cfick on the
                                                                                                                MouseMate icon under Windows Program Manager.
                         TUP {ar BASETUP) and click on OK.
             Foflowon      an—scrcen messages to finizhthe installation procedures.
             , /fter you have connceted your mouse and yon started Windows 95, if the "New
                Burd       Foand" panel appears, select the second item to install the detver fram
                            and put the diskette in A: (or B), click on "OK"for next, type A:\ (or
                         UX to install the Gimne plug and ploy driver.

     Instatling a Mouse Driver for Windows NT
            miunis for COML sad COM2 jastaltations. This is the new Windowas NTdriver
            iou procedure nad the files can only be instalied from the floppy disk (A:\ or BJ
      in arler o work properly.
      Toinsall your mouse for Windows NT, fullow these stopsc
                 in Windows NT. Under the Iiain Group, run the Windows NT Setup icon,
                ms AltOto schoct the Optons mena and qi    Enter to scleot the Chnage System

                                          Seiting dirlog bux, press All—Mto scleut the Monse; this
                                                                                                                  Function Descriptions
                                           wntil fhe Insert d     ite distog bux oppears. Insort the in—          Bntfon Assignarents lets you assign shortouts to cach bufton. To assign a shorteut, seloct
                           ic into drive (A or B), and type the correct drive if necessury, Press Fater           Button Assignments, and thoose the desited shortert From the list.
                                                                                                                  Dowble Click Speedscis the speedat which the software registers a doole—click, To test
                                                                                                                  the speed, double—click on the Test (Fooe) buttan.
                                                                                                                  Carsor Enbaaarement lets you contral the size, color, and pointer of the cursor, Click on
                                                                                                                  the bntton to set the cursor shape.

Document Created: 2001-07-16 22:16:31
Document Modified: 2001-07-16 22:16:31

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