Users Manual

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                                       Factory Settings

What‘s New About NewScroll
    With NewScroll‘s unique ergonomic design, you can surf the Internet or scroll
    through Windows documents easily. The convenient "Magic—Surfer" only needs
    one finger to control it so think of it as the uitimate input controller. It can also
    eliminate 30% of your mouse movements.
Factory Settings


Right Button

                                Left Button

    Magic—Surfer:       Press the "Magic—Surfer" to surf the Internet and Windows docu—
    Left Button:        Provides traditional mouse functions such as click, double click
                        and drag.

    Right Button:        You can assign this button frequently used keyboard and mouse
                        functions in addition to features like EasyJump, Auto—Panning,
                        Zoom, etc.

    Side Button:        You can assign this button frequently used keyboard and mouse
                        functions in addition to features like EasyJump, Auto—Panning,
                        Zoom, etc.

                       MouseMated8—NewScroll Software reatures

     Orientation        This function lets you set the angle when you move the mouse
                        upward. It gives you a more comfortable angle when holding
                        the mouse. This function works best with a portable trackball.

Button Assignments
   The NewScroll buttons can be assigned to perform the most frequently used mouse
   and keyboard functions, document, windows or special functions like EasyJump,
   Auto—panning, Zoom, etc. Click on the button if you want to assign a function and a
   list of functions appears. Click on the function you want to assign and you can also
   set EasyJump to be a button assignment function.

EasyJump for Windows
   EasyJump lets you open eight special functions quickly.

                                       Control Panel

                              Help         >           Start
                                      2~       l1 &
                        Vertical                         Panning

                        Horizontal     —fi              Close AP

                                     Internet Access

     Control Panel     Opens the NewScroll control panel

     Start             Activates the Windows Start menu

     Auto—panning      Move the mouse, and the document will move in the direction
                       you move the mouse.

     Close AP          Close the application you are using

     Internet Access This function opens Browser to access the Internet or opens
                       your email access
     Horizontal        Moves the cursor to the horizontal scroll bar.

     Vertical          Moves the cursor to the vertical scroil bar.

     Help              This opens the Help menu.

                       MouseMate98—NewScroll Software Features

Switch Applications
   When the Side—Button is set to "Switch AP" in the Button Assignments menu, you
   can quickly switch from one open application to another without moving the
   mouse. To switch to a specific application, hold the side—button and press the
   "Magic—Surfer". The Application Selector appears so you can select the application.

Zoom function for Office 97 Applications
   Press the "Ctrl" key and move the "Magic—Surfer" forward (or backward) to set the
   Zoom In/Out fucntion. You can also use just one hand to Zoom In/Out: set the side
   button to be the Ctrl function, hold the side button and move the "Magic—Surfer"
   forward (or backward) to enlarge (or decrease) the document window.

   You can set this function in the Button Assignment menu. Move the mouse, and the
   document moves in the direction you just moved.

Uninstall NewScroll
   Follow these instructions to remove the NewScroll software from your hard disk.
   In Windows 95/98/NT,click on the Start button, select Programs and move to
   NewScroll. Then click on Uninstall NewScroll.

Customize NewScroll
   This section shows you how to customize NewScroll. To apen the NewScroll con—
   trol panel, you can double—click on the icon in the task bar or select the "Genius
   NewScroll" icon from the NewScroll program group.

Close the NewScroll Software
   Click the right button on the taskbar, and select "Close NewScrall" to close the soft—

                            MouseMate2B—NewScroll Sortware Features

MouseMate98—NewScroll Software Features
           Browsing Speed You can adjust the browsing speed when you surfthe [nternet
 @                        or Windows documents. The faster the speed is, the quicker
                          the documents scroil under Windows.

           Browsing         Move the "Magic—Surfer" forward and the sereen will browse
           Direction        to the top of the document. Move it in reverse and the docu—
                            ment will go in the opposite direction.

  \\‘R\    Auto—Browsing This function lets you enjoy "hands—off" browsing. Just hold
  4                      the "Magic—Surfer" for 3—5 seconds (then release it), and the
                         document will scroll automauically in the direction you chose.

           Buttou Find      Automatically positions the cursor on the default button. usu—
     $                      ally the OK button, when the dialog box appears on your
I@l"\\\‘   Trails           This option makes it easier to find the cursor when using an
~$*                         LCD monitor. This option cannot be used if your monitor does
                            not support it.
           Laop             When you move the cursor to the top (or bottom} ofthe
                            screen, it will automatically move the cursor to the bottom (or
                            top) of the screen.

  @%       Mouse Speed      This function lets you adjust the speed at which the pointer
  ho                        moves across the screen.

   A_  Double Click         Use this function to set the double click speed ofthe mouse,
Lsg                                                                   *
 w Swap Left/               Select this option if you want to have NewScroll operate with
}:’ _ Right                 the right mouse button as the primarybutton.

           Pointers Foiders This let you change the shape ofthe cursor.

           Office 97 Mode    Only supports Microsoft Office 97 along with some new appii—
                            cations. Features include zoom, scroiling and Auto—scrolling
                            features. It‘s similar to Mictosoft‘s IntelliMouse.

           Genius Mode      Supports all applications that use scrolibars. including Of—
                            fice97, with zoom, Auto—panning, and scrolling functions.

           About            Click here to open the Genius Homepage *www.genius~

                                               Hardware Instailation

      Hardware Installation
     Connecting NewSeroll to Your Computer
              Note: Always turn offyour computer before you connect or disconnect your mouse.
     1.       You can connect the mouse to either the PS/2 or senial port.
              For the PS/2 mouse port. conmect your mouse to the 6—pin PS/2 port on your com—
              puter (fig. 1).

                          Connecting to a                                 Connecting a 6—9 pin adapter
                          PS/2 port                                       to a 9—pin serial port

                                                              Fig. 2     S            Serial port

   3.         For the serial (9—pin} port. connect a 6—9 pin adapter to a 9—pin serial port (fig. 2).
   4.         Turn on your computer.
              Note: Ifyou use NewScroll on a NoteBook PC PS/2 port, you must disable the touch—
              pad or J—keyfunction in the BIOS and enable the external PS/2 port. Otherwise
              NewScroll will operate like a normal 2—button mouse.
   Software Installation
   Installing the MouseMate98—NewScroll software
   For Windows 95/98/NT
              Insert the MouseMate98—NewScroll software diskerte into drive A or B.

              Open the "Start" menu (Cirl & Esc), and select "Run"
              Type A:SETUP (or B:SETUP) in the command line box and select "OK".
              Follow the instructions on the screen, and when the installation is complete, restart
              your computer.
   For Windows 3.x
              To use NewScroll with Windows 3.x, you need to download the driver from the
              Genius Homepage "www.geniusnet.com.tw".

                             FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

           This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
           following two conditions :(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2)
           this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may
           cause undesired operation.

           This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B
           digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules., These limits are designed to
           provide reasonable protection. This equipment generates, uses and can radiated radio
           frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,
           may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no
           guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation If this equipment
           does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be
           determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to
           correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:

           —Reorient 0 relocate the receiving antenna.
           —Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
           —Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
           receiver is connected.
           —Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

           Shielded interface cables must be used in order to comply with emission limits.

           Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for
           compliance could void the user‘s authority to operate the equipment.


Document Created: 2001-05-15 09:41:58
Document Modified: 2001-05-15 09:41:58

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