Instruction Manual

FCC ID: FIH11010533402

Users Manual

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                                        FCC ID: FIH 11010533402

                                  §2.983 (d)(8) Operation Manual

                         Please see next page for Operation Manual.

Intermec Technologies Corporation                                  Amtech Model AH1101—001
Amtech Systems Division                                                  Assembly. 05334—02
8600 Jefferson St. NE
Albuquerque, NM 87113

AH11O01 HandheldReader
      User Guide

        October 1998


                                        Amtech Systems Division

                       Technalagij‘s Corporation

                                                   A UNOVA Comsany

Information in this documentis subject to change and does not represent a commitment on
the part of Intermec Corporation.

Copyright © 1998 AMTECH Corporation. All rights reserved. No portion of this
publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means without prior
written permission of Intermec Corporation.

Intermec, Amtech, and SmartPass are registered trademarks of Intermec Technologies
Corporation in the United States and in certain other countries.

All other trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners.

For further information, contact:

       Intermec Technologies Corporation
       Amtech Systems Division
       Amtech Response Center
       19111 Dallas Parkway, Suite 300
       Dallas, Texas 75287—3106 USA

       Phone: (972) 733—6600
       Fax:   (972) 733—6695

AH1101 Handheld Reader User Guide


                    INTERFERENCE STATEMENT
                         47 CFR §15.105(a)

  NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A
  digital device pursuant to Part 15 of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules.
_ These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference
  when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates,
 uses, and can radiate radio frequency (RF) energy and may cause harmful interference to
 radio communications if not ibstalled and used in accordance with the instruction manual.
 Operating this equipment in a\residential area is likely to cause harmfll interference, in
 which case, depending on thelaws in effect, the users may be required to correct the
 interference at their own expense.

                         NO UNAUTHORIZED MODIFICATIONS
                              f   47 CFR §15.21

 CAUTION: This equipment may not be modified, altered, or changed in any way without
 permission from Intermec Technologies Corporation. Unauthorized modification may void
 the equipment authorization from the FCC and will void the Intermec warranty.

                                  47 CFR §15.27(a)

 Shielded cables must be used with this equipment to comply with FCC regulations.

 A license issued by the FCC is required to operate this RF identification device in the United
 States. Contact Intermec Corpgration for additional information concerning licensing
 requirements for specific devicks.

                             Intéermec Technologies Corporation

                                                                           Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction ................ o e o e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e es 1—1
         Proper Use of Handheld Reader .............................lle.....}. 1—1
         Who Should Use This Guide? ................................lke...... 1—1
         Brief Summary of Information Covered in User Guide ..................... 1—1
           Low Power Versus High Power Reader ................................ 1—1

Chapter 2 Setting Up for First Use ....................}.ss......s. .2~1
Setting Up for Field Operation .......................l..........k kess k.k. .. ... 2—1
         Checking For All Parts ....................... k.k. kess k. e es k k e k0 e e ks 2—1
         Charging the Battery .............................skel l se es l k k e k k k k.k. 2—1
Computer and Cabling Requirements ...................... Wce 2—2

Chapter 3 Operating the AH1101 Handheld Reader ................3—1
Switching the Unit On and Off ......................... k kkrk e l k e e k k kc e .cs 3—1
Reading @ TAQ ................ ... .. kess e e n e e e e e k n e e n e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e es 3—1
        Screen Display ................... .l .. ks k k e e v e k e en e e k e k e e k k k e e e es 3—4
        Power Requirements ................... ... .. se e a k k e k e k 0e e e k e e e e e es 3—4

Chapter 4 Maintenance ..................sssssse se es es s se es e e es4—1
Precautions and Periodic Maintenance Information .............................. 4—1

Appendix APC Interface Description ................s........}}... A—1

Appendix BProduct Profile ..................e a e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e es B—1

AH11N1 Handheld Reader User\Guide                                                                              V


                                                          Chapter 1


Proper Use of Handheld Reader
         This guide explains how to set up the handheld reader and successfully
         read tags. This guide also covers field operations and periodic
         maintenance of the reader.

Who Should Use This Guide?
        This guide is designed to be used by personnel that will be reading tags
        or verifying a tag‘s operation.

Brief Summary of Information Covered in User Guide
        The user guide presents the distinction between the low—power and
        high—power units (Chapter 1.0); instructions for properly setting up the
        reader, charging the batteries, connecting reader to a personal
        comguter, and installing sample software on a PC (Chapter 2.0);
        operating the handheld reader and reading a tag (Chapter 3.0);
        maintaining the handheld reader (Chapter 4.0); and technical
        specification information (Appendixes A and B).

  Low Power Versus High Power Reader

        The handheld reader comes in two models: low power and high power.
        The low power unit has a read distance of one foot (ft) and does not
        require a Federal Communications Commussion (FCC) license to
        operdte. The high power unit has a read distance of 8 ft and requires an
        FCC license to operate. The low and high power units are marked with
        a power rating label on the reverse side (Figures 1—1 and 1—2).


                                       FCC ID: FIH11010533402
                                       MADE IN U.S.A.

                                       This device complies with
                                       Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
                                       Operation is subject to the
                                       following two conditions:
                                       (1) This device may not
                                       cause harmful interference,
                                       (2) This device must accept
                                       any interference that
                                       may cause undesired

                                       MODEL: AH1101—001
                                       ASSEMBLY: 05334—02
                                       SERIAL NO.:

               Figure 1—1 AH1101 Label Designating Low Power Unit

                                     FCC 1D: FIH11010533401
                                     MADE IN U.S.A.

                                     This device complies with
                                     Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
                                     Operation is subject to the
                                     condition that this device
                                     does not cause harmful

                                     MODEL: AH1101—010
                     |               ASSEMBLY: 05334—01
                     |               SERIAL NO.:
                         1           DATE:

                                                              Chapter 2

                     Setting Up for First Use
Setting Up for Field Operation
             Before checking tags with the handheld reader, ensure that the reader
             ba ery pack is charged.

    Checking For All Parts
             Ensure you have all the components of the handheld reader. These are

                     AH1101 Handheld Reader

                     Test tag

                     Battery charger

                     3.5—inch diskette with sample software

             The handheld reader kit components are shown in Figure 2—1.

             (Photo to be supplied for final draft.)

   Charging th e Battery
             Remove battery charger from carrying case and plug into standard 110/
             120 V AC outlet. Remove the red rubber cover from the charger port
             (see Figure 2—2) and plug cord into port. The battery must be charged
             for at least 2 hours prior to the first use.

             (Photo to be supplied for final draft.)

Setrting Up FOR EIHST Us
Computer and Cabling Requirements

Computer and                Cabling Requirements
                     Thetag information read by the handheld reader is displayed on the
                     reader screen. This information can also be displayed on the user‘s
                     computer. This is done by connecting the reader to the RS232 port of a
                     palmtop computer or host computer via a standard DB9 cable.

                                                                                              mo nsl s meemnt e rmenngnngemas .

                                                                 Chapter 3

Operating the AH1101 Handheld

Switching the Unit On and Off
            Turn the reader on and off by pressing the red scan button on top of the
            unit, Figure 3—1 shows the initial screen display.

                                        Amtech TDT
                                   VERSION —— 2.00

            Figure 3—1 Initial Screen Display

Reading a Tag
            Note A low—power handheld reader has a maximum read range of 1 ft. A
                   high—power handheld reader has a maximum read range of 8 ft.

            To rgrad a tag, perform the following steps.

            Step 1.   Slip the safety strap over your wrist and grasp reader from
                      the sides (see Figure 3—2).

 Oreratinga tHE AH1101   ANOHELD REeapeR
 Reading a Tag

                    Figure 3—2 Correct Way to Hold Reader for Tag Scanning

                   Step 2.    Aim the handheld reader at the tag to be read and press
                             the Scan button once. You will hear an audible beep
                             indicating that the reader is on. An initial screen is
                             displaved followed by the tag information. Figure 3—3
                             shows a dispilay of a successful tag read.

                                       AT5110               1A
                                       LERTA                           02

                   Figure| 3—3 Tycical Tag i~‘s—v~azon Display

                   To corfectly read a tug. the handheld reader must be correctly
                   positioned. Figure 3—4 shows the correct handheld reader orientation
                   for reading a tag.

3—2                                                          AM1101 Handheld Reader User Guide
                                                                          411443 October 1998

                                                      OPERATING THE AH1101 HanoheLp Reaper
                                                                                               Reading a Tag

                                                          AH1101 Handheld Reader
                                                                (low power)

                                                                           3i"T Transportati
                                           Max. Rotation 15°                                  Tag
                                                                                                3 in.

                                                *__                        3 in.l


                        Figtire 3—4 Distance and Orientation for Correctly Reading a Tag Using the
                        Low —Power Handheld Reader

                                                  AH1101 Handheld Reader
                                                        (high power)

                                                          8 ft.

                                                                                    6 in         Tag
                                                       Max. Rotation {5°


                       Figu re 3—5 Distance and Orientation for   Correctly Reading a Tag Using the
                       High —Power Handhetd Reader

AH1101 Handheld Reader User Guide                                                                             3—3

OPERATING THE AH1101      HanohEeLo Reaper
Reading a Tag  —

                  Notée    If the tag is too far away to be read or if the reader is oriented
                           incorrectly it will not read the tag.

                  Step 3.     Read tag data from the handheld reader screen.

      Screen Display
                  Tag information is displayed on reader screen for 20 seconds. The
                        ation can also be displayed and saved to an external device such
                  as a palmtop computer.

                  To display tag data on an external device, perform the following steps.
                  Step 1.     Remove cover from DB9 connector at base of handheld
                              reader.                          2C

                  Step 2.     Attach cable from reader to external device. Follow steps
                              outlined above to read a tag. Use user—defined program to
                              record the tag information on the external device.

     Power Requirements
                 The rechargeable battery will read 600 tags for each charge. Battery
                 recharging takes approximately 2 hours. The maximum duty cycle is
                 100 tag reads in 16 minutes.

                                                                AMH1101 Handheld Reader User Guide
                                                                                411443 October 1998

                                                               Chapter 4


Precautions and Periodic Maintenance Information

           . The 4 AH1101    reader‘s electronic circuitry can be damaged by certain
            extre me environmental conditions. Do not drop the unit or strike it
            against hard surfaces. Do not store where temperature will exceed
            150°F (65°C). Avoid storing the unit in direct sunlight. Storing the
            displ ay in direct sunlight will prevent use until the display cools enough
            to op erate again.

            There are no user—serviceable parts inside the handheld reader. Opening
            the case voids Amtech‘s warranty because circuitry can be damaged by
            electrostatic discharge.

            Periodic maintenance consists of cleaning the exterior case with a cloth
            that i s lightly dampened with glass cleaning solution. Do not use
            solve nts   to clean the reader because these will damage the case. When
            clean ing the screen display, do not damage the screen surface. Any
            damage, such as scratching, might make the displayed information

Precautions and Periodic Maintenance Information

                                                                                       wane romezmeememnmes

                                                   AH1101 Handheld Reader User Guide
                                                                411444 Ortnhar raaA

                                                       Appendix A

 PC Interface Desci‘iption

The handheld reader‘s PC interface complies with the RS—232 standard
for data terminal equipment and uses the following protocol settings.

                                                                             wen s
 Data   Rate                          19,200 baud

 Data   Bits                          8
 Pa#'ty                               None

 Stop Bits                            1
 Software Flow Control                None
 Hardware Flow Control                None

Figure A—1 shows the pinout locations for the interface plug.

                               C                       Unassigned
                                          a $A c n —

  Unassigned       6
                               C                       TxD (Transmit Data)
  Unassigned 7                 C                       Unassigned
  Unassigned 8
                               O                       Unassigned
  Unassigned 9                 C                       GND (Signal Ground)
Figure A—1 Pinout Locations on DB9 Interface Plug

PC IntenFace Descrirtion

                           AH1101 Handheld Reader User Guide

                                                                     AH1101 Handheld Reader

                                                                     and vibration rated, and UV           STromaAGE TEmMPERATUAE
                                                                      stabilized                          —4°F to +122°F
                                                                                                          (—20°C to +50°C)
                                                                     Powen Requimrements
                                                                     Powenr Sounce                        90% noncondensing
                                                                     Rechargeable battery pack            Vieraron TOLERaNce
                                                                     Barreay Orerarion                    0.25 Grmg, 20 to 200 Hz
                                                                     600 reads per charge                 5
                                                                      ful                                   hHOCK
                                                                     (fully charged battery pack)         20 G, 1/2 sine pulse, 11 ms,
                                                                     PHysicaL                                 3 axes
                                                                     Size                                 LIFE ExPECTANCY
                                                                     7.50 x 3.88 x 1.56 in.               SEeAvice LiFe
 SPECcIFICATIONS                   HaRrow rs FEATURES                (19.05 x 9.85 x 3.96 cm)             5 years minimum
 Communications                    2 lines xB 6 characters,          WercHt                               * Operation in the United S     :
FaEqueNcy Sececrion                high conlifast, backdit LCO       1 ib (0.45 kg)             C         regulated bytheFedaral Communi«
913.6, 915.0, or 916.5 MHz*                                                                               cations Commission (FCC). Local
                                   CaSE                              ENVIRONMENTAL                        regulations apply. The useris
AREeaping RancGe                   Polycarbiinate,                                                        required to obtain a license issued
1 ft (0.3 m) — low power unit      moistur:nesistant, shock,        OPERATING TEMPERATURE                 Zfi’fi,fi’fi,"flmflfimc”
8 ft (2.4 m) — high power unit                                      +32°F to +104°F
                                                                    (0°C to +40°C)


FunctTions                                    requirements. The AHI1 101 reads bo             RF Tag Compatibility Decodes
                                            | full— and half—frame tags.                      Amtech 64— and 128—bit access control
The AH{1{O!| Handheld Reader is
                                                                                              tags such as AT5100 and ATS5102.
designed to meet a wide range ofradio
                                              FEATURES                                        These tags may be programmed with
frequency identification (RFID) tag
                                                                                              either 10 or 20 alphanumeric
data acquisition application require—        The AH1101 kit includes the handheld
                                                                                              characters or Wiegand binary formats.
ments. The AH 1101 can be used alone,        reader, battery charger, test tag, and
to simply display tag data, or as the        sample software diskette.                        Wiegand Format Compatibility
"tag reader" portion of a more com—                                                           Reads access tags formatted to a wide
                                             Serial Interface Each time the
plex solution. It is designed as a data                                                       range of proprietary formats. The SIA
                                             reader is triggered, it transmits the tag
collection device to be attached to a                                                         26—bit industry standard is the default.
                                             data acquired at 19.2 Kbits per second
commercially available "palmtop" per—                                                         Custom Wiegand 25— to 54—bit formats
                                             via an RS—232C interface.
sonal computer systems or portable                                                            can be developed to match ID card
industrial environment RF data collec—       Weather—resistant Enclosure                      formats used by existing security
tion devices. Applications (not sup—                                                          systems. Wiegand—formatted tag
                                             Durable weather—resistant case permits
plied by Amtech) to store, decode,                                                            information is not directly readable to
                                             use in inclement weather.
display, or otherwise manipulate the                                                          the user. Tag information must be
data may be run on the PC allowing           Frequency Capability Operates at                 decoded by application software to
systems integrators to customize oper—       specified frequencies in the 91 5—MHz            make it understandable.
ation to match specific customer             band.
                                                                                              Power Rechargeable battery pack
                                                                                              provides power.

                                                                                        AH1101 Handheld Reader

 Electromagnetic Compatibility                           AcceEessoniEs                                  Carrying Case Foam—lined case for
 Low and high power units have been                                                                      safe transport of unit.
                                                         Test Tags Hexadecimal, full— and
 tested and comply with limits
                                                         ~half—frame tags with labels showing
 established by Part 15 of the Federal                                                                  DocumENTaATION
                                                          the correct screen displays.
 Communications Commission (FCC)
                                                         Sample Software Self—installing                AH1ILO1 Handheld Reader User Guide
 rules for a Class A digital device.
                                                         software with "public‘ (not licensed)
 Equipment License Userrequired
                                                         source and executable code for
 to obtain Part 90 site license from the |               connecting the AH1101 to a RS—232
 FCC to operate high power unit in th
                                                         COM port, acquiring tag data, and
 United States.
                                                         saving to a file.

                                                                                                         Intermec Technologies Corporation
                                                                                                                  Amtech Systems Division
                                                                                                                    19111 Dailas Pkwy, Suite 300
                                                                                                                     Dallas, Texas 75287—3106
                                                                                                        tel: (800) 923—4824 or (972) 733—6600
                                                                                                                           fax: (972) 733—6699

                                                                                                                        Amtech Systems Division

                                                                                                       Technologies Corporation
$1998 Intermec Technologies Corporation. All rights re   d. All trademarks are the property of their

Document Created: 1998-12-09 12:10:34
Document Modified: 1998-12-09 12:10:34

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