Parts list

FCC ID: F5300NB912

Parts List/Tune Up Info

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Date ; 12—05—00 [16:10]                                       CUSTOMIZED BILLS OF MATERIAL                                               Page       fo     1
DSC Ltd (Mfg)                                                     (Including Routing)                                                    Company    :    651

                                                                                                       Approval Date:
                                                                                                       Approval Date:
                                                                                                       Approval Date:

Project : 360004 UAZGL REVIX1                                        Status     : Active
                 WLS9L2L 433                                         Start Date:
Customer: ENGOO1   DSC ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT                        Compl.Dte : 07—30—00
Manufactured Item: 73—00849                               WLS912L—433 {(UAZ61) REVOIX?                                            BOM Unit:         1 ea
Revision          :               001

Pos.|Item               Description                        Revi—|IC|       Length    Width |No.0o]| Net Quantity|Un.|Scp|Wrh|Opr|P|No.|Extra
                                                            sion           [m   |]    {m    ]|   Un.                       [%]             h/Nts| Info

  20|01000212           1M OHM 1/10W 5% SMD (0805) RaAT             St                                        3.0000| ea          006] 40|x|   0 |Borvom
            Location            Net Quantity

            R20                         1.0000
            R24                         1.0000
            R38                         1.0000
  21|01000212           1M ORM 1/10W 5% SMD (0805) Rat]            Ist|                          [           1.0000]ea |         |oos| 20|x| 0|tor
            Location            Net Quantity

            R66                         1.0000
 30|01000215           [3.3K OHM 1/10w 5% SMD (0805) RJ            (st|                          [           2.0000|ea |         |oo6] 20|x| 0|top
            Location           Net Quantity

            R23                         1.0000
            R43                         1.0000
 40|01000218           [10 oxm 1/10w 5% sMD (0805) Rat]            [st]                          [           2.0000]ea |         |oo6] 40|n| o|Bortou

            Location           Net Quantity

            Rll                         1.0000
            R53                         1.0000
 41}01000218           [10 omm 1/10% 5% sMD (0805) Rar|            {st|                          [           4.0000]ea |         |oo6] 20|n| O|tor
            Location           Net Quantity

            R40                         1.0000
            R41                         1.0000
            R51                         1.0000
            R63                         1.0000
 50|01000218           [1k OmM 1/10% 5% SMD (0805) RAT]            {st|                          [           1.0000|ea [         {oos]} 40|x| 0 |sortom
            Location           Net Quantity

            R37                         1.0000

Date    : 12—05—00 [16:10]                                     CUSTOMIZED BILLS OF MATERIAL                                                  Page        fo     2
DSC Ltd (Mfg)                                                          (Including Routing)                                                   Company    :     651

Project : 360004 UAZ61 REVIXL                                      Status     : Active
                    WLSI12L 433                                    Start Date:
Customer: ENGOOL DSC ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT                        Compl.Dte : 07—30—00
Manufactured Item: 73—00849                                WLS912L—433 (UAZ61) REVOIX2                                               BOM Unit:          1 ea
Revision          :             001

Pos.|Itenm               Description                       Revi—|IC)       Length      Width|No.o| Net Quantity|Un.|Sep|Wrh|Opr|P|No.|Extra
                                                             sion            {m   |    {m    ]|       Un.                     [%]              h|Nts|Info

  51101000219            1K OHM 1/10w 5% SMD (0805) RAT              St                                         2,.0000|ea           006|   20|N]   O|TOP

             Location           Net Quantity

             R26                         1.0000
             R43                         1.0000

  60|01000223           [10K omm 1/10w 5% sMD (0805) RA|            {st|                          [         U   5.0000|ea |         |oos] 40|x| 0|Bortom
             Location           Net Quantity

             R12                         1.0000
             R15                         1.0000
             R19                         1.0000
             RS55                        1.0000
             R56                         1.0000

  10|01000230           |6ex omm 1/10w 5% SMD (0805) Ra|            Ist|                          [         U   3.0000]ea |         Joos] 40|x| 0 |sorton
             Location           Net Quantity

             R18                         1.0000
             R2                          1.0000
             R4                          1.0000

 80|01000231            [100x omM 1/10# 5% sMD (0805) R             Ist|                          [             8.0000|ea |         Joo6| 40|n| o |Borton
             Location           Net Quantity

             R10                        1,.0000
             R22                        1,.0000
             R23                        1.0000
             R25                        1,.0000
             R36                        1,.0000
             RS7                        1.0000
             R58                        1.0000
             R3                         1,.0000

 81{01000231            [100x oxM 1/10 5% sMD (0805) R              (st|                          [             7.0000|ea [         {oo6| 20|x| 0fTtor
             Location           Net Quantity

             R21                        1.0000
             R28                        1,.0000
             R31                        1.0000
             R3Z                        1.0000
             222                        1 NNNA

Date : 12—05—00 [16:10]                                          CUSTOMIZED BILLS OF MATERIAL                                               Page             3
DSC Ltd (Mfg)                                                        (Including Routing)                                                    Company        651

Project : 360004 UAZ6l REVIX1                                           Status     : Active
                 WLS2L 433                                              Start Date:
Customer: ENGOO1       DSC ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT                       Compl.Ote : 07—30—00
Manufactured Item: 73—00849                                  WLS912L—433 (UAZ61) REVO1X2                                              BOM Unit:       1 ca
Revision           :                 001

Pos.|Item                  Description                        Revi—|IC|      Length     Width|No.o| Net Quantity|Un.|Sep|Wrh|Opr|P|No.|Extra
                                                               sion           [m   ]     [m    ]           Un.                 [%]            h/Nts|Info

            Location               Net Quantity

            R34                            1.0000
            R35                            1.0000
  30|01000233             |27ox omm1/10m5%sMp (0805) RJ               [st]                             |         1.0000Jea |         fooé] 40|x| o|sBorton
            Location              Net Quantity

            RL6                            1.0000
100|01000235              [1.8K omm 1/10w 5% SMD (0805) R|            {st|                             |         1.0000fea |          foos| 20|x| o{ror
            Location              Net Quantity

            R50                            1.0000
120|01000240              [33K OHM 1/10W 5% sMD (0805) RA]            {st|                             |         2.0000|ea |         foos| 20]x| o|tor
            Location              Net Quantity

            R27                            1.0000
            R52                            1.0000
121}01000240             |33K ORM 1/10w 5% SMD (0805) RA|             |st]                             |         3.0000|ea |         Joos] 40|n| 0|Bortom
            Location              Net Quantity

            RL4                            1.0000
            R6                             1.0000
            R8                             1.0000
130| 01000242            |o omm 1/10w 5% sMp (0805) RATE]             Ist|                         |             1.0000]ea |         |oos] 20|n| ofror
            Location              Net Quantity

            R69                            1.0000
140|01000243             [6.8K OM 1/10w 5% SMD (0805) RJ              (st|                         |             1.0000]ea |         foos| 20|n| ofror
            Location              Net Quantity

            R59                            1.0000
150|01000247             [100 omM 1/10 5% sMD (0805) Rat]          [st|                            |             1.0000fea |         |ooé| 40|n| o|Bortom

Date    : 12—05—00 [16:10]                                      CUSTOMIZED BILLS OF MATERIAL                                         Page       :      4
DSC Ltd (Mfg)                                                           (Including Routing)                                          Company    :    651

Project : 360004    UAZ6! REVIX1                                       Status      : Active
                    WLS912L 433                                        Start Date:
Customer: ENGOO1 DSC ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT                            Compl.Dte : 07—30—00
Manufactured Item: 73—00849                                 WLS912L—433 (UAZ61) REVOIX2                                        BOM Unit:        1 sa
Revision          :                  001

Pos.|Itenm               Description                        Revi—|IC])       Length     Width|No.0]| Net Quantity|Un.|Scp|Wrh|Opr|P|No.|Extra
                                                              sion              [m ]     m    ]   Un.                   [%]            hiNts| Info

             Location              Net Quantity

             R33                           1.0000
 15101000247            [100 omm 1/10 5¢ sMD (0805) Rat]             {st|                         [       1.0000|ea |          {oos| 20|n| o|rop
             Location             Net Quantity

             R42                           1.0000
160|01000251            [68 omm 1/10w 53 sMDp (0805) RaT]            {st|                         [       1.0000|ea |         {foos| 20|x| o|top
             Location             Net Quantity

             R30                           1.0000
170|01000263            [5.6K omm 1/10# 5% sMD (0805) RJ             Ist|                         [       1.0000]ea |         Joos] 40|x| o|sorton
             Location             Net Quantity

             R62                           1.0000
180|01000318            [180K OxM 1/10% 5% SMD (0805) RI             (st|                         [       1.0000fea |         {oo6]| 40|x| o|sorton
             Location             Net Quantity

             R13                           1.0000
190|01000319            [390K OHM 1/10W 5% SMD (0805) R|             {st|                         [       1.0000fea |         foos| 40|x| o|sorton
             Location             Net Quantity

             RS                            1.0000
200|01000320            [esox omm 1/10w 5% sMD (0805)                {st|                         [       1.0000]ea |         foos| 20|x| o|tor
             Location             Net Quantity

             R3                            1.0000
201|01000320            |egox omm 1/10w 5% sMD (0805) RJ             {st|                         [       1.0000]ea |         Joos] 40|x| 0 |Borton
             Location             Net Quantity

             Rl]                           1.0000

Date    : 12—05—00 [16:10]                                         CUSTOMIZED BILLS OF MATERIAL                                                   Page               5
DSC Ltd (Mfg)                                                              (Including Routing)                                                    Company         651

Project : 360004 UAZ6l REVIXL                                             Status        : Active
                   WLS912L 433                                            Start Date:
Customer: ENGCOO1 DSC ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT                              Compl.Dte : 07—30—00
Manufactured Item: 73—00849                                    WLS912L—433 (UAZ61) REVOIX2                                                 BOM Unit:         1 ca
Revision          :                001

Pos.|Item               Description                            Revi—IC)        Length        Width|No.0] Net Quantity|Un.|Scp|Wrh|Opr|P|No.|Extra
                                                                 sion              {m   |     {m   ]       Un.                      [%]             h|Nts| Info

 210|01000323           2.2M OHM 1/10# 5% SMD (0805) R                   5t                                          1.0000|ea             006| 40|Nn|   0 |BorTom
            Location             Net Quantity

            R]                           1.0000
 220| 01000710         [15K OHM 1% SMD (0805)              |            {st|                               [         1.0000|ea |           {foos| 40|n| o|Borton
            Location             Net Quantity

            Rl                           1.0000
 230| 01000727         |10ox omM 1/10w 1% sMD (0805) RJ                  St                                [         1.0000]ea |          loos] 40)x| 0|Borton
            Location             Net Quantity

            R63                          1.0000
240|01000728           [127% OmM 1/10w 1% sMD (0805) RI                 {st|                               [         1.0000|ea |          foos| 40|n| o |Bortom
            Location             Net Quantity

            R61                          1.0000
26003000118            [10NF 10% —55~+125C SMD 0805 5|                  {st|                               [         1.0000fea |          loos| 40|x| 0 |Borton
            Location             Net Quantity

            C13                          1.0000
261|03000118           [10NF 10% —55~+125C SMD 0805 5|                  (st|                           [             5.0000|ea |          [oos| 20|n| o|ror
            Location             Net Quantity

            C18                          1.0000
            c22                          1.0000
            C23                          1.0000
            c32                          1.0000
            C439                         1.0000
280 |03000121          [399FP 5¢ —55~+125C sMD 0805 |                   (st|                           [             1.0000]ea |          {oos]| 40/x| o|Borton
            Location             Net Quantity

            C55                          1.0000
sanlnannn1>»           linnomr as —azser9se omn   ngns I            lar|                               |         1   1 nnnnlea |—         Iangl onlul    almap

Date   : 12—05—00 {16:10]                                   CUSTOMIZED BILLS OF MATERIAL                                                       Page       o      6
DSC Ltd (Mfg)                                                         (Including Routing)                                                      Company         651

Project : 360004 UAZ6l REVIX1                                      Status         : Active
                   WLS912L 433                                     Start Date:
Customer: ENGOO1 DSC ENCTNEERING DEPARTMENT                        Compl.Dte : 07—30—00
Manufactured Item: 73—00849                             WLS912L—433 (UAZ61) REVO1IX2                                                     BOM Unit:        1 ca
Revision          :                001

Pos.|Item               Description                     Revi—|IC|         Length       Width|No.0| Net Quantity|Un.|Scp|Wrh|Opr|P/|No.|Extra
                                                          sion              {m   |]     {m   ]|               Un.                 [%]            hlNts| Info

            Location             Net Quantity

            C30                          1.0000
291|03000122           [100PF 5% —55~+125C sMD 0805 |            [st|                                     |         1.0000/ea |         {oo6] 40|x[ 0 {Borton
            Location             Net Quantity

            c3                           1.0000
30003000123            [22pF 5% —55—+1250 sMD 0805 |             (st|                                     |         2.0000|ea |         |oo6| 20|x| 0|ToP
            Location             Net Quantity

            C16                          1.0000
            C52                          1.0000
310|03000125           [100N® 10% —55~+125C sMD 0805]            {st|                                 |             5.0000|ea |         |oo6] 20|n| 0|tor
            Location             Net Quantity

            c15                          1.0000
            C53                          1.0000
            C58                          1.0000
            C53                          1.0000
            Cél                          1.0000
311|03000125           [100NF 10% —55~+125C sMD 0805]            {st|                                 |             3.0000|ea |         |oos] 40|x| 0 |Borton
            Location             Net Quantity

            ¢11                          1.0000
            c14                          1.0000
            c3                           1.0000
320|03000128           [1NF 5%¢ —55~+125c sMDP 0805 |            {st|                             |                 3.0000|ea |         {oo6| 20|x| 0|Tor
            Location             Net Quantity

            €17                          1.0000
            c13                          1.0000
            C26                          1.0000
321|03000128           [iNg 5% —55~+125C sMDp. 0805 |            St                               |                 4.0000|ea |         |oos]| 40|x| o|Borton

Date    : 12—05—00 [16:10]                                    CUSTOMIZED BILLS OF MATERIAL                                                    Page         :     7
DSC Ltd (Mfg)                                                         (Including Routing)                                                     Company   :      651

Project : 360004 UAZOL REVIX1                                        Status     : Active
                 WLS912L 433                                         Start Date:
Customer: ENGOOL DSC ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT                       Compl.Dte : 07—30—00
Manufactured Item: 73—00849                               WLS912L—433 (UAZA1) REVOIX2                                                   BOM Unit:       1 ea
Revision           :              001

Pos.|Item               Description                        Revi—|IC|      Length      Width|No.0]| Net Quantity|Un.|Sep|Wrh|Opr|P|No. |Extra
                                                            sion            [n   ]    {m    ]|       Un.                         [%]            h|Nts|Info

            Location            Net Quantity

            Cl                          1,.0000
            C12                         1.0000
            C217                        1.0000
            C4                          1,.0000

 330| 03000123         [129F 5% —55~+125C SMD 0805 5|              [st|                              [             1.0000]ea |         |oos| 40|n| o|sortom
            Location            Net Quantity

            €54                         1.0000

340|03000137           [3.99PF +/—.19R —5541250 SMD |              {st|                              [             4.0000|ea |         loo6| 20|x| 0|toPr
            Location            Net Quantity

            C20                         1.0000
            C24                         1.0000
            C43                         1.0000
            C45                         1.0000

350|03000152           [1209F 5% —55~+125C sMD 0805 |              [st|                          [             4   3.0000|ea |         {oo6| 20|x[ o|tor
            Location           Net Quantity

            C33                         1.0000
            C42                         1.0000
            C46                         1.0000

360|03000183           [189F 5% —55~+125C SMD 0805 50v|            [st|                          [                 1.0000]ea |         {oos| 40[n| o|Bortom
            Location           Net Quantity

            C5                          1.0000

370 |030001%6          [2209F 5% —55~+125C SMD 0805 5|             {st|                          [                 2.0000|ea |         |oo6| 20|x| ofror
            Location           Net Quantity

            C21                         1.0000
            CS1                         1.0000

38003000205            [2.2NF 10% —55—+125C SMD 0805 5|         {st|                             [         U       1.0000]ea |         |ooé] 20|x| ofror

Date   : 12—05—00 [16:10]                                       CUSTOMIZED BILLS OF MATERIAL                                                      Page      e
DSC Ltd (Mfg)                                                           (Including Routing)                                                       Company        651

Project : 360004 UAZ61 REVIXl                                          Status        : Active
                      WLS9L2L 433                                      Start Date:
Customer: ENGOO1 DSC ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT                            Compl.Dte : 07—30—00
Manufactured Item: 73—00848                                 WLS912L~—433 (UAZ61l) REVOIXZ                                                   BOM Unit:       1 ca
Revision          :                   001

Pos.|Item                 Description                        Revi—]|IC)     Length        Width|No.0o| Net Quantity|Un.|Sep|Wrh|Opr|P|No.|Extra
                                                              sion              [m   ]     {[m   ]               Un.                 [%]            h‘Nts Info

            Location                Net Quantity

            C25                             1.0000

381|03000205             [2.2NP 10% —55~+1250 SMD 0805 5|            Ist|                                    |         1.0000fea |         foos] 40|x| 0|sorton
            Location                Net Quantity

            cg                              1.0000

390|03000208             [3.9NF 10% —55~+125C sSMD 0805 |            {st|                                |             1.0000]ea |          foos| 40|x| o|Borton
            Location                Net Quantity

            c10                             1.0000

400 |03000569            CAP.SMD TANT. 4.70F 109 +/— 10|             [st|                                |             1.0000]ea |         fooé| 20|x| 0|toP
            Location                Net Quantity

            Cés                             1.0000

410|03000518             [CAP SMD TANT. 4.70F 6.3V +/— 2|            {st|                                |             2.0000|ea |         |ooé| 20|n| o|ror
            Location                Net Quantity

            C63                             1.0000
            C64                             1.0000

420|04000012             [SMD NPN CP TRANS. TO—236 HFEMA]            (st|                            |                 1.0000|ea |         foos| 20|n| o|ror
            Location                Net Quantity

            95                              1.0000
42104000012              [sMD NPN GP TRANS. TO—236 EFEMA|            Ist|                            |                 1.0000]ea |         foos} 40[x| 0|Borton
            Location                Net Quantity

            9                               1.0000

430|04000014             SMD PNP GENERAL PURPOSE TRANS |             [st|                            |                 1.0000fea |         foos| 40|x| o |Borton
            Location                Net Quantity

            NJ                              1 Annn

Date     : 12—05—00 [16:10]                                             CUSTOMIZED BILLS OF MATERIAL                                 Page           o03
DSC Ltd (Mfg)                                                                (Including Routing)                                     Company         651

Project : 360004 UAZ61 REVIXLI                                              Status     : Active
                     WLS9I2L 433                                            Start Date:
Customer: ENGOO1 DSC ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT                                 Compl.Dte : 07—30—00
Manufactured Item: 73—00849                                         WLS912L—433 (UAZ61) REVOIXZ                               BOM Unit:         1 ea
Revision          :                    001

Pos.| Itenm               Description                               Revi—|IC)    Length      Width|No.0o| Net Quantity|Un.|Scp|Wrh|Opr|P|No.|Extra
                                                                     sion         {r ]       {m ]| Un.                     [%]         h/Nts| Info

              Location              Net Quantity

 45005000195              DIODE SMD (MELF) DL4007 1A, 10|                 Ist|                         |       1.0000|ea |    {foos| «40|n| o|Bororm
              Location              Net Quantity

              D6                              1.0000
460|05000148             [LED RED SMD 100MW 1v=20MC0020|                  Ist|                         |       1.0000|ea |    Joos] 20|x| o|rop

              Location              Net Quantity

              LED3                            1.0000
 470|05000239            [LM4O41EIM3—1.2; ADJ. ZENER REG|                 {st|                         |       1.0000|ea |   {oos| 20[n| 0|rop
              Location              Net Quantity

              201                             1.0000
480 |06000674            [8—BIT MICROCHIP CONTROLER 2891                  {st|                         |       1.0000fea |   {oo6| 20|x| 0|top
              Location             Net Quantity

              v6                              1.0000
490|06000950             [ar2516; vHP/URF TXR; 100—500MH|                 [st|                     |           1.0000]ea |   foos| 20|x| o|tor
              Location             Net Quantity

              Ul                              1.0000
500 |06001005            [PLCI6LC620—04; 7 . OOMKZ ; 2. 5V; EPR |         (st|                     |           1.0000|ea |    {oos{ 40|x| 0 |Borton
              Location             Net Quantity

              U8                              1.0000
510|06001126             [MAX9077ESA; DUAL COMPARATOR; 3|                [cu|                      |           1.0000|ea [   {a12] 4o[x| 0{Borton
              Location             Net Quantity

              012                             1.0000
zonlnganiio7             lecontoramenrnert < vomrace neprel              Ionl                      |           1 annalaa 1   darskl onla!   nlmap

Date   : 12—05—00 [16:10]                                      CUSTOMIZED BILLS OF MATERIAL                                  Page               10
DSC Ltd (Mfg)                                                       (Including Routing)                                      Company         651

Project : 360004 UAZ61 REVIX1                                      Status     : Active
                 WLSIL2L 433                                       Start Date:
Customer: ENGOOL DSC ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT                         Compl.Dte : 07—30—00
Manufactured Item: 73—00849                                WLSS1I2L—433 {UAZ61) REVOIX2                               BOM Unit:          1 ca
Revision          :            001

Pos.{Iten               Description                        Revi—|IC|    Length      Width|No.0o| Net Quantity|Un.|Scp|Wrh}|Opr|P)No.|Extra
                                                            sion         {m ]       {m ]| Un.                      (%]         h|Nts Info

            Location            Net Quantity

            U7                          1.0000

 530|06001138          [s—812258G—oH—T1; 2.5v REG. voUu|         [cu|                          |      1.0000]ea |    {or2] 20|x|f 0{tor
            Location            Net Quantity

            U$                          1,.0000

 540060009343          |opaz244vua now—curREN? Duat oP |         [st|                          |      3.0000|ea |    {oos| 40{x| o|rBorton
            Location            Net Quantity

            U10                         1.0000
            U13                         1.0000
            U14                         1.0000

 550|05000001           HIGHK CONDUCT. FAST DIODE PIv=1|         {st|                          |      4.0000|ea |    |ooé| 40|n| o|Borrom
            Location            Net Quantity

            D1                          1.0000
            D2                          1.0000
            03                          1.0000
            D4                          1,.0000

56003000113            [1.29F +/—.2PR ~55~+1250C SMD |           Ist|                      |          1.0000]ea |    {oos| 20|n| 0|Tor
            Location            Net Quantity

            C66                         1.0000

57003000132            [6.89F +/—.259F —55~—+1250 SMD 0|         {st|                      |          1.0000]ea |    {oos| 20{x| o|Tor
            Location            Net Quantity

            C44                         1.0000

58003000165            [.479P   +/—.19R ~55~41250 3MD |          {st|                      |          1.0000|ea |     loos| 20/x| o{tor

            Location            Net Quantity

            C50                         1.0000

zanl11nnon»g           Irtaouttm one mormasctormiy> |            lon|                      |          1 nnmalaa 1    dainl inlul    ol

Date   : 12—05—00 [16:10]                                       CUSTOMIZED BILLS OF MATERIAL                                                        Page       :0     11
DSC Ltd (Mfg)                                                       {(Including Routing)                                                            Company    :    651

Project : 360004 UA261l REVIXLI                                     Status     : Active
                 WLSY12L 433                                        Start Date:
Customer: ENGOOL DSC ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT                      Compl.Dte : 07—30—00
Manufactured Item: 73—00849                              WLS912L—433 (UAZ61) REVOIX2                                                          BOM Unit:        1 ea
Revision         :                  001

Pos.|Item              Description                        Revi—|IC|          Length            Width|No.o| Net Quantity|Un. |Scp|Wrh}Opr|P|No.|Extra
                                                           sion               [m   |]          {m     ]|   Un.                         [%]            hlNts| Info

                Routing for Item           : 73—00849                                                                Routing Unit:           1 ea

                Opr.   Task       Description                         WCt       Machine             Setup Time           Run Time    Extra Info

                 10     210       Solder Screen PCBs                  ©00                DEK                     0          0.000
                 20     220       Place/Reflow SMD Components         C00               SMTZ                     0          0.000
                 30     210       Solder Screen PCBs                  €080               DEK                     0          0.000
                 40     220       Place/Reflow SMD Components         ©00               SMTZ                     0          0.000

Document Created: 2019-11-04 08:23:56
Document Modified: 2019-11-04 08:23:56

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