Test Report 4


Test Report

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                                                                                                               Page 1 of 13

TITLE: FCC & ISED Test Report for 15.247 & RSS-210 Frequency Hopping Device
Itron RIVAW external antenna on Plastic Lid
AUTHOR: Roger Mulcahy

  REV            CCO            DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE                               DATE                    APPROVALS
                                                                                    04apr17         Engineering         Roger Mulcahy
  001c                         upload c

                                            REVISION HISTORY
                                         NOTICE OF PROPRIETARY INFORMATION
  Information contained herein is proprietary and is property of ITRON, Inc. where furnished with a proposal, the recipient shall use it
  solely to evaluate the proposal. Where furnished to a customer it shall be used solely for the purposes of inspection, installation or
  maintenance. Where furnished to a supplier, it shall be used solely in the performance of work contracted for this company. The
  information shall not be used or disclosed by the recipient for any other purpose, whatsoever.

rivawa_FCC_1601_006_247plastic lidc.docx                                                                              Rev. 001c

                                                                                                             Page 2 of 13
                                           Test Data Summary
                      FCC 15.247 / ISED RSS-247; Frequency Hopping Transmitter;
                RIVAW Water endpoint, 902.2MHz – 927.75 MHz for EUT – Plastic Lid Antenna
             FCC ID:EWQRIVAWA;           IC:864D-RIVAWA       HVINs: RIVAWA and RIVAWRA

               Rule                       Description           Spec Limit                  Max. Reading                               Fail
                                                                                47.2 dBuV/m @ 1855.5MHz / -52.4 dBc
                                                                                           power level 1 AM
                                                                                66.62dBuV/m @ 1853.6 MHz/ -48.97dBc
 Part 15.247(d) /                                                                          power level 3 AM
 RSS 247 5.5                         Spurious Emissions                         70.51 dBuV/m @1855.5 MHz / -50.3dBc
 RSS GEN 8.9                             – radiated              < -20dBc                 power level 3 FM10                          Pass
                                                                                      49.25 dBuV/m @ 5418MHz
                                                                                           power level 1 AM
 Parts 15.247(d), 15.205 &                                                          47.88QP dbuV/m @ 960.39 MHz
 15.209 (radiated) /                  Restricted Bands /                                   power level 3 AM
 RSS-GEN 8.10 and                    Spurious Emissions                               37.76 dBuV/m @ 2745MHz
 RSS-247 sec 5.5                         – radiated                table                  power level 3 FM10                          Pass
 RSS-Gen 7                            Receiver Spurious
 Part 15.109 Class B                 Emissions - radiated          table                  34dBuV/m (noise floor)                      Pass
Rule versions: FCC Part 1; FCC Part 2; FCC Part 15, RSS-102 Issue 5 (03-2015); RSS-Gen Issue 4 (11-2014); RSS-247 Issue 2 (02-2017)
Method of Measurement: ANSI C63.4-2014; ANSI C63.10-2013;
Reference docs: DA 00-705 (03-30-2000); OET65 (08-1997); OET65C (06-2001); IEEE C95.3-2002. RSP100 issue11; SDR KDB 442812
D01 (07-2014); Exposure KDB 227498D01 (02-2014)

                                                    Cognizant Personnel
                                   Name                                              Title
                                Roger Mulcahy                                  Test Technician

                                    Name                                            Title
                                 Jay Holcomb                                      Regulatory

                                    Name                                             Title
                               Nate Van Roekel                                   Project Lead

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                                   CONDITIONS DURING TESTING

No Modifications to the EUT were necessary during the testing.

FCC 15.31(m) – ISED _n/a_; Number of Channels
This device was tested on three channels.

ANSI C63.4 - Temperature and Humidity During Testing
The temperature during testing was within +10º C and +40º C.
The Relative humidity was between 10% and 90%.
RSS-sGen 4.3: Tests shall be performed at ambient temperature

Itron declares that the EUT tested was representative of a production unit.


EUT Module
Manuf:                   Itron, Inc.
Itron Model:             Itron RIVAW Endpoint
Serial Number(s)         Antenna 12203611, RIVAWA 123456789
Power source             Fresh Batteries

Plot Information
In the zero span measurements, the line in the display is the trigger level.

Peripheral Devices

Test Conditions Setup
The external antenna EUT was mounted in a Plastic water meter pit lid above the endpoint device, on
the test site turntable.

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15.247(d) / RSS-247 5.5 and RSS GEN 8.9
Spurious Emissions - Radiated
In any 100 kHz bandwidth outside the frequency band in which the spread spectrum or digitally
modulated intentional radiator is operating, the radio frequency power that is produced by the
intentional radiator shall be at least 20 dB below that in the 100 kHz bandwidth within the band that
contains the highest level of the desired power, based on either an RF conducted or a radiated
measurement, provided the transmitter demonstrates compliance with the peak conducted power
limits based on the use of RMS averaging over a time interval, as permitted under paragraph (b)(3) of
this section, the attenuation required under this paragraph shall be 30 dB instead of 20 dB.
Attenuation below the general limits specified in §15.209(a) is not required. In addition, radiated
emissions which fall in the restricted bands, as defined in §15.205(a), must also comply with the
radiated emission limits specified in §15.209(a) (see §15.205(c)). (note: 15.247 (b)(3) is for digital

Follow the procedure outlined in Annex A, and B of this document.

                 Equipment Used                           Serial Number     Cal Date     Due
        Agilent E4440A Spectrum Analyzer                  MY45305142       4/18/2016  4/18/2017
         Emco 6502 Loop (9kHz to 30MHz)                    9509-2970        3/3/2016   3/3/2018
    Emco 3110B Biconical (30MHz-to 300MHz)                 9203-2455       1/10/2017  1/10/2019
      Emco 3115 waveguide (1Ghz - 18GHz)                   9205-3878        3/7/2016   3/7/2018
   EMCO 3146 Log periodic (200MHz to 1GHz)                 9203-3358       1/10/2017  4/29/2017
            Huber Suhner 40 foot cable                         N/A         4/29/2016 12/16/2017
              1.3Ghz high pass filter                        405734        12/16/2016 12/16/2017
  AH systems preamplifer model number PAM 0126                 146         1/12/2017  1/12/2018
              Microcoax 3 foot cable                           N/A         12/16/2016 12/16/2017
                       Date                                               Tested by
            March 18 through 19, 2017                                   Roger Mulcahy

Unit tested: with a fresh battery 65
Frequency range investigated was 9 kHz to 9.28GHz. (part 15.33 (a)

AM power level 1
    1          2            3          4        5        6          7             8            9         10
             Ant.        Antenna                                                peak
             Pos.        Height /             Cable     Ant.    Amplifier     corrected
  Freq.     Vert. or      Table       Level   Loss     Factor     Gain          Level       emissions   Margin
  MHz        Horz.       Azimuth      dBm      dB      dB/m        dB          dBuV/m         dBc        dB
  926.8 Vertical         100/210     -32.62       3      22.2   N/A                 99.58

    5490 Horizontal 155/240 -65.61 7.69                 34.05       35.91       47.22        -52.36     32.36
   5560.8 Horizontal 180/240 -66.67 7.74                33.97       35.94       46.10        -53.48     33.48
    1806        Vertical     190/90 -58.33 4.38         26.77       36.81       43.01        -56.57     36.57
   1853.6       Vertical     200/280 -61.28 4.44        27.03       36.72       40.47        -59.11     39.11
    1830        Vertical     180/90    -61.1      4.41   26.9       36.76       40.45        -59.13     39.13
    1806 Horizontal 195/90 -61.24 4.38                  26.77       36.81       40.10        -59.48     39.48
[8] = [4] + [5] + [6] - [7]+107;    [9] = [8] - Power Out first rows; [10] = -20 – [9]

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AM power level 3
    1          2            3          4        5        6          7             8           9         10
             Ant.        Antenna                                                peak
             Pos.        Height /             Cable     Ant.    Amplifier     corrected
  Freq.     Vert. or      Table       Level   Loss     Factor     Gain          Level      emissions   Margin
  MHz        Horz.       Azimuth      dBm      dB      dB/m        dB          dBuV/m        dBc        dB
    915 Vertical         115/200     -16.99    2.98      22.6   N/A               115.59

   1853.6       Vertical     185/260 -35.13 4.44        27.03       36.72       66.62       -48.97     28.97
    1830        Vertical     170/260 -36.8        4.41   26.9       36.76       64.75       -50.84     30.84
    1806        Vertical     180/260 -37.15 4.38        26.77       36.81       64.19        -51.4      31.4
    1806 Horizontal 256/30             -39.8      4.38  26.77       36.81       61.54       -54.05     34.05
    1830 Horizontal 250/100 -41.58 4.41                  26.9       36.76       59.97       -55.62     35.62
   1853.6 Horizontal 270/30 -43.03 4.44                 27.03       36.72       58.72       -56.87     36.87
[8] = [4] + [5] + [6] - [7]+107;    [9] = [8] - Power Out first rows; [10] = -20 – [9]

FM 10kbps power level 3
    1        2           3             4        5        6          7             8           9         10
            Ant.      Antenna                                                   peak
            Pos.      Height /                Cable     Ant.    Amplifier     corrected
  Freq.    Vert. or    Table          Level   Loss     Factor     Gain          Level      emissions   Margin
  MHz       Horz.     Azimuth         dBm      dB      dB/m        dB          dBuV/m        dBc        dB
    915 Vertical      100/290        -11.77    2.98      22.6   N/A               120.81

   1855.5       Vertical     180/265 -31.25 4.44        27.04       36.81       70.51        -50.3      30.3
    1830        Vertical     185/265 -33.11 4.41         26.9       36.72       68.44       -52.37     32.37
   1804.4       Vertical     185/265 -33.36 4.38        26.76       36.76       67.97       -52.84     32.84
   1804.4 Horizontal 256/30 -42.27 4.38                 26.76       36.72       58.63       -62.18     42.18
   1855.5 Horizontal 270/30 -43.97 4.44                 27.04       36.81       58.21        -62.6      42.6
    1830 Horizontal 250/100 -43.55 4.41                  26.9       36.76       57.58       -63.23     43.23
[8] = [4] + [5] + [6] - [7]+107;    [9] = [8] - Power Out first rows; [10] = -20 – [9]

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15.247 (d), 15.205, 15.209(Radiated) / RSS-247 5.5, RSS-GEN 8.10
Restricted Bands Spurious Emissions - radiated
(a) Except as shown in paragraph (d) of this section, only spurious emissions are permitted in any of
the frequency bands listed below:
(b) Except as provided in paragraphs (d) and (e) of this section, the field strength of emissions
appearing within these frequency bands shall not exceed the limits shown in §15.209. At frequencies
equal to or less than 1000 MHz, compliance with the limits in §15.209 shall be demonstrated using
measurement instrumentation employing a CISPR quasi-peak detector. Above 1000 MHz,
compliance with the emission limits in §15.209 shall be demonstrated based on the average value of
the measured emissions. The provisions in §15.35 apply to these measurements.
Measure the field strength of all transmitter spurious emissions in the restricted bands listed below.
Follow the procedure outlined in Annex A and B of this document.
MHz                        MHz                      MHz                     GHz
0.090-0.110              13.36-13.41                399.9-410               5.35-5.46
0.495-0.505 (FCC)        16.42-16.423               608-614                 7.25-7.75
2.1735-2.1905            16.69475-16.69525          960- 1427*              8.025-8.5
4.125-4.128              16.80425-16.80475          1435-1626.5             9.0-9.2
4.17725-4.17775          25.5-25.67                 1645.5-1646.5           9.3-9.5
4.20725-4.20775          37.5-38.25                 1660-1710               10.6-12.7
5.677-5.683 (IC)         73-74.6                    1718.8-1722.2           13.25-13.4
6.215-6.218              74.8-75.2                  2200-2300               14.47-14.5
6.26775-6.26825          108-121.94                 2310-2390               15.35-16.2
6.31175-6.31225          123-138                    2483.5-2500             17.7-21.4
8.291-8.294              149.9-150.05               2655-2900**             22.01-23.12
8.362-8.366              156.52475-156.52525 3260-3267                      23.6-24.0
8.37625-8.38675          156.7-156.9                3332-3339               31.2-31.8
8.41425-8.41475          162.0125-167.17            3345.8-3358             36.43-36.5
12.29-12.293             167.72-173.2               3600-4400               Above 38.6
12.51975-12.52025        240-285                    4.5-5.15
12.57675-12.57725        322-335.4

       for reference the FCC has relaxed some of the restricted bands and IC has not. In the FCC
        rules today: *960-1240 and *1300-1427MHz; **2690-2900MHz;

                 Equipment Used                         Serial Number    Cal Date     Due
        Agilent E4440A Spectrum Analyzer                MY45305142      4/18/2016  4/18/2017
         Emco 6502 Loop (9kHz to 30MHz)                  9509-2970       3/3/2016   3/3/2018
    Emco 3110B Biconical (30MHz-to 300MHz)               9203-2455      1/10/2017  1/10/2019
      Emco 3115 waveguide (1Ghz - 18GHz)                 9205-3878       3/7/2016   3/7/2018
   EMCO 3146 Log periodic (200MHz to 1GHz)               9203-3358      1/10/2017  4/29/2017
            Huber Suhner 40 foot cable                       N/A        4/29/2016 12/16/2017
              1.3Ghz high pass filter                      405734       12/16/2016 12/16/2017
  AH systems preamplifer model number PAM 0126               146        1/12/2017  1/12/2018
              Microcoax 3 foot cable                         N/A        12/16/2016 12/16/2017
                       Date                                            Tested by
            March 18 through 19, 2017                                Roger Mulcahy

Unit tested: with a fresh battery 65
Frequency range investigated was 9 kHz to 9.28GHz. (part 15.33 (a)
AM Mode, power level 1
 1          2          3    4       5       6       7         8         9       10       11      12      13

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                          VBW       10Hz                                                                                   Corr
   `          Ant.                                                               VBW ฀
                           ฀        VBW                                                                                   Factor
                          RBW                                                     RBW
             Pos.                                                                  Peak
                                    Avera                            Amplifie    Correcte                                 Correct     Avera        Averag
                          Peak                 Cable        Ant.                              Peak               Peak
                                     ge                                r            d                                       ed         ge            e
Freq.       vert or       Level     Level      Loss                   Gain        Level           Limit      Margin        Level       Limit       Margin
 MHz         horz.        dBm        dBm         dB         dB/m       dB        dBuV/m       dBuV/m             dB       dBuV/m                       dB
 5418      Horizontal    -63.39               7.64    33.96      35.96        49.25         74        24.75                30.95       54           23.05
 5418        Vertical    -67.28               7.64    33.96      35.96        45.36         74        28.64                27.06       54           26.94
 4515        Vertical    -66.27                 7     32.22      36.24        43.71         74        30.29                25.41       54           28.59
 2709        Vertical    -66.03               5.41    28.73      48.74        26.37         74        47.63                 8.07       54           45.93
2780.6       Vertical    -66.81               5.48    28.91      48.83        25.75         74        48.25                 7.45       54           46.55
 2745        Vertical    -66.82               5.44    28.82      48.83        25.61         74        48.39                 7.31       54           46.69
[8] = [3]+[5}+[6]-[7];                                         [9] from table above;           [10] = [9] – [8]
[11] = [4]+[5]+[6]+[7]+107 – * Duty Cycle Corr. Factor;[12] from table above;[13] = [12] – [11]
[10] = [9]-[8}
Note: Level (dBm) + 107 = (dbuV) @ 50 ohm

AM Mode, power level 3
 1          2                 3         4             5          6     7          8          9              10               11        12         13
                                      10Hz                                      VBW                                        Corr
   `          Ant.        VBW ฀
                                      VBW                                        ฀                                        Factor
                           RBW                                                  RBW                                     5.02dB
              Pos.                                                              Peak
                                                                                                                           r QP
                                                    Cabl             Ampli      Corre                                                 Aver       Avera
                            Peak        QP                    Ant.                          Peak          Peak          Corrected
                                                     e                fier      cted                                                  age         ge
Freq.        vert or       Level       Level        Loss              Gain      Level       Limit         Margin          Level       Limit      Margin
                                                                                dBuV/                                                 dBu
 MHz          horz.         dBm        dBm          dB      dB/m       dB                 dBuV/m            dB          dBuV/m                    dB
                                                                                  m                                                   V/m
960.39       vert          -79.01     -86.18     3.06         24      N/A       55.05                                   47.88 QP       54         6.12
 2709       Vertical       -67.65                5.41       28.73    36.53      36.96        74            37.04          31.94        54        22.06
2780.4      Vertical       -68.91                5.48        28.9    36.43      36.04        74            37.96          31.02        54        22.98
 2745       Vertical       -68.53                5.44       28.82    36.48      36.25        74            37.75          31.23        54        22.77
 2745      Horizontal        -73                 5.44       28.82    36.48      31.78        74            42.22          26.76        54        27.24
2780.4     Horizontal       -73.2                5.48        28.9    36.43      31.75        74            42.25          26.73        54        27.27

FM 10kbps power level 3
  1          2                3        4        5            6          7           8               9             10         11             12         13
                            VBW       Hz                                                                                    Corr
       `        Ant.                                                             VBW ฀
                             ฀        VB                                                                                   Factor
                            RBW                                                   RBW
                Pos.                                                              Peak                                    Average*
                                               Cabl                  Amplifie    Correcte                                                Aver       Averag
                            Peak      era                   Ant.                              Peak               Peak     Corrected
                                                e                      r            d                                                    age          e
 Freq.         vert or      Level              Loss        Factor     Gain        Level           Limit      Margin         Level        Limit      Margin
  MHz          horz.        dBm       dBm        dB         dB/m       dB        dBuV/m       dBuV/m             dB        dBuV/m                      dB
 2745         Vertical     -67.02               5.44       28.82      36.48       37.76             74        36.24                      54         16.24
2783.25       Vertical     -68.75               5.49       28.91      36.42       36.23             74        37.77                      54         17.77
2706.6        Vertical     -68.67               5.41       28.72      36.53       35.93             74        38.07                      54         18.07
 2745        Horizontal     -72.1               5.44       28.82      36.48       32.68             74        41.32                      54         21.32
2783.25      Horizontal    -72.25               5.49       28.91      36.42       32.73             74        41.27                      54         21.27
2706.6       Horizontal    -73.22               5.41       28.72      36.53       31.38             74        42.62                      54         22.62

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RSS-Gen 7 and Part 15.109 Class B
Receiver Spurious Emission Limits Radiated Measurement
All spurious emissions shall comply with the limits of Table 1.
Receiver Spurious Emissions
The receiver shall be operated in the normal receive mode near the mid-point of the band over which the
receiver is designed to operate. Unless otherwise specified in the applicable RSS, the radiated emission
measurement is the standard measurement method (with the device's antenna in place) to measure receiver
spurious emissions. Radiated emission measurements are to be performed using a calibrated open-area test
site. As an alternative, the conducted measurement method may be used when the antenna is detachable. In
such a case, the receiver spurious signal may be measured at the antenna port. If the receiver is super-
regenerative, stabilize it by coupling to it an un-modulated carrier on the receiver frequency (antenna conducted
measurement) or by transmitting an un-modulated carrier on the receiver frequency from an antenna in the
proximity of the receiver (radiated measurement). Taking care not to overload the receiver, vary the amplitude
and frequency of the stabilizing signal to obtain the highest level of the spurious emissions from the receiver. For
either method, the search for spurious emissions shall be from the lowest frequency internally generated or used
in the receiver (e.g. local oscillator, intermediate or carrier frequency), or 30 MHz, whichever is the higher, to at
least 3 times the highest tunable or local oscillator frequency, whichever is the higher, without exceeding 40

Receiver Spurious Emission Standard
The following receiver spurious emission limits shall be complied with:
   (a) If a radiated measurement is made, all spurious emissions shall comply with the limits of
         Table 1. The resolution bandwidth of the spectrum analyzer shall be 100 kHz for spurious
         emission measurements below 1.0 GHz, and 1.0 MHz for measurements above 1.0 GHz.

Unit tested: 69501161 with a fresh battery

Table 1- Spurious Emission Limits for Receivers
  Spurious Frequency          Field Strength                        in
        (MHz)                (microvolt/m at 3                    dBuV/m
         30-88                     100                               40
        88-216                     150                              43.5
       216-960                     200                               46
      Above 960                    500                               54
FS(uV/m) = 10 raised to the power of {(dBuV/m)/20}
Frequency range investigated was 30MHz to 5 GHz.
                  Equipment Used                               Serial Number      Cal Date     Due
         Agilent E4440A Spectrum Analyzer                      MY45305142        4/18/2016  4/18/2017
     Emco 3110B Biconical (30MHz-to 300MHz)                     9203-2455        1/10/2017  1/10/2019
      Emco 3115 waveguide (1Ghz - 18GHz)                        9205-3878         3/7/2016   3/7/2018
    EMCO 3146 Log periodic (200MHz to 1GHz)                     9203-3358        1/10/2017  4/29/2017
             Huber Suhner 40 foot cable                             N/A          4/29/2016 12/16/2017
               1.3Ghz high pass filter                            405734         12/16/2016 12/16/2017
  AH systems preamplifer model number PAM 0126                      146          1/12/2017  1/12/2018
               Microcoax 3 foot cable                               N/A          12/16/2016 12/16/2017
                         Date                                                   Tested by
                   March 19, 2017                                             Roger Mulcahy

Frequency range investigated was 30MHz to 5 GHz. Emissions from the Receiver were below the
noise floor.

No emissions found noise floor is 34dbuV/m

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                                            ANNEX A
direct from FCC DA-00-705, March 30, 2000
(ANSI references updated however)
note: for reference only, now ANSI C63.4-2014 and ANSI C63.10-2013 are used.

Spurious RF Conducted Emissions

Use the following spectrum analyzer settings:

Span = wide enough to capture the peak level of the in-band emission and all spurious emissions
(e.g., harmonics) from the lowest frequency generated in the EUT up through the 10th harmonic.
Typically, several plots are required to cover this entire span.

RBW = 100 kHz


Sweep = auto

Detector function = peak

Trace = max hold

Allow the trace to stabilize. Set the marker on the peak of any spurious emission recorded. The level
displayed must comply with the limit specified in this Section. Submit these plots.

Spurious Radiated Emissions

This test is required for any spurious emission or modulation product that falls in a
Restricted Band, as defined in Section 15.205. It must be performed with the highest gain
of each type of antenna proposed for use with the EUT. Use the following spectrum analyzer

Span = wide enough to fully capture the emission being measured

RBW = 1 MHz for f  1 GHz, 100 kHz for f < 1 GHz


Sweep = auto

Detector function = peak

Trace = max hold

Follow the guidelines in ANSI C63.4-2003 with respect to maximizing the emission by rotating the
EUT, measuring the emission while the EUT is situated in three orthogonal planes (if appropriate),
adjusting the measurement antenna height and polarization, etc. A pre-amp and a high pass filter are
required for this test, in order to provide the measuring system with sufficient sensitivity. Allow the
trace to stabilize. The peak reading of the emission, after being corrected by the antenna factor,
cable loss, pre-amp gain, etc., is the peak field strength, which must comply with the limit specified in
Section 15.35(b). Submit this data.

Now set the VBW to 10 Hz, while maintaining all of the other instrument settings. This peak level,

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once corrected, must comply with the limit specified in Section 15.209. If the dwell time per channel
of the hopping signal is less than 100 ms, then the reading obtained with the 10 Hz VBW may be
further adjusted by a "duty cycle correction factor", derived from 20log(dwell time/100 ms), in an effort
to demonstrate compliance with the 15.209 limit. Submit this data.

If the emission on which a radiated measurement must be made is located at the edge of the
authorized band of operation, then the alternative "marker-delta" method, listed at the end of this
document, may be employed.

Alternative Test Procedures

If antenna conducted tests cannot be performed on this device, radiated tests to show compliance
with the peak output power limit specified in Section 15.247(b) (2) and the spurious RF conducted
emission limit specified in Section 15.247(d) are acceptable. A pre-amp, and, in the latter case, a
high pass filter, are required for the following measurements.

1) Calculate the transmitter's peak power using the following equation:
Where: E is the measured maximum fundamental field strength in V/m, utilizing a RBW  the 20 dB
bandwidth of the emission, VBW > RBW, peak detector function. Follow the procedures in C63.4-
2003 with respect to maximizing the emission.

G is the numeric gain of the transmitting antenna with reference to an isotropic radiator.

d is the distance in meters from which the field strength was measured.

P is the power in watts for which you are solving:

                                                     E  d  2
2) To demonstrate compliance with the spurious RF conducted emission requirement of Section
15.247(d), use the following spectrum analyzer settings:

Span = wide enough to fully capture the emission being measured

RBW = 100 kHz


Sweep = auto

Detector function = peak

Trace = max hold

Measure the field strength of both the fundamental emission and all spurious emissions with these
settings. Follow the procedures in C63.4-2003 with respect to maximizing the emissions. The
measured field strength of all spurious emissions must be below the measured field strength of the
fundamental emission by the amount specified in Section 15.247(d). Note that if the emission falls in
a Restricted Band, as defined in Section 15.205, the procedure for measuring spurious radiated
emissions, listed above, must be followed.

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                                                                                         Page 11 of 13

Marker-Delta Method

In making radiated band-edge measurements, there can be a problem obtaining meaningful data
since a measurement instrument that is tuned to a band-edge frequency may also capture some
in-band signals when using the resolution bandwidth (RBW) required by measurement procedure
ANSI C63.4-2003 (hereafter C63.4). In an effort to compensate for this problem, we have developed
the following technique for determining band-edge compliance.

STEP 1) Perform an in-band field strength measurement of the fundamental emission using the RBW
and detector function required by C63.4 and our Rules for the frequency being measured. For example,
for a device operating in the 902-928 MHz band under Section 15.249, use a 120 kHz RBW with a
CISPR QP detector (a peak detector with 100 kHz RBW may alternatively be used). For transmitters
operating above 1 GHz, use a 1 MHz RBW, a 1 MHz VBW, and a peak detector (as required by Section
15.35). Repeat the measurement with an average detector (i.e., 1 MHz RBW with 10 Hz VBW). Note:
For pulsed emissions, other factors must be included. Please contact the FCC Lab for details if the
emission under investigation is pulsed. Also, please note that radiated measurements of the
fundamental emission of a transmitter operating under 15.247 are not normally required, but they are
necessary in connection with this procedure.

STEP 2) Choose a spectrum analyzer span that encompasses both the peak of the fundamental
emission and the band-edge emission under investigation. Set the analyzer RBW to 1% of the total
span (but never less than 30 kHz) with a video bandwidth equal to or greater than the RBW. Record
the peak levels of the fundamental emission and the relevant band-edge emission (i.e., run several
sweeps in peak hold mode). Observe the stored trace and measure the amplitude delta between the
peak of the fundamental and the peak of the band-edge emission. This is not a field strength
measurement; it is only a relative measurement to determine the amount by which the emission drops
at the band-edge relative to the highest fundamental emission level.

STEP 3) Subtract the delta measured in step (2) from the field strengths measured in step (1). The
resultant field strengths (CISPR QP, average, or peak, as appropriate) are then used to determine
band-edge compliance as required by Section 15.205.

STEP 4) The above "delta" measurement technique may be used for measuring emissions that are up
to two "standard" bandwidths away from the band-edge, where a "standard" bandwidth is the bandwidth
specified by C63.4 for the frequency being measured. For example, for band-edge measurements in
the restricted band that begins at 2483.5 MHz, C63.4 specifies a measurement bandwidth of at least 1
MHz. Therefore you may use the "delta" technique for measuring emissions up to 2 MHz removed from
the band-edge. Radiated emissions that are removed by more than two “standard” bandwidths must be
measured in the conventional manner.

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                                               ANNEX B

Field Strength Measurement Procedure

This test measures the field strength of radiated emissions using a spectrum analyzer and a receiving
antenna in accordance with ANSI C63.4-2003. During the test, the EUT is to be placed on a non-
conducting support at 80 cm above the horizontal ground plane of the OATS. The horizontal distance
between the antenna and the EUT is to be 3 meters. The bandwidths used shall be; 200 Hz from 9
kHz to 150 kHz, 9 kHz from 150 kHz to 30 MHz, 120 kHz from 30 MHz to 1000 MHz, and 1 MHz from
1 GHz to 40 GHz, with the detector set to peak hold.

1) The antenna correction factor, preamplifier gain (if the preamplifier is installed), and cable loss may
be stored in tables in the EMC analyzer and the level at the analyzer is then the corrected level in
dbuV/m. Otherwise it is calculated externally.
2) Monitor the frequency range of interest at a fixed antenna height and EUT azimuth.
3) If appropriate, manipulate the system cables to produce the highest amplitude signal relative to the
limit. Note the amplitude and frequency of the suspect signal.
4) Rotate the EUT 360° to maximize the suspected highest amplitude signal. If the signal or another
at a different frequency is observed to exceed the previously noted highest amplitude signal by 1 dB
or more, go back to the azimuth and repeat step 3). Otherwise, orient the EUT azimuth to repeat the
highest amplitude observation and proceed.
5) Move the antenna over its fully allowed range of travel to maximize the suspected highest
amplitude signal. If the signal or another at a different frequency is observed to exceed the previously
noted highest amplitude signal by 1 dB or more, return to step 3) with the antenna fixed at this height.
Otherwise, move the antenna to the height that repeats the highest amplitude observation and
6) Change the polarity of the antenna and repeat step 3), step 4), and step 5). Compare the resulting
suspected highest amplitude signal with that found for the other polarity. Select and note the higher of
the two signals.
7) The final maximized level displayed on the EMC analyzer is the field strength.


                                                                                         Amp Power
                       EUT                            3 M.

                                                               Roberts Dipole,
           80 cm                                                                         Calibrated
                                                               Bi - conical, and
                                                               Log Periodic antennae     Amplifier
                                                               below 1 GHz.
                                                                                         For low level
                                                               Double Ridged Guide
                                                               above 1 GHz.



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                                                           ANNEX C
Several of the FCC / IC rules that are referenced.

Section 15.247(b) (3): For systems using digital modulation in the 902-928 MHz, 2400-2483.5 MHz, and 5725-5850 MHz
bands: 1 Watt. As an alternative to a peak power measurement, compliance with the one Watt limit can be based on a
measurement of the maximum conducted output power. Maximum Conducted Output Power is defined as the total transmit
power delivered to all antennas and antenna elements averaged across all symbols in the signaling alphabet when the
transmitter is operating at its maximum power control level. Power must be summed across all antennas and antenna
elements. The average must not include any time intervals during which the transmitter is off or is transmitting at a reduced
power level. If multiple modes of operation are possible (e.g., alternative modulation methods), the maximum conducted
output power is the highest total transmit power occurring in any mode.

1997 FCC Decisions, Amendment of Parts 2 and 15. 7 CR 534, 12 FCC Rcd 7488, 62 FR 26239, 1997 FCC LEXIS 1927. FCC
917-114 Report and Order, Released: April 10, 1997:
Section 15.247(c): Spurious emissions. The following tests are required:

(1) RF antenna conducted test: Set RBW = 100 kHz, Video bandwidth (VBW) > RBW, scan up through 10th harmonic. All
harmonics/spurs must be at least 20 dB down from the highest emission level within the authorized band as measured with a 100
kHz RBW.
(2) Radiated emission test: Applies to harmonics/spurs that fall in the restricted bands listed in Section 15.205. The maximum
permitted average field strength is listed in Section 15.209. A pre-amp (and possibly a high-pass filter) is necessary for this
measurement. For measurements above 1 GHz, set RBW = 1 MHz, VBW = 10 Hz, Sweep: Auto. If the emission is pulsed, modify
the unit for continuous operation, use the settings shown above, then correct the reading by subtracting the peak-average correction
factor, derived from the appropriate duty cycle calculation. See Section 15.35(b) and (c).

§15.33 Frequency range of radiated measurements.
(a) For an intentional radiator, the spectrum shall be investigated from the lowest radio frequency signal generated in the device,
without going below 9 kHz, up to at least the frequency shown in this paragraph:
(1) If the intentional radiator operates below 10 GHz: to the tenth harmonic of the highest fundamental frequency or to 40 GHz,
whichever is lower.

Section 15.33 (b) - Frequency range of radiated measurements. For unintentional radiators: see part. (9kHz or lowest
generated to 5GHz or 5th harmonic)

Section 15.35 Measurement detector functions and bandwidths. - The conducted and radiated emission limits shown in this part
are based on the following, unless otherwise specified elsewhere in this part:

(a) …( (a) does not apply to this report)

(b) Unless otherwise specified, on any frequency or frequencies above 1000 MHz, the radiated emission limits are based on the
use of measurement instrumentation employing an average detector function. Unless otherwise specified, measurements above
1000 MHz shall be performed using a minimum resolution bandwidth of 1 MHz. When average radiated emission measurements
are specified in this part, including average emission measurements below 1000 MHz, there also is a limit on the peak level of the
radio frequency emissions. Unless otherwise specified, e.g., see §§15.250, 15.252, 15.255, and 15.509-15.519, the limit on peak
radio frequency emissions is 20 dB above the maximum permitted average emission limit applicable to the equipment under test.
This peak limit applies to the total peak emission level radiated by the device, e.g., the total peak power level. Note that the use of a
pulse desensitization correction factor may be needed to determine the total peak emission level. The instruction manual or
application note for the measurement instrument should be consulted for determining pulse desensitization factors, as necessary.

(c) Unless otherwise specified, e.g. §15.255(b), when the radiated emission limits are expressed in terms of the average value of
the emission, and pulsed operation is employed, the measurement field strength shall be determined by averaging over one
complete pulse train, including blanking intervals, as long as the pulse train does not exceed 0.1 seconds. As an alternative
(provided the transmitter operates for longer than 0.1 seconds) or in cases where the pulse train exceeds 0.1 seconds, the
measured field strength shall be determined from the average absolute voltage during a 0.1 second interval during which the field
strength is at its maximum value. The exact method of calculating the average field strength shall be submitted with any application
for certification or shall be retained in the measurement data file for equipment subject to Declaration of Conformity or verification.

RSS-GEN 4.9 Transmitter Unwanted Emissions:
The search for unwanted emissions shall be from the lowest frequency internally generated or used in the device (local oscillator,
intermediate or carrier frequency), or from 30 MHz, whichever is the lower, to the 5th harmonic of the highest frequency generated
without exceeding 40 GHz.

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Document Created: 2017-10-24 21:27:26
Document Modified: 2017-10-24 21:27:26

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