Test Report


Test Report

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TITLE: Test Report For title 47 Part 15.249 and RSS-210 Low Power Devices for 100G
Remote (type 2 permissive change)
AUTHOR: Mark Kvamme

  REV            CCO            DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE                             DATE           APPROVALS
   001                         initial upload

                                                 REVISION HISTORY

                                         NOTICE OF PROPRIETARY INFORMATION
  Information contained herein is proprietary and is property of ITRON, Inc. where furnished with a proposal, the recipient shall use it
  solely to evaluate the proposal. Where furnished to a customer it shall be used solely for the purposes of inspection, installation or
  maintenance. Where furnished to a supplier, it shall be used solely in the performance of work contracted for this company. The
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                                        Test Data Summary
                               FCC Part 15.249 / IC RSS-210 Annex 2
                             Field strength of Low Power Transmitters,
                                  500GR Remote, 908 MHz for EUT
                  FCC ID: EWQ100GDLRS                     IC: 864D-100GDLRS ISED HVIN: 7S

Rule                       Description            Spec Limit            Max. Reading                      Pass/Fail
15.31(e)                   Variation of Supply    n/a                   N/A (battery)                     N/A
                           Powerline              n/a                   N/A (battery)                     N/A
Part 15.207 /              conducted
RSS-Gen 8.8                emissions
15.249(d) / 15.209         Out of band non-       table                 None                              Pass
RSS Gen 6.13, 8.9, 8.10    harmonic radiated
and                        emissions
RSS 210 A2.9(b)
15.35(b) /                 duty cycle             calculated            not applied                       N/A
RSS Gen 6.10               corrections
                           Radiated emissions     Fundamental ;         Fundamental: quasi peak level =   Pass
                           of transmitter         94 dbuV/m Avg         93.29 dbuV/m @ 908MHz
                           fundamental and        Harmonics ;           Harmonics: Peak level=
 15.249(a) /               harmonics              Peak 74 dbuV/m        53.08dbuV/m @ 7264 MHz
 RSS-210 A2.9(a)                                  Avg 54 dbuV/m
 15.249(d) / 15.209         Band Edge,            -50dBc or 46          45.13 dbuV/m @ 902 MHz            Pass
 RSS-210 A2.9(a) /          radiated              dbuV/m (lesser)       44.03 dbuV/m @ 928 MHz
 RSS Gen 6.13, 8.9
 15.215 (c) /               20dB Bandwidth       <0.5% of the center                                      Pass
 RSS Gen 6.6 and                                 frequency              Not Measured
 RSS 210 A1.1.3
Rule versions: FCC Part 1; FCC Part 2; FCC Part 15; RSS-102 Issue 5 (03-2015); RSS-210 Issue 8en (05-2015); RSS 247
Issue 1 (05-2015); RSS-Gen Issue 4 (12-2014).
Reference docs: ANSI C63.4-2003(2009,2014); ANSI C63.10-2003(2009,2013); DA 00-705 (03-30-2000); OET65 (08-
1997); OET65C (06-2001); IEEE C95.3-2002.(2003, 2010); RSP100 issue11; SDR KDB 442812 D01 (07-2014); Exposure
KDB 227498D01 (02-2014)

                                                  Cognizant Personnel

                             Mark Kvamme                                 Test Technician
                                Name                                           Title

                            Johann De Jager                             Project Engineer
                                 Name                                         Title

                              Jay Holcomb                                  Regulatory
                                 Name                                        Title

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                                       CONDITIONS DURING TESTING

No Modifications to the EUT were necessary during the testing.

FCC 15.31(m) – IC _n/a_; Number of Channel
This device operates and was tested on one channel.

ANSI C63.4 - Temperature and Humidity During Testing
The temperature during testing was within +10º C and +40º C.
The Relative humidity was between 10% and 90%.
RSS-Gen 4.3 (g): Tests shall be performed at ambient temperature

Itron declares that the EUT tested was representative of a production unit.


EUT Module
Manufacturer:            Itron, Inc.
Itron P/N:               ERG-5006-009
Serial Number(s)         Listed Below
Power source             Fresh Batteries were used

Plot Information
In the zero span measurements, the line in the display is the trigger level.

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Variation of Supply Voltage
Vary the supply voltage from 85% to 115% of the nominal voltage. If the power level of the fundamental
signal varies with supply voltage, record the voltage level at which the fundamental signal is at its highest and
use that voltage level for all further testing.


15.207 / RSS-GEN 8.8
Power line Conducted Emissions
Measure the AC power line conducted emissions from 150kHz to 30 MHz using a 50mH/50ohm line
impedance stabilization network (LISN) according to the procedure specified in ANSI C63.4. Verify that no
emissions exceed the following limits:

                                    Frequency      Quasi-Peak        Average
                                      (MHz)           (dBuV)         (dBuV)
                                     0.15-0.5        66 to 56*      56 to 46*
                                       0.5-5            56             46
                                       5-30             60             50
                                   Decreases with the logarithm of frequency


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15.249(d) / 15.209 / RSS Gen 6.13, 8.9, 8.10 and RSS 210 A2.9(b)
Out of band non-harmonic emissions
Except as provided elsewhere in this subpart, the emissions from an intentional radiator shall not exceed the
field strength levels specified in the following table
         Frequency              Field Strength          in       Measurement
           (MHz)              (microvolts/meter)      dBuV/m        Distance
        0.009-0.490              2440F (kHz)                          300
        0.490-1.705              2400F (kHz)                           30
         1.705-30.0                    30              29.5            30
            30-88                     100               40              3
           88-216                     150              43.5             3
          216-960                     200               46              3
         Above 960                    500               54              3
          FS (dBuV/) = 20 * log (FS(uV/m))
   * Adjust when measuring at different distances than specified; 40dB/decade <30MHz and 20dB/decade
   >=30MHz. (at 30MHz depends on the antenna used)
note: 15.249(e) As shown in §15.35(b), for frequencies above 1000 MHz, the field strength limits in
paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section are based on average limits. However, the peak field strength of any
emission shall not exceed the maximum permitted average limits specified above by more than 20 dB under
any condition of modulation.

Measure the field strength of all spurious emissions that are not harmonics according to the procedure in
Appendix A.

For emissions measurements below 30MHz, rotate the loop antenna about its horizontal and vertical positions
to maximize emissions.

Frequency range investigated 9kHz to 9.08Ghz
       no emissions found

15.35(b)/ RSS Gen 6.10
Pulsed Operation / Duty Cycle Corrections
Calculate the maximum duty cycle of the transmitter that will occur in any 100ms. Perform the following
Duty Cycle dB = |20 * log(Duty Cycle %)|
Duty Cycle dB = |20 * log (N/A)
Duty Cycle dB = N/A db

Unit tested with a fresh Battery: N/A

Duty Cycle Correction was not applied

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15.249(a)/RSS-210 Sec. A2.9,(a)
Transmitter Fundamental and Harmonics
(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, the field strength of emissions from intentional
radiators operated within these frequency bands shall comply with the following: (table below)
(c) Field strength limits are specified at a distance of 3 meters.
(e) As shown in §15.35(b), for frequencies above 1000 MHz, the field strength limits in paragraphs (a) and (b)
of this section are based on average limits. However, the peak field strength of any emission shall not exceed
the maximum permitted average limits specified above by more than 20 dB under any condition of
         Measure the field strength of the transmitter fundamental and harmonic emissions at three meters
         according to the procedure in Appendix A. Record emissions levels with the transmitter near its
         lowest, middle, and highest frequencies. The maximum field strength of emissions may not exceed:
                               Fundamental            in      Harmonics         in
                                  (mV/m)          (dBuV/m)      (mV/m)     (dBuV/m)
                                  50,000             94           500          54
                                  FS (dBuV/m) = 20 * log (FS(uV/m))

                        Equipment Used                                           Cal Date       Due
               Agilent E4440A Spectrum Analyzer               MY45305142     4/18/2016      4/18/2017
               Emco 6502 Loop (9kHz to 30MHz)                  9509-2970         3/3/2016    3/3/2018
           Emco 3110B Biconical (30MHz-to 300MHz)              9203-2455     1/10/2017      1/10/2019
             Emco 3115 waveguide (1Ghz - 18GHz)                9205-3878     3/7/2016       3/7/2018
          EMCO 3146 Log periodic (200MHz to 1GHz)              9203-3358     1/10/2017      1/10/2019
                   Huber Suhner 40 foot cable                     N/A        4/29/2016      4/29/2017
                      1.3Ghz high pass filter                   405734       12/16/2016     12/16/2017
               minicircuits ZVA183 (001 and 002)                  N/A        12/16/2016     12/16/2017
                     Microcoax 3 foot cable                       N/A        12/16/2016     12/16/2017
                               Date                                         Tested by
                        February 10, 2017                                  Mark Kvamme

Unit tested with a fresh Battery: 19805555

                                rbw=120                                                               rbw=120
               rbw=120KHz                                                          rbw=120KHz
                                  Khz                                                                   Khz
               vbw=300KH                                                           vbw=300KH
                   z                                                                   z
                                 Quasi          antenna                               peak       Quasi Peak
                  peak                                                amplifie
 Frequenc                        Peak           correctio    cable                  corrected     corrected
                 Reading                                               r gain
   y Mhz                        reading          n factor   loss db                   level         level
                  dbm                                                    db
                                  dbm             db/m                              dbuv/m(3)    dbuv/m (4)

         908         -36.76       -38.9      22.22        2.97           0           95.43         93.29
(3) Level (dBuV/m)=peak Level (dbm)+107 – Amplifier Gain (db) +Ant. Factor (db/m) + Cable Loss (db)
(4) Level (dBuV/m)=Quasi peak Level (dbm)+107 – Amplifier Gain (db) +Ant. Factor (db/m) + Cable Loss (db)

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                 rbw=1MHz      rbw=1MHz                                         rbw=1MHz    rbw=1MHz
                 vbw=1MHz      vbw=10hz                                         vbw=1MHz    vbw=10hz
                                                                                   peak      average
                   peak        Average                                          corrected   corrected
   Frequency                                 correction    cable    amplifier
                  Reading      reading                                             level       level
      Mhz                                      factor     loss db    gain db
                   dbm           dbm                                              dbuv/m      dbuv/m
                                                                                    (3)         (4)
          7264        -56.85        -69.2        37.91       9.81      44.79        53.08       40.73
          9080        -56.71      -66.34         36.27       8.74         46         49.3       39.67
          3632         -49.3                     32.26       7.01      49.23        47.74
          1816        -47.96                     31.56       6.28       49.3        47.58
          6356        -54.43                        34       7.66      47.62        46.61
          5448        -43.25                     26.82       4.39      48.38        46.58
          4540         -59.2                       34.6      8.21       46.3        44.31
          2724           -65                     37.02       9.32      45.54         42.8
           8172       -51.72                   28.77        5.42       48.78        40.69
(3) Level (dBuV/m) = peak Level (dbm)+107 – Amplifier Gain (db) +Ant. Factor (db/m) + Cable Loss (db)
(4) Level (dBuV/m) = Average Level (dbm)+107 – Amplifier Gain (db) +Ant. Factor (db/m) + Cable Loss (db)

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FCC Part 15.249(d) / 15.209 / RSS 2110 A.2.9(a) / RSS GEN 6.13, 8.9
Band Edge, radiated

(d) Emissions radiated outside of the specified frequency bands, except for harmonics, shall be attenuated by
at least 50 dB below the level of the fundamental or to the general radiated emission limits in §15.209
(200uV/m(46dbuV/m) at 3 meters), whichever is the lesser attenuation.

Use the following spectrum analyzer settings:

        Span = wide enough to capture the peak level of the emission operating on the channel closest to the
        band edge, as well as any modulation products which fall outside of the authorized band of operation
        RBW  1% of the span
        VBW  RBW
        Sweep = auto
        Detector function = peak
        Trace = max hold

Allow the trace to stabilize. Set the marker on the emission at the band edge, or on the highest modulation
product outside of the band, if this level is greater than that at the band edge. Enable the marker-delta
function, and then use the marker-to-peak function to move the marker to the peak of the in-band emission.
The marker-delta value now displayed must comply with the limit specified in this Section. Submit this plot.

Now, using the same instrument settings, enable the hopping function of the EUT. Allow the trace to stabilize.
Follow the same procedure listed above to determine if any spurious emissions caused by the hopping
function also comply with the specified limit.

                         Equipment Used                                         Cal Date       Due
               Agilent E4440A Spectrum Analyzer              MY45305142      4/18/2016       4/18/2017
          EMCO 3146 Log periodic (200MHz to 1GHz)             9203-3358      1/10/2017       1/10/2019
                   Huber Suhner 40 foot cable                    N/A         4/29/2016       4/29/2017
                               Date                                         Tested by
                        February 10, 2017                                 Mark Kvamme

                                rbw=120                                                              rbw=120
               rbw=120KHz                                                         rbw=120KHz
                                  Khz                                                                  Khz
               vbw=300KH                                                          vbw=300KH
                   z                                                                  z
                                 Quasi         antenna                               peak          Quasi Peak
                  peak                                               amplifie
 Frequenc                        Peak          correctio    cable                  corrected        corrected
                 Reading                                              r gain
   y Mhz                        reading         n factor   loss db                   level            level
                  dbm                                                   db
                                  dbm            db/m                              dbuv/m(3)       dbuv/m (4)

        908           -36.76          -38.9        22.22      2.97          0              95.43         93.29
        902                        -86.73           21.9      2.96          0                            45.13
         928                     -88.28        22.3       3.01           0                         44.03
(3) Level (dBuV/m)=peak Level (dbm)+107 – Amplifier Gain (db) +Ant. Factor (db/m) + Cable Loss (db)
(4) Level (dBuV/m)=Quasi peak Level (dbm)+107 – Amplifier Gain (db) +Ant. Factor (db/m) + Cable Loss (db)

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15.215 (c) / RSS-GEN 6.6 and RSS 210 A1.1.3
20 dB Bandwidth, conducted
The emission bandwidth (x dB) is defined as the frequency range between two points, one above and one
below the carrier frequency, at which the spectral density of the emission is attenuated x dB below the
maximum in-band spectral density of the modulated signal. Spectral density (power per unit bandwidth) is to
be measured with a detector of resolution bandwidth in the range of 1% to 5% of the anticipated emission
bandwidth, and a video bandwidth at least 3x the resolution bandwidth.

When the occupied bandwidth limit is not stated in the applicable RSS or reference measurement method, the
transmitted signal bandwidth shall be reported as the 99% emission bandwidth, as calculated or measured.

• The transmitter shall be operated at its maximum carrier power measured under normal test conditions.
• The span of the analyzer shall be set to capture all products of the modulation process, including the
emission skirts.
• The resolution bandwidth (RBW) shall be in the range of 1% to 5% of the occupied bandwidth (OBW) and
video bandwidth (VBW) shall be approximately 3x RBW.

Note: Video averaging is not permitted.
DUT is endpoint 12, battery was new.

Conducted measurements were not affected by antenna change.

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                                            Appendix A
Field Strength Measurement Procedure

This test measures the field strength of radiated emissions using a spectrum analyzer and a
receiving antenna in accordance with ANSI C63.4-2003. During the test, the EUT is to be placed
on a non-conducting support at 80 cm above the horizontal ground plane of the OATS. The
horizontal distance between the antenna and the EUT is to be exactly 3 meters. The bandwidths
used shall be per ANSI C63.4-2003; 200 Hz from 9 kHz to 150 kHz, 9 kHz from 150 kHz to 30
MHz, 100 kHz from 30 MHz to 1000 MHz, and 1 MHz from 1 GHz to 40 GHz, with the detector
set to peak hold or quasi peak .

1) The antenna correction factor, preamplifier gain (if the preamplifier is installed), and cable loss
are stored in tables in the EMC analyzer and the level at the analyzer is the corrected level in
2) Monitor the frequency range of interest at a fixed antenna height and EUT azimuth.
3) If appropriate, manipulate the system cables to produce the highest amplitude signal relative to
the limit. Note the amplitude and frequency of the suspect signal.
4) Rotate the EUT 360° to maximize the suspected highest amplitude signal. If the signal or
another at a different frequency is observed to exceed the previously noted highest amplitude
signal by 1 dB or more, go back to the azimuth and repeat step 3). Otherwise, orient the EUT
azimuth to repeat the highest amplitude observation and proceed.
5) Move the antenna over its fully allowed range of travel to maximize the suspected highest
amplitude signal. If the signal or another at a different frequency is observed to exceed the
previously noted highest amplitude signal by 1 dB or more, return to step 3) with the antenna
fixed at this height. Otherwise, move the antenna to the height that repeats the highest amplitude
observation and proceed.
6) Change the polarity of the antenna and repeat step 3), step 4), and step 5). Compare the
resulting suspected highest amplitude signal with that found for the other polarity. Select and note
the higher of the two signals.
7) The final maximized level displayed on the EMC analyzer is the field strength.

                                                                                   Amp Power
                  EUT                           3 M.

                                                         Roberts Dipole,
       80 cm                                                                       Calibrated
                                                         Bi - conical, and
                                                         Log Periodic antennae     Amplifier
                                                         below 1 GHz.
                                                                                   For low level
                                                         Double Ridged Guide
                                                         above 1 GHz.



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Document Created: 2017-03-28 07:23:46
Document Modified: 2017-03-28 07:23:46

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