Users Guide 3


Users Manual

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Rotary Meter Installation

To program the 100G series remote gas module
•   Program the meter drive rate into the 100G series remote gas module using a handheld computer or Belt
    Clip Radio and laptop computer.
•   For all programming and Check Endpoint operations using a handheld computer, hold the handheld as
    close to vertical as possible. For best success, keep the handheld within six feet of the target ERT module.
•   Verify you have the correct programming mode (fixed network mode, mobile high power mode,
    mobile/handheld mode, or hard-to-read mobile/handheld mode) for your application.
Programming parameters are based on the configuration file loaded into the programming device. During
programming, the 100G series remote gas module is set to the nearest 100 cubic feet; the last two digits (tens
and units) are programmed as zeros (0). After programming is complete, the ERT module assembly will read
to the nearest cubic foot.
•   Read or Check the 100G series remote gas module using the handheld computer or Belt Clip Radio.
    • If the read result is higher than the number programmed in step 1, the 100G series remote gas module
       is counting correctly.
    • If the read result is not higher than the number programmed in step 1, replace the 100G series remote
       gas module.

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Electronic Instrument Installation

This section provides the instructions to install the 100G series remote gas module on:
•   Honeywell Mercury Instruments Mini-P, Mini-AT, Mini-Max, and EC-AT
•   Honeywell Mercury Instruments Temperature Compensated Indexes (TCI)
•   GE Dresser IMC/W2 and MC2 Micro Correctors

    Mini-AT                Mini-Max                   EC-AT

TCI                        IMC/W2                            MC2

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Electronic Instrument Installation

Installation Prerequisites
100G series remote gas module installation to a volume corrector or instrument requires:
•   100G series remote gas module ERT module compatible to a volume corrector or instrument (see the
    100G Series Remote ERT Module Meter Compatibility List on page 3).
•   Volume corrector or instrument compatible with the remote ERT module.
•   Proper tools and devices for installation and programming (see Installation Prerequisites on page 7).

Installation Overview
Installing the 100G series remote gas module to a volume corrector or instrument involves five tasks:
1. Programming the Honeywell Mercury Instrument (see Programming the Mercury Instrument Parameters
   on page 34 or reference the Honeywell Instrument Programming Guide for more information).
2. Installing Honeywell Mercury Instrument retrofit parts (if necessary).
3. Attaching the 100G remote gas ERT module to a pipe or vertical flat surface (wall) (see Mounting the
   100G Remote Gas Module on page 8).
4. Connecting the 100G remote gas ERT module to the Honeywell Instrument Volume Corrector (see To
   wire the 100G remote gas module to the Honeywell Mercury Instrument on page 36), Honeywell
   Instrument Temperature Compensating Index (TCI), or GE Dresser Micro Corrector (IMC/W2 or MC2).
5. Programming the 100G series remote gas module (see Programming the 100G Remote Gas ERT Module).

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Electronic Instrument Installation

Programming the Honeywell Instrument Parameters
Code Settings
Volume          Item Code Settings and Corresponding Terminal Board Channel                                                                         Terminal Board Connections*
Instrument Type
                Pulse Output Options Channel A        Channel B       Channel C           Number of Blanked Pulse Output Spacing                    Ka, Ya = Channel A
                                                                                          digits on CorVol

                                         #056 #93 #057 #094 #058 #09 #96                                        #115         #1014 #1015
                 Pulse Board Ver-1(3) n/a         n/a    n/a     n/a      n/a     n/a     n/a                   n/a          n/a        n/a         Module does not support a Form-C
ECAT             Form-C                                                                                                                             pulse output board.
                 Pulse Board Ver-2(3) 2.0000 0           2.0000 0         2.0000 0        1, 2, 3, or 4         1, 2, 3, or 4 n/a       n/a         Ka, Kb, Kc (Red Wire)
                 Form-A                                                                                                                             Ya, Yb, Yc (Blue & White Wire)
                                                                                                                                                    Connection must be on same
                                                                                                                                                    terminal board channel (for example,
                                                                                                                                                    Ka/Ya; Kb/Yb; Kc/Yc).
                 Pulse Board Ver-3(2) n/a         n/a    n/a     n/a      2.0000 0        1, 2, 3, or 4         1, 2, 3, or 4 n/a       n/a         Kc (Red Wire) Y (Blue & White
                 Form-C1 Form-A                                                                                                                     Wire). For this option, module must
                                                                                                                                                    be connected to Channel C.
Mini with Form Main Board Type-2         2.0000 0        n/a     n/a      n/a     n/a     1, 2, 3, or 4         1, 2, 3, or 4 n/a       n/a         K (Red Wire) Y (Blue & White
A Mainboard                                                                                                                                         Wire).
                                                                                                                                                    For optional SPA Bd., jumper must
                                                                                                                                                    be installed on J1-B as indicated in
                                                                                                                                                    the Mercury Quick Reference Guide
                                                                                                                                                    (page 148) for Form A.
Mini-AT          JB29, JB30 & JB31 2.0000 0              2.0000 0         n/a     n/a     1, 2, 3, or 4         1, 2, 3, or 4 n/a       n/a         K (Red Wire) Y (Blue & White
                 Jumpered for Form-A                                                                                                                Wire).
                                                                                                                                                    For optional SPA Bd., jumper must
                                                                                                                                                    be installed on J1-B as indicated in
                                                                                                                                                    the Mercury Quick Reference Guide
                                                                                                                                                    (page 148) for Form-A.
                 JB29, JB30 & JB31 n/a            n/a    n/a     n/a      n/a     n/a     n/a                   n/a          n/a        n/a         Module does not support a Form-C
                 Jumpered for Form-C                                                                                                                pulse output board.
Mini-Max         All Main Boards         2        0      2       0        n/a     n/a     1, 2, 3, or 4         1, 2, or 4   n/a        n/a         K (Red Wire) Ya or Yb (Blue &
                                                                                                                                                    White Wire)

          •   Code 0 for items 093, 094 & 095 = Corrected Volume Pulse Data
          •   Code 1 for item 115 = 1.000 Sec.
          •   Code 2 for item 115 = 2.000 Sec.
          •   Code 1 for item 096 = blank 1 digit and display 7 digits
          •   Code 2 for item 096 = blank 2 digits and display 6 digits
          •   Code 3 for item 096 = blank 3 digits and display 5 digits
          •   Code 4 for item 096 = blank 4 digits and display 4 digits
*For more information, see pages 11-20 of the "Basic Pulse Information for Honeywell Instruments, Inc., Electronic Volume Correctors" manual, or contact Honeywell Mercury
Instruments at 513-272-1111.

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Electronic Instrument Installation

Honeywell Mercury Instrument programming parameters:
          Caution A Honeywell Mercury Instrument must have a Form A board. A Form C board is not
          compatible with the remote 100G DLS module.

•   Item #056: Pulse A Scaling. Set at 2.0000 for a form A switch.
•   Item #057: Pulse A Scaling. Set at 2.0000 for a form A switch.
•   Item #058: Pulse A Scaling. Set at 2.0000 for a form A switch.
•   Item #090: Corrected Volume Units: Code (0-20) selects the unit of measure for Corrected Volume
    (Item000) and other "CorrVol" related items.
•   Item #092: Uncorrected Volume Units: Code (0-20) selects the unit of measure for Uncorrected Volume
    (Item002) and other "UncVol" related items.
•   Item # 093, 094, 095: Type of gas volume information to be sent. For "CorrVol" selected, must be set at 0.
•   Item # 096: Corrected Volume Display: Must be set at 1, 2, 3 or 4 blanks. Module does not support a
    setting of 0 blanks.
•   Item # 097: Uncorrected Volume Display: Must be set at 1, 2, 3, or 4 blanks. Module does not support a
    setting of blanks.
•   Item # 098: Check drive rate of the corrector. Should be the same as the plate above the uncorrected dials
    and the same as the plate on the index drive of the meter.
•   Item # 115: Output Pulse Code: Must be set at 1 or 2.

To wire the 100G series remote gas module to the Honeywell Mercury Instrument
1. Insert the ERT module cable into the instrument's compression connector.

2. Strip one inch of the outer insulation from the 100G series remote gas module.

    Caution Keep wires away from the rotating magnetic spindle in the Honeywell Mercury Instrument.

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Electronic Instrument Installation

3. Strip 1/4-inch individual wire insulation from the red, white, and blue lead wires.

4. Twist the blue and white wires together and connect them to the Honeywell Mercury Instrument terminal
   strip connector (Phoenix connector) following the Honeywell Mercury Instrument Code Settings on page
   35 Table.

5. Connect the red wire following the Code Setting on page 35 Table.

    Note In Honeywell Instrument EC-AT correctors, the connector may be soldered to the pulse board.
6. See Mounting the 100G Remote Gas ERT Module on page 8 for module mounting instructions.

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Electronic Instrument Installation

Wiring Dual ERT Modules to a Honeywell Mercury Instrument
This section includes the information to wire dual ERT modules to a single Honeywell Instrument. Installation
requires the correct programming parameters (see Code Settings on page 35).
With Itron 100G series remote gas modules, utilities can receive corrected and uncorrected consumption
values by installing two ERT modules. The ERT module for corrected reads is attached to the corrector's
pulse output. The ERT module for uncorrected reads is attached to the input switch board. The corrected
pulse output is programmable; the uncorrected pulse output is dependent on the connected meter's drive rate.

          Important Some Honeywell Instruments have two pulse outputs so the uncorrected pulse output
          could be connected to the additional output, but the connection should be to the input switch board
          in case the corrector battery fails. Counts will be collected if the uncorrected pulse is connected to
          the switch board since the board is not dependent on battery power.

Dual remote ERT modules mounted on a Honeywell Mercury Instrument

To install dual 100G Series Gas ERT Modules to a Honeywell Mercury Instrument Mini-Max
Case Volume Corrector using Honeywell Mercury Instrument Kit 22-1077

1. Place the Honeywell Mercury Instrument volume corrector in shutdown condition and disconnect all
   power from the Mini-Max main board.
2. Remove the battery pack from the volume corrector and set it aside.
3. Remove the four screws from the main board and the board from the enclosure. Set the board aside.
4. Remove the two hex screws from the input switchboard and the switchboard from the enclosure and set it
   aside. You will re-install the switchboard later.
    Warning The battery pack, main board and switchboard may be damaged if left in the Honeywell
    Mercury Instrument volume corrector while completing this installation.
5. Drill two 3/16-inch holes in the back of the Mini-Max enclosure as specified by the information included
   in the kit. Remove any metal shavings from the enclosure.
6. Clean the remote 100G DLS modules with the alcohol wipe where you will place the Corrected and
   Uncorrected labels (included in the kit).

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Electronic Instrument Installation

    Note Clean the 100G series remote gas modules with the alcohol wipe to ensure good label adhesion.
7. Mount the module for corrected pulse outputs on the left bracket mounting space. Insert three #8-32 x 1/2-
    inch screws in a triangular pattern. Install the top screw so the head of the screw is approximately 1/8-inch
    from the ERT mounting bracket surface. Slide the module onto the screw so the mounting lug fits securely
    onto the screw. If necessary, remove the module and make any necessary adjustment to the screw depth to
    ensure a secure fit. Install the two bottom screws in an alternating fashion.
8. Mount the module for uncorrected pulse outputs on the right bracket mounting space. Insert three #8-32 x
    1/2-inch screws in a triangular pattern. Install the top screw so the head of the screw is approximately 1/8-
    inch from the ERT mounting bracket surface. Slide the ERT module onto the screw so the mounting lug
    fits securely onto the screw. If necessary, remove the module and make any necessary adjustment to the
    screw depth to ensure a secure fit. Install the two bottom screws in an alternating fashion.
9. Route the module cables under the bracket edge and toward the rear of the Honeywell Instrument.
10. Mount the ERT mounting bracket (Honeywell Mercury Instrument part number 22-1077, included in the
    kit) onto the Mini-Max enclosure. Place a #8 metal flat washer followed by a rubber sealing washer onto
    both #8-32 x 3/8-inch screws. Align the lower threaded holes in the mounting bracket with the drilled
    enclosure holes and insert a screw/washer through the enclosure housing. Screws heads must be inside the
    enclosure. Tighten both screws using a screwdriver.
    Note Aligning the second bracket threaded hole and drilled hole may require some manipulation of the
    mounting bracket.
11. Insert the module cables (both units) through the large cable strain relief on the left rear of the instrument's
    enclosure. Leave a one-half to one inch drip loop under the cable strain relief.
12. Secure three cable ties on the module cables in three places on the cables as specified by information
    included in the kit.
13. Re-install the input switchboard, main board, and battery pack removed in step 2.
14. Connect the corrected module wires to TB1 on the Mini-Max board following the table below. Use
    Honeywell Mercury Instrument upgrade kit 40-2678-1 to provide the second pulse output channel for the
    uncorrected endpoint.
    Corrected ERT Module Connections
    ERT Module               Mini-Max TB1
    Red wire                 K terminal
    Blue wire*                       Ya terminal
    White wire*                      Ya terminal
    *Twist the blue and white module wires together before connecting to the Mini-Max board.
    Tighten terminal connections securely.

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Electronic Instrument Installation

15. Connect the uncorrected module wires to the Input Switch Board UNC. VOL following the table below.
    Uncorrected ERT Module Connections
    ERT Module                       Mini-Max Input
                                     Switch Board UNC. Vol.
    Red wire                         COM terminal
    Blue wire*                       NO terminal
    White wire*                      NO terminal
    *Twist the blue and white ERT module wires together before connecting to the Mini-Max board.
    Tighten terminal connections securely.
16. Tighten the large strain relief securely.
    Warning Do not crush the module through-cables when tightening the strain relief.
17. Re-install or reconnect the power or battery sources.
18. Close the instrument case and tighten the case screw securely. Replace any locks that were removed for

Wiring the Remote ERT Module to the Honeywell Mercury TCI
The Honeywell Mercury Instruments Temperature Compensating Index (TCI) provides two Form-A volume
pulse outputs and one Form-B alarm output. These outputs are electronic switches. The Form-A pulse outputs
are configurable for compensated or uncompensated volume. The Form-B output is for alarm output use only.

Connections to the three output pulse channels are completed using the lead wires (the individual wires from a
cable) and gel-connectors. The TCI unit has six lead wires and six gel-connectors (Itron part number CON-
0023-001) to enable pulse connections to ancillary devices. Lead wires are located inside the gray adapter
plate behind the black strain relief fitting.

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Electronic Instrument Installation

Adapter plate with                   Lead cable wires         Honeywell Mercury TCI adapter backplate
black fitting                                                 (Honeywell Mercury part number 22-1929)

To make TCI pulse connections
    Note Connect one ERT module/channel to the alarm output if the modules are used on channels A and B.
1. Remove strain relief fitting by unscrewing from the gray adapter plate.

    Note Do not remove the fitting's hex nut. Unscrew the entire fitting from the gray adapter plate. A tether
    line is secured to the strain relief fitting. When the strain relief fitting is removed, the tether line pulls the
    lead wires out of the adapter plate for access to the lead wires.
2. Loosen the strain relief fitting hex nut and remove the white plug from the center.
3. Place the strain relief fitting onto the field pulse cable.

4. If the field pulse cable is smaller than a 0.2-inch diameter, install the rubber tube supplied with the TCI
   onto the cable so the strain relief will clamp onto the tube after it is reinstalled.

5. Connect the individual external pulse cable conductors to the lead wires following Configuration for two
   ERT modules connected to one TCI. Insert one lead wire into an opening of a gel-connector (six gel-
   connectors were included with the TCI). Insert the appropriate field cable wire into the other gel-
   connector opening.
    Configuration for two ERT modules connected to one TCI
    Channel A

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Electronic Instrument Installation

             ERG-500x-503                                          TCI
                   White                                    Orange and brown
                   Red                                          Yellow
                   Blue                                       Blue (alarm)
    Channel B
           ERG-500x-503                                            TCI
                   White                                          White
                   Red                                            Green
                   Blue                                           White

6. Verify both wires are fully inserted into the gel-connector prior to crimping.

    Important Use a crimping tool compatible with gel-connectors. Do not use a standard pliers for crimping
    gel-connects. The crimping tool provides an even pressured crimp to make a secure connection. Apply
    pressure for three seconds until the gel cap is fully crimped (collapsed) to allow time for the low viscosity
    silicone-based gel to flow. If the silicone gel flows out of the crimped connector, avoid touching the gel.
    Gel flowing from the connector provides environmental protection for the connection.
7. Insert the gel-connected wires into the threaded gray adapter plate hole.

8. Replace the strain relief and tighten until secure.
Connecting the Remote Module to the IMC/W2 or MC2 Cable
You can ship the Itron 100G series remote gas module directly to GE Dresser for a factory-installed cable. If
you connect the module to the meter using an existing cable purchased from GE Dresser, complete the
following cable installation procedure.

          Caution The purchased cable must have a mating connector compatible with the IMC/W2 or MC2
          receptacle. GE Dresser cables may be wired in different configurations for specific applications. If
          necessary, contact GE Dresser for wiring diagrams for your specific application.

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Electronic Instrument Installation

To connect the remote module to the IMC/W2 or MC2 cable
1. Remove the backplate (4 screws) from the remote module and expose the module lead wires. The
   backplate and screws will be re-installed on the module later in this procedure so store them (temporarily)
   in a safe, secure place.

2. Insert the lead wires from the remote module into new 3M gel connectors (Itron part number CON-0023-
   001) together with the same colored lead wire from the meter cable (see the wiring table below) and crimp
   using a 3M hand-held crimping tool.
    Important Use a crimping tool compatible with gel-connectors. Do not use a standard pliers for crimping
    gel-connects. The crimping tool provides an even pressured crimp to make a secure connection. Apply
    pressure for three seconds until the gel cap is fully crimped (collapsed) to allow time for the low viscosity
    silicone-based gel to flow. If the silicone gel flows out of the crimped connector, avoid touching the gel.
    Gel flowing from the connector provides environmental protection for the connection.

    Note Do not strip lead wire prior to inserting the wire in the gel connector.

    IMC/W2 Wire               Remote Module wire
    Red                       Red
    White                     White
    Blue                      Blue

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Document Created: 2013-02-28 12:26:10
Document Modified: 2013-02-28 12:26:10

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