User Manual

FCC ID: EW780-H0BY-15

Users Manual

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SIP Contemporary Trimstyle Hotel Telephone
User Guide (US version)

SIP contemporary trimstyle 1-line hotel telephone - CTM-S2312
SIP contemporary trimstyle 2-line hotel telephone - CTM-S2322

                                            Important safety instructions
When using your telephone equipment, basic safety precautions should always be followed to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock
and injury, including the following:
1.    This product should be installed by a qualified technician.
2.    This product should only be connected to the host equipment and never directly to the network such as Public Switch Telephone
      Network (PSTN) or Plain Old Telephone Services (POTS).
3.    Read and understand all instructions.
4.    Follow all warnings and instructions marked on the product.
5.    Unplug this product from the wall outlet before cleaning. Do not use liquid or aerosol cleaners. Use a damp cloth for cleaning.
6.    Do not use this product near water such as near a bath tub, wash bowl, kitchen sink, laundry tub or swimming pool, or in a wet
      basement or shower.
7.    Do not place this product on an unstable table, shelf, stand or other unstable surfaces.
8.    Slots and openings in the back or bottom of the telephone base and handset are provided for ventilation. To protect them from
      overheating, these openings must not be blocked by placing the product on a soft surface such as a bed, sofa or rug. This
      product should never be placed near or over a radiator or heat register. This product should not be placed in any area where
      proper ventilation is not provided.
9.    This product should be operated only from the type of power source indicated on the marking label. If you are not sure of the
      type of power supply on the premises, consult your dealer or local power company.
10.   Do not allow anything to rest on the power cord. Do not install this product where the cord may be walked on.
11.   Never push objects of any kind into this product through the slots in the telephone base or handset because they may touch
      dangerous voltage points or create a short circuit. Never spill liquid of any kind on the product.
12.   To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not disassemble this product, but take it to an authorized service facility. Opening or
      removing parts of the telephone base or handset other than specified access doors may expose you to dangerous voltages or
      other risks. Incorrect reassembling can cause electric shock when the product is subsequently used.
13.   Do not overload wall outlets and extension cords.
14.   Unplug this product from the wall outlet and refer servicing to an authorized service facility under the following conditions:
      A. When the power supply cord or plug is damaged or frayed.
      B. If liquid has been spilled onto the product.
      C. If the product has been exposed to rain or water.
      D. If the product does not operate normally by following the operating instructions. Adjust only those controls that are covered
           by the operation instructions. Improper adjustment of other controls may result in damage and often requires extensive work
           by an authorized technician to restore the product to normal operation.
      E. If the product has been dropped and the telephone base and/or handset has been damaged.
      F. If the product exhibits a distinct change in performance.
15.   Avoid using a telephone (other than cordless) during an electrical storm. There is a remote risk of electric shock from lightning.
16.   Only put the handset of your telephone next to your ear when it is in normal talk mode.
17.   In wall mounting position, make sure to mount the telephone base on the wall by aligning the eyelets with the mounting studs of
      the wall plate. Then slide the telephone base down on both mounting studs until it locks into place. Refer to the full instructions
      in Installation in this user guide.
18.   CAUTION: Keep small metallic objects such as pins and staples away from the handset receiver.

                                               SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS


                                              For cETL compliance only
Mesures de sécurité importantes
Afin de réduire les risques d’incendie, de blessures corporelles ou d’électrocution, suivez toujours ces mesures préventives de base
lorsque vous utilisez votre téléphone:
1.    Cet appareil doit être installé par un technicien qualifié.
2.    Cet appareil doit être branché à un équipement hôte et jamais branché à un réseau, tel qu’un réseau PSTN publique ou un
      réseau téléphonique standard (POTS).
3.    Lisez et comprenez bien toutes les instructions.
4.    Observez toutes les instructions et mises en garde inscrites sur l’appareil.
5.    Débranchez ce téléphone de la prise murale avant de le nettoyer. N’utilisez pas de nettoyeurs liquides ni en aérosol. N’utilisez
      qu’un chiffon doux et légèrement humecté.
6.    N’utilisez pas ce produit près de l’eau, tel que près d’un bain, d’un lavabo, d’un évier de cuisine, d’un bac de lavage ou d’une
      piscine, ou dans un sous-sol humide ou sous la douche.
7.    Ne déposez pas ce téléphone sur un chariot, support ou table chancelants. L’appareil pourrait tomber et être sérieusement
8.    Le boîtier de l’appareil est doté de fentes et d’ouvertures d’aération situées à l’arrière ou en dessous. Afin d’empêcher
      la surchauffe, ces ouvertures ne doivent pas être obstruées en plaçant l’appareil sur un lit, divan, tapis ou autre surface
      similaires. Ne placez pas cet appareil à proximité d’un élément de chauffage ni d’une plinthe électrique. De plus, ne l’installez
      pas dans une unité murale ou un cabinet fermé qui ne possède pas d’aération adéquate.
9.    Ne faites fonctionner cet appareil qu’avec le type d’alimentation indiqué sur les étiquettes de l’appareil. Si vous ne connaissez
      pas le voltage de votre maison, consultez votre marchand ou votre fournisseur d’électricité.
10.   Ne déposez rien sur le cordon d’alimentation. Installez cet appareil dans un endroit sécuritaire, là où personne ne pourra
      trébucher sur la ligne d’alimentation ni le cordon téléphonique modulaire.
11.   N’insérez jamais d’objets à travers les fentes et ouvertures de cet appareil, car ils pourraient toucher à des points de tension
      dangereux ou court-circuiter des pièces, ce qui constituerait un risque d’incendie ou d’électrocution. N’échappez pas de
      liquides dans l’appareil.
12.   Afin de réduire les risques d’électrocution, ne démontez pas l’appareil, mais apportez-le plutôt à un centre de service qualifié
      s’il doit être réparé. En enlevant le couvercle, vous vous exposez à des tensions dangereuses ou autres dangers similaires. Un
      remontage inadéquat peut être à l’origine d’une électrocution lors d’une utilisation ultérieure de l’appareil.
13.   Ne surchargez pas les prises de courant ni les rallonges électriques, car ceci peut constituer un risque d’incendie ou
14.   Débranchez cet appareil de la prise de courant et communiquez avec le département de service à la clientèle de VTech dans
      les cas suivants:
      A. Lorsque le cordon d’alimentation est endommagé ou écorché.
      B. Si du liquide a été échappé dans l’appareil.
      C. Si l’appareil a été exposé à une source d’humidité telle que la pluie ou l’eau.
      D. Si l’appareil ne fonctionne pas normalement en suivant les directives du guide. N’ajustez que les commandes couvertes
            dans le guide d’utilisation, car un mauvais réglage de celles-ci peut être à l’origine de dommages, ce qui nécessiterait des
            réparations considérables pour remettre l’appareil à son état de fonctionnement normal.
      E. Si l’appareil a été échappé ou son boîtier, endommagé.
      F. Si le produit affiche une nette diminution de sa performance.
15.   Évitez d’utiliser un téléphone (autre qu’un sans fil) pendant un orage. Les éclairs peuvent être à l’origine d’une électrocution.
16.   Placez uniquement le combiné de votre appareil près de votre oreille lorsqu’il est en mode de conversation normal.
17.   En position de montage mural, assurez-vous de monter le socle du téléphone sur le mur en alignant les oeillets avec les
      goujons de fixation de la plaque murale. Ensuite, faites glisser le socle vers le bas sur les deux goujons de fixation jusqu’à ce
      qu’il se verrouille en place. Reportez-vous aux instructions complètes dans la section Installation dans ce guide d’utilisation.
18.   MISE EN GARDE : Éloignez les petits objets métalliques tels que les broches de l’écouteur du combiné.

                                           CONSERVEZ CES INSTRUCTIONS


Table of contents
Parts checklist ..............................................................................................................................1
Telephone layout ..........................................................................................................................2
SIP contemporary trimstyle 1-line - CTM-S2312 ...........................................................................2
SIP contemporary trimstyle 2-line - CTM-S2322 ...........................................................................3
Installation ....................................................................................................................................4
Installation option - desktop position .............................................................................................4
Installation option - converting from desktop to wall mount position .............................................5
Telephone settings ......................................................................................................................6
Telephone operation ....................................................................................................................7
SIP contemporary trimstyle 1-line - CTM-S2312 ...........................................................................7
SIP contemporary trimstyle 2-line - CTM-S2322 ...........................................................................8
Appendix .......................................................................................................................................9
Troubleshooting ..............................................................................................................................9
VTech Hospitality limited warranty program ................................................................................10
Important note ..............................................................................................................................11
Environmental notes ....................................................................................................................11
Product disposal instructions .......................................................................................................11
Technical information ...................................................................................................................11
European Directives .....................................................................................................................11
Declaration of Conformance ........................................................................................................11
Warning ........................................................................................................................................11
FCC, ACTA and IC regulations ....................................................................................................12
Maintenance .................................................................................................................................13
Technical specifications ...............................................................................................................14
Index ............................................................................................................................................15


Parts checklist

                                                                                                                        Parts checklist
Items contained in the respective telephone package:
Model name            Model number Parts included
SIP contemporary      CTM-S2312
trimstyle 1-line

                                      Telephone base   Wall mount bracket   Corded handset   Cat-5 network cables (2)

SIP contemporary      CTM-S2322
trimstyle 2-line

                                      Telephone base   Wall mount bracket   Corded handset   Cat-5 network cables (2)


Telephone layout
SIP contemporary trimstyle 1-line - CTM-S2312

                                                FLASH                            OFF

                                           SPEAKER                         MUTE
                                          MESSAGES                        SPEED DIAL KEYS
                                          POWER LED

                                                        Wall mount clip





Telephone layout
SIP contemporary trimstyle 2-line - CTM-S2322

                                                                           LINE 2

                                                                                             Telephone layout
                                                LINE 1                     CONF
                                                FLASH                               OFF

                                           SPEAKER                          MUTE
                                          MESSAGES                         SPEED DIAL KEYS
                                          POWER LED

                                                         Wall mount clip





The telephone base can be adapted to desktop use or mount on a standard telephone wall plate.

Installation option - desktop position
1. Turn the telephone base over with the bottom side facing up. Connect the Cat-5 network cable into the RJ-45 LAN port on the
   telephone base and route through the channel as shown below.

       RJ-45 LAN port

2. Insert the tabs of the mounting bracket into the upper grooves at the bottom of the telephone base as shown below.

3. Plug the other end of the Cat-5 network cable into the network wall jack with Power over Ethernet (PoE). Then connect the
   coiled handset cord to the telephone base.

                                  Network wall jack with Power
                                  over Ethernet (PoE)

4. Once installed, the telephone begins a four-step initialization and system registration process.
   •     For CTM-S2312: (1) LED 1 and LED 2 turn on and then go off. (2) LED 1 flashes. (3) The LED 1 stops flashing and then the
         LED 2 flashes. (4) LED 1, LED 2, and LED 3 illuminate for 500ms when initialization and system registration are successful.
   •     For CTM-S2322: (1) LED 1 and LED 2 turn on and then go off. (2) LED 1 flashes. (3) The LED 1 stops flashing and then the
         LED 2 flashes. (4) LED 1, LED 2, and LED 3 illuminate for 500ms when initialization and system registration are successful.
   If the system registration fails, LED 2 will blink twice every second. To reset, disconnect the Cat-5 network cable from the
   network wall jack with Power over Ethernet (PoE) and then reconnect.

Use only the supplied Cat-5 network cable. Cat-5 network cable is not designed for use in any other IT devices. Misuse of Cat-5 network cable on
your other IT devices shall be prohibited. To order a replacement, contact your local distributor.


Installation option - converting from desktop to wall mount position
1. Unplug the Cat-5 network cable from the network wall jack.
2. Put the handset aside. On the telephone base, place a coin in the slit of the wall mount clip and rotate a half turn (180 degrees).
   It locks into place with the protruding edge pointing towards the upper edge of the telephone base. This protruding edge holds
   the corded handset when the phone is mounted on the wall.


3. Remove the mounting bracket from the upper grooves of the telephone base.

4. Rotate the mounting bracket. Insert the tabs of the mounting bracket into the lower grooves of the telephone base.


5. Mount the telephone base on the wall by aligning the eyelets with the mounting studs of the wall plate. Then slide it down on
   both mounting studs until it locks into place.
6. Plug the Cat-5 network cable back to the network wall jack with Power over Ethernet (PoE). Then replace the handset on the
   telephone base cradle.

                                 Network wall jack with Power
                                 over Ethernet (PoE)


Telephone settings
All telephone settings are programmed through the administrative web portal.
Please refer to the SIP Phone Configuration Guide for details.


Telephone operation
SIP contemporary trimstyle 1-line - CTM-S2312
Receive a call
When there is an incoming call, the telephone rings and the TALK key flashes.
To answer a call:
Press TALK or . The TALK key illuminates when the phone line is in use. The             key illuminates when in speakerphone mode.

Place a call
Press TALK or . Listen for a dial tone and then dial the desired number. The TALK key illuminates when the phone line is in use.
The    key illuminates when in speakerphone mode.

End a call
Press OFF or place the handset back in its telephone base. The call ends when all handsets hang up.

Share a call
During a call, another handset can join the call by pressing TALK or      .

During a call, press    to switch between speakerphone mode and handset earpiece mode.

The last dialed number on the handset is stored for 15 minutes.
To redial the last dialed number:
Press TALK or      to listen for a dial tone. Then press REDIAL.

Listening volume can be adjusted on the handset.
To adjust the listening volume:
During a call, press -/VOLUME/+ on it to adjust the listening volume. The next call returns to the default listening volume.

Call waiting
1. When you hear a call waiting tone during a call, press FLASH to put the current call on hold and take the new incoming call.
2. Press FLASH at any time to switch back and forth between calls.

Message waiting indicator
When a voice message is received, the MESSAGE WAITING LED on the handset flashes.

                                                                                                                                     Telephone operation
To mute the microphone:
1. During a call, press . The light turns on when the mute function is turned on. You can hear the party on the other end but
   they cannot hear you.
2. Press again to resume the conversation. The light turns off.

To place a call on hold:
1. During a call, press HOLD. The TALK key flashes when the call is on hold.
2. Press TALK or      to release the call from hold, or the call will end automatically after the preset call on hold duration.


Telephone operation
SIP contemporary trimstyle 2-line - CTM-S2322
Receive a call
When there is an incoming call, the telephone rings and the corresponding line key flashes.
To answer a call:
Press the flashing line key, or press to pick up the ringing line. The respective line key illuminates when the phone line is in use.
The    key illuminates when in speakerphone mode.

Place a call
Press LINE 1, LINE 2 or     . Listen for a dial tone and then dial the desired number. The respective line key illuminates when the
phone line is in use. The     key illuminates when in speakerphone mode.

End a call
Press OFF or place the handset back in its telephone base. The call ends when all handsets hang up.

Share a call
During a call on line 1 or line 2, another handset can join the call by pressing the respective line key or   .

During a call, press  to switch between speakerphone mode and handset earpiece mode.
When the telephone is idle, press . The first available line is selected, starting with line 1.

The last dialed number on the handset is stored for 15 minutes.
To redial the last dialed number:
Press LINE 1, LINE 2 or     to listen for a dial tone. Then press REDIAL.

Listening volume can be adjusted on the handset.
To adjust the listening volume:
During a call, press -/VOLUME/+ on it to adjust the listening volume. The next call returns to the default listening volume.

Call waiting
Call waiting supports 2-line phones configured as single SIP account only. To change the SIP account settings, refer to the
SIP Phone Configuration Guide for details.
1. When you hear a call waiting tone during a call, press the corresponding line key to put the current call on hold and take the new
   incoming call.
2. Press the corresponding line key at any time to switch back and forth between calls.

Message waiting indicator
When a voice message is received, the MESSAGE WAITING LED on the handset flashes.

To mute the microphone:
1. During a call, press . The light turns on when the mute function is turned on. You can hear the party on the other end but
   they cannot hear you.
2. Press again to resume the conversation. The light turns off.

To place a call on hold:
1. During a call, press HOLD. The corresponding line key flashes when the call is on hold.
2. Press the flashing line key or  to release the call from hold, or the call will end automatically after the preset call on hold
   duration. When both lines are on hold, press    only releases the call from hold on line 1.


If you have difficulty with the telephones, please try the suggestions below. For customer service, visit our website at or contact your local distributor.

The telephone does not work at all.
• Make sure the Cat-5 network cable is plugged into the LAN port of the telephone base and the network wall jack with
  Power over Ethernet (PoE).
• Unplug the Cat-5 network cable from the network wall jack. Wait for approximately 15 seconds, then plug it back in.
• Disconnect the telephone base from the network wall jack and connect a different working SIP telephone. If the other SIP
  telephone does not work, the problem is probably in the wiring or network server. Check your SIP server settings. Refer to the
  SIP Phone Configuration Guide for details.

There is no dial tone.
• Try all the above suggestions.
• The Cat-5 network cable may be defective. Install a new Cat-5 network cable.
• Make sure your network is providing Power over Ethernet (PoE).
• Disconnect the telephone base from the network wall jack and connect a different working SIP telephone. If there is no dial tone
  on this telephone either, the problem is in your wiring or network server. Check your SIP server settings and refer to the
  SIP Phone Configuration Guide for details.
• Make sure the initialization and system registration process completes (page 4). The speakerphone key blinks twice every second
  if there are errors with the initialization and system registration process. Check your SIP server settings. Refer to the SIP Phone
  Configuration Guide for details.

I cannot dial out.
• Try all the above suggestions.
• Make sure there is a dial tone before dialing.
• A prefix may be required for dialing some internal or external calls. Refer to the SIP Phone Configuration Guide for details.
• Check your SIP server settings. If other SIP telephones in your hotel are having the same problem, the problem is in the wiring or
   network server. Contact your telephone service provider (charges may apply).

The telephone does not store the last number dialed.
• For security, the last number dialed in the REDIAL memory will be automatically cleared after 15 minutes.

The telephone cannot register to the SIP network server.
• Make sure your network is providing Power over Ethernet (PoE).
• Make sure the initialization and system registration process completes (page 4).
• If there is an error during the initialization and system registration process, the key flashes twice every second. Disconnect the
  Cat-5 network cable from the network wall jack and connect it back into the network wall jack with Power over Ethernet (PoE) to
  start the initialization and system registration process again.

The POWER LED on the corded handset is off.
• Try all the above suggestions.
• The Cat-5 network cable may be defective. Install a new Cat-5 network cable.
• Make sure your network is providing Power over Ethernet (PoE).
• Disconnect the telephone base from the network wall jack and connect a different working SIP telephone. If there is no dial tone
  on this telephone either, the problem is in your wiring or network server. Check your SIP server settings and refer to the
  SIP Phone Configuration Guide for details.
• Make sure the initialization and system registration process completes (pages 4). The speakerphone key blinks twice every
  second if there are errors with the initialization and system registration process. Check your SIP server settings. Refer to the SIP
  Phone Configuration Guide for details.

The telephone does not ring when there is an incoming call.
• Make sure the Cat-5 network cable is plugged into the LAN port of the telephone base and the network wall jack with
  Power over Ethernet (PoE).
• Check your SIP server or telephone administrative settings. Refer to the SIP Phone Configuration Guide for details.

• If other SIP telephone in your hotel are having the same problem, the problem is in the wiring or network server. Contact your
  telephone service provider (charges may apply).
• The Cat-5 network cable may be defective. Install a new Cat-5 network cable.

I hear other calls when using the telephone.
• Disconnect the telephone base from the network wall jack and connect a different working SIP telephone. Check your SIP
   server settings. If calls are still not clear, the problem is probably in the wiring or network server. Contact your telephone service
   provider (charges may apply).

VTech Hospitality limited warranty program
VTech Communications, Inc., the manufacturer of VTech Hospitality Product (“Product”), warrants to the holder of a valid proof
of purchase (“end user” or “you”) that the Product and all accessories provided by VTech in the Product’s package are free from
defects in material and workmanship, pursuant to the following terms and conditions, when installed and used normally and in
accordance with the Product’s operating instructions. The limited warranty extends to the end user of this Product and applies only
if such Product is purchased through an authorized distributor. The limited warranty period for this Product is determined based on
the following:
5 Years – Analog Models
• All Classic Models – corded and cordless
• All Contemporary Models – corded and cordless
• All TrimStyle Models
2 Years – SIP Non-Display Models
• All Classic Models – corded and cordless
• All Contemporary Models – corded and cordless
• All TrimStyle Models
During the limited warranty period, VTech’s authorized service representative will repair or replace, at VTech’s option, without
charge, a Product that is not free from defects in materials and workmanship. If VTech’s authorized service representative repairs
 the Product, new or refurbished replacement parts may be used. If the Product is replaced, it may be replaced with a new or
refurbished Product of the same or similar design. Repair or replacement of Product, at VTech’s option, is the exclusive remedy.
The limited warranty period for the Product begins on the date that the end user takes possession of the Product. This limited
warranty also applies to repaired or replacement Products for a period of either: (a) 90 days from the date the repaired or
replacement Product is shipped to you; or (b) the time remaining on the original limited warranty as described above; whichever
is longer.
This limited warranty does not cover:
1. Product or parts that have been subjected to misuse, accident, shipping or other physical damage, improper installation,
      abnormal operation or handling, neglect, inundation, fire, water or other liquid intrusion; or
2. Product that has been damaged due to repair, alteration or modification by anyone other than an authorized service
      representative of VTech; or
3. Product to the extent that the problem experienced is caused by signal conditions, network reliability or cable or antenna
      systems; or
4. Product to the extent that the problem is caused by use with non-VTech accessories; or
5. Product whose warranty/quality stickers, product serial number plates or electronic serial numbers have been removed, altered
      or rendered illegible; or
6. Product purchased, used, serviced, or shipped for repair from outside the United States or Canada, or used for non-approved
      commercial or institutional purposes (including but not limited to Products used for rental purposes); or
7. Product returned without valid proof of purchase; or
8. Charges or costs incurred by the end user, and risk of loss or damage, in removing and shipping the Product, or for installation
      or set up, adjustment of customer controls, and installation or repair of systems outside the unit.
9. Line cords or coil cords, plastic overlays, connectors, power adapters and batteries, if the Product is returned without them.
      VTech will charge the end user at then-current prices for each of the missing items.
10. NiCd or NiMH handset batteries, or power adapters, which, under all circumstances, are covered by a one (1) year warranty only.
Except as provided by applicable law, you assume the risk of loss or damage during transit and transportation and are responsible for
delivery or handling charges incurred in the transport of Product(s) to the service location. VTech’s authorized service representative
will return repaired or replaced product under this limited warranty to you, transportation, delivery and handling charges prepaid.
VTech assumes no risk for damage or loss of the Product in transit.
If the Product failure is not covered by this limited warranty, or proof of purchase does not meet the terms of this limited warranty,
VTech will notify you and will request that you authorize the cost of repair and return shipping costs for the repair of Products that not
covered by this limited warranty. You must pay for the cost of repair and return shipping costs for the repair of Products that are not
covered by this limited warranty.
Other limitations
This warranty is the complete and exclusive agreement between you and VTech. It supersedes all other written or oral
communications related to this Product. VTech provides no other warranties for this Product, whether express or implied, oral or
written, or statutory. The warranty exclusively describes all of VTech’s responsibilities regarding the Product. No one is authorized to
make modifications to this warranty and you should not rely on any such modification.
VTech’s liability to end user hereunder shall not exceed the purchase price of the Product. In no event shall VTech be liable for any
indirect, special, incidental, consequential, or similar damages (including, but not limited to lost profits or revenue, inability to use
the product, or other associated equipment, the cost of substitute equipment, and claims by third parties) resulting from the use of
this Product. Some states/provinces do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above
limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.
This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you also have other rights which vary from state to state or province to province.


Important note
This equipment is not designed for making emergency telephone calls when the power fails. Alternative arrangements should be
made for access to emergency services.

Environmental notes
•   Do not expose to direct sunlight.
•   This is normal that the cordless handset may become warm when the batteries are being charged or being used for a long
    period of time. To avoid damage, we recommend you do not place the product on antique/veneered wood.
•   Do not place your product on carpets or other surfaces which generate fibres. Do not place your product in locations where
    proper ventilation is not provided.
•   Do not submerge any part of your product in water and do not use it in damp or humid conditions.
•   Do not expose your product to fire, explosive or other hazardous conditions.

Product disposal instructions
Product disposal instructions for residential users
When you have no further use for it, please remove any batteries and dispose of them and the product as per your local authority’s
recycling processes. For more information please contact your local authority or the retailer where the product was purchased.
Product disposal instructions for business users
Business users should contact their suppliers and check the terms and conditions of the purchase contract and ensure that this
product is not mixed with other commercial waste for disposal.

Technical information
Specific Absorption Rate (SAR)
This device meets applicable international safety requirements for exposure to radio waves.
The maximum limit according to WHO is 2W/kg (per 10g tissue).
This telephone measures 0.03 W/kg (per 10g tissue).

These are class A products. In a domestic environment these products may cause radio interference in which case the user may
be required to take adequate measures.



FCC, ACTA and IC regulations
FCC Part 15
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC
Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a
commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a
residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own
WARNING: Changes or modifications to this equipment not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void
the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not
cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.
For cordless telephone only - Privacy of communications may not be ensured when using this telephone.
For cordless telephone only - To ensure safety of users, the FCC has established criteria for the amount of radio frequency energy
that can be safely absorbed by a user or bystander according to the intended usage of the product. This product has been tested
and found to comply with the FCC criteria. The handset may be safely held against the ear of the user. The telephone base shall
be installed and used such that parts of the user’s body other than the hands are maintained at a distance of approximately
20 cm (8 inches) or more.
This device complies with Industry Canada RSS-102 with respect to Canada’s Health Code 6 for Exposure of Humans to RF Fields.
This Class A digital apparatus complies with Industry Canada ICES-003
CAN ICES-3 (A)/NMB-3(A).
FCC Part 68 and ACTA
This equipment complies with Part 68 of the FCC rules and with technical requirements adopted by the Administrative Council for
Terminal Attachments (ACTA). The label on the back or bottom of this equipment contains, among other things, a product identifier
in the format US:AAAKXNANXXXX. This identifier must be provided to your telephone service provider upon request.
The plug and jack used to connect this equipment to premises wiring and the telephone network must comply with applicable Part
68 rules and technical requirements adopted by ACTA. A compliant telephone cord and modular plug is provided with this product.
It is designed to be connected to a compatible modular jack that is also compliant. An RJ11 jack should normally be used for
connecting to a single line and an RJ14 jack for two lines. See the installation instructions in the user’s manual.
The Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) is used to determine how many devices you may connect to your telephone line and still
have them ring when you are called. The REN for this product is encoded as the 6th and 7th characters following the US: in the
product identifier (e.g., if ## is 03, the REN is 0.3). In most, but not all areas, the sum of all RENs should be five (5.0) or less. For
more information, please contact your telephone service provider.
This equipment may not be used with Party Lines. If you have specially wired alarm dialing equipment connected to your telephone
line, ensure the connection of this equipment does not disable your alarm equipment. If you have questions about what will disable
alarm equipment, consult your telephone service provider or a qualified installer.
If this equipment is malfunctioning, it must be unplugged from the modular jack until the problem has been corrected. Repairs to this
telephone equipment can only be made by the manufacturer or its authorized agents. For repair procedures, follow the instructions
outlined under VTech Hospitality limited warranty program in the user’s manual.
If this equipment is causing harm to the telephone network, your telephone service provider may temporarily discontinue your
telephone service. Your telephone service provider is required to notify you before interrupting service. If advance notice is not
practical, you will be notified as soon as possible. You will be given the opportunity to correct the problem and your telephone
service provider is required to inform you of your right to file a complaint with the FCC. Your telephone service provider may make
changes in its facilities, equipment, operation, or procedures that could affect the proper functioning of this product. Your telephone
service provider is required to notify you if such changes are planned.
If this product is equipped with a corded or cordless handset, it is hearing aid compatible.
If this product has memory dialing locations, you may choose to store emergency telephone numbers (e.g., police, fire, medical) in
these locations. If you do store or test emergency numbers, please:
Remain on the line and briefly explain the reason for the call before hanging up.
Perform such activities in off-peak hours, such as early morning or late evening.
When the adjunct is used with a leased system, permission of the owner of the equipment must be obtained for connection of the
adjunct because modification of the host system is often required.
This product can only be connected to the host equipment and never directly to the network.
Industry Canada
This device complies with Industry Canada’s licence-exempt RSSs. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this
device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.
Privacy of communications may not be ensured when using this telephone.
The term ‘’IC:‘’ before the certification/registration number only signifies that the Industry Canada technical specifications were met.
This product meets the applicable Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada technical specifications.


Taking care of your telephone
Your telephone contains sophisticated electronic parts, so it must be treated with care.
Avoid rough treatment
Place the handset down gently. Save the original packing materials to protect your telephone if you ever need to ship it.
Avoid water
Your telephone can be damaged if it gets wet. Do not use the handset outdoors in the rain, or handle it with wet hands. Do not install
the telephone base near a sink, bathtub or shower.
Electrical storms
Electrical storms can sometimes cause power surges harmful to electronic equipment. For your own safety, take caution when using
electrical appliances during storms.
Cleaning your telephone
Your telephone has a durable plastic casing that should retain its luster for many years. Clean it only with a soft cloth slightly
dampened with water or mild soap. Do not use excess water or cleaning solvents of any kind.

 Remember that electrical appliances can cause serious injury if used when you are wet or standing in the water. If the telephone
 remove the telephone by the unplugged cords.



Technical specifications
SIP classic trimstyle 1-line/2-line - CTM-S2312/S2322
Power requirement           PoE class 2 powered (48V)
Frequency control           Crystal controlled PLL synthesizer
Transmit frequency          1921.536 - 1928.448MHz
Channels                    5
Nominal effective range     Actual operating range may vary according to environmental conditions at the time of use.
Message waiting signal      From SIP server
Size                        Telephone base: 8.03 x 6.06 x 3.78 in (204 x 154 x 96 mm)
                            Corded handset: 8.39 x 1.89 x 1.65 in (213 x 48 x 42 mm)


A                                               V
Answer a call 7, 8                              Volume 7, 8
                                                VTech Hospitality limited warranty program 10
Call waiting 7, 8                               W
Checklist 1–3                                   Wall mount 4–5
                                                Warranty 10
Disposal instructions 11

End a call 7, 8
Environmental notes 11

Flash 7

Hold 7, 8

Important safety instructions i
Initialization and system registration 4

Join a call 7, 8

Layout 2–15
Limited warranty 10
Listening volume 7, 8

Maintenance 12
Make a call 7, 8
Message waiting indicator 7, 8
Mute 7, 8

Operation 7–15

Parts checklist 1–3
Place a call 7, 8
Product disposal instructions 11

R&TTE 11
Receive a call 7, 8
Redial 7, 8

Safety instructions i
Settings 6–7
Share a call 7, 8
Speakerphone 7, 8

Technical information 11
Technical specifications 13–15
Telephone layout 2–15
Telephone operation 7–15
Telephone settings 6–7
Troubleshooting 9–10


VTech is the registered trademark of VTech Holdings Limited.
Petite™ Phone is a trademark of VTech Communications, Inc.
       Copyright © 2018 for VTech Communications Inc.
    All rights reserved. Printed in China. Version 2. 03/18.


Document Created: 2018-03-17 20:38:09
Document Modified: 2018-03-17 20:38:09

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