

Test Report

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                                    SCANNING RECEIVER

                                                     Alinco, Inc.
                                                 438 Amapola Ave.
                                                     Suite 130
                                                Torrance, CA 90501

                                         MODEL: DR-605T
                                        FCC ID: EUGDR-605T

                                                     March 1, 2000

        This report concerns (check one):   Original Grant: X             Class II Change:
        Equipment Type: Scanning Receiver
          Deferred grant requested per 47 CFR 0.457 (d) (1) (ii)?         Yes:       No: X
                                              If yes, defer until:

           Company name agrees to notify the Commission by:                                 (date) of the intended
           date of announcement of the product so that the grant can be issued on that date.
           Transition Rules Request per 15.37? Yes:                   No: X
           If no, assumed Part 15, subpart B for unintentional radiators - the new 47 CFR
           [10-1-90 Edition] provision..

                                EMI Technician: Daniel Baltzell
                            Administrative Writer: Melissa Fleming

                                      Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.
                                                Document Number: 990529

         No part of this report may be reproduced without the full written approval of Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.

                                      360 Herndon Parkway, Suite 1400
                                              Herndon,VA 20170
                                       703 689-0368 FAX 703 689-2056

                                               Company Name:                Alinco, Inc.
                                                         EUT:               DR-605T
                                                       FCC ID:              EUGDR-605T
                                      Client Reference Number               DR-605T
                                          Work Order Number:                990529

                                                          TABLE OF CONTENTS
1.0      GENERAL INFORMATION ..................................................................................................................3
   1.1      MODIFICATIONS......................................................................................................................................3
   1.2      STATEMENT FROM THE MANUFACTURER .................................................................................................4
   1.3      RELATED SUBMITTAL(S)/GRANT(S).........................................................................................................5
   1.4      TEST METHODOLOGY .............................................................................................................................5
   1.5      TEST FACILITY .......................................................................................................................................5
2.0      SYSTEM TEST CONFIGURATION......................................................................................................6
   2.1      JUSTIFICATION ........................................................................................................................................6
   2.2      EXERCISING THE EUT.............................................................................................................................6
   2.3      TEST SYSTEM DETAILS ...........................................................................................................................6
   2.4      TEST SYSTEM CONFIGURATION ...............................................................................................................7
   2.5      EMISSIONS EQUIPMENT LIST ...................................................................................................................8
   2.6      RADIATED TEST METHODOLOGY .............................................................................................................9
3.0      TEST RESULTS....................................................................................................................................11
   3.1      RADIATED EMISSION DATA ...................................................................................................................11
   3.2      38DB REJECTION TEST..........................................................................................................................17
   3.3      CONFORMANCE STATEMENT .................................................................................................................18

                                                               APPENDIX LISTING

APPENDIX A: LABEL INFORMATION ..........................................................................................................14
APPENDIX B: PRODUCT DESCRIPTION.......................................................................................................16
APPENDIX C: SCHEMATICS ..........................................................................................................................23
APPENDIX D: BLOCK DIAGRAM OF DR-605T.............................................................................................30
APPENDIX E: TEST MEASUREMENT PHOTOS............................................................................................32
APPENDIX F: EXTERNAL PHOTOS...............................................................................................................36
APPENDIX G: INTERNAL PHOTOS ...............................................................................................................40
APPENDIX H: SERVICE MANUAL .................................................................................................................54
APPENDIX I: INSTRUCTION MANUAL.......................................................................................................103

                                                                   FIGURE INDEX

FIGURE 1: FCC ID AND DOC LABEL..................................................................................................................15
FIGURE 2: LOCATION OF LABELS ON EUT...........................................................................................................15

                                                                    TABLE INDEX

TABLE 1:        RADIATED EMISSIONS: (VHF 136MHZ) ....................................................................................11
TABLE 2:        RADIATED EMISSIONS: (VHF 155 MHZ)....................................................................................12
TABLE 3:        RADIATED EMISSIONS: (VHF 173.995MHZ)..............................................................................13
TABLE 4:        RADIATED EMISSIONS: (UHF 420 MHZ)....................................................................................14
TABLE 5:        RADIATED EMISSIONS: (UHF 445 MHZ)....................................................................................15
TABLE 6:        RADIATED EMISSIONS: (UHF 470 MHZ)....................................................................................16

Certification Report                                                                                                                         Page 2 of 158

                                   Company Name:     Alinco, Inc.
                                             EUT:    DR-605T
                                           FCC ID:   EUGDR-605T
                          Client Reference Number    DR-605T
                              Work Order Number:     990529

                               1.0      GENERAL INFORMATION

The following Application for FCC Type Certification of a Scanning Receiver is prepared on behalf of
Alinco, Inc. in accordance with Part 2, and Part 15, Subparts A and B of the Federal Communications
Commissions rules and regulations. The Equipment Under Test (EUT) was the DR-605T, FCC ID:
EUGDR-605T. The test results reported in this document relate only to the item that was tested.

All measurements contained in this Application were conducted in accordance with ANSI C63.4
Methods of Measurement of Radio Noise Emissions, 1992. The instrumentation utilized for the
measurements conforms to the ANSI C63.4 standard for EMI and Field Strength Instrumentation. Some
accessories are used to increase sensitivity and prevent overloading of the measuring instrument. These
are explained in the appendix of this report. Calibration checks are performed regularly on the
instruments, and all accessories including the high pass filter, preamplifier and cables.

All radiated emissions measurement were performed manually at Rhein Tech, Incorporated. The
radiated emissions measurements required by the rules were performed on the three meter, open field,
test range maintained by Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc., 360 Herndon Parkway, Suite 1400, Herndon,
Virginia 20170. Complete description and site attenuation measurement data have been placed on file
with the Federal Communications Commission. The power line conducted emission measurements were
performed in a shielded enclosure also located at the Herndon, Virginia facility. The FCC accepts Rhein
Tech Laboratories, Inc. as a facility available to do measurement work for others on a contractual basis.



A copper metal box was created to house 4 in-line capacitors (1500pF each) at the power input, also the
diode (D214) was moved to the large capacitor (C350) leads to make room for the box. A strip of gasket
material was used at the top UHF section between the chassis and cover, and squares of gasket material
at both sides between the chassis and cover.

Small pieces of copper tape were used to ground the cover at the front top mounting screws to the sides,
as well as a single piece of copper tape to replace the copper tape shield between the UHF and front
assembly. It has an overlapping edge at the top for continuity with a gasket placed along the top front
edge to the two small copper side pieces added.

TFront Unit PCB Side B capacitor at C401 (.001uF) was changed to a location on the trace leading from
R401/R402 to ground. This is the line, which leads to the UP/DOWN lines at the CN401 connector.
C401 is the 5V to ground from the CN401, which was removed and left unfilled.

A 1000pF capacitor was added at location D412 The Front Unit Side A, which previously was not filled
and is the PTT line above the CN401 connector.
C375, C376 changed from 0.001uF to 220pF. At the front connector on the UHF Main Unit Side B

Certification Report                                                                       Page 3 of 158

                                Company Name:     Alinco, Inc.
                                          EUT:    DR-605T
                                        FCC ID:   EUGDR-605T
                       Client Reference Number    DR-605T
                           Work Order Number:     990529


Certification Report                                             Page 4 of 158

                                    Company Name:     Alinco, Inc.
                                              EUT:    DR-605T
                                            FCC ID:   EUGDR-605T
                           Client Reference Number    DR-605T
                               Work Order Number:     990529


This is an original certification submission.


Radiated testing was performed according to the procedures in ANSI C63.4 1992. Radiated testing was
performed at an antenna to EUT distance of 3 meters.


The open area test site and conducted measurement facility used to collect the radiated data is located on
the parking lot of Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc. 360 Herndon Parkway, Suite 1400, Herndon, Virginia
20170. This site has been fully described in a report dated June 24, 1996, submitted to and approved by
the Federal Communication Commission to perform AC line conducted and radiated emissions testing
(ANSI C63.4 1992).

Certification Report                                                                        Page 5 of 158

                                            Company Name:       Alinco, Inc.
                                                      EUT:      DR-605T
                                                    FCC ID:     EUGDR-605T
                                   Client Reference Number      DR-605T
                                       Work Order Number:       990529


   2.1          JUSTIFICATION

   To complete the test configuration required by the FCC, the receiver was connected to an external
   antenna, which receives a signal from a signal generator output. With the antenna installed and a DC
   power supply connected, the receiver indicator was used to determine optional reception. The EUT’s
   IF, local oscillators, and crystal oscillators and harmonics of each were investigated.

   2.2          EXERCISING THE EUT

   The EUT was exercised using a Hewlett Packard Signal Generator to generate a continuous wave
   frequency which was received by and activated the EUT receiver portion under test.

   2.3          TEST SYSTEM DETAILS

   The FCC Identifiers for all equipment, plus descriptions of all cables used in the tested system (including
   inserted cards, which have grants) are:


         PART              MANUFACTURER        MODEL            SERIAL               FCC ID           CABLE              RTL
                                                                NUMBER                              DESCRIPTION          BAR
TWIN FM MOBILE            ALINCO             DR-605TQ         T001387Q         EUG5U5-DR-605T   UNSHIELDED POWER;      011111
TRX W/TSQ (EUT)                                                                                 UNSHIELDED I/O
HANDSET                   ALINCO             EMS-45           T001387          N/A              UNSHIELDED I/O         011112
SIGNAL GENERATOR          HEWLETT PACKARD    8660C            1947A02956       N/A              UNSHIELDED POWER;      900059
                                                                                                UNSHIELDED I/O
POWER SUPPLY              HEWLETT PACKARD    6291             1928A05385       N/A              UNSHIELDED POWER       900773

   Certification Report                                                                                    Page 6 of 158

                                 Company Name:     Alinco, Inc.
                                           EUT:    DR-605T
                                         FCC ID:   EUGDR-605T
                        Client Reference Number    DR-605T
                            Work Order Number:     990529


                       2m unshielded                   110VAC

                                                        2m unshielded
                                                      13.8 VDC
                                                     Power Supply

                                                       2m unshielded


                                             FCC ID: EUGDR-605T

Certification Report                                                    Page 7 of 158

                                      Company Name:      Alinco, Inc.
                                                EUT:     DR-605T
                                              FCC ID:    EUGDR-605T
                             Client Reference Number     DR-605T
                                 Work Order Number:      990529


                                                         MODEL            SERIAL          CAL.
        DESCRIPTION           MANUFACTURER              NUMBER           NUMBER            LAB
AMPLIFIER                    HEWLETT PACKARD              11975A        2304A00348     TEST EQUITY
AMPLIFIER (S/A 1)            RHEIN TECH                  PR-1040           00001           RTL
AMPLIFIER (S/A 2)            RHEIN TECH                    RTL2            900723          RTL
AMPLIFIER (S/A 3)            RHEIN TECH                    8447F        2944A03783         RTL
AMPLIFIER (S/A 4)            RHEIN TECH                    8447D        2727A05397         RTL
BICONICAL/LOG ANTENNA 1      ANTENNA RESEARCH            LPB-2520           1037      LIBERTY LABS
BICONICAL/LOG ANTENNA 2      ANTENNA RESEARCH            LPB-2520           1036      LIBERTY LABS
FIELD SITE SOURCE            EMCO                           4610         9604-1313         RTL
FILTER (ROOM 1)              SOLAR                          8130           947305          RTL
FILTER (ROOM 2)              SOLAR                          8130           947306          RTL
HARMONIC MIXER 1             HEWLETT PACKARD              11970K        2332A00563       TELOGY
HARMONIC MIXER 2             HEWLETT PACKARD              11970A        2332A01199       TELOGY
HORN ANTENNA 1               EMCO                         3160-10        9606-1033        EMCO
HORN ANTENNA 2               EMCO                          3160-9        9605-1051        EMCO
HORN ANTENNA 3               EMCO                          3160-7        9605-1054        EMCO
HORN ANTENNA 4               EMCO                          3160-8        9605-1044        EMCO
HORN ANTENNA 5               EMCO                         3160-03        9508-1024        EMCO
LISN (ROOM 1/L1)             SOLAR                         7225-1          900727        ACUCAL
LISN (ROOM 1/L2)             SOLAR                         7225-1          900726        ACUCAL
LISN (ROOM 2/L1)             SOLAR                         7225-1          900078        ACUCAL
LISN (ROOM 2/L2)             SOLAR                         7225-1          900077        ACUCAL
PRE-AMPLIFIER                HEWLETT PACKARD            8449B OPT       3008A00505       TELOGY
QUASI-PEAK ADAPTER (S/A 1)   HEWLETT PACKARD              85650A        3145A01599       ACUCAL
QUASI-PEAK ADAPTER (S/A 2)   HEWLETT PACKARD              85650A        2811A01276       ACUCAL
QUASI-PEAK ADAPTER (S/A 3)   HEWLETT PACKARD              85650A        2521A00473       ACUCAL
QUASI-PEAK ADAPTER (S/A 4)   HEWLETT PACKARD              85650A        2521A01032       ACUCAL
RF PRESELECTOR (S/A 1)       HEWLETT PACKARD              85685A        3146A01309       ACUCAL
SIGNAL GENERATOR (HP)        HEWLETT PACKARD               8660C        1947A02956       ACUCAL
SIGNAL GENERATOR             WAVETEK                       3510B          4952044        ACUCAL
SPECTRUM ANALYZER 1          HEWLETT PACKARD              8566B         3138A07771       ACUCAL
SPECTRUM ANALYZER 2          HEWLETT PACKARD              8567A         2841A00614       ACUCAL
SPECTRUM ANALYZER 4          HEWLETT PACKARD              8567A         2727A00535       ACUCAL
TUNABLE DIPOLE               EMCO                          3121             274       LIBERTY LABS
ANTENNA                      ATM                          WR08            08443-6         ATM
MIXER                        OLESON                      M08HW           F80814-1        OLESON
MIXER                        OLESON                      M05HW           G80814-1        OLESON
DIPLEXER                     OLESON                      M05HW           G80814-1        OLESON
MIXER                        HEWLETT PACKARD             11970U         2332A01110       ACUCAL
MIXER                        HEWLETT PACKARD             11970V         2521A00512       TELOGY
MIXER                        HEWLETT PACKARD             11970W         2521A00710       TELOGY
ANTENNA                      ATM                          WR15            15-443-6        ATM
ANTENNA                      ATM                          WR10            10-443-6        ATM
ANTENNA                      ATM                          WR05            05-443-6        ATM
SWEEP GENERATOR              HEWLETT PACKARD             83752A         3610A00866   HEWLETT PACKARD

  Certification Report                                                                         Page 8 of 158

                                     Company Name:     Alinco, Inc.
                                               EUT:    DR-605T
                                             FCC ID:   EUGDR-605T
                            Client Reference Number    DR-605T
                                Work Order Number:     990529


                             RADIATED EMISSIONS MEASUREMENTS
 Before final measurements of radiated emissions were made on the open-field three/ten meter range, the EUT was
 scanned indoors at one meter and three meter distances, in order to determine its emissions spectrum signature. The
 physical arrangement of the test system and associated cabling was varied in order to determine the effect on the
 EUT's emissions in amplitude, direction and frequency. This process was repeated during final radiated emissions
 measurements on the open-field range, at each frequency, in order to insure that maximum emission amplitudes were

 Final radiated emissions measurements were made on the three-meter, open-field test site. The EUT was placed on a
 nonconductive turntable approximately 0.8 meters above the ground plane. The spectrum was examined from 30
 MHz to 1000 MHz using a Hewlett Packard 8566B spectrum analyzer, a Hewlett Packard 85650A quasi-peak
 adapter, and EMCO log periodic and biconical antenna. In order to gain sensitivity, a New Circuits ZHL-4240W
 preamplifier was connected in series between the antenna and the input of the spectrum analyzer.

 At each frequency, the EUT was rotated 360 degrees, and the antenna was raised and lowered from one to four meters
 in order to determine the maximum emission levels. Measurements were taken using both horizontal and vertical
 antenna polarizations. The spectrum analyzer's 6 dB bandwidth was set to 120 kHz, and the analyzer was operated in
 the CISPR quasi-peak detection mode. No video filter less than 10 times the resolution bandwidth was used. When
 any clock exceeds 108 MHz, the EUT was tested between 1 to 2 Gigahertz in peak mode with the resolution
 bandwidth set at 1 MHz as stated in ANSI C63.4. The highest emission amplitudes relative to the appropriate limit
 were measured and recorded in this report.

 Note: Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc. has implemented procedures to minimize errors that occur from test
 instruments, calibration, procedures, and test setups. Test instrument and calibration errors are documented from
 the manufacturer or calibration lab. Other errors have been defined and calculated within the Rhein Tech quality
 manual, section 6.1. Rhein Tech implements the following procedures to minimize errors that may occur: yearly as
 well as daily calibration methods, technician training, and emphasis to employees on avoiding error.

                              38dB REJECTION TEST MEASUREMENTS
A signal generator is connected to the receiver under test, and the output of the receiver is connected to an audio

A fm signal was applied to the receiver antenna input with a 1kHz tone modulated at 8kHz deviation, and adjusted
with the audio analyzer to produce a 12 dB SINAD. This is done across the receiver bands to determine a
reference level. The reference level used is that with the highest sensitivity in all of the bands.

Certification Report                                                                                Page 9 of 158

                                        Company Name:     Alinco, Inc.
                                                  EUT:    DR-605T
                                                FCC ID:   EUGDR-605T
                               Client Reference Number    DR-605T
                                   Work Order Number:     990529

                   Signal                                  Receiver under
                   Generator                               test

                                                          Audio Load

                                                          Audio Analyzer

Certification Report                                                        Page 10 of 158

                                       Company Name:      Alinco, Inc.
                                                 EUT:     DR-605T
                                               FCC ID:    EUGDR-605T
                              Client Reference Number     DR-605T
                                  Work Order Number:      990529

 3.0       TEST RESULTS


                              TABLE 1: RADIATED EMISSIONS: (VHF 136MHz)

                                     (Temperature: 58 F Degree, Humidity: 29%)
 Emission       Test      Antenna    Turntable    Antenna      Analyzer      Site       Emission
Frequency      Detector   Polarity   Azimuth       Height      Reading    Correction     Level       Limit     Margin
  (MHz)                    (H/V)       (deg)        (m)       (dBuV/m)     Factor      (dBuV/m)    (dBuV/m)     (dB)
 114.310          Qp         H          180         1.4          43.0       -16.3        26.7        43.5       -16.8
 228.595          Qp         H           90         1.4          51.3       -16.9        34.4        46.0       -11.6
 272.000          Qp         H           0          1.0          55.7       -14.1        41.6        46.0        -4.4
 342.920          Qp         H           90         1.0          46.4       -12.0        34.4        46.0       -11.6
 408.000          Qp         H           0          1.0          47.4        -9.4        38.0        46.0        -8.0
 457.220          Qp         H          145         1.0          45.2        -9.2        36.0        46.0       -10.0
 571.530          Qp         H          145         1.0          37.7        -6.1        31.6        46.0       -14.4
 685.828          Qp         H           90         1.0          42.2        -5.5        36.7        46.0        -9.3
 914.440          Qp         H          175         1.0          44.2        -2.7        41.5        46.0        -4.5

 *All readings are quasi-peak, unless stated otherwise.


 Signature:                                                               Date: November 1, 1999

 Typed/Printed Name: K. Franck Schuppius

 Certification Report                                                                              Page 11 of 158

                                      Company Name:       Alinco, Inc.
                                                EUT:      DR-605T
                                              FCC ID:     EUGDR-605T
                             Client Reference Number      DR-605T
                                 Work Order Number:       990529

                            TABLE 2: RADIATED EMISSIONS: (VHF 155 MHZ)

                                     (Temperature: 64 F Degree, Humidity: 18%)
 Emission       Test      Antenna     Turntable   Antenna        Analyzer       Site       Emission
Frequency      Detector   Polarity    Azimuth      Height        Reading     Correction     Level       Limit          Margin
  (MHz)                    (H/V)        (deg)       (m)         (dBuV/m)      Factor      (dBuV/m)    (dBuV/m)          (dB)
 133.303          Qp         H           145            1.0        44.6        -16.4        28.2         43.5           -15.3
 266.600          Qp         H           145            1.6        41.4        -13.5        27.9         46.0           -18.1
 399.900          Qp         H            0             1.4        36.3        -10.4        25.9         46.0           -20.1
 533.200          Qp         H           180            1.3        42.1         -8.0        34.1         46.0           -11.9
 799.800          Qp         H           90             1.0        30.7         -3.3        27.4         46.0           -18.6
 933.096          Qp         V            0             1.0        45.3         -3.3        42.0         46.0            -4.0

*All readings are quasi-peak, unless stated otherwise.


Signature:                                                                  Date: November 2, 1999

Typed/Printed Name: K. Franck Schuppius

Certification Report                                                                                  Page 12 of 158

                                      Company Name:      Alinco, Inc.
                                                EUT:     DR-605T
                                              FCC ID:    EUGDR-605T
                             Client Reference Number     DR-605T
                                 Work Order Number:      990529

                          TABLE 3: RADIATED EMISSIONS: (VHF 173.995MHZ)

                                     (Temperature: 64 F Degree, Humidity: 18%)
 Emission       Test      Antenna     Turntable   Antenna      Analyzer       Site       Emission
Frequency      Detector   Polarity    Azimuth      Height      Reading     Correction     Level       Limit    Margin
  (MHz)                    (H/V)        (deg)       (m)       (dBuV/m)      Factor      (dBuV/m)    (dBuV/m)    (dB)
 152.290          Qp         H           180        1.8          50.5        -18.3        32.2        43.5       -11.3
 304.580          Qp         H            0         1.0          45.4        -14.1        31.3        46.0       -14.7
 456.870          Qp         H           270        1.0          44.2        -10.0        34.2        46.0       -11.8
 609.159          Qp         H            0         1.0          44.1         -6.6        37.5        46.0        -8.5
 761.450          Qp         H            0         1.0          32.3         -4.2        28.1        46.0       -17.9
 913.740          Qp         H            90        1.0          38.0         -4.1        33.9        46.0       -12.1

*All readings are quasi-peak, unless stated otherwise.


Signature:                                                                Date: November 2, 1999

Typed/Printed Name: K. Franck Schuppius

Certification Report                                                                                Page 13 of 158

                                     Company Name:       Alinco, Inc.
                                               EUT:      DR-605T
                                             FCC ID:     EUGDR-605T
                            Client Reference Number      DR-605T
                                Work Order Number:       990529

                            TABLE 4: RADIATED EMISSIONS: (UHF 420 MHZ)

                                      (Temperature: 31 F Degree, Humidity: 4%)
  Emission       Test      Antenna      Turntable   Antenna      Analyzer      Site       Emission
 Frequency      Detector   Polarity     Azimuth      Height      Reading    Correction     Level        Limit         Margin
   (MHz)                    (H/V)         (deg)       (m)       (dBuV/m)     Factor      (dBuV/m)     (dBuV/m)         (dB)
   111.800         Qp         V             90         1.0         36.2       -16.1        20.1          43.5          -23.4
   224.900         Qp         V             0          1.0         37.1       -17.2        19.9          46.0          -26.1
   389.150         Qp         H            185         1.0         56.0       -11.0        45.0          46.0           -1.0
   400.000         Qp         V            180         1.0         40.7       -10.9        29.8          46.0          -16.2
   428.065         Qp         V             90         1.0         34.3        -9.2        25.1          46.0          -20.9
   448.434         Qp         H            145         1.0         31.3        -9.3        22.0          46.0          -24.0
   778.300         Qp         H             30         1.1         40.9        -4.0        36.9          46.0           -9.1

*All readings are quasi-peak, unless stated otherwise.


Signature:                                                      Date: January 23, 2000

Typed/Printed Name: Daniel Baltzell

Certification Report                                                                                 Page 14 of 158

                                      Company Name:       Alinco, Inc.
                                                EUT:      DR-605T
                                              FCC ID:     EUGDR-605T
                             Client Reference Number      DR-605T
                                 Work Order Number:       990529

                            TABLE 5: RADIATED EMISSIONS: (UHF 445 MHZ)

                                    (Temperature: 31 F Degree, Humidity: 4%)
 Emission      Test      Antenna    Turntable     Antenna         Analyzer      Site       Emission
Frequency     Detector   Polarity   Azimuth        Height         Reading    Correction     Level        Limit         Margin
  (MHz)                   (H/V)       (deg)         (m)          (dBuV/m)     Factor      (dBuV/m)     (dBuV/m)         (dB)
 121.580         Qp         H           145             1.0        35.7        -16.5        19.2          43.5          -24.3
 182.370         Qp         H           135             1.0        33.9        -18.8        15.1          43.5          -28.4
 185.100         Qp         V           124             1.0        35.7        -18.6        17.1          43.5          -26.4
 246.800         Qp         H           220             1.0        34.3        -15.6        18.7          46.0          -27.3
 336.070         Qp         H           270             1.0        35.6        -13.3        22.3          46.0          -23.7
 414.150         Qp         H            30             1.0        48.0         -8.8        39.2          46.0           -6.8
 828.300         Qp         H            30             1.2        40.2         -3.1        37.1          46.0           -8.9

*All readings are quasi-peak, unless stated otherwise.


Signature:                                                       Date: January 23, 2000

Typed/Printed Name: Daniel Baltzell

Certification Report                                                                                  Page 15 of 158

                                         Company Name:       Alinco, Inc.
                                                   EUT:      DR-605T
                                                 FCC ID:     EUGDR-605T
                                Client Reference Number      DR-605T
                                    Work Order Number:       990529

                                TABLE 6: RADIATED EMISSIONS: (UHF 470 MHZ)

                                      (Temperature: 31 F Degree, Humidity: 4%)
 Emission      Test      Antenna      Turntable     Antenna        Analyzer      Site       Emission
Frequency     Detector   Polarity     Azimuth        Height        Reading    Correction     Level       Limit          Margin
  (MHz)                   (H/V)         (deg)         (m)         (dBuV/m)     Factor      (dBuV/m)    (dBuV/m)          (dB)
  91.185         Qp         H            220           1.0           37.0       -19.7        17.3         43.5           -26.2
 121.580         Qp         H            135           1.0           35.8       -16.5        19.3         43.5           -24.2
 243.160         Qp         H            225           1.0           36.3       -16.2        20.1         46.0           -25.9
 303.950         Qp         V            180           1.0           35.0       -14.2        20.8         46.0           -25.2
 439.150         Qp         H            125           1.0           48.6        -9.4        39.2         46.0            -6.8
 878.300         Qp         H            50            1.2           41.1        -2.5        38.6         46.0            -7.4

  *All readings are quasi-peak, unless stated otherwise.


  Signature:                                                        Date: January 23, 2000

  Typed/Printed Name: Daniel Baltzell

  Certification Report                                                                                 Page 16 of 158

                                  Company Name:     Alinco, Inc.
                                            EUT:    DR-605T
                                          FCC ID:   EUGDR-605T
                         Client Reference Number    DR-605T
                             Work Order Number:     990529

3.2      38dB REJECTION TEST

The UHF (400 MHz – 489 MHz) and VHF (130 MHz – 173 MHz) bands of the receiver under test were
checked to determine the highest 12 dB SINAD level on the signal generator which would be used to
determine a level at which to scan for the 38 dB rejection test. A high, middle, and low channel were
used for each band and a –23 dBm at 487.14 MHz was determined to be worst case of both UHF and
VHF bands. 40 dB was added to –23 dBm and the signal generator was set at 17 dBm as the level used
in both bands. A high, middle, and low channel from the mobile and base bands was selected to scan
and the receiver set into scanning mode; however, it did not stop on any channels so no comparison
signal could be used to determine the 38 dB rejection. Channels selected from each band were:


824.04 MHz - low frequency
836.00 MHz - medium frequency
848.97 MHz - high frequency


869.04 MHz – low frequency
881.00 MHz – medium frequency
893.97 MHz – high frequency

Certification Report                                                                   Page 17 of 158

                                         Company Name:          Alinco, Inc.
                                                   EUT:         DR-605T
                                                 FCC ID:        EUGDR-605T
                                Client Reference Number         DR-605T
                                    Work Order Number:          990529


I, the undersigned, hereby declare that the equipment tested and referenced in this report conforms to the
identified standard(s) as described in this attached test record. The modifications mentioned in this
report were made during testing to the equipment in order to achieve compliance with these standards.

Furthermore, there was no deviation from, additions to or exclusions from the ANSI C63.4 test

Signature:                                                               Date: March 1, 2000

Typed/Printed Name: Desmond A. Fraser                                    Position: President
                                                                           (NVLAP Signatory)

                  Accredited by the National Voluntary Accreditation Program for the specific scope of accreditation under Lab Code 20061-0.

Note: This report may not be used by the client to claim product endorsement by NVLAP or any agency of the U.S. Government.

Certification Report                                                                                                  Page 18 of 158

Document Created: 2000-03-23 10:13:28
Document Modified: 2000-03-23 10:13:28

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