Product description


Operational Description

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             Feb 9, 1999


               System: Double super heterodyne 1"* IF: FM 39.15MHz
                                                                WFM 13.35MHz
                                                       2°" IF: 450KHz

           2. Front—End:
            VHF: Incoming signal from the antenna passes through duplexer FL301 and low—
            pass filter, then changed by band—switch D317, amplified by RF amplifier Q312. The
            signal goes into band—pass filter, band—switch D314 and finally added to the mixer

             WFM radio: Incoming signal from the antenna passes through duplexer FL301 and
            low—pass filter, then changed by band—switch D317, amplified by RF amplifier Q318.
            Then same circuit as above the signal goes to IC306.

            UHF: Incoming signal passes same circuit as above, changed by band—switch D321,
            RF amplifier Q321, band—pass filter FL303, band—switch D322 and finally to mixer

           3. Mixer
            The sum and difference of input signal and first local signal is made in mixer IC306,
            separated FM and WFM signal at FM switch D319.
            FM: FM reception is obtained by selecting 39.15MHz at crystal filter XF301,
            eliminating adjacent signals then amplified by first IF amplifier Q320.

            WFM: WFM is obtained by band—pass filter, selecting 39.15MHz, eliminating
             adjacent signals.

            ~First local signal passes VCO output, cushion amplifier Q202, then goes into the
             local input terminal of mixer IC306. The upper—side local is used for VHF and WFM,
             lower—side local for UHF.

            4. IF
             FM: Amplified signal at first IF amplifier Q320 goes into 16 pin on IC307. Added
             signal and IC302‘s standard—buffer output picks up 12.9MHz signal and triple it
             with Q322, then with the signal that added to IC307‘s 1* pin, IC307‘s internal mixer

circuit obtains 450KHz 2"" IF signal. This 24 IF signal comes out of the 3" pin of
IC307, filtered adjacent signal by ceramic—filter FL302, then goes into 1C307‘s 5* pin.
This signal is detected by limit amp and quadretcher circuit inside the IC, then
goes out from the 10* pin as an audio signal.

WFM: WFM signal goes into IC310‘s 16 pin. Added signal and IC302‘s standard—
buffer signal 12,9MHz is doubled at Q322, then signal that added to IC310‘s 2* pin
is mixed at IC310‘s internal mixer circuit and converted to 13.35MHz 2" IF signal.
This signal comes out of IC310‘s 4* pin, goes into ceramic—filter FL304 and filtered
adjacent signal, then returns to IC310 through the 7* pin. Then this signal passes
through limit amp and quadretcher detection circuit inside the IC then comes out
of IC310‘s 9 pin as an audio signal.

FM: IC307s 10pin AF output signal goes into IC307‘s 11* pin. This signal passes
through noise—amp and filter circuit inside and goes out of IC307‘s 13*" pin. This
signal is added to microprocessor IC1H‘s AJ/D port, and AF output is controlled on
and off by IC1.

WFM: IC310‘s 10 pin outputs S—meter signal. This signal is added to IC1‘s A/D port
and then controlled by IC1.

FM/WFM: the selection of audio output signal is made by IC308 for FM, IC312 for
WFM. Then AF output signal passes through active band—pass filter Q329, AF
switch Q330 then adjusted the volume level by VR601. Adjusted signal goes into
audio power amplifier IC3‘s 2"" pin, comes out of 6* pin then goes to speaker.

VHF/FM radio
VHF and FM radio bands‘ VCO is consist of Colpitts oscillator. D202, D204, L202,
and L203 determine the frequency, by oscillating it at transistor Q201.
Oscillated signal goes into cushion amp Q202, Q304 then PLL—IC302‘s 19* pin.

UHF: Colpitts oscillator is also used. D206,D208,L204 determine the frequency and
oscillated by Q203. The signal goes into Q202, Q304 then PLL—IC302‘s 2"*" pin.

8. PLL
To control VCO‘s oscillating signal PLL—IC302 is used. IC1 microprocessor
transmits serial controlling signal to IC302. IC302‘s standard frequency 12.9MHz is
oscillated by crystal X301 internally.

    VHF/FM radio: IC302 compares phase of IC1‘s control signal that is added to the
    19*" pin of IC302 and standard 12.9MHz signal inside IC302; as a result if the
    difference is detected, IC302‘s 13pin charge—pump outputs pulse signal, convert it
    to DC voltage by active—filter, then added to VCO‘s D202 and D204‘s cathode to
    eliminate the difference, to obtain stable oscillation for the selected frequency.

    UHF: IC302 compares phase of IC!‘s control signal that is added to the 2 pin of
    IC302 and standard 12.9MHz signal inside IC302; as a result if the difference is
    detected, IC302‘s 8**" pin charge—pump outputs pulse signal, convert it to DC voltage
    by active—filter, then added to VCO‘s D206 and D208‘s cathode to eliminate the

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    MIC—Amp IC314 has 2 Op—Amp. Voice is converted to electronic signal by the
    microphone, then added to IC314. The output signal is amplified and pre—

VHF: output signal from the Mic—amp is adjusted for the MAX freq.deviation by
 VR302, and by added to VCO‘s D205 cathode, controls capacitance of oscillation
 circuit to obtain FM modulation.

    UHF: same as above, but VR301 for Max deviation adjustment and D207 for VCO.

    The signal oscillated by VCO goes into Q202, IC301, Q308 then power amplifier
    Q@306. Amplified signal is filtered with low—pass filter and duplexer to eliminate
    harmonics, then connected to the antenna.

Document Created: 2019-10-28 21:17:51
Document Modified: 2019-10-28 21:17:51

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