Cover Letter


Cover Letter(s)

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                                                                                          6600 Washington Avenue S.
     Sta r key.                                                                         Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344
     Hearing Technologies                                                                             T: 1.800.328.8602

October 12, 2017

Federal Communications Commission
445 12"" Street SW
Washington, DC 20554

Attention:       Application Examiner
Reference:       Certification:  Part 15.249 Intentional Radiator
                 Applicant:      Starkey Laboratories, Inc. DBA Starkey Hearing Technologies
                 Equipment:      Low Power Device (902—928 MHz)
                 Model:          Wireless hearing aid
                 FCC ID:         EOA—MUSEPOWER13

Dear Sir/Madam:
Enclosed please find an FCC EOA—MUSEPOWER13 certification application. This device is a
wireless hearing aid by use by the hearing impaired. The wireless features are used during the
initial fitting of a hearing aid to program the hearing aid, during normal usage to receive control
information from a remote control, and during normal usage to receive digital audio from a TV
This application covers hearing aids with the Muse P+ BTE 13 and Muse iQ P+ BTE 13 model
names. Both models are electrically and physically identical to each other, the only difference is
the product marketing name.

Further details and supporting documents are attached.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact the undersigned.


—Gle_ A" pahiA
William J. Mitchell, PE *
Wireless Regulatory Engineer

Document Created: 2019-11-01 17:57:25
Document Modified: 2019-11-01 17:57:25

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