RF Exposure Info

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          ORLAB!                                                                                         REPORT No. : SZ16110119S01

                                         RF EXPOSURE
                           EVALUATION REPORT

               APPLICANT                                     Starkey Laboratories, Inc.

                PRODUCT NAME                                The Dash

                MODEL NAME                                   B1000—001

                TRADE NAME                                  Starkey

                BRAND NAME                                  Starkey

                FCC ID                                       EOA—2AF5TB1001R

                                                            47CFR 2.1093
                STANDARD(S)                                 KDB 447498 D01                           General RF Exposure
                                                            Guidance v0O6

                ISSUE DATE

company. The test results apply only to the particular sample(s) tested and to the specific tests carried out which is available on request for
validation and information confirmed at our website.

                                         FL1—3, Building A, FeiYang Science Park, No.8 LongChang Road,         Tel: 86—755—36698555     Fax: 86—755—36698525
MORLAB GROUP                             Block67, BaoAn District, ShenZhen , GuangDong Province, P. R. China   Hittp:/   E—mail:

                                                                                                         REPORT No.:SZ16110119S01


 TEST REPORT DECLARATION ······················································································································· 3

 1. TECHNICAL INFORMATION ······················································································································· 4

 1.1. IDENTIFICATION OF APPLICANT ····················································································································· 4
 1.2. IDENTIFICATION OF MANUFACTURER ··········································································································· 4
 1.3. EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST (EUT) ··················································································································· 4
 1.3.1. PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE EUT ························································································································5
 1.3.2. IDENTIFICATION OF ALL USED EUT ·············································································································6
 1.4. APPLIED REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ··············································································································· 6

 2. DEVICE CATEGORY AND RF EXPOSURE LIMIT··················································································· 7

 3. MEASUREMENT OF CONDUCTED PEAK OUTPUT POWER ······························································ 8

 4. RF EXPOSURE EVALUATION ······················································································································ 8

 ANNEX A GENERAL INFORMATION ············································································································ 9

                                                                 Change History
  Issue               Date                                                          Reason for change
    1.0          2016-12-21                                                               First edition

                                         FL1-3, Building A, FeiYang Science Park, No.8 LongChang Road,         Tel: 86-755-36698555    Fax: 86-755-36698525
M ORLAB GROU P                           Block67, BaoAn District, ShenZhen , GuangDong Province, P. R. China   Http://   E-mail:

                                                                                                                                                Page 2 0f 9

                                                                                          REPORT No. : SZ16110119S01

                        TEST REPORT DECLARATION

 Applicant                Starkey Laboratories, Inc.

 Applicant Address        6600 Washington Avenue, South, Eden Prairie, MN 55344, USA

 Manufacturer             Same as applicant

 Manufacturer Address     Same as applicant

 Product Name             The Dash

 Model Name               B1000—001

 Brand Name               Starkey

 HW Version               B1.2 for Beta3

 SW Version               B3_RC2
                          47CFR 2.1093;
 Test Standards           KDB 447498 D01 General RF Exposure Guidance v0O6
 Issue Date               2016—12—21

                  Tested by           i                            Ch% 3}\9!13 kML
                                                                   Chen Shengkui

                  Reviewed by         _:                                  }-“u JW‘
                                                    ¢"                       ju Jun

                  Approved by         :                            M %'\
                                                                       Peng Huarui

MoR        B G Ro U P     FL1—3, Building A, FeiYang Science Park, No.8 LongChang Road,         Tel: 86—755—36698555     Fax: 86—755—36698525
      LA                  Block67, BaoAn District, ShenZhen , GuangDong Province, P. R. China   Hittp:/   E—mail:

                                                                                                                                  Page 3 Of 9

                                                                                            REPORT No.:SZ16110119S01

 Note: the following data is based on the information by the applicant.

 1.1. Identification of Applicant
 Company Name:               Starkey Laboratories, Inc.
 Address:                    6600 Washington Avenue, South, Eden Prairie, MN 55344, USA

 1.2. Identification of Manufacturer
 Company Name:               Same as applicant
 Address:                    Same as applicant

 1.3. Equipment Under Test (EUT)
 Model Name:                 B1000-001
 Trade Name:                 Starkey
 Brand Name:                 Starkey
 Hardware Version:           B1.2 for Beta3
 Software Version:           B3_RC2
 Frequency Bands:            Bluetooth2.1+EDR: 2402-2480MHz;
                             Bluetooth 4.0:2402-2480MHz;
 Modulation Mode:            Bluetooth 2.1+EDR: GFSK/π/4-DQPSK/8-DPSK;
                             Bluetooth 4.0: GFSK;
 Antenna type:               LDS Antenna

                            FL1-3, Building A, FeiYang Science Park, No.8 LongChang Road,         Tel: 86-755-36698555    Fax: 86-755-36698525
M ORLAB GROU P              Block67, BaoAn District, ShenZhen , GuangDong Province, P. R. China   Http://   E-mail:

                                                                                                                                   Page 4 0f 9

                                                                                         REPORT No.:SZ16110119S01

 1.3.1. Photographs of the EUT

 1.   EUT front view

 2.   EUT rear view

                         FL1-3, Building A, FeiYang Science Park, No.8 LongChang Road,         Tel: 86-755-36698555    Fax: 86-755-36698525
M ORLAB GROU P           Block67, BaoAn District, ShenZhen , GuangDong Province, P. R. China   Http://   E-mail:

                                                                                                                                Page 5 0f 9

                                                                                            REPORT No.:SZ16110119S01

 1.3.2. Identification of all used EUT

 The EUT identity consists of numerical and letter characters, the letter character indicates the test
 sample, and the following two numerical characters indicate the software version of the test

                            Hardware Version                                         Software Version
                   1#           B1.2 for Beta3                                              B3_RC2

 1.4. Applied Reference Documents
 Leading reference documents for testing:
 No.    Identity                            Document Title
 1      47 CFR§2.1093                       Radiofrequency Radiation Exposure Evaluation: portable
 2      KDB 447498 D01v06                   General RF Exposure Guidance

                            FL1-3, Building A, FeiYang Science Park, No.8 LongChang Road,         Tel: 86-755-36698555    Fax: 86-755-36698525
M ORLAB GROU P              Block67, BaoAn District, ShenZhen , GuangDong Province, P. R. China   Http://   E-mail:

                                                                                                                                   Page 6 0f 9

                                                                                             REPORT No.:SZ16110119S01


 Per user manual, this device is a Bluetooth earphone. Based on 47CFR 2.1093, this device
 belongs to portable device category with General Population/Uncontrolled exposure.
 Portable Devices:
 47CFR 2.1093(b)
 For purposes of this section, a portable device is defined as a transmitting device designed to be
 used so that the radiating structure(s) of the device is/are within 20 centimeters of the body of the

 47CFR 2.1093(d) (2)
 Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled exposure: 0.08 W/kg as averaged over the whole-body
 and spatial peak SAR not exceeding 1.6 W/kg as averaged over any 1 gram of tissue (defined as a
 tissue volume in the shape of a cube). Exceptions are the hands, wrists, feet and ankles where the
 spatial peak SAR shall not exceed 4 W/kg, as averaged over any 10 grams of tissue (defined as a
 tissue volume in the shape of a cube). General Population/Uncontrolled limits apply when the
 general public may be exposed, or when persons that are exposed as a consequence of their
 employment may not be fully aware of the potential for exposure or do not exercise control over
 their exposure. Warning labels placed on consumer devices such as cellular telephones will not be
 sufficient reason to allow these devices to be evaluated subject to limits for occupational/controlled
 exposure in paragraph (d)(1) of this section.

                             FL1-3, Building A, FeiYang Science Park, No.8 LongChang Road,         Tel: 86-755-36698555    Fax: 86-755-36698525
M ORLAB GROU P               Block67, BaoAn District, ShenZhen , GuangDong Province, P. R. China   Http://   E-mail:

                                                                                                                                    Page 7 0f 9

                                                                                              REPORT No.:SZ16110119S01

 1. Bluetooth Peak output power

                                         Frequency                                   Output Power(dBm)
          Band         Channel
                                           (MHz)                   GFSK                  π/4-DQPSK                     8-DPSK
                          0                   2402                  -4.26                     -0.60                          -5.53
       BT2.1+EDR          39                  2441                  -0.32                     -0.60                          -0.60
                          78                  2480                   1.97                     2.02                           1.26

                                                             Frequency                    Power(dBm)
                       Band              Channel
                                               0                  2402                        -6.58
                       BT4.0                  19                  2440                        -4.72
                                              39                  2480                        -1.29

 The device only incorporates a Bluetooth transmitter, so standalone SAR evaluation is required for
 Bluetooth and simultaneous SAR is not required.

 Standalone transmission SAR evaluation

 According to KDB 447498 section 4.3.1, the 1-g SAR test exclusion thresholds at test separation
 Distances ≤ 50 mm are determined by:
 [(max. power of channel, including tune-up tolerance, mW)/(min. test separation distance,
 mm)]·[√f(GHz)] ≤ 3.0
 The maximum tune-up limit power is 1.58mW @ 2.48GHz
 When Bluetooth earphone is worn on the head, BT antenna spacing 0mm from body, so use 5mm
 as the most conservative minimum test separation distance,
 [(max. power of channel, including tune-up tolerance, mW)/(min. test separation distance,
 mm)]·[√f(GHz)] =0.2 ≤ 3.0

 So SAR evaluation is not required for this device.

                              FL1-3, Building A, FeiYang Science Park, No.8 LongChang Road,           Tel: 86-755-36698555      Fax: 86-755-36698525
M ORLAB GROU P                Block67, BaoAn District, ShenZhen , GuangDong Province, P. R. China     Http://     E-mail:

                                                                                                                                         Page 8 0f 9

                                                                                          REPORT No.:SZ16110119S01


 1. Identification of the Responsible Testing Laboratory
  Company Name:                             Shenzhen Morlab Communications Technology Co., Ltd.
  Department:                               Morlab Laboratory
  Address:                                  FL.3, Building A, FeiYang Science Park, No.8 LongChang
                                            Road, Block 67, BaoAn District, ShenZhen, GuangDong
                                            Province, P. R. China
  Responsible Test Lab Manager:             Mr. Su Feng
  Telephone:                                +86 755 36698555
  Facsimile:                                +86 755 36698525

 2. Identification of the Responsible Testing Location
  Name:                                     Shenzhen Morlab Communications Technology Co., Ltd.
                                            Morlab Laboratory
  Address:                                  FL.3, Building A, FeiYang Science Park, No.8 LongChang
                                            Road, Block 67, BaoAn District, ShenZhen, GuangDong
                                            Province, P. R. China

                                    ***** END OF REPORT *****

                          FL1-3, Building A, FeiYang Science Park, No.8 LongChang Road,         Tel: 86-755-36698555    Fax: 86-755-36698525
M ORLAB GROU P            Block67, BaoAn District, ShenZhen , GuangDong Province, P. R. China   Http://   E-mail:

                                                                                                                                 Page 9 0f 9

Document Created: 2017-12-20 07:53:32
Document Modified: 2017-12-20 07:53:32

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