User Manual


Users Manual

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                                                      Table of Contents

Introduction��������������������������������������������������������������������� 2
Overview������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4
Basic Use������������������������������������������������������������������������� 6
Connecting to Audio Sources ��������������������������������������� 10
Pairing��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11
Start/Stop Audio Streaming ����������������������������������������� 13
Assembling the Power Adapter������������������������������������� 14
Troubleshooting������������������������������������������������������������� 15
Safety Information��������������������������������������������������������� 17
Regulatory Notices ������������������������������������������������������� 19

2 | Introduction                                                                              Introduction | 3

Starkey Hearing Technologies TV is designed to           Typical Setup
stream audio from electronic audio sources directly
to your 2.4GHz wireless hearing aids. The TV device         Starkey Hearing Technologies TV
can be successfully connected to many electronic
audio sources, including televisions, computers,
MP3 players, DVD players and cable boxes.
The TV device can concurrently stream audio to an
unlimited number of users, allowing them to share
the same listening experience.
Streaming – Audio or sound transmitted wirelessly from
the TV device directly to your hearing aids
                                                                                    Audio Out

Package Contents
  • Starkey Hearing Technologies TV
  • Power Adapter
  • Optical Toslink Cable
  • 3.5mm to RCA cable
  • Operations Manual

4 | Overview                                                                                     Overview | 5

Overview                                                   : Powers Starkey Hearing Technologies TV on and off
                                                           : Pair with hearing aids
                                                            and     : To increase the audio stream volume,
                                                         press the “+”. To decrease the volume, press the “-“.
                 A      B      C      D
                                                           Tip: Stream Volume can also be adjusted via the
A.   Power Supply Jack: A power adapter is provided.       Thrive™ Hearing Control app, Starkey Hearing
                                                           Technologies Remote, and/or hearing aid user
B.   Optical TOSLINK Jack: A TOSLINK cable is              controls. Review your hearing aid operations manual
     provided.                                             or contact your hearing professional for details on
C.   Analog Jack                                           your particular system setup.

     • A 3.5mm-to-RCA cable is provided.
                                                         LED: Provides helpful information about the TV device.
     • An external microphone (part #52640-000) can
       be obtained from your hearing professional.        LED                CURRENT STATE
D. Mono/Stereo Switch                                     Off                • Power is off
     •     (MONO) – select if you wear one hearing aid    Solid Green        • Power is on, but not streaming
     •       (STEREO) – select if you wear two                                 audio
         hearing aids                                     Solid Blue         • Power is on and streaming
                                                          Blinking Blue      • Hearing aid pairing mode is
                                                                               active. For more details, refer to
                                                                               Pairing section on page 11.
                                                          Solid Red          • Possible fault condition

6 | Basic Use                                                           Basic Use | 7

Basic Use
To quickly start using Starkey Hearing Technologies TV
with a typical setup:
1.   Remove the plastic caps from both ends of the
     TOSLINK cable.
                                                                          Audio Out
2.   Attach a TOSLINK cable into the Audio OUT jack
     on your electronic audio source. Power on your
     electronic audio source.                                   1          2
     • Note: If there is no TOSLINK audio OUT jack,
       try a different electronic audio source or try the
       3.5mm to RCA cable.
3.   Attach the other end of TOSLINK cable to the
                                                            B       C
     rear of the TV device (jack B).
4.   Plug the power adapter into the wall socket.
     • Note: If the power adapter does not have the
       proper plug configuration, refer to Assembling
       the Power Adapter section on page 14.                    3          4
5.   Insert the power adapter microUSB connector
     into the rear of the TV device (jack A).
6.   Press the power button on the TV device to
     turn it on.

                                                                5          6

8 | Basic Use                                                  Basic Use | 9

7.   If the front LED glows solid blue, then the TV
     device has detected audio and is streaming.

Tip: If the LED remains solid green, recheck your setup
or review Troubleshooting section.

8.   Ensure your hearing aids are powered on.
     • Note: Prior to streaming audio for the first
       time, your hearing aids will need to be paired
       to the TV device. Refer to the Pairing section
       on page 11.
9.   To start streaming audio,
     • Open Thrive Hearing Control and select the
       option to Start Streaming from the TV device.
     • Refer to Start/Stop Audio Streaming section
       on page 13 for additional options.
10. Press the +/- button on the TV device to adjust       8
    the stream volume.
11. To stop streaming, do one of the following:
     • Open Thrive Hearing Control and select Stop
       Stream from the TV device.
     • Turn off the TV device (     ).
     • Refer to Start/Stop Audio Streaming section
       on page 13 for additional options.


10 | Connecting to Audio Sources                                                                                                      Pairing | 11

Connecting to Audio Sources
                                                                         Tip: During initial setup, a solid blue LED confirms the
There are different ways to attach an audio source to                    audio cable is properly attached to the TV device and
Starkey Hearing Technologies TV. Carefully examine                       audio streaming is active.
an electronic audio source to determine which
AUDIO OUT options it offers.
                         Insert cable into the       Attach the other    For Starkey Hearing Technologies TV to interact with
                         AUDIO OUT jack on           end of cable to     your hearing aid(s), you must first pair the TV device
                         your electronic audio       the rear of the
                         source                      TV device
                                                                         with each hearing aid. You only need to perform
                                                                         this action one time, as they should automatically
 Optical TOSLINK                                     Use jack B
                                                                         recognize each other when both are powered on and
                                                                         within wireless operating range.*
                                    Audio Out           B         C
                                                                        To pair the TV device with your hearing aid(s):

 Analog RCA to                                       Use jack C
                                                                        1.      Ensure your hearing aids are not connected to
 3.5mm                                                                          nearby Bluetooth devices. To do this,

                               Audio Out                B         C           • Disable Bluetooth on your mobile phone.
                         Note: Connect the red-to-                            • Power off any nearby Starkey Hearing
                         red and white-to-white.
                                                                                Technologies TV or Remote Microphone +
 External Microphone     If no AUDIO OUT jacks are   Use jack C
                         available, then place an                               accessories, which you previously paired to
                         external microphone near                               your hearing aids.
                         an active speaker.
                                                        B         C
                                                                        2.      Power off, then power on your hearing aids.
                                                                        3.      Place your hearing aids within 15cm [6 inches]
 Ask your hearing                                                               of the TV device.
 professional for part

                                                                        *Typical operating range is up to 15 meters (~50 feet). Operational range may be
                                                                         reduced by environmental factors, such as obstructions, interference, and human
                                                                         body positioning. Larger operational distances are achievable, though audio quality
                                                                         and connectivity may decrease.

12 | Pairing                                                                      Start/Stop Audio Streaming | 13

4.   Press the button on the TV device. The front                  Start/Stop Audio Streaming
     LED will begin blinking blue. Audio streaming will            Audio streaming from Starkey Hearing Technologies TV
     be temporarily stopped during this step.                      may be started (or stopped) in a variety of ways:
5.   For Binaural hearing aids:                                      • Thrive Hearing Control – Open the App on
 First LED    Second LED       Pairing Result        Next Step         your mobile phone or tablet. Select the option to
 blink        blink                                                    Start/Stop Streaming.
                               Binaural success      Complete        • Starkey Hearing Technologies Remote – If
                               Only one hearing     Repeat steps       preconfigured by your hearing professional,
                               aid paired           1–4
                                                                       press the Favorite button ( ).
                               No hearing aids      Repeat steps
                               paired               1–4              • Hearing aid user control – If preconfigured by
                                                                       your hearing professional, a specific gesture (e.g.
6.   For a Monaural hearing aid:
                                                                       a Long Press on a Push Button) can start/stop
 LED blink    Pairing Result             Next Step                     streaming.
              Monaural success           Complete
                                                                   Audio streaming will also stop when:
              Pairing unsuccessful       Repeat steps 1 − 3
                                         and 5                       • An incoming audio signal is not detected.
                                                                     • The TV device is turned off.
                                                                   An audible indicator may play in your hearing aids to
                                                                   signal the start/stop of audio streaming.

14 | Assembling the Power Adapter                                                              Troubleshooting | 15

Assembling the Power Adapter                             Troubleshooting
Starkey Hearing Technologies TV may include a
                                                         SYMPTOM         POSSIBLE CAUSES           SOLUTIONS
variety of plug configurations for use in different
                                                         One (or both)   Hearing aids may          Move closer to the TV
countries. If the power adapter requires assembly:       hearing aids    be on the edge of         device.
                                                         unexpectedly    wireless range.
1.   Select the appropriate plug configuration used in   drops out
     your country.                                                       Battery level in          Replace hearing aid battery
                                                         of audio
                                                                         hearing aid can           with new one.
2.   Slide the plug onto the power adapter until it                      no longer support
                                                                         audio streaming.
     snaps into place.
                                                                         The TV device may         Re-orient the TV device
3.   To remove the plug, press the tab and slide the                     not be positioned for     spatially by turning a few
     plug away from the cable.                                           optimal streaming.        degrees to right or left.
                                                                         Large object, such        For best performance, your
                                                                         as furniture or a wall,   hearing aids should be
                                                                         may be degrading          within line-of-sight of the
                                                                         signal.                   TV device.
                                                         LED is solid    Hearing aids are          Move closer to the TV
                                                         blue, but no    not within wireless       device.
                                                         streamed        range.
                                                         sounds are
                                                                         Audio stream needs        Manually start the audio
                                                         heard in the
                                                                         to be manually            stream via your Thrive
                                                         hearing aids.
                                                                         started to be heard       Hearing Control, remote, or
                                                                         in hearing aids.          hearing aid user control.

           1                               2                             Hearing aids are not      Refer to Pairing section to
                                                                         paired with the TV        associate your hearing aids
                                                                         device.                   with the TV device.


16 | Troubleshooting                                                                                          Safety Information | 17

SYMPTOM        POSSIBLE CAUSES        SOLUTIONS                      Safety Information
I expect to    Audio cable may be     Ensure the cable is plugged    Intended Use
hear audio     connected to “audio    into “audio OUT” jack on
                                                                     Starkey Hearing Technologies TV is an accessory to a wireless air conduction
streaming,     IN” on electronic      the electronic audio source.   hearing aid. It is intended as a wireless transmitter of sound from a television or
but my         audio source.                                         other electronic audio source directly to an air conduction hearing aid.
LED is solid
               No incoming audio      Turn on the electronic audio   The TV device is designed to comply with the most stringent Standards of
green.                                                               International Electromagnetic Compatibility. However, it is still possible that you
               signal is available.   source.
                                                                     may experience interference caused by power line disturbances, electromagnetic
               Electronic audio       Set the digital output on      fields from other medical devices, radio signals and electrostatic discharges.
               source output is not   your electronic audio source   The TV device is designed to be cleaned with a damp cloth moistened with
               correct format.        to PCM or Dolby Audio.         soapy water.
LED is solid   Possible error         Remove power adapter           If you use other medical devices or wear implantable medical devices such
red.           condition.             from jack A, wait 5 seconds    as defibrillators or pacemakers and are concerned that your TV device might
                                      and reinsert power adapter.    cause interference with your medical device, please contact your physician or the
                                                                     manufacturer of your medical device for information about the risk of disturbance.
Streamed       Many new               • Try using another audio      The TV device should be stored within the temperature and humidity ranges of
audio is not   televisions (such as     output jack (which           -40˚C (-40˚F) to +60˚C (140˚F) and 10%-95% relative humidity.
synchronized   HDTVs) take a long       may require a different
                                                                     The TV device is designed to operate indoors in the range of temperatures from
with the       time to process the      type of cable) on your
                                                                     10˚C (50˚F) to 40˚C (104˚F).
television     video signal, so         television.
picture.       they may delay the                                    We are required by regulations to provide the following warnings:
                                      • Try using another
               audio to maintain                                     WARNING: Use of the TV device directly next to other electronic equipment
                                        electronic audio source.
               synchronization.                                      should be avoided because it could result in improper performance. If such use
                                        For example, if currently
                                                                     is necessary, note as to whether your hearing aids and the other equipment are
                                        using cable box, try         operating normally.
                                        the audio OUT on a
                                        television or vice-versa.    WARNING: Use of accessories, components or replacement parts other than
                                                                     those provided by the manufacturer of your TV device could result in increased
                                      • Some electronic              electromagnetic emissions and decreased electromagnetic immunity and could
                                        audio sources (such          result in degradation of performance.
                                        as televisions or A/V
                                        receivers) have a built-in   WARNING: If Portable Radio Frequency communications equipment is
                                                                     used closer than 30 cm (12 inches) from your TV device, degradation of the
                                        option to adjust the         performance of your hearing aid could result. If this occurs, move away from the
                                        timing sequence of           communications equipment.
                                        audio and video.

18 | Safety Information                                                                                                  Regulatory Information                        | 19

Although the TV device is not formally certified (IP rated) for protection against
dust or water ingress, per IEC 60529, it has been tested to the IP 5X level. This       Regulatory Notices
means that the TV device is protected from dust.                                        FCC ID: EOA-24TV
                                                                                        IC: 6903A-24TV (Models 800 and 801)
The TV device does not contain any user-serviceable parts. Do not open or
modify it.                                                                              FCC/IC Notice
Do not connect the TV device to any devices not described in this manual.
                                                                                        This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules and with ISED Canada’s
The expected service life of the TV device is 5 years.                                  license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two
                                                                                        conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device
Wireless Technical Description                                                          must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
                                                                                        undesired operation of the device.
Starkey Hearing Technologies TV operates in the 2.4- 2.4835 GHz band with a
maximum effective radiated power of 20 dBm (North America), 10 dBm (rest of             Users are cautioned that a 20cm (8 inch) minimum separation distance must be
world) with transmission modulation type of GFSK and 2 MHz bandwidth. The               maintained from the device to insure compliance with FCC and ISED Canada RF
receiver section of the radio has a bandwidth of 2 MHz.                                 exposure requirements.
The TV device has been tested to, and has passed, the following emissions and           NOTE: The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio or TV interference
immunity tests:                                                                         caused by unauthorized modifications to this equipment. Such modifications
                                                                                        could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
• IEC 60601-1-2 radiated and conducted emissions requirements for a Group 1
  Class B device as stated in CISPR 11.
• Harmonic distortion and voltage fluctuations affecting the power input source
  as stated in Table 2 of IEC 60601-1-2.
• RF radiated immunity at a field level of 10 V/m between 80 MHz and 2.7 GHz
  as well as higher field levels from communications devices as stated in Table 9
  of IEC 60601-1-2.
                                                                                        Note FCC/IC
• Immunity to power frequency magnetic fields at a field level of 30 A/m.               Cet appareil est conforme à la partie 15 des règles de la FCC et avec les normes
                                                                                        RSS de licence d’Industrie Canada. Le fonctionnement est soumis à deux
• Immunity to ESD levels of +/- 8 kV conducted discharge and +/- 15 kV air
                                                                                        conditions: (1) Cet appareil ne doit pas causer d’interférences nuisibles et (2) cet
                                                                                        appareil doit accepter toute interference reçue, y compris les interférences qui
• Immunity to electrical fast transients on the power input at a level of +/- 2 kV at   peuvent causer des fonctionnements du dispositif.
  a 100 Hz repetition rate.                                                             Les utilisateurs sont avertis qu'une distance de séparation minimale de 20 cm (8
                                                                                        pouces) doit être maintenue depuis l'appareil pour assurer la conformité aux
• Immunity to surges on the power input of +/- 1 kV line to line.
                                                                                        exigences d'exposition RF de FCC et d'ISED Canada.
• Immunity to conducted disturbances induced by RF fields on the power input            NOTE: Le manufacturier n’est pas responsable de l’interférence créée par la
  as stated in Table 6 of IEC 60601-1-2.
                                                                                        modification de cet équipement lors de l’écoute du téléviseur ou de la radio. De
• Immunity to voltage dips and interruptions on the power input as stated in            tells modifications pourraient entrainer la révocation de l’autorité de l’utilisateur à
  Table 6 of IEC 60601-1-2.                                                             opérer cet équipement.
                                                                                        Hereby, Starkey Hearing Technologies declares that Starkey Hearing
                                                                                        Technologies TV is in compliance with the essential requirements and other
                                                                                        relevant provisions of Directive 2014/53/EU. A copy of the Declaration
                                                                                        of Conformity can be obtained from the following addresses and from

20 | Regulatory Information                     Notes

Starkey Hearing Technologies
6700 Washington Ave. South
Eden Prairie, MN 55344 USA

Wm. F. Austin House, Bramhall Technology Park
Pepper Road, Hazel Grove, Stockport SK7 5BX
United Kingdom

This TV device produces radio
frequency energy. Interference
may occur in the vicinity of
equipment marked with the
following symbol.

Class II device

Dispose of properly

Consult operations manual

Manufactured under license
from Dolby Laboratories.
Dolby Audio and the double-D
symbol are trademarks of
Dolby Laboratories.

Notes   Notes

© 2018 Starkey Hearing Technologies. All Rights Reserved.
86162-007 4/18 BKLT2999-00-EE-SG

Document Created: 2018-07-10 07:55:47
Document Modified: 2018-07-10 07:55:47

© 2025
This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC