Test Report 1


Test Report

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                                                        Itron, Inc.

                                       REVISED EMC TEST REPORT TO 102014-2

              AMR Transceiver Device For Communicating With Utility Meters
                                      Model: IMRB

                                           Tested To The Following Standards:

                                                    FCC Part 101 Subpart C

                                                      Report No.: 102014-2A

                                                    Date of issue: May 30, 2019

                                        This test report bears the accreditation symbol indicating that the
                                        testing performed herein meets the test and reporting requirements
                                        of ISO/IEC 17025 under the applicable scope of testing for
                                        CKC Laboratories, Inc.

                                        We strive to create long-term, trust based relationships by providing
                                        sound, adaptive, customer first testing services. We embrace each of
                                        our customers’ unique EMC challenges, not as an interruption to set
                                        processes, but rather as the reason we are in business.
    Test Certificate # 803.05

This report contains a total of 24 pages and may be reproduced in full only. Partial reproduction may only be done with the
written consent of CKC Laboratories, Inc.

                                                                   TABLE OF CONTENTS

Administrative Information .......................................................................................................................... 3
   Test Report Information ............................................................................................................................................3
   Revision History .........................................................................................................................................................3
   Report Authorization .................................................................................................................................................3
   Test Facility Information ............................................................................................................................................4
   Software Versions ......................................................................................................................................................4
   Site Registration & Accreditation Information ..........................................................................................................4
   Summary of Results ...................................................................................................................................................5
   Modifications During Testing .....................................................................................................................................5
   Conditions During Testing..........................................................................................................................................5
   Equipment Under Test ...............................................................................................................................................6
   General Product Information.....................................................................................................................................6
FCC Part(s) 2 / 101 ........................................................................................................................................ 7
   2.1046 / 101.113 Transmitter Power Limitations ......................................................................................................7
   2.1055 / 101.107 Frequency Tolerance ...................................................................................................................10
   2.1049 / 101.109 Bandwidth ...................................................................................................................................13
   2.1051 / 101.111 Emissions Limitations - Conducted .............................................................................................16
   2.1053 / 101.111 Emissions Limitations - Radiated .................................................................................................20

                                                                                                                                                   Page 2 of 24
                                                                                                                                         Report No.: 102014-2A

                                     Test Report Information

 reeort reraren ron:                                         rerort remareo ay:
 Itron, Inc.                                                 Terd Rayle
 2111 N. Molter Road                                         CKC Laboratories, Inc.
  therty Lake, WA 99019                                      5006 Sterra Pines Drive
                                                             Maripose, CA 95338
 REPRESENTATIVE: Jay Holcomb                                 Project Number: 99513
 Customer Reference Number: 165609
 vare or equipment receier:                                  December 12, 2018
 nare(s) or tesrine:                                         December 1217, 2018

                                           Revision History

     nal: Testing of the AMR Transc            For Communt ing With Utlity Meters, ModelIMRG to FCC Part
101 Subpart .
Revision A: To correct the model reference on the Te page to IMRB from a misspelled IMRA. Replaced plots in
Section 2.1049 / 101109 Sandwidth.

                                       Report Authorization
The test data contained in thisreport documents the observed testing parameters pertaining to and are relevantfor
only the sample equipmenttested in the agreed upon operational mode(s} and configuration(s) as identied herein.
Compliance assessment remains the client‘s responsibilty. This report may not be used to claim product
endorsement by A2LA or any government agencies. This test report has heen authorized for release under quality
contral from CKC Laboratories,Inc.

                                                   Steve Bchm
                              Director of Quality Assurance & Engineering Services

                                                                                                   Page 3 of 24
                                                                                         Report No: 102014—2A

                              Test Facility Information

                                                Our laboratories are configured to effectively test a wide
                                                variety of product types. CKC utilizes first class test
                                                equipment, anechoic chambers, data acquisition and
                                                information services to create accurate, repeatable and
                                                affordable test results.

                                                TEST LOCATION(S):
                                                CKC Laboratories, Inc.
                                                22116 23rd Drive S.E., Suite A
                                                Canyon Park, Bothell, WA 98021

                                   Software Versions
CKC Laboratories Proprietary Software                        Version
EMITest Emissions                                            5.03.02
EMITest Immunity                                             5.03.02

                Site Registration & Accreditation Information
   Location       NIST CB #      TAIWAN        CANADA             FCC              JAPAN
  Canyon Park
                   US0081     SL2-IN-E-1145R   3082C-1          US1022             A-0148
  Bothell, WA

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                                                                                Report No.: 102014-2A

                                      SUMMARY OF RESULTS
Standard / Specification: FCC Part 2 / 101

 Test Procedure             Description                                           Modifications     Results
 2.1046 / 101.113           Transmitter Power Limitations                               NA               Pass

 2.1055 / 101.107           Frequency Tolerance                                         NA               Pass

 2.1049 / 101.109           Bandwidth                                                   NA               Pass

 2.1051 / 101.111           Emissions Limitations- Conducted                            NA               Pass

 2.1053 / 101.111           Emissions Limitations- Radiated                             NA               Pass

 2.1047                    Modulation Characteristics                             NA                     NA1
NA = Not Applicable
NA1 = Not applicable because the EUT does not employ any modulation types outlined in the rules.

  ISO/IEC 17025 Decision Rule
  The declaration of pass or fail herein is based upon assessment to the specification(s) listed above, including
  where applicable, assessment of measurement uncertainties. For performance related tests, equipment was
  monitored for specified criteria identified in that section of testing.

                                  Modifications During Testing
This list is a summary of the modifications made to the equipment during testing.
  Summary of Conditions
  No modifications were made during testing.

Modifications listed above must be incorporated into all production units.

                                    Conditions During Testing
This list is a summary of the conditions noted to the equipment during testing.
  Summary of Conditions

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                                                                                             Report No.: 102014-2A

                              EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST (EUT)
During testing, numerous configurations may have been utilized. The configurations listed below support
compliance to the standard(s) listed in the Summary of Results section.

Configuration 3
Equipment Tested:
Device                                Manufacturer           Model #               S/N
AMR transceiver device for            Itron, Inc.            IMRB                  IMR003024
communicating with utility meters
Support Equipment:
Device                                Manufacturer           Model #               S/N
Laptop                                Dell                   E6410                 46TXXN1
AC Adapter for Laptop                 Dell                   DA130PE1-00           NA
AC Adapter                            DVE                    DV-51AR               NA

General Product Information:

       Product Information                                Manufacturer-Provided Details
         Equipment Type:                                     Stand-Alone Equipment
        Modulation Type(s):                                            OOK
     Antenna Type(s) and Gain:                                  Internal PIFA 2.0dB
     Antenna Connection Type:               Integral (External connector provided to facilitate testing)
      Nominal Input Voltage:                                       120VAC, 60Hz
 Firmware / Software used for Test:       DSP Version Version 3.02 / MC3 Test v4.0.2.2
        Temperature Range                                           -20C to 50C

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                                                                                       Report No.: 102014-2A

                                  FCC PART(S) 2 / 101
                  2.1046 / 101.113 Transmitter Power Limitations
                                         Test Setup/Conditions
Test Location:       Bothell Lab C3                     Test Engineer:        M. Harrison / S. Pittsford
Test Method:         FCC CFR 47 Part 101.113, TIA-603E  Test Date(s):         12/14/2018
Configuration:       3
Test Setup:          Frequency Range: 952-959.85MHz
                     Frequency tested: 952.006, 959.99MHz
                     Firmware power setting: Max Power
                     EUT Firmware: 5.71
                     Protocol /MCS/Modulation: OOK

                     Antenna type: Internal PIFA
                     Antenna Gain: 2.0 dBi

                     Duty Cycle: 100% (Test Mode)

                     Test Mode: Continuously transmitting
                     Test Setup: EUT is transmitting through a temporary antenna connector and is attached
                     directly to the spectrum analyzer. Multiple modulation tones investigated, only worst
                     case reported.
                     Modifications Added: None

                      Environmental Conditions
 Temperature (ºC)      20-22    Relative Humidity (%):       30-36

                                            Test Equipment
    Asset#             Description         Manufacturer             Model           Cal Date         Cal Due
     02673          Spectrum Analyzer         Agilent              E4446A           2/3/2017        2/3/2019
    P07228             Attenuator           Pasternack            PE7004-20        11/30/2017      11/30/2019

                                          Test Data Summary
                           Measured Power
   Frequency (MHz)                                   Power Watts               Limit Watts           Results
        952.006                28.55                      0.716                     25
        959.99                 28.42                      0.695                     25

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                                                                                         Report No.: 102014-2A


Low Channel

High Channel

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Test Setup Photo

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                   Report No.: 102014-2A

                         2.1055 / 101.107 Frequency Tolerance
                                          Test Setup/Conditions
Test Location:        Bothell Lab Bench 2                  Test Engineer:     M. Harrison / S. Pittsford
Test Method:          FCC CFR 47 Part 101.107, TIA-603E    Test Date(s):      12/17/2018
Configuration:        2
Test Setup:           Frequency Range: 952-959.85MHz
                      Frequency tested: 952.00625, 959.99375MHz
                      Firmware power setting: Max Power
                      EUT Firmware: 5.71
                      Protocol /MCS/Modulation: OOK

                      Antenna type: Internal PIFA
                      Antenna Gain: 2.0 dBi

                      Duty Cycle: 100% (Test Mode)

                      Test Mode: Continuously transmitting
                      Test Setup: EUT is inside temperature chamber transmitting through a temporary antenna
                      connector and is attached directly to the spectrum analyzer.
                      Modifications Added: None

                      Environmental Conditions
Temperature (ºC)         20      Relative Humidity (%):        31

                                             Test Equipment
  Asset#              Description           Manufacturer           Model            Cal Date         Cal Due
   02757         Temperature Chamber           Bemco             F100/350-8         1/2/2017        1/2/2019
   02673           Spectrum Analyzer           Agilent             E4446A           2/3/2017        2/3/2019
  P07228              Attenuator             Pasternack          PE7004-20         11/30/2017      11/30/2019
  P07527                 Variac               Simpson                NA            11/21/2018      11/21/2020
  P06008                 Cable                Andrew                Heliax         4/10/2018        4/10/2020
                  Thermometer, Digital
   03029                                        Fluke               566            1/12/2017        1/12/2019

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                                                                                        Report No.: 102014-2A

                                          Test Data Summary
  Temperature                 Frequency       Frequency        Limit
                 Voltage                                                    Results
     (ºC)                       (MHz)        Tolerance (%)      (%)
     -30          VNominal    952.00557         0.00007       0.0005
     -20          VNominal    952.00554         0.00008       0.0005
     -10          VNominal    952.00561         0.00007       0.0005
       0          VNominal    952.00561         0.00007       0.0005
      10          VNominal    952.00558         0.00007       0.0005
      20         VMinimum     952.00546         0.00008       0.0005         Pass
      20          VNominal    952.00551         0.00008       0.0005
      20         VMaximum     952.00546         0.00008       0.0005
      30          VNominal    952.00548         0.00008       0.0005
      40          VNominal    952.00559         0.00007       0.0005
      50          VNominal    952.00561         0.00007       0.0005
    Nominal Frequency:        952.00625

                                          Test Data Summary
  Temperature                 Frequency       Frequency        Limit
                 Voltage                                                    Results
     (ºC)                       (MHz)        Tolerance (%)      (%)
     -30          VNominal    959.99302         0.00008       0.0005
     -20          VNominal    959.99289         0.00009       0.0005
     -10          VNominal    959.99303         0.00008       0.0005
       0          VNominal    959.99311         0.00007       0.0005
      10          VNominal    959.99308         0.00007       0.0005
      20         VMinimum     959.99293         0.00009       0.0005         Pass
      20          VNominal    959.99293         0.00009       0.0005
      20         VMaximum     959.99293         0.00009       0.0005
      30          VNominal    959.99300         0.00008       0.0005
      40          VNominal    959.99308         0.00007       0.0005
      50          VNominal    959.99311         0.00007       0.0005
    Nominal Frequency:        952.99375

Parameter Definitions:
Measurements performed at input voltage Vnominal ± 15%.
 Parameter                 Value
 VNominal:                 120VAC
 VMinimum:                 102VAC
 VMaximum:                 138VAC

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   Test Setup Photos

Inside Temperature Chamber

Outside Temperature Chamber

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                              Report No.: 102014-2A

                              2.1049 / 101.109 Bandwidth
                                        Test Setup/Conditions
Test Location:      Bothell Lab C3                     Test Engineer:       M. Harrison / S. Pittsford
Test Method:        FCC CFR 47 Part 101.109, TIA-603E Test Date(s):         12/12/2018
Configuration:      3
Test Setup:         Frequency Range: 952-959.85MHz
                    Frequency tested: 952.006, 959.993MHz
                    Firmware power setting: Max Power
                    EUT Firmware: 5.71
                    Protocol /MCS/Modulation: OOK

                    Antenna type: Internal PIFA
                    Antenna Gain: 2.0 dBi

                    Duty Cycle: 100% (Test Mode)

                    Test Mode: Continuously transmitting
                    Test Setup: EUT is transmitting through a temporary antenna connector and is attached
                    directly to the spectrum analyzer. Multiple modulation tones investigated, only worst
                    case reported.
                    Modifications Added: None

                    Environmental Conditions
Temperature (ºC)     20-22     Relative Humidity (%):       30-36

                                           Test Equipment
    Asset#            Description         Manufacturer            Model           Cal Date           Cal Due
     02673         Spectrum Analyzer         Agilent             E4446A           2/3/2017          2/3/2019
    P07228            Attenuator           Pasternack           PE7004-20        11/30/2017        11/30/2019

                                         Test Data Summary
Frequency                                    Measured               Limit
                    Modulation                                                             Results
  (MHz)                                        (kHz)                (kHz)
 952.006                OOK                   2.5672                <12.5                   Pass
  959.99                OOK                   2.7880                <12.5                   Pass

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Low Channel

High Channel

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Test Setup Photo

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                   Report No.: 102014-2A

             2.1051 / 101.111 Emissions Limitations - Conducted
                                        Test Setup/Conditions
Test Location:      Bothell Lab C3                       Test Engineer:     M. Harrison / S. Pittsford
Test Method:        FCC CFR 47 Part 101.111, TIA-603E    Test Date(s):      12/14/2018
Configuration:      3
Test Setup:         Frequency Range: 952-959.85MHz
                    Frequency tested: 9kHz-10GHz
                    Firmware power setting: Max Power
                    EUT Firmware: 5.71
                    Protocol /MCS/Modulation: OOK

                    Antenna type: Internal PIFA
                    Antenna Gain: 2.0 dBi

                    Duty Cycle: 100% (Test Mode)

                    Test Mode: Continuously transmitting
                    Test Setup: EUT is transmitting through a temporary antenna connector and is attached
                    directly to the spectrum analyzer. Multiple modulation tones investigated, only worst
                    case reported.
                    Modifications Added: None

                    Environmental Conditions
Temperature (ºC)     20-22     Relative Humidity (%):       30-36

                                           Test Equipment
    Asset#            Description         Manufacturer            Model           Cal Date         Cal Due
     02673         Spectrum Analyzer         Agilent             E4446A           2/3/2017        2/3/2019
    P07228            Attenuator           Pasternack           PE7004-20        11/30/2017      11/30/2019

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                                                                                      Report No.: 102014-2A

                                             Test Data Summary
Limit applied: Part 101.111 (a) (5)
(i) On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized bandwidth by a displacement frequency (fd in
KHz) of more than 2.5 KHz up to and including 6.25 KHz: At least 53 log10 (fd/2.5) decibels;

(ii) On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized bandwidth by a displacement frequency (fd in
KHz) of more than 6.25 KHz up to and including 9.5 KHz: At least 103 log10 (fd/3.9) decibels;

(iii) On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized bandwidth by a displacement frequency (fd in
KHz) of more than 9.5 KHz up to and including 15 KHz: At least 157 log10 (fd/5.3) decibels; and

(iv) On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized bandwidth by a displacement frequency
greater than 15 KHz: At least 50 plus 10 log10(P) or 70 decibels, whichever is the lesser attenuation.
(50+10log10(0.716W) = 48.55) (28.55dBm output power attenuated by 48.55dB = -20dBm +107= 87dBuV)
 Frequency                Measured                        Limit               Margin
    (MHz)                   (dBuV)                       (dBuV)                  (dB)
  1904.012                    56.4                         87                   -30.6                  Pass
     1905                     53.5                         87                   -33.5                  Pass
  2856.018                    57.1                         87                   -29.9                  Pass
   2857.5                     57.5                         87                   -29.5                  Pass
  3808.024                    56.5                         87                   -30.5                  Pass
     3810                     52.7                         87                   -34.3                  Pass
   4760.03                    51.9                         87                   -35.1                  Pass
  4762.475                    53.4                         87                   -33.6                  Pass
  7616.598                    60.9                         87                   -26.1                  Pass
   7622.03                    61.0                         87                   -26.0                  Pass

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Test Setup Photo

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                   Report No.: 102014-2A

                 2.1053 / 101.111 Emissions Limitations - Radiated
                                        Test Setup/Conditions
Test Location:      Bothell Lab C3                        Test Engineer:   M. Harrison / S. Pittsford
Test Method:        FCC CFR 47 Part 101.111, TIA-603E     Test Date(s):    12/12/2018
Configuration:      3
Test Setup:         Frequency Range: 952-959.85MHz
                    Frequency tested: 9kHz-10GHz
                    Firmware power setting: Max Power
                    EUT Firmware: 5.71
                    Protocol /MCS/Modulation: OOK

                    Antenna type: Internal PIFA
                    Antenna Gain: 2.0 dBi

                    Duty Cycle: 100% (Test Mode)

                    Test Mode: Continuously transmitting
                    Test Setup: EUT has temporary antenna connector and is connected to termination.
                    Multiple modulation tones investigated, only worst case reported.
                    Modifications Added: None

                    Environmental Conditions
Temperature (ºC)     20-22     Relative Humidity (%):      30-36

                                           Test Equipment
    Asset#            Description         Manufacturer          Model            Cal Date         Cal Due
     02307              Preamp                 HP               8447D           1/15/2018       1/15/2020
    P05305                Cable            Andrews             ETSI-50T         10/24/2017      10/24/2019
    P05360                Cable              Belden             RG214           1/31/2018       1/31/2020
     02673         Spectrum Analyzer        Agilent             E4446A           2/3/2017        2/3/2019
    P06123             Attenuator           Aeroflex             18N-6           5/5/2017        5/5/2019
    P06540                Cable            Andrews               Heliax         10/30/2017      10/30/2019
     03628         Biconilog Antenna          ETS                3142E           6/7/2017        6/7/2019
     01467           Horn Antenna            EMCO                 3115          7/21/2017       7/21/2019
     02611          High Pass Filter              TTE                           1/15/2018        1/15/2020
    P06219            Attenuator              Narda             768-10          4/13/2018        4/13/2020
    P06503               Cable              Astrolab                            3/13/2018        3/13/2020
    P06515               Cable              Andrews              Heliax         6/29/2018        6/29/2020
     03540              Preamp                HP                83017A          5/2/2017         5/2/2019
     00052           Loop Antenna            EMCO                 6502          5/7/2018          5/7/2020

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                                                                                     Report No.: 102014-2A

                                           Test Data Summary
Limit applied: Part 101.111 (a) (5)
(i) On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized bandwidth by a displacement frequency (fd in
KHz) of more than 2.5 KHz up to and including 6.25 KHz: At least 53 log10 (fd/2.5) decibels;

(ii) On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized bandwidth by a displacement frequency (fd in
KHz) of more than 6.25 KHz up to and including 9.5 KHz: At least 103 log10 (fd/3.9) decibels;

(iii) On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized bandwidth by a displacement frequency (fd in
KHz) of more than 9.5 KHz up to and including 15 KHz: At least 157 log10 (fd/5.3) decibels; and

(iv) On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized bandwidth by a displacement frequency
greater than 15 KHz: At least 50 plus 10 log10(P) or 70 decibels, whichever is the lesser attenuation.
(50+10log10(0.716W) = 48.55) (28.55dBm output power attenuated by 48.55dB = -20dBm)

       𝑑𝐡𝑒𝑉                                                               75.2𝑑𝐡𝑒𝑉
 𝐸𝐼𝑅𝑃 (     ) = 𝑃(π‘‘π΅π‘š) − 20𝐿𝑂𝐺(𝑑) + 104.77 = −20π‘‘π΅π‘š − 20𝐿𝑂𝐺(3) + 104.77 =          @ 3 π‘šπ‘’π‘‘π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘ 
        π‘š                                                                     π‘š
Where d is distance in meters.

Note: The limit and measurements were recorded and corrected for dBµV/m at 3m using correction factors
based on known measurement system losses.
Frequency                Measured                     Limit               Margin
  (MHz)               (dBµV/m at 3m)             (dBµV/m at 3m)             (dB)
  28.448                   39.2                       75.2                   -36                 Pass
  34.495                   44.7                       75.2                 -30.5                 Pass
  35.945                   43.9                       75.2                 -31.3                 Pass
  47.835                   43.1                       75.2                 -32.1                 Pass
  60.015                   42.9                       75.2                 -32.3                 Pass
  72.195                    40                        75.2                 -35.2                 Pass
  162.53                    32                        75.2                 -43.2                 Pass
  1904.2                   57.2                       75.2                   -18                 Pass
 1919.92                   57.3                       75.2                 -17.9                 Pass
 2855.94                    54                        75.2                 -21.2                 Pass
 2880.03                   54.2                       75.2                   -21                 Pass
 3808.92                    53                        75.2                 -22.2                 Pass
 3839.71                    51                        75.2                 -24.2                 Pass
 4760.92                   51.2                       75.2                   -24                 Pass
  4799.7                   52.2                       75.2                   -23                 Pass
 5712.93                   54.6                       75.2                 -20.6                 Pass
 5759.69                   56.7                       75.2                 -18.5                 Pass
 6664.93                   56.9                       75.2                 -18.3                 Pass
 6720.25                   60.8                       75.2                 -14.4                 Pass
 7616.93                   58.7                       75.2                 -16.5                 Pass
 7680.24                   58.6                       75.2                 -16.6                 Pass
 8568.77                   60.4                       75.2                 -14.8                 Pass
 8640.23                   58.8                       75.2                 -16.4                 Pass
 9520.77                   59.5                       75.2                 -15.7                 Pass
 9600.22                   59.8                       75.2                 -15.4                 Pass

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Test Setup Photo(s)

    Below 1GHz

    Above 1GHz

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X Axis

Y Axis

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Z Axis

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Document Created: 2019-06-05 00:03:41
Document Modified: 2019-06-05 00:03:41

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