Test Report 1


Test Report

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                                                                                                                     FC200 960MHz Data
FCC part 101                                                                                                        FCC ID: EO9-FC200A

TITLE: FC200 960MHz Data
AUTHOR: Drew Rosenberg

 REV           CCO       DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE                              DATE                APPROVALS
                         INITIAL RELEASE

                                              REVISION HISTORY



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 Information contained herein is proprietary and is property of ITRON, Inc. where furnished with a proposal, the recipient shall use it
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                                            FC200 960MHz Data                          FCC ID: EO9-FC200A
Summary                                                                                  Test Data Summary

   Test Data Summary

                       FCC Part 101 / RSS-119 Transceiver
                                 952-960 MHz
                                     FCC ID: EO9-FC200A

                                        Device Model:

                                        Model Numbers:

                                        Serial Numbers:

            Rule                          Description                    Max. Reading Pass/Fail
  FCC 101.113                   EIRP of Fundamental Emissions             22.29 dBm     Pass
  FCC 101.111a(5)               Transmit Mask - FCC                          N/A        Pass
  FCC 101.109                   Occupied Bandwidth                         3.38kHz      Pass

                                        Cognizant Personnel

                       Drew Rosenberg                         Regulatory Engineer
                           Name                                      Title

                       Mark Kvamme                              Senior Technician
                          Name                                        Title

                                                    FC200 960MHz Data                                    FCC ID: EO9-FC200A
Test 1: FCC Part 101.113                                                                        EIRP of Fundamental Emissions

Test 1: FCC Part 101.113
    EIRP of Fundamental Emissions

                                                             Equipment          Serial     Cal           Cal
Canada:                                                        Used            Number      Date          Due
   1. Output power must be +/-1dB of                        Substitution
      rated power.                                             Antenna          4106      09/13/04     09/13/06
                                                          (Roberts Dipole)
   2. Output power must be less than                      Receive Antenna
                                                                              AN 19570      Reference Only
      4W (6dBW)                                           (Roberts Dipole)
                                                             Generator       3123A01161 11/8/2004 11/8/2006
FCC:                                                         HP8673D
  Measure the EIRP of the transmitter                         Analyzer       US40240538 4/21/2005 4/21/2006
  fundamental using the antenna                            Agilent E4408B
  substitution procedure (appendix A).                      Power Meter
                                                                             3125U11553 11/10/2004 11/10/2005
  The EIRP of the transmitter may not                      Power Sensor
                                                                             3318A08626 12/1/2004 11/30/2005
  exceed:                                                    HP8481D

                                                           Date Temp/Humidity Tested by
      Frequency            Fixed     Mobile
                                                                   ºF / %
        (MHz)             (dBW)      (dBW)
       952-860              40         14                 6/24/05    74          74

Fill in the white spaces in the table below for each frequency measured:
                             Analyzer     Analyzer
                            Reading of   Reading of
                              Device     Generator   Difference  Substitution       Generator
 Frequency                  Emissions    Emissions    (add to    Antenna Gain        Output           EIRP
   (MHz)       Polarity        (dBm)       (dBm)    ERP reading)     (dBi)           (dBm)           (dBm)
    960           V           -15.805      -37.34      21.535         0.8            -0.044          22.291

                                         FC200 960MHz Data                              FCC ID: EO9-FC200A
Test 2: FCC 101.109                                                                       Occupied Bandwidth

Test 2: FCC 101.109
    Occupied Bandwidth
                                               Equipment Serial Number   Cal    Cal
                                                 Used                    Date   Due
Measure the occupied bandwidth (99%
                                               HP8593E 3543A02032 6/22/2005 9/15/2006
bandwidth). The Occupied bandwidth
may not exceed 12.5kHz (US) or
11.25kHz (Canada).                                 Date      Tested by

                                               6/22/05 Mark Kvamme

Place a screen capture of the measurement below:

                                            FC200 960MHz Data                             FCC ID: EO9-FC200A
Test 3: FCC Part 101.111a(5)                                                              Transmitter Mask (US)

Test 3: FCC Part 101.111a(5)
    Transmitter Mask (US)                         Equipment  Serial    Cal      Cal
                                                    Used    Number     Date     Due
Measure the transmitter mask, referenced to        HP8594 3710A04999 02/24/05 02/24/07
an unmodulated carrier, according to the
following schedule:                                 Date    Temp/Humidity     Tested by
                                                               ºF / %
   Minimum      Maximum              below        6/24/05       74 / 74     Mark Kvamme
 Displacement Displacement       unmodulated
  Frequency    Frequency             carrier
     (kHz)        (kHz)               (dB)
       2.5         6.25          53*log(fd/2.5)
      6.25         9.5          103*log(fd/3.9)
       9.5          15          157*log(fd/5.3)
       15          >15         50+Log(P) or 70

                                                                   FC200 960MHz Data                                          FCC ID: EO9-FC200A
Appendix A                                                                                         Antenna Substitution Method of EIRP Measurement

Appendix A
    Antenna Substitution Method of EIRP Measurement

             First, measure the field strength of the device in accordance with the procedure in Appendix B.
        Second, replace the device with an antenna and connect the antenna to the output of a signal generator.
        Set the signal generator to the same frequency as the device emission that is being measured. Adjust
        the height of receiving antenna to give the highest reading. Repeat with the substitution antenna in the
        vertical position. Bring the position back to the polarity and height that results in the highest field
        strength reading. Set the signal generator to a power that results in the same field strength reading as
        that of the device emission. The gain of the transmitting antenna, output power of the generator, and
        loss of the cable can then be used to determine the EIRP of the device.

                            Field Strength = ACF1 + Cable Loss1 + Ground Plane + DUT Output

             Field Strength = ACF1 + Cable Loss1 + Ground Plane + Cable Loss2 + Antenna2 Gain + RF Source which produces a level equivalent to DUT

                                                   FC200 960MHz Data                                                                 FCC ID: EO9-FC200A
Appendix B                                                                                                           Field Strength Measurement Procedure

Appendix B
    Field Strength Measurement Procedure

             This test measures the field strength of radiated emissions using a spectrum analyzer and a
        receiving antenna in accordance with ANSI C63.4-2003. During the test, the EUT is to be placed on a
        non-conducting support at 80 cm above the horizontal ground plane of the OATS. The horizontal
        distance between the antenna and the DUT is to be exactly 3 meters. Levels below 1 GHz are to be
        measured with the spectrum analyzer resolution bandwidth at 120 kHz and levels at or above 1 GHz
        are to be measured with the spectrum analyzer resolution bandwidth at 1 MHz.

        1) Monitor the frequency range of interest at a fixed antenna height and EUT azimuth.
        2) If appropriate, manipulate the system cables to produce the highest amplitude signal
        relative to the limit. Note the amplitude and frequency of the suspect signal.
        3) Rotate the EUT 360° to maximize the suspected highest amplitude signal. If the signal or
        another at a different frequency is observed to exceed the previously noted highest amplitude
        signal by 1 dB or more, go back to the azimuth and repeat step b). Otherwise, orient the EUT
        azimuth to repeat the highest amplitude observation and proceed.
        4) Move the antenna over its fully allowed range of travel to maximize the suspected highest
        amplitude signal. If the signal or another at a different frequency is observed to exceed the
        previously noted highest amplitude signal by 1 dB or more, return to step b) with the antenna
        fixed at this height. Otherwise, move the antenna to the height that repeats the highest
        amplitude observation and proceed.
        5) Change the polarity of the antenna and repeat step b), step c), and step d). Compare the
        resulting suspected highest amplitude signal with that found for the other polarity. Select and
        note the higher of the two signals. This signal is termed the highest observed signal with
        respect to the limit for this EUT operational mode.

                                     EUT                                     3 M.                                            Mast

                             80 cm                                                    Roberts Dipole,
                                                                                      Bi - conical, and
                                                                                      Log Periodic antennae
                                                                                      below 1 GHz.
                                                                                      Double Ridged Guide antenna
                                                                                      above 1 GHz.



                                                                                             [1] Indicates a change in
                                                                     [1]                         connection, not an actual
                                      Signal                                                     switch.
                                                 10 dB                       40 dB

                                      Power                                Reference Level Set

Document Created: 2005-07-26 19:44:42
Document Modified: 2005-07-26 19:44:42

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