Cover Letter Original Waiver


Cover Letter(s)

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                                   WASHINGTON, O.C. 20554
                                       ‘I,".\   «_
                                       NQ\Y/ 5       1990
                                                                      IN REPLY REFER TO:

                                                                   3103 0/EQU/6—3—6
                                                                   DoR — 9/17/90

Mr. Richard F. Feser
E. F. Johnson Company
1270 Fairfield Road
Suite 30
P.   0.   Box 4116
Gettysburg,     Pennsylvania   17325

Dear Mr.     Feser:

     This is in reply to your letters of September 14, 1990, and October 1.
1990, in which, on behalf of EnScan, ‘Inc., you request a waiver of
Section 15.231(e).

          As stated in your letters, EnScan is designing a transmitter, its Read
One Pro Unit, that would be used with meters employed by electric, gas and
water utilities.  These meters are of the type that are read remotely for
billing purposes.  The Read One Pro Unit is used to program the meters w ith
unique identification tags and to establish that the meters w ill transmit
the proper information for billing and control purposes.  The transmitter is
designed to operate at 952 MHz under the provisions of Section 15.231(e).

     You also state that over 700,000 meters operating at 952 MHz have
already been installed, and 1.7 million additional meters have been
manufactured and are ready for distribution.  Thus, operation on a different
frequency where continuous operation is permitted, such as the band 905—928
Mz under Section 15.249, is not practicable.

          In accordance with Section 15.231(e), a transmitter must be provided
with a means to automatically limit operation so that the duration of each
transmission is not greater than one second with a silent period betw een
transmissions of 30 times the duration of the transmission and at least 10
seconds.        How ever, you indicate that the Read One Pro Unit requires a
‘transmission period of 1.5 seconds. You add that transmission is required
 only when a meter is placed in operation with no need for reprogramming
unless there is a technical problem or the meter is replaced.  You also
state that operation under other rules, such as Section 15.209, is not
feasible.  Accordingly, you request a waiver of the one second limit on
transmission duration.

          The transmission time limit in Section 15.231(e) was established to
reduce the potential for interference to the authorized radio services.
This is achieved by both limiting the time during which interference could
occur and by restricting the types of devices that can be operated under
this provision, thereby reducing proliferation.

     As show n in your request, the Read One Pro Unit transmitter is employed
only once for each meter that is installed, limiting transmission time per
meter to only 1.5 seconds every 10 to 15 years. Thus, even though the Read
One Pro Unit is designed to transmit for longer than one second, its
operation w ould be infrequent, except in limited cases whete several meters
are replaced in a localized area.      While the Commission could continue to
maintain its timing requirement in Section 15.231(e), such a requirement
probably would result in the Read One Pro Unit having to transmit one packet
of information over a one second interval, followed by a second transmission
30 seconds later.   This would be burdensome to the meter installer and could
increase the interference potential.

     As currently designed and used, the Read One Pro Unit would have a
limited proliferation and should not have a high potential for causing
interference to the authorized services. Accordingly, a waiver of the
maximum transmission interval permitted under Section 15.231(e) appears to
be warrtanted.                                         '

     Under the authority contained in Sections 0.31 and 0.241 of our
regulations, a waiver of the one second transmission interval in
Section 15.231(e) is issued to EnScan, Inc. for its Read One Pro Unit.
This w aiver is subject to the follow ing conditions:

           1. The transmission interval shall not exceed 1.5 seconds. Due
to the application of this transmitter, it does not appear that additional
transmissions w ould occur on a frequent basis, Thus, no specific circuitry
to ensure thattransmission will not reoccur for 30 times the iength of the
transmission, i.e., 45 seconds is required to be incorporated in this

          2. A grant of certification is obtained for the transmitter
 demonstrating compliance with the additional standards in Part 15.

          3. The operation of the Read One Pro Unit continues to comply
with the other applicable provisions in Part 15, including the
non—interference requirement in Section 15.5.

      The Commission is concerned about the proliferation of transmitters
 that exceed the duty cycle limits in Section 15.231(e).     I would suggest for
 future equipment designs that you consider the use of alternative frequency
 bands that can be used without these time constraints, such as the bands
 show n in Section 15,.249, or the use of other circuit designs that enable
 shorter transmission intervals.

     I trust that the above responds to your inquiry.   Additional questions
should be directed to Mr. John Reed at Room 7122 at the address on the
letterhead or at (202) 653—7313.


                                       Thomas P. Stanley   %
                                       Chief Engineer

Document Created: 2001-11-20 14:22:17
Document Modified: 2001-11-20 14:22:17

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