MPE Report WPT


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                                  MPE REPORT

                                 SDI Technologies Inc.

   Bluetooth Wireless Qi Charging Bedside Alarm Clock With USB Charging

        Model No.: iBTW390, iBTW390X (X denote different cabinet color)

                                   Trademark: iHome

                                FCC ID: EMOIBTW390

      Prepared for     :   SDI Technologies Inc.
      Address          :   1299, Main Street, Rahway, NJ 07065, U.S.A

      Prepared by      :   EMTEK(SHENZHEN) CO., LTD.
      Address          :   Bldg 69, Majialong Industry Zone,
                           Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

                           Tel: (0755) 26954280
                           Fax: (0755) 26954282

              Report Number    : ES190325961W02
              Date of Test     : March 25, 2019 to April 29, 2019
              Date of Report   : April 29, 2019

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                                                                     TABLE OF CONTENT

        Test Report Description                                                                                                                                             Page
1. SUMMARY OF TEST RESULT ........................................................................................................ 4
2. GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................................................................................... 5
   2.1. DESCRIPTION OF DEVICE (EUT) .................................................................................................................................... 5
   2.2. DESCRIPTION OF TEST FACILITY .................................................................................................................................... 6
   2.3. MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ....................................................................................................................................... 6
3. MEASURING DEVICE AND TEST EQUIPMENT ......................................................................... 7
   3.1. FOR MPE MEASUREMENT ............................................................................................................................................. 7
4. RF EXPOSURE ................................................................................................................................... 7
   4.1. MEASURING STANDARD.................................................................................................................................................. 8
   4.2. REQUIMENTS .................................................................................................................................................................. 8
   4.3. TEST CONFIGURATION .................................................................................................................................................... 9
   4.4. LIMITS ........................................................................................................................................................................... 10
   4.5. MEASURING RESULTS .................................................................................................................................................. 11
5. PHOTOGRAPHS OF TEST SETUP .............................................................................................. 13

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                                  TEST REPORT DESCRIPTION

         Applicant           :     SDI Technologies Inc.
                                   1299, Main Street, Rahway, NJ 07065, U.S.A

         Manufacturer        :     SDI Technologies Inc.
                                   1299, Main Street, Rahway, NJ 07065, U.S.A
         Factory             :     DONGGUAN SYNST ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD
                                   THE SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY INDUSTRIAL PARK, HOUJIE TOWN,
                                   DONGGUAN, GUANGDONG, CHINA
         Trade Mark          :     iHome
         EUT                 :     Bluetooth Wireless Qi Charging Bedside Alarm Clock With USB Charging
         Model No.           :     iBTW390, iBTW390X (X denote different cabinet color)

        Measurement Procedure Used:

        FCC Part 1(1.1310) and Part 2(2.1091)
        680106 D01 RF Exposure Wireless Charging App v03

        The device described above is tested by EMTEK(SHENZHEN) CO., LTD. to determine the
        maximum emission levels emanating from the device and the severe levels of the device can
        endure and its performance criterion. The measurement results are contained in this test report and
        EMTEK(SHENZHEN) CO., LTD. is assumed full of responsibility for the accuracy and
        completeness of these measurements. Also, this report shows that the EUT (Equipment Under Test)
        is technically compliant with the FCC requirements.

        This report applies to above tested sample only and shall not be reproduced in part without written
        approval of EMTEK(SHENZHEN) CO., LTD.

      Date of Test :                                      March 25, 2019 to April 29, 2019

      Prepared by :
                                                                Yaping Shen/Editor

      Reviewer       :
                                                                Jack Li/Supervisor

      Approve & Authorized Signer :
                                                                Lisa Wang/Manager

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     Description of Test Item               Standard & Limits                             Results
                                            FCC Part 1(1.1310) and Part 2(2.1091)
     MPE                                    680106 D01 RF Exposure Wireless                 Pass
                                            Charging App v03

     Note: N/A is an abbreviation for Not Applicable.

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        2.1. Description of Device (EUT)
            EUT                :   Bluetooth Wireless Qi Charging Bedside Alarm Clock With USB Charging

            Model Number       :   iBTW390, iBTW390X (X denote different cabinet color)

            Power Rating       :   Clock Backup: DC 3V CR2405 x1
                                   USB output: DC 5V 1A
                                   AC Adapter: DC 12V 2.5A
                                   Wireless Charger: Support Samsung fast charge 9W

            Operation         :    110KHz-205KHz
            Frequency for WPT

            Antenna Type:      :   Integral Antenna(Induction coil)

            Modulation         :   ASK

            Date of Received   :   March 25, 2019

            Date of Test       :   March 25, 2019 to April 29, 2019

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        2.2. Description of Test Facility
             Site Description
             EMC Lab.           : Accredited by CNAS, 2016.10.24
                                  The certificate is valid until 2022.10.28
                                  The Laboratory has been assessed and proved to be in compliance with
                                  CNAS-CL01:2006 (identical to ISO/IEC 17025:2005)
                                  The Certificate Registration Number is L2291.

                                  Accredited by TUV Rheinland Shenzhen 2016.5.19
                                  The Laboratory has been assessed according to the requirements
                                  ISO/IEC 17025.

                                  Accredited by FCC, August 06, 2018
                                  The certificate is valid until August 07, 2020
                                  Designation Number: CN1204
                                  Test Firm Registration Number: 882943

                                  Accredited by Industry Canada, November 09, 2018
                                  The Conformity Assessment Body Identifier is CN0008.

                                  Accredited by A2LA, July 31, 2017
                                  The Certificate Number is 4321.01.

             Name of Firm       : EMTEK (SHENZHEN) CO., LTD.

             Site Location      : Bldg 69, Majialong Industry Zone, Nanshan District, Shenzhen,
                                  Guangdong, China

        2.3. Measurement Uncertainty
            Radiated Emission Uncertainty        : 3.3dB (30M~1GHz Polarize: H)
                                                   3.2dB (30M~1GHz Polarize: V)
                                                   3.7dB (1~18GHz Polarize: H)
                                                   3.6dB (1~18GHz Polarize: V)

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         3.1. For MPE Measurement
  Used        Equipment          Manufacturer   Model No.   Serial No.       Last Cal.      Cal. Interval

                                   Narda        EF0391     2304/03        May 20, 2018         1 Year

        Broadband Field Meter      Narda       NBM-550      232421        May 20, 2018         1 Year

            Exposure Level
                                   Narda       ELT-400      C-0012        May 20, 2018         1 Year

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        4.1. Measuring Standard
             FCC Part 1(1.1310) and Part 2(2.1091)

        4.2. Requiments

       Three different categories of transmitters are defined by the FCC in OET Bulletin 65. These categories
       are fixed installation, mobile, and portable and are defined as follows: o Fixed Installations: fixed
       location means that the device, including its antenna, is physically secured at a permanent location and
       is not able to be easily moved to another location. Additionally, distance to humans from the antenna is
       maintained to at least 2 meters. o Mobile Devices: a mobile device is defined as a transmitting device
       designed to be used in other than fixed locations and to be generally used in such a way that a
       separation distance of at least 20 centimeters is normally maintained between the transmitter's radiating
       structures and the body of the user or nearby persons. Transmitters designed to be used by consumers
       or workers that can be easily re-located, such as a wireless modem operating in a laptop computer, are
       considered mobile devices if they meet the 20 centimeter separation requirement. The FCC rules for
       evaluating mobile devices for RF compliance are found in 47 CFR §2.1091. o Portable Devices: a
       portable device is defined as a transmitting device designed to be used so that the radiating structure(s)
       of the device is/are within 20 centimeters of the body of the user. Portable device requirements are
       found in Section 2.1093 of the FCC's Rules (47 CFR§2.1093). The FCC also categorizes the use of
       the device as based upon the user’s awareness and ability to exercise control over his or her exposure.
       The two categories defined are Occupational/ Controlled Exposure and General
       Population/Uncontrolled      Exposure.     These     two    categories    are    defined    as    follows:
       Occupational/Controlled Exposure: In general, occupational/controlled exposure limits are applicable to
       situations in which persons are exposed as a consequence of their employment, who have been made
       fully aware of the potential for exposure and can exercise control over their exposure. This exposure
       category is also applicable when the exposure is of a transient nature due to incidental passage through
       a location where the exposure levels may be higher than the general population/uncontrolled limits, but
       the exposed person is fully aware of the potential for exposure and can exercise control over his or her
       exposure by leaving the area or by some other appropriate means. Awareness of the potential for RF
       exposure in a workplace or similar environment can be provided through specific training as part of a RF
       safety program. If appropriate, warning signs and labels can also be used to establish such awareness
       by providing prominent information on the risk of potential exposure and instructions on methods to
       minimize such exposure risks. General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure: The general population /
       uncontrolled exposure limits are applicable to situations in which the general public may be exposed or
       in which persons who are exposed as a consequence of their employment may not be made fully aware
       of the potential for exposure or cannot exercise control over their exposure. Members of the general
       public would come under this category when exposure is not employment-related; for example, in the
       case of a wireless transmitter that exposes persons in its vicinity. Warning labels placed on low-power
       consumer devices such as cellular telephones are not considered sufficient to allow the device to be
       considered under the occupational/controlled category, and the general population/uncontrolled
       exposure limits apply to these devices.

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        4.3. Test configuration

     1, The field strength of both E-field and H-field was measured at 15cm(the 15 cm measured from the
     center of the probe(s) to the edge of the device) using the equipment list above for determining
     compliance with the MPE requirements of FCC Part 1.1310.
     2, The RF power density was measured at 3 ifferent charge conditions:. min load, mid load, max load.
     3, Maximum E-field and H-field measurements were made 15cm from each side of the EUT. Along the
     side of the EUT and still 15cm away from the edge of the EUT, the field probes were positioned at the
     location where there is maximum field strength. The maximum E-field and H-field is reported below.
     4, This device uses a wireless charging circuit for power transfer operating at the frequency of 111 –
     205kHz. Thus, the 300kHz limits were used: E-field Limit = 614 (V/m); H-field limit = 1.63 (A/m).

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        4.4. Limits

          Test Mode     Description               Remark
                         100% Load             With resistor
          Mode A
                          50% Load             With resistor
                          10% Load             With resistor

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        4.5. Measuring Results
 Test Mode: Mode A.1(100% Load)
 Electric Field Emissions
 Test Position                Measure Value (V/m)           Limit(V/m)
            Top                      2.35                      614
            Left                     2.19                      614
           Right                     1.49                      614
           Rear                      1.42                      614
           Front                     1.15                      614
          Bottom                     1.19                      614

 Magnetic Field Emissions
 Test Position                Measure Value (A/m)           Limit(A/m)
           Top                      0.0136                     1.63
           Left                     0.0145                     1.63
         Right                      0.0042                     1.63
         Rear                       0.0025                     1.63
         Front                      0.0081                     1.63
        Bottom                      0.0076                     1.63

 Test Mode: Mode A.1(50% Load)
 Electric Field Emissions
 Test Position                Measure Value (V/m)           Limit(V/m)
            Top                      2.49                      614
            Left                     2.55                      614
           Right                     1.46                      614
           Rear                      1.48                      614
           Front                     1.32                      614
          Bottom                     1.33                      614

 Magnetic Field Emissions
 Test Position                Measure Value (A/m)           Limit(A/m)
           Top                      0.0138                     1.63
           Left                     0.0142                     1.63
         Right                      0.0045                     1.63
         Rear                       0.0033                     1.63
         Front                      0.0066                     1.63
        Bottom                      0.0071                     1.63

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 Test Mode: Mode A.1(10% Load)
 Electric Field Emissions
 Test Position                Measure Value (V/m)                   Limit(V/m)
            Top                      2.56                              614
            Left                     2.59                              614
           Right                     1.46                              614
           Rear                      1.41                              614
           Front                     1.40                              614
          Bottom                     1.22                              614

 Magnetic Field Emissions
 Test Position                Measure Value (A/m)                   Limit(A/m)
           Top                      0.0126                             1.63
           Left                     0.0133                             1.63
         Right                      0.0051                             1.63
         Rear                       0.0038                             1.63
         Front                      0.0060                             1.63
        Bottom                      0.0069                             1.63

Remark: The device meets the mobile RF exposure limit at a 15cm separation distance as
specified in §2.1091 of the FCC Rules. The maximum leakage fields at 15 cm surrounding
the device from all simultaneous transmitting coils are demonstrated to be less than 30% of
the MPE limit.

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Document Created: 2019-06-05 08:50:41
Document Modified: 2019-06-05 08:50:41

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