RF Exposure Info

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                             EMF REPORT

Product Name           :    TX wireless charger
Model No.              :    50-6AT05
FCC ID                 :    EMJC50-6AT05
Applicant              :    Primax Electronics Ltd.
Address                :    No.669, Ruey Kuang Road, Neihu, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C
Manufacturer           :    Dongguan Primax Electronic & Telecommunication Products
Address                :    (1). Liu Wu District, Shek Kit Town, Dongguan City, Guang Dong
                            Province, P.R.China
                            (2).YuHong Industrial Zone, ChenDong, ShekKit Town,
                            DongGuan City, GuangDong, P.R.China
Received Date          :    May 27, 2013
Issued Date            :    September 27, 2013
Report No.             :    C130527Z02
Test result            :    Pass
Address                :    No.10-1, Mingkeda Logistics Park, No.18, Huanguan South Rd.,
                            Guan Lan Town, Baoan District, Shenzhen, China
Tested by              :    Sunday Hu
Approved by            :    Tom Gan

The result shown in this test refer only to the sample tested, this test report cannot be
reproduced, except in full, without prior written permission of the company.

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1 EUT Description
 Product                      TX wireless charger
 Model Number                 50-6AT05
 Brand                        Philips/Primax
 Model Discrepancy            N/A
 Power Supply                 DC5V Supplied by the adapter
                              Dongguan City Yingju Electronics Co., Ltd./
 Adapter Manufacturer/        YJC010C-0502000U
 Model Name                   I/P: 100-240Vac, 50/60Hz, 350mA
                              O/P: 5Vdc, 2000mA
 Received Date                May 27, 2013
 Operating Frequency Range 112kHz-205kHz
 Antenna Specification        Coil antenna
 Temperature Range            0°C ~ +45°C

2 Test Equipment
 Instrument                    Manufacturer    Type No.     Serial No   Cali. Due Date

 E-Field Probe                 narda           ELT-400      K-0030      2014/05/11
 H-Field Probe                 narda           EMR-20       AH-0001     2014/05/11
 Broadband Field Meter         narda           2300/90.20   K-0036      2014/05/11
 Temperature/Humidity Meter    Anymetre        JR913        N/A         2014/03/03

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Test Requirement       : FCC Part 1.1310 and Part 2.1091
Test Procedure         : OET Bulletin 65

4 Requirement
Three different categories of transmitters are defined by the FCC in OET
Bulletin 65. These categories are fixed installation, mobile, and portable and are defined as
O Fixed Installations: fixed location means that the device, including its antenna, is
physically secured at a permanent location and is not able to be easily moved to another
location. Additionally, distance to humans from the antenna is maintained to at least 2
O Mobile Devices: a mobile device is defined as a transmitting device designed to be used
in other than fixed locations and to be generally used in such a way that a separation
distance of at least 20 centimeters is normally maintained between the transmitter's
radiating structures and the body of the user or nearby persons. Transmitters designed to
be used by consumers or workers that can be easily re-located, such as a wireless modem
operating in a laptop computer, are considered mobile devices if they meet the 20
centimeter separation requirement. The FCC rules for evaluating mobile devices for RF
compliance are found in 47 CFR §2.1091.
O Portable Devices: a portable device is defined as a transmitting device designed to be
used so that the radiating structure(s) of the device is/are within 20 centimeters of the body
of the user. Portable device requirements are found in Section 2.1093 of the FCC's Rules
(47 CFR§2.1093). The FCC also categorizes the use of the device as based upon the
user’s awareness and ability to exercise control over his or her exposure. The two
categories     defined    are    Occupational/     Controlled     Exposure     and     General
Population/Uncontrolled Exposure. These two categories are defined as follows:
O Occupational/Controlled Exposure: In general, occupational/controlled exposure limits
are applicable to situations in which persons are exposed as a consequence of their
employment, who have been made fully aware of the potential for exposure and can
exercise control over their exposure. This exposure category is also applicable when the
exposure is of a transient nature due to incidental passage through a location where the
exposure levels may be higher than the general population/uncontrolled limits, but the
exposed person is fully aware of the potential for exposure and can exercise control over
his or her exposure by leaving the area or by some other appropriate means. Awareness of

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the potential for RF exposure in a workplace or similar environment can be provided
through specific training as part of a RF safety program. If appropriate, warning signs and
labels can also be used to establish such awareness by providing prominent information on
the risk of potential exposure and instructions on methods to minimize such exposure risks.
O General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure: The general population / uncontrolled
exposure limits are applicable to situations in which the general public may be exposed or
in which persons who are exposed as a consequence of their employment may not be
made fully aware of the potential for exposure or cannot exercise control over their
exposure. Members of the general public would come under this category when exposure
is not employment-related; for example, in the case of a wireless transmitter that exposes
persons in its vicinity. Warning labels placed on low-power consumer devices such as
cellular telephones are not considered sufficient to allow the device to be considered under
the occupational/controlled category, and the general population/uncontrolled exposure
limits apply to these devices.

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5 The limit
(A) Limits for Occupational/Controlled exposure
                                      Magnetic field         Power
  Frequency         Electric field                                       Averaging time
                                       strength(H)       density(S)
 Range(MHz)       strength(E) V/m                                          (minutes)
                                          (A/m)          (mW/cm²)
    0.3-3.0             614                1.63               (100)*           6
     3.0-30            1842/f             4.89/f             (900/f²)*         6
    30-300              61.4              0.163                1.0             6
   300-1500               --                --                f/300            6
 1500-100,000             --                --                  5              6

(B) Limit for General Population/Uncontrolled exposure
                                      Magnetic field         Power
  Frequency         Electric field                                       Averaging time
                                       strength(H)       density(S)
 Range(MHz)       strength(E) V/m                                          (minutes)
                                          (A/m)          (mW/cm²)
    0.3-3.0             614                1.63               (100)*          30
     3.0-30             824/f             2.19/f             180/f²)*         30
    30-300              27.5              0.073                0.2            30
   300-1500               --                --                f/1500          30
 1500-100,000             --                --                 1.0            30
*Plane-wave equivalent power density; f = frequency in MHz

6 Test Configuration
a. The field strength of both E-field and H-field was measured at 10cm using the equipment
   list above for determining compliance with the MPE requirements of FCC Part 1.1310.
b. The RF power density was measured with the battery at 3 different charge conditions:
   battery at 0% (depleted), battery at 50% charger, Not charging.
c. Maximum E-field and H-field measurements were made 10cm from each side of the EUT.
   Along the side of the EUT and still 10cm away from the edge of the EUT, the field probes
   were positioned at the location where there is maximum field strength. The maximum
   E-field and H-field is reported below.
d. This device uses a wireless charging circuit for power transfer operating at the frequency
   of 112 – 205 kHz. Thus, the 300 kHz limits were used: E-field Limit = 614 (V/m); H-field
   limit = 1.63 (A/m).

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7 Test Setup

   -   The RF exposure test is performed in the shield room
   -   The test distance is between the edge of the charger and the geometric center of

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8 Test Data
                                    Table1. E-field MPE Data
                                       E-Field Measurement (10 cm)
                           Probe         Probe        Probe         Probe      Limits     Top      Bottom
               Distance   Position A    Position B   Position C   Position D   (V/m)     (V/m)      (V/m)
                            (V/m)         (V/m)        (V/m)        (V/m)
                10cm        1.21           1.27        1.25           1.25     614.00     1.26      1.19
Not Charging
  Mode 1
 <1% Battery    10cm        1.31           1.73        1.71           3.17     614.00     1.82      2.03
  Mode 2
 50% Battery    10cm        1.24           1.41        1.58           2.35     614.00     1.60      1.81
                                    Table2. H-field MPE Data
                                       E-Field Measurement (10 cm)
                           Probe         Probe        Probe         Probe      Limits     Top      Bottom
               Distance   Position A    Position B   Position C   Position D   (A/m)     (A/m)      (A/m)
                            (A/m)         (A/m)        (A/m)        (A/m)
                10cm       0.1742         0.1937      0.1325         0.1613    1.630     0.1471    0.1693
Not Charging
  Mode 1
<1% Battery     10cm       0.2371         0.2558      0.2516         0.2703    1.630     0.2644    0.2495
  Mode 2
50% Battery     10cm       0.1911         0.2023      0.1754         0.1976    1.630     0.2155    0.1984

The device meets the mobile RF exposure limit at a 10cm separation distance as
specified in &2.1091 of the FCC Rules.

The maximum leakage fields at 10cm surrounding the device from all simultaneous
transmitting coils are demonstrated to be less than 30% of the MPE limit.

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H-Field Strength
Mode 1 & Mode 2 (10 cm)

Baseline (10 cm)

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E-Field Strength
Mode 1 & Mode 2 (10 cm)

Baseline (10 cm)

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Document Created: 2013-11-07 10:02:40
Document Modified: 2013-11-07 10:02:40

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