Test Report


Test Report

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[ neurron eme tas. [3                                                       FCC ID: ELVMTBA


                      APPLICTNT: NUTEK CORPORATION
                      MODEL NO CARCSHR
                      reo m:             Epvirmea

This report concerns ( check one ) :      Original Geant     +
                                          Class TT Change
 Equipmnent (yBC: 433 09 Mtte Remote Controller (Transmiter)
Deferred grant requested per 47CFR 0.457@@(D®)?
Yes              No _ Z_       1f yes, defer untl              (dore)
We, the undersigned, agree to notify the Commission by (dte)               /          /      of the
 intended date of announce meant of the product so that the grant can be Sssued on thatdate
 Transiion Rules Request per 15372                                      Yes              No _/
T no, assumed Part 15, Subpart B for unintentional rdiator the new 47 CR (10—1—90 Editiony
 Report Prepared
 by Testing House :. Neutron Engineering Inc.
 for   Company
                 Name NUTEK CORPORATION
                 Address. sn N. 3, Alley 6, Lane 45, Pro—Hsing Rd., Teipei, Tawan, ROC

Applicant Signature :            [         /
                                       Charles Chen /President


[ neurron eme tas. [3                                                       FCC ID: ELVMTBA


We hereby certify that:
‘The test data, date evaluation , test procedures, and equipment configurations shown in this report
were made in sccordance with the procedures given in ANSI C63.4 (1992) and the energy emitted
by the saraple EUT tested as described in this report is in coropliance with conducted and radiated
emission limits of FCC Rules Part 13.

              Prepared by 1              CarolChen

              Reviewed by 1.             Vincent Su

              Approved by 1.             George Yzo

              Issued Date           1.   Mar. 18, 2002

              Report No.       1.        NELRCCB—0204

              Company Stamp :

                          NEUTRON ENGINEERING INC.
                            No. 132—1, Lane 329, Seo. 2, Palain Rd.,
                                   ShiJen, Taipei, Talwan
                    TEL: (02) 26465426 FAX : (02) 2646—6815

                     NEUTRON EMC LAB.
                                                                                                                       FCC ID: ELVMTBA

                                                           Table of Contents

1. General Information....................................................................................................................
   1-1 Product Description.............................................................................................................           4
   1-2 Related Submittal(s)/Grant(s).............................................................................................                 4
   1-3 Test Methodology.............................................................................................................              4
   1-4 Test Facility...................................................................................................................           4

2. Product Labe ling.........................................................................................................................
   Figure 2-1 FCC ID Label...........................................................................................................             5
   Figure 2-2 Location of Label on EUT........................................................................................                    5

3. System Test Configuration.........................................................................................................
   3-1 EUT Configuration...............................................................................................................           6
   3-2 EUT Exercise......................................................................................................................         6
   3-3 Test Procedure.......................................................................................................................      6
   3-4 Limitation.............................................................................................................................    7
   3-5 Special Accessories..............................................................................................................          7
   3-6 Equipment Modifications.....................................................................................................               7
   3-7 Test Set-UP...........................................................................................................................     8
   3-8 Test Equipment....................................................................................................................         9

4. Block Diagram(s)......................................................................................................................... 10

5. Radiated Measurement Photos ............................................................................
   Figure 5-1. Radiated Emission Data...................................................................................                          11

6. Radiated Emission Data............................................................................................................
   6-1 Radiated Emission Data........................................................................................................ 12
   6-2 Field Strength Calculation.................................................................................................... 16
   6-3 Duty Cycle Correction Factor Calc ulated ........................................................................ 17

7. Supplementary Information for Section 15.231(C) Requirement ......................................                                             18

8. Attachment..................................................................................................................................
   A. Technical Information of Pulse Code Definition & Timing Chart ......................................                                        20
   B. Photos of Tested EUT..............................................................................................................          21
   C. User Manual............................................................................................................................     22


            NEUTRON EMC LAB.
                                                                                FCC ID: ELVMTBA
 1-1. Product Description

       The NUTEK CORPORATION Model: CARC5HF (referred to as the EUT in this report) is a
       Transmitter of car alarm security system. It offers wireless remote control, ideal for use in
       vehicle security system to activate the function of center door lock control system and car
       searching except the alarm system.

       A major technical descriptions of EUT is described as following:

       A). Fundamental Frequency: 433.92 MHz

       B). Modulation : Pulse Modulation

       C). Antenna Designation: Non-User Replaceable (Fixed)

       D). Power Supply: 12V, Battery Operated

       E). Receiver type : Superheterodyne

       Fundamental Frequency                          433.92MHz
       Power Source                                   12V Battery
       Transmitting Time                              Periodic ≤ 5 seconds
       Associated Receiver                            FCC DOC

 1-2. Related Submittal(s) / Grant (s)

       This submittal(s) (test report) is intended for FCC ID : ELVMTBA filing to comply with
       Section 15.231 of the FCC Part 15, Subpart C Rules. The composite system(receiver) in com-
       pliance with Subpart B is authorized under a DoC procedure.

 1-3. Test Methodology
       Both conducted and radiated testing were performed according to the procedures in ANSI
       C63.4 (1992). Radiated testing was performed at an antenna to EUT distance 3 meters.

 1-4. Test Facility
       The open area test site and conducted measurement facility used to collect the radiated data is
       located on the address of No. 132-1, Lane 329, Sec. 2, Palain Road, Shijr Jen, Taipei, Taiwan,
       R.O.C. of NEUTRON ENGINEERING INC. This site has been fully described in report dat-
       ed Jun. 4, 1999 Submitted to your office, and accepted in a letter dated Sep. 02, 1999 (Reg.
       No. 95335).


          NEUTRON EMC LAB.
                                                                            FCC ID: ELVMTBA

3. System Test Configuration
3-1. EUT Configuration
     The EUT configuration for testing is installed on RF field strength measurement to meet the
     Commissions requirement and operating in a manner which intends to maximize its emission
     characteristics in a continuous normal application.

3-2. EUT Exercise
     The EUT (Transmitter) was operated continuously in its normal operating mode for the pur-
     pose of the measurements.

3-3. Test Procedure

     3-3-1. Conducted Emissions (Not applicable in this report)

     3-3-2. Radiated Emissions
            The EUT is a placed on as turn table which is 1.0m above ground plane. The turn table
            shall rotate 360 degrees to determine the position of maximum emission level. EUT is
            set 3m away from the receiving antenna which varied from 1m to 4m to find out the
            highest emission. And also, each emission was to be maximized by changing the po-
            larization of receiving antenna both horizontal and vertical. In order to find out the
            max. emission, the relative positions of this hand-held transmitter(EUT) was rotated
            through three orthogonal axes according to the requirements in Section of
            ANSI C63.4-1992.

            Radiated emissions from the EUT measured in the frequency range between 30
            MHz and 1000MHz were made with a Spectrum Analyzer, HP Model 8568B, us-
            ing CISPR Quasi-Peak detector mode and appropriate broadband linearly polarized
            antenna or Peak detector mode and a duty cycle correction factor corrected for the
            average value of the emission.

            Radiated emissions measurement for frequency above 1000MHz were made with a
            Test Receiver, R&S model ESMI, plus a Pre-amplifier R&S model ESMI-Z7 , and
            a Horn Antenna, EMCO model 3115 to measure its Peak Detector Mode level and
            correct it with the duty cycle correction factor.


                NEUTRON EMC LAB.
                                                                                   FCC ID: ELVMTBA
3-4.     Limitation
           (1) Conducted Emission (Not applicable in this report)

           (2) Radiated Emission
              According to 15.231(b), the field strength of emissions from Intentional Radiators operat-
              ed under this section shall not exceed the following:

              Fundamental                 Field Strength of                   Field Strength of
               Frequency                      Fundamental                          Spurious
                 (MHz)               (dBuV/m)              (uV/m)        (dBuV/m)             (uV/m)
              40.66 - 40.70           67.04                 2,250          47.04               225
                70 - 130              61.94                 1,250          41.94               125
               130 - 174       * 61.94 - 71.48      * 1,250 -3,750   * 41.94 - 51.48     * 125 - 375
               174 - 260              71.48                 3,750          51.48               375
               260 - 470       * 71.48 - 81.94 * 3,750 - 12,500 * 51.48 - 61.94 * 375 - 1,250
               above 470              81.94                12,500          61.94              1,250

          * Linear Interpolations.

           Remark: 1. Emission level in dBuV/m=20 log (uV/m)
                   2. Measurement was performed at an antenna to the closed point of EUT distance of
                      3 meters.
                   3. Fundamental frequency shall not be located within the Restricted Bands specified
                     in provision of ξ 15.205
                   4. If spurious frequency which falls within the Restricted Bands specified in
                      provision of ξ15.205, then the general radiated emission limits in ξ 15.209 apply.
  3-5.     Special Accessories

            Not available for this EUT intended for grant.

  3-6. Equipment Modifications

            Not available for this EUT intended for grant.


          NEUTRON EMC LAB.
                                                                         FCC ID: ELVMTBA

3-7. Test SET-UP (Block Diagram of Configuration)

   (A) Radiated Emission Test Set-Up, Frequency Below 1000MHz


                                                                                1m to 4m

              Ground Plane                                      Coaxial Cable

    (B) Radiated Emission Test Set-UP Frequency Over 1 GHz

           Turntable                    3m

                                       1m    1m to 4m                             Receiver

            Ground Plane
                                                         Coaxial Cable


                    NEUTRON EMC LAB.
                                                                                         FCC ID: ELVMTBA
3-8 Tested Equipments
Item      Instruments      Mfr/Brand       Model/Type No. Serial No. Calibrated Date Next Cali. Date Note
 1     LISN                  EMCO              3825/2         9605-2539     2001-06-22     2002-06-21
 2     LISN                Rolf Heine        NNB-2/16Z          98083       2001-10-20     2002-10-19
 3     LISN                Rolf Heine        NNB-2/16Z          98053       2001-11-22     2002-11-21
 4     Pulse Limiter     Electro-Metrics      EM-7600           112644      2001-02-09     2002-02-08
 5     50Ω Terminator         N/A               N/A              N/A        2001-05-21     2002-05-20
 6     Test Cable             N/A                C01             N/A        2001-12-08     2002-12-07
 7     Log-Bicon Antenna MESS-ELEKTRONIK     VULB 9160           3058       2001-10-27     2002-10-26
 8     Log-Bicon Antenna MESS-ELEKTRONIK     VULB 9160           3060       2001-10-20     2002-10-19   ü
 9     Log-Bicon Antenna MESS-ELEKTRONIK     VULB 9161           4022       2001-07-04     2002-07-03
 10 Test Cable                N/A            10M_OS01            N/A        2001-12-08     2002-12-07   ü
 11 Test Cable                N/A             OS01-1/-2          N/A        2001-12-08     2002-12-07   ü
 12 Test Cable                N/A            10M_OS02            N/A        2001-12-08     2002-12-07
 13 Test Cable                N/A            OS02-1/-2/-3        N/A        2001-12-08     2002-12-07
 14 RF Switch               Anritsu            MP59B           M65982       2001-12-10     2002-12-09   ü
 15 Quasi-Peak Adapter         HP              85650A         2521A00844    2001-09-24     2002-03-23   ü
 16 RF Pre-Selector            HP              85685A         2648A00417    2001-09-24     2002-03-23   ü
 17 Spectrum Analyzer          HP               85680B        2634A03025    2001-09-24     2002-03-23   ü
 18 Spectrum Monitor           HP               85662B        2648A13616    2001-09-24     2002-03-23   ü
 19 Pre-Amplifier           Anritsu           MH648A           M09961       2001-12-10     2002-12-09   ü
 20 Spectrum Analyzer     ADVAN TEST           R3261C          81720298     2001-08-17     2002-08-16
 21 Test Receiver             R&S               ESH3          860156/018    2001-10-23     2002-10-22
 22 Test Receiver             R&S               ESVP          860687/009    2001-10-23     2002-10-22
 23 Test Receiver             MEB              SMV41             130        2001-12-05     2002-12-04
 24 Test Receiver            PMM             PMM 9000         4310J01002    2001-12-31     2002-12-30
 25 Horn Antenna             EMCO               3115          9605-4803     2001-05-09     2002-05-08   ü
 26 Test Receiver             R&S               ESMI          843977/005    2001-11-14     2002-11-05   ü
 27 Pre-Amplifier             R&S              ESMI-Z7         1045.5020    2001-05-21     2002-05-20   ü
 28 Absorbing Clamp           R&S              MDS-21         841077/011    2001-08-18     2002-08-17
 29 Voltage Probe             R&S             ESH2-Z3         841.800/023   2001-08-20     2002-08-19
 30 Signal Generator           HP              8648A          3426A01034    2000-02-10     2002-02-09
 31 Antenna Mast          Chance Most         CMTB-1.5           N/A           N/A            N/A       ü
 32 Turn Table            Chance Most         CMTB-1.5           N/A           N/A            N/A       ü

Remark :
     (1) ü indicates the instrument used in this test report.
     (2) N/A denotes No Brand measurement facility.


            NEUTRON EMC LAB.
                                       FCC ID: ELVMTBA

4.   Block Diagram(s)


                  NEUTRON EMC LAB.
                                                                                             FCC ID: ELVMTBA

6. Radiated Emission Data
  6.1 The following data lists the significant emission frequencies, measured emission levels, correction
      factor (including calve loss antenna factor, and if any needed, the duty cycle correction factor),
       the corrected field strength, as well as the limitation. Explanation of the correction factor is
       given in 6.2 and 6.3.
      Judgement:Passed by -22.31 dB at                   1301.1 MHz        Ant.Pol. Ver.           EUT Axis      X
                                                 Duty                      Peak      AV
    Freq. F Ant.Pol.        Reading   Ant./CL    Cycle    Peak     AV      Limit    Limit               Margin
   (MHz) /S (H/V)           (dBuV)    CF(dB)    CF(dB) (dBuV/m) (dBuV/m) (dBuV/m) (dBuV/m)               (dB)
    433.7 F   V              76.55     -13.09   -10.65   63.46    52.81    99.00    79.00               -26.19   AV
    867.4 S   V              25.25      -6.49   -10.65   18.76    8.11     79.00    59.00               -50.89   AV

   1301.1    S       V      33.07      9.82     -10.65    42.89    32.24      74.00        54.00    *   -21.76   AV
   1734.8    S       V      32.09      11.72    -10.65    43.81    33.16      79.00        59.00        -25.84   AV
   2168.5    S       V      31.77      14.15    -10.65    45.92    35.27      79.00        59.00        -23.73   AV
   2602.2    S       V      30.45      15.08    -10.65    45.53    34.88      79.00        59.00        -24.12   AV
   3035.9    S       V      29.42      16.57    -10.65    45.99    35.34      79.00        59.00        -23.66   AV
   3469.6    S       V         -                                                           59.00
   3903.3    S       V         -                                                           54.00    *
   4337.0    S       V         -                                                           59.00

       (1) + F/S F:denotes Fundamental Frequency;S: denotes Spurious Frequency
       (2) EUT Orthogonal Axes:X denotes Laid on Table;Y denotes; Vertical Stand .
       (3) Measuring frequencies from 30 MHz to the 10th harmonic of fundamental frequency of
       (4) Datas of measurement within this frequency range shown “ - ” in the table above
           means the reading of emissions are attenuated more than 20dB below the permissible
           limits or the field strength is too small to be measured.
       (5) * denotes spurious frequency which falls within the Restricted Bands specified in provision of
                 ξ15.205, then the general radiated emission limits in ξ 15.209 apply.
            (6) Radiated emissions measured in frequency range from 30 MHz to 1000 MHz were
                made with an instrument using Peak detector mode and a duty cycle correct factor
                corrected for the average value of the emission shown in AV column。Example of cal-
                culation for actual field strength express in average value is exhibited in paragraph (B)
                of 6-2. Field Strength Calculation in this test report.
            (7) Radiated emissions measured in frequency above 1000MHz were made with a Test
                Receiver, R&S model ESMI, plus a Pre-amplifier R&S model ESMI-Z7, and a Horn
                Antenna, EMCO model 3115 .
            (8) Spectrum Setting : 30MHz – 1000MHz , RBW= 100KHz, VBW=100KHz, Sweep time =
                200 ms. 1GHz- 5GHz, RBW= 1MHz, VBW= 1MHz, Sweep time= 200 ms

Review:                                 Test Engr.:                          Test Date:            Mar. 12, 2002


               NEUTRON EMC LAB.
                                                                                          FCC ID: ELVMTBA
6. Radiated Emission Data
 6.1 The following data lists the significant emission frequencies, measured emission levels, correction
     factor (including calve loss antenna factor, and if any needed, the duty cycle correction factor),
      the corrected field strength, as well as the limitation. Explanation of the correction factor is
      given in 6.2 and 6.3.
      Judgement:Passed by -22.59 dB at               3035.7 MHz          Ant.Pol. Hor.           EUT Axis      X

                                             Duty                      Peak      AV
   Freq. F Ant.Pol.     Reading Ant./CL      Cycle   Peak      AV      Limit    Limit                 Margin
  (MHz) /S (H/V)        (dBuV) CF(dB)       CF(dB) (dBuV/m) (dBuV/m) (dBuV/m) (dBuV/m)                 (dB)
  433.7  F   H           62.65   -13.09     -10.65   49.56    38.91    99.00    79.00                 -40.09 AV
  867.3  S   H           25.22    -6.49     -10.65   18.73    8.08     79.00    59.00                 -50.92 AV

  1301.0   S      H      32.34     9.82     -10.65     42.16     31.51       74.00       54.00    *   -22.49   AV
  1734.7   S      H      32.85     11.72    -10.65     44.57     33.92       79.00       59.00        -25.08   AV
  2168.4   S      H      30.53     14.15    -10.65     44.68     34.03       79.00       59.00        -24.97   AV
  2602.0   S      H      31.98     15.08    -10.65     47.06     36.41       79.00       59.00        -22.59   AV
  3035.7   S      H      31.04     16.57    -10.65     47.61     36.96       79.00       59.00        -22.04   AV
  3469.4   S      H                                                                      59.00
  3903.1   S      H        -                                                             54.00    *
  4336.7   S      H        -                                                             59.00

        (1) + F/S F:denotes Fundamental Frequency;S: denotes Spurious Frequency
        (2) EUT Orthogonal Axes:X denotes Laid on Table; Y denotes; Vertical Stand .
        (3) Measuring frequencies from 30 MHz to the 10th harmonic of fundamental frequency
            of 433.92MHz。
        (4) Datas of measurement within this frequency range shown “ - ” in the table above
            means the reading of emissions are attenuated more than 20dB below the permissi-
            ble limits or the field strength is too small to be measured.
        (5) * denotes spurious frequency which falls within the Restricted Bands specified in provision
               of ξ15.205, then the general radiated emission limits in ξ 15.209 apply.
           (6) Radiated emissions measured in frequency range from 30 MHz to 1000 MHz were
               made with an instrument using Peak detector mode and a duty cycle correct factor
               corrected for the average value of the emission shown in AV column。Example of
               calculation for actual field strength express in average value is exhibited in paragraph
               (B) of 6-2. Field Strength Calculation in this test report.
           (7) Radiated emissions measured in frequency above 1000MHz were made with a Test
               Receiver, R&S model ESMI, plus a Pre-amplifier R&S model ESMI-Z7, and a Horn
               Antenna, EMCO model 3115 .
           (8) Spectrum Setting : 30MHz – 1000MHz , RBW= 100KHz, VBW=100KHz, Sweep time
               = 200 ms. 1GHz- 5GHz, RBW= 1MHz, VBW= 1MHz, Sweep time= 200 ms

Review:                             Test Engr.:                            Test Date:            Mar. 12, 2002


                 NEUTRON EMC LAB.
                                                                                            FCC ID: ELVMTBA

6. Radiated Emission Data
 6.1 The following data lists the significant emission frequencies, measured emission levels, correction
     factor (including calve loss antenna factor, and if any needed, the duty cycle correction factor),
      the corrected field strength, as well as the limitation. Explanation of the correction factor is
      given in 6.2 and 6.3.
      Judgement:Passed by -22.56 dB at                   2601.9 MHz        Ant.Pol. Ver.           EUT Axis Y

                                                Duty                      Peak      AV
    Freq.   F Ant.Pol.      Reading Ant./CL     Cycle   Peak      AV      Limit    Limit                Margin
   (MHz)    /S (H/V)        (dBuV) CF(dB)      CF(dB) (dBuV/m) (dBuV/m) (dBuV/m) (dBuV/m)                (dB)
   433.7    F    V           77.92   -13.09    -10.65 64.83      54.18    99.00    79.00                -24.82   AV
   867.3    S    V           25.25    -6.49    -10.65 18.76       8.11    79.00    59.00                -50.89   AV

   1301.0    S       V      32.06      9.82     -10.65     41.88   31.23       74.00       54.00    *   -22.77   AV
   1734.6    S       V      32.39      11.72    -10.65     44.11   33.46       79.00       59.00        -25.54   AV
   2168.3    S       V      30.91      14.15    -10.65     45.06   34.41       79.00       59.00        -24.59   AV
   2601.9    S       V      32.56      15.08    -10.65     47.64   36.99       79.00       59.00        -22.01   AV
   3035.6    S       V      29.21      16.57    -10.65     45.78   35.13       79.00       59.00        -23.87   AV
   3469.3    S       V         -                                                           59.00
   3902.9    S       V         -                                                           54.00    *
   4336.6    S       V         -                                                           59.00

        (1) + F/S F:denotes Fundamental Frequency;S: denotes Spurious Frequency
        (2) EUT Orthogonal Axes:X denotes Laid on Table;Y denotes Side Stand;Vertical Stand .
        (3) Measuring frequencies from 30 MHz to the 10th harmonic of fundamental frequency
            of 433.92MHz。
        (4) Datas of measurement within this frequency range shown “ - ” in the table above
            means the reading of emissions are attenuated more than 20dB below the permissi-
            ble limits or the field strength is too small to be measured.
        (5) * denotes spurious frequency which falls within the Restricted Bands specified in provision
                 of ξ15.205, then the general radiated emission limits in ξ 15.209 apply.
            (6) Radiated emissions measured in frequency range from 30 MHz to 1000 MHz were
                made with an instrument using Peak detector mode and a duty cycle correct factor
                corrected for the average value of the emission shown in AV column。Example of
                calculation for actual field strength express in average value is exhibited in paragraph
                (B) of 6-2. Field Strength Calculation in this test report.
            (7) Radiated emissions measured in frequency above 1000MHz were made with a Test
                Receiver, R&S model ESMI, plus a Pre-amplifier R&S model ESMI-Z7, and a Horn
                Antenna, EMCO model 3115 .
            (8) Spectrum Setting : 30MHz – 1000MHz , RBW= 100KHz, VBW=100KHz, Sweep time
                = 200 ms. 1GHz- 5GHz, RBW= 1MHz, VBW= 1MHz, Sweep time= 200 ms

Review:                                 Test Engr.:                           Test Date:           Mar. 12, 2002


                  NEUTRON EMC LAB.
                                                                                        FCC ID: ELVMTBA
6. Radiated Emission Data
 6.1 The following data lists the significant emission frequencies, measured emission levels, correction
     factor (including calve loss antenna factor, and if any needed, the duty cycle correction factor),
     the corrected field strength, as well as the limitation. Explanation of the correction factor is
     given in 6.2 and 6.3.
     Judgement:Passed by -23.55 dB at               1301.1 MHz         Ant.Pol. Hor.           EUT Axis       Y

                                         Duty                  Peak      AV
     Freq.   F Ant.Pol. Reading Ant./CL Cycle  Peak    AV      Limit    Limit                        Margin
    (MHz)    /S (H/V) (dBuV) CF(dB) CF(dB) (dBuV/m) (dBuV/m) (dBuV/m) (dBuV/m)                        (dB)
    433.7    F    H      77.32   -13.09 -10.65 64.23  53.58    99.00    79.00                        -25.42   AV
    867.4    S    H      25.27    -6.49 -10.65 18.78  8.13     79.00    59.00                        -50.87   AV

   1301.1     S     H     31.83    9.82    -10.65   41.65      31.00       74.00       54.00     *   -23.00   AV
   1734.7     S     H     31.88    11.72   -10.65   43.60      32.95       79.00       59.00         -26.05   AV
   2168.4     S     H     30.33    14.15   -10.65   44.48      33.83       79.00       59.00         -25.17   AV
   2602.1     S     H     30.02    15.08   -10.65   45.10      34.45       79.00       59.00         -24.55   AV
   3035.8     S     H     29.85    16.57   -10.65   46.42      35.77       79.00       59.00         -23.23   AV
   3469.5     S     H                                                                  59.00
   3903.2     S     H       -                                                          54.00     *
   4336.9     S     H       -                                                          59.00

      (1) + F/S F:denotes Fundamental Frequency;S: denotes Spurious Frequency
      (2) EUT Orthogonal Axes:X denotes Laid on Table;Y denotes Side Stand;Vertical Stand .
      (3) Measuring frequencies from 30 MHz to the 10th harmonic of fundamental frequency of
          433.92 MHz。
      (4) Datas of measurement within this frequency range shown “ - ” in the table above means
          the reading of emissions are attenuated more than 20dB below the permissible limits or
          the field strength is too small to be measured.
      (5) * denotes spurious frequency which falls within the Restricted Bands specified in provision of
             ξ15.205, then the general radiated emission limits in ξ 15.209 apply.
       (6) Radiated emissions measured in frequency range from 30 MHz to 1000 MHz were
           made with an instrument using Peak detector mode and a duty cycle correct factor cor-
           rected for the average value of the emission shown in AV column。Example of calcula-
           tion for actual field strength express in average value is exhibited in paragraph (B) of 6-2.
             Field Strength Calculation in this test report.
       (7) Radiated emissions measured in frequency above 1000MHz were made with a Test
           Receiver, R&S model ESMI, plus a Pre-amplifier R&S model ESMI-Z7, and a Horn An-
           tenna, EMCO model 3115 .
       (8) Spectrum Setting : 30MHz – 1000MHz , RBW= 100KHz, VBW=100KHz, Sweep time =
           200 ms. 1GHz- 5GHz, RBW= 1MHz, VBW= 1MHz, Sweep time= 200 ms

Review:                               Test Engr.:                         Test Date:           Mar. 18, 2002


             NEUTRON EMC LAB.
                                                                                    FCC ID: ELVMTBA

6-2. Field Strength Calculation
     The field strength is calculated by adding the Antenna Factor and Cable Factor and subtracting
     the Amplifier Gain and Duty Cycle Correction Factor(if any) from the measured reading. The basic equa-
     tion with a sample calculation is as follows:
                FS = RA + AF + CL - AG - DFC
     Where     FS = Field Strength
             RA = Receiver Amplitude
             AF = Antenna Factor (1)
             CL = Cable Attenuation Factor (Cable Loss) (1)
              AG = Amplifier Gain (1)
             DFC = Duty Cycle Correction Factor (2)
     Remark :
     (1) The Correction Factor = AF + CL - AG, as shown in the data tables' Correction Factor col-
     (2) DFC is available only for radiated emissions measurement(s) in frequency above 1000MHz.
     (A). Example of Calculation for frequency over 1000MHz:
     Assume a Receiver Reading of 23.7 dBuV is obtained with an Antenna Factor of 17.0 dB and a
     Cable Factor of 25.0 dB and Pre-Amplifier Gain of 20 dB. Then:
     1. The Correction Factor will be calculated by
       Correction Factor = AF + CL - AG = 13.3 + 10.0 - 15.0= 8.3 (dB)
       as shown in the data tables' Ant./CL CF column.

     2. The Field Strength will be calculated by
       FS = RA + Correction Factor = 23.7+8.3 = 32 (dBuV/m).

     (B). Example of Calculation for frequency range between 30MHz and 1GHz:
     Assume a Receiver Reading of 73.7 dBuV is obtained with an Antenna Factor of 7.2 dB and a
     Cable Factor of 1.1 dB and Duty Cycle Correction Factor Calculated as - 7.6dB. Then:
     1. The Correction Factor will be calculated by
       Correction Factor = AF + CL = 7.2 + 1.1 = 8.3 (dB)
       as shown in the data tables' Ant./CL CF column.

     2. The Field Strength will be calculated by
       FS = RA + Ant./CL CF+ Duty Cycle CF = 31.3 + 8.3 −7.6 = 32 (dBuV/m).
      FS is the value shown in the data tables' Actual FS column and RA is the value shown in the
       tables' Reading column. The 32 dBuV/m value was mathematically converted to its corre
       spooning level in uV/m as:
                            Log-1 【(32.0dBuV/m)/20 】= 39.8 (uV/m)


                NEUTRON EMC LAB.
                                                                                 FCC ID: ELVMTBA

6-3. Supplementary Information for Duty Cycle Correction Factor Calculated
    1. Duty Cycle of a Pulse Train T(P)
          The periodic of a pulse train measured as 100 ms : ( refer to Attachment A.)
       In accordance with 15.35(C) of FCC, the max allowable pulse train is 0.1 s

               T(P) = 100ms

    2.        Total Duration of EUT at active state(high level state)
               The max T(on) within 0.1 s

                =   20 x 1.155 + 17 x 0.3666 = 29.3322ms

         3.    The duty cycle correction factor then calculated as the follows :

               Factor = 20 ㏒[ T(on) / T(P) ] = 20 ㏒(29.3322/100) = -10.65 (dB)

      4. Detail informations refer to Attachment A.


            NEUTRON EMC LAB.
                                                                               FCC ID: ELVMTBA
7. Supplementary Information for Section 15.231(C) Requirements

   7.1 Bandwidth requirement

    The center frequency fc is 433.92Mhz (point 3), according to the Rules, section 15.231(C), the
    Bandwidth of Center Frequency at-20dB should be calculated as following:

                      433.92 X 0.0025 = 1.0848(MHz)

    So, the Upper /Lower frequencies should be specified as :

                      f(U) = fc + ∆ f/2 = 433.92 + 0.5424 = 434.46(MHz) (point 5)

                      f(L) = fc - ∆ f/2 = 433.92 – 0.5424 = 433.377 (MHz) (point 1)

    The measured frequencies at -20dB Bandwidth of Fundamental are f (point 4) and f (point 2) as
    shown in the spectrum graphic above. Either f (point 4) or f(point 2) located within the band of
    frequency between f(L) =433.377 MHz and f(U) = 434.46 MHz. So, it is complacence with the


                                                           FCC ID: ELVMTBA
                              Attachment –A.
Supplementary Information of Pulsed Transmission & Pulse Code Timing Chart
                              Duty cycle test


             NEUTRON EMC LAB.
                                                                     FCC ID: ELVMTBA

Max Ton within 0.1 s = 20 * 1.155 + 17 * 0.3666 (ms) = 29.3322(ms)
Tp = 100 ms
Factor = 20 *log(Ton / Tp) = 20 * log( 29.3322 / 100)
     = -10.65 dB


                                                        FCC ID: ELVMTBA

                   Attachment - B.

                   Photos of Tested EUT

     1. Photo EUT 1.      Front View Rear View

     2. Photo EUT 2-4     Unit partially Disassembled


                                   FCC ID: ELVMTBA

                   Attachment C.

                   User Manual


Document Created: 2002-03-22 11:52:23
Document Modified: 2002-03-22 11:52:23

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