PROTX5 user s manual


Users Manual

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                     Remote Vehicle Control System

            Vehicle Security System
        With Remote Keyless Entry
IMPORTANT NOTE: The operation ofthe Securty and Convervence System as describein this manual is
appleatlato most vehices Hownver,dur o the configiraion of somevahides, somefincons ANDIOR
     SAFETY PRECAUTIONS may not apply. Please see your instaling cealeformoreinformation

  Table of Contents

  Using Your Remote Transmitter
     Arnieathe Secunty System
     Pre—am Mose
     Disarming the Seaunty Sysiem
     Disablng/Enabing contimater chips
     Alrrplec nvusion Herifienion
 Using Your Remote Transmitter
     "Two Siage Dowr Uniock toptonal
     Actvaling e Trurk Release Featire (optonal®
     Turing on te Vahide‘s Headighs (ontorat®
     Using the Car Finder Feature
     Personal Protecton Alam (Pane)
     Usha the Transmiter Rasalght Feature
     Usng ValetMode
 Automatie Convonience Options..........             sls
     Hurinated Sety
     Automat Arming
     tuntion Lock
     luntion Unlock
 When Your Securiy System io Tggered
 Optional Songbird Feature .
 Replacing Remote Control Batterics
 Emergancy Overtido Procoduro..
     Slancard Cmergercy Overtide Procedure
     Coed Overile Procedire
     Pregramming Your personal Overide Gode
 CGode Systems,Inc. Linitod Liatime Wareanty         sls

* Moy reareatdtanst istiatonfatr components and intatatoncost

Using Your Remote Transmiter
  Arming the Securty System
  To am thesystem,ext the vehide,cose all doors, hen press he LOCK con button
  on the ransriter. The hern willhonk wice and the parting ights wil fash won,
  indleatng the aystem is amed.. The doors wilalso lock at hi time (f equipped ans
  cennocted) bve dashboart status Indator Ightwil ink steadiy, once per second
  To arm the system and hold the LOCK icon buton for 2 seconds. The
  paring lahts will fash 2 tmes, ndleatng the system is amed., hasfocked the doors
  (Teauinped and connected) and armed tne securty system. The bvedash mountes
  status indeator ightwill bink steadiy, orce per secord
  Proam Hode
  Ithe horn honks and tre prkingts fash ony once,ths.indicates that the vehils intarcr Ighis
  on oran entrance is left open, Check t see hatall doors hood and turk are closed propery..Orce all
  artrances are socurod (and tho intaror Ight is ef, ho aystom wit honkftash again, The systom is
  now fily srmed. (fthe entance is notsecured within 4 minutes, the systewarm and ignore the
  unsecured entrance untl t is cosed)
  Disarming the Secunty System
  To isarmtsystem press tha UNLOCK icon buttn, The hom wil chiantparking lghs wil
  fash onee, and the doors wil inlock (f equipod and comneeted),. To dicarn the system slenty
  press and hold e UNLOCK teon button for2 seconds..The paring ights wl fash,indioatng the
  system is dsarmed and has unfocked the doors (f ecuipped and connected)
  Disabingtnabing Contimation Chips
         1. Torn e igniion key ON then OFF
         2. Wikain 10 seconds push and rlcase the valatoveride bution 5 tmes
         3. The horm vil honk 2 imes dsable hom honks o 1 in to enable hoinonks
   Attempted invusiondenttication
  This system wl inforrm you # an ntusion atempthas occured whie you were avayhm the vehide. i
  a intusionatompt accurred,tre hom wit honk d times and tha parking lihts wil fash 3 tmes whon
  disarming the system. Enterthe vehicle an observethe dash mounted stasindeatoright toidntify
  which zone vas tiggered
         1. Ms Imato:Thet Sensor1 flash, pause1 fash,eto
         2. Hood or TrankPinsutch2 Rashes paise 2 flashes,etc
        3.   Door Eniy$ fhsties, pause 3 fashes lc
  The intusion waming incicators are stored in the system‘s mamary and wl e erased when t inlion
  keyisturned on
«Tmeoughoutths manca, oess rfesto pressing fr less than 1 second

Using Your Remote Transmitter
 Two Stage Door Uniock (Optiona)
 If thsfeatureisendblec on your aystem, prosning the UNLOCK icon buton ane tme on the ransmiter
 wil ustck only the divers daar. Press the UNLOCK on buton again witin 15 secons o uniock
 the remairing doors
 Activating the Trunk Release Foature (Optional)
 If ths featuris enablec on your ysten, pressing and holsing the TRUNKicon button on the
 transriterfor 2 seconds wl en the vehices vunk or hrch
 Turning on the Vehice‘s Headights(optiona)
 If ts featur is enablec on your aystom, pressing and holsng the LOOK con button on the tranomiter
 for 2 secords wl tan on the velicle‘s headightsfr 30 seconts
 Using the Progressive Gar Firder Feature
 Pross tie icor buttn on th tranamitrto lcate yourvehice. The hom wil honk 5 tmasat ow
 valmincreasing in volume each o 3ies the buton is pressed
 Using the Personel Protection Alerm (Panic}
 Preas and beld tha 4 leon biton on ttransrtterfo 3 secondtoactvatethe personal proton
 alam. The hom wil pule for 30 secords. Pressing any button on thtraomiter wilurn the
 personal protecton alamort
 Using the TransmiterFastiight Feature
 "The 6 button transriters included wth your system have a fashight blb buitnto the top afthe
 transritr. 2ressingand holding to LGHT icon buttn on tha tranomitr willactvats ho fashight
 untlthe butlon is reeaned
 Using Valettode
 To engage valotmode:
       1.   Tom thipntion key t he ON posiion
       2.   Press and hold the valetoverrde buton untlthe blue dash mourted statusindeator
            laht wrrs on sold. Incleatng that tsystem has entered valet mode
 wwhen valet mode is actvated the Sive dash mounted status ndieato Ight wl light sold. and at
 securty funcions wil be dibled
 To divengage valetHode:
       1.   Tum the igntion kay t he ON postion
       2.   Press and releass he valstoverice buton the bue dash mounted watus inleator
            lt wl turn of,. Incicaing that he systom has oited vals: mada
 \when the vait mode has been deactvated the biedash mounted statusindltoight wil um off
 and asecurty functons wil be enabled tnextsme the system armed

Automatic Convenience Options
  Muninated Enty
  \Whantheaystem is UNLOGKED theveticle coutesy laris wl trn on for 20 seconds, o untl
  tne vahice i stated othe systemisre—ocked
  Actomat Arning
  If is fealre is enabled on you system, the securly system will am actomatically 1 mirute
  afte the igrton hey is urmes af nd the las: vehicle door s cased.. The dash mounted sats
  LED wil fash rpidy indating the 1 minite countdoun, Thi seauence can be aborted by
  epening one otvetices doors
  Ygntton Lock
  Ifalldeors are cosed and the vehide i stated withthe hey, the doorswil avtomatoaly ack
  If velice is sarted wih vetice docrs open, the doors wl not ock and wil realn unocked
  even aer doors are coned
  Ygniton Untock
  \When raeningt ky rem ho onton,thecce wiatematcaly inok
When Your Security System Is Triggered
 The securty system vil tiggorif ane oftha folowing events occurs whia he systom is
        1. Any protected entance is opened
        2. The vericles igniton is timed on
        5.. The vehicl is eted hard encugh to trguer thTs sensor
 \When the system s riagered, the vehice‘s hn wil roduce a series ofrardom hohonks
 caled "Real Panie Sound The system wiltngger or 30 secords and then rearm.. Th
 system wil also slence ithe UNLOCK con button ipressed.cisarningthe system and
 unlocking the velice‘s doors
 Te oivedash mounted status indeata Ight is a highintensty blve igntthtis mounted on
 the vehice‘s dash The blve dash mourted status ndieator Ight is used to warn a woulbe
 thrf that e vehice is protected. Theblue dash mounted stlvs iniealor ighcis also used to
 alet youotha vanicios statun
Itthe bluo dach mounted                             Then the Securiy Systom
status indleatortight is
Flasting stonty                                  is armed
on                                               is dsamed
Flesting avickly                                 is aulomale am countdown
Feshing inernitenty                              has besn tiggered (ntusion Idenifeation)
n sots                                           is in valet mode

Optional Songhird Feature

 ‘The oponalsonghis foatire (Cae Alarm part 81 and tator requires) alous you to program
 songs andtones ts yoursystem (Le. Soting a ciferent tone for Lock activation anc unlock acivaton}
 urning Songbird On Press and release he TRUINK iean button on the remolecontal then press and
 hald the LOGICican buttn on theremote contl ihin 2 accords. The SB1 aponter wi gve rotfcaton
 that Songhin has belmed ON
 Turming Songbird Off. Press anrelease the TRUNK in buton on the remete conal then press and
 hald tha UNLOGKicon button on the ramoto contrl wttin 2 seconds..The SB1 eposkar wi gve
 retieaton that Songeid has bo trned OFF
 Setting Songhird Tensa: Prese and releasethe TRUNK icon Etton on the remote contol tpress
 the OPT butin en tha remeteconel witin 2 mcord Preasthe LOCK icon buton on the iemate
 contel ar UNLOCK ioon buton an the remote cantalto sethrough e diferent tones
 Whie in ths made the TRUNK on button on theremote contrl w sharge the lengtho vermionof
 the tore
  Press the GPT buton on the remotecontrcto slecthe desied tone and ext rograming.
Flease see yaursaies associtefor detats on SangEd ar any other Code Alam accessoy

Replacing Remote Control Batteries
  "The two ) 3 vot thiim batteries (model CR2028)Insde each reme contral shou last
  pproximalay 1 year under nomal use. VWhen the bateres become weak you wil rotce te
 transnitterrange the cisiance hom the venide the remote contrl wil work detarorate and the smatl
  IndiatorIght on the remete cantolwill m, To replace the remole control batteres
         1. Usinga small (#1) phlipe serendiiver remove the screw on the sack of ie remate cotrl
         2. Genty unsnap the halvas ol the remolo contrl apart
         3. Sice the 2 Ithium Satteries out f the creut board. observng the +/ symbo‘s on the
             Bateriesand replace wih new um 3 vel batteres (mode! CR2025)
         4. Gerty snap e haves ofthe remote contl back tagetier and reinsal t phiips scrow
             on he back ofthe remote contal
         5.. Test the ooeration ofthe remcte conrcl

Emergency Override Procedure
  If you transmir is ostor cisabledA wil be necessary use the emergency ovenide bution
 to. tm the securty system off There are bro ypes of emergency overriteprocecires
 Check wiyour instaling cenleto ind out whathas been actvated on your system
  Stndart Emergensy Overide Procedire
        1. Entrthe venice thesecuitysystem wil tager
        2. tum he gntion ayts h ONpstion
        3. Press and release e emergency ovenide buton (The seourty sytem wil um at.
 Note If e antomatwning featur is urable on yourspstem. The secary synlerm l eean
 the nexttime theiy on Key is tm o# and he vece‘s doo ae cosed
  Cated Overide Proceckre
 "The system has an optionl overtde made tat alons you o program a 2:digt pesonal
 code using he emergency overide button offring a higher levelof secunly. Thisfeatre
 must be enabled by your instaling deale. he defaut override code is 11
        1. Entothvehice the securty systom wl igged
       2. Tothe iantion swich tothe ON postion
       3. Wihin 5 seeonds proos ho emergoncy overtde butln the rumbor of tmos
            conespondingt the isdijl of your rersonul code (Delaut cigtis 1)
       4. Wihin 5 second fu the igntion tey OFF,then ON
       5. Wihin 5 seconds press he emergancy overrde butontrumber of tmes
            corespondingt the secand aigto your personal cade (Defautt ig: is 1)
       8. Wihin 5 seconds tur th igntion key OFF, then ON
               rtered correty the secunty syster n tun off
       8. Tunthe iariionkey tothe OFF postion
  Programming Your Personal Overtse Code
       1. Make sare the securty systen is disamed
            turntheiantion keytothe ON postton
           ithin 10 oconds proand reloasathe overrde buttn 3 tmos
           vithin 10 econds tum the igniton key OFF ren ON 3 tmes (The rom wil honk

     a won
           and t ligtswil fash 1 tme)
        5. Whhin 10 seconds pess and releass the overrde buttontruberof imes
           coresponding wih the fist igt o your personal ce (1—9)
       8. Wihin 10 seconds turnthe ignton key OFF then ON
       7. Wihin 10 seconds press and releass the overrde buttontnumber of tmes
             coresponding with the seaond diat of you nersona code (1—9)
       8. Wihin 5 secords um thlgntionkey OFF
       8. You wil notie tha LED fash a number oftmes coresgonding with the code you
 Note: If 15 seconds o nactviy pass tsystem wil abott progremning
Note: Do not lose your "Personal Override Code®. Reprogramming a new code
  without the original code can only be performed by an authorized deater.

                     Code Systems,Inc.Limited Lifetime Warranty
     Acoteinin (200E) uht cunfor comnence and seey rten uis on t smm
suchanian aimadce hnt GO ant rlated y ar mitorise coveo 025 a verani y Gc0Ei n
dign l on pecrmer i o s oces notimaning ar ns ue temeof rvence h
ETYE wimenSgay rawed
     A G0CE anter00 a utcoommerrsunr y an totendsour o 0008n eveon cowe
brananainratataiea CSEetarnely 00 o e rpa l crvareparoan o fahn
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inoimenO be on oo m cmec y m ar ay arer variny
     Te t o tsanranyanerhat enarve i alcorpenems tnevanto cres nds in
bnoiton ind ncmoin revunnt uy
     Tareniten actime a ntananter ce wnrated i C0081c e oignl d onumer peme
tob ho hon dn invorinaraty wnaviaa rba n o e enc nl beqoe nat copray
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Intulson alraton y ve coway o t nrted hoi. wb d vaice (n oenan ty mvore uttin
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     Sove ate o ol e unchnie n it uied on ul Yaaee steotoneEoi
feanul o ou Thmacany o you wactelis t youmay o hww snairaria in van
fom waso vad
          Ts tovecories ut rar 1t e o0 is andutn2ld t nsty
          Carita Grenton iuts b ie oominso cnitorm
          1: Ti dotc na retonsehmd naroce and
          2. ts seveemasacepan inedrrcs ecaved ncusng arnsrernce n
          m macniminiipemioe
          anrgeso mastatons t worenncpovnd y tnary eronate n
          cenptececaid wn wrs curern s oveie e eaionen

Document Created: 2019-06-21 01:00:17
Document Modified: 2019-06-21 01:00:17

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