Test Report

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                          Measurement/Technical Report

                                Intel Corporation
                       Intel Emergency Management Card

                                FCC ID: EJMNPDPEMC2

                                         April 22, 1998

This report concerns (check one):                Original Grant _X          Class II Change,

Equipment Type: Class B Computing Device / LAN Adapter

Deferred grant requested per 47 CFR 0.457 (d)(1)(ii)?                          yes       no__X

                                                 If yes, defer until:                  N/A

intel Corporation        agrees to notify the Commission by:                           N/A

of the intended date of announcement of the product so that the grant can be issued on that date.

Transition Rules Request per 15.37;                                            yes       no__X

If no, assumed Part 15, Subpart B for unintentional radiators — new 47 CFR [10—1—92) provision.

Report prepared by:                              Northwest EMC, Inc.
                                                 120 South Elliott Road, Suite 300
                                                 Newberg, OR 97132
                                                 (503) 537—0728
                                                 fax: (503) 537—0735

                                            Report No. INTE1760

                                                    FCC ID: EJMNPDPEMC2

Table of Contents

Section      Description                                          Page

1.0          General Information                                     3
111          Product Description                                     3
1.2          Related Submittals/Grants                               4
1.3          Tested System Details                                   4
1.4          Test Methodology                                        6
1.5          Test Facility                                           6

2.0          Product Labeling
2.1          Figure 2.1: FCC ID Label                                7
2.2          Figure 2.2; Location of Label on EUT                    8

3.0          System Test Configuration                               9
3.1          Justification                                           9
3.2          EUT Exercise Software                                   9
3.3          Special Accessories                                     9
3.4          Equipment Modifications                                 9
3.5          Configuration of Tested System                          9
Figure 3.1   Configuration of Tested System                          10

4.0          Block Diagram of EUT                                    11
4.1          Biock Diagram Description                               12

5.0          Conducted and Radiated Measurement Photographs          15

6.0          Conducted Emissions Data                                18

7.0          Radiated Emissions Data                                 23
7.2          Field Strength Calculations                             25
7.3          Measurement Bandwidths                                  25

8.0          Measurement Equipment                                   26

Appendix |   Measurement Procedures                                 27

9.0          Photos of Tested EUT                                   28

Northwest EMC, Inc.           Report No. INTE1760               Page — 2

                                                                                               FCC ID: EJMNPDPEMC2

1.0 General Information

1.1 Product Description

M@NUfACHUF@®U BY ... ... .. 22020200 ce enc ennennvnvrvnnvarerenererrerenenenennnnevevereerenreereerenerenenrenee Intel Corporation

AUUP@SS.......20..0.00eneececeeneeecnccnmmereeeenerernneness 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, OR 97124

TeSt R@QU@St@U By: ........ ... .cc e mnrnereerereerverrer enc eerereervrerer ce venreneeeernenerernnrenercerrees Richard Abel

Model ....                                                                            ...Intel Emergency Management Card

FCC D) ns ce n en enennervnvverrenerrenenennnnn en eevrerenener nc nvrenereveere n ver en enc nenenencenveenenee EJMNPDPEMC2

SB@FIAL NUMB@T(S)..... 2020200000000 0e en en en en nevevevvererereererenenenevnenv e vevvererereererenererenenveeve INBS81600005

DAt@ Of T@St ........2.0.c0c0c0 cce enc ee en en nenevnnnnnvnva en en en neneverenvnaver en necennnevevemecncnvcee April 22, 1998

JOD NUMBB .. 2.20000000000 0e eeeee en eernmerrerereveeeererencvevennnnmverrererenereneenanenevrerenevereererereeenearnncnereerence INTE1760

The Equipment Under Test (EUT) is the Intel Corporation Emergency Management Card, FCC ID
EJMNPDEMC2. The EUT is a PCI add in card that monitors the host server‘s vital signs such as
voltages, temperatures, etc. It has the ability to communicate this information to remote services by
Ethernet, or serial link. Additionally, console redirection will allow remote diagnostics and fault recovery.
The EUT operates in a network at 10 MegaBits—per—Second (MBpS).

Hardware Description:

*    Clocks/Oscillators Frequencies:                      20 MHz, 50 MHz.
*    Ports:                     Serial, RJ—45, IPM

Northwest EMC, Inc.                                     Report No. INTE1760                                                 Page — 3

                                                  FCC ID: EJMNPDPEMC2


                                 Description and Serial No.

                       C2        Intel Corporation Emergency Management Card,
                                 Serial No. INBS81600005.

                                 IBM Model 33G5430, Serial No. 23—G51151.

                                 NMB Model RT101+, Serial No. 80530392.

                      /JMA       NEC Model JC—1532VMA—2, Serial No. 3262102NA.

                                 Gateway Model G6—266, Serial No. 0008529499.

                                 Hewlett Packard Model C2121A, Serial No. US39I25029

                                 Hewlett Packard, Model C2114A, Serial No. MY41IDOZ7

                                 Epson LX—300 Model P850A, Serial No. 1YLY172977.

                                 Micron Model SCOLBUCMIC23A, Serial No. 200087007.

                                 Compaq Presario 1510, Serial No. 603BD02HB614.

                      215        Digital Model RT101, Serial No. 71341074.

Northwest EMC, Inc.     Report No. INTE1760                           Page — 4

                                                                   FCC ID: EJMNPDPEMC2

Item                          Description

Parallel Printer Cable        2 meters in length. Shielded with braid over foil and no ferrite beads.
                              Connected from the host PC paralle! port to the parallel printer.

Network Cable                 20 meters in length. Not shielded and no ferrite beads. Plastic RJ—45
                              connectors. Connected from the EUT Data Port to the Remote PC.

Serial Printer Cable (2)      1.5 meters in length. Shielded with no ferrite beads. Connected from the
                              COM1 port of the host PC to the serial printer.

Video Cable                   1.1 meters in length. Shielded, with a metal backshell and one molded
                              ferrite bead at the PC end of the cable. Permanently attached to the
                              monitor and connected to the VGA port of the host PC.

Mouse Cable                   1.8 meters in length. Metal connector backshells. Permanently attached to
                              the mouse and connected to a 9—pin to PS/2 adapter that is connected to
                              the PC mouse port (supplied with the mouse).

Keyboard Cable                1.4 meters in length (Coiled), with a metal connector backshell.
                              Permanently attached to the keyboard and connected to the PS/2 keyboard
                              port of the EUT.

Serial Printer DC Cable (2)   1.9 meters in length. No shielding and no ferrite beads. Permanently
                              attached to the serial printer AC adapter and connected to the serial printer.

Serial Printer AC Cable (2)   1.9 meters in length. No shielding and no ferrite beads. Permanently
                              attached to the serial printer AC adapter and connected to the AC Mains.

Parallel Printer DC Cable     1.8 meters in length. No shielding and no ferrite beads. Permanently
                              attached to the parallel printer AC adapter and connected to the parallel

Paralle! Printer AC Cable     1.8 meters in length. No shielding and no ferrite beads. Permanently
                              attached to the paraliel printer AC adapter and connected to the AC Mains.

Monitor AC Cable              1.9 meters in length. No shielding and no ferrite beads. Connected from
                              AC input of the monitor to the AC mains.

EUT Power                     1.9 meters in length. No shielding and no ferrite beads. Connected form AC
                              input of the EUT to the AC mains.

IPM Cable                     1.0 meters in length. No shielding with a ferrite bead attached. Connected
                              from the EUT to the IPM.

Northwest EMC, Inc.                    Report No. INTE1760                              Page — 5

                                                                    FCC ID: EJMNPDPEMC2

1.4 Test Methodology

Both conducted and radiated testing was performed according to the procedures in ANSI C63.4 (1992).
Radiated testing was performed at an antenna to EUT distance of 10 meters. Please reference Appendix I
for further detail on Test Methodology.

1.5 Test Facility

The Open Area Test Site and conducted measurement facility used to collect the radiated and conducted
data is located at

Northwest EMC, Inc.
120 South Elliott Road, Suite 300
Newberg, OR 97132
(503) 537—0728
Fax: 537—0735

The Open Area Test Site, and conducted measurement facility is located in Newberg, OR, at the address
shown above. These sites have been fully described in reports filed with the FCC (Federal
Communications Commission), and accepted by the FCC in letters maintained in our files.

Northwest EMC, Inc. is recognized under the United States Department of Commerce, National Institute
of Standards and Technology, National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) for
satisfactory compliance with criteria established in Title 15, Part 285 Code of Federal Regulations. These
criteria encompass the requirements of ISO/IEC Guide 25 and the relevant requirements of ISO 9002
(ANSIV/ASQC Q92—1987) as suppliers of calibration or test results. NVLAP Lab Code: 200059—0.

Northwest EMC, Inc. has been assessed and accredited by NEMKO (Norwegian testing and certification
body) for European emissions and immunity testing. As a result of NEMKO‘s laboratory assessment, they
will accept test results from Northwest EMC, Inc. for product certification {Authorization No. ELA 119).

Northwest EMC, Inc.                       Report No. INTE1760                            Page — 6

                                                      FCC ID: EJMNPDPEMC2

2.0 Product Labeling

Figure 2.1 FCC ID Label

                               FCC ID: EJMNPDPEMC2

The FCC ID shown above is silk—screened on to the printed circuit board of the EUT
{see next page). The Compliance Statement, as described in 47 CFR 15.19(a)(3), is in
the Users Manual.

Northwest EMC, Inc.             Report No. INTE1760                    Page — 7

                                                FCC ID: EJMNPDPEMC2

Figure 2.2 Location of Label on EUT

            BACK OF EUT

                                                    FCC ID EJMNPDPEMC2

Northwest EMC, Inc.       Report No. INTE1760                    Page — 8

                                                                    FCC ID: EJMNPDPEMC2

3.0 System Test Configuration

3.1 Justification

The EUT was configured in a test mode to simulate typical use. Cables were attached to each of the
available /O Ports. Where applicable, peripherals were attached to the I/O Cables. The mode of
operation utilized for testing was selected in order to best simulate typical EUT use. The EUT was
connected to a remote server via an ethernet connection. The server utilized software that would
continuously ping the EUT. This provided full functionality of the ethernet and digital components of the

3.2 EUT Exercise Software
The EUT was transmitting data using PING.EXE software, operating under the DOS 6.2 operating
software. This allowed the EUT to continuously transmit and receive data packets to the remote PC. This
software was used since it would simulate full functionality of the ethernet and digital components of the

3.3 Special Accessories
No special accessories will be sold with the EUT.

3.4 Equipment Modifications
No EMI suppression devices were added or modified. The EUT was tested as delivered by the applicant.

3.5 Configuration of Tested System
The EUT was placed in an Option Slot of the host PC. A full system configuration was used as per ANSI
C63.4 (section 11.2) consisting of a Personal Computer, keyboard, mouse, monitor, modem, and 2
printers. A remote PC with a LAN adapter installed was placed in a remote location, to provide a system
for the EUT to communicate with. The test software which exercised the EUT was run off of the hard disk
inside the PC.

Northwest EMC, Inc.                     Report No. INTE1760                              Page — 9

                                                                              FCC ID: EJMNPDPEMC2

Figure 3.1: Configuration of Tested System

             I  7
      Remote System

         Keyboard                                           Network Cable


                                                                              r—_‘                 IPM
                                  I                t -I                       +       Parallet
       Serial           Serial                                                        Printer
       Printer          Printer                EUT                   Base                   f

          l               1                                          Syste!               l

                                      PS/2 Mouse

Northwest EMC, Inc.                           Report No. INTE1760                             Page — 10

                                                                                                                   FCC ID: EJMNPDPEMC2

4.0 Block Diagram of EUT

                                                                  Optional Debug                   f                                                                     Serial
                                                                 (mezzanlne) Port1/
         y                    T\           7              ~oy~                                                          /                                   i
     :           386EX                           DRAM                 FLASH                       Serial Ports                  Ethernet                            _     1ObaseT
             Processor             j           @4 crene              (2 or 4 MB)        ;_        Mezzanine                     Interface                                 Ethernet
         \                        /                                                               c ns             / x#‘                                i
                              \                                                                           r                          1                  |
         <                             :                                                     ‘Vf'i/’—'>

                      —                \ /7     ~ 77
                                                                          iL                  ‘
                                                                                                        IC         D remer                  _
                    Server              .   fifnae'  rol                     Host/SMM                PCMCIA           MODEM or                   )               n       Phone
                  Management ‘|                               Interface     Registers                  Interface        Combo Card                    ~—~               tLine
                 Instrumentation ClOCk                    C                                                              {optional)
             “/X 4
                                                    '                                             ————/ )                        _          _/
                          1                                                        SMC
                 L                                                                                            CC                                        |i
                                                                                             ym                n                t &
                          j                                                                   Optional                      (                           i
                                                                                                                            |   Powerand
                              |                                                                   On—Board ‘                     Charge
                                                                                                                                                 |, _
                                                                                                                                                 |c             1¥
                                                                                                   Battery                       Control

    Oqw o    2       Feature                                   PCI

Northwest EMC, Inc.                                             Report No. INTE1760                                                                   Page — 11

                                                                   FCC ID: EJMNPDPEMC2

4.1 Block Diagram Description
Refer to figure 4.0 for the block diagram.

uProcessor (386EX)

The main processor for the Server Monitor Module is a 25 MHz intel 386EX embedded processor. This
processor accesses the DRAM (including shared memory), FLASH memory, NIC, PCMCIA port,
Microcontroller, and the PCI bus.


The 386EX will be clocked by an output of the SMC. The SMC takes a 50 MHz oscillator output as an
input and can either pass the 50 MHz directly to the 386EX or divide it by 3,9, or 27 to allow for lower
power operation. The 386EX divides its clock by two internally so that the resulting operating frequencies
are 25, 8.33, 2.77, or 0.926 MHz.

System DRAM

System DRAM will be added to the card using 2 MB, 16 bit wide parts (1M X 16) placed in from one to
three locations. This allows either 2 MB, 4 MB, or 6 MB depending on how the board is stuffed. DRAM
address multiplexing, RAS, and CAS control, and refresh will be done by the SMC.

Flash Memory

Flash Memory will consist of a single 28FO16SA or 28FO32SA device. This will allow 2MB or 4MB of
nonvolatile code and data storage. This memory is available to the 386EX and is also available to the host
through a 32KB memory window and a 4KB Expansion ROM window managed by the SMC.

Serial Ports

Two serial ports are available on the 386EX. One of these ports (PORTO) will not be used for serial
communications. The other port (PORT1) will be routed through a voltage level shif IC then to a
connector. This port may be used directly or tied to an external modem.


There is an °C port available to the 386EX. This port is implemented using a Philips PCF8584 and an
analog multiplexer. Chip select is from CS6 on the 386EX and multiplexer control is done through the
microcontroller. The interrupt into the 386EX for this part is shared by the microcontroller and the
mezzanine connector. For more information on programming the PCF8584 please refer to the data sheet.

Ethernet Interface

To provide network connectivity to SMM2, a 10BASE—T Ethernet interface has been built onto the board.
This interface uses an Intel 82595FX Ethernet Controller. An RJ—45 connector will be provided to interface
to a twisted pair cable. Two indicator LEDs are provided at the I/O bracket to indicate Link (Green) and
Activity (Yellow). These LEDs are built into the RJ45 connector.

Northwest EMC, Inc.                      Report No. INTE1760                           Page — 12

                                                                    FCC ID: EJMNPDPEMC2

4.1 Block Diagram Description con‘t
PCI Interface and Host SMM2 Registers (SMC)

This card is designed to be placed on a PCI bus. The logic for this interface, as well as most of the other
glue logic needed by the board is designed into a custom ASIC referred to as SMC. Additionally, there are
other registers used by the software and hardware that are inside the SMC.

Feature Connector to Host

For compatibility with previous Server Monitor Module implementations, a Feature Connector is available.
The signals available on the Feature Connector are:
    I°C interface

    Keyboard lock

    System Management Interrupt

    Power Supply Off

    Host Line Power OK

    Nonmaskable Interrupt

    Host Auxiliary Voltage

    Baseboard Reset

    Secure Mode

    Chassis Open Indicator


The microcontroller is a PIC14000 made by Microchip Technology, Inc.. it performs the following functions
in the SMM2:

Analog/Digital Conversion on eleven instrumentation channels that measure system voltages and
temperatures and battery charge/discharge current.

Battery Charge Control. Intelligently manages battery charging to maximize battery life and control
current draw from the host.

Power System Control. Switches the SMM2 to battery powerif other power supplies fail, disconnects the
host interfaces (including PCI) if host power fails, shuts down power to all of the SMM2 exceptitself upon
command (to conserve battery power), and disconnects batteries from the circuit, including itself, if battery
voltage drops too low (to prevent over—discharge) or if the board is removed from the host system (to
prevent shorting if the board is placed on a conductive surface).

System Power—up and Reset. Can power up and reset the SMM2 if host power returns, if a ring—indicate
is signaled by a modem, or at a preset time. Can also reset the SMM2 upon command.

I°C Interface. Allows the 386EX to send and receive messages to/from the host using the I°C bus.

Real Time Clock. Manages an interface to a real time clock chip. Can supply accurate tome to the SMM2
upon command. Also uses the RTC for system wake—up at a preset time.

External UPS Control. Controls a signal to a connector that can be used to turn an external UPS or
power switch on or off at a preset time.

Northwest EMC, Inc.                        Report No. INTE1760                          Page — 13

                                                                        FCC ID: EJMNPDPEMC2

4.1 Block Diagram Description con‘t
As a manufacturing option, the SMM2 can have one of two 1°C controliers. One is built into the
Microcontrolier, the other is a Phillips PFC8584. If the Phillips part is installed, the Microcontroller I°C is
still present but is only used to access the Real Time Clock. Whichever controlier is used is connected to
two I°C connectors (J9 and J6) via a multiplexer. Only one may be used at a time. Selection of which one
is active is done by issuing a command to the microcontroller.

Battery Charge Control

If the optional six—cell (7.2V nominal) NiMH (Nicke! Metal Hydride) battery is attached to the board, the
microcontroller will mange the charging of this battery.

Power Control

The Server Monitor Module may be required to operate even when thereis no power available on the PCI
bus. To accomplish this, power can be derived from several different sources. These included the PCI
bus, external power through a power jack, and a backup battery. The circuitry will intelligently switch
between these sources as needed.

Battery Disconnect Relay

To avoid the possibility of parts being live when the board is removed from the server, the microcontroller
can tell when the board has been removed and disconnect the lines from the battery to the board. Sensing
of the PCI bus is accomplished through the RD4/AN4 input on the microcontroller.

IPM ({Intelligent Power Monitor) support

On host systems that do not support the Feature Connector (Section 0 and Section ERROR! Reference
source not found.) a signal has been provided to control an external power switch. This signal must be
valid at all times and must survive resets and power downs. To accomplish this , the signal is taken from
the square wave output of the Real Time Clock. This signal may be programmed as an I/O pin and can be
set to either high or fow. It is an open drain signal and is used to turn on a pnp transistor which drives +5V
(currentlimited to about 50mA) to the connector pin. The 386EX can issue a command to the
microcontroller to cause the signal to be asserted or deasserted at a particular time.

SMC Interface

A two wire interface connects the microcontraller to the SMC. The microcontroller and the 386EX
communicate through this medium.

Northwest EMC, Inc.                        Report No. INTE1760                               Page — 14

                                                                      FCC ID: EJMNPDPEMC2

6.0 Conducted Emissions Data
6.1 The initial step in collecting conducted data is a spectrum analyzer, peak scan of the entire
measurement range. All signals with less than 2 dB margin are then measured using a quasi—peak
detector. Complete graphs and data sheets may be referenced on the following pages. Minimum
margins are listed below:

CISPR 22 Class B Specification Limits

PC Power
Frequency (MHz)             Measured Level (dBuV)        Limit (dBuV)       Margin (dB)*            Lead
0.313                               41.9                     49.9               8.0                 High
0.311                               41.8                     49.9               8.1                 High
0.310                               41.7                     50.0               8.3                 High
0.413                               38.3                     47.6               9.3                 High
0.308                                37.9                     Alb s 3.°          9.7                High
Frequency (MHz)             Measured Level (dBuV)        Limit (dBuV)       Margin (dB)*            Lead
0.311                                41.9                      50.0              8.1                Low
0.315                                41.2                      49.8              8.6                Low
0.314                                41.2                      49.9              8.7                Low
0.316                                40.4                      49.8              9.4                Low
0.309                                40.6                      50.0              94                 Low

All readings listed above are Peak, using an IF Bandwidth of 9 kHz, a video filter was not used.
Judgment: Passed, minimum margin of 8.0 dB.

Fujitsu Power Supply
Frequency (MHz)             Measured Level (dBuV)        Limit (dBuV)       Margin (dB)*            Lead
0.202                               46.2                     53.5                7.3                High
0.204                               46.1                     53.5                7.4                High
0.199                               44.7                     53.7               9.0                 High
0.208                               44.1                     53.3               9.2                 High
0.196                               42.8                     53.8               11.0                High

Frequency (MHz)             Measured Level (dBuV)        Limit (dBuV)       Margin (dB)*            Lead
0.203                                45.7                      53.5             7.8                 Low
0.202                                45.4                      53.5             8.1                 Low
0.204                                45.0                      53.4             84                  Low
0.206                                44.7                      53.4             8.7                 Low
0.314                                38.8                      49.9             111                 Low

All readings listed above are Peak, using an IF Bandwidth of 9 kHz, a video filter was not used.
Judgment: Passed, minimum margin of 7.3 dB.

Test Personnel:
Tester Signature:           ’éjé"           /%/                           Date: April 22, 1998

Typed/Printed Name:         Dean Ghizzone

Northwest EMC, Inc.                     Report No. INTE1760                             Page — 18

                                                                                    FCC ID: EJMNPDPEMC2

                                      Northwest EMC, Inc.                                       Ver 5 40, Jan 1997
    Equipment Tested:Bonzai
    Serial Number:    2
    Manufacturer:       Intet Gorp.
    Job Number:         INTE1760
    Date/Time:          04—22—1998. 14:46:23
    Tested By:          Donald Facteau, EC
    Comments:           Board Installed w/power connector, all cable, shortened IPM
                        Run #13, added ferrite on IPM, Fujitsu Power 120V 60Hz mains

                       CISPR 22 Class B Conducted Limit (Average)     High Line    Peskdate

     Frequency      Meter                Power           Correction         Adjusted          Spec     Compared
                    Reading              Line             Factor             Level            Limit    To Limit
      (MHz)          (dBuV)                               (dB/m}            {dBuV)            (dBuV)     (dB)

      0 202           262                  High             20.0                  462           535          7.3
      9204            26 1                 High             20.0                  46.1          53.4         7.3
      0 199           247                  High             20.0                  44.7          537          90
      0208            241                  High             20 0                  44.1          533          92
      0196            228                  High             20.0                  42.8          538          —11.0
      0315            18 5                 High             20.0                  38.5          49.8         113
      0314            185                  High             20.0                  38.5          49.9         11.4
      0312            18.5                 High             20.0                  38.5          49.9         114
      0310            17.2                 High             20 0                  372           50.0         —12 8
      0 309           166                  High             20 0                  36.6          50 0         134
      0194            20.2                 High             20 0                  40.2          539          137
      0271            166                  High             20.0                  36.6          511          145
      0.151           214                  High             20.0                  414           55.9         145
      4968            10.9                 High             20 4                  31.3          46.0         14.7
      0 307           15.2                 High             20.0                  35.2          50.1         14.9
      0320            14.8                 High             20.0                  34.8          49.7         149
      3.051           10.5                 High             20.3                  30.8          46.0         152
      4.146           105                  High             20 3                  30.8          46.0         4152
      4559            10.3                 High             20. 4                 30.7          46.0         153
      3115            103                  High             20.3                  30.6          46.0         154

Northwest EMC, Inc.                               Report No. INTE1760                                                Page — 19

                                                                                      FCC ID: EJMNPDPEMC2

                                      Northwest EMC, Inc.                                         Ver 5 4e, Jan 1997
    Equipment Tested:Bonzai
    Serial Number:    2
    Manufacturer:       Intel Corp.
    Job Number:         INTE1760
    Date/Tim            04—221998      14:50
    Tested By:          Donald Facteau, EC
    Comments:           Board Installed w/power connector, all cable, shortened IPM
                        Run #14, added ferrite on IPM, Fujitsu Power 120V 60Hz mains

                       CISPR 22 Class B Conducted Limit (Average)        Low Line    Peskdate

     Frequency       Meter                Power             Correction         Adjusted         Spec     Compared
                    Reading                Line              Factor             Level           Limit    To Limit
      (MHz)          (dBuV)                                  (dB/m)            (dBuV)           (dBuV)     (dB)

      0203            25.7                     Low             20 0                 45.7          535          78
      0.202           254                      Low             20.0                 45.4          53.5         —8.1
      0204            25.0                     Low             20.0                 45.0          534          —8.4
      0 206           24.7                     Low             20.0                 44.7          534          —8.7
      0314            188                      Low             20.0                 38.8          49.9         111
      0.196           22.3                     Low             20 0                 42.3          538          115
      0313            184                      Low             20.0                 38. 4         49.9         11.5
      0311            18 4                     Low             20.0                 38.4          49.9         41.5
      0311            183                      Low             20.0                 38.3          49.9         411.6
      0318            17.7                     Low             200                  37.7          49 8         424
      0.309           168                      Low             20.0                 368           50.0         132
      2025            11.9                     Low             20 2                 32.1          46.0         139
      3051            118                      Low             20 3                 321           46.0         139
      2570            118                      Low             20 2                 32.0          46.0         14.0
      0.307           16.0                     Low             20.0                 36.0          50.1         4141
      0 476           123                      Low             20.0                 32.3          46 4         —14.1
      2506            114                      Low             20 2                 316           46.0         144
      2983            113                      Low             20 3                 316           46.0         144
      0.150           21.5                     Low             20.0                 41.5          55.0         145
      0.475           118                      Low             20.0                 318           46 4         146


Northwest EMC, Inc.                                  Report No. INTE1760                                               Page — 20

                                                                                     FCC ID: EJMNPDPEMC2

                                        Northwest EMC, Inc.                                       Ver 5 40. Jan 1997
     Equipment Tested:Bonzai
     Serial Number:       2
     Manufacturer:        Intel Corp.
     Job Number:         INTE1760
     Date/Time:          04—22—1998 15;17:24
     Tested By:           Donald Facteau, EC
     Comments:            Board Installed w/power connector, all cable, shortened IPM
                          Run #19, added ferrite on IPM, PC Power 120V 60Hz mains

                         CISPR 22 Class B Conducted Limit (Average) High Line       Peskdata

                                                                                                         100 MHz

     Frequency        Meter                Power            Correction        Adjusted         Spec      Compared
                     Reading               Line              Factor            Level           Limit     To Limit
       (MHz)          (dBuV)                                (dB/m)            (dBuV)           (dBuV)      (dB)

       0313            219                   High              20 0              41.9            49.9          —£.0
       0311            21.8                  High              20.0              41.8            49.9          —8.1
       0310            21.7                  High              20 0              41.7            50 0          —8.3
       0413            183                   High              20.0              38 3            47 6          93
       0412            17.9                  High              20.0              37.9            47.6          $.7
       0.308           20.3                  High              20.0              40.3            50.0          7
       0415            17.8                  High              20.0              37.8            47.5          —$.7
       0.416           17.6                  High              20.0              37.6            475           99
       0418            17.0                  High              20 0              37.0            47.5          105
       0410            163                   High              20 0              36.3            47.6          11.3
       0408            14 6                  High              20 0              34.6            47 7          4131
       0407            132                   High              20.0              33.2            47.7          145
       0323            15 0                  High              20.0              35.0            49.6          4146
       0.250           16.3                  High              20.0              36.3            51.8          4155
       0.253           15.9                  High              20 0              35.9            51.7          158
       0.302           14.1                  High              20.0              34.1            502           —16.1
       0.405           114                   High              20.0              31.4            47 8          16.4
       0326            132                   High              20 0              332             496           164
       0423            10 7                  High              20.0              30.7            47 4          167
       0403            111     i             High              20 0              311             47.8          167


Northwest EMC, Inc.                                 Report No. INTE1760                                                Page — 21

                                                                                   FCC ID: EJMNPDPEMC2

                                   Northwest EMC, Inc.                                          ver 5 do, on 1987
     Equipment Tested:Bonzai
     Serial Number:    2
     Manufacturer:     Intel Corp.
     Job Number:       INTEA760
     Date/Time:        04—22—1998 15:19:21
     Tested By:        Donald Facteau, EC
     Comments:          Board Installed w/power connector, all cable, shortened IPM
                        Run #20, added ferrite on IPM, PC Power 120V 60Hz mains

                      CISPR 22 Class B Conducted Limit (Average)      Low Line    Peskdete


        100 KHz

     Frequency     Meter               Power            Correction          Adjusted         Spec      Compared
                  Reading               Line             Factor              Level           Limit     To Limit
       (MHz)       (dBu¥)                                (dB/m)             (dBuy)           (dBuV)      (dB)

       C311          21.9                Low               20.0                  41.9          49.9         —8.0
       0.315         212                 Low               20.0                  41.2          49.8         —8.6
       0314          212                 Low               20.0                  41.2          49.9         —8.7
       0.309         20. 6               Low               20 0                  40 6          50.0         94
       0316          20 4                Low               20 0                  40 4          498          94
       0319          185                 Low               20 0                  385           49 7         11.2
       0305          18.1                Low               20.0                  38.1          50.1         12.0
       0303          167                 Low               20.0                  36.7          50.2         135
       0 322         15.5                Low               20.0                  355           49.7         142
       0325          148                 Low               20.0                  34.8          49.6         148
       0410          126                 Low               20.0                  32.6          47. 6        150
       0416          124                 Low               200                   324           475          41511
       0412          11.9                Low               20 0                  319           47.6         4157
       0412          11.9                Low               20.0                  31.9          47.6         157
       0324          137                 Low               20 0                  33.7          496          159
       0251          158                 Low               20.0                  35.8          51.7         159
       0.418         11.2                Low               20.0                  312           475          16.3
       0255          152                 Low               20.0                  352           51.6         16.4
       0 255         152                 Low               20.0                  35 2          51.6         164
       0.409         10.7                Low               20 0                  30.7          47.7         —17 0


Northwest EMC, Inc.                            Report No. INTE1760                                                  Page — 22

                                                                        FCC ID: EJMNPDPEMC2

7.0 Radiated Emissions Data

7.1 The following data lists the six most significant emission frequencies, total (corrected) levels, and
specification margins. Correction factors, antenna height, table azimuth, etc., are contained in the data
sheets immediately following. Explanation of the correction factors is given in paragraph 7.2 of this report.
Complete graphs and data sheets may be referenced on the following pages. Minimum margins are listed

CISPR 22 Class B Specification Limits

  Frequency                              Total Level            Limit
    (MHz)             Detection           (dBuV/m)            (dBuV/m)       Margin (dB)*      Polarization
66.651                   aP                 27.1                30.0             2.9             Vertical
66.651                   aP                  26.8               30.0              3.2              Horizontal
199.954                  PK                  26.5               30.0              3.5              Horizontal
50.000                   PK                  26.5               30.0              3.5               Vertical
68.865                   oP                  26.2               30.0              3.8               Vertical
666.516                  aP                  33.0               37.0              4.0              Horizontal

Judgment: Passed, minimum margin of 2.9 dB.

Test Personnel:

Tester Signature:        'él/d""         %/                      _          Date: April 22, 1998

Typed/Printed Name:      Dean Ghizzone

Northwest EMC, Inc.                     Report No. INTE1760                             Page — 23

                                                                                           FCC ID: EJMNPDPEMC2

                                      Northwest EMC, Inc.                                                Version 52. Jan 1998
     EUT Name:                  Bonzai                                                                Horizontal= X
     Serial Number:             2                                                                     Verticat =0
     Manufacturer:              intel Corp.
    Job Number:                 INTE1760
    Test Date:                  04—22—1998
     Tested By:                 Donald Facteau, EC
     Test Distance:             10 meters.
     Comments:                  Board installed w/power connector, all cable, shortened IPM
                                Run #13, added ferrite on IPM
                                         CISPR 22 Class B (10 meter limit)

                                                                                                                    Class B

    Frequency      Meter Detector Antenna Antenna Preamp        Cable   Adjusted   Spec       Table      Antenna Compared
                  Reading          Factor Horizontal Gain        Loss    Level     Limit     Azimuth     Height  (To Limit)
       (MH2)      (dBuy)             (dB/m)   Vertical   (dB)   (dB) (dBu¥im) (dBuV/im) (degree)         (meters)      (dB)

     599,999       41.8    oP        192       VLPA      320     5.3     343       37.0       225.0       1.0          27
      66.651       48.9    aP         88       vBIC      324     18      271       30.0       150.0       4.0          29
      66.651       486     oP         88       HBic      324     18      268       300        270 0       40           32
     199.954       41.0    PK        14.7      HBIC      320     28      265       30.0       270.0       36           35
      50.000       47 2    PK        10.1      veic      324     16      265       30 0        $0.0       10           35
      60.855       48.0    CP         8.7      vBic      323     18      26 2      30.0       180.0       1.0          38
     666516        38.3    OP        210       HLPA      320     5.7     330       37.0       150.0       1.0          —4.0
     199.955       399     PK        14.7      valc      320     28      25 4      30.0       315.0       21           4.6
      68 862       48 2    or         87       HBIC      32.3    1.8     244       30 0       180 0       40           56
     599909        381     OP        19.2      HLPA      32.0    53      30 6      37.0       180.0       1.0          64
     600 001       37.7    PK        19.2      VLPA      32.0    53      30.2      37.0       225.0       1.0          68
      50.000       44.0    CP        10.1      HBIC      325     16      232       30.0       180.0       4.0          —68
     666 516       34 2    oP        21.0      VLPA      32.0    5.7     28 9      37.0       180.0       10           811
      73781        437     OP         85       VBIC      323     18      21.7      30.0        90.0       1.0          83
      56 042       428     aP         93       VBc       32.4    16      21.3      30.0       1800        1.0          87
      70 428       42.0    CP         86       vBic      323     1.8     20 1      30.0         9.0       10           —8.9
      56 002       38.7    PK         9.3      HBIC      324     16      172       30 0         0.0       35          128
      73781        365     oP         85       HBIC      32.3    18      16.5      30.0         0.0       40          135
      70. 428      381     OP         86       HBIC      32.3    18      162       30.0         00        4.0         138

                                                                                            Temperature 7OF $5% Humidity


Northwest EMC, Inc.                                  Report No. INTE1760                                               Page — 24

                                                                                                      FCC ID:EJMNPDPEMC2

7.2 Field Strength Calculations

The field strength is calculated by adding the Antenna Factor and Cable Factor, and subtracting the
Amplifier Gain (if any) from the measured level. The basic equation with a sample calculation is as

where :                                           FS = Field Strength

                                                  RA = Measured Level

                                                  AF = Antenna Factor

                                                  CF = Cable Attenuation Factor

                                                  AG = Amplifier Gain

Assume a receiver reading of 52.5 dBuV is obtained. The Antenna Factor of 7.4 and a Cable Factor of
1.1 is added. The Amplifier Gain of 29 dB is subtracted, giving a field strength of 32 dBuV/meter.

FS = §2.5 + 7.4 + 1.1 — 29 = 32 dBuV/imeter
Level in uV/m = Common Antilogarithm [(32 dBuV/m)/20] = 39.8 uV/m

7.3 Measurement Bandwidths

Peak Data

150 KHZ — 30 MHZ .........ccommmemereesmnrerrererercrerrenmmmrerrens                     nmeerererereennerereneererceneeenencnnmeceenenee 10 kHz
30 MHz — 1000 MHz...                                                                                                                  ... 100 kHz
1000 MHz — 2000 MHz.....                                                                                                         ..... 1000 kHz

Quasi—peak Data

150 KHZ ~ 30 MHZ . . . . . coeue e emecne ere ern emnerer                                                                         n enecece vaven c ces 9 kHz.
30 MHz — 1000 MHz......                                                                                                                .. 120 kHz

All radiated measurements are quasi—peak unless otherwise stated. A video filter was not used.
All conducted measurements are peak unless otherwise stated. A video filter was not used.

Northwest EMC, Inc.                                                     Report No.INTE1760                                      Page — 25

                                                            FCC ID:EJMNPDPEMC2

8.0 Measurement Equipment

Instrument             Model                   Serial No.   Freq Range                Last Cal   Cal Due
Spectrum Analyzer      HP 8567A                2718A00358   10   kHz   —   1.5 GHz    04/21/98   04/21/99
Quasi Peak Adapter     HP 85650A               2811401175   10   kHz   —   1000 MHz   02/20/98   02/20/99
LISN                   EMCO 3825/2             9206—1974    10   kHz   —   50 MHz     09/19/97   09/19/98
LISN                   Solar 9252—50—24—BNC    971602       10   kHz   —   50 MHz     04/09/98   04/09/99
Log Periodic Antenna   EMCO 3146               9006—2809    200 MHz — 1000 MHz        01/31/98   01/31/99
Bicon Antenna          ARA BCD—235/B           1042         30 MHz — 200 MHz          01/31/98   01/31799
Pre—Amplifier          AR LN1000AM3            21913        100 kHz — 1300 MHz        10/03/97   10/03/98

Northwest EMC, Inc.                 Report No.INTE1760                           Page — 26

                                                                   FCC ID:EJMNPDPEMC2

Appendix !: Measurement Procedures

Each frequency was measured in both the horizontal and vertical antenna polarization‘s.

The EUT position was maximized for each frequency, for both the horizontal and vertical antenna
polarization‘s, using a remotely controlled turntable.

The antenna height was varied from 1 — 4 meters at each frequency, for both the horizontal and vertical
positions to maximize the emission level.

The cable and peripheral positions were manipulated to ensure maximum levels at each frequency for
both horizontal and vertical antenna polarization‘s.

Measurements 30 MHz — 1000 MHz are made at an antenna to EUT distance of 10 meters.

Measurements 1000 MHz — 2000 MHz are made at an antenna to EUT distance of 3 meters.

Northwest EMC, Inc.                     Report No.INTE1760                            Page — 27

Document Created: 2001-05-14 13:17:23
Document Modified: 2001-05-14 13:17:23

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