SAR Report 1


RF Exposure Info

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                                                                                               Appendix for the Report
                                                                                  Dosimetric Assessment of the
                                                                                       Mitel Cordless Handset
                                                                                          (FCC ID: EHTDECT1)

                                                                       According to the FCC Requirements

                                                                                                               Calibration Data

                                                                                                                       May 22, 2007
                                                                                                                        IMST GmbH
                                                                                                          Carl-Friedrich-Gauß-Str. 2
                                                                                                               D-47475 Kamp-Lintfort

                                                                                                                              Nemko AS
                                                                                                                           Gasevikveien 8
                                                                                                                             N-2007 Kjeller

                                                                           This report shall not be reproduced except in full without the written
                                                                                                             approval of the testing laboratory.

                                                          SAR Report_Nemko_6620_636_FCC_CalData_Mitel_Handset

 Calibration Laboratory of                                                          SchwoieischerKalbrirdanst
 Schmid & Partner                                                                   Service sulsse italonage
   Engineering AG                                                                   Servino svizero ol taturs
Zrughavsstrse30004 2orich, Suitzeriand                                              Swise Caibraton Service

 Accmote by e SuisFadertte f Hatlogy and Accrestaton                 Accredtaton io: SCS 108
 ‘re Sviss Aceredttion Service i on o th igntore o h EA
 MottistertAgreement fo th ecogniion ofcalbraton coriictes
 clew.    IMST                                                       Ceritcateno: EX3—3536_Sep06

 Omea                         EX3DV4 — SN:3536

 Cattaton pocosuec)           OA CAL—01.v5, OA CAL—12v4 and OA CAL—14.13
                              Callbration procedure for dosimetric E—fild probes

 Cateaton ie                  September 27, 2006
 Constenct ie caitains tem    In Tolerance

 Ti caltratencorifcate document te rceubityto ntonastandais uc reatv h physel uns ofmeaswraments 30
 Te measramensant h urcerinies wconldeceproabit are en on the folowngpages and m partof t cotfcte
 Alcattratons have bea coduct in tceslatontoy faciy evonmentenporaure 22 237C and umt «70%.
 Caitraion Eademenvand (MATE ertclfo cattaton)
 Pinay Standats                o«                CalDte (Caitres tyCatice o)           Soracied Cattaten
 Pomt mawe ceatis              conmanrs          sroros memsno astoossn)               Keor
 PoresemerEerzn                mveseaser         s#sros memso astoossn)                Keor
 Poresemcrceeron               mversoncer        sa4ros memsNo astoussn)               Keor
 Retoence 3 8 Aercatr          sncsiost 0)       100906TR3 No 2to0                     pes
 Reternce 200 Aterncr          |stcssons o)      A/ed6 ETSNo asioith                   Aeor
 Retvence 2 8 Atrcate          sn ssm oo         1ogee menasho 217—o000)               Anor
 Rwencensessiove               |swaos            mc (sren0No Esaa0rs Jan0)             anar
 oree                          sn ose            2r—knte (sren6no oaB80000..           anar
 Suenir tuntate               o«                 cveatoue intoo                        scrases resk
 s qowr tserto                USGGERUNTO         ~~£20098(BFEAG,in owcheck NorBS)      ©Intovse ctea rovr
 Wemork Arayzer iarsoe        |usaranoses        180501 GPEAG. ntoomectec ovd9)..      intomecrect—horts
                              Name                         Fueton                      Sooaiee
 catraity                     ratePoiovec                  Techicnriger
noey                          reerane                        mm              ./&K :
                                                                                      issueSetontr27, 208
 Ti caltatoncorticte shalnotbe mprodvced est in l vitocturtenanororlf h atortoy
Conticate No: Ex3—3520.en08                         Page 1 oto

Calibration Laboratory of                                                 g.. SetmaizeisctorKalbrirsonst
Schmid & Partner                                                              Service     détalnnage
   Engineering AG                                                         C Servido avized taraurs
irughavsstasse4,t004 zurch, Suteeran                                      S swiss Calbraton Service
Accruste by h Suis Federa itc t Matoay and Acrostaton                      Aecredtaton io: SCS 108
Te Suss Acereatation Sevicn s one ofthe nigntares to e EA
MsitisnerAgroamenfor h ecogntion of calbraton coriicnten

TSL                    tissue simulating lquid
NORMxcy,z              sensitiviy in free space
ConF                   sensitiviy in TSL / NORMx.y.z
pop                    diode compression point
Polarization _         q rotation around probe axis
Polarization 9         8 rotation around an axis that is in the plane normalto probe axis (at
                       measurement center), .e., 8 = 0 is normal to probeaxis

Calibration is Performed According to the Following Standards:
   a) IEEE Std 1528—2003, "IEEE Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial—
      Averaged Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Head from Wireless
      Communications Devices: Measurement Techniques", December 2003
   b) CENELEC EN 50361, "Basic standard for the measurement of Specific Absorption Rate
      related to human exposure to electromagnetic felds from mobile phones (300 MHz — 3
        GHz), July 2001
Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters:
    +   NORMxy,z: Assessed for E—field polarization 8 = 0 (f s 900 Mz in TEM—cell {> 1800 MHz:
        R22 waveguide). NORMxy,z are only intermediate values, Le., the uncertainties of
      NORMxy,z does not effect the E*—ield uncertainty inside TSL (see below ConvF).
    + NORM(Dxcy.2=NORMxy.z * frequency_response (see Frequency Response Chart). This
        linearization is implemented in DASY4 software versions later than 4.2. The uncertainty of
      thefrequency responseis included in the stated uncertainty of ConyF.
    * DCPxy,z: DCP are numerical Iinearization parameters assessed based on the data of
        power sweep (no uncertainty required). DCP does not depend on frequency nor media.
    *   ConvF and Boundary Effect Parameters: Assessed in flat phantom using E—feld (or
        Temperature Transfer Standard for f < 800 MHz) and inside waveguide using analytical fld
        distributions based on power measurements for f > 800 Miz. The same setups are used for
        assessment of the parameters applied for boundary compensation (alpha, depth) of which
        ‘ypical uncertainty values are given. These parameters are used in DASY4 software to
        improve probe accuracy close to the boundary. The sensitivityin TSL corresponds to
        NORMxy.z * ConvF whereby the uncertainty corresponds to that given for ConvF. A
        frequency dependent Conv: is used in DASY version 4.4 and higher which allows
        extending the validity from + 50 MHz to + 100 MHz.
   * Spherical isotropy (3D deviation from isotropy); in a field of low gradients realized using a
     flat phantom exposed by a patch antenna.
   *    Sensor Offset: The sensor offset corresponds to the offset of virtual measurement center
        from the probe tip (on probe axis}. No tolerance required.

Coriicate No: EX3—3526.Sep08                        Page 2t

    EX3DV4 SN:3536                                                          September 27, 2006

                     Probe EX3DV4
                              Manufactured:                April 30, 2004
                              Last calibrated:              September 23, 2005
                              Recalibrated:                 September27, 2006

                                  Calibrated for DASY Systems
                                   (Note: non—compatile wih DASY2 system)

Corifcate No: ©XG—3526_ep06                 Page soto

    EXSDV4 SN:3536                                                         Soptember 27, 2006

    DASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 SN:3536

    Sensitivity in Free Space®                                        Diode Compression®
            NormX               0.440 £ 10.0%     wVi(Vim)®        poP x       91 mV
            Norm¥               qat0 a10.%        wVi(Vim)®        por y       a2 mV
            Normz               0.350 + 10.1%     wVi(Vim)®        DoP 2       91 mV

    Sensitivity in Tissue Simulating Liquid (Conversion Factors)
    Please sce Page 8.

    Boundary Effect

   Tst                    900 Mitz   Typieal SAR gradient:5% per mm

            Sensor Centerto Phantom Surtace Distance               20mm 30 mm
            SARe, [M]      Wihout Cortection Agorttim               2s    or
            SARe, [M)]     Wih Correction Algoithm                  oo    o1
   Tst                   1750 Mite   Typical SAR gradient 10 % por mm

            Sensor Centerto Phantom Surtace Distance               20mm 30 mm
            SARe, [X]      Wihout Cortection Algorthm               2e    as
            SARe,[%]       win Correction Algorthm                  as   os

    Sensor Offset
            Probe Ti to Sensor Canter                          1.0 mm

    (The reported uncertainty of measurement is stated as the standard uncertainty of
    measurement multiplied by the coverage factor k=2, which for a normal distribution
    corresponds to a coverage probability of approximately 95%.

   * tresncerantes t NomC2 d nt uc h Etd cerany dn T5 (eePage8)
   * Nonereainowsaton paanetn: uenrtreaures

Cerifcate No: ©X3—3506.Septs                    Page o0

    EX3DV4 SN:3536                                                                                        September 27, 2006

                                                        Frequency Response of E—Field
                                                                (TEM—Cell:f110 EXX, Waveguide: R22)
             Frequency response (nomatized)

                                                   o      soo        1000       1so0       2no     aso       s00o
                                                                ~o—tem                  —o—nee

                                                       Uncertainty of Frequency Response of E—ield: 2 6.3% (ke2)

Centfcate No: Ex3—3826.Sents                                                Page Sot0

     EX3DV4 SN:3536                                                               September 27, 2006

                                     Receiving Pattern (¢), $ = 0°

                   1= 600 MHiz, TEM ifi110EXX                        1= 1800 mHe, we R2z

              as                                                                          ——some
              ba                                                                          ~#~ 100 itc
   Eor taB)

              8s                                                                          =+—soo Mite
              IoBt0000Ss000000000000000000000000088®! _s i0) ..
              $s                                                                          ~a~2500 mte
                   o         so         120        160        mo         ss0        aso

                                  Uncertainty of Axial Isotropy Assessment: 0.5% (ke2)

Cortfcate No: ©X3—3826.Sepos                      Page 6oto

     EX3DV4 SN:3536                                                          September 27, 2006

                                   Dynamic Range f(SARpeaq)
                                       (Waveguide R22, £= 1800 MHz)

                  1e                      y






                   ooo.         ooo      oor        o1           1      10     100
                                               SAR [nlWen)
                              ~0~notconpensated             ~6~compensated


                  oc01          oo             o1            1          10           100
                                               SaR [mWen‘

                                Uncertainty oLinearity Assessment£0.6% (re2)

Cortfcate No: Ex2—3506.epos                    Paget o0

    EX3DV4 SN:3536                                                                          September 27, 2006

                                Conversion Factor Assessment
                 £=900 MHz, WGLS R9 (head)                               (= 1750 MHe, WGLS R22 (head)
            3s                                                          30

            30                                                          250

         4&2s                                                     & mo
          i§ 20                                                   1$ 1so
           fis                                                      &
          &                                                       & 10
          § 10                                                    3
            os                          s                               so
            so                                                          o0
                  o        zo           «0            so                      o        20             «0         co
                           xtmm                                                       stmmi
             ~0—Araiyical ~o—Measwrements                               —0—Araiyical —>—Measwrenents
   1es Validty Mite]             TSL_   Pormitivity Conducthity           Alpha Dopth        ConeF Uncertainty
   450       2507 x 100         Head    435+8%             0.8725%            o40    on        948     a133% (o2)

   835       25072 100          Head        41.525%        0.9028%            o8     131       896     2 11.0% (or)

   s00       28072 100          Head    41.528%            0.97 £8%           oss    087       972 11.0% (2)

   1780      28072100           Head    40.128%            1.3728%            o.10   100       840     /x 11.0% (cod)

   1900      5072 100           Head    40025%             14025%             018    118      832.     211.0% (o?)

   1950      25072 100          Head    40028%             14025%             018.   108       810     £11.0% (ce2)

   2450      £50/100            Head    30.228%            1.8028%            041    100       761     £11.8% (od)

   5200      £50/2100           Head:   36028%          46625%                045    140       530.    2 19.1% (ke2)

   450       250 /x 100         Body    56.728%         0.9425%               ost    048      1072     £133% (o2)

   835       +850 /x 100        Body    5528%           097 28%               oas    076      9904     £110% (o2)

   500       28072 100          Body    $5028%             10528%             oar    075      860      2 110% (o2)

   1780      +80/2 100          Body:   §3428%             14925%             o6     141      8192 11.0% o)

   1900     £50/% 100           Body    $33%5%          1.828%                020    199      807 2 11.0% (e2)

   1950     8072 100            Body    §3348%          182285%               o1     120      784 2 11.0% (o?)

   2450     +50/% 100           Body        52728%      195285%               oss    100      776 211.8% (o2)

   $200     507x 100            Body:   49048%          $3025%                o40    160      480 £13.1% (2)
   °Thvaisy ots 190it ont aoplasfor DASYv t ad Ngher(se Page 21 The unceraint is th Rss
   otthe Gomt uncerainy t caltraton Fequency and h uncerintyfor t iclcatd oquency band

Cefcate No: EX3—3806.Sepo                             Pagedoro

    EX3DV4 SN:3536                                                         September 27, 2006

                               Deviation from Isotropy in HSL
                                         Error (6, 9), £=900 Mz

                                                                               Error {48)

                               n100—000 mas—00 mas—omas—0m morame
                               ussooze mezsose uosase morase momice

                           Uncertainty of Spherical Isotropy Assessment2 26% (e2)

Corifcate No: Ex3—3528.Sent6                 Page oro

 Calibration Laboratory of                                                                Schweizeiacher Kalbrirtinst
 Schmid & Partner                                                                         Service uiss detalonage
   Engineering AG                                                                         Servizio avizer ol raturn
 Zaghausstasse 3, 1004 2uich, Suitzarand              y
                                                      in                                  uiss Galratin Service

 Accedtes ty te Suis FederaOffc f Mevology ané Accstaton                    Accredtaton No: SCS 108
 The Suiss Acerdtaton Sarvice s one ofhesignatriasto he EA
 MutiteratAgroament for therecogniton ofcalbrationcontcates
 ciem        IMST                                                           Cenitica No: D1900V2—50051_Augo6
|CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE                                                                                                ]
 Ovea                         ©1900v2 — N: sdost

 Csitratonprocesues)          OA CAL—OSv6
                              Calibration procedure for dipole validation Kits

 Cattrton ce                  August 22, 2006
 Condton t hecaibated tem     In Tolerance

 Ts caltraton caifate documents e rcubity o natona standartsuich reatze h pysicl uns of neasremonts (S.
 The measarenents an h unceraints wb confdence sbe gven on the foowingpagesand ar par o e cotfcte
 Allcatraions have tea contuctnd in thcosed labotoy faoit enirnment tenpeaire 22 237C and hunidty <70%.
 Catiraton Eniomenused (MATE ontcl ocaraton)
 Pimary Sundarts               CB                  Cal Die (Caibaies tyCorifeteNo,)          Schndies Citraton
 Povenew EPiA                  casreores           oomas wers. ns 2:coste)                   oace
 Pove sensc i SattA            ussreserss          osos es o. 2stcoste)                      Gace
 Reteence 20 9 Armoator        sn soes 209         10908 (etas. No 2rzcoson)                 Auor
 Releence 1008 Ateranter       sn sorr2(109..      rompoo metas.noznrusen                    Ausor
 Retemrce Pobe ETIOVs          onrsor     Gren, No Etz—507_0a06)..          oa
 oae                           sn oo               15pec0s (sren0. ho. ontes0t_Deaty)..      ces
 Secondar Sandarts             o«                  Ctest Date(ntoose)                        Scnetied Check
 Povesesor io SatiA            wnment              1805102 (GPEAGn howse ched.0a8)——         inrousectedc Oair
 AF generor Agientss21e        \unverooours        .08 (GPEAG. n housecheck Nov0#)           Inhouse tecc Novr
 Nemwot AvairerHmarsoe:        ussrasnses sea06    18001 (SPEAG,inhousecteckNov0$)..         intousectnac Noves

                              Name                            Furcion                        Sgrame
 Cattates ty                  Clido Laatie                    Eatermioy Techican               W

 Aooron by                    Kate Polovie                    Techica Manager              //Zg /(%_

                                                                                            Issuet Augest2s, 2008
 This caitratoncoifcte shal notb reprodiced mieestt wihout uriten soronof h stontory

Cerifeate No: D19002.s0091_Augos                     Page 1 or0

Calibration Laboratory of                                                         Setwnizrschar Kalbviaranst
Schmid & Partner                                                                  Service suise alonnage
  Engineering AG                                                                  Servzio avizero i trturn
‘eaghausstasse 432004 zuncSuiterind                                               Swiss Catvatin Service

AccredtetbytSussFaderOfice of Mavslagyand Acctaton                            AccreitatonN: SCS 108
Te SuiseAccredtation Servic is onofthesigntoros to he EA
Mutiterat Agreemenfo therecogniton of caltrationconticates
Tst                     tissue simulating liquid
Conve                   sensitivity in TSL / NORM xy.z
NiA                     not applicable or not measured
Calibration is Performed According to the Following Standards:
   a) IEEE Sid 1528—2003, ‘IEEE Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial~
        Averaged Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Head from Wireless
       Communications Devices: Measurement Techniques®, December 2003
    b) CENELEC EN 50361, "Basic standard for the measurement of Specific Absorption Rate
        related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields from mobile phones (300 MHz — 3 GHz),
        July 2001
    ) Federal Communications Commission Office of Engineering & Technology (FCC OET),
      "Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radiofequency
        Electromagnetic Fields; Additional Information for Evaluating Compliance of Mobile and
        Portable Devices with FCC Limits for Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Emissions‘,
        Supplement C (Edition 01—01) to Bullstin 65

Additional Documentation:
    d) DASY4 System Handbook

Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters:
   * Measurement Conditions: Further details are available from the Validation Report at the end
        of the certificate. All figures stated in the certiicate are valid at the frequency indicated.
    *   Antenna Parameters with TSL: The dipole is mounted with the spacer to position its feed
        point exactly below the center marking of the flat phantom section, with the erms oriented
      paralle! to the body axis.
    + Feed Point Impedance and Return Loss: These parameters are measured with the dipole
      positioned under the liquid filed phantom. The impedance stated is transformed from the
        measurement at the SMA connector to the feed point. The Retun Loss ensres low
        reflected power. No uncertainty required.
    * Electrical Delay: One—way delay between the SMA connector and the antenra feed point. No
      uncertainty required.
    * SAR measured: SAR measured at the stated antennainput power.
   *    SAR nomalized: SAR as measured, normalized to an input power of 1 W at the antenna
   * SAR for nominal TSL paramoters: The measured TSL parameters are used to calculate the
        nominal SAR result.

Corifcate No: D1900v2.—s5081_Augos                  Page2 ot0

 Measurement Conditions
    DASY system configuration,asfar as not gven on page 1.
     DASY version                                          nasve                              var
     Extrapolation                                  Advanced Extapolaton
     Phantom                                      Modulr Fit Phantom Vs.0
     Distance Dipole Center— TSL                           10 mm                            wihSpacer
     Zoom Sean Resolution                             d dy. dz =5 mm
     Frequency                                        1900 We a 1 Mz

Head TSL paramotors
  The folowing oarameters and calcuaions were appled.
                                                          Temporature         Pormitivity       Conductiviy
      Nominal Head TSL paramaters                            220°c               «0              140 mhoim
      Measured Head TSL parameters                        @zozea)c            40526%          142 moin+6%
      Head TSL temperature during test                    @usoa)‘c                —                 —

SAR result with Head TSL

      SAR averaged over 1 em (1 g)of Head TSL              conditon
      SAR measired                                    250 mW inout power               842 mW19
      SAR nomaized                                     nomnalized to 1W                377 mWlo
      SAR for norinal Head TSL parameters *            nommalied to 1W           37.7 mW g * 17.0 % (cea)
      SAR averaged over 10 em(10 g)oHead TSL               Conditon
      SAR measired                                    280 mW inout power               500 mW/g
      SAR nomatzed                                     nommaliced to 1W               200 mW1g
      SAR fornoninal Head TSL parameters"              normalied to 1W           200 mWig* 165 % (ea)

‘ Comectonto noninalTSL parameters according to ) chapter "SAR Sensitvites®
Cerifcate No: D1900V2—50081_Augos                  Page 3 or0

 Body TSL parameters
     ‘The folowingparameters and calculatons were appled.
                                                            Temperature      Pormitivity      Gonductiviy
       Nominal Body TSL paramaters                            mo‘e               sss           152 mhoim
       Measured Body TSL parameters                         @20 02)°C         §2726%        156 mhoin£6%
       Body TSL temperature during test                     @zo02)‘c             ~                —

 SAR result with Body TSL

       SAR averaged over 1 en(1 ) of Body TSL                Gonation
       SAR measired                                     280 mW inout power            as6 mi1g
       SAR nomalzed                                      nommatized to 1W             304 mW‘g
       SAR for nominal Body TSL parameters *             nomalied to 1W         30.6 mW i9 17.0 % (ert)
       SAR averaged over 10 c (10g) of Boly TSL              conditon
       SAR measired                                     250 mW inout power           528 mi/g
       SAR nomnalized                                    nommalied to 1W             210 millg
       SAR for nominal Body TSL paramaters*              nomalized to 1W        208 mW i g £16.5% (ert)

* Comeetion t nominal TSL parameters accorting t ) chapler SAR Senstites®
Certfcate No: D1eO02.s5051_Augos                    Page 4 or0


 Antenna Parameters with Head TSL

      Impedance, ransformed to feed point                                       sein+25i0
      Retum Loss                                                                  «30008
 Antenna Parameters with Body TSL

      Impedance, ranstormed to foed point                                       «s30+3210
      Ratun Loss                                                                  —207 00

 General Antenna Parameters and Design

      Electical Deay (one drection)                                                1.195ns
Aftelong term use with 100M radlated power, ony a sight warming ofthe dipole near the feedpaint can be measured.
‘Tne dipale madeof standard serigid connil cable. The center conductor of the feeding line is directyconnected t the
second arm ofthe diole.The antennais herefore shorrcuted fr signals.
No excessive force must be appled to the ipole ans, because they might bend or he soldered connections near the
feedpoinmay be damaged

Additional EUT Data

      Manutactured by                                                             sraae
      Manutactured on                                                          Mareh 19, 2004

Cortfeate No: D1Ot0V2.s0051_Augos                    Page Sor0

DASY4 Validation Report for Head TSL
                                                                           Date/Time: 22.08.2006 16:46:18

Test Laboratory: SPEAG, Zurich, Switzerland

DUT:      ipole 1990 MHz; Type: D1900V2; Serial: D1900V2 — SN:sd051

Communication System: CW; Frequeney: 1900 MHz:Duty Cycle: 1:1
Medium: HSL U1O BB;
Medium parameters us          1900 MHz; a = 1.42 mho/ma, = 40.5; p = 1000 kg/m
Phantom section: Flat Section
Measurement Stendard: DASY4 (High Precision Assessment)
DASY4 Configuration:
  + Probe: ET3DV6~ SNISO7 (HP)ComnFA74,474, 4.; Calibated: 28102008
    *    SemsorSurhice: d(Mechunical Surfice Deetion)

    *    Hestronics: DAE4 Sn601; Calibated: 15122005

    +.   Phanton: Fat Phanton 5.0 (RontType: QDOOOPSOAA;;

    + Measirement SWDASV4 ¥4.7 Bild 44 Pospwocessing SWSEMCAD, V1 .t Build 171

Pin = 250 mW; d = 10 mm/Zoom Sean (7x7x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=Smm, dy=Smm,
Reference Value= 90.0 V/m; Power Drift = 0.048 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 16.0 Whkg
SAR(T ) = 942 mWig; SAR(IO g) = 5 mWig
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 10.6 mW/g






                  oan= 106mii‘y

Cerifcate No: Dotv2.s405t_Augos                        Page 6ot0

Impedance Measurement Plot for Head TSL

                                                   m w rooe cormiiis
   gan sn      a uce             smose     ssoes mmerpl     1 son0o oo m

                                                                                      Git tarvers

   ts                                            x

   cne san     io        s surner —an on     .          anase on 1 smove aco mc

                                                                                      ont tarkers
   tor                                                                                wnansunce
                                                                                      Lidbe se


             stait 1 son.odo o0 mie                           Stoe s san.oon s00 me

                                                 Page 7 or0

DASv4 vaidaion Reportfor Bocly TSL
                                                     DuetTine228206 152014
Tos Latortay SPEAG. zorich Suitratand
nurs Mpote 1500 Me:Tope: D1900V2; Seria: proo0vz— snsaost
CommunicatonSiten: CWFewency: 1900 MiteDuy Cl 11
Mation: SL Ui0;
Metion paramaers ds (= 1900 Mitea = 1.m> 27 p 1000 kn
Pranom scioePSexien
Measrement Sundart DASY@ (High Preciion Ascumen
   +. mrmove.suiun oi contt0.1kx sciomns
    +0 SeweSatce on OshniciSatecDonic)
    + Mewaes anisaot ies isimes
   +. bavwn ie haon 0t ope comuriowc
   + nessemer smasre vernou h nopemoniy e amionn va me
Pn = 250 mW d = 10 mamZoom Scan (A7X7)Cube 0: Measrement id dx—Somdy«Som,
Refvencs Valu > 908 Vin: PowerPrit=—0019 48
Pea SA (ounpoltnt o 168 Wkg
SR 900 mis SARCO m = 526 mitry
Maximun valuofSAR (measwm= 111 mt


Centca e ormorasisthn                ranscs

Impedance Measurement Plot for Body TSL

                                                      mm m sooe cormmic
     Exn sn      aucrs            mussue      aness sareat      1 s00.000 000 mz

                                                                                         ot tarkers
     se                                                                                   sonsss e
     cor                                                          .                      1 inet a


     ce sin     uoo          s seeser —2 on             meznare on 1 soncoesoo m

                                                                                         C narvers

      +           A      4          4    .       }      .        1      +      4
              stie 1 couon s00 miz                      h        Stoe 2 100.000 ooo is

Ceriicate No: D1900V2.50081_Augos                    Page@ot0

Document Created: 2007-05-22 11:38:13
Document Modified: 2007-05-22 11:38:13

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