MPE Estimates CK61 with IP30


RF Exposure Info

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MPE Estimates
System Description
CK61 hand held computer with the addition of IP30, RFID hand grip scanner

The CK61 is a hand held computer. The unit contains WLAN and Bluetooth radios.
FCC ID: EHA802UIAG 802.11 abg
FCC ID: HN2-BTM311 Bluetooth

The IP30 is a RFID hand grip option. It contains the IM4 RFID PC Card and Bluetooth Radios
FCC ID: EHA-BTM4 Bluetooth

The radios all transmit on separate antennas.

The WLAN or Bluetooth radios operates at anytime when the CK61 is connected to the IP30, operation against the head or body is not
considered normal when the IP30 is used to read RFID tags as the IP30 should be aimed toward those tags.

The IP30 RFID scanner is operated by the user only when in the hand.
The user manual instruct to provide for a separation distance of 23-cm or greater distance
between the CK61/IP30 system antennas and the head or torso of the user or near by persons.

Radio Disc / Rule             MHz -                 MHz          Watts (Conducted)
802.11abg radio FCC ID: EHA802UIAG              IC: 1223A-802UIAG
15C                            2412                  2462                         0.045
15E                            5180                  5240                         0.043
15E                            5260                  5320                         0.053
15E                            5745                  5805                         0.029

Bluetooth Radio FCC ID: HN2-BTM311              IC: 1223A-BTM311
15C                            2402                 2480                        0.00869

RFID radio FCC ID: EHAIM4                      IC: 1223A-IM4
15C                                 902.75          927.25                        0.861

Bluetooth Radio FCC ID: EHA-BTM4                IC: 1223A-BTM4
15C                            2402                 2480                        0.00964

Table 1 in 47 CFR 1.1310 defines the maximum permissible exposure (MPE) for the general population. The exposure level at
the distance listed from the EUT’s transmitting antenna is calculated using the general equation:

Calculations                    cm                 inches
                                23.0                 9.06

The exposure level at a 23 cm distance from the EUT’s transmitting antenna is calculated using the general equation (See OET 65, Page 19, Eq. 4):

S = (PG)/4PIR2
Where: S = power density (mW/cm2)
P = power input to the antenna (mW)
G = numeric power gain relative to an isotropic radiator
R = distance to the center of the radiation of the antenna (23 cm = limit for this MPE estimate)

Solving for S, the maximum power densities 23 cm from the transmitting antennas are summarized in the following tables:

802.11abg Radio           CK61 antenna with highest power frequency band worst case EIRP
IC: 1223A-802UIAG                            Calculation for exposure at 23cm distance
                                                                                            Peak               Pwr Density     Pwr Density
                                                                                          Conducted             @ 23cm            Limit
                                                                                            Power     Gain
                                                                                                                 mW/cm 2        mW/cm 2
Antenna Description        Antenna Type       Antenna Part No.    Transmit Freq. (MHz)      (mW)      (dBi)                                   Power Density Ratio
Intermec CK61                  linear            CAF28977                2450              45.000       2        0.0107              1.0          0.010729
Intermec CK61                  linear            CAF28977                5300              53.000       4        0.0200              1.0          0.020027

Bluetooth                CK61 Bluetooth chip antenna worst case EIRP
IC: 1223A-BTM311                          Calculation for exposure at 23cm distance
                                                                                          Peak                    Pwr Density         Pwr Density
                                                                                        Conducted                  @ 23cm                Limit
                                                                                          Power         Gain                 2                       2
                                                                                                                   mW/cm                mW/cm
Antenna Description       Antenna Type     Antenna Part No.     Transmit Freq. (MHz)      (mW)          (dBi)                                            Power Density Ratio
on board chip                 linear             NA                    2450               8.690           2         0.0021                1.0                0.002072

RFID Radio               IP30 yagi antenna worst case EIRP
IC: 1223A-IM4                             Calculation for exposure at 23cm distance
                                                                                          Peak                    Pwr Density         Pwr Density
                                                                                        Conducted                  @ 23cm                Limit
                                                                                          Power         Gain                 2                   2
Antenna Description       Antenna Type     Antenna Part No.     Transmit Freq. (MHz)      (mW)          (dBi)      mW/cm               mW/cm             Power Density Ratio
Intermec IP30                 yagi               NA                     902              861.000         5.2        0.4289               0.601               0.713614

Bluetooth                IP30 Bluetooth PC trace antenna worst case EIRP.
IC: 1223A-BTM4                            Calculation for exposure at 23cm distance
                                                                                          Peak                    Pwr Density         Pwr Density
                                                                                        Conducted                  @ 23cm                Limit
                                                                                          Power         Gain                                     2
Antenna Description       Antenna Type     Antenna Part No.     Transmit Freq. (MHz)      (mW)          (dBi)      mW/cm 2            mW/cm
                                                                                                                                                         Power Density Ratio
PC trace                   microstrip            NA                    2450               9.640           0        0.001450               1.0                0.001450

                         Co-Located Transmitter Calculation of RF Exposure

Per FCC TCB Training April 3, 2002
“Devices operating in multiple frequency bands
When RF exposure evaluation is required for TCB approval
                          Separate antennas – estimated minimum separation distances may be considered for the frequency bands
                          that do not require evaluation or TCB approval, however, the estimated distance should take into account
                          the effect of co-located transmitters. (Note 24)

                         Note 24 According to multiple frequency exposure criteria, the ratio of field strength or power density to
                         the applicable exposure limit at the exposure location should be determined for each transmitter and the
                         sum of these ratios must not exceed 1.0 for the location to be compliant.”

Worst Case Exposure for CK61 / IP30 when using co-located transmitters.
                                     Calculation for exposure at 23cm distance

                                                                                          Peak                    Pwr Density         Pwr Density
                                                                                        Conducted                  @ 23cm                Limit
Transmitter FCC ID:                                                                       Power         Gain
Antenna Description       Antenna Type     Antenna Part No.     Transmit Freq. (MHz)      (mW)          (dBi)     mW/cm 2         mW/cm
                                                                                                                                                         Power Density Ratio
CK61 linear                   linear           CAF28977                 5300                53.0          4         0.0200                1.0                  0.0200
Internal chip                  chip               NA                    2450                8.7           2         0.0021                1.0                  0.0021
IP30 yagi                      yagi               NA                     902               861.0         5.2        0.4289               0.601                 0.7136
PC trace                    microstrip            NA                    2450                9.6           0         0.0015                1.0                  0.0015

                                                                                                                                       ratio limit
Total                                                                                                                                      1.0                 0.7372

The worst case configuration for all combinations of co-located transmitters and antennas are shown.
In all cases the ratio of exposure compared the limit when totaled does not exceed 1.0.

Document Created: 2008-03-07 09:34:29
Document Modified: 2008-03-07 09:34:29

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