RF Exposure Info

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Calibration Laboratory of
Schmid & Partner
  Engineering AG
Zecghausstrsese 43,804 rurich, Suitzernd



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Schid & Parrer Engineeting AG                     S            e   a
Zoughousstasse 43, 2004 Zureh,Swteatand
Prone «41 1 245 9700, Fax +41 1 2sze
info@speay com,

                    Dipole Validation Kit

                        Type: D1900V2

                      Serial:              50043

                   Manufactured:           December 16, 2003
                         Calibrated:       February 17, 2004

1.      Measurement Conditions

The measurements were performed in the flat section of the SAM twin phantom filled with head
simulating solution of the following electrical parameters at 1900 MHz:
        Relative Dielectrcity                   38.8        £5%
        Conductivity                            147 mhoim £5%
The DASY4 System with a dosimetric E—feld probe ET3DV6 (SN:1507, Conversion factor 4.96 at
1900 MHz) was used for the measurements.

The dipole was mounted onthe small tripod so that the dipole feedpoint was positioned below the
center marking of the flatphantom section and the dipole was oriented parallelto the body axis (the
Tong side ofthe phantom). The standard measuring distance was 10mm from dipole center to the
solution surface. The included    distance spacer was used during measurements for accurate distance
The course grid with a grid spacing of15mm was aligned with the dipole. The 7x7x7 fine cube was
chosen for cubs integration.
The dipole input power (forward power) was 250 mW + 3 %. The result are normalized to 1 W input

2.      SAR Measurement with DASY4 System
Standard SAR—measurements were performed according to the measurement conditions described in
section1. The results (see figure supplied) have been normalized to a dipole input power of 1 W
(forward power). The resulting averaged SA R—values measured with the dosimetric probe ET3DV6
SN:1507 and applying the advanced extrapolation are:

        averaged over 1 em‘ (1 g) of tissue:           424 mWig «+ 16. % (k2)

        averaged over 10 em‘ (10 2) of tissue          22.8 mWig + 162 % (2))

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3      Dipole Impedance and Return Loss
The impedance was measured at the SMA—connector with a network analyzer and numerically
transformed to the dipole feedpoint. The transformation parameters from the SMA—connector to the
dipole feedpoint are:
      Electrical delay           1.195 ns (one direction)
      Transmission factor:      0999        (voltage transmission, one direction)
The dipole was positioned at the flat phantom sections according to section1 and the distance spacer
was in place during impedance measurements
       Feedpoint impedance at 1900 MHz:              RefZ)= 5138
                                                     Im {2) =34 0
       Retur Loss at 1900 MHz                        203 dB
Do not apply excessive force to the dipole arms, because they might bend. Bending ofthe dipole arms
stresses the soldered connections nearthe feedpoint leading to a damage of the dipole.
s      Design
The dipole is made of standard semirigid coaxial cable, The center conductor ofthe feeding line is
directly connected to the second arm of the dipole. The antenna is therefore short—circuited for DC—
Small end eaps have been added to the dipole arms in order to improve matching when loaded
according to the position as explained in Section 1. The SAR data are not affected by this change. The
overall dipole length is still according to the Standard.
6      Power Test
After long term use with 40W radiated power, only a slight warming of the dipole near the feedpoint
can be measured.

                                                                                       Page 1 of 1
                                                                     Date/Time: 02/17/04 15:43:20
Test Laboratory: SPEAG, Zurich, Switzerland
DUT: Dipole 1900 MHz; Type: D1900V2; Serial: D1900V2 — SNSd043
Communication System: CW—1900; Frequeney: 1900 MHz:Duty Cyele: 11
Medium: HSL 1900 MHz;
Medium parameters used: £= 1900 MHz; a = 1.47 mho/m; c,= 38.8; p = 1000 ke/m}
Phantom section: Flat Section
Measurement Standard: DASY4 (High Precision Assessmen)
DASY4 Configuration:
      « Probe: ET3DV6 — SN1507; ConvF(4.96, 4.96, 4.96); Calibrated: 122372004
        Sensor—Surface; 4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
        Electronics: DAE3 Snd11; Calibrated: 11/6—2003
           Phantom: SAM with CRP — TP1006; Type: SAM 4.0; Scrial: TP:1006;
           Measurement SW: DASY4, V4.2 Build 30; Postprocessing SW: SEMCAD, V1.8 Build 98

Pin =250 mWs d = 10 mm/Area Scan (81x81x1): Measurement grid: dx=15mm, dy=1 5mm
Reference Value=93.9 /m
Power Drift =—0.0 dB
Maximum value of SAR = 11.9 mW/g
Pin    50 mW; d = 10 mm/Zoom Sean (7x7«7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=Smm, dy=Smm,
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 19.1 Wike
SAR(T g) = 10.6 mWigs SAR(TO ) = 547 mWig
Reference Value=93.9 /m
Power Drift =—0.0 dB
Maximum value of SAR = 11.9 mW/g

                 04B =11.9mwig


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Document Created: 2004-02-23 15:48:34
Document Modified: 2004-02-23 15:48:34

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