RF Exposure


RF Exposure Info

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                                                                                       Systems and Solutions

Date: December 8, 2003                                                                 550 Second St SE
                                                                                       Cedar Rapids, IA 52401
                                                                                       Dave Fry MS GR05
Ref. FCC ID:
                                                                                       EMC Engineer
                                                                                       tel 319 846-2415
                                                                                       fax 319 846-2475

To Whom It May Concern:

Intermec Technologies Corporation hereby declares that our Model 700C Pen Computer for
Data Collection with internal FCC Part 15 - 2.4 GHz DSSS transceiver, internal FCC Part 24E - 1800
MHz transceiver, and Intermec IP3 add on RFID scanner FCC Part 15 - 902 MHz FHSS transceiver is
described as the equipment under test (EUT). This EUT is categorically excluded from routine
environmental evaluation for RF exposure by its classification as a Part 15/24E handheld mobile radio
operating with approximately 2070.4 mW ERP. Their summed ERP is less than 3 watts, therefore the
EUT is categorically excluded from routine environmental evaluation per 47 CFR 2.1091(c).

Note: The radio FCC ID: HN2ABTM3-2 cannot operate simultaneously with the IP3. The operation
detail is contained within this application. Since the product would be configured for sale with the
above listed radios, this clarification is required for co-located transmitter identification.

The attached tables showing MPE evaluation of the product with antenna options. Each radio band
has specific a maximum permissible exposure (MPE) as stated in 47 CFR 1.1310. Refer to the limits
shown in the calculation tables for details.

The general calculation for exposure at a distance of 20-cm (8-inch) distance is shown in the equation

S = (PG)/4 π R
Where: S = power density (mW/cm )
P = power input to the antenna (mW)
G = linear power gain relative to an isotropic radiator
R = distance to the center of the radiation of the antenna (20 cm = limit for MPE estimates)

Solving for S, the maximum power densities 20 cm from the transmitting antennas are contained within
the following pages.


Dave Fry
EMC Engineer

                                                                                    IP3        Mobile 700C/GPRS co-locate TX RF Exposure
Technologies Corporation                                                                                                           Dave Fry
EMC Test Laboratory                                                                                                            EMC Engineer
Cedar Rapids, IA                                                                                                               Date: Nov. 24, 2003

                           EIRP Calculation of RF Exposure

FCC ID: EHA700C-SMC45      Antenna options of the 700C below show the external dual band dipole at +4 dBi antenna is worst case.
GPRS/GSM Radio Modem                    Calculation for exposure at 20cm distance

                                                                           Peak                      Pwr Density Pwr Density
                                                                        Conducted                     @ 20cm        Limit          Power
                             Antenna        Antenna Part Transmit Freq.   Power           Gain                                     Density
Antenna Description           Type              No.          (MHz)        (mW)            (dBi)       mW/cm 2     mW/cm 2           Ratio

                            1/4 wave
External                    monopole        805-606-003        1800             933.0         3        0.3703        1.0            0.3703
                            1/4 wave
External                    monopole        805-606-204        1800             933.0         4        0.4662        1.0            0.4662

FCC ID: HN22011B           Antenna options of the 700C below show the internal antenna is worst case when co-located.
802.11b Radio                           Calculation for exposure at 20cm distance

                                                                           Peak                      Pwr Density Pwr Density
                                                                        Conducted                     @ 20cm        Limit          Power
                             Antenna        Antenna Part Transmit Freq.   Power           Gain                2            2
Antenna Description           Type              No.          (MHz)        (mW)            (dBi)       mW/cm       mW/cm             Ratio

Internal                   folded dipole      805-608          2400              89.0         -2       0.0112        1.0            0.0112

FCC ID: EHARFID915PCC-6                    Antenna for IP3 RFID scan handle option for 700C
RFID Radio                                 Calculation for exposure at 20cm distance

                                                                           Peak                      Pwr Density Pwr Density
                                                                        Conducted                     @ 20cm        Limit          Power
                             Antenna        Antenna Part Transmit Freq.   Power           Gain                2            2
Antenna Description           Type              No.          (MHz)        (mW)            (dBi)       mW/cm       mW/cm             Ratio

Internal                      panel         805-616-001         902            1000.0         0        0.1989       0.61            0.3261

                                                                                        IP3      Mobile 700C/GPRS co-locate TX RF Exposure
Technologies Corporation                                                                                                                  Dave Fry
EMC Test Laboratory                                                                                                                   EMC Engineer
Cedar Rapids, IA                                                                                                                      Date: Nov. 24, 2003

                              Co-Located Transmitter Calculation of RF Exposure

Per FCC TCB Training April 3, 2002
“Devices operating in multiple frequency bands
When RF exposure evaluation is required for TCB approval
                                Separate antennas – estimated minimum separation distances may be considered for the frequency bands
                                that do not require evaluation or TCB approval, however, the estimated distance should take into account
                                the effect of co-located transmitters. (Note 24)

                              Note 24 According to multiple frequency exposure criteria, the ratio of field strength or power density to
                              the applicable exposure limit at the exposure location should be determined for each transmitter and the
                              sum of these ratios must not exceed 1.0 for the location to be compliant.”

Worst Case Exposure for 700C when using internal co-located transmitters with IP3 RFID scan handle option.
                                         Calculation for exposure at 20cm distance

                                                                            Peak                         Pwr Density Pwr Density
                                                                         Conducted                        @ 20cm        Limit             Power
Transmitter FCC ID:             Antenna      Antenna Part Transmit Freq.   Power              Gain                2               2
Antenna Description              Type            No.          (MHz)        (mW)               (dBi)       mW/cm         mW/cm              Ratio

FCC ID: EHA700C-SMC45          1/4 wave
External                       monopole      805-606-204         1800               933.0       4          0.4662          1.0             0.4662
FCC ID: HN22011B                folded
Internal                       monopole        805-608           2400                89.0       -2         0.0112          1.0             0.0112
Internal                          panel      805-616-001          902             1000.0        0          0.1989          0.61            0.3261

                                                                                                                        ratio limit
Total                                                                                                                       1.0            0.8036

The worst case configuration for all combinations of co-located transmitters and antennas are shown.
In all cases the ratio of exposure compared the limit when totaled does not exceed 1.0.

                              ERP Calculation of RF Exposure

ERP is sometimes prefered. The calculation as the Sum of the ERP of the co-located transmitters is
in the table below. ERP TX1 + ERP TX2 + ERP TX3

Worst Case Exposure for 700C when using internal co-located transmitters with IP3 RFID scan handle option.
                                         Calculation for exposure at 20cm distance

                                                                                                         Pwr Density Pwr Density
                                                                                 ERP                      @ 20cm        Limit             Power
Transmitter FCC ID:             Antenna      Antenna Part Transmit Freq.        Power                             2               2
Antenna Description              Type            No.          (MHz)             (mW)                      mW/cm         mW/cm              Ratio

FCC ID: EHA700C-SMC45          1/4 wave
External                       monopole      805-606-204         1800             1427.2        0          0.2839          1.0             0.2839
FCC ID: HN22011B                folded
Internal                       monopole        805-608           2400                34.2       0          0.0068          1.0             0.0068
Internal                          panel      805-616-001          902               609.0       0          0.1212          0.61            0.1986

Total                                                                             2070.4                   0.4119

                                                                                                                        ratio limit
Total                                                                                                                       1.0            0.4894

The worst case configuration for ERP combinations of co-located transmitters and antennas is shown.
The ratio of exposure compared the limit when totaled does not exceed 1.0.

Please note that EIRP = ERP x 1.64, so EIRP data presented is worst case.

Document Created: 2004-01-11 16:32:54
Document Modified: 2004-01-11 16:32:54

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