Test Report


Test Report

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                        ADDENDUM TO INDALA TEST REPORT FC06-018

                                                      FOR THE

                             ASR-620++ LONG RANGE 125KHZ READER

            FCC PART 15 SUBPART C SECTIONS 15.207 & 15.209 AND RSS-210


                                       DATE OF ISSUE: MAY 22, 2006

PREPARED FOR:                                                 PREPARED BY:

Indala                                                        Mary Ellen Clayton
6850 B Santa Teresa Blvd.                                     CKC Laboratories, Inc.
San Jose, CA 95119-1205                                       5046 Sierra Pines Drive
                                                              Mariposa, CA 95338

P.O. No.: 14003207                                            Date of test: January 31 - February 1, 2006
W.O. No.: 84492

                                             Report No.: FC06-018A

This report contains a total of 28 pages and may be reproduced in full only. Partial reproduction may only be done with the
written consent of CKC Laboratories, Inc. The results in this report apply only to the items tested, as identified herein.

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                                                                                                 Report No.: FC06-018A

                                                    TABLE OF CONTENTS

Administrative Information .............................................................................................3
FCC to Canada Standard Correlation Matrix...................................................................4
Conditions for Compliance ..............................................................................................4
FCC 15.31(e) Voltage Variations ....................................................................................5
FCC 15.31(m) Number Of Channels ...............................................................................5
FCC 15.33(a) Frequency Ranges Tested .........................................................................5
FCC 15.35 Analyzer Bandwidth Settings........................................................................5
FCC 15.203 Antenna Requirements ................................................................................5
EUT Operating Frequency...............................................................................................5
Temperature And Humidity During Testing....................................................................5
Equipment Under Test (EUT) Description ......................................................................6
Equipment Under Test .....................................................................................................6
Peripheral Devices ...........................................................................................................6
Report of Measurements ..................................................................................................7
       Table 1: FCC 15.207 Six Highest Conducted Emission Levels ..........................7
       Table 2: FCC 15.209 Fundamental Emission Levels ..........................................8
       Table 3: FCC 15.209 Six Highest Radiated Emission Levels: 9 kHz - 30 MHz.9
       Table 4: FCC 15.209 Six Highest Radiated Emission Levels: 30-1000 MHz.....10
       Occupied Bandwidth............................................................................................11
EUT Setup........................................................................................................................12
Correction Factors............................................................................................................12
       Table A: Sample Calculations .............................................................................12
Test Instrumentation and Analyzer Settings ....................................................................13
       Spectrum Analyzer Detector Functions ...............................................................13
                Quasi-Peak ...............................................................................................13
                Average ....................................................................................................13
EUT Testing.....................................................................................................................14
       Mains Conducted Emissions................................................................................14
       Radiated Emissions..............................................................................................14
Appendix A: Test Setup Photographs..............................................................................15
       Photograph Showing Mains Conducted Emissions .............................................16
       Photograph Showing Mains Conducted Emissions .............................................17
       Photograph Showing Radiated Emissions ...........................................................18
       Photograph Showing Fundamental Emissions.....................................................19
Appendix B: Test Equipment List ...................................................................................20
Appendix C: Measurement Data Sheets ..........................................................................21

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                                                                                                                 Report No.: FC06-018A


DATE OF TEST:                January 31 - February 1, 2006

DATE OF RECEIPT:             January 31, 2006

MANUFACTURER:                Indala
                             6850 B Santa Teresa Blvd.
                             San Jose, CA 95119-1205

REPRESENTATIVE:              Steve Rose

TEST LOCATION:               CKC Laboratories, Inc.
                             5046 Sierra Pines Drive
                             Mariposa, CA 95338

TEST METHOD:                 ANSI C63.4 (2003), RSS-210 and RSS-GEN

PURPOSE OF TEST:             To demonstrate the compliance of the ASR-620++
                             Long Range 125kHz Reader with the requirements
                             for FCC Part 15 Subpart C Sections 15.207 &
                             15.209 and RSS-210 devices.
                             Addendum A is to revise the fundamental and
                             9kHz-30MHz data sheets and tables and add
                             voltage variation data with no new testing.

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                                                             Report No.: FC06-018A


 Canadian     Canadian       FCC          FCC                       Test Description
 Standard      Section     Standard      Section
 RSS GEN        7.1.4       47CFR        15.203     Antenna Connector Requirements
 RSS GEN        7.2.1       47CFR       15.35(c)    Pulsed Operation
 RSS GEN        7.2.2       47CFR        15.207     AC Mains Conducted Emissions Requirement
 RSS 210         2.1        47CFR       15.215(c)   Frequency Stability Recommendation
 RSS 210         2.2        47CFR        15.205     Restricted Bands of Operation
 RSS 210         2.6        47CFR        15.209     General Radiated Emissions Requirement
             IC 3082-D                   784962     Site File No.

No modifications to the EUT were necessary to comply.


                           Steve Behm, Director of Engineering Services

QUALITY ASSURANCE:                                  TEST PERSONNEL:

Joyce Walker, Quality Assurance Administrative      Steve Behm, Director of Engineering Services
Manager                                             and Quality Assurance

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                                                                             Report No.: FC06-018A

FCC 15.31(e) Voltage Variations

                          CORRECTED             CORRECTED          CORRECTED
                           READING               READING            READING               SPEC
   FREQUENCY                  dBµV/m               dBµV/m             dBµV/m              LIMIT
        MHz                     85%                  100%              115%              dBµV/m
       0.125                    -0.3               Nominal             -0.5                25.7
Test Method:       ANSI C63.4 (2003)
Spec Limit:        FCC Part 15 Subpart C Section 15.31(e)
Test Distance:     10 meters
Tested By:         Steve Behm

FCC 15.31(m) Number Of Channels
This device operates on a single channel.

FCC 15.33(a) Frequency Ranges Tested
15.207 Conducted Emissions: 150 kHz – 30 MHz
15.209 Radiated Emissions: 9 kHz – 1000 MHz

                                FCC SECTION 15.35:
  CONDUCTED EMISSIONS                 150 kHz                      30 MHz             9 kHz
  RADIATED EMISSIONS                   9 kHz                       150 kHz           200 Hz
  RADIATED EMISSIONS                  150 kHz                      30 MHz             9 kHz
  RADIATED EMISSIONS                  30 MHz                      1000 MHz           120 kHz

FCC 15.203 Antenna Requirements
The antenna is an integral part of the EUT and is non-removable; therefore the EUT complies
with Section 15.203 of the FCC rules.

EUT Operating Frequency
The EUT was operating at 125 kHz.

Temperature And Humidity During Testing
The temperature during testing was within +15°C and + 35°C.
The relative humidity was between 20% and 75%.

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                                                                                Report No.: FC06-018A

The customer declares the EUT tested by CKC Laboratories was representative of a production


Long Range 125kHz Reader
Manuf:      Indala
Model:      ASR-620++
Serial:     001
FCC ID:     pending


The EUT was tested with the following peripheral device(s):

DC Power Supply
Manuf:     Topward Electric Instruments Co., Ltd.
Model:     TPS-2000
Serial:    920035

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                                                                         Report No.: FC06-018A

                                REPORT OF MEASUREMENTS

The following tables report the worst case emissions levels recorded during the tests performed
on the EUT. All readings taken were peak readings unless otherwise stated. The data sheets
from which the emissions tables were compiled are contained in Appendix C.

                        Table 1: FCC 15.207 Six Highest Conducted Emission Levels

                METER         CORRECTION FACTORS             CORRECTED      SPEC
FREQUENCY      READING      Cable Lisn  HPF   Att             READING       LIMIT       MARGIN       NOTES
   MHz           dBµV        dB    dB    dB   dB                dBµV        dBµV          dB

  0.163090       22.7        0.1     0.3     1.5      10.2      34.8         55.3          -20.5        B

  0.164544       22.6        0.1     0.3     1.4      10.2      34.6         55.2          -20.6        W

  0.174725       29.8        0.1     0.3     0.5      10.2      40.9         54.7          -13.8        W

  0.179088       21.5        0.1     0.3     0.4      10.2      32.5         54.5          -22.0        B

  22.003780      16.5        0.5     0.4     0.2      10.3      27.9         50.0          -22.1        W

  22.247030      17.5        0.5     0.4     0.2      10.3      28.9         50.0          -21.1        W

Test Method:   ANSI C63.4 (2003)                             NOTES:        B = Black Lead
Spec Limit:    FCC Part 15 Subpart C Section 15.207                        W = White Lead

COMMENTS: EUT is a long range reader with an operating frequency of 125kHz. EUT is
mounted vertically on a non-conductive support to simulate normal installation. Temperature:
18ºC, Relative Humidity: 38%. Frequency Range Investigated: 150kHz to 30MHz. Green and
black DC wires are connected together to the black power supply lead. The power supply is
bonded to earth.

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                                                                                    Report No.: FC06-018A

                             Table 2: FCC 15.209 Fundamental Emission Levels

                  METER        CORRECTION FACTORS          CORRECTED        SPEC
FREQUENCY        READING      Cable Ant  Corr               READING         LIMIT         MARGIN       NOTES
   MHz             dBµV        dB   dB    dB   dB            dBµV/m        dBµV/m           dB

    0.125          88.8        0.1     10.2   -88.6             10.5           25.7          -15.2        P

Test Method:     ANSI C63.4 (2003)                         NOTES:          P = Parallel
Spec Limit:      FCC Part 15 Subpart C Section 15.209
Test Distance:   10 Meters

COMMENTS: EUT is a long range reader with an operating frequency of 125kHz. EUT is
mounted vertically on a non-conductive support to simulate normal installation. Test distance
correction factor used in accordance with 15.31 to correct test data for comparison to the limit.
Temperature: 18°C, Relative Humidity: 38%. Frequency Range Investigated: Carrier. Green
and black DC wires are connected together to the black power supply lead.

                                       Fall Off Calculations

Measurements were taken at 10, 15, 20 & 30 meters test distances. Using the following formula,
the fall off/decade was achieved.

Fall Off/Decade = (10mreading – 30mreading) / Log(10/30) = -63.92dB/Decade
10m reading is 49.6
30m reading is 19.1

Since the fall off is greater than the theoretical maximum of 60dB/Decade, 60dB/Decade was
used to calculate the proper falloff of the measured reading.

Correction Factor = 60*Log (Distance reading taken at/Distance of interest) = 60*Log (10/300)
= -88.62dB

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                                                                                      Report No.: FC06-018A

                 Table 3: FCC 15.209 Six Highest Radiated Emission Levels: 9 kHz - 30 MHz

                  METER        CORRECTION FACTORS           CORRECTED        SPEC
FREQUENCY        READING     Cable Corr   Ant  Dist          READING         LIMIT         MARGIN     NOTES
   MHz             dBµV       dB    dB    dB   dB             dBµV/m        dBµV/m           dB

    0.058          31.3        0.1    -60.0   10.6              -18.0         32.3          -50.3        P

    1.762          21.6        0.4    -20.0   10.1               12.1         29.5          -17.4        P

    29.635          2.1        1.2    -20.0    5.6              -11.1         29.5          -40.6        P

Test Method:     ANSI C63.4 (2003)                          NOTES:          P = Parallel
Spec Limit:      FCC Part 15 Subpart C Section 15.209
Test Distance:   10 Meters

COMMENTS: EUT is a long range reader with an operating frequency of 125kHz. EUT is
mounted vertically on a non-conductive support to simulate normal installation. Test distance
correction factor used in accordance with 15.31 to correct test data for comparison to the limit.
Temperature: 18°C, Relative Humidity: 38%. Frequency Range Investigated: 9kHz to 30MHz.
Green and black DC wires are connected together to the black power supply lead.

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                                                                                     Report No.: FC06-018A

                  Table 4: FCC 15.209 Six Highest Radiated Emission Levels: 30-1000 MHz

                  METER        CORRECTION FACTORS              CORRECTED    SPEC
FREQUENCY        READING      Ant  Amp Cable   Dist             READING     LIMIT       MARGIN      NOTES
   MHz             dBµV       dB    dB    dB   dB                dBµV/m    dBµV/m         dB

    60.000         32.2       6.1    -26.8    1.7       10.0      23.2       40.0         -16.8          H

    60.010         46.4       6.1    -26.8    1.7       10.0      37.4       40.0          -2.6       VQ

    86.882         43.0       7.7    -26.9    2.1       10.0      35.9       40.0          -4.1          V

    87.255         42.7       7.7    -26.9    2.1       10.0      35.6       40.0          -4.4          V

   134.382         36.0       11.0   -26.7    2.6       10.0      32.9       43.5         -10.6          V

   186.757         26.7       8.2    -26.6    3.1       10.0      21.4       43.5         -22.1          V

Test Method:     ANSI C63.4 (2003)                             NOTES:      H = Horizontal Polarization
Spec Limit:      FCC Part 15 Subpart C Section 15.209                      V = Vertical Polarization
Test Distance:   10 Meters                                                 Q = Quasi Peak Reading

COMMENTS: EUT is a long range reader with an operating frequency of 125kHz. EUT is
mounted vertically on a non-conductive support to simulate normal installation. Test distance
correction factor used in accordance with 15.31 to correct test data for comparison to the limit.
Temperature: 18°C, Relative Humidity: 38%. Frequency Range Investigated: 30MHz to
1000MHz. Green and black DC wires are connected together to the black power supply lead.
The power supply is bonded to earth.

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                     Report No.: FC06-018A

The equipment under test (EUT) was set up in a manner that represented its normal use, as
shown in the photographs in Appendix A. Any special conditions required for the EUT to
operate normally are identified in the comments that accompany the emissions tables. The
corrected data was then compared to the applicable emission limits to determine compliance.

The cables were routed consistent with the typical application by varying the configuration of the
test sample. Interface cables were connected to the available I/O ports of the test unit. The
effect of varying the position of the cables was investigated to find the configuration that
produced maximum emissions. I/O cables were of the type and length specified in the individual
requirements. The length of cable that produced maximum emissions was selected.

The radiated and conducted emissions data of the EUT was taken with the HP Spectrum
Analyzer. Incorporating the applicable correction factors for distance, antenna, cable loss and
amplifier gain, the data was reduced as shown in Table A.

Preliminary and final measurements were taken in order to ensure that all emissions from the
EUT were found and maximized.

The basic spectrum analyzer reading was converted using correction factors as shown in the
highest emissions readings in the tables. For radiated emissions in dBµV/m, the spectrum
analyzer reading in dBµV was corrected by using the following formula in Table A. This
reading was then compared to the applicable specification limit to determine compliance.

                            TABLE A: SAMPLE CALCULATIONS
                                Meter reading       (dBµV)
                            +   Antenna Factor      (dB)
                            +   Cable Loss          (dB)
                            -   Distance Correction (dB)
                            -   Preamplifier Gain   (dB)
                            =   Corrected Reading   (dBµV/m)

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                                                                             Report No.: FC06-018A

The test instrumentation and equipment listed in Appendix B were used to collect both the radiated
and conducted emissions data. For radiated measurements from 9 kHz to 30 MHz, the magnetic loop
antenna was used. For frequencies from 30 to 1000 MHz, the biconilog antenna was used. The horn
antenna was used for frequencies above 1000 MHz. Conducted emissions tests required the use of the
FCC type LISNs.

The HP spectrum analyzer was used for all measurements. Table B shows the analyzer
bandwidth settings that were used in designated frequency bands. For conducted emissions, an
appropriate reference level and a vertical scale size of 10 dB per division were used. A 10 dB
external attenuator was also used during conducted tests, with internal offset correction in the
analyzer. During radiated testing, the measurements were made with 0 dB of attenuation, a
reference level of 97 dBµV, and a vertical scale of 10 dB per division.

The notes that accompany the measurements contained in the Tables indicate the type of detector
function used to obtain the given readings. Unless otherwise noted, all readings were made in the
"Peak" mode. Whenever a "Quasi-Peak" or "Average" reading is listed as one of the six highest
readings, this is indicated as a "Q" or an "A" in the appropriate table. The following paragraphs
describe in more detail the detector functions and when they were used to obtain the emissions data.
In this mode, the Spectrum Analyzer or test engineer recorded all emissions at their peak value as the
frequency band selected was scanned. By combining this function with another feature of the
analyzer called "peak hold," the analyzer had the ability to measure transients or low duty cycle
transient emission peak levels. In this mode the analyzer made a slow scan across the frequency band
selected and measured the peak emission value found at each frequency across the band.
When the true peak values exceeded or were within 2 dB of the specification limit, quasi-peak
measurements were taken using the HP Quasi-Peak Adapter for the HP Spectrum Analyzer. The
detailed procedure for making quasi peak measurements contained in the HP Quasi-Peak Adapter
manual were followed.
For certain frequencies, average measurements may be made using the spectrum analyzer. To
make these measurements, the test engineer reduces the video bandwidth on the analyzer until
the modulation of the signal is filtered out. At this point the analyzer is set into the linear mode
and the scan time is reduced.

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                                                                                Report No.: FC06-018A


Mains Conducted Emissions
During conducted emissions testing, the EUT was located on a wooden table measuring
approximately 80 cm high, 1 meter deep, and 1.5 meters in length. One wall of the room where
the EUT was located has a minimum 2 meter by 2 meter conductive plane. The EUT was
mounted on the wooden table 40 cm away from the conductive plane, and 80 cm from any other
conductive surface.

The vertical metal plane used for conducted emissions was grounded to the earth. Power to the
EUT was provided through a LISN. The LISN was grounded to the ground plane. All other
objects were kept a minimum of 80 cm away from the EUT during the conducted test.

The LISNs used were 50 µH-/+50 ohms. A 30 to 50 second sweep time was used for automated
measurements in the frequency bands of 150 kHz to 500 kHz, and 500 kHz to 30 MHz. All
readings within 20 dB of the limit were recorded, and those within 6 dB of the limit were
examined with additional measurements using a slower sweep time.

Radiated Emissions
The EUT was mounted on a nonconductive, rotating table 80 cm above the conductive grid. The
nonconductive table dimensions were 1 meter by 1.5 meters.

During the preliminary radiated scan, the EUT was powered up and operating in its defined FCC
test mode. For radiated measurements from 9 kHz to 30 MHz, the magnetic loop antenna was
used. The frequency range of 30 MHz to 1000 MHz was scanned with the biconilog antenna
located about 1.5 meter above the ground plane in the vertical polarity. During this scan, the
turntable was rotated and all peaks at or near the limit were recorded. A scan of the FM band
from 88 to 110 MHz was then made using a reduced resolution bandwidth and frequency span.
The biconilog antenna was changed to the horizontal polarity and the above steps were repeated.
Care was taken to ensure that no frequencies were missed within the FM and TV bands. An
analysis was performed to determine if the signals that were at or near the limit were caused by
an ambient transmission. If unable to determine by analysis, the equipment was powered down
to make the final determination if the EUT was the source of the emission.
A thorough scan of all frequencies was made manually using a small frequency span, rotating the
turntable and raising and lowering the antenna from one to four meters as needed. The test
engineer maximized the readings with respect to the table rotation, antenna height, and
configuration of EUT. Maximizing of the EUT was achieved by monitoring the spectrum
analyzer on a closed circuit television monitor.

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         Mains Conducted Emissions - Front View

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         Mains Conducted Emissions - Side View

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            Radiated Emissions

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            Fundamental Emissions

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                                     Report No.: FC06-018A

                                            APPENDIX B

                                    TEST EQUIPMENT LIST

Function                  S/N               Calibration Date      Cal Due Date         Asset #
Spectrum Analyzer-AF      US44300407        01/12/2005            01/12/2007           02660
Voltmeter-AF              2905006           04/25/2006            04/25/2008           02369
Fluke 8520A

 FCC 15.207
Function                    S/N                Calibration Date     Cal Due Date        Asset #
Agilent E4446A SA           US44300407         01/12/2005           01/12/2007          02660
10 dB Attenuator 10W        None               08/18/2005           08/18/2007          P04255
LISN, 8028-50-TS-24-BNC     8379276, 280       06/03/2005           06/03/2007          1248 & 1249
150kHz HP Filter TTE        G7754              04/20/2004           04/20/2006          02608

 FCC 15.209 Fundamental and 9kHz – 30MHzr
Function                   S/N                 Calibration Date     Cal Due Date        Asset #
Agilent E4446A SA          US44300407          01/12/2005           01/12/2007          02660
EMCO Loop Antenna          1074                05/13/2005           05/13/2007          00226

 FCC 15.209 30-1000 MHz
Function                    S/N                Calibration Date     Cal Due Date        Asset #
Agilent E4446A SA           US44300407         01/12/2005           01/12/2007          02660
Chase CBL6111C Bilog        2456               06/07/2005           06/07/2007          01991
HP 8447D Preamp             1937A02604         03/11/2005           03/11/2007          00099

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                          Report No.: FC06-018A

Test Location:      CKC Laboratories •4933 Sierra Pines Dr. • Mariposa, CA 95338 • 1-800-500-4EMC (4362)

Customer:           Indala
Specification:      FCC 15.207 - AVE
Work Order #:       84492                                                    Date:    1/31/2006
Test Type:          Conducted Emissions                                      Time:    10:37:08 AM
Equipment:          Long Range 125kHz Reader                            Sequence#:    18
Manufacturer:       Indala                                              Tested By:    Steve Behm
Model:              ASR-620++                                                         120V 60Hz
S/N:                001
 Equipment Under Test (* = EUT):
Function                  Manufacturer                         Model #                      S/N
Long Range 125kHz         Indala                               ASR-620++                    001
 Support Devices:
Function                        Manufacturer                   Model #                      S/N
DC Power Supply                 Topward Electric               TPS-2000                     920035
                                Instruments Co., Ltd.
 Test Conditions / Notes:
EUT is a long range reader with an operating frequency of 125kHz. EUT is mounted vertically on a non-
conductive support to simulate normal installation. Temperature: 18ºC, Relative Humidity: 38%. Frequency
Range Investigated: 150kHz to 30MHz. Green and black DC wires are connected together to the black power
supply lead. The power supply is bonded to earth.
 Transducer Legend:
T1=Cable - Internal + cab                                      T2=LISN Insertion Loss s/n280
T3=HP Filter AN02608                                           T4=ATT 10d B Site D Conducted

Measurement Data:       Reading listed by margin.                                Test Lead: Black
 #      Freq      Rdng     T1        T2      T3                 T4    Dist         Corr      Spec     Margin   Polar
        MHz       dBµV     dB        dB      dB                 dB    Table       dBµV      dBµV        dB      Ant
   1 163.090k       22.7    +0.1      +0.3    +1.5              +10.2 +0.0         34.8       55.3     -20.5   Black

    2   179.088k         21.5       +0.1     +0.3       +0.4    +10.2     +0.0       32.5    54.5      -22.0   Black

    3   194.360k         19.9       +0.1     +0.3       +0.1    +10.2     +0.0       30.6    53.8      -23.2   Black

    4    22.247M         12.8       +0.5     +0.4       +0.2    +10.3     +0.0       24.2    50.0      -25.8   Black

    5    22.004M         12.2       +0.5     +0.4       +0.2    +10.3     +0.0       23.6    50.0      -26.4   Black

    6   208.904k         15.5       +0.1     +0.3       +0.1    +10.2     +0.0       26.2    53.2      -27.0   Black

    7   225.629k         14.0       +0.1     +0.3       +0.2    +10.3     +0.0       24.9    52.6      -27.7   Black

    8    22.499M         10.9       +0.5     +0.4       +0.2    +10.3     +0.0       22.3    50.0      -27.7   Black

    9   613.957k          7.2       +0.1     +0.2       +0.3    +10.3     +0.0       18.1    46.0      -27.9   Black

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10   21.752M    10.7   +0.5   +0.4   +0.2   +10.3   +0.0   22.1   50.0    -27.9   Black

11   21.878M    10.6   +0.5   +0.4   +0.2   +10.3   +0.0   22.0   50.0    -28.0   Black

12   338.346k   10.1   +0.1   +0.2   +0.1   +10.3   +0.0   20.8   49.2    -28.4   Black

13   21.625M     9.8   +0.5   +0.4   +0.2   +10.3   +0.0   21.2   50.0    -28.8   Black

14   22.752M     9.8   +0.5   +0.4   +0.2   +10.3   +0.0   21.2   50.0    -28.8   Black

15   241.628k   12.1   +0.1   +0.3   +0.3   +10.3   +0.0   23.1   52.0    -28.9   Black

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                                                                     Report No.: FC06-018A

Test Location:      CKC Laboratories •4933 Sierra Pines Dr. • Mariposa, CA 95338 • 1-800-500-4EMC (4362)

Customer:           Indala
Specification:      FCC 15.207 - AVE
Work Order #:       84492                                                    Date:    1/31/2006
Test Type:          Conducted Emissions                                      Time:    10:35:42 AM
Equipment:          Long Range 125kHz Reader                            Sequence#:    17
Manufacturer:       Indala                                              Tested By:    Steve Behm
Model:              ASR-620++                                                         120V 60Hz
S/N:                001
 Equipment Under Test (* = EUT):
Function                  Manufacturer                         Model #                      S/N
Long Range 125kHz         Indala                               ASR-620++                    001
 Support Devices:
Function                        Manufacturer                   Model #                      S/N
DC Power Supply                 Topward Electric               TPS-2000                     920035
                                Instruments Co., Ltd.
 Test Conditions / Notes:
EUT is a long range reader with an operating frequency of 125kHz. EUT is mounted vertically on a non-
conductive support to simulate normal installation. Temperature: 18ºC, Relative Humidity: 38%. Frequency
Range Investigated: 150kHz to 30MHz. Green and black DC wires are connected together to the black power
supply lead. The power supply is bonded to earth.
 Transducer Legend:
T1=Cable - Internal + cab                                      T2=LISN Insertion Loss s/n280
T3=HP Filter AN02608                                           T4=ATT 10d B Site D Conducted

Measurement Data:       Reading listed by margin.                                Test Lead: White
 #      Freq      Rdng     T1        T2      T3                 T4    Dist         Corr      Spec     Margin   Polar
        MHz       dBµV     dB        dB      dB                 dB    Table       dBµV      dBµV        dB      Ant
   1 174.725k       29.8    +0.1      +0.3     +0.5             +10.2 +0.0         40.9       54.7     -13.8   White

    2   164.544k         22.6       +0.1     +0.3       +1.4    +10.2     +0.0       34.6    55.2      -20.6   White

    3    22.247M         17.5       +0.5     +0.4       +0.2    +10.3     +0.0       28.9    50.0      -21.1   White

    4    22.004M         16.5       +0.5     +0.4       +0.2    +10.3     +0.0       27.9    50.0      -22.1   White

    5    22.130M         16.3       +0.5     +0.4       +0.2    +10.3     +0.0       27.7    50.0      -22.3   White

    6    22.499M         15.6       +0.5     +0.4       +0.2    +10.3     +0.0       27.0    50.0      -23.0   White

    7    21.878M         15.2       +0.5     +0.4       +0.2    +10.3     +0.0       26.6    50.0      -23.4   White

    8    22.373M         15.1       +0.5     +0.4       +0.2    +10.3     +0.0       26.5    50.0      -23.5   White

    9    21.625M         13.9       +0.5     +0.4       +0.2    +10.3     +0.0       25.3    50.0      -24.7   White

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                                                                                                  Report No.: FC06-018A

10   22.752M    13.9   +0.5   +0.4   +0.2   +10.3   +0.0   25.3   50.0    -24.7   White

11   21.752M    13.4   +0.5   +0.4   +0.2   +10.3   +0.0   24.8   50.0    -25.2   White

12   194.360k   17.3   +0.1   +0.3   +0.1   +10.2   +0.0   28.0   53.8    -25.8   White

13   22.625M    12.8   +0.5   +0.4   +0.2   +10.3   +0.0   24.2   50.0    -25.8   White

14   21.499M    12.1   +0.5   +0.4   +0.2   +10.3   +0.0   23.5   50.0    -26.5   White

15   23.004M    11.7   +0.5   +0.4   +0.2   +10.3   +0.0   23.1   50.0    -26.9   White

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                                                                     Report No.: FC06-018A

Test Location:      CKC Laboratories •4933 Sierra Pines Dr. • Mariposa, CA 95338 • 1-800-500-4EMC (4362)

Customer:           Indala
Specification:      FCC 15.209 9k-490KHz
Work Order #:       84492                                             Date:    1/31/2006
Test Type:          Maximized Emissions                               Time:    16:19:07
Equipment:          Long Range 125kHz Reader                     Sequence#:    24
Manufacturer:       Indala                                       Tested By:    S. Behm
Model:              ASR-620++
S/N:                001
 Test Equipment:
Function          S/N                         Calibration Date       Cal Due Date           Asset #
Agilent E4446A SA US44300407                  01/12/2005             01/12/2007             02660
EMCO Loop Antenna 1074                        05/13/2005             05/13/2007             00226
 Equipment Under Test (* = EUT):
Function                  Manufacturer                   Model #                      S/N
Long Range 125kHz         Indala                         ASR-620++                    001
 Support Devices:
Function                     Manufacturer                Model #                      S/N
 Test Conditions / Notes:
EUT is a long range reader with an operating frequency of 125kHz. EUT is mounted vertically on a non-
conductive support to simulate normal installaion. Test distance correction factor used in accordance with 15.31 to
correct test data for comparison to the limit. Temperature: 18ºC, Relative Humidity: 38%. Frequency Range
Investigated: Carrier. Green and black DC wires are connected together to the black power supply lead.
 Transducer Legend:
T1=Cable - 10 Meter                                      T2=Mag Loop - AN 00226 - 9kHz-30M
T3=Fall Off Correction Factor

Measurement Data:       Reading listed by margin.                      Test Distance: 10 Meters
 #      Freq      Rdng     T1        T2      T3                    Dist     Corr       Spec     Margin     Polar
        MHz       dBµV     dB        dB      dB            dB      Table dBµV/m dBµV/m            dB        Ant
   1 125.001k       88.8    +0.1 +10.2        -88.6                 +0.0     10.5       25.7     -15.2     Paral

                                                                                                     Page 26 of 28
                                                                                            Report No.: FC06-018A

Test Location:      CKC Laboratories •4933 Sierra Pines Dr. • Mariposa, CA 95338 • 1-800-500-4EMC (4362)

Customer:           Indala
Specification:      FCC 15.209
Work Order #:       84492                                             Date:     1/31/2006
Test Type:          Maximized Emissions                               Time:     16:19:07
Equipment:          Long Range 125kHz Reader                     Sequence#:     22
Manufacturer:       Indala                                       Tested By:     S. Behm
Model:              ASR-620++
S/N:                001
 Equipment Under Test (* = EUT):
Function                  Manufacturer                     Model #                     S/N
Long Range 125kHz         Indala                           ASR-620++                   001
 Support Devices:
Function                        Manufacturer               Model #                     S/N
 Test Conditions / Notes:
EUT is a long range reader with an operating frequency of 125kHz. EUT is mounted vertically on a non-
conductive support to simulate normal installaion. Test distance correction factor used in accordance with 15.31 to
correct test data for comparison to the limit. Temperature: 18ºC, Relative Humidity: 38%. Frequency Range
Investigated: 9kHz to 30MHz. Green and black DC wires are connected together to the black power supply lead.
 Transducer Legend:
T1=Cable - 10 Meter                                        T2=15.31 10m 40dB/Dec Correction
T3=Mag Loop - AN 00226 - 9kHz-30M

Measurement Data:       Reading listed by margin.                        Test Distance: 10 Meters
 #      Freq      Rdng     T1        T2      T3                      Dist     Corr       Spec     Margin   Polar
        MHz       dBµV     dB        dB      dB             dB       Table dBµV/m dBµV/m            dB      Ant
   1    1.762M      21.6    +0.4     -20.0 +10.1                      +0.0     12.1       29.5     -17.4   Paral

    2    29.635M          2.1      +1.2    -20.0    +5.6              +0.0    -11.1      29.5     -40.6    Paral

    3     58.050k        31.3      +0.1    -60.0   +10.6              +0.0    -18.0      32.3     -50.3    Paral

                                                                                                      Page 27 of 28
                                                                                             Report No.: FC06-018A

Test Location:      CKC Laboratories •4933 Sierra Pines Dr. • Mariposa, CA 95338 • 1-800-500-4EMC (4362)

Customer:           Indala
Specification:      FCC 15.209
Work Order #:       84492                                              Date:    1/31/2006
Test Type:          Maximized Emissions                                Time:    15:34:18
Equipment:          Long Range 125kHz Reader                      Sequence#:    21
Manufacturer:       Indala                                        Tested By:    S. Behm
Model:              ASR-620++
S/N:                001
 Equipment Under Test (* = EUT):
Function                  Manufacturer                     Model #                     S/N
Long Range 125kHz         Indala                           ASR-620++                   001
 Support Devices:
Function                        Manufacturer               Model #                     S/N
 Test Conditions / Notes:
EUT is a long range reader with an operating frequency of 125kHz. EUT is mounted vertically on a non-
conductive support to simulate normal installation. Test distance correction factor used in accordance with 15.31 to
correct test data for comparison to the limit. Temperature: 18ºC, Relative Humidity: 38%. Frequency Range
Investigated: 30MHz to 1000MHz. Green and black DC wires are connected together to the black power supply
lead. The power supply is bonded to earth.
 Transducer Legend:
T1=Bilog Site D                                            T2=Amp - S/N 604
T3=Cable - 10 Meter

Measurement Data:       Reading listed by margin.                        Test Distance: 10 Meters
 #      Freq      Rdng     T1        T2      T3                      Dist     Corr       Spec     Margin    Polar
        MHz       dBµV     dB        dB      dB             dB       Table dBµV/m dBµV/m           dB        Ant
   1 60.010M        46.4    +6.1     -26.8    +1.7                   +10.0     37.4       40.0     -2.6     Vert
   ^ 60.000M        47.7    +6.1     -26.8    +1.7                   +10.0     38.7      40.0       -1.3     Vert

    3    86.882M         43.0      +7.7    -26.9    +2.1             +10.0     35.9      40.0       -4.1     Vert

    4    87.255M         42.7      +7.7    -26.9    +2.1             +10.0     35.6      40.0       -4.4     Vert

    5   134.382M         36.0     +11.0    -26.7    +2.6             +10.0     32.9      43.5      -10.6     Vert

    6    60.000M         32.2      +6.1    -26.8    +1.7             +10.0     23.2      40.0      -16.8    Horiz

    7   186.757M         26.7      +8.2    -26.6    +3.1             +10.0     21.4      43.5      -22.1     Vert

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                                                                                             Report No.: FC06-018A

Document Created: 2006-05-31 11:14:47
Document Modified: 2006-05-31 11:14:47

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