FCC ID: E675JS0039

Operational Description

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  20 * 39098           ISPP 2CC EOP                                                       s@:ST 666T T11fF SN8

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  20 * 39098           ISPP 2CC EOP                                                       s@:ST 666T T11fF SN8

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AUG—11—1999     16:06             NORTEL WDC                                           403 232 49051      P.06—/0@7

   Nortel Wireless Networks                                                           NT80O0DR Cell Site Test
   Cellular Radio Systems                          mfil};&gh                             Results and Report

   3.2.2 Tx path IL over Frequencies Band 300 KHz to 2 GHz (Tx002)

   Standards and Objectives

      Rejection of 2nd harmonics should be >30 dB in the 1738 to 1788 MHz band. in addition, rejection of signals
      from 10 to 824 MHz should be > 35 dB, while from 824 to 849 MHz it should be > 90 dB.

   Test description

      Measure the insertion losses from the SCLPA output to the duplexer antenna port. The test setup is shown in
      Figure 12 .
   Test Limitations

   Test Results and Concilusions

      System 1:

      The transmit path insertion loss for alt 8 channel siots of each of shelves 1 and 2 met the above specification
      across the 0.3 to 2000 MHz bandwidth. Between 824 MHz and 849 MHz, the insertion loss is larger than —96.2
      dB. The responses for all 8 slots of both shelves 1 and 2 are very similar to Figure 14.
      System 2:
      The transmit path insertion loss for all 8 channel siots of each of shelves 1 and 2 met the above specification
      across the 0.3 to 2000 MHz bandwidth. Between 824 MHz and 849 MHz, the insertion loss is larger than —95.9
      dB., The responses for all 8 siots of both sheives 1 and 2 are very similar to Figure 14.
      System 3:
      The transmit path insertion loss for all 8 channel siots of each of shelves 1 and 2 met the above specification
      across the 0.3 to 2000 MHz bandwidth, as shown in Figure 14. Between 824 MHz and 849 MHz, the insertion
      loss is larger than —96.9 dB. The dotted line in Figure 14 shows the frequency masks for the specs and Appendix
      Other systems:

      Please see "Appendix D" for more results in 3 Email reports.

           Page 32                   June 7,1996— —Issue 1.0— — Release

AUG 11 1999 15:05                                                            403 232 4051              PACGE .06

   AUG—11—1999                                       16:06                           NORTEL WDC                                                                     403 232 4051                          P.0@7—07

     Nortel Wireless Networks                                                                         N @RTE |_                                                     NT80O0DR Cell SiteTest
     Cellular Radio Systems                                                                                                                                          R
                                                                 Y                                    NORTHERN TELECOM                                                   esults and Report .

                                                                       TX802 Teast TX Path Insertion Loss over 0.3 to 2000 MMHz2
      Insartion Loss (0 slots in Shalf 1

                                                                                 T             T        T*~                ~~1            7                 7                      |        C T

                                                                                                                                                 Spéc:—30 48|                               | |

                                                                       Spec: —35 dB

                                                                                                       _                              |                         |              L_                     1

                                                        200             480               600        200     1800 1200 1480                                              1600               i8000              288
                                                                                                   TX Path Frequency |MHz2]

         *                                  50               I               T            ~T           T O;0          1               T                 1                      7        id'
                                                                                                                 .    *                                 i

         fi                                                                                                       to   a                                 .                                     .

        E0                                   8F                                                             boa                                 Spec: —30 dB                            } _‘                    7
          &                                                           Spec: —35 dB                          5p        0                            :                                    nof
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       ;                                                                 Spec: —90 dB
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                                                       200             400               800         800              1800       1200             1408                   1600               iedd              200
                                                                                                   TX Path Frequency J M Hz]

                                                    Figure 14          Tx path IL of all 16 slots over 0.3 to 2000 MHz. (system 3)

                                                                                      June 7. 1996— —Issue 1.0— — Release                                                              Page 33
                                                                                                                                                                                        TOTAL P.07
AUG 11 1999 15s:05                                                                                                                            403 232 4051                             PAGE. 07

Document Created: 1999-08-18 17:27:43
Document Modified: 1999-08-18 17:27:43

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