Manual HMC71 and 73


Users Manual

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                                  Operation Manual

                                                                                  Issued: July 7, 2000

                   Product Name:
                   R/W Module Board Type (L) V700-HMC71
                   R/W Module Board Type (S) V700-HMC73

                                                     OMRON Corporation
                                                     Industrial Automation Company
                                                     Advanced Sensors Development Department
                                                     Sensing Devices & Components Division H.Q.

Revision history   Revised date                             Revised item
       −             ′98/ 7/ 17   New issue
                     ′00/ 7/ 07   “Applicable Standards” is added on the page 2


Applicable Standards
FCC (USA) Part 15 subpart B and C

 This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subjected to the following
 two conditions:
 (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any
 interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

 FCC ID : E4E6CYAID7000100


This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,
pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable
protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and
used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
installation. If this equipment dose cause harmful interference to radio or television reception,
which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to
correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:

 -Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.

 -Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.

 -Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is

 -Consult the dealer or an experienced radio / TV technician for help.


Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could
void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
Properly shielded an grounded cables and connectors must be used for connection to host
computer and / or peripherals in order to meet FCC emission limits.
AC adapter with ferrite core must be used for RF interference suppression.

Precautions of Use
This device uses a frequency of 125 kHz to communicate with a tag. Some transceivers,
motors, monitor units, and power supply (power IC) emit noise that adversely affects this
communication with the tag. If this product is to be used in an environment close to such
devices, please check the effects from these devices prior to use.
To minimise the effect of noise, please ground any metal object surrounding this device.


This manual specifies the specifications and transmission format of the R/W Module.

                                        Table of Contents
          1. Product Outline ................................................................................... 4

          2. Specifications and Performance .......................................................... 4

          3. Operations of the R/W Module ............................................................ 9

               3.1 Outline of operations.................................................................... 9
               3.2 Oscillation Control........................................................................ 9
               3.3 Input STOP ................................................................................ 10
               3.4 Memory Management on Tag.................................................... 10
               3.5 Processing Tag Memory............................................................ 11

          4. Controlling the Module from User board............................................ 14

               4.1 Transmission Control Format .................................................... 14
               4.2 Command/Response Format .................................................... 15
               4.3 Types of Commands and Responses ....................................... 16

          5. Error Code List................................................................................... 22

          6. Processing Time (Indicative Data)..................................................... 23


1. Product Outline
Te RW Module is an integreted unit of theransmissionreceiving crout and contral functonto
communicate wih e V700 Series Tag.
2. Specifications and Performance
    (1) Shape

       Instalation holes 4 $3.5


                  Ducte tED\,
              i. §3
                 | 1
                        instataton track (for M2 serows)
                intertace Connoctor
                         Board Type (6)


      • Dip Switch
        Will not be used. Turn every dip switch OFF.

      • Operating conditon displaying LED

          LED Display                                      Detail
       Green lights on        Lights on when communicating with the Tag
       Red lights on          Lights on when communication process does not complete

      • Interface Connector
        This connector connects the R/W module to a User Board.

      • Antenna Section
        When communicating with the Tag, please bring the Tag close to the antenna

(2)   General Specifications

                 Item                Board Type (L)                   Board Type (S)
       External measurement     80 × 80 × 5 mm                  40 × 44 × 10 mm
       Installation             4 points Secured by             Secured at 3 points,
                                M3 screws                       M2 or M2.3 screws
       Electric current         5V ±10%
       Dissipation current      180 mA or less (during oscillation)
                                20 mA or less (no oscillation)
       Vibration resistance     Destruction: 20m/s 10 to 150Hz, 0.15mm double
                                amplitude, with 4 sweeps of 8min each in 3 directions
       Shock resistance         Destruction: 200m/s , 3 times each in 6 directions
       Ambient temperature      -10 ~ +55°C
       during use
       Ambient temperature      -25 ~ +65°C
       during storage
       Ambient humidity         25 ~ 85% RH or less (with no condensation)
       during use
       Radio frequency          125 kHz
       Transmission distance    5 ~ 65 mm                       10 ~ 40 mm
       (Tag: V700 - D13P31)
       Distance at center of
       coil - Tag axis


(3)   Signal Interface Specifications

                 Item                                       Specifications
       Connector                    S10B-ZR-SM3A-TF
       specifications                 (manufactured by J.S.T. MFG CO.,LTD.)
                                      (applicable wires: AWG#32 ~ #26)
       Transmission format          2 wire system semi-double serial (CMOS level)
       Synchronization format       Asynchronous mode; start-stop system
       Transmission control         Cr control
       Transmission speed           9600 bps (fixed)
       Character format (fixed)      Start bit   Data bit        Parity bit   Stop bit   Total
                                        1           8              Even          1        11
       Error detection format       Even number parity
       Bit transmission order       Low order fist (from LSB)

n Pin Layout and Connection with User board
For housing of cable connecting the R/W Module with the User board, please use the
Manufactured by J.S.T. MFG CO.,LTD.
      Socket housing: ZHR-10
      Socket contact: SZH-002T-P0.5 or SZH-003T-P0.5

                                                                 R/W Module

                               Housing: ZHR-10      Pin Header: S10B-ZR-SM3A-TF


                        Applicable wires:
                        AWG#32 ~ #26


n Names of Signals and Functions

 No.    Codes        I/O                      Function                   Performance        Signal Logic
  1    5V                -         Power                                5V ±10%                   -
  2    GND               -         Ground                                      -                  -
  3    RXD         Input           Serial input CMOS                    CMOS input        0:0V, 1:5V
                                                                        47 kΩ pull up     (positive logic)
  4    TXD         Output          Serial output                        CMOS output       5V
                                                                        IOL=2mA,          0V S    data     E
  5    STOP        Input           Receive process of command           CMOS input        ↓ active
                                   being executed / command             47 kΩ pull up
                                   execution will be aborted and
                                   after STOP is input, will be on
                                   stand by for command
  6    EXT_IN      Input           (unused)                             CMOS input                -
                                                                        47 kΩ pull up
  7    COMM        Output          Will be output while                 CMOS output       H active
                                   communication is occurring           IOL =10mA,
                                   between tag                          IOH =2mA
  8    NORM        Output          Will be output after                 CMOS output       H active
                                   transmission with tag is             IOL =10mA,
                                   successfully completed               IOH =2mA
  9    ERR         Output          Will be output when                  CMOS output       H active
                                   transmission with tag was            IOL =10mA,
                                   unsuccessful                         IOH =2mA
 10    RUN         Output          Will be output when Module is        CMOS output       H active
                                   operating normally                   IOL =10mA,
                                                                        IOH =2mA

n Example of Connection with User board
Please refer to the below-indicated connection for connecting the Module to the User board. Any
signals that will be unused should not be connected.

                User board                                              R/W Module
                                       5V                       5V(1)
                User CPU
                                     GND                        GND(2)
                             TXD                                RXD(3)
                             RXD                                TXD(4)
                         OUT1                                   STOP(5)
                             IN1                                EXT_IN(6)
                             IN2                                COMM(7)
                             IN3                                NORM(8)
                             IN4                                ERR(9)
                                                               Numbers in ( ) indicates
                                                               pin number



3. Operations of the R/W Module
   3.1      Outline of operations
          The R/W Module receives commands from the User board, executes read / write
          processes on the Tag, and returns a response of the results of the process to the
          User board. The status of the R/W Module operations will be reflected on the Output
          / LED.
                                                            R/W Module
        User Board                                                                   Page 1
                                                                                    Page 2
                 User CPU
                                                                           Tag      Page n

n Operations Timing Chart

                Initial     Waiting for   Receiving    Processing   Transmitting   Waiting
   Status       process     command       command      command      response       command
  TXD                                     Command
  RXD                                                                Response
    COMM        ↓
put / NORM      ↓
    ERR         ↓
    RUN         ↓

   3.2      Oscillation Control
            The R/W Module supplies power to the Tag by oscillating the antenna, and thus
            conducts communication with the Tag. The Module may be set on either the
            “Oscillate Mode” “Stop Mode” depending on whether the Module should oscillate
            while not in communication with the Tag. The “Stop Mode” conserves dissipation
            power, and enables the R/W Module antenna to be installed close to the Tag to
            conduct communications on a time sharing basis. The “Oscillate Mode” allows the
            Module to constantly supply power to the Tag for FIFO processing.

         Oscillation Status               Operation          Mode Switching Conditions
      Stop Mode (conserves        The antenna stops        • Mode switching conditions at
      dissipation power)          oscillating while not      start-up
                                  processing commands      • When oscillation OFF
                                                             command is active
      Oscillation Mode            The antenna is           • When oscillation ON command
      (enables high-speed         constantly oscillating     is active
      processing)                                          • When option is active in FIFO
                                                             Trigger / FIFO Auto Command


       3.3   Input STOP
             When a STOP signal is input to the R/W Module, receiving and processing of
             commands and command processing will stop and then, after the STOP signal is
             deactivated, the Module will be on stand by for new commands. When the STOP
             signal is input, oscillation will stop regardless of the setting of the oscillation control
             If a STOP signal is input more than 50 msec prior to shut down, writing of unstable
             data to the Tag may be prevented. However, if writing of the command in process
             requires more than one page, not all pages may be completely rewritten.

       3.4   Memory Management on Tag
             The Tags used to conduct communication with the R/W Module may be one of the
             following two types depending on memory capacity: 128 bytes (user area 112 bytes)
             or 256 bytes (user area 240 bytes). The memory area recognizes every 8 bytes as
             one page, distinguished by such addresses as 00h ~ 07h, 08h ~ 0Fh, and so on.

n Memory Map (00h ~ EFh indicates to address)

 Page                                    8 bytes / page
  1          00h      01h       02h       03h       04h       05h       06h       07h
  2          08h      09h       0Ah       0Bh       0Ch       0Dh       0Eh       0Fh
  3          10h      11h       12h                  ⋅⋅⋅       ⋅⋅⋅                17h
  4          18h      19h       1Ah                  ⋅⋅⋅       ⋅⋅⋅                1Fh
  5          20h                                                                  27h
  6          28h                                                                  2Fh
                                                                                           112 bytes
  7          30h                                                                  37h
  10          :                                                                     :
  11          :                                                                     :                  240 bytes

  14         68h                                     ⋅⋅⋅       ⋅⋅⋅                6Fh
  15         70h                                     ⋅⋅⋅       ⋅⋅⋅                77h
  16         78h                                     ⋅⋅⋅       ⋅⋅⋅                7Fh
   :          :                                                                     :
   :          :                                                                     :
  29         E0h      E1h                            ⋅⋅⋅       ⋅⋅⋅                E7h
  30         E8h      E9h                            ⋅⋅⋅       ⋅⋅⋅                EFh


    3.5   Processing Tag Memory
          (1) Process Contents
                The following three processes may be executed on the Tag Memory

                1)   Read
                     Reading data from Tag Memory. The area to execute the Read command
                     may be selected at random up to 16 pages.

                2)   Write
                     Writing data onto Tag Memory. The area to execute the Write command
                     may be selected at random up to 16 pages. When writing the same data
                     onto all pages (multiple write), there is no limitation on the number of pages.
                     Certain data within a page may be selected in units of bytes to be written
                     onto the Tag Memory (byte write).

                3)   Write Protection Set/OFF
                     Write protection may be set on the selected pages of Tag Memory. When
                     write protection is set, the data may be read, but not re-written. Write
                     protection may be set on any of the pages. Write protection may be set or
                     turned off by commands.

          (2) Communication Operations
                The following 6 communications operation may be executed by changing the
                process procedure and execution timing. Communication operations may be
                specified by commands during command transmission.

                1)   Single Trigger
                     Communication with Tag will be executed immediately after receiving
                     command and a response will be transmitted. After response is transmitted,
                     the Module will be on stand by for new commands. During communication
                     with the Tag, there may only be one Tag within the communication area.

                     ♦ Operation Sequence
                     Processing will be executed once only after receiving command. If there is
                     no Tag, a Tag absent error message will be transmitted.

   User → Command                               Command

   User ←                        Response 1                         Response 2
                                                                    (Tag Absence Error)
                     Command Process                    Command Process
Tag Operation                    Tag 1


                2)   Single Auto
                     After receiving command, the Module waits for the Tag to approach,
                     communicates with the Tag, and then transmits a response. Once the
                     response is transmitted, Module will be on stand by for new commands.
                     During communication with the Tag, there must be one Tag within the
                     communication area.

                     ♦ Operation Sequence
                     After receiving command, the Module waits for the Tag to approach, then
                     executes process once only after Tag is detected. When Module receives a
                     STOP command, the command will be completed.

   User →       Command                                        Command             STOP

   User ←                                   Response                                           Response

Communication                       Command Process                                        (Truncation
                          Tag                                              Tag Detection
Tag Operation             Detection       Tag 1                                            Process)

                3)   FIFO Trigger
                     Module will communicate with Tag immediately after receiving command
                     and transmit response. After communication is completed, Module will
                     prohibit Tag from operating. Module will be on stand by for commands after
                     response is transmitted. During communication with Tag, there MUST BE
                     OPERATION) within the communication area. When this command is
                     executed, Module automatically activates “Oscillation Mode”

                     ♦ Operation Sequence
                     Upon receiving command, Module will execute process once only. If there
                     is no Tag, a Tag absence error will be transmitted. During processing of the
                     command, Tag will become inoperative, and thus will not respond to the
                     next command. Oscillation will continue after command is processed.

   User →       Command                               Command

   User ←                          Response 1                           Response 2
                                                                         (Tag Absence Error)
                                             (Oscillation)                           (Oscillation)
                     Command Process                         Command Process
Tag Operation                    Tag 1


                4)   FIFO Auto
                     Module will await Tag to approach after receiving command, then
                     communicate with Tag and transmit response. After communication is
                     completed, Module will prohibit Tag from operating. Module will be on stand
                     by after response transmission is completed. During communication with
                     the Tag, there MUST BE AN OPERATIONAL TAG (A TAG THAT IS NOT
                     PROHIBITED FROM OPERATION) within the communication area. When
                     this command is executed, Module automatically activates “Oscillation

                     ♦ Operation Sequence
                     After receiving command, the Module waits for the Tag to approach, then
                     executes process once only after Tag is detected. During processing of the
                     command, Tag will become inoperative, and thus will not respond to the
                     next command. Oscillation will continue after command is processed.
                     When Module receives a STOP command, the command will be

   User →       Command                                            Command          STOP

    User ←                                  Response 1                                           Response
                           Tag       Command Process                         Tag Detection      (Truncation
Tag Operation              Detection                                                            Process)
                                           Tag 1

                5)   FIFO Continue
                     After receiving command, the Module waits for the Tag to approach, then
                     communicates with the Tag and transmits a response. After communication
                     is completed, Tag will become inoperative. After transmitting a response,
                     Module will await Tag to approach again if it receives [ACK], and
                     communicating with the Tag, THERE MUST ONLY BE ONE ACTIVE TAG
                     within the communication area.

                     ♦ Operation Sequence
                     Upon receiving the command, Module awaits Tag to approach. When Tag
                     is detected, Module executes command and transmits a response.
                     Afterwards, when [ACK] is received, Module repeats the same operation.
                     Once process is executed on a Tag, the Tag becomes inoperative, and thus
                     a Tag will only be processed once. When Module receives a STOP
                     command, processing will stop.

   User → Command                             ACK                            NACK                    STOP

   User ←                           Response 1                     Response 2        Response 2
                       Tag                             Tag
Tag                    Detection                       Detection
Communication                      (Oscillation)                                (Oscillation)
                     Command Process                   Command Process
Tag Operation                      Tag 1                    Tag 2


                6)   FIFO Repeat
                     After receiving command, the Module waits for the Tag to approach, then
                     communicates with the Tag and transmits a response. After communication
                     is completed, Tag will become inoperative. MODULE WILL CONTINUE
                     communicating with the Tag, THERE MUST ONLY BE ONE ACTIVE TAG
                     (A TAG THAT IS NOT PROHIBITED FROM OPERATION) within the
                     communication area.

                     ♦ Operation Sequence
                     Upon receiving the command, Module awaits Tag to approach. When Tag
                     is detected, Module executes command and transmits a response.
                     Afterwards, Module repeats the same operation. Once process is executed
                     on a Tag, the Tag becomes inoperative, and thus a Tag will only be
                     processed once. When Module receives a STOP command, processing will

   User → Command                                                                             STOP

   User ←                          Response 1              Response 2         Response 3             Respons
                       Tag             Tag                    Tag                      Tag
Tag                    Detection       Detection              Detection                Detection
Communication                                                                                      (Truncation
                         Command                Command Process       Command
Tag Operation                                                                                      Process)
                               Tag 1                  Tag 2               Tag 3

4. Controlling the Module from User board
    4.1   Transmission Control Format
          The frame format consists of 16 types of text in even number units from through “0”~
          “F” (Band the terminator [Cr] (ASCII code : 0Dh).

                              272 characters or less
                                       Text                                Terminator

                           Number of
                Data       characters                                     Details

            Text             1 ~ 272          Parameters of each command (“0” ~ “F”)
            Terminator             1          Code (0Dh) indicating the completion of transmission

          (Transmission Control Procedure)
          Receipt commences when a character is received first, and when [Cr] is received,
          the frame is recognized as finished. If the interval between data exceeds 2 seconds,
          a transmission error will be recognized.


4.2   Command/Response Format
      n Command
      The frame consists of an operation option, parameters, and terminator.
      Communication options can be attached to commands No. 01 through 08 only.

        Command           Option      Parameter 1        ~         Parameter n   Terminator

      n Response
      The frame consists of a completion code, parameters, and terminator.

          code          Parameter 1        ~        Parameter n     Terminator


      (1) Types of Commands
          Specifies the process of the R/W Module

                           Number                            Details
       Read                   01       Reads Tag Memory data in units of pages
       Write                  02       Writes data onto Tag Memory in units of pages
       Multiple Write         03       Writes the same data onto Tag Memory in units of
       Byte Write             04       Writes data onto Tag Memory in units of bytes
       Write                  08       Specifies setting or to undo write protection per
       Protection                      page
       ACK                    11       Is sent when User board successfully receives data
       NACK                   12       Is sent when User board does not receive data
       STOP                   13       Stops processing of command being executed
       Oscillation ON         14       Activates Oscillation Mode on Module Antenna
       Oscillation OFF        15       Stops Oscillation Mode on Module Antenna
       Test                   10       Transmits data received directly back to User board


        (2) Options
                Specifies communication operations when command is one of 01 through 08.

           Option              Number                                  Details
          Single                     00    Conducts communication with Tag on Single Trigger
          Trigger                          Mode
          Single                     01    Conducts communication with Tag on Single Auto Mode
          FIFO                       08    Conducts communication with Tag on FIFO Trigger
          Trigger                          Mode
          FIFO Auto                  09    Conducts communication with Tag on FIFO Auto Mode
          FIFO                       0A    Conducts communication with Tag on FIFO Continue
          Continue                         Mode
          FIFO                       0B    Conducts communication with Tag on FIFO Repeat
          Repeat                           Mode

        (3) Completion Code
                When command process is completed successfully, completion code becomes
                If process was not completed successfully, an error code will be transmitted.

4.3     Types of Commands and Responses
        (1) Read
                Read is used when data is to be read from the Tag. Data for any specified page
                may be read. The maximum number of pages that may be read at one time is

        n Command
        The pages to be read will be transmitted as parameters. Page specifications shall be
        made by specifying the bit indicating the page as 1 and the other bits as 0. Pages can
        be specified at random.

          Command             Option             Page specification (8 characters)              Terminator
          “0”      “1”                                                                                 Cr

  Bit           7 6 5 4                1 0 7 6         1 0 7 6           1 0 7 6            2      1   0
  Page          3 2 2 2          ~     2 2 2 2    ~    1 1 1 1     ~     8 7 6 5       ~    1      *   *
                0 9 8 7                4 3 2 1         6 5 4 3
  Value                  “00” ~ “FF”         “00” ~ “FF”       “00” ~ “FF”           “00” ~ “FC”

          *0,1 bits should be specified as 0. When 1 is specified, it will register as
           an error (error code 14).


      n Response
      The completion code (“00”when successful) and read data will be transmitted. The
      read data will be transmitted continuously according to the order of page

          code                                     Read data*                               Terminator

         “0”         “0”        (Data 1)                  ⋅⋅⋅           (Data n)               Cr

          *Data number n = specified page × 8

      (2) Write
              The Write command is used when data is to be written onto the Tag Memory in
              units of pages. Data can be written on any specified page. The maximum
              number of pages onto which data may be written at one time is 16.

      n Command
      The pages to be written on and the data to be written onto each page will be
      transmitted as parameters. Page specifications shall be made by specifying the bit
      indicating the page as 1 and the other bits as 0. Data to be written should be specified
      in the order of specification of the designated pages.

        Command        Option            Page specification (8 characters)             Data to be written*

        “0”    “2”                                                               (Data 1)     ⋅⋅⋅       (Data n)       Cr

Bit           7 6 5 4               1 0 7 6                 1 0 7 6                1 0 7 6               2   1     0
Page          3 2 2 2           ~   2 2 2 2           ~     1 1 1 1          ~     8 7 6 5          ~    1 ** **
              0 9 8 7               4 3 2 1                 6 5 4 3
Value                “00” ~ “FF”                 “00” ~ “FF”            “00” ~ “FF”            “00” ~ “FC”

          * Data number n = specified page x 8
          ** 0,1 bits should be specified as 0. When 1 is specified, it will register as an error
             (error code 14).

      n Response
      The completion code (“00” when successful) will be transmitted.

          code                  Terminator

         “0”         “0”            Cr


      (3) Multiple Write
              The Multiple Write command is used when the same data is written in units of
              pages. Pages may be specified at random. There is no limit on the number of
              pages that may be written at one time.

      n Command
      The designated pages to be written and the data to be written onto each page is
      transmitted as parameters. Page specifications shall be made by specifying the bit
      indicating the page as 1 and the other bits as 0. Data to be written should be specified
      in the order of specification of the designated pages.

        Command         Option              Page specification                   Data to be written*
        “0”     “3”                                                        (Data 1)      ⋅⋅⋅     (Data n)       Cr

Bit           7 6 5 4                1 0 7 6           1 0 7 6             1 0 7 6              2      1    0
Page          3 2 2 2          ~     2 2 2 2       ~   1 1 1 1       ~     8 7 6 5         ~    1 ** **
              0 9 8 7                4 3 2 1           6 5 4 3
Value                 “00” ~ “FF”            “00” ~ “FF”         “00” ~ “FF”             “00” ~ “FC”

          * Data number n = 8
          ** 0,1 bits should be specified as 0. When 1 is specified, it will register as an error
             (error code 14).

      n Response
      The completion code (“00” when successful) will be transmitted.

          code                 Terminator

         “0”          “0”            Cr

      (4) Byte Write
              The Byte Write command is used when data is to be written onto the Tag
              Memory in Units of Bytes. Data can only be written on the same specified page.
              Data cannot be written on more than one page.

      n Command
      The pages to be written on and the data to be written onto each page will be
      transmitted as parameters. Address specifications are done by specifying the first
      address where the data is to be written (specification range: 00h ~ EFh). Data will be
      written in accordingly from the specified address. (The maximum volume of data is 8

        Command             Option                               Data to be written*                       Terminator
        “0”     “4”                                (Data 1)                    ⋅⋅⋅         (Data n)             Cr

          * Data number n = number of bytes to be written (maximum 8)
      n Response
      The completion code (“00” when successful) will be transmitted.

          code                 Terminator

         “0”          “0”            Cr


      (5) Write Protection
              The Write Protection command is used to set or turn off write protection on Tag.

      n Command
      The pages to set or turn off write protection on will be transmitted as parameters.
      Page specifications shall be made by specifying the bit indicating the page as 1 and
      the other bits as 0. If set and turn off were specified for the same page, the set
      command will have priority.

        Command        Option        Setting specification (8 characters)       Turn off specification (8 characters)
        “0”    “8”                  (Data 1) (Data 2) (Data 3) (Data 4) (Data 1) (Data 2) (Data 3) (Data 4) Cr

Bit           7 6 5 4                 1 0 7 6              1 0 7 6                 1 0 7 6              2     1   0
Page          3 2 2 2           ~     2 2 2 2        ~     1 1 1 1          ~      8 7 6 5         ~    1     *   *
              0 9 8 7                 4 3 2 1              6 5 4 3
Value                “00” ~ “FF”                 “00” ~ “FF”         “00” ~ “FF”                “00” ~ “FC”

          * 0,1 bits should be specified as 0. When 1 is specified, it will register as an error
            (error code 14).

                           Setting specification (8 characters)
        “0”    “0”    (Data 1) (Data 2) (Data 3) (Data 4)           Cr

Bit           7 6 5 4                 1 0 7 6              1 0 7 6                 1 0 7 6              2     1   0
Page          3 2 2 2           ~     2 2 2 2        ~     1 1 1 1          ~      8 7 6 5         ~    1     *   *
              0 9 8 7                 4 3 2 1              6 5 4 3
Value                “00” ~ “FF”                 “00” ~ “FF”         “00” ~ “FF”                “00” ~ “FC”

          * 0, 1 bits are indicated as 0.

      n Response
      The completion code (“00” when successful) and write protection status information
      will be transmitted.

      (6) ACK
              ACK is transmitted after FIFO Continue is operated and the response is
              received to allow reading of the following:

      n Command

        Command                 Terminator

         “1”         “1”              Cr

      n Response
      There is no response.


(7) NACK
    When the User board was not able to receive a response correctly, NACK is
    transmitted to demand that the response to be transmitted again. When the R/w
    Module receives this command, the most recent response will be transmitted

n Command

  Command          Terminator

  “1”     “2”            Cr

n Response
The most recent response will be transmitted again.

(8) STOP
    The STOP command is used to stop the R/W Module from executing a
    command. When the R/W Module receives this command, it immediately stops
    the execution of the current command and sets on stand by mode for a new

n Command

  Command          Terminator

  “1”     “3”            Cr

n Response

 Completion Code              Terminator

    “0”          “0”             Cr

(9) Oscillation ON / OFF
    The Oscillation ON / OFF command specifies the oscillation of the antenna.
n Command
Oscillation ON                             Oscillation OFF
  Command              Terminator            Command         Terminator

  “1”     “4”             Cr                 “1”      “5”       Cr

n Response

 Completion Code              Terminator

    “0”          “0”             Cr


(10) Test
    The Test command is to conduct transmission tests on the transmission to the
    User board. When the R/W Module receives this command, it transmits the
    same command to the User board.

n Command

  Command                      Test Data                 Terminator

  “1”       “0”    (Data 1)      ⋅⋅⋅         (Data n)       Cr

n Response

  Completion      Test Data (Same data as the command)   Terminator
  “0”       “0”    (Data 1)      ⋅⋅⋅         (Data n)       Cr


5. Error Code List
   (1) Transmission Between User board and R/W Module

  Completion Code         Name                                   Details
        10          Parity error          • There is a parity error in one of the characters
                                            among the command received.
        11          Framing error         • There is a framing error in one of the characters
                                            among the command received.
        12          Overrun error         • There is an overrun error in one of the characters
                                            among the command received.
        14          Format error          • The command format is not suitable for the
                                            Ex) Command section is not specified; page
                                                specification is incorrect, etc.
        18          Frame length error    • When the receiving frame exceeds 260
                                          • When the intervals between the characters being
                                            received exceeded 2 sec.

   (2) Transmission Between R/W Module and Tag

  Completion Code         Name                                   Details
        70          Transmission          • Noise or other disruption occurred during
                    error                   communication with Tag and command cannot be
                                            executed properly.
        71          Verification error    • Tag is dated or incapable of being written correctly
                                            for physical reasons.
        72          Tag absence error     • Tag is not present near antenna at time of
                                            command execution.
        7A          Address               • Page specification is incorrect.
                    specification error
        7B          Outside of write      • There is a Tag in the area where reading is
                    area error              possible but writing is not.
        7D          Write protection      • Write command was executed on a page specified
                    error                   with write protection.
        7F          ID system error       • The Tag used is not to specification of system.

   (3) Hardware problem

  Completion Code         Name                                   Details
        7C          Antenna hardware      • There is a hardware problem on the antenna.


6. Processing Time (Indicative Data)
"The time required for communication between the Tag and RMW Module s asincated belon.
Te folwing values ware obtained in an envronment free of noise or anyothercommunicaton
hindering infuences.

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Document Created: 2000-07-12 13:27:40
Document Modified: 2000-07-12 13:27:40

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