User manual


Users Manual

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                                (FR Notice Utilisateur
                                @ Gebrauchsanleitung

                                @] Manuale d‘uso

                                (NE cepruikershandleiding
                                @ User Manual
Ref. 5065943A

                                (ES) Manual det usuario

                                                                                  Tels 6 Chronis RTS

1. Introduction                               1. 6. Installation                                    o
2. Safety                                     17. Operation                                         o
2.1. Safely and responsibitty                 1.    7.1. Manual mode                                 o
22. Specif safely instuctions                 1     72. Automatic mode                               9
3. Contents                                   2.    8. Tips and recommendations                  11
4. The Tells 6 Chronis RTS in detail          2.    QUestons aboutine Tels6Chronis RTS?             i1
5. Commissioning                              3     9. Technical data                            12
5.1. Battery instalation                      3
52. Settng the general parameters ofthe
    remote conirol ransmter                   s
53. Programming the channels of e
    Tels 6 Chronis RTS                        s
54. mt mode
    (Function specifealy forinstaters)        s
55. Programming the days of e week            6

1. Introduction
The Telis 6 Chronis RTS remote control ransmiter alows you to control up to 6 end—products or
groups ofend—products using Radlo Technology Somy (RTS)
The Tels 6 Chronis RTS can be used in 2 ways:in ether manvaloavtomatic mode
Manual mode allous you to contrl end.products in the house in groups or individualy, depending on
thelr assignments t the 6 groups on the remofe controltransmiter, called channels". The channels,
numbered 1 to 6, can be customised, by assigning them names
Automatie mode allows you to controlthe end—products assigned to the channels on the remote
control transmiter automaticaly, after having created the weekly and daiy programs, caled "automatic
orders". Up to 6 automatic orders can be programmed for each day of the week
2. Safety
2.1. Safety and respon:
Please read this guide carefuly before instaling and using this product
Any use outsidethe sphere ofapplication detined by SomP is prohbited. This invaldates the warranty
and cischarges Somofalllabiit, as does any falure to comply wih the instructions given herein
Never begin instaling without first checking the compatiblity of this product wih the associated
equment and accessories
2.2. Specific safety instructions
To avid damaging the product
1) Avoid impacts!
2) Do not drop it
3) Do not spray or immerse in liquids.
4) Do not use abrasive products or solvents to clean the product. ts surface can be cleaned wih a
   soft,damp cotn.
/A Keep out of the reach or chigren.

  FGG information on the product;

on the back side of the remote control

      Telis 6 Chronis
       RTS Pure US
 FCC ID:DWNTELISS                      Cemesiten
    Made in France

 US products (Wih FCC ID on the label roduct
         This deves conples vith Rar 15 ofthe FCC Rules
          Operaion s subictto he folowing o condions:
 —bis device may rotcause hm nterference, and
 «hi dvice mustacceptany interlrence recaived, nclutng inteerence
 that may cause undesited operaion
 Changes or masfeatons not eorensly anorored by the manutacher
 could vod theusers authotyto cperateheeavement

Tels 6 Chvonis RTS

3. Contents
              Description             a.
  a |teis 6 chrons RtS                 1
  6 |Wall mount wi serew cap           1
  c |screw ht                          1
  a |AAA (LRG) bateres                2

4. The Telis 6 Chronis RTS in detail
   e)Red indicator Ight (radt transmission incicator)
   1)Selection button (a )
   g)Arow buttons (« or > )
   h)@ button (raise, switch on, open, positon and
     increase ighting or heating)
  i) @ button (stop, go to (my]favounte postton)
  J) @ button (ower, swich of, close, postion and
     reduce lghting or heating)
   k) PROG button
   1) Battery compartment cover
  + Sereen in manual mod
   m)Numberofthe selected channel (1..6)
   n) Name of the selected channe!
      (5 aiphanumeric characters)
   0) Set mode actve: ser
   p) Low battery symbotO
  + Sereen in automatic mode:
   q) Simufated presence function active: til1                     \~elgmet
   t) Current tme                                                      CBS
   5) Set mode actve: ser
   ) Low battery symbot D
                                                                   *(© seerce 9+4
   u) Days of the weekc me = Monday, To Tuesday,
      we = Wednesday, th = Thursday, t Friday,
      s» = Saturday, s = Sunday
   v) Programmed automatie orders (1
   w) Time selected fotiggering the order. settme or "bitight* C
   x) & or 9 orders
   y) Channels to select
   2) ®. stopi@, @ order

5. Commissioning
A Before using the Tells 6 Chronts RTS, we recommend that each motor is programmed in advance
    using an individual Tels 1 RTS type control pont and that he Iimit switches of each motorare set.
    However,like any RTS remote controfransmtter, the Tels 6 Chronis RTS can be used for motar
     commissioning operations (imit switch adjustment, tc.)
This manual ony describes commissioning using anindividual RTS controlpointsuch as Tels 1 RTS
For commissioning wih a diferent RTS control pont, refer o the corresponding manual

  W Afer2 minutes onactvty,he Tels 6 Chvon‘s RTS screen suches automaticaly to sieep mode
  When the screen is off, frst press any button o turit on
  When eatingthe setings, you can returm to e operating mode (manualor avtomatic) atany tme
  by pressing and holding the selection button (a). Only confimed paramelers are saved
5.1. Battery installation
— Remove the battery cover from the back of the Tells 6
  Chronis RTS
—Insert the 2 AAA (LR3) batteries folowing the polarty
— Replace the battery cover on the Tells 6 Chron‘s RTS
~Activate the Telis 6 Chronis RTS by pressing any button
/A Never use rechargeable batteres
© ces the batteries when the (0) symbol appears on
   the sereen
A, itlhere is no power suppl foran extended period ofime (batteries out of chargeor removed},tre
   general parameters of the remofe contratransmiter will have. to be reset. However, automatc
   orders remain stored in the memory.
5.2. Setting the general parameters of the remote control transmitter
when   the batters are frst instaled, "Remote control settngs" mode is actvated drecty. "SET" and
"YEARappear      on the sereen, with the year fashing (tis is the frst parameter tobe se
) Afleran extended period oflime with no powersuppl, when automatic mode is selected., ‘Remoe
     contro setings® mode is also actvated directt.
Al each stage,the parameterto be set fashes
— Press the arrow buttons (« or > )to change
  the paramefer (pressing and hoiding the                                             1EAR
  button serals the characters fasten)
—To save the parameter and move to the                                                 —@07
 next parameter, briefly press the selection                                            {ut
 button (e)                                  p
—Remote control settngs* mode can be
 deactvated at any tme by pressing and                                                    y
 holding the selection button (e). Only
 conrmed parameters are saved
                                                                                    E’???fl?% 74

The parameters appear i the following order:
1) "YEAR® (current year)
2) "MONTH® (numbero the current montn)
3) "Dav"(number of the current day)
4) and 5) "TME(current ime in hours and minutes)
6) "AREA® (ocation ofresidence}:                         3
7) and 8) *JUNE® (ime otwilgnt at midsummer, in June, in
   hours and minutes}‘*
9) and 10) ‘DEC®(ime ofwiight at midwinterin December,
   in hours and minutes}**
/A The titight tmes must be set between 6 am and 11 pm
11)Whether or not there are sun sensors (@); select
   "SUN®(one or more sun sensors) or "NO SUN(no sun
12)8riefy press the selection button (a ) to confim the last |7
   parameter."Remote controisetings* mode is deactvated,
   and the Te6 Chronis RTS retums to automatic mode
(@) {Remole contrl setings" mode can be deactivated at any                "                "
    time by pressing and holding the selecion button (e). |g                   o
    Only contrmed parameters are saved                            ;]'E[            J]fi C

* Location ot residence
The Tells 6 Chronis RTS is factory.contiqured to automatially swich between summer time and
wintertme based on the location ofresidence. Selectthe location o residence as Europe (EU) or the
United States (US),or choose OFF to deactivate the automatictme change function and to make the
change manualy
In automatic mode, the "Iwiightfunction (€,) makes it
possible to vary the time an order is tiggered in tne with
the sunset, according to the date (see dlagram). Incicate
the tme at which the order is to be guen in June (ime
at midsummen) and in December (ime at midwinten)
The Tels 6 Chronis RTS wil automatically recalculate the
twiight tme for the otner days of he year.
* Taking account of the presence of sun sensors in the house
 + Select "SUN® if motors or receivers are inked to one or more RTS sun sensors
    (Sunis WireFree RTS or Soins RTS)
 + Select "NO SUNif he house does not have any RTS sun sensors

5.3. Programming the channels of the Telis 6 Chronis RTS
§3.1. Naming a channel
() channels can only be named in manual mode:
1) Make sure that the Tells 6 Chron‘s RTS is in manual mode (fitis in automatic mode, brefly press
   the selection button ( ) to switch to manual mode)
2) Select the channel you want to customise using the
   arrow butions (+ or> )                                    ‘ roun            2N           (egun   o
3) Press and hold the selection button (e) until "SET*                         C        @           C
   appears on the screen "SET" mode is actvated: the
   fasting hyphen corresponds to the charader to be
4) Select the location of the character to be edted using                           s
   he navigation buttons (+ or> ): the tasting nypren               [RR¥Y! 2            [R@ 2
    corresponds to the character to be edited
5) Brefyypress he selection button (a )to editthecharacter
    in this ocation
6) The character fashes: to select another character, press
    the arrow buttons (« or > )                             s        f         7
The 5 characters can be alphabetic (A to 2) or numeric         rebhe 2|            P 2
7) Eniety press the selection button (e) to save the
    character displayed and move to the next character
8) Repeat steps 4 to 7 for each of the charactrs in the |
    chamers name
9) Press and hold the selection button ( ) until ‘SET" is no longer displayed on the screen: "SET"
    mode is deactvated, and the Te6 Chronis RTS retums to manual mode
Naming the other channels
— Repeat steps 1 to 9 for each channel you want o customise

5.3.2. Assigning or deleting end—products in each channel
) The procedure forassigning end.products to he channels ofthe Tels 6 Chronts RTS and deleting
  them is identical. t can only be done in mantal mode.
1) Make sure that the Tels 6 Chronss RTS is in manual (
   mode (t it is in automatic mode, brefy oress the          ||2      [
   selection button (#) to swtch to manual mode)                          |
2) Press and hold the PROG button on the indivual RTS                              Tp   @
   contrl point that has already been Iinked, untl the
   end.product moves back and forth: programming mode              neveints
   is actvated for 2 minutes
3) Use the arrow buttons (« or ) to selectthe channel on     * pgippy @
   the Tels 6 Chronis RTS to be programmed
4) Eiety press the PROG button on the Tels 5 Chrons
   RTS: the end.product moves back and forth, and it is
   assigned to or deleted from the chosen channel on the
   Tels 6 Chronis RTS                                    [
«in order to assign or delete the end—product fom other                        2
  channels, repeat steps 1 to 4, selecting another channel           Eo            sy
— To assign ordelele other endproductsrepeat steps 1 to 4                               &

Tels 6 Chvonis RTS

5.4. "Tilt"   mode (Function specifically for installers)
It the end—products has titable stats (terior or exterior Ventian binds, roler shutters with titable:
stats), siatorientation mode can be contiqured in "EU" or "US" mode on each channel. For he motors
of interior binds, other than blinds with titable stats: binds, roller shutters, screens, etc. it is
recommended thatthe "Tt" mode be contigured in "US® mode. By defaul, all channels are contigured
in "US" mode
(D) "Tt moge can only be changed in manual mode
1). Make sure that the Tels 6 Chronis RTS is
    in manual mode (fitis n automatic mode,
    briety press the selection button (®) to
    switch to manval mode)
2) Selectthe channel you want t confiure
    using the arrow buttons (« or > )
3) Press and hold the selection button (#)
    untl ‘SET* and "MODEappear on the          *                                    yore
    screen. °US" o"EU" fasnes. To change
   mode, press the arrow buttons (+ or> ).      5.    w             L                    w
4) Briety press the selection button (a ) to    %l—» Jke           +E”              >
    save the parameter and ext Til® mode                    "~        |        2
— To contiqure anotherchannet.repeat steps %;
  105                                              ypre                              rogn       J2
                                                       we        *             +

5.5. Programming the days of the week
The Tels 6 Chronis RTS can automaticaly send orders to one or more groups of end.products when
it is in automatic mode, ater creating a program. Up to 6 automatic orders can be programmed for
each day ofthe week
Each ofthese automatic orders can be:
    + Setfor a settime or at twiight
    + Applled o 1 to 6 channels (all end.products on the same channel are contoled at e same tme)
     0.0.9. § o 9
q The days oftweek can only be programmed in automatic mode
      utomatic order programming" mode can be deactivated at any tme by pressing and holcing the
    selection button (e). Only contimed parameters are saved
§.51. Selecting the day to be programmed
1) Make sure that e Tels 6 Chrons RTSis in automatic
   mode (f ts in manual mode, briet press the selection        2oe
   button (a ) to swich to automatic mode)                     @x=>>—>
2) Press and hold the selection button (#) untit ‘SET"
   appears on the screen: *Automati order programming®
   mode is actvated, and the day previousy displayed
3) Select the day you want to program using the arrow
   buttons (« or )
4) Briefpress e selection butlon (® ) o program the day
   thatis fashing: "EDIT* appears and fashes.

§..2.    Editing an automatic order
5) When "EDIT" fashes, brety press the selecton butlon (@).   e======~~
   an avtomatic order fasnes                                  [   gait
6) Creating or modiying an automatic order                         Ksd
  + To create a new automatic order. selectthe blank order [ mm3
     using the arrow buttons (« or+) and go to step 7.               ‘
     (If 6 automatiorders have already been created, only
     one of tese orders can be modted)                            ;
  + To modity an automatic order: select the avtomatic
     orderto be modifed using the arrow buttons (« or> )
     and go to step 7.
Selecting the time
7) Brietty press the selection button (#) to confim the
    selection: the time fashes                                    ° Epit
8) Use the artow buttons (+ or>),to select the twiight /R
    option(page 4) or at a set tme and briety press the
    selection buton (® ) to contim the selection
  + To edita twilight time, go to step 13                              en
  « To edita set time, go to step 9
9) The hour fashes: to change the hour, press the arrow |"
    buttons (« or )
10)Briety press the selection button (a ) to contrm the nour x
    and then set he minutes
11)The minutes fash: to change the minutes, press the
    arrow buttons (« or> )
12)eriefy press the setection button ( ) to contim the tme
    and then set he channels
Selecting the channets
13)Scect the channel to be edited usng: the: arow                         earo
    buttons (+ or» ) then briety pressthe selecion button (a ) to
    actvate (symbot @) ordeactvate ymbot: 0) e channel              giit
14)Press the arrow buttons («or>) to select another
    channel and repeat step 13 to actvate or deactvate
    each chamnet
15)once the channels have been selected, press the
    arow buttons («or>) untl al 6. channels flash
16)@rief press the selection button (e) to confim the
    channel slection and then set he order
Selecting the order
17)An order fashes:to select an order from
    ®. @. @. &. Q. press the arrow buttons (« or > )
    Tne & and & orders are not aisplayed when
    programming the days ofthe week "NO SUN(no sun
    sensors)"* (page 4) was selected when the general
    parameters of e clock were set.
1@)Briefty press the selection button (e) to contim the
   order selected: the day concemed fashes
19)Press and hold the selection button (® ) o exit"SET" mode and retum to automatic mode

6. Installation
Check the radio transmission range before instaling the
Tels 6 Chronis RTS mount, The raciorange is 20 m througn
2 concrete wals
— Selecta location for the wall mount
— Mark the screw locations (vertcal spacing: 40 mm)
— Drit,then secure the mount wih the screws (use anchors
~Fit e screw cap
      The use of rado applances (eg. HFi rado
£A nesgphones) operating on the, same Tequency
      may cause interference and reduce. the products
/A Neverinstal the Ters 6 Chron‘s RTS on or near metal
      surfaces as doing so may reduce the rao transmission range

7. Operation
    To swilch from manual to automatic
    mode, or automatto manual mode,           LBIN E                             CBS0
    brefy press tselection buton (# )                                          «=s> >
                                                              ba            + |smmmme
7.1. Manual mode
Wanual mode on the Tels 6 Chronis RTS is
used to:
  «: Send an occasional ordert the end—products assigned to t6 dferent channels
  + Deactvate automatic order programming
For example, channel 1 "ROONMY is used to open the roler shutters of the parents‘ |ROQ‘f
bedroom, channel 2 "LIVIN® is used to move the raller shutter in the lounge to e
igeat posiion to avaid refections on the computer and TV screens, and channel 3
"TERRA®is used to lower the terrace awning to go and sit outside, etc
/ When manual mede is selected, the Sun function is avtomaticaly deactvated
     ‘The function wilbe reactivated at e next programmed & automatic order
7A.1. Controlling the channels manually
~Select the channel of the Telis 6 Chrons
 RTS to be used wih the arow buttons          RrODr       ,                        LHAN E
 («or>): each channel is identffed by

 a number and the selected name (see
 "Customisation of channels* section)
«Briefy press the @, @, or @ button
 corresponding to e desireorder
—When the intermediate postion has been programmed and the end—product is stopped, brefy
 press @: the end—product or the group of end—products is activated and goes to the (my) favourte
71.2. Changing the name of a channel
See the "Naming a channer section

7.1.3. Changing or deleting an end—product in a channel
See the "Assigning or deleting endproducts in each channer section

7.2. Automatic       mode
Automatic mode on the Tels 6 Chron‘s RTS is used to
  + Automaticalyy control the enc—products assigned to the 6 diferent channels, using automatic
     arders programmed according to the days of the week
  + Program the actvation or deactvation ofthe Sun function, according to the channels
Example of programming a day in winter: at 06:45, € orderto genty open the roler      3
shutters ofthe parents‘bedtoom (ROOM1®; at 07:00, @ orderto open allthe roter      202
shutters and biinds on the ground foorand take advantage of the sunlght (LIVI, ©«=>*=«
"DININ®, and "KITGH; at O7:45, @ orderto open the raler shuters of the chidren‘$.| A2EIm
bedroom (ROOM2®; at 09:00, @ order to open the rater snutters orthe beatooms G2.5
and allow the heat to enter viathe windows (ROON1® and "ROOM2®)at twiight, &        *29"®
orderto all end—products to protectthe house rom the cold
—Programming the_automatie arters for (1—5spsz             L
  each day of the week (see "Programming                   wl
  the days ofthe weeke section)                 hhgn «s      |E| mugecss
—In automatic mode, the current day and @@x@ae                     | |n=ss=
  the next automaticorder scheduled forthat                  |%)>            Es
 day are displayed                                                 o       1    torst
~To view all automatic orders that have                       |                2oe
 been programmed, scrol rom one to the                       C                   s
 another using the arrow buttons (+ or > )                                     niguss
~To stop an automatic order that is in        }c 6             |%E@%§fw
  rogress, retum t manual, mode                                         o    —
 Ealy presing tno setecton puton (a),          P "=see             pilliiesd
 select the channel corresponding to the                    u
 end—products concemed and press the
 stop/my button                                                I
                                                  se 4)            on)|

7.2.1. Modifying the programming of the days of the week
See "Programming the days of the weeie section
7.2 2. ActivationMDeactivation of the Sun function
     ‘Tme Sun function can onl be actvated n automatic mode, by programming an & automatic order
     When an & automati orderis programmed for one day of the week, Som¥ recommends that
         § order is also programmed later the same day,in particular i other aulomatic orders are
     programmed subsequenty.
in automatic mode
  + i an & automatc orderis programmed, this means that, at the indicated tme, the motors or
    receivers inked to one or more RTS sun sensors willtake the orders generated by these sensors
    Intoaccount.The end—produts concemed wil react according tothe amount of sunignt, untthe
    next 2 automatic order
  + Ifan @ automatorder is programmed. this means that, at the indicated time, trese motors or
    receivers will cease to take the orders from the RTS sun sensors into account

_ The Sun function is only actve in autematic mode As seon as the Tels 6 Chronis RTS swtches
  to manual mode, tisfunction is automaticaly deactivated. t can only be actvated at the next
    programmed 6 automatic order.

7.2.3. Simulated presence function
in automatic mode, the "Simulated presence" function randomy changes the times at which the
programmed automatic orders are tniggered, within a range of 0 to 30 minutes. This function is
specially recommended to simulate your presence when you are away from homefor an extended
period oftime.
To activate the function:
1) Make sure that tTels 6 Chronis RTS is in automatic mode (1t is in manual mode, brefy press
    the selection button (@) to slch to automatic mode)
2) Press both arrow buttons (« and > ) simuitaneousiy:
   ie (NI1) symbo! appears on the screen: the "Simulated
    presence"funcionis actvated
To deactivate the function:                                                            seorsere
— Press both arrow buttons (« and ) simultaneousiy: e               o0                    00
  (11) symbo! dsappears ftom the screen: t"Simulated                ts
  presence" tinctonis deactvated
— Or swilch to manual mode
A Switching to manual mode automaticaly deactvates the "Simulated presence" function. The
    function must be reactvated, f required, when returning to automatic mode.

7.2.4. Modifying the general parameters of the remote control transmitter
) The general parameters of the remote control ransmiter can only be modifed in atomatic
1) Make sure that e Tels 6 Chronis RTS is in automatic mode (1tis in manual mode, brefy press
    the selection button (®) to swich to automatic mode)
2) Press and hold the selection button ( until "SETand YEAR®appear on the screen (> 7 5)
    ‘Remote control setings* mode is actvated. The year flasnes: tis i the frst parameter to be set.
3) Folow the procedure in the "Seting the general parameters of the remote controtransmiter®
4) Once the last parameter has been contimed. ‘Remote controsetings* mode is deactivated, and
    the Tels 6 Chronis RTS retums to automatic mode
(@ ‘Remole contral setings* mode can be deactivated at any time by pressing and holding the
     selection buton (0. Only confirmed paramelers are saved

8. Tips and recommendations
Questions about the Telis 6 Chronis RTS?
   aclcd                     e                                           Solutions
                       [The bateres arelow              Replace te bateris.
                       [The endprodud(® stare)not on    |Sdectthe corespontng chamel o add e
                       the seieced channet              Imoto o eceivrto hechannel
‘The endproducts on he ‘Theremole contol ransmier is    |See the ‘AdaingDlaing afeis 6 Givon‘s RTS"
seleced ?Ihzmvel doon notprogrammed                     secton
react atall when
theTol8          a blo |Extomalradequipmentis
             6 Chon    Innforny wih B radoreception_|UMOFary ado applances neatby
                       Thremote controltransmiteis in   (Brefy pres he selecion buton to sutch to
                       |atomate mode                    Imanial mode
                       ‘The metors)oreceive(sare in     \Wait fothe moto o cool doin, then press the
                       Ihemmal estout mode              Idesred buton again

Ts 6 ClvonisRTS

                       [The ndproduc has encBunIer® [nemove the cbstace and ty agan
linendproduct stops    |ancbstade
tarmg actvaton         [Ancthr contral it s sending an Wat untl acvatn o the endproducthas
                       larder o the motororecaiver           |inshed, hn ty again
                       ‘the & fincton has not been           (Add an & avtomaticordertothe program for
e endproducts do not |prograimmed forthe curentday           [he day
respond to order rom
    esnsemscr          uichngtomanualmode has                [naitporthenertpogamned € orteror pogam
                          cthaled      sun incton            lan { automatc order for the curent day.
[ order has shited
                       ‘The —‘Simulated presence‘ — uncton                 .                    .
in          ime
   elatonto he         is acivated                           Deacivats the‘Simuated presence" fncton

9. Technical data
Radio frequency: 439.42 M
Frotection rating: iP 30
Operating temperature: 0°C to + 60°C (+ 32°F to + 140°F)
Remote controltransmiter dmensions: 145 x 47 x 16 mm
Fower supply: 2AAA (LRG) batteres

_ Please separate the starage cels and batteres rom otner ypes of waste and recycle them
  via your local colecton facity

r                                                            Capyight © 2010 Somty SA Al rights reserved


Document Created: 2011-01-03 16:15:46
Document Modified: 2011-01-03 16:15:46

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