Test Report


Test Report

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                                                                                                 210 Cougar Court
                Advanced                                                                   Hillsborough, NJ 08844
                                                                                                 Tel: (908) 927 9288
                Compliance Laboratory                                                           Fax: (908) 927 0728

                           SWF ROLLER SHADE RADIO ZWAVE
                                     MODEL: RSZ1
                            FCC ID: DWNRSZ IC:12049A-RSZ
                                            April 18, 2016

    This report concerns (check one): Original grant             x       Class II change
    Equipment type: Low Power Intentional Radiator

    Test Specifications:
    ____FCC Part 15C Sec. 15.249
    ____Industry Canada RSS-210 (Issue 8) & RSS-Gen (Issue 3)

    Deferred grant requested per 47 CF 0.457(d)(1)(ii)?    yes            no     x
                                    If yes, defer until:                     (date)
    Company agrees to notify the Commission by                                (date)
    of the intended date of announcement of the product so that the grant can be
    issued on that date.

    Report prepared for:                             SOMFY SYSTEMS INC.
    Report prepared by:                              Advanced Compliance Lab
    Report number:                                   0048-160405-03

Lab Code: 200101    The test result in this report IS supported and covered by the NVLAP accreditation

EUT name: SWF Roller Shade Radio ZWave                                                          Model No. RSZ1
                                                                                   FCC ID: DWNRSZ, IC:12049A-RSZ

Table of Contents

Report Cover Page .........................................................................................................1

Table of Contents ...........................................................................................................2


1. GENERAL INFORMATION ......................................................................................4
      1.1 Verification of Compliance............................................................................4
      1.2 Equipment Modifications ..............................................................................5
      1.3 Product Information .......................................................................................6
      1.4 Test Methodology ..........................................................................................6
      1.5 Test Facility ...................................................................................................6
      1.6 Test Equipment ..............................................................................................6
      1.7 Statement for the Document Use ...................................................................7
2. PRODUCT LABELING ..............................................................................................8
3. SYSTEM TEST CONFIGURATION .........................................................................9
      3.1 Justification ....................................................................................................9
      3.2 Special Accessories........................................................................................9
      3.3 Configuration of Tested System ....................................................................9
4. SYSTEM SCHEMATICS ...........................................................................................13
5. RADIATED EMISSION DATA .................................................................................14
      5.1 Field Strength Calculation .............................................................................14
      5.2 Test Methods and Conditions ........................................................................14
      5.3 Test Data ........................................................................................................14
6. EUT RECEIVING MODE VERIFICATION..............................................................19
7. CONDUCTED EMISSION DATA……………………………………………..……21
8. PHOTOS OF TESTED EUT .......................................................................................25

Advanced Compliance Lab, 6 Randolph Way, Hillsborough, NJ 08844 Tel: (908) 927-9288 Fax: (908) 927-0728


EUT name: SWF Roller Shade Radio ZWave                                                  Model No. RSZ1
                                                                           FCC ID: DWNRSZ, IC:12049A-RSZ


Figure 2.1 FCC/IC ID Label .........................................................................................8

Figure 2.2 Location of Label .........................................................................................8

Figure 3.1 Radiated Test Setup ....................................................................................10

Figure 4.1 EUT Schematics ...........................................................................................12

Figure 8.1-8.10 EUT Photos ..........................................................................................26+

Advanced Compliance Lab, 6 Randolph Way, Hillsborough, NJ 08844 Tel: (908) 927-9288 Fax: (908) 927-0728


EUT name: SWF Roller Shade Radio ZWave                                       Model No. RSZ1
                                                                FCC ID: DWNRSZ, IC:12049A-RSZ

1.1 Verification of Compliance

                   EUT:               SWF ROLLER SHADE RADIO ZWAVE

                 Model:               RSZ1

             Applicant:               SOMFY SYSTEMS INC.

            Test Type:                FCC Part 15.249 &
                                      IC RSS-210 (Issue 8) A2.9 & RSS-Gen (Issue 4)

                 Result:              PASS

             Tested by:               ADVANCED COMPLIANCE LABORATORY

             Test Date:               April 18, 2016

      Report Number:                  0048-160405-03

The above equipment was tested by Compliance Laboratory, Advanced Technologies, Inc. for
compliance with the requirement set forth in the FCC rules and regulations Part 15 subpart C. This
said equipment in the configuration described in the report, shows the maximum emission levels
emanating from equipment are within the compliance requirements.

The estimated uncertainty of the test result is given as following. The method of uncertainty
calculation is provided in Advanced Compliance Lab. Doc. No. 0048-01-01.

                                     Prob. Dist.   Uncertainty(dB)      Uncertainty(dB)      Uncertainty(dB)
                                                    30-1000MHz            1-6.5GHz             Conducted
Combined Std. Uncertainty uc           norm.            ±2.36                ±2.99                ±1.83

Wei Li                                                                    Date April 18, 2016
Lab Manager
Advanced Compliance Lab

Advanced Compliance Lab, 6 Randolph Way, Hillsborough, NJ 08844 Tel: (908) 927-9288 Fax: (908) 927-0728


EUT name: SWF Roller Shade Radio ZWave                                       Model No. RSZ1
                                                                FCC ID: DWNRSZ, IC:12049A-RSZ

1.2 Equipment Modifications


Advanced Compliance Lab, 6 Randolph Way, Hillsborough, NJ 08844 Tel: (908) 927-9288 Fax: (908) 927-0728


EUT name: SWF Roller Shade Radio ZWave                                       Model No. RSZ1
                                                                FCC ID: DWNRSZ, IC:12049A-RSZ

1.3 Product Information

                                 System Configuration
       ITEM                  DESCRIPTION               FCC/IC ID                                     CABLE
       Product       SWF ROLLER SHADE RADIO DWNRSZ (1)
                     ZWAVE, Model: RSZ1           12049A-RSZ
      Housing        PLASTICS
    Power Supply     AC/DC Adaptor, 12Vdc
   Operation Freq. 908.42/916.0MHz
      Receiver       RSZ1(Rx)                     Verification
(1) EUT submitted for grant.

1.4 Test Methodology

Radiated tests were performed according to the procedures in ANSI C63.4-2014 at an antenna to
EUT distance of 3 meters.

1.5 Test Facility

The open area test site and conducted measurement facility used to collect the radiated and
conducted data are located at Hillsborough, New Jersey, USA. This site is accepted by FCC to
perform measurements under Part 15 or 18 (Registration # 90601) and also designated by IC as “
site IC 3130”. This site The NVLAP Lab code for accreditation of FCC EMC Test Method is:

1.6 Test Equipment

 Manufacture         Model          Serial No.                   Description                  Cal Due
Hewlett-Packard     HP8546A       3448A00290                    EMI Receiver                  25/09/16
    Agilent         E4440A        US40420700         3Hz-26.5GHz Spectrum Analyzer            17/06/16

Electro-Meterics ALR-25M/30            289          10KHz-30MHz Active Loop Antenna           28/05/16
     EMCO             3104C        9307-4396            20-300MHz Biconical Antenna           12/11/17

    EMCO              3146         9008-2860         200-1000MHz Log-Periodic Antenna         13/11/17
    EMCO              3115           49225            Double Ridge Guide Horn Antenna         28/11/17
Fischer Custom       LISN-2        900-4-0008       Line Impedance Stabilization Networks     18/03/17
COM-POWER            L1215A          191994         Line Impedance Stabilization Networks     24/03/18

All Test Equipment Used are Calibrated Traceable to NIST Standards. Calibration interval: 2 year.

Advanced Compliance Lab, 6 Randolph Way, Hillsborough, NJ 08844 Tel: (908) 927-9288 Fax: (908) 927-0728


EUT name: SWF Roller Shade Radio ZWave                                       Model No. RSZ1
                                                                FCC ID: DWNRSZ, IC:12049A-RSZ

1.7 Statement for the Document Use

This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the laboratory.
And this report must not be used by the client to claim product endorsement by NVLAP or any
agency of the U.S. & Canada Government.

Advanced Compliance Lab, 6 Randolph Way, Hillsborough, NJ 08844 Tel: (908) 927-9288 Fax: (908) 927-0728


EUT name: SWF Roller Shade Radio ZWave                                          Model No. RSZ1
                                                                   FCC ID: DWNRSZ, IC:12049A-RSZ


                 Somfy      SWF Roller Shade Radio ZWave
                 Model No.: RSZ1
                 FCC ID: DWNRSZ  Figure  2.1 FCC ID Label
                                    IC: 12049A-RSZ

                    This device complies with part 15 of the FCC
                    Rules and IC RSS-210 & RSS-Gen Rules..
                    Operating is subject to the following two
                      Figure 2.2 Location of Label on the Side of EUT
                    conditions: (1) This device may not cause
                    harmful interference, and (2) this device must
                    accept any interference received, including
                    interference that may cause undesired operation.

                                       Figuare 2.1 FCC/IC ID Label
                                   (Only ID show on the EUT)


                                       Figure 2.2 Location of the Label

Advanced Compliance Lab, 6 Randolph Way, Hillsborough, NJ 08844 Tel: (908) 927-9288 Fax: (908) 927-0728


EUT name: SWF Roller Shade Radio ZWave                                       Model No. RSZ1
                                                                FCC ID: DWNRSZ, IC:12049A-RSZ

3.1 Justification

The system was configured for testing in a typical fashion (as a customer would normally use it).
Customized wire antenna was used.
Testing was performed as EUT was continuously operated at the following frequency channels:
Low=908.42MHz, High=916MHz

Fresh external battery was used for extended operating time. However, EUT was checked with the
internal battery and it was confirmed that the readings obtained with the fresh external battery
remain representative of the device as marketed.

3.2 Special Accessories


3.3 Configuration of Tested System

Figure 3.1 illustrate this system, which is tested standing along.

Advanced Compliance Lab, 6 Randolph Way, Hillsborough, NJ 08844 Tel: (908) 927-9288 Fax: (908) 927-0728


EUT name: SWF Roller Shade Radio ZWave                                       Model No. RSZ1
                                                                FCC ID: DWNRSZ, IC:12049A-RSZ

Advanced Compliance Lab, 6 Randolph Way, Hillsborough, NJ 08844 Tel: (908) 927-9288 Fax: (908) 927-0728


EUT name: SWF Roller Shade Radio ZWave                                       Model No. RSZ1
                                                                FCC ID: DWNRSZ, IC:12049A-RSZ

Advanced Compliance Lab, 6 Randolph Way, Hillsborough, NJ 08844 Tel: (908) 927-9288 Fax: (908) 927-0728


EUT name: SWF Roller Shade Radio ZWave                                       Model No. RSZ1
                                                                FCC ID: DWNRSZ, IC:12049A-RSZ

                                   Figure 3.1 Radiated Test Setup

Advanced Compliance Lab, 6 Randolph Way, Hillsborough, NJ 08844 Tel: (908) 927-9288 Fax: (908) 927-0728


EUT name: SWF Roller Shade Radio ZWave                                       Model No. RSZ1
                                                                FCC ID: DWNRSZ, IC:12049A-RSZ


                                                See Attachment.

                                       Figure 4.1 System Schematics

Advanced Compliance Lab, 6 Randolph Way, Hillsborough, NJ 08844 Tel: (908) 927-9288 Fax: (908) 927-0728


EUT name: SWF Roller Shade Radio ZWave                                       Model No. RSZ1
                                                                FCC ID: DWNRSZ, IC:12049A-RSZ


5.1 Field Strength Calculation
The corrected field strength is automatically calculated by EMI Receiver using following:
                                   FS = RA +AF + CF + AG

where FS: Corrected Field Strength in dBV/m
      RA: Amplitude of EMI Receiver before correction in dBV
      AF: Antenna Factor in dB/m
      CF: Cable Attenuation Factor in dB
      AG: Built-in Preamplifier Gain in dB (Stored in receiver as part of the calibration data)

5.2 Test Methods and Conditions

The initial step in collecting radiated data is a EMI Receiver scan of the measurement range below
30MHz using peak detector and 9KHz IF bandwidth / 30KHz video bandwidth. For the range
30MHz - 1GHz, 100KHz IF bandwidth / 100KHz video bandwidth are used. Both bandwidths are
1MHz for above 1GHz measurement. The frequency range from 9KHz up to 10th harmonics were

5.3 Test Data

The following data lists the significant emission frequencies, polarity and position, peak reading of
the EMI Receiver, the FCC limit, and the difference between the peak reading and the limit.
Explanation of the correction and calculation are given in section 5.1.

Test Personnel:

Typed/Printed Name: Edward Lee                                         Date:     April 18, 2016

Advanced Compliance Lab, 6 Randolph Way, Hillsborough, NJ 08844 Tel: (908) 927-9288 Fax: (908) 927-0728


EUT name: SWF Roller Shade Radio ZWave                                              Model No. RSZ1
                                                                       FCC ID: DWNRSZ, IC:12049A-RSZ

                               Radiated Test Data (CH-908.42/916MHz)
                                                 Peak /QP                            Average
    Frequency   Polarity    Antenna   Azimuth             FCC/IC 3m Difference                   FCC/IC 3m    Difference
                                                 Reading                             Reading
                                                                     To Peak                     QP/Average    To AVG
                  (V,H)      Height               at 3m   Peak Limit                   with
                                                                       Limit                        Limit       Limit
                Position                            (2)          (3)                                (1)
      (MHz)      (X,Y,Z)      (m)     (Degree)   (dBuV/m)   (dBuV/m)     (dBuV/m)   (dBuV/m)      (dBuV/m)    (dBuV/m)
      908.4        V          1.1      090        81.5                                              94            -12.5
     1816.8        V          1.1      090        43.4           74         -30.6     38.1          54            -15.9
     2725.2        V          1.1      000        54.6           74         -19.4     52.8          54             -1.2
      908.4        H          1.1      090        92.2                                              94             -1.8
     1816.9        H          1.0      045        44.5           74         -29.5     39.6          54            -14.4
     2725.5        H          1.0      180        49.2           74         -24.8     45.9          54             -8.1
       916         V          1.1      045        90.4                                              94             -3.6
      1832         V          1.1      090        46.4           74         -27.6     43.4          54            -10.6
      2748         V          1.1      000        54.1           74         -19.9     52.5          54             -1.5
       916         H          1.0      090        92.9                                              94             -1.1
      1832         H          1.1      090        46.9           74         -27.1     43.6          54            -10.4
      2748         H          1.1      000        55.2           74         -18.8     53.0          54             -1.0

(1) The limit for emissions within the 902-928MHz band is 50mV(94dB) per FCC Sec. 15.249 & IC RSS-210 Annex
2.9. The limit for its harmonics is 500uV (54dB). Other spurious emissions shall be lower than either its fundamental
by 50dB or the limit defined in Sec. 15.209, whichever is higher.
(2) If the peak reading is less than the FCC/IC quasi-peak or average limit, it’ll be not necessary to show the
measured/ calculated quasi-peak or average reading.
(3) For above 1GHz range, peak reading shall meet the limit: average Limit+20dB.

Other Spurious outside of the band 902-928MHz

                                                      Peak     Peak     FCC/IC
          Frequency Polarity Antenna Azimuth                                   Difference
                                                     Reading Reading      3m
                             (V,H)  Height            at 3m    After     Limit
                           Position                     (2)  Correction   (1)
              (MHz)         (X,Y,Z)  (m)   (Degree) (dBuV/m) (dBuV/m) (dBuV/m) (dBuV/m)
              160.2            H     1.8     045       32.7              43.5        -10.8
              183.0            H     1.4     045       34.8              43.5         -8.7
               785             H     1.0     135       40.0              46.5         -6.5
               864             H     1.0     180       41.4              46.5         -5.1
               39.4            V     1.8     270       32.4              40.0         -7.6
              115.5            V     1.8     045       32.3              43.5        -11.2
               762             V     1.1     180       39.4              46.5         -7.1
               870             V     1.1     180       40.7              46.5         -5.8

Advanced Compliance Lab, 6 Randolph Way, Hillsborough, NJ 08844 Tel: (908) 927-9288 Fax: (908) 927-0728


EUT name: SWF Roller Shade Radio ZWave                                       Model No. RSZ1
                                                                FCC ID: DWNRSZ, IC:12049A-RSZ

Comparing to the limit defined in FCC Sec. 15.209/IC RSS-Gen, emissions below the limit by
20dB were not recorded.

Advanced Compliance Lab, 6 Randolph Way, Hillsborough, NJ 08844 Tel: (908) 927-9288 Fax: (908) 927-0728


EUT name: SWF Roller Shade Radio ZWave                                       Model No. RSZ1
                                                                FCC ID: DWNRSZ, IC:12049A-RSZ

Frequency: 908.42MHz

                                              20dB Bandwidth Plot

                                               99% Bandwidth Plot

Advanced Compliance Lab, 6 Randolph Way, Hillsborough, NJ 08844 Tel: (908) 927-9288 Fax: (908) 927-0728


EUT name: SWF Roller Shade Radio ZWave                                       Model No. RSZ1
                                                                FCC ID: DWNRSZ, IC:12049A-RSZ

Frequency: 916MHz

                                              20dB Bandwidth Plot

                                               99% Bandwidth Plot

Advanced Compliance Lab, 6 Randolph Way, Hillsborough, NJ 08844 Tel: (908) 927-9288 Fax: (908) 927-0728


EUT name: SWF Roller Shade Radio ZWave                                       Model No. RSZ1
                                                                FCC ID: DWNRSZ, IC:12049A-RSZ


Radiated Test Data for Receiving Mode

                                                   Peak     Peak     FCC/IC
          Frequency Polarity Antenna Azimuth                                Difference
                                                  Reading Reading      3m
                          (V,H)  Height            at 3m    After     Limit
                        Position                     (2)  Correction   (1)
            (MHz)        (X,Y,Z)  (m)   (Degree) (dBuV/m) (dBuV/m) (dBuV/m) (dBuV/m)
             200            H     1.1     000       34.2              43.5         -9.3
             220            H     1.1     180       33.0              46.5        -13.5
             250            H     1.0     180       37.1              46.5         -9.4
             292            V     1.1     090       31.4              46.5        -15.1
             334            V     1.1     235       33.2              46.5        -13.3
             738            V     1.1     135       40.6              46.5         -5.9

(1) Receiving mode spurious emissions shall be lower than the limit defined in FCC Sec. 15.209 & IC RSS-GEN.
(2) If the peak reading is less than the FCC/IC quasi-peak or average limit, it’ll be not necessary to show the
measured/ calculated quasi-peak or average reading.

Advanced Compliance Lab, 6 Randolph Way, Hillsborough, NJ 08844 Tel: (908) 927-9288 Fax: (908) 927-0728


EUT name: SWF Roller Shade Radio ZWave                                       Model No. RSZ1
                                                                FCC ID: DWNRSZ, IC:12049A-RSZ

7.1 Test Methods and Conditions

The EUT exercise program was loaded during the conducted emission test. EMI Receiver was
scanned from 150KHz to 30MHz with maximum hold mode for maximum emission. The IF
Bandwidth is 9KHz. Recorded data was sent to the plotter to generate output in linear format. At
the input of the spectrum analyzer, a HP transient limiter is inserted for protective purpose. This
limiter has a 10 dB attenuation in the range of 150KHZ to 30MHZ. That factor was automatically
compensated by the receiver, so the readings are the corrected readings. The reference of the plots
is using FCC Part 15 & CISPR22 Class B limit given as following:

  Conducted Emission Technical Requirements
                        Class A                                        Class B
  Frequency Range       Quasi-Peak        Average                      Quasi-Peak            Average
                        dBuV              dBuV                         DBuV                  dBuV
  150kHz –0.5MHz        79 (8912uV)       66 (1995uV)                  66-56                 56-46
  0.5MHz-30MHz          73 (4467uV)       60 (1000uV)                  ---                   ---
  0.5MHz- 5MHz          ---               ---                          56                    46
  5MHz-30MHz            ---               ---                          60                    50

Emissions that have peak values close to ( or over) the specification limit (if any) are also
measured in the quasi-peak mode to determine the compliance.

7.2 Measurement Instrument Configuration for Conducted Emission

Advanced Compliance Lab, 6 Randolph Way, Hillsborough, NJ 08844 Tel: (908) 927-9288 Fax: (908) 927-0728


EUT name: SWF Roller Shade Radio ZWave                                          Model No. RSZ1
                                                                   FCC ID: DWNRSZ, IC:12049A-RSZ

7.3 Testing Data

The following plots show the neutral and line conducted emissions for the typical operation
condition (Transmitting and receiving). The conducted test data shows the worst case emissions
still below the FCC Part 15/CISPR22 Class B limits.

Operation Mode: AC/DC Adapter
                                   Highest Data for AC Main Conducted Emissions
Frequency (KHz)             200             250          310          430                 540
Peak /AVG
Reading (dBuV)             39.16           42.68          42.98                          45.58
from Line*
Frequency (KHz)             190             260           330             390             480
Reading(dBuV)              32.66           36.82          39.72          43.09           42.61
from Neutral *

* If each peak reading is less than the FCC average limit, it’ll be not necessary to show the measured/ calculated
Quasi-peak & average reading.

Test Personnel:

Tester Signature                                                                   Date 04/18/2016

Typed/Printed Name: Edward Lee

Advanced Compliance Lab, 6 Randolph Way, Hillsborough, NJ 08844 Tel: (908) 927-9288 Fax: (908) 927-0728


EUT name: SWF Roller Shade Radio ZWave                                       Model No. RSZ1
                                                                FCC ID: DWNRSZ, IC:12049A-RSZ

                                    Line Conducted Emission:150kHz - 30MHz

                                    Line Conducted Emission: 430kHz Average

Advanced Compliance Lab, 6 Randolph Way, Hillsborough, NJ 08844 Tel: (908) 927-9288 Fax: (908) 927-0728


EUT name: SWF Roller Shade Radio ZWave                                       Model No. RSZ1
                                                                FCC ID: DWNRSZ, IC:12049A-RSZ

                                  Neutral Conducted Emission: 150kHz – 30MHz

Advanced Compliance Lab, 6 Randolph Way, Hillsborough, NJ 08844 Tel: (908) 927-9288 Fax: (908) 927-0728


Document Created: 2019-10-06 18:14:19
Document Modified: 2019-10-06 18:14:19

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