Test Report Intertek


Test Report

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                      EMC EMISSIONS - TEST REPORT (In Part)
 Test Report No.                      3152607DEN-002                                       Issue Date:             Wednesday 21/May/2008

 Model / Serial No.                   MN: 20 /SN: 43

 Product Type                         2 way IR/RF Remote Control

 Client                               Echostar

 Manufacturer                         Echostar

 License holder                       Echostar

 Address                              94 Inverness Drive East

                                      Englewood, CO 80112

 Test Criteria Applied
                                        FCC 47 CFR Part 15.231
                                              IC RSS-210                                          Title 47 CFR 15: RADIO FREQUENCY
 Test Result
                                                         PASS                                     Low-power Licence-exempt
 Test Project Number                                                                              Radiocommunication Devices
                                                           3150483                                (All Frequency Bands):
 Total Pages                                                                                      Category 1 Equipment.
 Including                                                      25

 Tested By : Ty Orosco                                                               Reviewed By : Michael Spataro

REVISION SUMMARY - The following changes have been made to this Report:
    Rev.                    Revision Statement                                                            Author              Revision Date
                                   Initial Release of Document                                           See above             See above

  This report is for the exclusive use of Intertek's Client and is provided pursuant to the agreement between Intertek and its Client. Intertek's
responsibility and liability are limited to the terms and conditions of the agreement. Intertek assumes no liability to any party, other than to the
Client in accordance with the agreement, for any loss, expense or damage occasioned by the use of this report. Only the Client is authorized to
copy or distribute this report and then only in its entirety. Any use of the Intertek name or one of its marks for the sale or advertisement of the
tested material, product or service must first be approved in writing by Intertek. The observations and test results in this report are relevant only to
the sample tested. This report by itself does not imply that the material, product, or service is or has ever been under an Intertek certification

                                                                                                                                     Lab Code:200264-0
                                       The entity logos above are for reference only and may not apply to this test report.


                  Documentation                                                                Page(s)

                       Test report                                                                       1 - 25

                        Directory                                                                           2

                        Test Regulations                                                                    3

                        General Remarks                                                                   3-4

                        Test-setup Photographs                                                            5-6

                  Appendix A

                   Test Data Sheets and Test Equipment Used                                              7 - 13

                  Appendix B

                   Test Plan/Constructional Data Form                                                    14 - 20

                  Appendix C

                   Measurement Protocol/Test Procedures                                                  21 - 25

           The data and results referenced in this document are true and accurate. The measurement
           uncertainty for Conducted Emissions in the frequency range of 150kHz – 30MHz is calculated to be
           ±2.30dB and for Radiated Emissions is calculated to be ±3.60dB in the frequency range of 30MHz –
           200MHz and ±3.38dB in the frequency range of 200MHz – 1000MHz.

               EUT Received Date: 9-May-2008

                 Testing Start Date: 9-May-2008

                  Testing End Date: 9-May-2008

                                                                                         Project File: 3152607 Page 2 of 25
                                                  5541 Central Avenue, Suite 110
                 Intertek ETL Semko                                                Voice: 303 786 7999   Fax: 303 449 6160
                                                     Boulder, Colorado 80301
Rev.No 1

The tests were performed according to following regulations :

      1. FCC CFR47 Part 15 subpart C
      2. IC RSS-210 Issue 7:2007

Emission Test Results:

Field Strength of the Fundamental 15.231 (b)                  -      PASS
Test Result
Minimum limit margin                                              -5.2    dB    at      388.31 MHz
Remarks:      Mid 2 Channel

Field Strength of Spurious emissions 15.231(b) -                         PASS
Test Result
Minimum limit margin                                           -16.5 dB         at     1847.6/ MHz
Remarks:      Low Channel and Mid 1 Channel

Restricted Bands of Operation 15.205 -                PASS
Test Result
Minimum limit margin                                           -17.2 dB         at      1125.7 MHz
Remarks:      Mid 1 Channel

                                                                                     Project File: 3152607 Page 3 of 25
                                              5541 Central Avenue, Suite 110
              Intertek ETL Semko                                                Voice: 303 786 7999   Fax: 303 449 6160
                                                 Boulder, Colorado 80301
Rev.No 1


The following remarks are to be considered as “where applicable“ and are taken into account while
completing any FCC/IC/ETSI radio tests at Intertek.

Testing was performed in 3 different orthogonal axis to determine the worst case emissions from the device.
The worst case emissions measurements are shown in this report.

FCC CFR47 Part 15.31: Measurement Standards: In any case where the device is powered off a battery, a
fresh battery was used during test. In cases where the device is powered off an AC supply, voltage was
varied per Part 15.31 to find worst case emissions.

FCC CFR47 Part 15.35: Measurement Detector Functions and Bandwidths: FCC Part 15.35 was utilized when
performing the measurements within this report.

EUT is battery powered.

Only the fundamental and harmonics of the fundamental are covered in this report, as requested by the

             Production          Prototype     See RFQ

           Modifications required to pass: None

           Test Specification Deviations: Additions to or Exclusions from: None

                                                                                        Project File: 3152607 Page 4 of 25
                                                   5541 Central Avenue, Suite 110
                Intertek ETL Semko                                                  Voice: 303 786 7999   Fax: 303 449 6160
                                                      Boulder, Colorado 80301
Rev.No 1


Test-setup photo(s):
Radiated Emissions:

                                                                         Project File: 3152607 Page 6 of 25
                                    5541 Central Avenue, Suite 110
               Intertek ETL Semko                                    Voice: 303 786 7999   Fax: 303 449 6160
                                       Boulder, Colorado 80301
    Rev.No 1

                                       Appendix A

                                 Test Data Sheets


                                Test Equipment Used

                                                                     Project File: 3152607 Page 7 of 25
                                5541 Central Avenue, Suite 110
           Intertek ETL Semko                                    Voice: 303 786 7999   Fax: 303 449 6160
                                   Boulder, Colorado 80301
Rev.No 1

                                 Fundamental field strength
                                Harmonics of the Fundamental


                                                                             Project File: 3152607 Page 8 of 25
                                        5541 Central Avenue, Suite 110
           Intertek ETL Semko                                            Voice: 303 786 7999   Fax: 303 449 6160
                                           Boulder, Colorado 80301
Rev.No 1

                                Field Strength Measurements
                          Fundamental and Spurious of the Transmitter
   Test Report #:                                         Test Area:   PW 1 (3M)                          Temperature:    22.4         °C

    Test Method:     FCC 47 CFR part 15 subpart C         Test Date:   09-May-2008                   Relative Humidity:   27.2         %

   EUT Model #:      20                                  EUT Power:    3VDC                               Air Pressure:   101          kPa

    EUT Serial #:    43

   Manufacturer:      Echostar                                                                                       Level Key

EUT Description:     Remote Control                                                                  Pk – Peak               Nb – Narrow Band

Notes:     2 way remote IR/RF                                                                        Qp – QuasiPeak          Bb – Broad Band

                                                                                                     Av - Average

 FREQ           LEVEL         CABLE / ANT /      FINAL       POL / HGT / AZ        Duty Cycle    Final Corrected       Limit          DELTA
                                PREAMP                                             Correction
 (MHz)          (dBuV)      (dB) (dB\m) (dB)     (dBuV)          (m) (DEG)             (dB)         (dBuV/m)         (dBuV/m)           (dB)

The following duty cycle was declared by the manufacturer.
Averaging method for pulsed signals and calculation in accordance to FCC CFR47 Part 15.35 utilized to calculate field strength
The testing performed in accordance to FCC CFR47 Part 15.205 (restricted bands of operation) and 15.231 emissions and delta limits were
calculated as follows:
Final Corrected Peak Measurement – Duty Cycle Correction Factor* = Final Calculated Emission
The Final Calculated Emission was then compared to the Limits in CFR47 Part 15.209 and 15.231 and the emission/limit delta was calculated.
the DTCF is calculated as follows 20*log10(duty cycle in 100mS) “not to exceed 20dB”
Part 15.231 and 15.205 Respectively
Axis 1 EUT is flat on the table
Hi Channel
 394.27       56.2 Pk         2.2 / 15.2 / 0.0    73.6        V / 1.7 / 194.4          -8.3            65.3            79.4            -14.1
 394.31       64.8 Pk         2.2 / 15.2 / 0.0    82.2        H / 1.0 / 93.1           -8.3            73.9            79.4             -5.5
Mid 2 Channel
 388.31       67.2 Pk         2.2 / 15.1 / 0.0    84.5        H / 1.0 / 89.0           -8.3            76.2            79.2             -3.0
 388.23       57.3 Pk         2.2 / 15.1 / 0.0    74.5        V / 1.6 / 153.0          -8.3            66.2            79.2            -13.0
Mid 1 Channel
 375.31       53.0 Pk         2.1 / 15.2 / 0.0    70.3        V / 2.1 / 54.0           -8.3            62.0            78.6            -16.6
 375.31       64.0 Pk         2.1 / 15.2 / 0.0    81.3        H / 1.0 / 258.0          -8.3            73.0            78.6             -5.6
Low Channel
 369.51       62.8 Pk         2.1 / 16.5 / 0.0    81.5        H / 1.0 / 271.4          -8.3            73.2            78.3             -5.1
 369.51       50.6 Pk         2.1 / 16.5 / 0.0    69.2        V / 2.7 / 52.6           -8.3            60.9            78.3            -17.4
Axis 2 EUT is standing straight up
Low Channel
 369.51       54.8 Pk         2.1 / 16.5 / 0.0    73.4        V / 1.3 / 167.3          -8.3            65.1            78.3            -13.2
 369.43       39.4 Pk         2.1 / 16.6 / 0.0    58.1        H / 2.1 / 111.0          -8.3            49.8            78.3            -28.5
Mid 1 Channel
 375.31       44.6 Pk         2.1 / 15.2 / 0.0     62         H / 1.9 / 94.5           -8.3            53.7            78.6            -24.9
 375.31       56.0 Pk         2.1 / 15.2 / 0.0    73.4        V / 1.4 / 28.7           -8.3            65.1            78.6            -13.5
Hi Channel
 394.32       63.8 Pk         2.2 / 15.2 / 0.0    81.2        V / 1.2 / 308.7          -8.3            72.9            79.4             -6.5
 394.31       50.5 Pk         2.2 / 15.2 / 0.0    67.9        H / 2.0 / 87.9           -8.3            59.6            79.4            -19.8
Mid 2 Channel
 388.32       50.6 Pk         2.2 / 15.1 / 0.0    67.9        H / 1.0 / 87.5           -8.3            59.6            79.2            -19.6
 388.31       65.0 Pk         2.2 / 15.1 / 0.0    82.3        V / 1.2 / 312.7          -8.3            74.0            79.2             -5.2
Axis 3 laying on the right side
Mid 2 Channel
 388.31       57.2 Pk         2.2 / 15.1 / 0.0    74.5        V / 2.5 / 196.1          -8.3            66.2            79.2            -13.0
                                                                                                              Project File: 3152607 Page 9 of 25
                                                                5541 Central Avenue, Suite 110
                      Intertek ETL Semko                                                               Voice: 303 786 7999       Fax: 303 449 6160
                                                                   Boulder, Colorado 80301
     Rev.No 1

 FREQ           LEVEL      CABLE / ANT /        FINAL       POL / HGT / AZ       Duty Cycle    Final Corrected     Limit         DELTA
                             PREAMP                                              Correction
 (MHz)          (dBuV)    (dB) (dB\m) (dB)      (dBuV)          (m) (DEG)           (dB)         (dBuV/m)        (dBuV/m)          (dB)

  388.23     64.8 Pk        2.2 / 15.1 / 0.0     82.1       H / 1.0 / 271.3          -8.3           73.8           79.2            -5.4
Hi Channel
  394.31     63.4 Pk        2.2 / 15.2 / 0.0     80.8       H / 1.0 / 271.3          -8.3           72.5           79.4            -6.9
  394.23     55.4 Pk        2.2 / 15.2 / 0.0     72.8       V / 2.9 / 193.1          -8.3           64.5           79.4           -14.9
Mid 1 Channel
  375.31     49.3 Pk        2.1 / 15.2 / 0.0     66.6       V / 2.4 / 19.2           -8.3           58.3           78.6           -20.3
  375.31     59.8 Pk        2.1 / 15.2 / 0.0     77.1       H / 1.0 / 117.0          -8.3           68.8           78.6            -9.8
Low Channel
   369.5     56.2 Pk        2.1 / 16.5 / 0.0     74.9       H / 1.0 / 277.8          -8.3           66.6           78.3           -11.7
  369.51     45.0 Pk        2.1 / 16.5 / 0.0     63.6        V / 2.3 / 9.2           -8.3           55.3           78.3           -23.0
Axis 1 was found to be the worst case.
Low Channel
  739.02     37.2 Pk       3.2 / 20.9 / 28.1     33.2       V / 2.3 / 169.3          -8.3           24.9           58.3           -33.4
  739.06     44.6 Pk       3.2 / 20.9 / 28.1     40.6       H / 1.0 / 241.3          -8.3           32.3           58.3           -26.0
 1108.34     55.6 Pk       2.1 / 24.3 / 37.4     44.6       V / 1.2 / 188.2          -8.3           36.3            54            -17.7
 1108.59     53.8 Pk       2.1 / 24.3 / 37.4     42.8       H / 1.0 / 240.1          -8.3           34.5            54            -19.5
 1478.09     41.7 Pk       2.5 / 25.0 / 36.9     32.3       H / 1.1 / 140.7          -8.3           24.0            54            -30.0
 1847.61     56.2 Pk       2.8 / 26.5 / 37.4     48.2       H / 1.0 / 166.3          -8.3           39.9           58.3           -18.4
 1847.64     58.1 Pk       2.8 / 26.5 / 37.4     50.1       V / 1.2 / 10.6           -8.3           41.8           58.3           -16.5
 2217.17     45.7 Pk       3.1 / 27.9 / 37.8     38.9       V / 1.0 / 326.7          -8.3           30.6            54            -23.4
 2217.19     44.3 Pk       3.1 / 27.9 / 37.8     37.5        H / 1.0 / 7.0           -8.3           29.2            54            -24.8
 2586.18     47.0 Pk       3.3 / 29.2 / 38.0     41.5        H / 1.0 / 6.7           -8.3           33.2           58.3           -25.1
 2586.19     47.4 Pk       3.3 / 29.2 / 38.0     41.9        V / 1.0 / 0.0           -8.3           33.6           58.3           -24.7
 2956.22     43.3 Pk       3.7 / 30.7 / 37.9     39.8       H / 1.0 / 353.6          -8.3           31.5           58.3           -26.8
 2956.24     43.5 Pk       3.7 / 30.7 / 37.9      40        V / 1.0 / 269.9          -8.3           31.7           58.3           -26.6
 3325.75     44.5 Pk       4.2 / 31.3 / 37.2     42.7       V / 1.0 / 271.9          -8.3           34.4           58.3           -23.9
Harmonics not listed were not seen above the noise floor.
Mid 1 Channel
  750.62     45.7 Pk       3.2 / 21.0 / 28.1     41.8       H / 1.0 / 103.8          -8.3           33.5           58.6           -25.1
  750.62     41.5 Pk       3.2 / 21.0 / 28.1     37.7       V / 1.4 / 276.0          -8.3           29.4           58.6           -29.2
 1125.74     56.1 Pk       2.1 / 24.3 / 37.4     45.1       V / 1.2 / 180.3          -8.3           36.8            54            -17.2
 1125.75     53.0 Pk       2.1 / 24.3 / 37.4      42        H / 1.0 / 233.1          -8.3           33.7            54            -20.3
 1501.28     42.0 Pk       2.5 / 25.1 / 36.9     32.6       H / 1.1 / 120.3          -8.3           24.3            54            -29.7
 1501.33     41.1 Pk       2.5 / 25.1 / 36.9     31.7       V / 1.4 / 212.0          -8.3           23.4            54            -30.6
 1876.27     58.4 Pk       2.9 / 26.6 / 37.4     50.4       V / 1.0 / 277.3          -8.3           42.1           58.6           -16.5
 1876.28     55.0 Pk       2.9 / 26.6 / 37.4      47        H / 1.3 / 164.5          -8.3           38.7           58.6           -19.9
 2251.52     44.4 Pk       3.1 / 28.0 / 37.8     37.7       V / 1.0 / 326.5          -8.3           29.4            54            -24.6
 2251.99     44.8 Pk       3.1 / 28.0 / 37.8     38.1        H / 1.0 / 0.0           -8.3           29.8            54            -24.2
 2626.82     48.1 Pk       3.4 / 29.3 / 38.0     42.9        H / 1.5 / 0.0           -8.3           34.6           58.6           -24.0
 2627.29     47.4 Pk       3.4 / 29.3 / 38.0     42.1        V / 1.0 / 0.0           -8.3           33.8           58.6           -24.8
 3377.33     44.9 Pk       4.2 / 31.4 / 37.4      43        V / 1.0 / 288.6          -8.3           34.7           58.6           -23.9
 3752.61     43.1 Pk       4.6 / 31.9 / 38.3     41.4        H / 1.0 / 7.9           -8.3           33.1            54            -20.9
 3753.31     43.0 Pk       4.6 / 31.9 / 38.3     41.3       V / 1.0 / 304.5          -8.3           33.0            54            -21.0
Harmonics not listed were not seen above the noise floor.
Mid 2 Channel
  776.48     43.4 Pk       3.2 / 21.3 / 28.1     39.8       H / 1.0 / 250.3          -8.3           31.5           59.2           -27.7
  776.63     36.5 Pk       3.2 / 21.3 / 28.1     32.9       V / 1.8 / 89.8           -8.3           24.6           59.2           -34.6
 1164.75     55.9 Pk       2.2 / 24.4 / 37.4      45        V / 1.2 / 199.5          -8.3           36.7            54            -17.3
 1164.79     53.0 Pk       2.2 / 24.4 / 37.4     42.1       H / 1.0 / 233.8          -8.3           33.8            54            -20.2
 1553.03     44.1 Pk       2.6 / 25.3 / 37.0      35        H / 1.0 / 143.8          -8.3           26.7            54            -27.3
 1553.32     44.1 Pk       2.6 / 25.3 / 37.0      35        V / 1.0 / 15.7           -8.3           26.7            54            -27.3
 1941.28     53.6 Pk       2.9 / 26.9 / 37.6     45.9       V / 1.0 / 115.7          -8.3           37.6           59.2           -21.6
 1941.62     47.4 Pk       2.9 / 26.9 / 37.6     39.7       H / 1.0 / 161.2          -8.3           31.4           59.2           -27.8
 2329.96     46.4 Pk       3.2 / 28.2 / 37.9     39.9       V / 1.0 / 326.3          -8.3           31.6            54            -22.4
 2329.99     44.6 Pk       3.2 / 28.2 / 37.9     38.1       H / 1.0 / 357.0          -8.3           29.8            54            -24.2
 2718.33     47.0 Pk       3.5 / 29.7 / 37.9     42.3       V / 1.0 / 176.8          -8.3           34.0            54            -20.0
 2718.33     43.2 Pk       3.5 / 29.7 / 37.9     38.5       H / 1.0 / 88.6           -8.3           30.2            54            -23.8
  3106.1     43.5 Pk       3.9 / 31.0 / 37.7     40.7       V / 1.0 / 297.6          -8.3           32.4           59.2           -26.8
 3494.34     46.4 Pk       4.4 / 31.5 / 37.9     44.3       V / 1.0 / 285.8          -8.3           36.0           59.2           -23.2
 3494.96     42.4 Pk       4.4 / 31.5 / 37.9     40.3        H / 1.0 / 2.8           -8.3           32.0           59.2           -27.2
 3882.61     43.5 Pk       4.7 / 32.2 / 37.7     42.7       V / 1.1 / 39.4           -8.3           34.4            54            -19.6
 3883.33     44.2 Pk       4.7 / 32.2 / 37.7     43.4        H / 1.0 / 6.3           -8.3           35.1            54            -18.9
Harmonics not listed were not seen above the noise floor.
Hi Channel
                                                                                                       Project File: 3152607 Page 10 of 25
                                                              5541 Central Avenue, Suite 110
                     Intertek ETL Semko                                                             Voice: 303 786 7999     Fax: 303 449 6160
                                                                 Boulder, Colorado 80301
     Rev.No 1

 FREQ           LEVEL      CABLE / ANT /        FINAL       POL / HGT / AZ       Duty Cycle    Final Corrected     Limit         DELTA
                             PREAMP                                              Correction
 (MHz)          (dBuV)    (dB) (dB\m) (dB)      (dBuV)          (m) (DEG)           (dB)         (dBuV/m)        (dBuV/m)          (dB)

 788.48     42.8 Pk        3.3 / 21.5 / 28.1     39.5       H / 1.0 / 88.0           -8.3           31.2           59.4           -28.2
 788.66     36.1 Pk        3.3 / 21.5 / 28.1     32.9       V / 1.5 / 89.5           -8.3           24.6           59.4           -34.8
1182.73     52.0 Pk        2.2 / 24.4 / 37.4     41.3       H / 1.0 / 233.9          -8.3           33.0            54            -21.0
1182.97     53.2 Pk        2.2 / 24.4 / 37.4     42.5       V / 1.0 / 199.8          -8.3           34.2            54            -19.8
1577.02     47.2 Pk        2.6 / 25.4 / 37.0     38.2       H / 1.0 / 125.2          -8.3           29.9            54            -24.1
1577.04     47.0 Pk        2.6 / 25.4 / 37.0      38         V / 1.0 / 0.0           -8.3           29.7            54            -24.3
1971.66     56.1 Pk        3.0 / 27.0 / 37.6     48.5       V / 1.0 / 130.5          -8.3           40.2           59.4           -19.2
2365.94     43.3 Pk        3.2 / 28.4 / 37.9      37         H / 1.0 / 7.6           -8.3           28.7            54            -25.3
2365.99     45.5 Pk        3.2 / 28.4 / 37.9     39.2       V / 1.0 / 302.5          -8.3           30.9            54            -23.1
 2759.8     44.4 Pk        3.5 / 29.9 / 37.9     39.9       H / 1.0 / 185.6          -8.3           31.6            54            -22.4
2760.29     46.4 Pk        3.5 / 29.9 / 37.9     41.9       V / 1.0 / 232.5          -8.3           33.6            54            -20.4
3548.96     44.7 Pk        4.4 / 31.6 / 38.2     42.5        H / 1.0 / 0.0           -8.3           34.2           59.4           -25.2
3548.99     44.4 Pk        4.4 / 31.6 / 38.2     42.2       V / 1.0 / 308.1          -8.3           33.9           59.4           -25.5
3942.62     43.0 Pk        4.7 / 32.3 / 37.3     42.6       H / 1.0 / 354.4          -8.3           34.3            54            -19.7
3942.64     42.0 Pk        4.7 / 32.3 / 37.3     41.7       V / 1.0 / 40.0           -8.3           33.4            54            -20.6
Harmonics not listed were not seen above the noise floor.

                                                                                                       Project File: 3152607 Page 11 of 25
                                                              5541 Central Avenue, Suite 110
                     Intertek ETL Semko                                                             Voice: 303 786 7999     Fax: 303 449 6160
                                                                 Boulder, Colorado 80301
     Rev.No 1

                    List of Equipment Utilized for Final Test

                                                                     Project File: 3152607 Page 12 of 25
                                  5541 Central Avenue, Suite 110
           Intertek ETL Semko                                      Voice: 303 786 7999   Fax: 303 449 6160
                                     Boulder, Colorado 80301
Rev.No 1

 Project Report                                                                                             Begin Date: 5/9/2008                    End Date: 5/9/2008

 Technician            Ty Orosco                      Project

 Capital Asset ID Manufacturer            Model #       Serial #        Description                                   Test Performed         Service Type   Service Date Service Due
           18808      EMCO                3146          9203-3376       Log Periodic Antenna                          R Radiated Emissions      For Cal      10/12/2007   10/12/2008

           18880      Hewlett-Packard     85650A        2811A01300      Q.P Adapter                                   R Radiated Emissions      For Cal      11/15/2007   11/15/2008

           18882      Hewlett-Packard     8566B         2410A00154      Spectrum Analyzer (dc-22 GHz)                 R Radiated Emissions      For Cal      11/13/2007   11/13/2008

           18887      EMCO                3115          9205-3886       Horn Antenna 1-18GHz                          R Radiated Emissions      For Cal       3/6/2008     3/6/2009

           18906      Mini-Circuits Lab   ZHL-42        N052792-2       Amplifier                                     R Radiated Emissions      For Ver       5/2/2008     5/2/2009

           18912      Hewlett-Packard     8447F         3113A05545      9 kHz- 1.3GHz Pre Amp                         R Radiated Emissions      For Ver       5/2/2008     5/2/2009

                                                                                                                                                               Project File: 3152607 Page 13 of 25
                                                    5541 Central Avenue, Suite 110
                   Intertek ETL Semko                                                           Voice: 303 786 7999    Fax: 303 449 6160
                                                       Boulder, Colorado 80301
Rev.No 1

                                         Appendix B

                                        Test Plan


                                Constructional Data Form

                                                                      Project File: 3152607 Page 14 of 25
                                 5541 Central Avenue, Suite 110
           Intertek ETL Semko                                     Voice: 303 786 7999   Fax: 303 449 6160
                                    Boulder, Colorado 80301
Rev.No 1

Request for Estimate & Test Plan
Please contact with any questions:
Contact:                 Charles Grasso
Title:                   Compliance Engineer
Phone Number:            303-706-5467
Email Address:           Charles.grasso@echostar.com

Client Information:
License Holder:          Echostar Communications
Address:                 94 Inverness Circle East Englewood Colorado
Contact:                 Charles Grasso
Title:                   Compliance Engineer
Phone Number:            303-706-5467
Fax Number:              N/A
Email Address:           Charles.grasso@echostar.com
Please fill out the pertinent pages within this document and email this Form to Bryant and Amy at
Bryant.Hart@Intertek.com and Amy.Baumberger@Intertek.com for a quotation. Other pages that do not
pertain to your device can be left blank.

I.E. EMC Quote – Pages 1,2 & 3, Add Safety – add Page 4, If a radio is part of the device add page 5 etc.

This document is compiled as a WORD FORM. To enable the FORM tool, right click on the tool bar and
select FORMS. You will then be able to add attachments, drawings etc by clicking on the “Lock” Graphic to
unlock the FORM document. To make all the check boxes work within the FORM, the “Lock” graphic must
be selected. Thank you for all your time and effort on this matter.
Estimates Requested: (Required for all devices)
EMC Testing/Services
      Requesting Estimate                                     On-site/In-Situ Testing
      Pre-Compliance Scans / Engineering test                 TCF Compilation/Review Service

Radio Device Testing and Certification
      FCC Certification                                       Industry Canada Certification (Receivers required)
      Class 2 Notification Under the R&TTED                   TCF Compilation/Review Service

Safety Testing and Certification
      NRTL Listing                                            1 Day Pre-Assessment (conducted at your facility)
      Letter of Findings                                      CB Report Covering all country Deviations
      CE Report to Cover the LVD/MDD                          CB Report Covering - Specify Countries:

Any Additional Interest(s)
      ISO Certification (Another RFQ is required)             Energy Star Compliance
      FDA 510K Services (Another RFQ is required)             NEBS
      International Approvals Management                      Wire and Cable
      Product Verification and Integrity Testing              Other:

                                                                                    Project File: 3152607 Page 15 of 25
                                              5541 Central Avenue, Suite 110
             Intertek ETL Semko                                                 Voice: 303 786 7999   Fax: 303 449 6160
                                                 Boulder, Colorado 80301
Rev.No 1

General Product Information: (Required for all Devices)
Product/Model Number(s):        20.0
Description of product(s):      Remote Control
                                  Household/Office        Commercial          Industrial       Hospital
Intended Use:
                                  Life Supporting
Intended Location:                Dry     Damp        Wet        Hazardous Location
                                   Prototype    Production Sample
Product Type:                      Manufacturing Design Change: Please Describe:New Plastics and keyboard
Is it a stand-alone device
                                  Stand Alone Device          Component of a System
or part of a system?
If part of a system, please describe system parts and accessories:
Set Top Box
If there is more than one product/model what are the differences?

Is the Product Enclosure:       Metal        Plastic        Both
Size:        Length:                  Width:                  Height:              Weight:
What Voltages/Current does
the EUT run at? (AC/DC etc.)
                                  Rated Voltage: 6V
– if the unit runs off of DC
                                  Rated Current: DC (Batteries)
though it is supplied with an
                                  # of Phases/Conductors:
AC/DC converter, please state
                                  # of Power Cords:
the operating parameters of
the converter.
Are their multiple suppliers of       Yes         No
power supplies?                   If Yes Please Describe:
Are there Multiple Modes of Operation?
    Yes           No If Yes Please Describe: Unit can be set to transmit on 4 channels seperately
Is there programmable software?
    Yes         No
Can all modes of operation be operated simultaneously?
   Yes          No       Explain: Each channel will be set by switch selection.
In which countries will you be selling the product?
When can you supply samples of the device and all pertinent documentation (where applicable) to Intertek for
testing? Immediate.

                                                                                           Project File: 3152607 Page 16 of 25
                                             5541 Central Avenue, Suite 110
           Intertek ETL Semko                                                     Voice: 303 786 7999   Fax: 303 449 6160
                                                Boulder, Colorado 80301
Rev.No 1

EMC Information: (Required only if EMC work is requested)
What EMC certifications are desired?
  FCC/ICES (US & Canada)                             SII (Israel)
  CE / EMC / MDD                                     AS/NZS (Australia/New Zealand)
  BSMI (Taiwan)                                      Korea MIC Certification / RRL
  VCCI (Japan)                                       Other: Please Specify
Highest frequency utilized for device operation: N/A (Intentional Emissions only)

List of Clock Frequencies: N/A

What is the time that it takes for the device to complete a full cycle of operation? (time required to identify any
degradation in performance) (please list per mode of operation) N/A

Total Number of I/O Cables:
# Greater than 3m (9.75 feet) in Length          N/A
# Greater than 30m (97.5 feet) in Length
# of cables at a longer length (specify)
Number of Dedicated Earth Equalization Ports N/A

Number of Ethernet and/or Telecommunications Ports N/A

When the device is a compilation of subsystems (in separate chassis) how many interconnecting I/O’s are
greater than 1 meter in length between the Subsystem chassis?
CISPR11/EN 55011 Specific Devices:
    1. Does the EUT use RF Energy to affect a material?      Yes    No If yes, state frequency of energy:

                                                                                        Project File: 3152607 Page 17 of 25
                                               5541 Central Avenue, Suite 110
            Intertek ETL Semko                                                   Voice: 303 786 7999   Fax: 303 449 6160
                                                  Boulder, Colorado 80301
Rev.No 1

General Safety Information: (Required only if Safety Listing/Certification/Testing is requested)
What Safety certifications are desired?
  NRTL Listing US/Canada                                                   Limited Production Certification/Listing
  CB Certification (Worldwide – Outside US/Can)                            S Mark
  EU Investigation (EU – LVD/MDD)                                          GS Mark
  Field Label (Onsite Inspection)                                          Other: Please Specify
Please list all applicable safety standards that you would like your device certified under:

Has the device been tested and certified for product safety
before?                                                                    Yes            No

    A.     If it has been previously tested, to which standard         Standard tested to:
           and by which organization?
                                                                       Organization tested by:
    B. Can you provide the test report?
                                                                            Yes              No

Do manuals and installation instructions exist? (Not always
a necessity for quoting but most useful for complex                        Yes            No

Power Supply Safety Information:                                           Yes            No

    A. Is the power supply an approved “off-the-shelf”                 Standard tested to:
                                                                       Organization tested by:
    B. Can you provide the test report/CB Report?
                                                                            Yes              No

                                                            Yes                No
Does the device contain batteries?
                                                       What Type?
                                                       How Many?

What technology is used? (i.e., lasers, X Ray,

If Laser:      Class:                Output Power:                Beam Divergence Angle:                Wavelength:
                                           Intertek Lab     Customer site
Preferred testing location:
                                           Intertek Local Lab (May increase turn around time and expense)

                                                                                                  Project File: 3152607 Page 18 of 25
                                                     5541 Central Avenue, Suite 110
                Intertek ETL Semko                                                         Voice: 303 786 7999   Fax: 303 449 6160
                                                        Boulder, Colorado 80301
Rev.No 1

Radio Information: (Required only if the device contains an intentional transmitter)
What Radio certifications are desired?
  FCC (USA)                                              Notified or Competent Body TCF Review
  Industry Canada                                        Other: Please Specify
Please list the particular radio standards that apply.
     15.231 /RSS210

Operating Frequency:                               395.9 MHz (One of four)
RF Output Power:                                   87.7 dBuV max. (incl. 8.3 dB duty cycle Corr. Factor)
Is there an RF Conducted Port?                           Yes     No               Description:
Number of Antennas & Description:                  Internal , fractional wavelength bent monopole
(Internal, External, Known Gain, etc.)

Modulation Technique:                              FSK
Number of Channels/Number of Discrete
frequencies per Channel:
Can the device be operated in CW Mode?                   Yes           No
What is the lowest utilized frequency
                                          8MHz (ceramic resonator)
within the device?
Notes: Please ensure to bring a notch filter covering your fundamental operating frequency.

                                                                                                 Project File: 3152607 Page 19 of 25
                                                 5541 Central Avenue, Suite 110
             Intertek ETL Semko                                                          Voice: 303 786 7999   Fax: 303 449 6160
                                                    Boulder, Colorado 80301
Rev.No 1

 Additional Information:
This information is required to be filled in to act as a test plan and constructional data form required to be supplied as
part of the test report in accordance to the required standards. This information is not required to obtain a quote but
should be filled out to show a completed report under the applicable standards for EMC etc. Thank you for your time in
effort in completing this section of the RFQ/Test Plan.

Support Equipment:
Intertek requires our customers provide all support equipment necessary to fully operate the device undergoing testing.
This includes any filters required for testing radio devices, computer equipment, etc.
Model No.

Cabling Information:
Type of Shield

* Function examples (Ethernet, RS232, USB, Analog, physiological parameter, etc.)
** Connection examples (Outside Plant, Patient Coupled, Ring Voltage, etc.)

Monitoring the EUT:
Please provide instructions below on how to observe the EUT to verify proper operation in all modes. (including
software revision)

Any other information required: (Notes, Photos, Block Diagrams, Drawings, etc.)
A minimum of a block diagram showing the equipment under test and its support equipment.

                                                                                           Project File: 3152607 Page 20 of 25
                                                  5541 Central Avenue, Suite 110
             Intertek ETL Semko                                                     Voice: 303 786 7999   Fax: 303 449 6160
                                                     Boulder, Colorado 80301
Rev.No 1

                                         Appendix C

                                 Measurement Protocol


                                    Test Procedures

                                                                        Project File: 3152607 Page 21 of 25
                                5541 Central Avenue, Suite 110
           Intertek ETL Semko                                    Voice: 303 786 7999   Fax: 303 449 6160
                                   Boulder, Colorado 80301
Rev.No 1

                                                MEASUREMENT PROTOCOL


                                                     Test Methodology

Conducted and radiated emission testing is performed according to the procedures in ANSI C63.4 &

The Equipment Under Test (EUT) is configured in a typical user arrangement in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions. A cable is connected to each available port and either terminated with a peripheral
into it’s characteristic impedance or left unterminated. When appropriate, the cables are manually manipulated
with respect to each other to obtain maximum emissions from the unit.

                                                 CONDUCTED EMISSIONS
The final level, expressed in dBμV, is arrived at by taking the reading directly from the EMI receiver. This level
is compared directly to the applicable limit.

To convert between dBμV and μV, the following conversions apply:

                    •   dBμV = 20(log μV)
                    •   μV = Inverse log(dBμV/20)

The final level, expressed in dBμV/m, is arrived at by taking the reading from the spectrum analyzer (Level
dBμV) and adding the antenna correction factor and cable loss factor (Factor dB) to it. This result then has the
applicable limit subtracted from it to provide the Delta which gives the tabular data as shown in the data sheets
in Attachment B. The amplifier gain is automatically accounted for by using an analyzer offset.

            Example: At a Test Frequency of 30 MHz, with a peak reading on the spectrum analyzer or measuring
            receiver of 14 dBμV:

       Measured                                 Corrected    Specification           Corrected                 Delta
                              & Cable
        Level                                   Reading         Limit                Reading                Specification
                        +    Loss factor    =                                   -                   =
           (dBμV)               (dB)            (dBμV/m)       (dBμV/m)              (dBμV/m)
           14.0                  14.9             28.9            40.0                 28.9                      -11.1

                                                                                         Project File: 3152607 Page 22 of 25
                                                    5541 Central Avenue, Suite 110
                  Intertek ETL Semko                                                       Voice: 303 786 7999    Fax: 303 449 6160
                                                       Boulder, Colorado 80301
Rev.No 1


  General Standard Information
The test methods used comply with ANSI C63.4-2003 - "Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise Emissions
from Low-Voltage Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the Range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz."

Conducted Emissions
Conducted emissions on the 50 Hz and/or 60 Hz power interface of the EUT are measured in the frequency
range of 150 kHz to 30 MHz. The measurements are performed using a receiver, which has CISPR
characteristic bandwidth and quasi-peak detection, and a Line Impedance Stabilization Network (LISN), with
50 Ω/50 μH (CISPR 16) characteristics. Table top equipment is placed on a non-conducting table
80 centimeters above the floor and is positioned 40 centimeters from the vertical ground plane (wall) of the
screen room. In some cases, a pre-scan using a spectrum analyzer is initially performed on the units
comprising the system under test to locate the highest emissions. If the minimum passing margin appears to
be less than 20 dB with a peak mode measurement, the emissions are re-measured using a tuned receiver or
spectrum analyzer with quasi-peak and average detection and recorded on the data sheets.

Radiated Emissions
Radiated emissions from the EUT are measured in the frequency range of 30 to 22GHz using a spectrum
analyzer and appropriate broadband linearly polarized antennas. Measurements between 30 MHz and 1000
MHz are made with 120 kHz/6 dB bandwidth and quasi-peak detection and measurements above 1000 MHz
are made with a 1 MHz/6 dB bandwidth and peak detection. Table top equipment is placed on a 1.0 X 1.5
meter non-conducting table 80 centimeters above the ground plane. Floor standing equipment is placed
directly on the turntable/ground plane. Interface cables that are closer than 40 centimeters to the ground
plane are bundled in the center in a serpentine fashion so they are at least 40 centimeters from the ground
plane. Cables to simulators/testers (if used in this test) are routed through the center of the table and to a
screen room located outside the test area. The antenna is positioned 3, 10 or 30 meters horizontally from the
EUT. To locate maximum emissions from the test sample the antenna is varied in height from 1 to 4 meters,
measurement scans are made with both horizontal and vertical antenna polarizations and the EUT are rotated
360 degrees.

                                                                                  Project File: 3152607 Page 23 of 25
                                                 5541 Central Avenue, Suite 110
                 Intertek ETL Semko                                                Voice: 303 786 7999   Fax: 303 449 6160
                                                    Boulder, Colorado 80301
  Rev.No 1

Conducted Emissions Diagram:

                                                                 Project File: 3152607 Page 24 of 25
                                5541 Central Avenue, Suite 110
           Intertek ETL Semko                                    Voice: 303 786 7999   Fax: 303 449 6160
                                   Boulder, Colorado 80301
Rev.No 1

Radiated Emissions Diagram:

                                                                 Project File: 3152607 Page 25 of 25
                                5541 Central Avenue, Suite 110
           Intertek ETL Semko                                    Voice: 303 786 7999   Fax: 303 449 6160
                                   Boulder, Colorado 80301
Rev.No 1

Document Created: 2008-05-21 15:48:41
Document Modified: 2008-05-21 15:48:41

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