Test Report

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The initial step in collecting data is a spectrum analyzer peak scan ofthe measurement range. Significant peaks are
then marked as shown on the following data page, then these signals are then tested under quasi—peak detection mode
for final results.

                        HTS     (CLIPPER



                        Frequency                  Margin L1                   Margin L2
                           MHz                        dB                          dB
                           0.49                       2.1                         2.5
                           3.17                      19.7                        25.3
                           4.13                      20.0                        23.2
                           4.61                      18.0                        26.2
                           4.72                      18.7                        27.8
                           6.22                      18.4                        23.6
                           6.70                      18.9                        24.1
                           8.32                      18.0                        23.4
                           9.44                      18.4                        24.1
                          10.51                      13.5                        19.1
                          11.48                      14.4                        20.3
                          17.22                      21.3                        25.4

Part 15 Class B results below

    Tester Signature

    Printed Name Robert Howard

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7 Radiated Emission Data Part 15 3 Meters

7.1 The following data lists the significant emission frequencies, measured levels, correction factors (including
cable and antenna ) the corrected reading, plus the class emission limits. Explanation of the Correction factor is
given in paragraph 7.3.

                 Test Record Number
                 Class B Part 15 Radiated Emissions Test

                 Customer:                                                                          Radiated Emissions
                 HTS (CLIPPER)

                 Set Antenna = 3 Meters

                                                                                                                      Class B|Part 15
                 FREO, Wha     LEVEL dBu¥                                                                FINAL dBuV   LIMT 3 M   MARGIN d8

                  296.99        13.00                                                                     27.37        46.0        18.6
                                            <IT (IC |4 |< <]I6 (45 |4C JC C

                  351.02        22.40                                                                     38.58        |_46.0      7.4
                  399.62        16.90                                                                     34.39        46.0        11.6
                  405.01_|      20.20                                                                     ar.re        |_46.0      8.2
                  432.01        12.70                                                                     30.74        46.0        15.3
                  se7.01_|_11.40                                                                          32.63        46.0        13.4
                  621.04        18.70                                                                     40.05        46.0        5.9
                  s45.04        11.30                                                                     s4.99        |_46.0      11.0
                  972.04        11.80                                                                     35.54        54.0        18.4
                 1052.26        14.30                                                                     38.78        54.0        15.2
                 1080.04        15.50                                                                     40.34        54.0        13.6

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7.2.1 The field strength is calculated by adding the Antenna Factor and Cable Factor, and subtracting the Amplifier
Gain (if any) from the measured reading. The basic equation with a simple calculation is as follows:

FS = RA + AF= CF — AG


    FS = Field Strength

    RA= Receiver Amplitude

    AF = Antenna Factor

    CF = Cable Attenuation factor

    AG = Amplifier Gain

Assume a reading of 33 dBuV is obtained. The Antenna Factor is 7.4 and a Cable Factor of 1.1 is added. The
amplifier gain of20 dB is subtracted, giving a field strength of 21.5 dB uV/m. The 21.5 dBuV/m value was
mathematically converted to its corresponding level in uV/m.

FS =33+ 74 + 1.1_20=21.5 dBuV/m

Level in uV/m = Common Antilogarithm [(21.5 dBuV/m)y/20] = 1 1.9 uV/m

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Photographs follow this page

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                               Reference FCC rules and regulations
Declaration of Conformity

§2.906 Declaration of Conformity.
     (a) A Declaration of Conformity is a procedure where the responsible party, as defined in §2.909, makes
measurements or takes other necessary steps to ensure that the equipment complies with the appropriate technical
standards. Submittal of a sample unit or representative data to the Commission demonstrating compliance is not
required unless specifically requested pursuant to §2.1076.
     (b) The Declaration of Conformity attaches to all items subsequently marketed by the responsible party which
are identical, as defined in §2.908, to the sample tested and found acceptable by the responsible party.

§2.945 Sampling tests of equipment compliance. — The Commission will, from time to time, request the
responsible party to submit equipment subject to this chapter to determine the extent to which subsequent production
of such equipmentcontinues to comply with the data filed by the applicant (or on file with the responsible party for
equipment subject to notification or a Declaration of Conformity). Shipping costs to the Commission‘s laboratory
and rcturn shall be borne by the responsible party

§2.946 Penalty for failure to provide test samples and data.

     (a) Any responsible party, as defined in §2.909, or any party who markets equipment subject to the provisions
of this chapter, shall provide test sample(s) or data upon request by the Commission. Failure to comply with such a
request with the time frames shown below may be cause for forfeiture, pursuant to §1.80 of this chapter, or other
administrative sanctions such as suspending action on any applications for equipment authorization submitted by
such party while the matter is being resolved.
               (1) When the equipment is subject to authorization under a Declaration of Conformity, data shall be
provided within 14 days of delivery of the request and test sample(s) shall be provided within 60 days of delivery of
the request.
               (2) For all other devices, test sample(s) or data shall be provided within 60 days ofthe request.
     (b) In the case of equipment involving harmful interference or safety of life or property, the Commission may
specify that test samples subject to the provisions of this section be submitted within less than 60 days, but not less
than 14 days. Failure to comply within the specified time period will be subject to the sanctions specified in
paragraph (a) of this section.
     © The Commission may consider extensions oftime upon submission of a showing of good cause.
. — The general provisions of this subpart, shall apply to equipment subject to a Declaration of Conformity.

§2.1072 Limitation on Declaration of Conformity.

     (a) The Declaration of Conformity signifies that the responsible party, as defined in §2.909, has determined that
the equipment has been shown to comply with the applicable technical standards if no unauthorized change is made
in the equipment and if the equipmentis properly maintained and ouperated. Compliance with these standards shail
not be construed to be a finding by the responsible party with respect to matters not encompassed by the
Commission‘s rules.

     (b) A Declaration of Conformity by the responsible party is effective until a termination date is otherwise
established by the Commission.

    © No person shall, in any advertising matter, brochure, etc., use or makereference to a Declaration of
Conformity in a deceptive or misleading manner or convey the impression that such a Declaration of Conformity
reflects more than a determination by the responsible party that the device or product has been shown to be capable
of complying with the applicable technical standards of the Commission‘s rules.

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§2.1073 Responsibilities.

    (a) The responsible party, as defined in §2.909, must warrant that each unit of equipment marketed under a
Declaration of Conformity is identical to the unit tested and found acceptable with the standards and that the records
maintained by the responsible party continue to reflect the equipment being produced under the Declaration of
Conformity within the variation that can be expected due to quantity production and testing on a statistical basis.

    (b) The responsible party, if different from the manufacturer, may upon receiving a written statement from the
manufacturer that the equipment complies with the appropriate technical standards rely on the manufacturer or
independent testing agency to determine compliance. However, the test records required by §2.1075 shall be in the
English language and shall be made available to the Commission upon a reasonable request in accordance with the
provisions of §2.1076.

    ® In the case oftransfer of control ofthe equipment, as in the case of sale or merger of the responsible party, the
newresponsible party shall bear the responsibility of continued compliance ofthe equipment.

     (d) Equipment shall be retested to demonstrate continued compliance with the applicable technical standards if
any modifications or changes that could adversely affect the emanation characteristics ofthe equipment are made by
the responsible party. The responsible party bears responsibility for the continued compliance of subsequently
produced equipment.

     (e) If any modifications or changes are made by anyone other than the responsible party for the Declaration of
Conformity, the party making the modifications or changes, if located within the U.S., becomes the new responsible
party. The new responsible party must comply with all provisions for the Declaration of Conformity, including
having test data on file demonstrating that the product continues to comply with all of the applicable technical

§2.1074 Identification. — Devices subject only to a Dectaration of Conformity shall be uniquely identified by the
responsible party. This identification shall not be of a format which could be confused with the FCC Identifier
required on certified, notified, type accepted or type approved equipment. The responsible party shall maintain
adequate identification records to facilitate positive identification for each device.

§2.1075 Retention of records.

     (a) Except as shown in paragraph (b) of this section, for each product subject to a Declaration of Conformity,
the responsible party, as shown in §2.909, shall maintain the following records:
              (1) A record of the original design drawings and specifications and all changes that have been made
that may affect compliance with the requirements of §2.1073.

              (2) A record of the procedures used for production inspection and testing (if tests were performed) to
insure the conformance required by §2 1073. (Statistical production line emission testing is not required.)

              (3) A record of the measurements made on an appropriate testsite that demonstrates compliance with
the applicable regulations. The record shall contain:

                      (I) The actual date or dates testing was performed:

                     (it) The name of the test laboratory, company, or individual performing the testing. The
Commission may request additional information regarding the test site, the test equipment or the qualifications of the
company or individual performing the tests;

                      (ii) A description of how the device was actually tested, identifying the measurement
procedure and test equipment that was used;

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                        (iv) A description of the equipment under test (EUT) and support equipment connected to, or
installed within, the EUT;

                        (v) The identification of the EUT and support equipment by trade name and model number
and, if appropriate, by FCC Identifier and scrial number;

                        {vi) The types and lengths of connecting cables used and how they were arranged or moved
during testing:

                      (vii) At least two photographs showing the test set—up for the highest line
conducted emission and showing the test set—up for the highest radiated emission. These photographs must be
focused originals which show enough detail to confirm other information contained in the test report;

                        {viii) A description of any modifications made to the EUT by the testing company or
individual to achieve compliance with the regulations;

                      (ix) All ofthe data required to show compliance with the appropriate regulations;
                      (x) The signature of the individual responsible for testing the product along with the name
and signature ofan official of the responsible party, as designated in §2.909; and

                        (xi) A copy of the compliance information, as described in §2.1077, required to be provided
with the equipment.

     (b) If the equipment is assembled using modular components that, by themselves, are subject to authorization
under a Declaration of Conformity and/or a grant of certification, and the assembled product is also subject to
authorization under a Declaration of Conformity but, in accordance with the applicable regulations, does not require
additional testing, the assembler shall maintain the following records in order to show the basis on which compliance
with the standards was determined:

              (1) A listing of all of the components used in the assembly;

              (2) Copies of the compliance information, as described in §2.1077 for all of the modular components
used in the assembly;

              (3) A listing of the PCC Identifier numbers for all of the components used in the assembly that are
authorized under a grant ofcertification;

              (4) A listing of equipment modifications, if any, that were made during assembly; and

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              (5) A copy of any instructions included with the components that were required to be followed to
ensure the assembly of a compliant product, along with a statement, signed by the assembler, that these instructions
were followed during assembly. This statementshall also contain the name and signature of an offictal of the
responsible party, as designated in §2.909.

    ® The records listed in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section shall be retained for two years after the
manufacture or assembly, as appropriate, of said equipment has been permanently discontinued, or until the
conclusion of an investigation or a proceeding ifthe responsible party is officially notified that an investigation or
any other administrative proceeding involving the equipment has been instituted. Requests for the records described
in this section and for sample units also are covered under the provisions of §2.946.

§2.1076 FCC inspection and submission of equipment for testing.

    (a) Each responsible party, upon receipt of a reasonable request, shall submit to the Commission the records
required by §2.1075 or one or more sample units for measurements at the Commission‘s laboratory.

     (b) Shipping costs to the Commission‘s Laboratory and return shall be borne by the responsible party. In the
event the responsible party believes that shipment of the sample to the Commission‘s Laboratory is impractical
because of the size or weight ofthe equipment, or the power requirement, or for any other reason, the responsible
party may submit a written explanation why such shipmentis impractical and should not be required.

§2.1077 Compliance information.

    {a) 1f a product must be tested and authorized under a Declaration of Conformity, a compliance information
statement shall be supplied with the product at the time of marketing or importation, containing the following

             (1) Identification ofthe product, e.g., name and model number;

              (2) A statement, similar to that contained in §15.19(a)(3) of this chapter, that the product complies
with part 15 of this chapters; and

             (3) The identification, by name, address and telephone number, of the responsible party, as defined in
§2.909. The tesponsible party for a Declaration of Conformity must be located within the United States.

     (b) If a product is assembled from modular components that, by themselves, are authorized under a Declaration
of Conformity and/or a grant ofcertification, and the assembled product is also subject to authorization under a
Declaration of Conformity but, in accordance with the applicable regulations, does not require additional testing, the
product shall be supplied, at the time of marketing or importation, with a compliance information statement
containing the following information:

             (1) Identification of the modular components used in the assembly. A modular component authorized
under a Declaration of Conformity shall be identified as specified in paragraph (a)(1) of this section. A modular
component authorized under a grant of certification shall be identified by name and model number(if applicable)
along with the FCC Identifier number.

             (2) A statement that the product complies with Part 15 of this chapter.

             (3) The identification, by name, address and tclephone number, of the responsible party who
assembled the product from modular components, as defined in §2.909. The responsible party for a Declaration of
Conformity must be located within the United States.

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               (4) Copies of the complianceinformation statements for each modular component used in the system
that is authorized under a Declaration of Conformity.

    © The compliance information statement shall be included in the user‘s manual or as a separate sheet.

§15.27 Special accessorics.

     (a) Equipment marketed to a consumer must be capable of complying with the necessary regulations in the
configuration in which the equipmentis marketed. Where special accessories, such as shielded cables and/or special
connectors, are required to enable an unintentional or intentional radiator to comply with the emission limits in this
part, the equipment must be marketed with, i.e.. shipped and sold with, those special accessories. However, in lieu
of shipping or packaging the special accessories with the unintentional or intentional radiator, the responsible party
may employ other methods of ensuring that the special accessories are provided to the consumer, without additional .
charge, at the time ofpurchase. Information detailing any alternative method used to supply the special accessories
shall be included in the application for a grant of equipment authorization or retained in the verification records, as
appropriate. The party responsible for the equipment, as detailed in §2.909 of this chapter, shall ensure that these
special accessories are provided with the equipment. The instruction manual for such devices shall include
appropriate instructions on the first page ofthe text concerned with the installation of the deviee that these special
accessories must be used with the device. It is the responsibility ofthe user to use the needed special accessories
supplied with the equipment.

     (b) If a device requiring special accessories is installed by or under the supervision of the party marketing the
device, it is the responsibility of that party to install the equipment using the special accessories, For equipment
requiring professional installation, it is not necessary for the responsible party to market the special accessories with
the equipment. However, the need to use the special accessories must be detailed in the instruction manual, and it is
the responsibility of the installer to provide and to install the required accessories.

     © Accessory items that can be readily obtained from multiple retail outlets are not considered to be special
accessories and are not required to be marketed with the equipment. The manual included with the equipment must
specify what additional components or accessories are required to be used in order to ensure compliance with this
part, and it is the responsibility of the user to provide and use those components and accessories.

     {d) The resulting system, including any accessories or components marketed with the equipment, must comply
with the regulations.

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                       Appendix A
                  Specifications for UUT.

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System Specifications
TV System:                                                  NTSC
Input symbol rate:                                          15 to 30 Msps
Modulation:                                                 QPSK
Copy protection:                                            Macrovision 7.0 or higher
Inner FEC:                                                  Convolutional rate: 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 778
Outer FEC:                                                  Reed Solomon coding (204, 188) 1=8
Demultiplexing:                                             ISO/IEC 13818—1
Video decoding:                                             ISO/IEC 13818—2 (MP—ML)
Video resolution:                                           720 x 376 resolution max.
Audio decoding:                                             MPEG 1, layer 2
Dimensions:                                                 2.75 in. H x 14.75 in. W x 9.75 in. D
Operating temperature:                                      0 to 45 °C
Storage temperature:                                        —20 to 70 °C
Humidity:                                                   0—90% (non—condensing)
Cooling:                                                    Convection, maximum temperature rise 25 °C with
                                                            similar equipment stacked top/bottom
Indicator:                                                  Power LED (green)
Colour:                                                     Black
Mounting:                                                   Free standing
Front panel:                                                *   ABS plastic, buttons, logo silk—screens (OEM only),
                                                                smartcard receptacle
                                                            *   Power LED
                                                                IR sensor

                                                                1 x set audio RCA (L/R), 1 video RCA

Rear panel:
                                                                Modulator (RF input/output), tuner IF input

                                                                RJ—11 Modem connection

                                                                S—Video connector

                     The information in this documentis private data and company confidential.


< Clipper PRD

 Feature Set
 Security system:                                            Nagra embedded conditional access; Nagra supplied
                                                             smartcard; smartcard receptacle (ISO 7816 compatible)
 Remote control:                                             16 bit EchoStar database IR for system pack—outs OR 10
                                                             bit non—database IRfor standalone pack—outs
 Front panel control:                                        2 buttons (channel up, channel down, power (when
                                                             pressed and held simultaneously), [R remote sensor
 Front Panel Display:                                        Power LED (green)
 On—Screen Display:                                          Current Model 3000 OSD — English character set
                                                             (Frenchfor Express—Vu)
 On—Screen Menus:                                            Current Model 3000 UL, EPG

 Inputfrequency range:                                       950 to 1450 MHz
 Input impedance:                                            75 Q
 Connector type:                                             F—typefemale
 Input level:                                                —653dBm to —25dBm (max.)
 Input VSWR:                                                 2.0:1 (max.)
 LO leakage at input:                                        —60dBm (typ), —50 dBm (max.)
 Channel selection:                                          PLL frequency synthesizer
 Frequency step size:                                        500 kHz min.
 Noise figure:                                               12dB max.
 Power Supply
 Input voltage:                                              110 +/— 22y VAC single phase
 Voltagefrequency:                                           60Hz +/—10 Hz
 Plug type:                                                  2—pin polarized flat blade plug
 Protection:                                                 Internallyfused, lightning, short circuit

 Microprocessor:                                             SGS 5500 running @ 50OMHz


 DRAM/VRAM:                                                  Unified memory — 4 Mbits for microprocessing and
                                                             applications; 12 Mbits for MP @ ML
 FLASH:                                                      512 Kbyte
 EEPROM:                                                     16 Kbit
 LNBF Power Supply
 Line level compensation:                                    1 V
 Vertical polarity switching:                                +13.0 Voits +/— 7%
 Horizontal polarity switching:                              +18.5 Voits +/— 7%
 Current:                                                    450mA max.
 Protection:                                                 Lightning, short circuit
 Control:                                                    Support EchoStar 13/18v control words & timing for
                                                             external switch box
 Signaling:                                                  22kHz per Astra guidelines
 Video Output
 Type:                                                       NTSC, reconstructedfrom CCIR 656 video data
 Resolution:                                                 720x480max. (15 Mbps max.)
                      The information in this documentis private data and company confidential.


Ciipper PRD

Format:                                                     4:3 and 16:9 (pan—scan)
Frequency response:                                         +/— 1dB; 100 kHz to 4.2 MHz
Level:                                                      1 V p—p into 75 0
Connector:                                                  7 x video RCA (color codedyellow)
S/N ratio:                                                  55 dB (weighted)
SYHS:                                                       Standard YC S—video output 1 Vp—p into 75 Q.
Connector:                                                  Standard SVHS 5 pin mini—DIN
Audio Output
Number ofChannels:                                          2 standard (L&R)
Operating mades:                                            Stereo, dual mono, mono (mono is right channel)
Output level:                                               775 mVrms max. output into 10K Ohm; reference is
                                                            IkHz tone wivolume control disabled (fixed) onfactory
                                                            test stream p/n (123476682—4A); value = 8350 m¥p—p
Output connector:                                           1 set RCA (L&R — color coded white and red)
Frequencyresponse:                                          20H2 to 20kHz +/— 1 dB @ 48kHz sample rate
Total Harmonic Distortion:                                  < 0.2 % at 1 kHz (CCIR weighted)
Dynamic range:                                              90 dB
Lefuright balance:                                          <0.5dB
S/N ratio:                                                  70 dB
Sampling/resolution:                                        256X over—sampled/16 bits
Volume control:                                             Yes — 22 steps @ 2dB
RF Modulation
TVStandard:                                                 NISC
Level:                                                      66dB u¥ nominal into 75 02
Channel Range:                                              VHF 3—4; manual channel selection
Pre—set Channel:                                            Channel 3
Connector:                                                  F—typefemale
Audio;                                                      Mone
RF bypassfrequency:                                         34—806 MH:z
Insertion loss:                                             4dB (max, overfreq. range})
Internal Modem
Baud rate:                                                  2400 (max.)
Signalformat:                                               Compatible with V.22bis (2400),V.22 (1200), Belf 2124
                                                            (1200), Bell 103 (300)
Connector:                                                  R11
Instruction set:                                            Compatible with Hayes command set
Auto—dialer type:                                           Both pulse and DTMF dialers to be provided
Signal to noise performance:                                Error—rate > 0.00011 for S/N > 14dB
Active circuit isolation:                                   600 ©2 isolation transformer, 1500 VYDCprimary to
                                                            secondaryisolation. Off—hook relay must provide 1500
                                                            VDC contact to coil isolation
Surge suppression:                                          FCC Part 68
                                                            Metallic surge: 800Vpeak @ 10 usec. Max. rise time.
                                                            560 usec, Min. decay time to halfcrest.
                                                            Longitudinal surge: 1500Vpeak between tip & ring to
                                                            ground. 10 usec. Max, rise time, 160 usec. Min. decay
                                                            time to halfcrest.
Line Interfacing:                                           FCC Part 68
                                                            On—hook leakage tip to ring greater than 5 MQ with
                                                            applied voltage ofless than 100V.
                                                            Longitudinal balance: 60dB, 200—1000 Hz, 404B, 1000—
                     The information in this documentis private data and company confidential.


. Clipper PRD

                                                            4000 Hz. Off—hook DC impedance: less than 200 0
 Off—hook detect:                                           Modem automatically ceases communication and
                                                            releases phone line ifsecond phone connected to the
                                                            same line is detected off—hook
 Box contents:                                              IRD, IR remote w/batteries, user manual, RG—59, RJ—11,
                                                            and RCA cables, dish antenna and LNBF (for system)
                                                            External box gang label with UPC code, model #, place
 Labeling:                                                  and date ofmanufacture, bar coded serial #, smart card
                                                            #. conditional access #, and part #
 Agency Approvals
 EMI Radiated Emission:                                     FCC Part 15 Class B
 Modem:                                                     FCC Part 68
 Safety:                                                    UL approval 1409
 ESD:                                                       IEC 801—2

                    The information in this documentis private data and company confidential.


Product Description

Power Supply
The receiver is a DBS type satellite receiver intended for home use. The unit is connected
to a 120 V 60 Hz source of power. The unit has mains filtering with "Y" capacitors and a
common mode ferrite and power supply CM choke.

The systems receives its satellite signal from a Dish located outside the home and
connected to the receiver by a coax cable. The signal is down converted to a signal which
is then sent over the coax to the set top receiver box. (EUT). The unit is designed to
receive signals from satellites in the frequency range of 950— 1450 MHz.

Remote Control
The set box may be controlled via front panel controls or via an Infrared remote control.

The unit is provided with a data modem. This modem allows the unit to dial up the local
service number of the purposes of billing, security and authorization of programs viewed.
The modem is covered by a separate application under the Part 68 rules and regulations.

TV Input and Output Connections
The unit is connected to the TV input via the use of a 75 OHM coax cable. The unit is
provided with a built in antenna switch to allow local direct viewing of over the air
broadcast signals or the satellite signal. The output signal for the TV is generated in the
unit is outputted on Channels 3 or 4 and is switch selectable on the rear panel.

Audio and Video Outputs
The unit is provided with Audio L and Audio R outputs as well as composet and S—Video
output connectors on the rear panel.

Document Created: 2001-05-21 16:49:27
Document Modified: 2001-05-21 16:49:27

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