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                                               Service Manual
                                                UC2 Hand-Held
                                               UHF Transmitter
                            The Shure UC2 Hand-Held UHF Transmitter is a microprocessor-
                        controlled microphone transmitter, operating in the 774 to 862 MHz
                        frequency range. The UC2 hand-held transmitter is used in mid-level
                        installed sound, rental, and concert sound applications. Six frequency
                        range variations are available.

Controls and Connectors



                                                               8                        4



     1. Mic Cartridge Grille (87 shown)               5. 9 V Battery
     2. Battery Fuel Gauge LEDs                       6. Battery Cup
     3. Power ON/OFF Switch                           7. Group Selection Rotary Switch
     4. Audio Gain Control                            8. Channel Selection Rotary Switch
                             Figure 1. UC2 Controls and Connectors

                              Service Note: Shure recommends that all service procedures be
                              performed by a Factory-Authorized Service Center or that the
                              product be returned directly to Shure Brothers Inc.

E1998, Shure Brothers Inc.                                                          Printed in U.S.A.
25A1044 (RI)

Shure UC2 Hand-Held UHF Transmitter

Circuit Description
                                                      CONTROL INPUT

                                                                                                       Σ              AUDIO

                                                                        LIMITER            TONE KEY

                                  +5V                               CONTROL OUTPUT
                              REG.                +5v
                                                                                        BATTERY       CALL ID
                                                                TONE KEY                 MGMT.
                                                 32.768 kHz         CIRCUIT              & FUEL

   FROM          ON / OFF                 UNREG. PWR.
   BATT.         SWITCH                                               TONE CONTROL

                                                                                                   4 MHz
                                                 PWR. OFF DETECT

                                                  PLL CONTROL
                                                                              MCU                    (MEM)

   CONTROL         HOLD
                                                        4 MHz


                                                                        GROUP                     CHANNEL

                                           RF POWER
                                                                              RF MUTE                  RF MUTE

                       AUDIO IN


                                  Figure 2. UC2 Hand-Held Transmitter Circuit Block Diagram

Audio Section
                                 Audio enters L200, an inductor used as an rf choke. The signal is
                             ac coupled through capacitor C200 into a user adjustable gain stage.
                             Resistors R202 and R203 set up a half-supply bias, and R204 sets the
                             input impedance for the stage.
                                The back-to-back diodes, D201, are used to keep the op-amp from
                             snapping to the rail and reverse phasing when the maximum input volt-
                             age range is exceeded.
                                 The 30 dB adjustable gain stage is built around U200A. The user
                             externally controls the gain of this stage. C206, C207, and C208 protect

Characteristics                                                 2                                                25A1044 (RI)

                                        Shure UC2 Hand-Held UHF Transmitter

               the amplifier and bias circuits from rf interference. Due to its topology,
               this stage is unique because it is non-inverting and allows for a gain less
               than unity.
                   Audio then enters a buffer to the pre-emphasis network and the
               compression stage. R213, R214, and C211 set up two corners for the
               pre-emphasis network. The pre-emphasis boosts the high frequencies
               before transmission.
                   This network feeds an NE575 compander, U202, that utilizes an
               external amplifier, U201B. The compander performs a 2:1 logarithmic
               compression of the audio signal. The pre-emphasis network also plays
               a role in setting the hinge point (0 dB gain) of the compander.
                    From the compressor, the processed audio enters a low-pass filter,
               U201D, and then a summing amplifier, U201C. The tone key (and for
               J frequencies, the call ID signal) is added here to the processed audio
                   Transistors Q208 and Q209, with crystal Y200, form the tone key
               oscillator circuit to provide a stable, continuous 32.768 kHz sine wave.
               Transistor Q210 buffers the tone key signal before it is added to the
               audio signal.
                   The tone key signal is used in the receiver to provide audio output
               only when the tone key signal is present with the transmitted signal. If
               the tone key or the transmitter is turned off, the receiver will be muted.
                   The tone key squelch eliminates receiver noise associated with
               loss of a carrier. Q211 acts as a switch for toggling the tone key MUTE/
               UNMUTE; it is controlled via the microprocessor.

                    The tone key signal, along with the processed audio signal, is then
               fed to a summing amplifier, U201C. R244, at the output of the summing
               amplifier, helps prevent spurious oscillations from the op-amp. After
               passing the ac coupling capacitor, C243, the signal is fed to the rf module
               via the rf choke, L207.
                   The battery meter circuit is comprised of U205; LEDs D203, D204,
               D205; and various resistors. The meter works by comparing a divided
               down version of the battery voltage (R250, R251) to two thresholds
               (set by R252, R253, and R254), and lighting the appropriate LED.
                   A 9 Vdc battery provides power to the audio printed circuit board
               (pcb), via switch S200. FET Q203 provides electrical reverse battery
               protection by connecting the negative battery terminal to the pcb ground
               only when the battery is connected with the correct polarity.
                   The 9 Vdc then enters U203, a low dropout 5 V regulator, which
               gives a clean, regulated 5 V supply to run the audio circuitry. The
               regulator has appropriate bypass capacitors on its input and output.
               Q201, Q202, Q212, Q213, and their respective resistors, provide
               power management and timing.

25A1044 (RI)                            3                                  Characteristics

Shure UC2 Hand-Held UHF Transmitter

                      This transmitter uses the same pcb as the domestic system, but it
                  requires a different topology and different parts.
                       A limiter is inserted between the pre-emphasis and the compressor
                  to limit the occupied bandwidth.
                       The buffer after the gain stage, U201A, is now an inverter with
                  pre-emphasis and 20 dB of attenuation. Previously bypassed, the
                  expander side of the NE575 (U202) is now activated and used as a
                  limiter. A sample of the audio is taken from the limiter output, U202,
                  pin 6, and sent to a control circuit that detects signals above a limiting
                  threshold. The comparator then sends a control signal to U202, pin 5,
                  which clamps the signal.

Rf Section
                       Processed audio enters R320, an internal potentiometer that is
                  adjusted for 45 kHz deviation (40 kHz for England), 100% modulation,
                  with a 6.8 dBu 1 kHz tone at the output of the compressor. For J fre-
                  quencies, R320 is adjusted for 5 kHz deviation with 1 kHz tone injected
                  into the mic input, to give –23.47 dBu at U201, pin 7 (TPA4).
                       The audio is then fed to the tuning voltage pin of the voltage con-
                  trolled oscillator (VCO), which modulates the carrier directly. A phase
                  locked-loop (PLL) frequency-synthesized system eliminates the need for
                  multiplier stages and results in a much higher degree of spectral purity.
                      The VCO is shielded to prevent external rf fields from affecting its
                  operation. Regulated 5 Vdc power from the low drop-out regulator,
                  U311, is provided to ensure frequency stability with changes in battery
                       The VCO is capable of tuning from 782 to 806 MHz (FCC-approved),
                  with a 1 to 4 V tuning voltage range. At the output of the VCO, the rf
                  signal splits into two paths. Frequency variations by country are given
                  in a table in the Service Procedures section.
                       The output of the VCO is coupled by C323 to the frequency control
                  pin of the synthesizer, U304. The synthesizer’s internal circuitry divides
                  the rf signal down, as necessary. The synthesizer contains a quartz-con-
                  trolled reference oscillator circuit operating from a 4.0 MHz crystal, Y302,
                  that is adjusted by trimmer C314.
                      The transmitter output frequency is user-selectable in groups of
                  compatible channels from 782 to 806 MHz for domestic groups. Fre-
                  quency selection is made via microprocessor U303, which interfaces with
                  the user by means of the Group/Channel switches, S301 and S302.
                        The output of the synthesizer is a series of pulses integrated by a
                  passive loop filter (R316, C319, R317, C353, R318, C320) to produce a
                  control voltage signal. The control voltage signal is then connected to
                  the VCO through buffer amplifier U306B, which is used to isolate the PLL
                  filter from the audio modulation signals.

Characteristics                           4                                     25A1044 (RI)

                                           Shure UC2 Hand-Held UHF Transmitter

                     The VCO output is also coupled to the pre-driver and rf power
                  amplifier through a resistive network (R322, R324, R325) and a
                  coupling capacitor, C329.
                       The pre-driver stage, Q302, provides approximately 6 to 8 dB of
                  gain, which makes up for the pad. R326 and R327 provide base bias
                  for the transistor, while R328 sets its operating current.
                       L303 is an rf choke used to provide power to the stage, while L304,
                  C332, C333, C357, and C2 provide filtering/matching for the stage. The
                  collector of Q302 feeds into the power amplifier stage via coupling
                  capacitor C338 and a pi-matching network made up of C339, L305,
                  and C340.
                      The rf power amplifier, Q304, is a dual emitter BJT. This high-gain,
                  high-frequency low-noise device can provide +18 dBm out at its 1 dB
                  compression point. It is biased via base resistors R331 and R332. Its
                  operating current is controlled via emitter resistor R333.
                      L306 acts as a choke, and C349, C350, C355, and C356 provide a
                  good emitter bypass to ground. The amplifier output is matched to low-
                  pass filter U1, via L307. The low-pass filter output couples to the printed
                  circuit board (pcb) via C347 and L308.
                      The transmitter can deliver +17 dBm (50 mW) maximum to the
                  antenna for domestic frequencies; JA and JB frequency transmitters can
                  deliver +10 dBm maximum to the antenna. During transmitter power-up
                  and frequency selection, the rf power is muted by bringing the gates of
                  Q303/Q305 low. This provides approximately 45 dB rf attenuation until
                  the PLL has locked.
                       The transmitter rf is then unmuted by bringing the gates Q303/Q305
                  high. During transmitter power off conditions, voltage is first removed
                  from the VCO by bringing the base of Q301 high. Thus, the carrier signal
                  of the transmitter is not allowed to drift off frequency during power on/off

Digital Section
                      The digital section contains several circuitry blocks.

                  Microcontroller Section
                       The microcontroller section consists of the U303 microcontroller.
                  The rotary switches indicate the UHF frequency group and channel. A
                  4.000 MHz oscillator provides the operating frequency to the microcon-
                  troller. The oscillator circuit includes C300, C301, and Y301. U5, R306,
                  and C305 form the reset circuit. U5 is the reset IC that resets the U303
                  microcontroller if the 5 Vdc normal operating voltage falls below 4.3 Vdc.
                  C302 and C303 form the power supply bypass filter circuit.

25A1044 (RI)                              5                                    Characteristics

Shure UC2 Hand-Held UHF Transmitter

                  Memory Section
                      The memory section consists of U302, a non-volatile, Electrically
                  Erasable/Programmable Read Only Memory (EEPROM) that stores the
                  mapping of the compatible groups and channels. The microcontroller
                  serially communicates with this part via data and clock lines to read the
                  frequency corresponding to the Group and Channel position.
                      The ability to write to the memory occurs during factory programming
                  only. During normal usage, this memory is used as a look-up table only.
                      R335 and R305 resistors allow the clock and data lines to be driven
                  independently of the microcontroller port pin states during in-circuit pro-
                  gramming of the EEPROM.

                  Battery Management Section
                      The U303 microcontroller provides low battery shutdown. The shut-
                  down threshold is 1.88 Vdc ± 10%. A voltage lower than the shutdown
                  threshold on U303, pin 17, shuts down the transmitter. Resistors R308
                  and R309 divide down the battery voltage for U303; a battery voltage
                  less than 5.65 Vdc must shut down the transmitter.
                       This auto shutdown disables the audio tone key mix, mutes the rf
                  output, and powers down the rf output amplifier section. The current
                  draw from a 9 Vdc battery in this state is 14 ± 2.0 mA, and the battery
                  fuel gauge is not functional. Turning off the power switch completely
                  shuts off the transmitter.
                      The audio circuit description section provides information for the
                  battery fuel gauge circuit description.

                  Rotary Switches for Frequency Selection
                      A 10-position Group switch (S302) and a 16-position Channel switch
                  (S301) select the transmitter frequency. Both rotary switches share the
                  same U303 microcontroller port pins (3 through 6) for a multiplexed
                  switch read operation. The individual switches are selected by U303,
                  pins 7 and 8. Resistors R4, R300, R302, and R303 are the pull-ups for
                  the switch position read. Diode packs D301 through D304 isolate the
                  switches during the multiplexed read operation.
                      The multiplexed scheme to read switches does not allow incorporat-
                  ing switch change detection based on interrupts. Also, the switches can-
                  not be constantly scanned to determine changes because the scanning
                  frequency being in audio range is difficult to filter out.
                      In a steady state, the switch selector common pins are inputs to the
                  U303, pins 7 and 8, while U303, pins 3 through 6, are outputs. In this
                  state, pins 4, 5, and 6 are held low while pin 3 is held high. This forces
                  logic high level on switch selector pins if the switches are set on odd
                  positions. For even position settings, the contact on pin 1 is open from
                  the switch common pin and the internal pull-down resistors force logic
                  low to U303, pins 7 and 8.

Characteristics                           6                                    25A1044 (RI)

                                        Shure UC2 Hand-Held UHF Transmitter

                   Any switch change is comprised of state toggle from odd to even,
               and vice versa. Only this change is detected, and it is followed by a
               multiplexed switch read, in which U303, pins 7 and 8, become selectively
               grounded outputs to read the selected switch’s state on pins 3 through 6.
                   A multiplexed switch read is preceded by tone key and rf mutes.
               This mutes the audio in the receiver to allow a quiet change to another
                  For JA frequencies, the Group switch has 16 positions, and the
               Channel switch has 10 positions.

               Power Switch and Mute Interface
                    When a transmitter is turned off, the PWRDN signal goes to logic low
               on U303, pin 19. This immediately disables the tone key, and the power
               hold circuit automatically kicks in to bypass the power switch. This is
               followed by 500 mS of delay, and then the rf is muted and turned off.
               The power hold circuit is also disabled at this point, and the transmitter
               shuts off.

25A1044 (RI)                           7                                 Characteristics

Shure UC2 Hand-Held UHF Transmitter


                    This page intentionally left blank.

Notes                                   8                 25A1044 (RI)

                                                    Shure UC2 Hand-Held UHF Transmitter

Functional Test
                           Verify operation and reported malfunction, referring to the product
                        User’s Guide for a description of the unit as well as information on its
                        operation, troubleshooting, and technical data.

Disassembly and Assembly

                                              ! CAUTION !
                        Observe precautions when handling this static-sensitive device.


                             1. Remove the microphone cartridge from the UC2.
                             2. Use a pair of needlenosed pliers to remove the circuit board
                                retaining ring from inside the handle.
                             3. Push the bezel tab-snap in the handle behind the contact pcb to
                                remove the bezel and switch actuator.
                             4. Slide the circuit board out by pushing on the battery connectors.


                        Switch actuator                             Right side view of microphone
               Handle                                      Tab

                                                                 Contact pcb

                                                                  Circuit board subassembly

                                    Figure 3. Bezel Removal

25A1044 (RI)                                       9                                      Functional Test

Shure UC2 Hand-Held UHF Transmitter

                                             Á ÁÁÁ
                                   Ball screen
                                   Contact       (SM58 shown)

                                                  Audio circuit
                                                        Gain control

                    Rf circuit                                                     Switch

                     board                                                        actuator

                                                      ÁÁÁ                               9 Vdc alkaline


                                                                   Gain control


                                                                                     Battery cup

                                 Figure 4. UC2 Hand-Held Transmitter, exploded view.

                                 To reassemble the unit, reverse the disassembly steps given above:
                                 1. Slide the circuit board back into the handle.
                                 2. Reinstall the retaining ring, switch actuator, bezel, and the
                                    microphone cartridge.

Disassembly and Assembly                               10                                          25A1044 (RI)

                                         Shure UC2 Hand-Held UHF Transmitter

Service Procedures
Measurement Reference
                   dBu is a measure of voltage, and dBm is a measure of power.
                    For example, the HP8903 should be labeled dBu instead of dBm
               because it is a voltage measurement. These two terms are often used
               interchangeably even though they have different meanings.
                   Audio levels in dBu are marked as dBm on the HP8903.

                                 dB Conversion Chart
                        0 dBV = 2.2 dBu
                        0 dBu = 0 dBm, assuming the load = 600 Ω

Test Equipment
                   Most test equipment needed is described in the Shure Wireless
               Service Equipment Manual. The following test equipment (or approved
               equivalent) is also needed.
                                                    Table 1
                                              Test Equipment
                           Equipment Type                               Model
                             Audio analyzer                   *Hewlett-Packard 8903B
                           Digital multimeter                        Fluke 87
                           Rf signal generator                 Hewlett-Packard 8656B
                           Frequency counter                  Hewlett-Packard 53181A
                      Spectrum analyzer (domestic)             Hewlett-Packard 8590L
                       Spectrum analyzer (JA, JB)              Hewlett-Packard 8591E
                          Shure UC4 receiver                        Shure UC4
                               Test head                                PT1840
                    Brass ring for use with test head               PT1838–Y
                      BNC to “rocket launch” cable                  95C8418–1
               *Audio levels in dBu are marked as dBm on the HP8903B.

Test Equipment Set-Up
                   The alignment procedure is sequential and does not change,
               unless specified.
                   1. Use RG58 or any low loss, 50 Ω cables for all rf connections.
                      Use a BNC to “rocket launch” cable for J frequencies.
                   2. Keep the test cables as short as possible.
                   3. Include the insertion loss of the cables and connectors for all rf
                   4. Dc voltages may be present at rf test points. As a precaution,
                      use dc blocks to protect the test equipment

25A1044 (RI)                           11                               Service Procedures

Shure UC2 Hand-Held UHF Transmitter

Test Set-Up
                                                                                             AUDIO SIDE 1

    P201                                                                                                                 C222                      C214
           D201                          TP18                    Q203   +9V               +5V        Q213
                                                                                             Q212                                                                        R7
                                                             Q202                                                        U202                     U201


                                                                                                                                    TP4                             R39    PAD

                                                                 Q204     Q209
    P200     J205                                    U205


                                                                                                    Y200                               TP6
                  RED                                                     RF SIDE 1
                            RF GND*                                                                                 U302
              S302                                R40*                                                                                                                             P204

              TPRF1                J2*                                                                                                                    U303

                                           Q304                                                 C510        TP30



                                                                                  C314                 Q301
                                                            Y302                                                                    TP+9

      *J2 and R40 are placed for JA, JB frequencies only. RF GND is accessed thru a hole in the pcb.

                                                                                                            AUDIO SIDE 2
                                 C251                                                                                                  TP18
                                                                                          C227                 +5V
             J202                                   C223                                                                   Q3                 Q2
                                                                                                       +9V                        C243
                                   TP16                   C213                                                                         L207                          U2

                  J201                                             Q210                                                  J200                                  1
                                          Q211           TP10

                          D304                                                  RF SIDE 2
                                                         C303                                                Q303                                                          J301
                                                         C324                                                       C336
                                                                                                                                                         U1    C347
                                         TP+9                    U306
                     U5                                                                                       C315
                                                            C353                                                                                                           J302
                                    J300                                                                                                   L300

                                         Figure 5. UC2 Major Test Component Locations

                                                 1. Use the PT1843 cable to connect the audio board to the rf board
                                                    through the 11-pin board interconnects (J200, J300, side 2).
                                                 2. Apply + 9 Vdc across the battery terminals (J201, J202, side 2).
                                                 3. Set the audio GAIN potentiometer (R207, side 1) to minimum,
                                                    full counter-clockwise (CCW).
                                                 4. See Table 2 for frequency settings.

Service Procedures                                                                    12                                                                                 25A1044 (RI)

                                             Shure UC2 Hand-Held UHF Transmitter

                       Table 2 lists the group carrier frequencies, switch settings,
                       and tuning voltages for all the alignment tests that follow.

                                                 Table 2
                            Group Carrier Frequencies and Tuning Voltages
                                   (in order by carrier frequency)
                                   Group     Channel     Carrier     VCO Tuning
                         Group     Switch    Switch    Frequency       Voltage    Deviation
               Group     Code      (S101)     (S102)      (MHz)        (TP130)      (kHz)

                UA         A         4           0         805.500      3.7          45
                MB         B         1           3         805.500      2.2          15
                JA         C         0           2         805.500      3.7          5
                JB         D         4           2         807.500      3.8          5
                KK         E         5           5         857.125      2.9          15
                MC         –         –           –           –           –           –

25A1044 (RI)                                13                          Service Procedures

Shure UC2 Hand-Held UHF Transmitter

                               Use this service procedure to correctly align the transmitter’s
                           operating (output) frequency. C510 tunes the voltage-controlled
                           oscillator (VCO) to the operating frequency selected, with a 1 – 4 Vdc
                           tuning range.
                               C314 adjusts the reference oscillator on the synthesizer, U304.

     AUDIO SIDE 1               J205
                                                                   RF SIDE 2

                                                                                TPRF1    C347
  J205              S200
                                          TEST         RETAINING
                                          HEAD           RING

                                                            FREQUENCY COUNTER

                                                                                                        CH 2

                                                                                                        CH 1

     UC2 Transmitter                    Audio Analyzer                             Frequency Counter
  Power (S200): ON (+9 Vdc)            Measurement: AC level                   Operating freq: See Table 2
 Operating freq: See Table 2                Filters:                           Connect CH 2: TPRF1 and GND
            Gain: Minimum        Low-Pass (30 kHz): ON                             For JA,JB frequencies:
                                                                                       Connect to J2
                                 High-Pass (400 Hz): ON                                (pcb rf side 1)

                           Figure 6. UC2 Frequency Alignment Set-Up

                               1. Remove C347 and connect a 50 Ω cable between TPRF1 /
                                  RF GND and a frequency counter.

                                   For JA, JB frequencies, do not remove C347. Connect a
                                   “rocket launch” cable between J2 and the frequency counter.
                                   J2 is only placed on the JA, JB frequency assemblies.
                               2. Use a PT1840 test head and brass ring (PT1838-Y) to connect
                                  the audio analyzer to the UC2 audio input (J205). Turn ON the
                                  Low-Pass (30 kHz) and High-Pass (400 Hz) filters on the audio

                                   For bench testing, the audio analyzer can be directly connected
                                   to the contact board gold contacts with clip leads.

                               3. Toggle the power switch, S200, to turn on the UC2 transmitter.
                               4. Set the UC2 Group and Channel switches, S301 and S302,
                                  according to the group designators on the board and the
                                  settings given in Table 2.

Service Procedures                                 14                                                25A1044 (RI)

                                                     Shure UC2 Hand-Held UHF Transmitter

                             Use this service procedure to correctly align the transmitter’s
                         operating (output) frequency. C510 tunes the voltage-controlled
                         oscillator (VCO) to the operating frequency selected, with a 1 – 4 Vdc
                         tuning range.
                               C314 adjusts the reference oscillator on the synthesizer, U304.
                                                                     DC VOLTMETER

                                                                         –     +

                                        RF GND: FEED THRU
                                           HOLE ON PCB

   FREQUENCY COUNTER                                         RF
                                                     S302   GND

                           CH 2                      S301

                           CH 1
                                                   *R40 and J2 are placed for JA, JB frequencies only.

       UC2 Transmitter                   Frequency Counter                                      DC Voltmeter
         Power: ON (+9 Vdc)          Operating freq: See Table 2                          Connect + : TP30
 Operating freq: See Table 2         Connect CH 2: TPRF1 and GND                          Connect – : RF GND
 Channel switch: See Table 2                                      For JA,JB frequencies:
                                                                      Connect to J2
  Group switch: See Table 2                                           (pcb rf side 1)

                         Figure 7. UC2 Frequency Test Set-Up

                               1. Put a dc voltmeter across TP30 (tuning voltage line) and
                                  RF GND.

                               2. Adjust the VCO trimmer, C510, until the voltmeter reading
                                  matches the appropriate entry in Table 2, ± 0.125 Vdc.
                               3. Adjust the variable capacitor, C314, until the frequency counter
                                  measurement matches the appropriate frequency in Table 2,
                                  ± 1 kHz.
                               4. Leave the test cable connected to the rf output.
                               5. Turn the transmitter OFF.
                               6. The dc voltmeter can be removed from TP30.

25A1044 (RI)                                       15                                              Service Procedures

Shure UC2 Hand-Held UHF Transmitter

Power Output Measurement

                         The output power measurement ensures that the output signal is
                     strong enough for sufficient range when the system is in use. The output
                     power measurement also verifies that the output power is not above the
                     specified maximum level, to ensure compliance with regulatory agencies


                                           RF GND: FEED THRU
                                               HOLE IN PCB

                                                  S302      GND
                                                     S301                           U501

                                                       *R40 and J2 are placed for JA, JB frequencies only.

                             UC2 Transmitter                                Spectrum Analyzer
                              Power: ON                                       Frequency: See Table 2
                       Operating freq: See Table 2                                    Span: 200 MHz
                                                                    Reference voltage: 20 dBm
                                                                            Peak search: ON
                                                                             Signal track: ON
                                                                                    Marker: ON

                     Figure 8. UC2 Power Output Measurement Test Set-Up

                         1. Remove the BNC cable end from the frequency counter and
                            connect it to the 50 Ω input of the spectrum analyzer.. Use the
                            equipment settings shown in Figure 8.
                         2. Measure the output power. The output power should be:
                              UA, MB, MC frequencies:                 16 + 1 / – 2 dBm
                                        KK frequencies:               14 + 1 / – 2 dBm
                                            For J frequencies, with C347 in place,
                                             adjust R40 to obtain 8.8 ± 0.5 dBm.
                         3. Turn the UC2 power OFF.
                         4. Remove the BNC end of the cable from the spectrum analyzer,
                            but leave the bare end soldered to the printed circuit board (pcb).
                         5. For JA, JB frequencies, leave the “rocket launcher” cable

Service Procedures                           16                                                         25A1044 (RI)

                                                        Shure UC2 Hand-Held UHF Transmitter

Deviation Reference Voltage, Using a UC4 or U4S Receiver
                               Deviation must be set to make sure the companding systems be-
                           tween the transmitter and receiver correctly track each other. The level
                           coming out of the transmitter’s audio compressor must match the level
                           going into the receiver’s audio expander. A fixed gain structure does not
                           ensure an exact match, primarily because of variations in voltage-
                           controlled oscillators (VCOs).
                               This test requires a UC4 or a U4S receiver and is designed to tune
                           the transmitter regardless of the accuracy of the receiver’s tuning. It is,
                           however, recommended that a properly-tuned receiver be used to per-
                           form the transmitter deviation adjustment.
                                                                        UC4 RECEIVER (FRONT)
                                                                            A B

  UC4 RECEIVER (BACK)                                         SQUELCH

                                                                                                (TONE KEY SWITCH)

                                                                                                  TK ON   TK OFF

 AUDIO ANALYZER                             DC BLOCK

                                    RF SIGNAL GENERATOR

                                                                        NOTE: DC VOLTAGES ARE PRESENT
                                                                        AT MOST RF TEST POINTS. USE A
                                                                        DC BLOCK ON THE RF SIGNAL
                                                                        GENERATOR TO PROTECT
                                                                        TEST EQUIPMENT.

          UC4 Receiver                        Audio Analyzer                         Rf Signal Generator
             Output: Unbalanced            Measurement: AC level                               INT: FM
               Gain: Maximum                       Filters:                                    INT: 1 kHz
            Squelch: Mid              Low-Pass (30 kHz): ON                       Output amplitude: –60 dBm
    Tone Key (S501): OFF             High-Pass (400 Hz): ON                            Frequency: See Table 2
       Group switch: See Table 2                                                       Modulation: See Table 2
     Channel switch: See Table 2

                           Figure 9. Deviation Reference Voltage Test Set-Up,
                                       Using a UC4 or U4S Receiver
                              1. Connect the rf signal generator to one of the receiver’s
                                  antenna port B.
                              2. Turn the UC4 or U4S receiver ON.
                              3. Set the receiver frequency to match the transmitter frequency.
                              4. Set the rf signal generator frequency to match the transmitter
                              5. Modulate the generator frequency with 1 kHz audio at a
                                  –60 dBm output level. See Table 2 for deviation.
                              6. Set the tone key switch (S501 for the UC4, S201 for the U4S)
                                  to the OFF position.
                              7. Connect the ac voltmeter to the unbalanced output of the
                              8. Read the ac voltage.
                           Record this voltage. This is the deviation reference voltage.

25A1044 (RI)                                           17                                 Service Procedures

Shure UC2 Hand-Held UHF Transmitter

Deviation Adjustment Voltage: Using a UC4 or U4S Receiver

                                            AUDIO ANALYZER

               (TONE KEY SWITCH)

                                                                                         SIDE 1

                                                                                               TPA4 –
                                                                                                pin 7

        UC4 Receiver                             UC2 Transmitter                     Audio Analyzer
           Output: Unbalanced                    Power: + 9 Vdc                    Measurement: AC level
             Gain: Maximum                         Gain: Minimum               Frequency Output: 1 kHz
          Squelch: Mid                                                                   Filters:
   Tone Key (S501): ON                                                        Low-Pass (30 kHz): ON
                                                                              High-Pass (400 Hz): ON

                            Figure 10. Deviation Adjustment Voltage Test Set-Up,
                                        Using a UC4 or U4S Receiver, Steps 1 through 3

                                   Reassemble the printed circuit boards for this test.
                                   1. Disconnect the rf signal generator from the UC4 receiver and
                                      return the UC4 tone key switch to the ON position.
                                   2. Connect the audio analyzer output to the MIC input of the
                                      transmitter, using the test head or clip leads to the gold spring
                                   3. Adjust the audio input level using the audio analyzer output to
                                      measure the following at TPA4 (U201, pin 7) :

                                               UA              MB, MC            JA, JB                 KK
                                        –6.8 dBu ± 0.2 dB     – 16.3 dBu      – 23.47 dBu           – 15.3 dBu
                                         (354 mV ± 1 mV)    (118 mV ± 1 mV)   (52 mV ± 1 mV)      (133 mV ± 1 mV)

                            See Figure 11 for equipment set-up and equipment settings for
                            steps 4 through 6.

Service Procedures                                     18                                         25A1044 (RI)

                                                         Shure UC2 Hand-Held UHF Transmitter

Deviation Adjustment Voltage: Using a UC4 or U4S Receiver

                                             AUDIO ANALYZER

                 (TONE KEY SWITCH)


                                                                                 SIDE 1

                                                20 dB

        UC4 Receiver                              UC2 Transmitter                Audio Analyzer
           Output: Unbalanced                     Power: + 9 Vdc                Measurement: AC level
               Gain: Maximum                        Gain: Minimum           Frequency Output: 1 kHz
          Squelch: Mid                                                                    Filters:
   Tone key (S501): ON                                                     Low-Pass (30 kHz): ON
                                                                           High-Pass (400 Hz): ON

                              Figure 11. Deviation Reference Voltage Test Set-Up,
                                          Steps 4 through 6, Using a UC4 or U4S Receiver

                                     4. Connect the unbalanced output of the UC4 to the input of the
                                        audio analyzer (ac voltmeter).
                                     5. Connect the BNC end of the cable from the rf output of the UC2
                                        to the antenna input of the UC4 through a 20 dB in line pad.
                                     6. Turn the transmitter ON and adjust R320 until the ac voltmeter
                                        on the receiver reads the same as the deviation reference
                                        voltage, measured above, ± 0.1 dB; or ± 0.2 dB for JA, JB

25A1044 (RI)                                            19                            Service Procedures

Shure UC2 Hand-Held UHF Transmitter

Deviation Reference Voltage: Using a Modified SC4 IF Receiver
                              Deviation tests can also be performed using a modified SC4 IF
                          receiver. For instructions on modifying an SC4 receiver, consult the
                          Shure Service Equipment manual.

                              ZAD–1 MIXER

                                                                           MODIFIED SC4 IF RECEIVER
                                                         ANTENNA INPUT B
                                                                                                            AUDIO OUT
                                                                              TONE KEY SWITCH: OFF

                                            DC BLOCK
                                                                                      AUDIO ANALYZER

                                   RF SIGNAL GENERATOR

        SC4 IF Receiver                        Audio Analyzer                             Rf Signal Generator
            Output: Unbalanced              Measurement: AC level                                     INT: FM
              Gain: Maximum                            Filters:                                       INT: 1 kHz
          Squelch: Mid                 Low-Pass (30 kHz): ON                          Output amplitude: + 7 dBm
   Tone Key switch: OFF               High-Pass (400 Hz): ON                                  Frequency: 10.7 MHz
     Operating freq: See Table 2                                                              Modulation:   See Table 2

                Figure 12. Deviation Reference Voltage Test Set-Up,
                            Using a Modified SC4 IF Receiver

                              1. See Figure 12 for equipment test set-up and equipment settings.
                              2. Connect the rf signal generator output to the input port (L) of a
                                 Zad-1 mixer
                              3. Connect the output port I (intermediate frequency) of the Zad–1
                                 mixer to antenna input B of the SC4 IF receiver.
                              4. Turn the SC4 IF receiver ON and set the tone key switch on the
                                 front panel of the SC4 IF receiver to OFF.
                              5. Connect the audio voltmeter to the receiver’s unbalanced output.
                              6. Measure the output voltage.

                          Record this voltage. This is the deviation reference voltage.

                    Use the same Zad-1 mixer connections for the next adjustment test.

Service Procedures                                       20                                             25A1044 (RI)

                                                         Shure UC2 Hand-Held UHF Transmitter

Deviation Adjustment Voltage: Using an SC4 IF Receiver

                                          AUDIO ANALYZER

                                     TEST HEAD

               SIDE 1

                 (U201, PIN 7)

                                     UC2 Transmitter                        Audio Analyzer
                                         Power: +9 Vdc                   Measurement: AC level
                                           Gain: Minimum           Frequency Output: 1 kHz
                                                                  Low-Pass (30 kHz): ON
                                                                 High-Pass (400 Hz): ON

                        Figure 13. Deviation Adjustment Voltage Test Set-Up,
                                   Steps 1 through 5, Using a Modified SC4 IF Receiver

                                 1. Disconnect the rf signal generator from the SC4 IF receiver.
                                 2. Set the SC4 tone key switch on the SC4 front panel to ON.
                                 3. Connect the audio analyzer output to the MIC input of the
                                    transmitter, using the test head or clip leads to the gold spring
                                 4. Turn the UC2 power back ON.
                                 5. Adjust the audio input level using the audio analyzer output to
                                    measure the following at TPA4 (U201, pin 7) :
                                             UA              MB, MC              JA, JB               KK
                                      –6.8 dBu ± 0.2 dB     – 16.3 dBu        – 23.47 dBu         – 15.3 dBu
                                       (354 mV ± 1 mV)    (118 mV ± 1 mV)    (52 mV ± 1 mV)     (133 mV ± 1 mV)

                        See Figure 14 for equipment set-up and equipment settings
                        for steps 6 through 8.

25A1044 (RI)                                         21                                    Service Procedures

Shure UC2 Hand-Held UHF Transmitter

Deviation Adjustment Voltage: Using a Modified SC4 IF Receiver

TRANSMITTER                           ZAD–1 MIXER

 AUDIO          ANTENNA                      R
   IN            OUTPUT                                                            MODIFIED SC4 IF RECEIVER
                                                                 ANTENNA INPUT B
                                                                                                                       AUDIO OUT
                                                      DC BLOCK                           TONE KEY SWITCH: ON

                                        RF SIGNAL GENERATOR
                                                                                                  AUDIO ANALYZER

          SC4 IF Receiver              UC2 Transmitter                   Audio Analyzer                        Rf Signal Generator
             Output: Unbalanced        Power:       + 9 Vdc            Measurement:       AC level                    INT: FM
               Gain: Maximum            Gain:       Minimum                   Output:     1 kHz                       INT: 1 kHz
            Squelch: Mid                                                      Filters:                    Output amplitude: + 7 dBm
  Tone Key switch: ON                                            Low-Pass (30 kHz):       ON                    Modulation: See Table 2
                                                                 High-Pass (400 Hz):      ON                    Frequency: Oper. Freq.
                                                                                                                           minus 10.7

                               Figure 14. Deviation Adjustment Voltage Test Set-Up,
                                          Steps 6 through 8, Using a Modified SC4 IF Receiver

                                      6. Connect the UC2 rf output test cable BNC end to the input port
                                         (R) of the Zad-1 mixer.
                                      7. Connect the rf signal generator, and set the frequency to the
                                         operating frequency (from Table 2) minus 10.7 MHz.
                                      8. Turn ON the UC2 and adjust R320 until the audio voltmeter
                                         connected to the unbalanced output of the UC4 reads the same
                                         as the deviation reference voltage, measured above, ± 0.1 dB,
                                         or ± 0.2 dB for JA, JB frequencies..

Service Procedures                                               22                                                25A1044 (RI)

                                                Shure UC2 Hand-Held UHF Transmitter

Product Specifications

                           After tuning, the unit should meet the following specifications.

                               Specification               Minimum        Typical       Maximum
               Current drain                                50 mA          60 mA          70 mA
               Frequency                                   –1.0 kHz     See Table 2     +1.0 kHz
               Audio freq response @ 100 Hz wrt 1 k         –5.0 dB       –4.0 dB        –3.0 dB
               Audio freq response @ 10 Hz wrt 1 k          +8.0 dB       +9.0 dB       +10.0 dB
               System S/N @ 45 kHz, A weighted              95.0 dB       100.0 dB            –
               Output power, UA, without C347              14.0 dBm      16.0 dBm       17.0 dBm
               MB, MC
               System S/N @ 1% THD, A weighted              80.0 dB       85.0 dB             –
               Output power, without C347                  14.0 dBm      16.0 dBm       17.0 dBm
               System S/N @ 1% THD, A weighted              80.0 dB       85.0 dB             –
               Output power, without C347                  12.0 dBm      14.0 dBm       15.0 dBm
               JA, JB:
               System S/N @ 1% THD, A weighted              85.0 dB       90.0 dB             –
               Output power, at J2, with C347 in place     8.3 dBm        8.8 dBm        9.3 dBm

25A1044 (RI)                                   23                            Service Procedures

Shure UC2 Hand-Held UHF Transmitter


                    This page intentionally left blank.

Notes                                   24                25A1044 (RI)

                                         Shure UC2 Hand-Held UHF Transmitter

Bench Checks
Dc Problems
                   Make all dc measurements with respect to the rf ground unless
               otherwise specified. Connect the rf and audio printed circuit boards
               together via the 11 pin connector, the battery contacts, and the “D” board.
                   n Make sure the battery voltage is between 6 and 9 Vdc. Make
                     sure TP+9 has this voltage. Check for the correct Vcc and +5 V
                     rf at Q301.
                   If incorrect voltage is present:
                   n Trace the dc back to the voltage regulator.
                   n Check the biasing resistor values around Q301.
                   n Check the power switch.
                   n Look for open coils, cracked parts, reversed polarity capacitors,
                     or solder shorts. If there is a short to ground from 5 V, try to
                     isolate different parts of the circuit.
                   Make sure that:
                   n The rf OFF signal changes from +5 Vdc at power up and power
                     down to 0 Vdc during normal operation. Trace the signal to the
                     microprocessor. Q301 should be saturated during normal
                   n Battery voltage appears at TP+9, U311, pin 6. Check for
                     reversed polarity capacitors, C308 and C309. Check for open
                     coil, L300.

Rf Problems
                   n If the carrier is out of specification by less than 40 kHz and can-
                     not be corrected by adjusting C314, put the transmitter on the
                     operating frequency (see Table 2). Measure and adjust the dc
                     voltage at TP30. (See Table 2 for frequency variations.) If the
                     carrier still cannot be trimmed properly, then check C314, C313,
                     and Y302. If they are correct, replace the synthesizer.
               If the carrier frequency is not in the correct frequency range shown in
               Table 2, or is unstable, the loop is unlocked.
                   n Check dc voltage at TP30. If it is 0 V or +5 V, look for a short.
                   n Check the solder connections at the contact board, VCO, micro
                     processor (traces LE, D, and CK), and synthesizer U304. If the
                     connections are good and there is no 4.0 MHz oscillation at
                     U304, pins 1 and 2, replace the crystal, Y302.
                   n Check the values and polarity of the loop filter: R316, C319,
                     R317, C353, R318, C320, C354, U306B, R319, R320, and
                     R321. Check the bias voltage of U304, pins 3 and 4, and
                     U306B, pin 8. As a last resort, replace the synthesizer, U304.

25A1044 (RI)                           25                                 Bench Checks

Shure UC2 Hand-Held UHF Transmitter

                 Low Rf Output Power
                    n Check the polarity/soldering of the output low-pass filter, U1.
                      (Rf IN is marked with a dot.)
                    n Check for opens or shorts on output coil L308.
                    n Check the polarity of Q304.
                    n Verify the dc bias of Q302 and Q304. Check L303, L304, and
                      L306, if no bias. Verify that the rf MUTE signal changes from
                      0 Vdc at power up and power down to +5 Vdc during normal
                      operation. If Q303 and Q305 are not in a low impedance state
                      during normal operation, the rf power at the antenna port will be
                      attenuated by about 45 dB.
                    n Check for missing ground connections.
                    n Check the dc level at the VCO Vcc pin. If no dc power,
                      check L302.
                    n Verify the VCO output power.
                    n Partially isolate the VCO from the rest of the circuit by removing
                      C323. The carrier frequency will no longer be locked, but the
                      output power from the VCO should be around –1 ± 2 dBm into a
                      50 Ω load.
                    n If the power out of the VCO is still low, the problem is in the VCO.
                    n Check the values of R322, R323, R324, R325, and C329.
                    n Isolate components starting from the antenna and working back
                      to the rf power amp.
                    n Check the values/continuity of the input and output matching net-
                      works for Q302, Q304 (C329, C338, L305, C339, C340, L307).
                    n Check the values of the bypass capacitors C357, C2, C332,
                      C333, C334, C335, C360, C341, C342, C349, C350, C355,
                    n As a last resort, replace Q302 or Q304.

Excessive Current Drain

                    n Try isolating different sections of the circuit: rf, audio, digital.
                      Look for reversed polarity capacitors or wrong resistor values.
                      Check the voltage regulators.

Deviation Problems

                    n If R320 cannot be adjusted to obtain the deviation reference
                      voltage (see the Service Procedures section), try to isolate the
                      problem to the audio or rf section. Check the value of R320. To
                      check the rf section, set the transmitter frequency (see Table 2),
                      and verify the tuning voltage of the VCO.
                    n Check the audio section by applying audio to the mic input. With
                      an oscilloscope, make sure audio is present at TPA7. If not,
                      work backwards towards the input.

Bench Checks                            26                                    25A1044 (RI)

                                           Shure UC2 Hand-Held UHF Transmitter

Audio Problems
                 No Tone Key
                 No tone key means that the 32.768 kHz tone key sidebands are not
                 visible when the carrier is viewed on a spectrum analyzer. If tone key
                 levels are there but are too low, the deviation is off and needs to be
                 recalibrated. They should be, roughly, –23 dBc ± 3 dB.
                     n Apply a 1 kHz tone at a level of 0 dBu to the audio input with the
                       audio gain pot at minimum.
                     n If the carrier on the spectrum analyzer does not show any devi-
                       ation, check part integrity and audio path continuity between
                       U201, pin 14, and the VCO.
                     n If the spectrum analyzer shows a deviated carrier, probe for a
                       32 kHz signal at TPA6 and I209 and continue to the next step.
                     n If there is a signal at I209 but not at TPA6, then the mute circuit
                       through Q211 is being activated. Verify that the logic signal at
                       Q211, pin 1, is logic low. If it is low, replace Q211. If it is not low,
                       check the line for a short to +5 V. If there is no short, the micro-
                       processor is defective and must be replaced.
                     n If there is a 32 kHz signal at both I209 and TPA6, replace R236.
                     n If there is not a 32 kHz signal at either I209 or TPA6, there is
                       something wrong with the tone key circuit or the tone key supply
                       voltage. If the tone key supply voltage (U200, pin 8) is less than
                       2 V, there is a problem with one or more of the following com-
                       ponents: R261, R264, R265, R266, C238, Q220, C237, R232,
                       or R260.
                     n If the voltage at U200, pin 8, is greater than 2 V, the problem is in
                       the tone key circuit itself. Check for shorts and opens. Replace
                       parts in this circuit beginning with the crystal until the 32 kHz
                       oscillation returns.

                 No Audio
                     n View the carrier on the spectrum analyzer. If there are not
                       32 kHz tone key sidebands around the carrier, follow the steps
                       above for “No Tone Key.”
                     n Verify +9 V, half-supply bias, and ground connections to U200.
                     n Verify +9 V, half-supply bias, and ground connections to U201.
                     n Follow the audio path from where audio is applied until the point
                       of discontinuity is reached and replace the appropriate part.

25A1044 (RI)                             27                                   Bench Checks

Shure UC2 Hand-Held UHF Transmitter


                    This page intentionally left blank.

Notes                                   28                25A1044 (RI)

                                                  Shure UC2 Hand-Held UHF Transmitter

Replacement Parts and Drawings
Parts Designations
                          The following comments apply to the parts list and the schematic:
                         Resistors: Unless otherwise noted, all resistors are surface-mount
                      0603 size, with 1/10 W rating and 1% tolerance.
                           Capacitors: Unless otherwise noted, non-polarized capacitors are
                      surface-mount NPO dielectric types with a 100 V capacity and a 5%
                      tolerance, and polarized capacitors are tantalum types.

                                                         Table 3
                                         UC2 Model Frequency Variations
                                              Printed Circuit Boards
                                             (in order by frequency)
               Country         Country                      Frequency           UC2 Printed
                Code          Designation                     Range            Circuit Board #
                MC       Netherlands                     774 – 782 MHz          90MC8792J
                 UA      U.S.A. and Canada               782 – 806 MHz          90UA8792J
                 JA      Japan                           797 – 806 MHz           90JA8792J
                MB       Europe                          800 – 830 MHz          90MB8792J
                 JB      Japan                           806 – 810 MHz           90JB8792J
                 KK      United Kingdom                  838 – 862 MHz           90KK8792J

                                                         Table 4
                                               Replacement Parts
                Reference                                                           Shure Part
               Designation                            Description                    Number
                   MP1           Actuator                                            65B8298
                   MP2           Battery snap (positive)                              56A317
                   MP3           Battery snap (negative)                              56A318
                   MP4           Bezel                                               65A8299
                   MP5           Compression disc (in battery cup)                    38A180
                   MP6           Contact (on contact pcb)                            53D2039
                   MP7           Cup                                                65A8300A
                   MP8           Handle                                             65A8301A
                   MP9           Interconnect strip                                  56D8074
                   MP9           Nameplate, bottom                                   39–8302
                   MP10          Nameplate, handle                                   39–8303

25A1044 (RI)                                     29                 Replacement Parts and Drawings

Shure UC2 Hand-Held UHF Transmitter

                                                       Table 5
                                Printed Circuit Board Replacement Parts
               Reference                                                       Shure Part
              Designation                           Description                 Number
                 C314          Capacitor, trim, 5 – 40 pF                       152F03
                  C510         Capacitor, trim, 1 – 3 pF                        152A04
                  D201         Diode, signal / switching, SMD, SOT-23, 1.1 V    184A08
                  D203         LED, red                                         184A18
                  D204         LED, yellow                                      184B18
                  D205         LED, green                                       184C18
               D301–304        Diode, dual switching, SOT-23, 1 V               184A07
                  D501         Diode, rf tuning                                 184A36
                  J200         Connector, receptacle, 11-pin header, female     170A08
                  J205         Socket, strip                                    170C15
                  J300         Connector, 11-pin header, male                   170A07
                   L1          Bead, ferrite                                    162A12
             L200,203,207,     Inductor, 180 nH                                 162R10
                  L304         Inductor, 8.2 nH                                 162W10
                  L305         Inductor, 3.3 nH                                 162T10
                  L307         Inductor, 22 nH                                  162D10
                  L308         Inductor, 6.8 nH                                 162V10
                L501,503       Inductor, 100 nH                                 162A25
                  L502         Inductor, 10 nH                                  162N25
             Q3,201,211,212,   Transistor, SMD, SOT–23, FET, TMOS               183A30
                  Q202         Transistor, chopper, PNP, SOT-23                 183A07
              Q203,303,305     Transistor, SMD, power MOSFET                    183A46
              Q204,208,209,    Transistor, SOT-23, NPN                          183A02
                 Q301          Transistor                                       183A01
              Q302,501,502     Transistor                                       183A48
                  R207         Potentiometer, Gain                              46H8014
                  R320         Potentiometer, Trim, 1 k                         146B02
                  S200         Switch, slide, DPDT                              55A178
                  S301         Switch, Dip, PCB, 16 pos                         155A11
                  S302         Switch, DIP, PCB, 10 pos                         155B11
                   U5          Detector, SMD voltage                            188C210
              U107,108, 109    Filter, low-pass                                 162A28
                  U311         IC voltage regulator, 5V                         188A115
                U200,201       IC, quad op amp                                  188A49
                  U202         IC, compandor, low voltage                       188A126
                U203,311       IC voltage regulator, 5 V                        188A115
                  U205         IC, comparator, quad, ultra-low power            188A123
                  U302         IC, EEPROM                                       188A131
                  U303         Microprocessor, programmed                      188D238E
                  U304         PLL frequency synthesizer                        188A265
                  U306         Amplifier, operational, dual, SMD                188A118
                  U501         Dielectric resonator                             140A14
                  Y200         Crystal, 32.768 kHz                              40A8010
                Y301,302       Crystal, 4.0 MHz                                 40A8012

Replacement Parts and Drawings                    30                            25A1044 (RI)

                                                  Shure UC2 Hand-Held UHF Transmitter

                                                          Table 6
                                             Group Designators
                                          (in order by frequency)
               Frequency     Country            Country      R19    R20   R21   R22   R26   R27
                 Range      Designation          Code        kΩ     kΩ    kΩ    kΩ    kΩ    kΩ
                774–782     Netherlands           MC          –     1.0    –     –     –     –
                782–806    U. S. & Canada         UA         1.0     –     –     –     –     –
                797–806          Japan            JA          –      –    1.0    –     –     –
                800–830         Europe            MB          –     1.0    –     –     –     –
                806–810          Japan            JB          –      –     –    1.0    –     –
                838–862         England           KK          –      –     –     –    1.0    –

                 Country   R28     R29    R30        R31     R32    R33   R34   R35   R36   R37
                  Code      Ω       Ω     kΩ         kΩ      kΩ     kΩ    kΩ    kΩ     Ω     Ω
                   MC       –       –       –        1.0      –      –     –     –     –     –
                   UA       –       –     1.0         –       –      –     –     –     –     –
                   JA       –       –       –         –      1.0     –     –     –     –     –
                   MB       –       –       –        1.0      –      –     –     –     –     –
                   JB       –       –       –         –       –     1.0    –     –     –     –
                   KK       –       –       –         –       –      –    1.0    –     –     –

25A1044 (RI)                                    31                  Replacement Parts and Drawings

Shure UC2 Hand-Held UHF Transmitter

                                                                        Table 7
                                                      Frequency Dependent Parts
                                                        (in order by frequency)
              Frequency         Country               Country      C4       C24      C35          C210       C211       C254     C330       C345
             Range (MHz)       Designation             Code        uF       uF       pF            uF         uF         uF       pF         pF
               774–782         Netherlands              MC        .047      0.1      220           2.2           –          –        –          27
               782–806        U. S. & Canada            UA            –        –         –            –         .047        –        –          27
               797–806            Japan                 JA        .047      0.1      220           2.2           –          –        10      4.7
               800–830           Europe                 MB        .047      0.1      220           2.2           –          –        –          27
               806–810            Japan                 JB            –        –         –            –         .047        –        10      4.7
               838–862           England                KK        .047      0.1      220           2.2           –          –        –          27

                   Country       C505      C506        C507      C509                                                                R1      R2
                    Code          pF        pF          pF        pF           J2            L2            Q1           Q2           kΩ      kΩ
                      MC          4.7      4.7          4.7      1.0           –             –            183A01       183A02        249     10.0
                         UA       4.7      4.7          4.7      1.0           –         162A12             –            –           –          –
                         JA       4.7      4.7          4.7      1.0      95A8278            –            183A01       183A02        249     10.0
                      MB          4.7      4.7          4.7      1.0           –             –            183A01       183A02        249     10.0
                         JB       4.7      4.7          4.7      1.0      95A8278        162A12             –            –           –          –
                         KK       3.9      2.2          3.9       –            –             –            183A01       183A02        249     10.0

                   Country        R3       R6           R7       R8        R9       R10          R11        R12        R13      R16         R40
                    Code          kΩ       kΩ           kΩ       kΩ        kΩ       MΩ           kΩ         kΩ         MΩ       kΩ          kΩ
                      MC          1.5      10.0        4.02      10.0     100       1.0          10.0       22.1        1.0      –           –
                         UA        0         –          –         –        –         –            –          –          –        0           –
                         JA       1.5      4.02        4.02      4.02     100       1.0          10.0       22.1        1.0      –         146B02
                      MB          1.5      10.0        4.02      10.0     100       1.0          10.0       22.1        1.0      –           –
                         JB        0       10.0         –         –        –         –            –          –          –        0         146B02
                         KK       1.5      10.0        4.02      10.0     100       1.0          10.0       22.1        1.0      –           –

                     Country        R42      R233       R264      R265     R287      R289         R333
                      Code          kΩ        kΩ         kΩ        kΩ       kΩ        kΩ           kΩ           S301          S302          U2
                          MC           –         15      24.9      200         0         –         100       155A11         155B11        188A136
                          UA           –         15      24.9      200      10.0     4.02          100       155A11         155B11          –
                          JA        100          20          –    24.9         0         –         249       155B11         155A11        188A136
                          MB           –         15      24.9      200         0         –         100       155A11         155B11        188A136
                          JB        100          20          –    24.9      10.0     4.02          249       155A11         155B11          –
                          KK           –         15      24.9      200         0         –         100       155A11         155B11        188A136

Replacement Parts and Drawings                         32                                                         25A1044 (RI)

                Shure UC2 Hand-Held UHF Transmitter

                                                    UC2 Hand-Held UHF Transmitter
                                                     Printed Circuit Board, Side 1

25A1044 (RI)   33         Replacement Parts and Drawings

Shure UC2 Hand-Held UHF Transmitter

                                               UC2 Hand-Held UHF Transmitter
                                                Printed Circuit Board, Side 2

Replacement Parts and Drawings    34   25A1044 (RI)

Document Created: 2019-07-04 04:35:05
Document Modified: 2019-07-04 04:35:05

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