Exhibit D Users Manual per 2 1033 c3


Users Manual

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                            For Placement Only

                                               Personal Monitor Wireless System

                             Guide de l’utilisation du système de retour personnel

                                   Personal Monitor System Bedienungsanleitung

                               Guía del usuario del sistema de monitoreo personal

                              Guida all’uso del sistema di monitoraggio personale

                            Manual do Usuário do Sistema de Monitoração Pessoal

                                    Система личного монитора беспроволочная

© 2010 Shure Incorporated
Printed in U.S.A.
27A14811 (Rev. 1)

                                                  IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS
1.  READ these instructions.                                                13. UNPLUG this apparatus during lightning storms or when unused
2.  KEEP these instructions.                                                    for long periods of time.
3.  HEED all warnings.                                                      14. REFER all servicing to qualified service personnel. Servicing is
4.  FOLLOW all instructions.                                                    required when the apparatus has been damaged in any way, such
5.  DO NOT use this apparatus near water.                                       as power supply cord or plug is damaged, liquid has been spilled
6.  CLEAN ONLY with dry cloth.                                                  or objects have fallen into the apparatus, the apparatus has been
7.  DO NOT block any ventilation openings. Install in accordance with           exposed to rain or moisture, does not operate normally, or has
    the manufacturer’s instructions.                                            been dropped.
8. DO NOT install near any heat sources such as radiators, heat             15. DO NOT expose the apparatus to dripping and splashing. DO
    registers, stoves, or other apparatus (including amplifiers) that            NOT put objects filled with liquids, such as vases, on the appara-
    produce heat.                                                               tus.
9. DO NOT defeat the safety purpose of the polarized or grounding-          16. The MAINS plug or an appliance coupler shall remain readily oper-
    type plug. A polarized plug has two blades with one wider than the          able.
    other. A grounding type plug has two blades and a third grounding       17. The airborne noise of the Apparatus does not exceed 70dB (A).
    prong. The wider blade or the third prong are provided for your         18. Apparatus with CLASS I construction shall be connected to a
    safety. If the provided plug does not fit into your outlet, consult an       MAINS socket outlet with a protective earthing connection.
    electrician for replacement of the obsolete outlet.                     19. To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose this ap-
10. PROTECT the power cord from being walked on or pinched,                     paratus to rain or moisture.
    particularly at plugs, convenience receptacles, and the point where     20. Do not attempt to modify this product. Doing so could result in
    they exit from the apparatus.                                               personal injury and/or product failure.
11. ONLY USE attachments/accessories specified by the                                  This symbol indicates that dangerous voltage constituting a
    manufacturer.                                                                     risk of electric shock is present within this unit.
          USE only with a cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table speci-
                                                                                     This symbol indicates that there are important operating and
          fied by the manufacturer, or sold with the apparatus. When
                                                                                     maintenance instructions in the literature accompanying this
          a cart is used, use caution when moving the cart/apparatus
          combination to avoid injury from tip-over.

                                           WARNING!                                                                                              ACHTUNG!
                                          DAMAGE.                                                           Längerfristiges Hören bei übermäßigen Schallpegeln kann zu Hörschäden und zu
                           USE AS LOW A VOLUME AS POSSIBLE.                                                 permanentem, durch Lärm verursachten Gehörverlust führen. Bitte orientieren Sie sich
Over exposure to excessive sound levels can damage your ears resulting in permanent noise-                  an den folgenden von der Occupational Safety Health Administration (OSHA; US-
induced hearing loss (NIHL). Please use the following guidelines established by the Occupational            Arbeitsschutzbehörde) erstellten Richtlinien für die maximale zeitliche Belastung durch
Safety Health Administration (OSHA) on maximum time exposure to sound pressure levels before                Schalldruckpegel, bevor es zu Hörschäden kommt.
hearing damage occurs.
                                                                                                                 bei 90 dB               bei 95 dB              bei 100 dB               bei 105 dB
      90 dB SPL                  95 dB SPL                  100 dB SPL                  105 dB SPL            Schalldruckpegel        Schalldruckpegel       Schalldruckpegel         Schalldruckpegel
      at 8 hours                 at 4 hours                  at 2 hours                  at 1 hour             max. 8 Stunden          max. 4 Stunden         max. 2 Stunden           max. 1 Stunde
     110 dB SPL                 115 dB SPL                              120 dB SPL                               bei 110 dB              bei 115 dB                  120 dB Schalldruckpegel
      at ½ hour                 at 15 minutes                    Avoid or damage may occur                    Schalldruckpegel        Schalldruckpegel         vermeiden; ansonsten können Schäden
                                                                                                               max. ½ Stunde          max. 15 Minuten                        auftreten
 The possible results of incorrect use are marked by one of the two symbols                                  SICHERHEITSVORKEHRUNGEN
 - “WARNING” AND “CAUTION” - depending on the imminence of the danger
 and the severity of the damage.                                                                             Die möglichen Folgen des fehlerhaften Gebrauchs, die durch eines der
                                                                                                             beiden Symbole - „ACHTUNG“ und „VORSICHT“ - markiert sind, hängen von
        WARNING: Ignoring these warnings may cause severe injury or death                                    der Unmittelbarkeit der bevorstehenden Gefahr und des Schweregrads der
        as a result of incorrect operation.                                                                  Beschädigung ab.
        CAUTION: Ignoring these cautions may cause moderate injury or prop-                                        ACHTUNG: Die Nichtbeachtung dieser Warnhinweise kann schwere oder
        erty damage as a result of incorrect operation.                                                            tödliche Verletzungen infolge des fehlerhaften Gebrauchs verursachen.
                                                WARNING                                                            VORSICHT: Die Nichtbeachtung dieser Vorsichtshinweise kann mittel-
 • If water or other foreign objects enter the inside of the device, fire or                                       schwere Verletzungen oder Sachschäden infolge des fehlerhaften
   electric shock may result.                                                                                      Gebrauchs verursachen.

 • Do not attempt to modify this product. Doing so could result in personal                                                                             ACHTUNG
   injury and/or product failure.
                                                                                                             • Falls Wasser oder andere Fremdstoffe/-körper in das Gerät gelangen, kann es
     WARNING: This product contains a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer and            zu Bränden oder Stromschlägen kommen.
     birth defects or other reproductive harm                                                                • Nicht versuchen, dieses Produkt zu modifizieren. Ansonsten könnte es zu
                                                                                                               Verletzungen und/oder zum Produktausfall kommen.
 • Never disassemble or modify the device, as failures may result.                                                                                      VORSICHT

 • Do not subject to extreme force and do not pull on the cable or failures                                  • Das Gerät nie auseinanderbauen oder modifizieren, da dies zu Ausfällen
   may result.                                                                                                 führen kann.
 • Keep the microphone dry and avoid exposure to extreme temperatures                                        • Keinen extremen Kräften aussetzen und nicht am Kabel ziehen, da dies zu
   and humidity.                                                                                               Ausfällen führen kann.
                                                                                                             • Das Mikrofon trocken halten und keinen extremen Temperaturen oder
                                                                                                               extremer Luftfeuchtigkeit aussetzen.
                                                                                                                                           AVERTISSEMENT !
                                          POSIBLE.                                                              L'ÉCOUTE AUDIO À UN VOLUME SONORE EXCESSIF PEUT CAUSER DES LÉSIONS
La exposición prolongada a niveles sonoros excesivamente intensos puede dañar los oídos y                           AUDITIVES PERMANENTES. RÉGLER LE VOLUME LE PLUS BAS POSSIBLE.
causar una pérdida permanente del oído causada por ruidos. Respete los lineamientos dados                   Une surexposition à des volumes sonores excessifs peut causer des lésions aux oreilles
a continuación, los cuales fueron establecidos por la Administración de Salud y Seguridad                   entraînant une perte auditive permanente due au bruit. Se conformer aux directives ci-dessous,
Ocupacional (OSHA) de los EE.UU. e indican el tiempo máximo que puede escucharse un                         établies par l'Occupational Safety Health Administration (OSHA) pour les limites de durée
nivel determinado de presión sonora (SPL) antes de producirse daños al oído.                                d'exposition aux pressions acoustiques (SPL) avant de risquer des lésions auditives.
                                                                                                              SPL de 90 dB           SPL de 95 dB           SPL de 100 dB           SPL de 105 dB
      90 dB SPL                  95 dB SPL                  100 dB SPL                  105 dB SPL
                                                                                                              pendant 8 heures       pendant 4 heures       pendant 2 heures        pendant 1 heure
      por 8 horas                por 4 horas                por 2 horas                  por 1 hora
                                                                                                              SPL de 110 dB pen-     SPL de 115 dB          SPL de 120 dB
     110 dB SPL                 115 dB SPL                             120 dB SPL                             dant 1/2 heure         pendant 15 minutes     À éviter : risque de lésions auditives
     por 1/2 hora              por 15 minutos            Evítese por completo, puesto que puede
                                                                 causar daños inmediatos

                                                                                                             PRÉCAUTIONS DE SÉCURITÉ
                                                                                                             Les résultats possibles d'une utilisation incorrecte sont signalés par l'un des deux
 Los posibles resultados del uso incorrecto de este producto se denotan por                                  symboles - AVERTISSEMENT et ATTENTION - selon l'imminence du danger et
 medio de uno de dos símbolos - “ADVERTENCIA” y “PRECAUCION” - según la                                      la sévérité des dommages.
 inminencia del peligro y el grado de severidad de los daños.
                                                                                                                   AVERTISSEMENT : L'ignorance de ces avertissements peut causer des
        ADVERTENCIA: Si se pasan por alto estas advertencias se podría causar                                      blessures graves ou la mort suite à une utilisation incorrecte.
        lesiones graves o mortales como resultado del uso incorrecto.
                                                                                                                   ATTENTION: L'ignorance de ces mises en garde peut causer des bles-
        PRECAUCION: Si se pasan por alto estas precauciones se podría causar                                       sures modérées ou des dégâts matériels suite à une utilisation incorrecte.
        lesiones moderadas y daños a la propiedad como resultado del uso
        incorrecto.                                                                                                                                AVERTISSEMENT

                                              ADVERTENCIA                                                    • Si de l'eau ou autres matériaux étrangers pénètrent dans l'appareil, il y a
                                                                                                               risque d'incendie ou de choc électrique.
 • Si el agua u otros objetos extraños penetran el dispositivo, se podría causar
   un incendio o sacudidas eléctricas.                                                                       • Ne pas essayer de modifier ce produit. Une telle opération est susceptible
                                                                                                               d'entraîner des blessures ou la défaillance du produit.
 • No intente modificar este producto. Hacerlo podría causar lesiones
   personales y/o la falla del producto.                                                                                                              ATTENTION

                                               PRECAUCION                                                    • Ne jamais désassembler ou modifier cet appareil sous peine de provoquer
                                                                                                               des défaillances.
 • Nunca desarme ni modifique el dispositivo, ya que esto podría causar fallas.
                                                                                                             • Ne pas soumettre le câble à des forces extrêmes et ne pas tirer dessus sous
 • No someta el aparato a fuerzas extremas ni tire de su cable, ya que esto                                    peine de provoquer des défaillances.
   podría causar fallas.
                                                                                                             • Maintenir le microphone sec et éviter de l'exposer à des températures
 • Mantenga el micrófono seco y evite exponer el aparato a niveles extremos de                                 extrêmes et à l'humidité.
   temperatura y humedad.


                                     AVVERTENZA                                                                                          ВНИМАНИЕ:
                                                                                                              ПРОСЛУШИВАНИЕ ЗВУКА ПРИ ЧРЕЗМЕРНО ВЫСОКОЙ ГРОМКОСТИ МОЖЕТ
La sovraesposizione a livelli sonori eccessivi può danneggiare l'udito provocando una perdita              ПРИВЕСТИ К НЕОБРАТИМОМУ ПОВРЕЖДЕНИЮ СЛУХА.ИСПОЛЬЗУЙТЕ КАК МОЖНО
di udito permanente causata dal rumore. Si consiglia di attenersi alle seguenti direttive stabilite                                БОЛЕЕ НИЗКУЮ ГРОМКОСТЬ.
dalla OSHA (Occupational Safety Health Administration) sul tempo massimo di esposizione
a vari livelli di pressione sonora (SPL), oltre il quale si rischia di causare lesioni all'apparato        Длительное воздействие звука чрезмерно высокого уровня может причинить
uditivo.                                                                                                   вам вред, вызвав необратимую потерю слуха из-за шума. Во избежание потери
     90 dB di SPL             95 dB di SPL              100 dB SPL             105 dB di SPL               слуха руководствуйтесь следующими правилами, установленными Управлением
       per 8 ore                per 4 ore                per 2 ore               per 1 ora                 охраны труда (OSHA) в отношении максимального времени воздействия
     110 dB di SPL           115 dB di SPL                           120 dB di SPL                         различных уровней звукового давления (УЗД).
      per mezz'ora           per 15 minuti             Evitate l'esposizione per non rischiare
                                                                 di danneggiare l'udito                     УЗД 90 дБ       УЗД 95 дБ         УЗД 100 дБ             УЗД 105 дБ
                                                                                                             8 часов          4 часа            2 часа                 1 час

 PRECAUZIONI DI SICUREZZA                                                                                   УЗД 110 дБ
                                                                                                             1/2 часа
                                                                                                                            УЗД 115 дБ
                                                                                                                             15 минут
                                                                                                                                                           УЗД 120 дБ
                                                                                                                                              Недопустимо — ведет к повреждению слуха

 I possibili effetti di un uso errato sono contrassegnati da uno dei due simboli
 - “AVVERTIMENTO” E “ATTENZIONE” — a seconda  dell'incombenza del peri-                                    УКАЗАНИЯ ПО ТЕХНИКЕ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ
 colo e della gravità del danno.
       AVVERTIMENTO: come conseguenza di un funzionamento errato, ignorare                                 Возможные результаты неправильного использования отмечены одним
       questi messaggi può comportare lesioni personali gravi o mortali.                                   из двух знаков - «ВНИМАНИЕ» и «ОСТОРОЖНО» - в зависимости от
       ATTENZIONE: come conseguenza di un funzionamento errato, ignorare                                   неизбежности опасности и серьезности повреждений.
       questi messaggi può comportare lesioni personali di media gravità o danni
 alla cose.                                                                                                     ВНИМАНИЕ: Игнорирование этих предупреждений может привести к
                                         AVVERTIMENTO:                                                          серьезной травме или смерти в результате неправильной
 • L'eventuale introduzione di acqua o di altri corpi estranei nel dispositivo può dare luogo
   allo sviluppo di incendi o a folgorazione.                                                                  ОСТОРОЖНО: Игнорирование этих предупреждений может привести
 •   Non tentate di modificare il prodotto. Tale operazione può causare infortuni e/o il guasto                к незначительной травме или повреждению имущества в результате
     del prodotto stesso.
                                                                                                           неправильной эксплуатации.
 • Per evitare di provocare possibili danni, non smontate nè modificate il dispositivo.
 • Per evitare di provocare possibili danni, non applicate una forza estrema sul cavo e                    • Если в устройство попадет вода или иные посторонние предметы, это
     non tiratelo.                                                                                           может привести к возгоранию или поражению электрическим током.
 •   Mantenete il prodotto asciutto e non esponetelo a temperature estreme ed all'umidità.
                                                                                                           • Не пытайтесь модифицировать это изделие.  Это может привести к
                                                                                                             личной травме и (или) поломке изделия.

                                                                                                           • Ни в коем случае не разбирайте и не модифицируйте это устройство,
OUVIR O SOM COM VOLUME MUITO ALTO PODE CAUSAR DANOS PERMANENTES                                              поскольку это может привести к поломке.
               À AUDIÇÃO. USE O VOLUME MAIS BAIXO POSSÍVEL.                                                • Не подвергайте сильным нагрузкам и не тяните за кабель - это может
A exposição a sons excessivamente altos pode danificar os ouvidos e resultar em perda                        привести к поломке.
permanente da audição devido ao ruído. Siga as recomendações estipuladas pela
                                                                                                           • Содержите микрофон сухим и не подвергайте его воздействию очень
Administração de Saúde e Segurança do Trabalho dos E.U.A. (U.S. Occupational Safety                          высоких или низких температур и влажности.
Health Administration-OSHA) sobre o máximo tempo de exposição a determinados níveis
de pressão sonora (SPL) a fim de evitar danos à audição.

     90 dB SPL                95 dB SPL                100 dB SPL               105 dB SPL
     por 8 horas              por 4 horas              por 2 horas               por 1 hora
     110 dB SPL              115 dB SPL                          120 dB SPL
      por ½ hora            por 15 minutos               Evite ou poderá ocorrer dano

 Os possíveis resultados do uso incorreto são marcados por um de dois símbolos
 - “ATENÇÃO” e “CUIDADO” - dependendo da iminência do perigo e da
 do dano.
      TENÇÃO: Não seguir esses avisos de atenção pode causar lesão grave ou
      morte em conseqüência da operação incorreta.
      CUIDADO: Não seguir esses avisos de cuidado pode causar lesão mod-
      erada ou danos à propriedade em conseqüência da operação incorreta.
 •   Incêndio ou choque elétrico pode ocorrer caso água ou objetos estranhos entrem no
 •   Não tente modificar este produto. pois pode resultar em lesão pessoal e/ou falha do
 •   Não desmonte ou modifique o dispositivo uma vez que pode resultar em falhas.
 •   Não sujeite à força demasiada e não puxe o cabo pois pode resultar em falhas.
 •   Mantenha o microfone seco e evite expor a temperaturas extremas e umidade.


The PSM1000 Personal Monitor System from Shure brings personal monitoring to its most advanced level yet. The full-rack, dual-channel, networked trans-
mitter is ideally suited for the demands of elite-level professional touring and installation applications, and the diversity bodypack receiver delivers pristine RF
signal and audio quality. Networkability over Ethernet connection enables remote control of transmitter functions and comprehensive frequency coordination
via Wireless Workbench software.

Advanced Setup and Operation                                                         Touring-Grade Performance
• Visual display of scan plotting in a rich graphical environment                    • Full rack, dual channel transmitter in a rugged, professional chassis
• Remote control of transmitter settings                                             • Twin-antenna diversity bodypack virtually eliminates drop-outs from
		 RF mute enable/disable                                                              interference
		 RF output power adjustments                                                       • Precision front-end RF filtering reduces RF interference for a cleaner,
                                                                                       stronger RF signal, fewer dropouts, and less audible artifacts.
		 Aux/line level
                                                                                     • CueMode allows monitoring of different stage mixes and storing of up to
		 Audio input level                                                                   20 separate channels on one bodypack for quick and easy reference.
		 Channel/device name edit                                                          • Internal power supply with IEC in/out ports enables easy power chaining
• Directly update firmware with WWB through software update                            in the rack
                                                                                     • Backwards compatibility with PSM900 receivers for simplified inventory

P10T: Rack mount Transmitter
P10R: Bodypack Receiver
Two 1/2 Wave Antennas
AA Batteries (2)
Two Antenna Cables                                                                            L   R

IEC Power Cable and IEC Extension Cable
Ethernet Network Cable
Wireless Workbench Software
Zippered Bag

Rack mount supplies
2 antenna hole plugs
4 rack mount screws with washers


Quickstart Instructions

Rack mount Transmitter

1. Connect to a power outlet using the supplied power cable.
2. Attach the supplied antennas to the ANTENNA OUT
   BNC connectors.
3. Connect the audio source, such as the output of a mixer, to the
   audio inputs. You can use both input jacks or choose either one
   for a mono source.
4. Switch off RF and power on.
5. For mono (one input), access the AUDIO menu and select MONO.
6. Set the input sensitivity to match the source by selecting AUDIO
   > INPUT from the LCD configuration menu: AUX–10dBV or
7. Adjust the audio source level so that, for the average input sig-
   nal level, the top two yellow LEDs flicker and the lower LEDs are
   solid. If the red clip LED illuminates and a warning appears on the
   LCD, the inputs are overdriven. Decrease the level by entering               Pay no attention to these, they are placeholders...new illustra-
   the AUDIO menu and using the control wheel to change the input               tions to follow...
   sensitivity to +4 dBu. If the signal level is too low, change the input
   sensitivity to –10 dBV.

                                                                                 fix polarity of battery
Open by pressing the latches on both sides and pulling. Insert the bat-
teries or battery pack and attach antennas. Turn on using the volume
knob. The battery light illuminates.
                                                                                                                              Home Screen on

Scan and Sync
1. On the bodypack, press the scan button. The display flashes
   SYNC NOW....
2. Align the IR windows on the bodypack and rack unit, and press the
   sync button on the transmitter. The IR window on the transmitter
   illuminates. Press the sync button again. The rack unit level LEDs
   flash, and it displays SYNC SUCCESS.
3. Turn the RF switch on. The blue RF LED illuminates on the
   bodypack to indicate that it is detecting the transmitter. The
   bodypack also displays the RF signal strength (RF).
4. IMPORTANT: Turn bodypack volume down before plugging                      new illustration to follow
   in earphones.
5. Insert the earphones and slowly turn up the volume.


P10T Rack Mount Transmitter

                                     L   R

Front Panel Controls                                                      Rear Panel Connectors
① Sync Window Align bodypack IR window with sync window                   ⑦ Primary Side Switch Primary power switch, only front power switch can
  on TX.                                                                    be locked from utilities menu.
② RF Switch Mutes RF output. For setting up multiple systems 		           ⑧ Power AC mains power input, IEC Connector 100-240 Vac.
  or adjusting settings without transmitting unwanted RF or               ⑨ AC mains power pass-through Use with an IEC extension cable to
  audio signals.                                                            supply AC power to another device. Unswitched.
③ Audio Indicators Use the control wheel to adjust the audio so 		        ⑩ Antenna (BNC) port Attach supplied antennas. If you are rack mounting,
  that, for the average input signal level, the top two yellow LEDs 		      use a front panel or remote mounting kit from Shure.
  flicker and the lower LEDs are solid. Press the enter button 		
  to save the value, exit to cancel. The red clip LED indicates 		        ⑪ LOOP OUT Sends audio signal going into the transmitter to another
  the inputs are over driven. Reduce the level at the audio source 		       device. See LOOP Applications.
  or change the input sensitivity of the rack unit from the               ⑫ Audio Inputs Connect to balanced or unbalanced outputs. Use either
  AUDIO>INPUT menu.                                                         connector for mono input. Accepts XLR or 6.35 mm (1/4”) TRS
④ Status Display and Controls Use the navigation buttons to 		            ⑬ Ethernet Jack Accepts an RJ-45 jack for Ethernet network interface.
  access the configuration menu. Push the control wheel to move 		          Two port Ethernet switch for networking multiple units.
  the cursor to the next item. Turn the control wheel to change 		
  a parameter—the enter button flashes. Press it to save the
  value. Press the exit button to cancel changes and return to the 		
  previous menu.
⑤ Headphone Monitoring The monitor control adjusts signal output to the
  3.5 mm headphone jack. Push button to toggle between transmitters.
  Monitor clip LED indicates headphone audio is clipping.
⑥ Power Switch Turns the unit on and off. Power switch and front panel
  can be locked from the utilities menu.

      photos for placement only
      new illustrations to come...


Menu Structure and Navigation
The home menu screen displays a summary of transmitter parameters and available menu choices. Depending on configuration, the home screen will display
the following information:

                               ➍   ➎
    ➊                                                                        Transmitter Parameters
                                                                             ①- Audio channel name                 ⑦ - Audio Level  
    ❷                                                     ➓                  ② - Frequency setting                 ⑧ - Mix -mono or stereo
                                                                             ③ - Group and Channel                 ⑨ - Aux/Line in
                                                                             ④ - Network Icon                      ⑩ - Submenus
                     ❻         ❼   ➑     ➐                                   ⑤ -Lock Icon                          ⑪ - TV Channel
    New illustration to come...                                              ⑥ - RF Power Level

Menu Navigation

                                                                             Radio - RF Settings
         RADIO            G                                                  RADIO - Displays RF settings
                          CH                                                 G - Sets the group number - a set of compatible frequency channels
                                                                             CH - Sets the channel number - within the group
                                                                             888.888MHz - Frequency selection; adjustable in increments of 1MHz or
                          RF POWER
                                                                             RF POWER - Select from 10, 50, or 100 mW (varies by region)
                          Custom             Load                            Custom - For creating custom frequency groups
                                                                                       Load - Searches network for custom groups and loads 		
                                                                                               devices found
                                             Next                                      Clear - Clears custom groups
                                                                                       Next - Displays channel and frequency of groups

                                                                             Audio Settings		
        AUDIO            INPUT               Line                            INPUT - Sets nominal input level
                                             Aux                                      LINE +4 dBu - line level
                                                                                      AUX –10dBV - aux level
                         MODE                stereo/mix
                                             mono                            MODE - Selects monitor mode
                                                                                      STEREO/MX - Transmits both channels
                         LEVEL                                                        MONO - Transmits a mono signal to bodypack
                                                                                      POINT TO POINT - Set up P10T for point to point wireless audio
                                                                                      (see Point to Point section of guide)

                                                                             LEVEL - Adjusts output level


                                                                                           Utility Settings
UTIL    CHANNEL NAME                                                                       CHANNEL NAME - Changes the name on the LCD display (this name is
        DISPLAY                  Brightness            High      Med        Low            uploaded to the bodypack with sync) Use control wheel to change letters.
                                 Disp. Invert                                              DISPLAY - Changes the display format			
                                 Contrast                                                           Brightness - Adjusts brightness to high, medium or low
                                                                                                    Disp. Invert - Inverts display
                                                                                                    Contrast - Changes the display contrast

        LOCK                     Power Switch                                              LOCK - Locks power switch and front panel controls. 		
                                                                                                   Front Panel and Power Switch - Turn control wheel to select off
                                 Front Panel                                                       or locked. 			
                                                                                           NETWORK - Network set-up displays all networked and linked devices		

        NETWORK                  DEVICE                                                      DEVICE - Turn control wheel to change device ID name
                                 SETUP       Mode      Automatic       Manual     Reset      SETUP - MODE - Set TX to manual or automatic
                                                                          IP               		         Automatic - Automatic - press flashing Enter button
                                                                        SUB                		         Manual - Manually adjust IP, Subnet, MAC - view only
                                                                       MAC                 		         Reset - Resets all devices to factory default and 		
                                 Find All                                                  		                 deletes all previous settings
                                 Flash All      Flash         Show Info        Back
                                                                                             FIND ALL - Displays all devices on network			
                                                                                           		           Show - Flashes LEDS of all devices on network
                                                                                           		           Info - Displays TX information
                                                                                           		           Back - Returns to previous screen
        MORE           Product ID          Reset All          FW Update

                      Serial Number        Restores                                        MORE - Displays product ID, resets and current firmware
                                           all values
                                                               Firmware of
                                           to factory                                               Product ID - Displays Product serial number
                                            defaults                                                Reset All - Restores all values on all devices on the network to
                                                                                                    factory default settings
                                                                                                    FW Update - Sends updated firmware to receiver

                                                                                           Sync Settings
 SYNC          Lock      V Lim   Lim Val    Hi Boost     Mode       Bal Mx        Bal St   RX SETUP - These settings are sent to the bodypack during a sync (when
                                                                                           the sync direction is from the transmitter). The default NO CHANGE
                                                                                           parameter will not change the bodypack settings. Use control knob and exit/
                                                                                           enter buttons to change these settings.

                                                                                           LOCK - Lock bodypack
               Spectrum                    Sync Scan                Sync                   V LIMIT - Volume limit on/off
                                             Deploy                 Retry                  LIM VAL - Volume limit value
                                             Cursor                    OK
                                                                                           HIBOOST - High frequency boost
                                                                                           MODE - Stereo (ST) or MixMode (MX)
                                                                                           BAL MX - CH. 1 (L) and CH. 2 (R) mix for MixMode
                                                                                           BAL ST - Left (L) and right (R) balance for stereo mode

                                                                                           After running a full spectrum scan on the RX, the RF data can be viewed in
                                                                                           Sync Scan and deployed from the TX.

                                                                                           Deploy - Sends open frequencies to available TX
                                                                                           Cursor - Control cursor with control wheel to select open frequencies
                                                                                           Zoom - Turn control wheel to zoom into graphic

                                                                                           Retry - Retry at a different time
                                                                                           OK - Successful sync of TX and RX


P10R Bodypack Receiver
                                                                               Audio Settings
                                                                                MODE                  Selects monitor mode
                                                                                                      STEREO                Stereo
                                                                                                      MIXMODE               MixMode
                                                                                HIBOOST               High-frequency EQ boost
                                                                                                      OFF                   flat
                                                                                                      4 dB                  +4 dB @ 10 kHz
                                                                                                      2 dB                  +2 dB @ 10 kHz
                                                                                V Limit               ON                    Limits volume level
                                                                                                      Value                 3–9: analogous to volume
                                                                                                                            knob position (for example, 5
                                                                                                                            is equal to the 5th dot on the
                                                                                                                            volume knob)
                                                                                Gain                  HI/Standard           Hi mode increases gain by
                                                                                                                            10 dB
                                                                               Utilities and Display Settings
                                                                                CUEMODE               Enters CueMode (to exit, press enter and select
                                                                                                      EXIT CUEMODE)
                                                                                DISPLAY               Changes the display format
                                                                                CONTRAST              Changes the display contrast
Bodypack Receiver                                                               LOCK PANEL            Locks all controls except power and volume. To un-
① Power Switch and Volume Control Turns the bodypack on and off and                                   lock, press exit, select OFF, and press enter.
adjusts earphone volume.                                                        BATTERY               Displays the following: Minutes Left, Temperature,
② 3.5 mm Earphone Jack Insert earphones here.                                                         Status, Cycle Count, and Health
③ Scan Button Press the scan button to find an available frequency. Press
and hold for two seconds to find the group with the most available channels.    RESTORE               Returns receiver to factory default settings.
④ IR Window For transmitting settings between bodypack and rack unit.
⑤ Battery Compartment Requires 2 AA batteries or rechargeable battery.         Battery Life*
Open by pressing the latches on both sides and pulling.
⑥ Menu buttons Use in conjunction with the ▼▲ buttons to access the con-        Battery             Tri-Color          Approximate Hours Remaining
figuration menus.                                                               Indicator           Battery
                                                                                                                 Alkaline     Alkaline   Alkaline     Li-
⑦ ▼▲ Buttons Use to adjust the audio mix (in MixMode only), or in con-                              LED
                                                                                                                 Volume       Volume     Volume       ION
junction with the menu buttons to change settings.                                                               Level 4      Level 6    Level 8
⑧ LCD Screen Displays current settings and menus.
⑨ Tri-Color Battery LED illuminates green, amber, or red to indicate bat-
tery power. When red, change batteries immediately.                                                 Green        5–7          2½-3       1½           7-8
⑩ Blue RF LED Indicates the bodypack is receiving a signal from the
transmitter.                                                                                        Green        3½–4         2½–2       1¼           6-7
⑪ Detachable Antennas SMA Connector                                                                 Green        3–3½         1½–2       1            4-6
⑫ *Removable AA Adapter P10R is shipped with an adapter which can be
removed to accommodate a Shure rechargeable battery pack.                                           Green        2–2½         1½–1       ¾            2-4

    *Note: to remove adapter, open door and slide adapter out. To replace,                          Amber        ½–1          1-¾        ½            1-2
    place adapter in place and press, there will be an audible click when
                                                                               *Test specs using Energizer brand AA Alkaline batteries:
                                                                               Receiver (RX) Settings:
RF Settings                                                                    Output driving Shure SE425 earphones
                                                                               Corresponding SPL @ Ear: ~115 dB SPL
    RADIO                                                                      Note: SPL at ear will vary with fit and earphones
                                                                               HIBOOST - OFF
    G                   Sets the group number
                                                                               V. LIMIT - OFF
    CH                  Sets the channel number
                                                                               Transmitter (TX) Settings:
    888.888MHz          Manual frequency selection                             Audio Input: pink noise* @ +8.7 dBV
    Squelch             Adjust squelch setting                                 Transmitter Input mode: LINE
                                                                               Transmitter Input level: -9 dB
    Full SCAN           Performs spectrum scan and displays open frequen-
                        cies in a graphical interface                          *Pink Noise is a signal with a frequency spectrum such that the power spec-
                                                                               tral density is inversely proportional to the frequency. In pink noise, each
    RF Pad              Attenuates antenna signals in 3 dB increments
                                                                               octave carries an equal amount of noise power.
                                                                               Note: Using lower-impedance earphones, different battery types and higher
                                                                               gain settings in a PSM system may cause the receiver battery life to be dif-
                                                                               ferent than specified.

Multiple System Setup
When setting up multiple systems, designate a single bodypack to scan for         Auditioning Mixes
available frequencies and download them to all the rack units.                    1. Enter CueMode from the UTILITIES menu.
The bodypack must be from the same frequency band as all the                      2. Use the ▼▲ buttons to scroll through your CueMode list to hear the
transmitters.                                                                        mixes.
1. Power on all the rack units. Turn off the RF. (This prevents them from
   interfering with the frequency scan.)                                          Exiting CueMode
   Note: Turn on all other wireless or digital devices as they would be dur-      Exit CueMode by pressing enter and selecting EXIT CUEMODE.
   ing the performance or presentation (so the scan will detect and avoid
   any interferance they generate).
2. Use the bodypack to scan for a group by pressing and holding the scan
   button for two seconds. The bodypack displays the group and the num-           Managing CueMode Mixes
   ber of available channels, and flashes SYNC NOW....
   Important: Note the number of available channels. If you have more             While in Cue Mode, you can access the following menu by pressing enter:
   rack units than available channels, eliminate potential sources of interfer-
   ence and try again, or call Shure Applications for assistance.                  REPLACE MIX Select and press sync on a rack unit to upload new data
                                                                                   for the current mix (for example, if you have changed the transmitter
3. Sync the bodypack with the first rack unit by aligning the IR windows and       frequency).
   pressing sync.                                                                  DELETE MIX Removes the selected mix.
4. Press scan again on the bodypack to find the next available frequency.          DELETE ALL Removes all mixes.
                                                                                   EXIT CUEMODE Exits CueMode and returns the bodypack to the previous
5. Sync the bodypack with the next rack unit.                                      frequency setting.
6. Repeat with all the rack units.
7. Sync each performer’s bodypack to its respective rack unit by aligning the
   IR windows and pressing snyc. DO NOT press scan on the bodypacks.
8. Turn on the RF on all rack units. The systems are ready to use.                Frequency Scan
                                                                                  The scan feature analyzes the RF environment for interference to identify
MixMode for Multiple Systems                                                      available frequencies. The PSM1000 has three frequency scan modes:
                                                                                  • Channel Scan Press the scan button on the bodypack. Finds the first
Configure each system for MixMode. From the mixing console, send a mix              available channel.
of the whole band to input 2 of the first transmitter. Connect the LOOP OUT       • Group Scan Press and hold the scan button for two seconds. Finds
R output to the CH. 2 IN input of the next transmitter. Continue the chain          the group with the greatest number of available channels. (Each group
with all the transmitters.                                                          contains a set of frequencies that are compatible when operating multiple
                                                                                    systems in the same environment.)
Next, create solo mixes for each performer. Send each mix to input 1 of the
transmitter for that performer.                                                   • Full Scan From the bodypack menu select, Radio>Full Scan. Press
                                                                                    Scan to initiate a full scan. Press Spectrum Scan to view full results in a
                                                                                    graphical display.

CueMode                                                                             Note: follow these steps when doing a full scan:
                                                                                    1.)Turn on all TX's
                                                                                    2.) Turn off all wireless microphone transmitters
CueMode allows you to upload the name and frequency settings from mul-
tiple rack units and store them as a list on a single bodypack. You can then,       3.) Never do a scan near a transmitter in the same frequency band
at any time, scroll through that list to hear the audio mix from each transmit-
ter, just as each performer does during a show.
CueMode lists are retained even if CueMode is exited, the bodypack is
turned off, or batteries are removed.
Note: Set the channel frequency and assign display names for each trans-          The PSM1000 transfers settings in either direction: from the bodypack to the
mitter before creating your CueMode list.                                         rack unit, or from the rack unit to the bodypack.
                                                                                  • Downloading settings from the bodypack: First press the scan button
                                                                                    on the bodypack. Then align the IR windows and press the sync button
Adding Transmitters to the CueMode List                                             on the rack unit while the bodypack display is flashing “SYNC NOW...”.
                                                                                    The level LEDs flash on the rack unit.
Note: The transmitter must be from the same frequency band as the
                                                                                  • Sending settings to the bodypack: Align the IR windows and press
                                                                                    the sync button on the rack unit. The blue LED on the bodypack flashes.
1. Open the battery door and press the enter button.                                Press sync again to transfer settings.
2. From the main menu, scroll to UTILITIES and press enter. Select                • Note: When properly aligned the IR window on the transmitter illuminates
   CueMode and press enter again.
3. Align IR windows and press sync on the rack unit.
  The LCD displays SYNC SUCCESS after frequency and name data are
  uploaded to the CueMode list. It also displays the CueMode number for
  that transmitter and the total number of transmitters.
4. Repeat the above step for each transmitter.
Note: Syncing while in CueMode does not change any of the settings on the

Custom Groups                                                                    Squelch

This feature allows you to create your own groups of frequencies.                Squelch mutes audio output from the bodypack when the RF signal be-
                                                                                 come noisy. While squelch is activated, the blue LED on the bodypack
Creating new groups...                                                           turns off.
Menu: Radio > Custom
                                                                                 For most installations, squelch does not need adjustment, and it keeps the
    1.   Turn the Control wheel to select a custom group number (U1, U2,         performer from hearing hiss or noise bursts if the RF signal becomes com-
         U3, etc.)                                                               promised. However, in congested RF environments or in close proximity to
    2.   Push the Control wheel to move to the Channel parameter and             sources of RF interference (such as large LED video panels), the squelch
         turn it to select a channel (01, 02, 03, etc.)                          may need to be lowered to prevent excessive audio dropouts. With lower
                                                                                 squelch settings, the performer may hear more noise or hiss, but will experi-
    3.   Push the Control wheel to move to the Freq parameter and select
                                                                                 ence fewer audio dropouts.
         a frequency for that channel.
    4.   Push the NEXT menu key to select a frequency for the next chan-         Note: Before lowering squelch, first try to eliminate the problem by find-
         nel in that group.                                                      ing the best set of frequencies for your installation and removing potential
    5.    Load deploys groups over network                                       sources of interference.
    6.   Clear deletes all custom groups.                                        Caution: Turning off or lowering the squelch setting can increase the noise
                                                                                 level and cause discomfort to the performer:

MixMode                                                                          • Do not lower the squelch setting unless absolutely necessary.
                                                                                 • Turn earphone volume to the lowest setting before adjusting squelch.
Some performers need to hear more of their own voice or instrument, while        • Do not change the squelch setting during a performance.
others want to hear more of the band. With MixMode, the performer creates        • Turn up the transmitter setting to make noise or hiss less noticeable.
their own mix using the balance control (▼▲ buttons) on the bodypack.
To use MixMode, send a solo mix of the performer to the CH. 1 IN input on
the transmitter, and send a band mix to the CH. 2 IN input.
                                                                                 Squelch Settings
Set the performer’s bodypack for MixMode. The bodypack combines the two
signals and sends them to both earphones, while the balance control on the         HIGH (NORMAL)              Default factory setting.
bodypack adjusts the relative levels for each.
                                                                                          MID                 Moderately decreases the signal-to-noise ratio
                                                                                                              required to squelch the receiver.
                                                                                          LOW                 Greatly decreases the noise squelch threshold.
                                                                                     PILOT ONLY
LOOP Applications                                                                                             Turns off noise squelch leaving only pilot
                                                                                                              squelch on.

Use LOOP OUT L (left) and R (right) outputs to send a copy of the audio                                       Symbol appears in display window
signal going into the transmitter to other devices. Following are a few of the
                                                                                     NO SQUELCH               Turns off noise and pilot tone squelch. (Sometimes
many applications for these outputs.
                                                                                                              used as a debugging tool by monitor engineers or
Note: The input level control and the input pad do not affect the LOOP OUT                                    RF coordinators to “listen” to the RF environment.)
                                                                                                              Symbol appears in display window

Stereo for Multiple Systems
Send one stereo signal from the mixing console to the inputs on the first
transmitter, then connect the LOOP outputs to the inputs on the next trans-
mitter. Repeat for all transmitters to form a chain.
                                                                                 Point-to-Point Wireless Audio
                                                                                  PTP mode can be used to allow a P10T to transmit to a UHFR receiver.
Floor Monitors                                                                    This allows a transmitter and receiver set-up where both units are racked
                                                                                  and powered by AC.
Send the audio from the LOOP outputs to on stage loudspeakers. The
bodypack and the on stage monitors receive the same audio signals.

Recording Devices                                                                                     L   R

To record a performance, connect the LOOP outputs to the inputs of a re-
cording device.

                                                                                                                                                        RF       Audio   XX YYY-ZZZ MHz   Navigate                                           Monitor   POWER
                                                                                                                  UR4S                                  OL
                                                                                                                  Wireless Receiver                                                                                           Monitor Clip
                                                                                                                  with Audio Reference Conpanding                                                    EXIT
                                                                                                                       sync                         A        B

                                                                                 For more information visit:


Ethernet Connection
Networking Transmitters
Basic Network
                                                                                ❶ Router with DHCP                         Computer
Each transmitter has an RJ-45 port on the back for connecting
to other transmitters over an Ethernet network. Networking
transmitters allows you to automatically set channels for all the
transmitters with a single group scan command.
❶ Connect transmitter to an Ethernet router with DHCP service.
❷ Use Ethernet switches to extend the network for larger
❸Use the transmitter’s default network setting                                  ❷ Router with DHCP and switches             Computer
(Util > Network > Mode = Automatic).
Accessing the Network with a Computer
You can also control and monitor all networked units through the                                    Switch
Shure Wireless Workbench software.
If you want to use the Wireless Workbench software, connect your
computer to the network and install the software from the CD that
came with the transmitter. Make sure your computer is configured
for DHCP (from Control Panel, click Network Connections.
Double-click on Local Area Connection. Select Internet Protocol
(TCP/IP) and click Properties. Select Obtain IP address                                                                   Switch
automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically and
click OK).
NOTE: Some security software or firewall settings on your
    computer can prevent you from connecting to the transmitter.
    If using firewall software, allow connections on port 2201.

Static IP Addressing
                                                                                ❸ Transmitter’s default network setting
The transmitter also supports static IP addressing. Assign your
own IP addresses ( Util > Network > Mode = Manual). NOTE: Dual                                    P10T               P10T               P10T
transmitters use a single IP address, which may be set through
either LCD interface.

Network Parameters
• The transmitter reboots after you press ENTER to accept network
  parameter changes                                                             Device ID
• These settings affect both transmitters (the dual transmitter is treated as   Assists in identifying transmitters through the Wireless Workbench
  a single network device).                                                     Software (has no effect on network identification).
Set the Transmitter Network Mode                                                Menu: Util > Network
Menu: Util > Network                                                                1. Push the Control wheel to move the cursor to the DevID
    1. Push the Control wheel to move the cursor to the Mode                           parameter.
       parameter.                                                                   2. Turn the Control wheel to set the transmitter to change the
    2. Turn the Control wheel to set the transmitter to one of the                     value.
       following values:
    •    Automatic: use this setting when connecting the transmit-              Shure Wireless Workbench Software
         ter to a DHCP server.
                                                                                Shure Wireless Workbench software includes a variety of useful tools for
    •    Manual: allows you to set the transmitter to a specific IP             installing and managing multiple wireless systems. Instructions on using the
         address or subnet.                                                     Wireless Workbench software are available in the online help files after you
IP Address and Subnet                                                           install the software.
Menu: Util > Network
NOTE: To change these settings, the network mode must be set to

    1. Push the Control wheel to move the cursor to any of the
       following parameters:
    •    IP (IP address)
    •    Sub (Subnet mask)
    2. Turn the Control wheel to change the value.

Automatic Frequency Selection                                          Spectrum Scan
Follow these steps to use the channel scan and group scan
                                                                       Use this feature to scan the full RF spectrum for potential sources of inter-
features on the transmitter.
                                                                       ference and deploy open frequencies to all transmitters on the network. A
Before you begin                                                       graphical representation of the scan data may be viewed on both the trans-
                                                                       mitter and receiver. This allows you to scroll through the graph to reveal
     •   Turn all RF off.                                              details about the frequency and strength of the interfering signals.
     •   Install the transmitters and power them on.
     •   Mute all inputs on mixing devices connected to the            Scanning and Deploying Frequencies
         transmitter.                                                  1. Turn off RF on all transmitters.

     •   Turn off the RF transmission on the transmitters for the      Collect the scan data. From the bodypack receiver MAIN MENU, select
                                                                       RADIO > FULL SCAN > RUN SCAN
         systems you are setting up.
     •   Turn on potential sources of interference such as other       2. The receiver displays SPECTRUM SCAN and scans the full spectrum.
         wireless systems or devices, computers, CD players, large     3. Load the scan data from the bodypack receiver to the rack transmit-
         LED panels, effects processors, and digital rack equipment       ter. Align the IR windows and press Sync > Spectrum > SyncScan
         so they are operating as they would be during the
                                                                       4. The transmitter displays the scan data as a graph and gives options for
         presentation or performance.
                                                                          viewing and deploying.
Individual Transmitter
     1. On receiver, select Scan to find an open channel.              Search network for devices. From the rack transmitter Sync > Spectrum
                                                                       menu, press Deploy.
     2. Sync receiver to transmitter by aligning it with IR port and
        pressing sync button.                                          The rack transmitter searches the network for all available transmitters.

Networked Transmitters                                                 5. Choose a group. Use the control wheel to select from the available
With networked transmitters, you can take advantage of the                groups.
group scan feature to set group and channel settings for all the         The number of open frequencies for each group is displayed next to Open
transmitters at the same time.                                           Frequencies:

Perform a group scan from any receiver                                 6. Deploy frequencies. Press the flashing enter button to deploy frequen-
                                                                          cies to all channels.
     1. Press and hold scan button for 2 seconds to initiate scan.
                                                                         The LEDs flash on all affected channels.
     2. Sync scan results to any transmitter on the network via the
        IR port.
     3. Follow the transmitter instructions to deploy frequencies to
        all networked transmitters                                     Viewing Spectrum Data
     4. Sync receivers with the transmitters carrying the              From the Bodypack Receiver
        desired mix.                                                   MAIN MENU > RADIO > FULL SCAN > SPECTRUM
                                                                       • Adjust the cursor position using the ▼▲ keys.
NOTE: The group scan feature only works for transmitters in the        • Press enter to zoom in at the cursor position. Press exit to zoom out.
    same frequency band. For example, if you did a group scan
                                                                       • Press scan to display frequency and power of signal at the cursor
    on a “G10” band transmitter, all “G10” band transmitters             position.
    would be set up, but not “J8” band transmitters.
                                                                       From the Rack Transmitter
Multiple Transmitters—Not Networked                                    Sync > Spectrum
If your transmitters are not networked (or in different bands), the
group scan cannot automatically set their group and channel            • Adjust the cursor position by pressing Cursor and using the control wheel.
settings. However, you can still take advantage of the group scan      • Frequency and power of signal at the cursor position is displayed at the
feature to find the group with the most open channels and the            top of the screen.
channel scan feature to find open channels in that group.
                                                                       • Press Zoom and use the control wheel to zoom in and out.
Find the group with the most open channels
Perform a group scan following the steps from the Multiple System
Setup section in the user guide for setting up multiple transmitters
which are not networked.
NOTE: Transmitters in different bands (G10, J8, etc.) do not need
    to be set to the same group.


Connecting the PSM1000 via Ethernet to an AMX or Crestron system.
Message Types                                                                 • Each message ends with a space followed by an “>”.
The Control system can send two (2) types of command messages, as             • Each message is terminated by a carriage return and line feed (CRLF).  
follows:                                                                      The control system may need to enter the hex value of this, which is equiva-
                                                                              lent to 0x0D0A. Please see the control system user guide for specific infor-
SET - The SET command is sent from the control system to the Shure device     mation on how to enter this.
to change the value of a parameter. This is used to SET the parameter to
a specific value. Once a SET command is sent, the Shure device will send      • If the message is a channel parameter, the parameter string must be pre-
back a REPORT string with the current resultant setting.                      ceded by the number of the channel.
GET - The GET command gets the current value of a parameter. Once a           • If the message is a box parameter, there should be no channel number in
GET command is sent, the Shure device will send back a REPORT string          the string.
with the current setting.
                                                                              Example Messages
The Shure device can send a response with one (1) type of response mes-
sage, as follows:                                                             This section contains example messages.
REPORT - The REPORT string reports the current value for a parameter.         Example Messages for Channel Parameters
The REPORT string is sent from the Shure device to the Control system in      < GET 1 FREQUENCY >/0d/0a
response to a SET or GET command. The REPORT string is also sent when
the value of the parameter is changed on the Shure device.                    < REPORT 1 FREQUENCY 578000 >/0d/0a
                                                                              Example Messages for Box Parameters
• All messages sent and received are ASCII characters.                        < SET DEVICE_NAME Shure >/0d/0a
• Each message begins with a “<” followed by a space.                         < REPORT DEVICE_NAME Shure >/0d/0a

                                          Command                                               Response
 View Transmitter Name                    < GET DEVICE_NAME >/0d/0a                             < REPORT DEVICE_NAME vvvvvvvv >/0d/0a
 Set Channel Name                         < SET x CHAN_NAME vvvvvvvv >/0d/0a                    < REPORT x CHAN _NAME vvvvvvvv >/0d/0a
 Get Channel Name                         < GET x CHAN_NAME >/0d/0a                             < REPORT CHAN _NAME vvvvvvvv >/0d/0a
 Set Audio Level                          < SET x AUDIO_IN_LVL vvvv >/0d/0a                     < REPORT x AUDIO_IN_LVL vvvv >/0d/0a
 View Audio Level                         < GET x AUDIO_IN_LVL >/0d/0a                          < REPORT x AUDIO_IN_LVL vvvv >/0d/0a
                                          < SET x GROUP_CHAN gg,cc >/0d/0a                      < REPORT x FREQUENCY vvvvvvvvvvv >/0d/0a
 Set Transmitter Group & Channel
                                                                                                < REPORT x GROUP_CHAN gg,ccvvv >/0d/0a
 View Transmitter Group & Channel         < GET x GROUP_CHAN >/0d/0a                            < REPORT x GROUP_CHAN gg,cc >/0d/0a
                                          < SET x FREQUENCY vvvvvvvvvvv >/0d/0a                 < REPORT x FREQUENCY vvvvvvvvvvv >/0d/0a
 Set Transmitter Frequency
                                                                                                < REPORT x GROUP_CHAN --,--vvv >/0d/0a
 View Transmitter Frequency               < GET x FREQUENCY >/0d/0a                             < REPORT x FREQUENCY vvvvvvvvvvv >/0d/0a
 Set RF Tx Level                          < SET x RF_TX_LVL vvvvvv >/0d/0a                      < REPORT x RF_TX_LVL vvvvvv >/0d/0a
 View RF Tx Level                         < GET x RF_TX_LVL >/0d/0a                             < REPORT x RF_TX_LVL vvvvvv >/0d/0a
                                          < SET x RF_MUTE vvvv >/0d/0a                          < REPORT x RF_MUTE vvvv >/0d/0a
 Set RF Mute
                                          1 = mute, 0 = unmute                                  1 = mute, 0 = unmute
                                          < GET x RF_MUTE >/0d/0a                               < REPORT x RF_MUTE vvvv >/0d/0a
 View RF Mute
                                          1 = mute, 0 = unmute                                  1 = mute, 0 = unmute
                                          < SET x AUDIO_TX_MODE vvvv >/0d/0a                    < REPORT x AUDIO_TX_MODE vvvv >/0d/0a
 Set Audio Tx Mode
                                          1 = mono, 2 = point to point, 3 = stereo              1 = mono, 2 = point to point, 3 = stereo
                                          < GET x AUDIO_TX_MODE >/0d/0a                         < REPORT x AUDIO_TX_MODE vvvv >/0d/0a
 View Audio Tx Mode
                                                                                                1 = mono, 2 = point to point, 3 = stereo
                                          < SET x AUDIO_IN_LINE_LVL vvvv >/0d/0a                < REPORT x AUDIO_IN_LINE_LVL vvvv >/0d/0a
 Set Audio Input Line Level
                                          0 = off (Aux), 1 = on (Line)                          0 = off (Aux), 1 = on (Line)
                                          < GET x AUDIO_IN_LINE_LVL >/0d/0a                     < REPORT x AUDIO_IN_LINE_LVL vvvv >/0d/0a
 View Audio Input Line Level
                                                                                                0 = off (Aux), 1 = on (Line)
                                          < SET x METER_RATE vvvvvvvvvvv >/0d/0a                < REPORT x METER_RATE vvvvvvvvvvv >/0d/0a
 Set Metering Rate
                                          0 = off, value in milliseconds                        0 = off, value in milliseconds
                                          < GET x METER_RATE >/0d/0a                            < REPORT x METER_RATE vvvvvvvvvvv >/0d/0a
 View Metering Rate
                                                                                                0 = off, value in milliseconds
                                          N/A                                                   < REPORT x AUDIO_IN_LVL_L vvvvvvvvvvv >/0d/0a
 Audio Meter Level
                                                                                                < REPORT x AUDIO_IN_LVL_R vvvvvvvvvvv >/0d/0a



PSM1000                                             P10R                                                         P10T
RF Carrier Range                                    Tri-Band Filtering                                           RF Output Power
 470–952 MHz                                         –3 dB at 30.5 MHz from the center frequency of each          Selectable: 10, 50, 100 mW (+20 dBm)
Note: varies by region                               band                                                         varies by region
Compatible Frequencies                              Active RF Gain Control                                       RF Output Impedance
 Per band: 49                                        31 dB                                                        50 Ω (typical)
Tuning Bandwidth                                    Adjusts RF sensitivity to provide more RF dynamic range      Net Weight
 US: 72–80 MHz                                      RF Sensitivity (at 20 dB SINAD)                               850 g
varies by region                                     2.2  µV                                                     Dimensions
Operating Range (environment dependent)             Image Rejection                                               483 mm X 343 mm X 44 mm
 90 m (300 ft)                                       >90 dB                                                      Power Requirement
Audio Frequency Response                            Adjacent Channel Rejection                                   Input: 100-240V AC, 50/60 Hz, 0.5A max (5.5 max outlet
 35 Hz–15 kHz                                        >70 dB                                                      loaded)
Signal-To-Noise Ratio (A-Weighted)                  Squelch Threshold                                            Output: 100-240V AC, 5A max, unswitched
 90 dB (typical)                                     22 dB SINAD (±3 dB) (default setting)
Total Harmonic Distortion (ref. ±34 kHz deviation   Intermodulation Attenuation
@1 kHz)                                              >70 dB                                                      Audio Input
 <0.5% (typical)                                    Blocking                                                     Connector Type
Companding                                           >80 dB                                                       Combination XLR and 6.35 mm (1/4”) TRS
 Patented Shure Audio Reference Companding          Audio Output Power (1kHz @ <1% distortion, peak              Polarity
Spurious Rejection (ref. 12dB SINAD)                power, @32Ω)                                                  XLR: Non-inverting (pin 2 positive with respect to pin 3)
 >80 dB (typical)                                    100 mW per output                                            6.35 mm (1/4”) TRS: Tip positive with respect to ring
Frequency Stability                                 Minimum Load Impedance                                       Configuration
 ±2.5 ppm                                            9.5 Ω                                                        Electronically balanced
MPX Pilot Tone                                      High Boost                                                   Impedance
 19 kHz (±0.3 kHz)                                  Selectable: +2 dB , +4 dB @ 10 kHz                            70.2 kΩ  (actual)
Modulation                                          Volume Limiter                                               Nominal Input Level
 FM*, MPX Stereo                                     Selectable: 3–9                                              switchable switchable: +4 dBu, –10  dBV
* ±34 kHz deviation (nominal)                       Limits volume adjustment knob. Selected value analogous to
                                                    volume knob increment.                                       Maximum Input Level
Operating Temperature                                                                                             +4 dBu: +29.2 dBu
 -18°C–+57°C                                        Net Weight
                                                                                                                  –10 dBV: +12.2 dBu
                                                     186 g (with batteries)
                                                                                                                 Pin Assignments
                                                                                                                  XLR: 1=ground, 2=hot, 3=cold
                                                     99 mm X 66 mm X 23 mm
                                                                                                                  6.35 mm (1/4”) TRS: Tip=hot, Ring=cold,
                                                    Battery Life                                                  Sleeve=ground
                                                     4–6 hours (continuous use) AA Batteries
                                                                                                                 Phantom Power Protection
                                                                                                                  up to 60 V DC

                                                                                                                 Audio Output
                                                                                                                 Connector Type
                                                                                                                  6.35  mm (1/4”) TRS
                                                                                                                  Electronically balanced
                                                                                                                  Connected directly to inputs


BAND      RANGE                  COUNTRY                      Output         Shure Rechargeable SB900
                                                            Power (mW)
G10                              US, IA                    10/50/100         The SB900 is a rechargeable Lithium-ion battery with a capacity of
          470-542                                                            1450 mAh.
G10E                             UK, EU, Peru              10/50
H8Z       518-582                NZ, Korea                 10/50                                             Dimensions

J8                               US, IA                    10/50/100                                  17.5mm
J8E                              EMEA                      10/50                                      (.67 in.)

K10E      596-668                UK, EU, Australia         10/50

L8                               US, IA, Aus               10/50/100
L8E                              Emea                      10/50
                                                                                                                                   (1.98 in.)
L9E       670-742                China                     10/50
L10       670-742                HK                        10/20

P8        710-790                EU                        10/50

Q21       710-787                China                     10/50
Q22E      750-822                EU                        10/50
Q23       750-806                HK                        10/20                                            (1.25 in.)

R26       794-806                Taiwan                    6/10              Note: Place battery into charger, slotted side down with Shure logo facing
R27       794-806                Thailand/EMEA             10/50             down, warnings facing up.
A24       “779-788               Japan                     6/10              CAUTION: Danger of explosion if battery incorrectly replaced.
                                                                             Replace only with the same or equivalent type
X1        944-952                US                        10/50/100
                                                                             WARNING: Battery packs shall not be exposed to excessive heat such as

NOTE:                                                                        Sunshine, fire or the like.
This Radio equipment is intended for use in musical professional             • Battery Packs may explode or release toxic materials
entertainment and similar applications. This Radio apparatus may be
                                                                             • Never put batteries in mouth. If swallowed, contact your physician
capable of operating on some frequencies not authorized in your region.
                                                                               or local poison control center.
Please contact your national authority to obtain information on authorized
frequencies and RF power levels for wireless microphone products.            • Do not short circuit; may cause burns or catch fire
                                                                             • Do not charge or use battery packs with other than specified Shure
                                                                             • Dispose of battery packs properly. Check with local vendor for
                                                                               proper disposal of used battery packs.
                                                                             • Use this battery charger only with the Shure Model PS50 series
                                                                               power supply.
                                                                             This equipment is intended to be used in professional audio applications
                                                                             EMC conformance is based on the use of supplied and recommended
                                                                             cable types. The use of other cable types may degrade EMC performance.
                                                                             Use this battery charger only with the Shure charging modules and battery
                                                                             packs for which it is designed. Use with other than the specified modules
                                                                             and battery packs may increase the risk of fire or explosion.
                                                                             Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Shure Incorporated
                                                                             could void your authority to operate this equipment.


                                                                             Charge Temperature:                         0°C to 45°C (recommended)
                                                                             Constant Charge Voltage:                    4.2V +/-0.05V
                                                                             Constant Charge Current:                    750 mAh
                                                                             Nominal Voltage:                            3.7V
                                                                             Rated Capacity:                             1450 mAh

                                                                             For more information on batteries and chargers visit: www.shure.com

ACCESSORIES AND PARTS                                     CERTIFICATION

Furnished Accessories                                     P10T, P10R                                             INFORMATION TO USER
                                                          This Class B digital apparatus complies with           This equipment has been tested and found to
P10R Antenna
                                                          Canadian ICES-003.                                     comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,
      470–530 MHz                                UA700
                                                                                                                 pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These lim-
     540–626 MHz                                 UA710    Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est con-         its are designed to provide reasonable protection
      596–692 MHz                                UA720    forme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.                    against harmful interference in a residential instal-
      670–830 MHz                                UA730                                                           lation. This equipment generates, uses and can
                                                          Meets requirements of EMC standards EN 300
      830–952 MHz                                UA740
                                                          422 Parts 1 and 2 and EN 301 489 Parts 1 and 9.        radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed
P10T Antenna                                                                                                     and used in accordance with the instructions, may
      470–542 MHz                             UA820G10                                                           cause harmful interference to radio communica-
      554-626 MHz                              UA820J8    P10T                                                   tions. However, there is no guarantee that inter-
      596-668 MHz                              UA820K1                                                           ference will not occur in a particular installation. If
                                                          Certified under FCC Parts 74. (FCC ID:                 this equipment does cause harmful interference
      626-698 MHz                              UA820L8
                                                          DD4P10TA, DD4P10TB, DD4P10TC, DD4P10TD,                to radio or television reception, which can be de-
      670-742 MHz                             UA820LCH
                                                          DD4P10TJ). Certified by IC in Canada under             termined by turning the equipment off and on, the
      710-790 MHz                              UA820P8
                                                          RSS-123 and RSS-102. (IC: 616A-P10TA,                  user is encouraged to try to correct the interfer-
      750-822 MHz                              UA820Q2
                                                          616A-P10TB, 616A-P10TC, 616A-P10TD). Meets             ence by one or more of the following measures:
      944-952 MHz                               UA820X
                                                          essential requirements of European R&TTE
      518-582 MHz                              UA820H8    Directive 99/5/EC, eligible to bear the CE mark.       • Relocate the receiving antenna.
Front Mount Antenna Cable                      95A9023
                                                                                                                 • Increase the separation between the equipment
Zipper Bag                                     95A2313    Meets UL 60065 and CSA C22.2 No. 60065                   and receiver.
Rack mount Bracket, Long                       53A8612
                                                                                                                 • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a
Rack mount Bracket, Short                      53A8611
                                                                                                                   circuit different from that to which the receiver
Link Bar                                       53B8443
                                                                                                                   is connected.
Hardware Kit (Rack mounting Screws)           90AR8100
Bumper Kit                                     90B8977
                                                                                                                 • Consult the dealer.
                                                                                                                 Note: EMC conformance testing is based on the
                                                                                                                 use of supplied and recommended cable types.
                                                          P10R                                                   The use of other cable types may degrade EMC
Optional Accessories                                      Approved under the Declaration of Conformity           performance.
                                                          (DoC) provision of FCC Part 15. Certified in           Changes or modifications not expressly ap-
8-to-1 antenna combiner for better RF
                                              PA821SWB    Canada by IC to RSS-123. (IC: 616A-P10RA,              proved by the manufacturer could void the
4-to-1 antenna combiner with power dis-
                                                          616A-P10RB, 616A-P10RC, 616A-P10RD).                   user’s authority to operate the equipment.
tribution to 4 transmitters (better RF per-               Operation of this device is subject to the follow-
formance and eliminates need for external
power supply)                                             ing two conditions: (1) this device may not cause
Passive Directional Antenna                   PA805SWB    interference, and (2) this device must accept          Declaration of Conformity
Helical Antenna                                 HA-8089   any interference, including interference that may      EU Declaration of Conformity is available
Passive Omnidirectional Antenna               UA860SWB
                                                          cause undesired operation of the device.               at: www.shure.com
Coaxial Cable, BNC-BNC, RG58C/U type,
                                                          The CE Declaration of Conformity can be ob-
50 Ohm, 2 ft length (0.6 m)                               tained from Shure Incorporated or any of its
Coaxial Cable, BNC-BNC, RG58C/U type,                     European representatives. For contact infor-
50 Ohm, 6 ft length (2 m)
                                                          mation please visit www.shure.com The CE
Coaxial Cable, BNC-BNC, RG8X/U type,
50 Ohm, 25 ft length (7.5 m)
                                                 UA825    Declaration of Conformity can be obtained from:
Coaxial Cable, BNC-BNC, RG8X/U type,
                                                 UA850     Authorized European representative:
50 Ohm, 50 ft length (15 m)
                                                           Shure Europe GmbH
Coaxial Cable, BNC-BNC, RG213/U Type,                      Headquarters Europe, Middle East & Africa
50 Ohm, 100 ft length (30 m)
                                                           Department: EMEA Approval
                                                           Wannenacker Str. 28
                                                           D-74078 Heilbronn, Germany
                                                           Phone: +49 7131 72 14 0
                                                           Fax: +49 7131 72 14 14
                                                           Email: EMEAsupport@shure.de

                                                          LICENSING INFORMATION
                                                          Licensing: A ministerial license to operate this
                                                          equipment may be required in certain areas.
                                                          Consult your national authority for possible
                                                          requirements. Changes or modifications not ex-
                                                          pressly approved by Shure Incorporated could
                                                          void your authority to operate the equipment.
                                                          Licensing of Shure wireless microphone equip-
                                                          ment is the user’s responsibility, and licensability
                                                          depends on the user’s classification and ap-
                                                          plication, and on the selected frequency. Shure
                                                          strongly urges the user to contact the appropriate
                                                          telecommunications authority concerning proper
                                                          licensing, and before choosing and ordering





Document Created: 2011-02-21 08:22:32
Document Modified: 2011-02-21 08:22:32

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