Part 15 Report V5


Test Report

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                                                                    Engineering Test Report No. SEL-038A

                                   TEST REPORT

TEST REPORT TITLE: Electromagnetic Compatibility Tests for Shure BLX1 H11 and J11 Bodypack Transmitter

TEST ITEM DESCRIPTION: BLX1 is a digital wireless bodypack transmitter intended for use in mid-tier
presentation, installed, and performance markets. The system operates in the UHF TV bands. Regionally
dependent 2mW, 10mW and 35mW output power modes are available. The BLX1 transmitter is capable of
operating with AA alkaline batteries.

Shure Incorporated
5800 West Touhy Avenue
Niles, IL 60714


DATE TESTED: 10/11/2018 TO 01/28/2019

TEST PERSONNEL: Juan Castrejon, Hannah Hart, Alex Mishinger, Jamal Qureshi

RSS 210 Issue 9, Annex G: Low-Power Radio Apparatus Operating in the Television Bands

 BY:                                               Global Compliance Engineer            1/29/2019
                              SIGNATURE                          POSITION                      DATE

 APPROVED BY:                                      GC Project Engineer                   1/29/2019
                              SIGNATURE                          POSITION                      DATE

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                                                                                                            Engineering Test Report No. SEL-038A

                                                                    Table of Contents

Table of Contents .............................................................................................................................................. 1
List of Appendices ............................................................................................................................................. 3
Report Revision History ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Report Summary ............................................................................................................................................... 5
   1.     Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 5
                Scope of Tests ................................................................................................................................. 5
                Purpose ........................................................................................................................................... 5
                Deviations, Additions, and Exclusions .............................................................................................. 5
                EMC Laboratory Identification .......................................................................................................... 5
                Summary of Tests Performed .......................................................................................................... 5
   2.     Applicable Documents ............................................................................................................................ 6
   3.     EUT Set-Up and Operation ..................................................................................................................... 6
                General Description ......................................................................................................................... 6
                Test Samples ................................................................................................................................... 6
                Test Setup ....................................................................................................................................... 6
   4.     Test Instrumentation ............................................................................................................................... 6
   5.     Test Procedures...................................................................................................................................... 6
   6.     Other Test Conditions ............................................................................................................................. 6
                Test Personnel ................................................................................................................................. 6
                Disposition of the EUT ..................................................................................................................... 6
   7.     Results .................................................................................................................................................... 7
   8.     Conclusions ............................................................................................................................................ 7
   9.     Certification ............................................................................................................................................. 7
   10.       Equipment List..................................................................................................................................... 7
Appendix A:            Frequency Stability ................................................................................................................... 9
   A.1.      Purpose ............................................................................................................................................... 9
   A.2.      Requirements ...................................................................................................................................... 9
   A.3.      Measurement Uncertainty ................................................................................................................... 9
   A.4.      Test Setup and Instrumentation ........................................................................................................... 9
   A.5.      EUT Operation .................................................................................................................................. 10
   A.6.      Specific Test Procedures ................................................................................................................... 10
   A.7.      Results .............................................................................................................................................. 10
   A.8.      Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................ 12
Appendix B:            Necessary Bandwidth ............................................................................................................. 14

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  B.1.    Purpose ............................................................................................................................................. 14
  B.2.    Requirements .................................................................................................................................... 14
  B.3.    Measurement Uncertainty ................................................................................................................. 15
  B.4.    Test Setup and Instrumentation ......................................................................................................... 15
  B.5.    EUT Operation .................................................................................................................................. 16
  B.6.    Specific Test Procedures ................................................................................................................... 16
  B.7.    Results .............................................................................................................................................. 17
  B.8.    Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................ 20
Appendix C:         Field Strength Spurious Emissions ......................................................................................... 21
  C.1.    Purpose ............................................................................................................................................. 21
  C.2.    Requirements .................................................................................................................................... 21
  C.3.    Measurement Uncertainty ................................................................................................................. 21
  C.4.    Test Setup and Instrumentation ......................................................................................................... 22
  C.5.    EUT Operation .................................................................................................................................. 25
  C.6.    Specific Test Procedures ................................................................................................................... 25
  C.7.    Results .............................................................................................................................................. 27
  C.8.    Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................ 28
Appendix D:         RF Output Power .................................................................................................................... 30
  D.1.    Purpose ............................................................................................................................................. 30
  D.2.    Requirements .................................................................................................................................... 30
  D.3.    Measurement Uncertainty ................................................................................................................. 30
  D.4.    Test Setup and Instrumentation ......................................................................................................... 30
  D.5.    EUT Operation .................................................................................................................................. 32
  D.6.    Specific Test Procedures ................................................................................................................... 32
  D.7.    Results .............................................................................................................................................. 32
  D.8.    Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................ 33

Note: This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of the Shure Incorporated
Electromagnetic Laboratory (SEL). Total Page Count, including appendices is 33

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                                                     Engineering Test Report No. SEL-038A

                               List of Appendices

 Appendix                              Test Description
    A                                 Frequency Stability
    B                                Necessary Bandwidth
    C                                 Radiated Emissions
    D                                  RF Output Power

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                                                           Engineering Test Report No. SEL-038A

                               Report Revision History

Revision           Date                                  Description
    0           1/29/2019                              Released for use
                                  Revised to divide FCC part 74 and 15 data into separate
    1           4/19/2019        reports, to include EIRP values for RF Power Output data,
                                             and to make minor edits throughout.
    2           4/23/2019               Corrected a mathematical error in EIRP data.
                                    Reformatted cover page, added details about EIRP
                                      calculation, replaced radiated emissions graphs
    3           5/10/2019
                                 (uncalibrated) with substitution data, and made minor edits
                                   Corrected J11 RF power level FCC limit and corrected
    4           6/10/2019
                                                       substitution data.
    5           7/8/2019                      Added additional substitution data.

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                                                                   Engineering Test Report No. SEL-038A

                                          Report Summary

1.    Introduction
         Scope of Tests
         This document presents the results of a series of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) tests
         performed on the BLX1 H11 and BLX1 J11. The test items were manufactured and submitted for
         testing by Shure Incorporated located in Niles, IL. The data was taken following the measurement
         methods as described in the test specifications listed on page 1 of this document. Provided is the
         data for the test samples which also includes a summary of the measurements made and a
         description of the measurement setup.
         This series of tests was performed to determine if the test item would meet the selected
         requirements of the following specifications:
         FCC Part 15
         RSS 210 Issue 9, Annex G
         Deviations, Additions, and Exclusions
         EMC Laboratory Identification
         The electromagnetic compatibility tests were performed at the Shure Electromagnetic Laboratory,
         Shure Incorporated, 5800 West Touhy Ave, Niles, Illinois 60714-4608. This laboratory is
         registered with ISED Canada as Site # 616A-1. The Shure Electromagnetic Laboratory is
         accredited by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) under the National
         Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP). The NVLAP Lab Code is: 200946-0.
         Summary of Tests Performed
         The following electromagnetic compatibility tests were performed on the test item in accordance
         with the specifications as stated in the following:
         FCC Part 2
         ETSI EN 300 422-1
         RSS 210 Issue 9, Annex G

                              Table 1-1: Summary of tests performed
         Test                                                    Described in
                         Description        Tested Range                             Test Results
     Specifications                                               Appendix
                                            572.150MHz –
        FCC 15
                          Frequency          595.850MHz
       RSS 210.9                                                       A                 PASS
                           Stability        596.125MHz –
        Annex G
                                            572.150MHz –
        FCC 15
                          Necessary          595.850MHz
       RSS 210.9                                                       B                 PASS
                          Bandwidth         596.125MHz –
        Annex G
        FCC 15          Field Strength
       RSS 210.9           Spurious        25MHz – 18GHz               C                 PASS
        Annex G           Emissions

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                                             572.150MHz –
        FCC 15
       RSS 210.9        RF Output Power                                D                 PASS
                                             596.125MHz –
        Annex G
2.    Applicable Documents
      The following documents of the exact issue designated form part of this document to the extent
      specified herein:
      FCC Part 15
      RSS 210 Issue 9
3.    EUT Set-Up and Operation
         General Description
         The Shure BLX1 Bodypack Transmitter is a digital wireless bodypack transmitter intended for use
         in mid-tier presentation, installed, and performance markets. The system operates in the UHF TV
         bands and is frequency modulated. Regionally dependent 2mW, 10mW and 35mW output power
         modes are available. Wireless signals are modulated using frequency modulation. The BLX1
         transmitter is capable of operating with AA alkaline batteries.
         Test Samples
         The following BLX1 H11 and BLX1 J11 samples were tested:

                                   Table 3-1: Transmitter Samples
                        RF Power Output
Frequency Band                                         EUT Serial Number               Frequency Range
                             In mW
       H11                     10                          TS1R & TS1C                  572MHz-596MHz
       J11                     10                          TS1R & TS1C                  596MHz-616MHz
         Test Setup
         3.3.1. Power Input
                 The EUT obtained power through internal alkaline batteries.
         3.3.2. Signal Input /Output Leads
         3.3.3. Grounding Considerations
         3.3.4. Operational Mode
4.    Test Instrumentation
      A list of the test equipment used can be found in Table 10-1. All equipment is calibrated on an annual
      basis. All calibrations are traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
5.    Test Procedures
      The specific test procedures are presented in the individual appendices.
6.    Other Test Conditions
         Test Personnel
         All EMC tests were performed by qualified personnel from the Shure EMC Laboratory.
         Disposition of the EUT
         The EUTs and all associated equipment were returned to Shure Incorporated upon completion of
         the tests.

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    7.    Results
          The results are presented in the individual test appendices. It was found that the EUT met the
          requirements of the following:
          FCC Part 15
          RSS 210, Issue 9
    8.    Conclusions
          It was determined that the BLX1 H11 and BLX1 J11 did fully comply with the requirements of the
          FCC Part 15
          RSS 210, Issue 9
    9.    Certification
          Shure EMC Laboratory certifies that the information contained in this report was obtained under
          conditions which meet or exceed those specified in the test specifications.
          The data presented in this test report pertains to the EUTs at the test date. Any electrical or
          mechanical modification made to the EUTs subsequent to the specified test date will serve to
          invalidate the data and void this certification.
          This report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by
          NVLAP, NIST, or any agency of the U.S. Government.
    10. Equipment List
                                           Table 10-1: Test Equipment
L# or                          Manufacture                               Frequency
            Description                         Model #      Serial #                    Cal Date       Due Date
 ID                                r                                       Range
                                                              46410-       100KHz-
068-     Modulation Analyzer      Boonton         8200                                   5/30/2018      5/30/2020
                                                               1223         2GHz
011-     BiConiLog Antenna     ETS Lindgren      3142C        34790                      6/22/2017      6/22/2019
011-     BiConiLog Antenna     ETS Lindgren      3142C        79899                      8/10/2018      8/10/2020
011-        Horn Antenna       ETS Lindgren       3117        200363                    10/16/2017     10/16/2019
011-        Horn Antenna       ETS Lindgren       3117        206583                     4/10/2018      4/10/2020
006-                               Espec         SU-240     91004211         N/A         4/5/2018       4/5/2019
           Audio Signal           Audio           SYS-        48254-
021-                                                                         N/A         4/26/2018      4/26/2020
         Generator/Analyzer      Precision        2722         1041

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                             Rhode &                                 2Hz-
022-   Spectrum Analyzer                     FSU26     201043                   8/23/2017    8/23/2019
                             Schwarz                               26.5GHz
                             Rhode &                                 2Hz-
022-   Spectrum Analyzer                    FSW26      103788                   4/24/2018    4/24/2020
                             Schwarz                               26.5GHz
                             Rhode &         SMF        48254-     100kHz-
023-    Signal Generator                                                        8/23/2017    8/23/2019
                             Schwarz         100A        151        22GHz
                                                       MY50006     100MHz-
024-   Frequency Counter      Agilent       53220A                              7/24/2018    7/24/2020
                                                         485        6GHz
          20dB Signal                        BW-
040-                        Mini-Circuits               0952        18GHz       5/31/2018    5/30/2020
           Attenuator                       N20W5+
040-    ETSI Noise Filter      Shure          N/A           N/A      N/A        5/24/2017    5/24/2019
041-      Coax Cable        Micro-Coax      W27.16     CP1/X3        N/A        8/29/2018    8/29/2019
L23-                                        UFB311A
                                                       229546-     25MHz-
041-      Coax Cable           Utiflex      -1-3188-                            5/31/2018    5/31/2019
                                                         002       18GHz
 38                                         50U50U
       SMA-N-type Coaxial   Florida RF                  46410-     100kHz-
041-                                          N/A                               5/30/2018    5/30/2019
            Cable              Labs                      1080       22GHz
045-    RF Power Meter       EMPower        7002-006   00151071     18GHz       1/31/2018    1/31/2020

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                                                                    Engineering Test Report No. SEL-038A

                               Appendix A: Frequency Stability

A.1. Purpose
    This test was performed to determine if the EUT meets the frequency stability requirements of FCC
    Part 15.236 and RSS 210 Issue 9, Annex G.
A.2. Requirements
    FCC part 15.236(f)(3) states:
    “The frequency tolerance of the carrier signal shall be maintained within ±0.005% of the operating
    frequency over a temperature variation of −20 degrees to +50 degrees C at normal supply voltage, and for
    a variation in the primary supply voltage from 85% to 115% of the rated supply voltage at a temperature of
    20 degrees C. Battery operated equipment shall be tested using a new battery.”
    The requirements for RSS 210 Issue 9, Annex G can be found in the table below.

A.3. Measurement Uncertainty
    All measurements are an estimate of their true value. The measurement uncertainty characterizes,
    with a specified confidence level, the spread of values which may be possible for a given
    measurement system.
    Values of Expanded Measurement Uncertainty (95% Confidence):
                                                Std uncertainty
             Expanded Uncertainty
                           (U95):                   5.83E-08
    These values can be found in the document titled ‘Frequency Error_Stability – 2018_09_24.xlsx’
    located at \\\organization\Quality\Product Conformance-Lab Services\Global
    Compliance\Shure EMC Lab\Controlled Documents\Measurement Uncertainties.
         -   Compliance is deemed to occur if no measured disturbance exceeds the disturbance limit;
         -   Non-compliance is deemed to occur if any measured disturbance exceeds the disturbance limit.
A.4. Test Setup and Instrumentation
    The EUT was heated and cooled in an Espec temperature chamber over a temperature range of
    -30°C to +50°C. The temperature around the EUT was measured and monitored by the built-in
    thermometer. The EUT’s frequency was measured with a spectrum analyzer set to measure signal
    count at 0.1Hz resolution. The center frequency of the spectrum analyzer was set to the selected
    transmit frequency of the EUT (Low, Mid or High). Photographs of the test setup are shown below.
    The test instrumentation can be determined from Table 10-1.

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A.5. EUT Operation
    The device was powered on and transmitting. The three frequencies were set using the buttons on
    the device inside the battery door.
A.6. Specific Test Procedures
    The temperature chamber was set to -30°C with the EUT inside and powered on.
    The EUT was allowed to soak for ~20 minutes after the temperature chamber reached the set
    The measured frequency of the transmitter was then recorded in the spreadsheet in section D.7.
    The temperature chamber was incremented +10°C with the EUT inside and powered on.
    Steps c. through e. were repeated until the device reached +50°C.
    Steps a. through e. were repeated for representative low, mid and high frequencies within the EUT’s
    operational bands.
A.7. Results
    The test results can be viewed in the table below.

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                       Nominal  Measured            FCC                        RSS
                 Temp Frequency Frequency Deviation Limit Deviation            Limit   Pass/Fail
                  (°C)  (MHz)     (MHz)     (%)     (%)    (ppm)              (ppm)
              -30      572.150     572.1499    0.000016   0.005    0.157       ±50      PASS
              -20      572.150     572.1498    0.000028   0.005    0.283       ±50      PASS
              -10      572.150     572.1495    0.000087   0.005    0.874       ±50      PASS
                0      572.150     572.1500    0.000000   0.005    0.002       ±50      PASS
               10      572.150     572.1501    0.000015   0.005    0.150       ±50      PASS
               20      572.150     572.1502    0.000028   0.005    0.280       ±50      PASS
               30      572.150     572.1501    0.000015   0.005    0.150       ±50      PASS
               40      572.150     572.1500    0.000007   0.005    0.073       ±50      PASS
               50      572.150     572.1499    0.000026   0.005    0.255       ±50      PASS
    Room Temp 24.5     572.150     572.1501    0.000021   0.005    0.206       ±50      PASS

              -30      584.125     584.12498   0.000003   0.005    0.034       ±50      PASS
              -20      584.125    584.124844   0.000027   0.005    0.267       ±50      PASS
              -10      584.125     584.12488   0.000021   0.005    0.205       ±50      PASS
                0      584.125    584.124989   0.000002   0.005    0.019       ±50      PASS
               10      584.125    584.125093   0.000016   0.005    0.159       ±50      PASS
               20      584.125     584.12516   0.000027   0.005    0.274       ±50      PASS
               30      584.125    584.125093   0.000016   0.005    0.159       ±50      PASS
               40      584.125    584.124955   0.000008   0.005    0.077       ±50      PASS
               50      584.125    584.124853   0.000025   0.005    0.252       ±50      PASS
    Room Temp 24.5     584.125    584.125112   0.000019   0.005    0.192       ±50      PASS

              -30      595.850      595.8499   0.000017   0.005    0.168       ±50      PASS
              -20      595.850     595.84983   0.000029   0.005    0.285       ±50      PASS
              -10      595.850     595.84989   0.000018   0.005    0.185       ±50      PASS
                0      595.850    595.849971   0.000005   0.005    0.049       ±50      PASS
               10      595.850    595.850099   0.000017   0.005    0.166       ±50      PASS
               20      595.850    595.850168   0.000028   0.005    0.282       ±50      PASS
               30      595.850    595.850097   0.000016   0.005    0.163       ±50      PASS
               40      595.850    595.849954   0.000008   0.005    0.077       ±50      PASS
               50      595.850     595.84985   0.000025   0.005    0.252       ±50      PASS
    Room Temp 24.5     595.850     595.85012   0.000020   0.005    0.201       ±50      PASS
                        Figure 1: BLX1 H11 Frequency Stability Measurements

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                  Nominal   Measured                           FCC                 RSS
             Temp Frequency Frequency             Deviation    Limit     Deviation Limit Pass/Fail
             (°C) (MHz)     (MHz)                 (%)          (%)       (ppm)     (ppm)
             -30     596.125      596.125129      0.000022     0.005     0.216      ±50    PASS
             -20     596.125      596.125201      0.000034     0.005     0.337      ±50    PASS
             -10     596.125      596.125194      0.000033     0.005     0.325      ±50    PASS
             0       596.125      596.125176      0.000030     0.005     0.295      ±50    PASS
             10      596.125      596.125200      0.000034     0.005     0.336      ±50    PASS
             20      596.125      596.125165      0.000028     0.005     0.277      ±50    PASS
             30      596.125      596.125100      0.000017     0.005     0.168      ±50    PASS
             40      596.125      596.125050      0.000008     0.005     0.084      ±50    PASS
             50      596.125      596.125009      0.000002     0.005     0.015      ±50    PASS
             24.5    596.125      596.125148 0.000025 0.005 0.248                   ±50    PASS

             -30     606.150      606.150198      0.000033     0.005     0.327      ±50    PASS
             -20     606.150      606.150204      0.000034     0.005     0.337      ±50    PASS
             -10     606.150      606.150188      0.000031     0.005     0.310      ±50    PASS
             0       606.150      606.150189      0.000031     0.005     0.312      ±50    PASS
             10      606.150      606.150208      0.000034     0.005     0.343      ±50    PASS
             20      606.150      606.150161      0.000027     0.005     0.266      ±50    PASS
             30      606.150      606.150106      0.000017     0.005     0.175      ±50    PASS
             40      606.150      606.150060      0.000010     0.005     0.099      ±50    PASS
             50      606.150      606.150009      0.000001     0.005     0.015      ±50    PASS
             24.5    606.150      606.150142 0.000023 0.005 0.234                   ±50    PASS

             -30     615.875      615.875170      0.000028     0.005     0.276      ±50    PASS
             -20     615.875      615.875210      0.000034     0.005     0.341      ±50    PASS
             -10     615.875      615.875194      0.000031     0.005     0.315      ±50    PASS
             0       615.875      615.875188      0.000031     0.005     0.305      ±50    PASS
             10      615.875      615.875212      0.000034     0.005     0.344      ±50    PASS
             20      615.875      615.875165      0.000027     0.005     0.268      ±50    PASS
             30      615.875      615.875103      0.000017     0.005     0.167      ±50    PASS
             40      615.875      615.875052      0.000008     0.005     0.084      ±50    PASS
             50      615.875      615.875008      0.000001     0.005     0.013      ±50    PASS
             24.5    615.875      615.875149 0.000024 0.005 0.242                   ±50    PASS

                          Figure 2: BLX1 J11 Frequency Stability Measurements

A.8. Conclusion
    It was found that the BLX1 H11 and J11 bodypack transmitters passed the requirements of FCC part
    15.236 and RSS 210.9 Annex G.

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                              Appendix B: Necessary Bandwidth

B.1. Purpose
    This test was performed to determine if the Shure BLX1 H11 complies with the requirements stated in
    FCC part 15.236 and RSS210 Issue 9, Annex G.
B.2. Requirements
    As stated in FCC 15.236(g), Emissions within the band from one megahertz below to one megahertz
    above the carrier frequency shall comply with the emission mask in §8.3 of ETSI EN 300 422-1
    V1.4.2 (2011-08), Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Wireless
    microphones in the 25 MHz to 3 GHz frequency range; Part 1: Technical characteristics and methods
    of measurement. Emissions outside of this band shall comply with the limits specified in section 8.4 of
    ETSI EN 300 422-1 V1.4.2 (2011-08).

                 Figure 3: Spectrum mask for analogue systems in all bands - ETSI EN 300 422-1

                 The limits for RSS 210 Issue 9, Annex G.3.1 are shown in table G1 below:

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B.3. Measurement Uncertainty
    All measurements are an estimate of their true value. The measurement uncertainty characterizes,
    with a specified confidence level, the spread of values which may be possible for a given
    measurement system.
    Values of Expanded Measurement Uncertainty (95% Confidence):
                              Std uncertainty
                             +u(%)       -u(%)
 Expanded Uncertainty
                            0.130         0.130

    These values can be found in the document titled ‘Occupied Bandwidth Max Input Freq Above
    3kHz.xlsx’ located at \\\organization\Quality\Product Conformance-Lab Services\Global
    Compliance\Shure EMC Lab\Controlled Documents\Measurement Uncertainties.
B.4. Test Setup and Instrumentation
    Photographs of the test setup are shown below. The test instrumentation can be determined from
    Table 10-1.

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B.5. EUT Operation
    The device was powered on and set to three frequencies using the buttons on the front of the device:
    572.125MHz, 584.125MHz, and 595.850MHz.
B.6. Specific Test Procedures
    The device was tested using procedures outlined in EN 300 422-1 part as listed below.
       “The arrangement of test equipment as shown in figure B.1 shall be used. Note that the noise
       meter conforms to (quasi peak) without weighting filter (flat).
       With the Low Frequency (LF) audio signal generator set to 500 Hz, the audio input level to the
       DUT shall be adjusted to 8 dB below the limiting threshold (-8 dB (lim)) as declared by the

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       The corresponding audio output level from the demodulator shall be measured and recorded.
       The input impedance of the noise meter shall be sufficiently high to avoid more than 0,1 dB
       change in input level when the meter is switched between input and output.
       The audio input level shall be increased by 20 dB, i.e. to +12 dB (lim), and the corresponding
       change in output level shall be measured.
       It shall be checked that the audio output level has increased by ≤ 10 dB.
       If this condition is not met, the initial audio input level shall be increased from -8 dB (lim) in 1 dB
       steps until the above condition is fulfilled, and the input level recorded in the test report. This level
       replaces the value derived from the manufacturer's declaration and is defined as -8 dB (lim).
       Measure the input level at the transmitter required to give +12 dB (lim).
       The LF generator shall be replaced with the weighted noise source to Recommendation ITU-R
       BS.559-2 [i.3], band-limited to 15 kHz as described in IEC 60244-13 [2], and the level shall be
       adjusted such that the measured input to the transmitter corresponds to +12 dB (lim).
       If the transmitter incorporates any ancillary coding or signalling channels (e.g. pilot-tones), these
       shall be enabled prior to any spectral measurements.
       If the transmitter incorporates more than one audio input, e.g. stereo systems, the second and
       subsequent channels shall be simultaneously driven from the same noise source, attenuated to a
       level of -6 dB (lim).
       The transmitter RF output spectrum shall be measured, using a spectrum analyser with the
       following settings:
                ▪   centre frequency: fc: Transmitter (Tx) nominal frequency;
                ▪   dispersion (Span): fc - 1 MHz to fc + 1 MHz;
                ▪   Resolution BandWidth (RBW): 1 kHz;
                ▪   Video BandWidth (VBW): 1 kHz;
                ▪   detector: Peak hold.

       Figure 8 shows the spectrum mask for all analogue systems in the band. The -90 dBc point shall
       be ±1 MHz from fc measured with an average detector. To comply, a measured value shall fall
       below the mask limit.”
    A +12dB level of -28dBV and a -8dB level of -48dBV were chosen using the first set of instructions,
    and the output RF power was measured with inputs of -28dBV for the +12dB level and -46dBV for the
    -6dB level.
B.7. Results
    The necessary bandwidth data are presented on the following pages. Data are shown as the
    maximum relative level of the output level within the emission mask.

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                    Figure 4: H11 Necessary Bandwidth results at 572.125MHz

                    Figure 5: H11 Necessary Bandwidth results at 584.125MHz

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                    Figure 6: H11 Necessary Bandwidth results at 595.850MHz

                     Figure 7: J11 Necessary Bandwidth results at 596.125MHz

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                         Figure 8: J11 Necessary Bandwidth results at 606.15MHz

                         Figure 9: J11 Necessary Bandwidth results at 615.875MHz

B.8. Conclusion
    It was found that the BLX1 H11 bodypack transmitter passed the requirements of FCC part 74.861,
    FCC part 15.236 and RSS210 Issue 9, Annex G.

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                    Appendix C: Field Strength Spurious Emissions

C.1. Purpose
    This test was performed to determine if the BLX1 H11 and J11 meet the spurious emissions
    requirements of FCC Part 15.236 and RSS 210 Issue 9, Annex G.
C.2. Requirements
    FCC Part 15.236(g) states:
    “Emissions within the band from one megahertz below to one megahertz above the carrier frequency shall
    comply with the emission mask in §8.3 of ETSI EN 300 422-1 V1.4.2 (2011-08), Electromagnetic
    compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Wireless microphones in the 25 MHz to 3 GHz
    frequency range; Part 1: Technical characteristics and methods of measurement. Emissions outside of this
    band shall comply with the limits specified in section 8.4 of ETSI EN 300 422-1 V1.4.2 (2011-08).”
    RSS 210.9 Annex G.3.4 states:
    “The transmitter unwanted emissions shall meet the requirements in sections 8.3 and 8.4 of ETSI EN
    300 422-1 v1.4.2 (2011-08), Electromagnetic compatibility and radio spectrum matters (ERM);
    Wireless microphones in the 25 MHz to 3 GHz frequency range; Part 1: Technical characteristics and
    methods of measurement.”
    The limits for spurious emissions from a transmitter as stated by EN 300 422-1 v1.4.2 section 8.4 are
    shown below.

                                Figure 10: Table - Limits for Spurious Emissions

C.3. Measurement Uncertainty
    All measurements are an estimate of their true value. The measurement uncertainty characterizes,
    with a specified confidence level, the spread of values which may be possible for a given
    measurement system.
    Values of Expanded Measurement Uncertainty (95% Confidence):

          Measurement Type                                                            ULAB           UFCC
          Radiated disturbance (electric field strength on an open area test
          site or alternative test site) (30 MHz – 1000 MHz)
                                                                                     4.12dB           6dB
          Radiated disturbance (electric field strength on an open area test
          site or alternative test site) (1 GHz – 12.75 GHz)
                                                                                     4.56dB           6dB
         ULAB = Determined for Shure EMC Laboratory
         UFCC = From FCC EN 300 422-1 Table 10: Measurement uncertainty
         Since ULAB is less than or equal to UFCC:
         - Compliance is deemed to occur if no measured disturbance exceeds the disturbance limit;

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         -   Non-compliance is deemed to occur if any measured disturbance exceeds the disturbance

C.4. Test Setup and Instrumentation
    Photographs of the test setup are shown below. The test instrumentation can be determined from
    Table 10-1.

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C.5. EUT Operation
    . The device was powered up and the frequency was set using the buttons on the device, with the
    audio gain set to 0. Testing was conducted with the EUT set to the three frequencies chosen within
    the operating frequency range of H11: 572.125MHz, 584.125MHz, and 595.850MHz and J11:
    596.125MHz, 606.150MHz, and 615.875MHz. The device was powered by two AA batteries.
C.6. Specific Test Procedures
    All tests were performed in a 28ft. x 20ft. x 18.5ft. 3m semi-anechoic test chamber. The walls and
    ceiling of the shielded chamber are lined with ferrite tiles. Anechoic absorber material is installed over
    the ferrite tile. The floor of the chamber is used as the ground plane. The chamber complies with
    ANSI C63.4-2003 for site attenuation.

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 The shielded enclosure prevents emissions from other sources, such as radio and TV stations from
 interfering with the measurements. All power lines and signal lines entering the enclosure pass
 through filters on the enclosure wall. The power line filters prevent extraneous signals from entering
 the enclosure on these leads.


 Preliminary radiated measurements were performed to determine the frequencies where the
 significant emissions might be found. The broadband measuring antenna was positioned at a 3 meter
 distance from the EUT. The frequency range from 25MHz to 1GHz was investigated using a peak
 detector function with the BiConiLog antenna at horizontal and vertical polarization, and with several
 different orientations of the EUT with respect to the antenna. The maximum levels measured for each
 antenna polarization were then automatically plotted. The resultant field strength (FS) is a summation
 in decibels (dB) of the EMI receiver measurement (ERM), the antenna correction factor (AF), and the
 cable loss factor (CF). If an external pre-amplifier is used, the total is reduced by its gain (-PA).

 Formula 1: FS (dBµV/m) = MTR (dBµV) + AF (dB/m) + CF (dB) + (- PA (dB))

 To convert the Field Strength dBµV/m term to µV/m, the dBµV/m is first divided by 20. The Base 10
 AntiLog is taken of this quotient. The result is the Field Strength value in µV/m terms.

 Formula 2: FS (µV/m) = AntiLog [(FS (dBµV/m))/20]

 Final radiated RF emissions were performed on all significant broadband and narrowband emissions
 found in the preliminary sweeps using the following methods:
       1) Measurements of all significant broadband and narrowband signals from 25MHz to 1GHz
 were made using a quasi-peak detector and a BiConiLog antenna. Measurements above 1GHz were
 made using an average detector and a broadband double ridged waveguide antenna.

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            2) To ensure that maximum or worst case, emission levels were measured, the following steps
       were taken:
             i.    The EUT was rotated so that all of its sides were exposed to the receiving antenna.
            ii.    Since the measuring antenna is linearly polarized, both horizontal and vertical field
                   components were measured.

       The measuring antenna was raised and lowered from 1 to 4 meters for each antenna polarization to
       maximize the readings.
 C.7. Results
     The substitution data from the radiated emissions tests are presented below.
                                        Substitution Data BLX1 H11
                   Meter                                  Equivalent
Frequency         Reading        Matched Sig. Gen.      Antenna Gain
  (MHz)           (dBµV)           Reading (dBm)             (dB)        Cable Loss (dB)   ERP (dBm)
 572.125          112.41               16.87                 0.00             2.95           13.92
 584.125          112.51               16.40                 0.00             3.06           13.34
 595.850          111.61               14.95                 0.00             2.89           12.06
                        Substitution Data BLX1 H11 (P1) 572.125 Mhz Above 1Ghz
                   Meter                                  Equivalent
Frequency                        Matched Sig. Gen.
                  Reading                               Antenna Gain     Cable Loss (dB)   ERP (dBm)
  (MHz)                            Reading (dBm)
                  (dBµV)                                     (dB)
1444.200           55.47               -43.41                5.20             1.62          -39.83
1716.400           38.70               -69.10                5.60             1.63          -65.13
2288.400           41.11               -62.79                5.70             1.96          -59.05
2860.600           41.84               -64.96                6.90             2.35          -60.41
3432.800           46.66               -69.08                 8.1             2.24          -63.22
4005.000           37.70               -72.00                8.90             2.54          -65.64
                        Substitution Data BLX1 H11 (H5) 584.125 Mhz Above 1Ghz
                   Meter                                  Equivalent
Frequency                        Matched Sig. Gen.
                  Reading                               Antenna Gain     Cable Loss (dB)   ERP (dBm)
  (MHz)                            Reading (dBm)
                  (dBµV)                                     (dB)
1168.200           50.55               -47.98                3.40             1.34          -45.92
1752.000           35.45               -70.00                5.50             1.63          -66.13
2336.600           43.5                -58.39                5.60             1.80          -54.59
2920.600           47.19               -54.30                7.00             2.15          -49.45
3504.800           43.97                 -62                  8.2             2.71          -56.51
4089.000           38.18               -64.00                9.00             2.54          -57.54
                         Substitution Data BLX1 H11 (J9) 595.850 Mhz Above 1Ghz
                   Meter                                  Equivalent
Frequency                        Matched Sig. Gen.
                  Reading                               Antenna Gain     Cable Loss (dB)   ERP (dBm)
  (MHz)                            Reading (dBm)
                  (dBµV)                                     (dB)
1191.800           44.88               -54.93                3.40             1.43          -52.96
1788.000           37.44               -70.00                5.50             1.63          -66.13
2383.400           46.38               -54.90                5.70             2.35          -51.55
2979.600           46.96               -54.60                7.00             2.15          -49.75

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3575.200        40.95                 -66                  8.2                2.71           -60.51
4171.000        38.86               -66.00                 9.20               2.61           -59.41

                                      Substitution Data BLX1 J11
Frequency   Meter Reading      Matched Sig. Gen.        Equivalent
  (MHz)        (dBµV)            Reading (dBm)       Antenna Gain (dB) Cable Loss (dB)     ERP (dBm)
 596.125       110.74                 13.95                0.00             2.95             11.00
 606.150       108.38                 10.69                0.00             3.06             7.63
 615.875       106.18                 8.68                 0.00             2.89             5.79
                            Substitution Data BLX1 J11 596 Mhz Above 1Ghz

Frequency   Meter Reading      Matched Sig. Gen.        Equivalent
                                                                         Cable Loss (dB)   ERP (dBm)
  (MHz)        (dBµV)           Reading (dBm)        Antenna Gain (dB)

1192.400        45.57                -50.71               3.40                1.43          -48.74
1788.200        40.28                -57.70               5.50                1.63          -53.83
2384.600        46.92                -49.37               5.70                1.85          -45.52
2980.800        48.93                -48.16               7.00                2.15          -43.31
3576.800        44.84                -52.49               8.20                2.71          -47.00
4173.000        41.04                -57.14               9.20                2.61          -50.55
                            Substitution Data BLX1 J11 606MHz Above 1Ghz
Frequency   Meter Reading      Matched Sig. Gen.        Equivalent
                                                                         Cable Loss (dB)   ERP (dBm)
  (MHz)        (dBµV)           Reading (dBm)        Antenna Gain (dB)

1212.600        38.58                -57.08                3.70               1.41          -54.79
1818.600        38.82                -57.80                4.90               1.91          -54.81
2424.600        42.81                -51.32                5.80               2.11          -47.63
3030.800        45.27                -51.96                7.10               2.21          -47.07
3637.000        45.17                -52.17                8.30               2.41          -46.28
4243.000        39.43                -59.07                9.40               2.81          -52.48
                            Substitution Data BLX1 J11 615 Mhz Above 1Ghz

Frequency   Meter Reading      Matched Sig. Gen.        Equivalent
                                                                         Cable Loss (dB)   ERP (dBm)
  (MHz)        (dBµV)           Reading (dBm)        Antenna Gain (dB)

1231.800        38.81               -57.42                 4.10               1.41          -54.73
1847.800        40.64               -56.85                 4.90               1.91          -53.86
2463.600         47                 -49.28                 5.80               2.11          -45.59
3079.400        52.74               -45.35                 7.10               2.21          -40.46
3695.200        42.29                -56.2                 8.30               2.41          -50.31
4311.200        40.84               -57.13                 9.50               2.83          -50.46

  C.8. Conclusion
       It was found that the BLX1 H11 and J11 bodypack transmitters passed the requirements of FCC part
       15 and RSS 210 Issue 9, Annex G.

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                                Appendix D: RF Output Power

D.1. Purpose
    This test was performed to determine if the EUT meets the RF power output requirements of FCC
    15.236 and RSS 210.9.
D.2. Requirements
    As stated in FCC 15.236(d)(1), The maximum radiMHzated power shall not exceed the following
    values: In the bands allocated and assigned for broadcast television and in the 600 MHz service band: 50
    mW EIRP
    As stated in RSS 210.9 Annex G, transmitter EIRP shall be limited to the values listed in Table G1
    below, or 250 mW.

D.3. Measurement Uncertainty
    All measurements are an estimate of their true value. The measurement uncertainty characterizes,
    with a specified confidence level, the spread of values which may be possible for a given
    measurement system.
    Values of Expanded Measurement Uncertainty (95% Confidence):
                                                       Std uncertainty
                                                       +u(dB)               -u(dB)
                    Uncertainty (U95):
                                                       0.461                0.461
    These values can be found in the document titled ‘Carrier Power w ETS Power Meter (L23-045-
    36).xlsx’ located at \\\organization\Quality\Product Conformance-Lab Services\Global
    Compliance\Shure EMC Lab\Controlled Documents\Measurement Uncertainties.

D.4. Test Setup and Instrumentation
    Photographs of the test setup are shown below. The test instrumentation can be determined from
    Table 10-1.

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D.5. EUT Operation
    The EUT was powered up and the transmit frequencies (H11: 572.125MHz, 584.125MHz, and
    595.850MHz and J11: 596.125MHz, 606.150MHz, and 615.875MHz) were selected using the front
    panel controls.
D.6. Specific Test Procedures
     a.   The EUT’s RF output was connected to an artificial antenna at ambient temperature.
     b.   The EUT’s frequency was set at the first test frequency.
     c.   The power level was measured and recorded.
     d.   Steps b and c were repeated at the other test frequencies.
     e.   The cable loss and antenna gain were recorded and factored into the measured power data
          using the equation below:

D.7. Results
    The results of the power output test can be seen below.

                                  Nominal Measured      Measured     Measured
                      Frequency                                       Power     FCC Limit   RSS Limit
                                   Power   Power         Power
  Unit#                 (MHz)      (mW)       (dBm)       (mW)      (mW EIRP)   (mW EIRP)   (mW EIRP)
                       572.150       10       11.14       13.00        13.48       50          250
  RF Out1    H11       584.125       10       10.79       11.99        12.35       50          250
                       595.850       10       10.21       10.50        10.86       50          250

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                                 Nominal    Measured   Measured       Measured
                     Frequency                                         Power     FCC Limit   RSS Limit
                                  Power      Power      Power
  Unit#                (MHz)      (mW)        (dBm)        (mW)      (mW EIRP)   (mW EIRP)   (mW EIRP)
                      596.125      10         10.69        11.72        12.51       50          250
  RF Out1    J11      606.150      10         10.00        10.00        10.79       50          250
                      615.875      10          9.11        8.15         8.94        20          250

D.8. Conclusion
    It was found that the BLX1 H11 and J11 bodypack transmitters passed the requirements of RSS
    210.9 and FCC 15.236(d)(1).

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Document Created: 2019-07-12 09:18:45
Document Modified: 2019-07-12 09:18:45

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