Test Report


Test Report

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                                                                                  Test report No.    :   24KEO135—HO—2
                                                                                  Page               :   1 of 15
          “I' Apex co'! I-td'                                                     Issued date        :   September 10, 2004
                                                                                  FCC ID             :   CWTWD1U625

                                  EMI TEST REPORT
                                 Test Report No. : 24KEO0135—HO—2
          Applicant                              :          Alps Electric Co., Ltd.

          Type of Equipment                      :          Passive Entry System
                                                            (Control Unit)

          Model No.                              :          TFWD1U625

          Test standard                          :          FCC Part 15 Subpart C : 2004
                                                            Section 15.209

          FCC ID                                 :          CWTWD1U625

          Test Result                            :          Complied

          1.   This test report shall not be reproduced in full or partial, without the written approval of
               UL Apex Co., Ltd.
          2.   The results in this report apply only to the sample tested.
          3.   This equipment is in compliance with above regulation. We hereby certify that the data contain a
               true representation of the EMC profile.
          4.   The test results in this report are traceable to the national or international standards.

         Date of test       _:                       August 27, 2004

        Tested by       :                    %
                                                     Mitsuru Fujimura
                                                       EMC Service
                                         1              \       \ &

        Approved by :                        T              hR
                                        ~ ‘~* ‘Hironob Sflimoji
                                        Group Leader EMC Service

UL Apex Co., Ltd.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383—326 Asama—cho, Ise—shi, Mic—ken 516—0021 JAPAN
Telephone        : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile        : +81 596 24 8124                                                                       MFO60b(10.04.03)

                                                                                            Test report No.      : 24KE0135-HO-2
                                                                                            Page                 : 2 of 15
                                                                                            Issued date          : September 10, 2004
                                                                                            FCC ID               : CWTWD1U625

CONTENTS                                                                                                                   PAGE
SECTION 1: Client information.......................................................................................................3
SECTION 2: Equipment under test (E.U.T.) ..................................................................................3
SECTION 3: Test specification, procedures & results ...................................................................4
SECTION 4: Operation of E.U.T. during testing............................................................................6
SECTION 5: Radiated emission (Fundamental and Spurious Emission) ....................................8
APPENDIX 1: Photographs of test setup.........................................................................................9
     Radiated emission...................................................................................................................9
     Worst Case Position (Horizontal : X-axis / Vertical: X-axis)...........................................10
APPENDIX 2: Test Instruments.....................................................................................................11
APPENDIX 3: Data of EMI test .....................................................................................................12
     Radiated Emission................................................................................................................12
     -26dB bandwidth ..................................................................................................................14
     99% Occupied Bandwidth...................................................................................................15

UL Apex Co., Ltd.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124                                                                                MF060b(10.04.03)

                                                                                 Test report No.    : 24KE0135-HO-2
                                                                                 Page               : 3 of 15
                                                                                 Issued date        : September 10, 2004
                                                                                 FCC ID             : CWTWD1U625
                                                                                 Revised date       : October 6, 2004

SECTION 1: Client information
Company Name                        : Alps Electric Co., Ltd.
Address                             : 6-3-36 Nakazato, Furukawa-city Miyagi-pref., 989-6181 Japan
Telephone Number                    : +81-229-23-5111
Facsimile Number                    : +81-229-22-3755
Contact Person                      : Tomosuke Takata

SECTION 2: Equipment under test (E.U.T.)
2.1      Identification of E.U.T.

Type of Equipment                   : Passive Entry System (Control Unit)
Model No.                           : TFWD1U625
Serial No.                          :5
Country of Manufacture              : Japan
Receipt Date of Sample              : July 15, 2004
Condition of EUT                    : Engineering prototype
                                      (Not for Sale: This sample is equivalent to mass-produced items.)

2.2      Product Description

Model No: TFWD1U625 is the Passive Entry System (Control Unit).

Rating                              : DC 12.0V (Car battery)
Temperature of operation            : -35 deg. C. -+85 deg. C.
Other Clock Frequency               : 65.14MHz, 16MHz, 32.768kHz

Tx section
Frequency Characteristics           : 125kHz
Modulation                          : Amplitude
Information antenna                 : External (Bar antenna)

FCC 15.31 (e)
The power supply of this EUT is transformed to DC 5.0V and provides stable voltage (DC 5.0V) constantly to Radio
part. Therefore, this EUT complies with the requirement.

FCC Part 15.203 Antenna requirement
It is impossible for users to replace the antenna, because the antenna is a set with EUT and installed outside of EUT
based on the specification. Therefore, the equipment complies with the antenna requirement of Section 15.203.

UL Apex Co., Ltd.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124                                                                   MF060b(10.04.03)

                                                                                Test report No.     : 24KE0135-HO-2
                                                                                Page                : 4 of 15
                                                                                Issued date         : September 10, 2004
                                                                                FCC ID              : CWTWD1U625

SECTION 3: Test specification, procedures & results

3.1       Test Specification

Test Specification             :     FCC Part 15 Subpart C : 2004
Title                          :     FCC 47CFR Part15 Radio Frequency Device Subpart C Intentional Radiators
                                     Section 15.209 Radiated emission limits, general requirements

3.2       Procedures and results

    No.           Item                Test           Specification           Remarks        Worst margin            Result
          Electric Field Strength                                                         29.1dB                Complied
    1     of Fundamental                     FCC Section 15.209            Radiated       0.125MHz
          Emission                                                                        0 deg. PK
                                                                                          3.8dB QP              Complied
          Electric Field Strength ANSI    FCC Section 15.205
    2                                                                      Radiated       69.774MHz
          of Spurious Emission C63.4:2003 FCC Section 15.209
                                      ANSI                                 AC Mains       N/A                   N/A
    3     Conducted Emission                    FCC Section 15.207(a)
                                   C63.4:2003                              only*1)
Note: UL Apex’s EMI Work procedures No. QPM05
*1) This test is not applicable since the EUT does not have AC power port.
 *These tests were performed without any deviations from test procedure except for additions or exclusions.

3.3       Addition to standards

No. Item                 Test Procedure        Specification          Remarks      Deviation                  Results
1     99% Occupied    RSS210(issue 5):         RSS210(issue 5):  Radiated          N/A            N/A         N/A
      Band Width      2001                     2001
                      + Amendment:2002         + Amendment:2002
                      + Amendment2:2003        + Amendment2:2003
                      + Amendment3:2004        + Amendment3:2004
2     -26dB Bandwidth ANSI C63.4:2003          Reference data    Radiated          N/A            N/A         N/A

UL Apex Co., Ltd.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124                                                                   MF060b(10.04.03)

                                                                                     Test report No.    : 24KE0135-HO-2
                                                                                     Page               : 5 of 15
                                                                                     Issued date        : September 10, 2004
                                                                                     FCC ID             : CWTWD1U625

3.4       Uncertainty

Radiated Emission Test
The measurement uncertainty (with a 95% confidence level) for this test using Loop antenna is +1.8dB.
The measurement uncertainty (with a 95% confidence level) for this test using Biconical antenna is +4.5dB.
The measurement uncertainty (with a 95% confidence level) for this test using Logperiodic antenna is +5.2dB.
The measurement uncertainty (with a 95% confidence level) for this test using Horn Antenna is +6.6dB.
The data listed in this report meets the limits unless the uncertainty is taken into consideration.

3.5       Test Location

UL Apex Co., Ltd. Head Office EMC Lab. *NVLAP Lab. code: 200572-0
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116 Facsimile      : +81 596 24 8124
                        Listed date    FCC            IC Number   Width x Depth x         Size of             Other
                        (for FCC)      Registration               Height (m)              reference ground    rooms
                                       Number                                             plane
                                                                                          (m) /
                                                                                          conducting plane
 No.1 semi-anechoic     February 01,   313583         IC4247      19.2 x 11.2 x 7.7m      7.0 x 6.0m          Preparation
 chamber                2002                                                                                  room
 No.2 semi-anechoic     June 05,       846015         IC4247-2    7.5 x 5.8 x 5.2m        4.0 x 4.0m          -
 chamber                2002
 No.3 shielded room     -              -              -           4.7 x 7.5 x 2.7m        4.7 x 7.5m          -
 No.4 measurement       -              -              -           3.1 x 5.0 x 2.7m        N/A                 -
      *Size of vertical conducting plane (for Conducted Emission test) : 2.0 x 2.0m for No.1 and No.2 semi-anechoic and No.3
      shielded room.

3.6     Test set up, Test instruments and Data of EMI

Refer to APPENDIX 1 to 3.

UL Apex Co., Ltd.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124                                                                       MF060b(10.04.03)

                                                                                                 Test report No.   : 24KE0135-HO-2
                                                                                                 Page              : 6 of 15
                                                                                                 Issued date       : September 10, 2004
                                                                                                 FCC ID            : CWTWD1U625
                                                                                                 Revised date      : October 6, 2004

SECTION 4: Operation of E.U.T. during testing

4.1      Operating Modes

The sequence is used :     Continuous Transmitting mode

         This EUT has two antennas for Doors and Control Unit. Both antennas are identical to one another. And the
         antenna of Control Unit is installed inside. Therefore, the test was made with the antenna for Doors.
         This EUT in actual use is set to have the maximum RF power that is supplied to Antenna.
         The length of the antenna cable was set for the test in the worst condition (actual usage).

Justification: The system was configured in typical fashion (as a customer would normally use it) for testing.

4.2 Configuration and peripherals

Front View
                                     G           E       A       B       C

                                                             3               2


Top View

                                                 5                               4

                                             G       E               B               C
                                                                     3                       2


                                   * Test data was taken under worse case conditions.

UL Apex Co., Ltd.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124                                                                                  MF060b(10.04.03)

                                                                            Test report No.     : 24KE0135-HO-2
                                                                            Page                : 7 of 15
                                                                            Issued date         : September 10, 2004
                                                                            FCC ID              : CWTWD1U625

(Hand Unit)
Support equipment
 No. Item                Model number       Serial number   Manufacturer                      FCC ID
       Passive Entry
  A    System            TFWB1U618          1               Alps Electric Co., Ltd.           CWTWBU618
       (Hand Unit)

(Control Unit)
Description of EUT and Support Equipment
 No.    Item             Model number       Serial number   Manufacturer                      FCC ID
  B     Bar antenna      -                  -               Alps Electric Co., Ltd.           -
  C     Checker Box      N/A                N/A             Alps Electric Co., Ltd.           -
  D     Car Battery      50B24L             N/A             YUASA                             -
  E     Control Unit     TFWD1U625          5               Alps Electric Co., Ltd.           CWTWD1U625
  F     Checker PWB      -                  -               Alps Electric Co., Ltd.           -
  G     Tuner            TFWC1U119          4               Alps Electric Co., Ltd.           CWTWCU119

List of cables used
  No.   Name                                Length (m)      Shield                            Remark
 1      Antenna Cable                       0.5             N                                 -
 2      DC Power Cable                      1.0             N                                 -
 3      Signal & DC Power Cable             1.2             N                                 -
 4      Cable for Checker PWB               0.3             N                                 -
 5      Cable for Tuner                     1.1             N                                 -

UL Apex Co., Ltd.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124                                                               MF060b(10.04.03)

                                                                                 Test report No.    : 24KE0135-HO-2
                                                                                 Page               : 8 of 15
                                                                                 Issued date        : September 10, 2004
                                                                                 FCC ID             : CWTWD1U625

SECTION 5: Radiated emission (Fundamental and Spurious Emission)

5.1       Operating environment

Test place                 : No.1 semi anechoic chamber
Temperature                : See data
Humidity                   : See data

Test Procedure
The Radiated Electric Field Strength intensity has been measured at a distance of 10m and at a distance of 3m.

  Frequency : From 9kHz to 30MHz at distance 10m
    The EUT was rotated a full revolution in order to obtain the maximum value of the electric field intensity.
    The measurements were performed for each antenna angle 0deg. , 45deg. and 90deg.

  Frequency : From 30MHz to 1GHz at distance 3m
    The measuring antenna height was varied between 1 and 4m and EUT was rotated a full revolution in order to
    obtain the maximum value of the electric field intensity.
    The measurements were performed for both vertical and horizontal antenna polarization.

Measurements were performed with a QP, PK, and AV detector.
The radiated emission measurements were made with the following detector function of the test receiver.

                      From 9kHz to 90kHz         From           From          From          From
                              and              90kHz to       150kHz        490kHz to     30MHz to
                        From 110kHz to          110kHz       to 490kHz       30MHz          1GHz
      Detector Type         PK/AV                QP           PK/AV            QP            QP
      IF Bandwidth          200Hz               200Hz          9kHz           9kHz         120kHz
 * PK: Spectrum Analyzer RBW = 1MHz, VBW = 1MHz
 * AV: Spectrum Analyzer RBW = 1MHz, VBW = 10Hz

-The carrier level and noise levels were confirmed at each position of X, Y and Z axis of EUT to see the position of
maximum noise, and the test was made at the position that has the maximum noise.

* Part 15 Section 15.31 (f)(2) (9kHz-30MHz)
9kHz – 490kHz [Limit at 10m]=[Limit at 300m]-40log (10[m]/300[m])
490kHz – 30MHz[Limit at 10m]=[Limit at 30m]-40log (10[m]/30[m])

5.2       Results

Summary of the test results: Pass

Date: August 27, 2004                        Tested by: Mitsuru Fujimura

UL Apex Co., Ltd.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124                                                                   MF060b(10.04.03)

                                                                      Test report No.   : 24KE0135-HO-2
                                                                      Page              : 9 of 15
                                                                      Issued date       : September 10, 2004
                                                                      FCC ID            : CWTWD1U625

APPENDIX 1: Photographs of test setup

                                                  Radiated emission


UL Apex Co., Ltd.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124                                                       MF060b(10.04.03)

                                                                   Test report No.   : 24KE0135-HO-2
                                                                   Page              : 10 of 15
                                                                   Issued date       : September 10, 2004
                                                                   FCC ID            : CWTWD1U625

                         Worst Case Position (Horizontal : X-axis / Vertical: X-axis)

        Control Unit                                                             Bar Antenna

                                                                                 Bar Antenna
       Control Unit

        Control Unit                                                             Bar Antenna

UL Apex Co., Ltd.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124                                                    MF060b(10.04.03)

                                                                                 Test report No.     : 24KE0135-HO-2
                                                                                 Page                : 11 of 15
                                                                                 Issued date         : September 10, 2004
                                                                                 FCC ID              : CWTWD1U625

APPENDIX 2: Test Instruments
EMI test equipment
  Control No.        Instrument             Manufacturer            Model No          Test          Calibration Date
                                                                                      Item         * Interval(month)
   MAEC-01      Anechoic Chamber      TDK                        Semi Anechoic      RE /ME         2003/12/27 * 12
                                                                 Chamber 10m
   MTR-01       Test Receiver         Rohde & Schwarz            ESI40              RE /ME         2003/11/12 * 12
   MCC-05       Microwave Cable       Storm                      421-011            RE             2004/01/06 * 12
   MCC-23       Microwave Cable       Storm                      -                  RE             2004/05/01 * 12
   MPA-01       Pre Amplifier         Agilent                    8449B              RE             2004/02/06 * 12
   MHA-05       Horn Antenna          Schwarzbeck                BBHA9120D          RE             2004/01/10 * 12
   MBA-01       Biconical Antenna     Schwarzbeck                BBA9106            RE             2003/10/15 * 12
   MLA-01       Logperiodic Antenna   Schwarzbeck                USLP9143           RE             2003/10/15 * 12
   MCC-01       Coaxial Cable         Suhner/storm/Agilent/      -                  RE             2003/12/19 * 12
   MAT-06       Attenuator(6dB)       Weinschel Corp             2                  RE /ME         2003/12/16 * 12
   MPA-04       Pre Amplifier         Agilent                    8447D              RE /ME         2004/05/25 * 12
   MCC-03       Coaxial Cable         Fujikura/Suhner/Agilent/   -                  ME             2003/12/24 * 12
   MLPA-01      Loop Antenna          Rohde & Schwarz            HFH2-Z2            ME             2004/01/08 * 12
   MCC-07       coaxial cable         -                          -                  ME             2004/01/26 * 12
   MCC-08       coaxial cable         -                          -                  ME             2004/01/26 * 12

All equipment is calibrated with traceable calibrations. Each calibration is traceable to the national
or international standards.
Test Item:
RE: Radiated emission
ME: Radiated Magnetic Field Strength 9kHz – 30MHz

UL Apex Co., Ltd.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124                                                                    MF060b(10.04.03)

                                                                                                                 Test report No.           : 24KE0135-HO-2
                                                                                                                 Page                      : 12 of 15
                                                                                                                 Issued date               : September 10, 2004
                                                                                                                 FCC ID                    : CWTWD1U625
                                                                                                                 Revised date              : October 6, 2004

APPENDIX 3: Data of EMI test
                                                                  Radiated Emission

                                          DATA OF RADIATED EMISSION TEST
                                                                           UL Apex Co., Ltd. Head Office EMC Lab. No.1 Semi Anechoic Chamber

                  Applicant             :ALPS Electric Co.,Ltd.                        Report No.       :24KE0135-HO
                  Kind of EUT           :Passive Keyless entry                         Power            :DC 12V
                  Model No.             :TFWD1U625                                     Temp℃/Humi%      :23 / 65%
                  Serial No.            :5                                             Operator         :Mitsuru Fujimura
                  Mode / Remarks : Transmitting / X-axis (Max-axis)
                  LIMIT : FCC Part15 Class B(3m)/USA
                   Except for the data below : All other spurious emissions were less than 20dB for the limit.                         Horizontal
                      [dBµV/m]           << QP DATA >>                                                                                 Horizontal
                 90                                                                                                                    Vertical









                  30M                   50M          70M          100M                  200M           300M             500M       700M       1G

                      No.     FREQ        READING   ANT             LOSS    GAIN     RESULT    LIMIT      MARGIN      ANTENNA    TABLE
                                            QP    FACTOR
                              [MHz]       [dBµV] [dB/m]            [dB]    [dB]    [dBµV/m] [dBµV/m]     [dB]        [cm]      [DEG]
                      ----- Horizontal ------
                      1        36.493         22.5         15.6      7.2    27.9      17.4      40.0          22.6     100        359
                      2        57.017         28.7          8.8      7.4    27.7      17.2      40.0          22.8     337        256
                      3        69.774         49.8          6.7      7.6    27.8      36.3      40.0           3.8     234        183
                      4        84.144         38.0          6.9      7.8    27.8      24.9      40.0          15.1     213        159
                      5        92.778         42.2          8.5      7.9    27.6      31.0      43.5          12.5     182        157
                      6       104.521         38.0         10.9      8.0    27.7      29.2      43.5          14.3     277          0
                      -----    Vertical       ------
                    7          37.766         35.3         15.0      7.1    27.8      29.6      40.0          10.4     100        208
                    8          57.510         42.1          8.6      7.4    27.8      30.3      40.0           9.7     100        123
                    9          69.764         45.3          6.7      7.6    27.8      31.8      40.0           8.2     100        284
                   10          84.766         44.6          7.0      7.8    27.8      31.6      40.0           8.4     100         16
                   11          93.521         44.5          8.6      7.9    27.6      33.4      43.5          10.1     100        238
                   12         105.270         38.5         11.0      8.0    27.7      29.8      43.5          13.7     100        269

                  * The result is rounded off to the second decimal place. Therefore, there may be 0.1 difference for the result.

                   CALCULATION : READING + ANT FACTOR + LOSS(CABLE+ATTEN.) - AMP.GAIN                                Page:

UL Apex Co., Ltd.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124                                                                                                          MF060b(10.04.03)

                                                                                    Test report No.     : 24KE0135-HO-2
                                                                                    Page                : 13 of 15
                                                                                    Issued date         : September 10, 2004
                                                                                    FCC ID              : CWTWD1U625

         Data of carrier and supurious emissions(9kHz to 30MHz)
                                                                 UL Apex Co., Ltd.
                                                                 Head Office EMC Lab. No.1 Semi Anechoic Chamber

     Company        : Alps Electric Co.,Ltd                      Report No.         : 24KE0135-HO
     Equipment      : Passive Keyless entry                      Regulation         : FCC Part15C Section 15.209
     Model          : TFWD1U625                                  Test Distance      : 10m
     Sample No.     :5                                           Date               : 2004/8/27
     Power          : DC 12.0V (Car battery)                     Temperature        : 23deg.C
     Mode           : Transmitting (125kHz)                      Humidity           : 65%
     EUT Position   : X-axis (Max-axis)
                                                                 ENGINEER        : Mitsuru Fujimura

     Frequency Rage : 9-90kHz & 110-490kHz / AV & PK DETECT(Test Receiver: BW 200Hz or 9kHz)
     Other Frequency Rage : 490kHz-30MHz QP DETECT(Test Receiver: BW 9kHz)
                    Max detector READING Factor            LOSS     GAIN
                   Angle     type
           [kHz]   [deg]            [dBuV] [dB/m]    [dB]   [dB]    [dB] [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]   [dB]
      1    125.06     0       PK      75.9    19.9    5.8    0.6    26.6     75.6      104.7 29.1
      1    125.06    45       PK      74.7    19.9    5.8    0.6     26.6    74.4      104.7 30.3
      1    125.06    90       PK      74.6    19.9    5.8    0.6     26.6    74.3      104.7 30.4
      1    125.06     0       AV      43.1    19.9    5.8    0.6    26.6     42.8       84.7 41.9
      2    250.12     0       PK      37.9    19.9    5.8    0.3    27.1     36.8       98.7 61.9
      2    250.12     0       AV      26.2    19.9    5.8    0.3    27.1     25.1       78.7 53.6
      3    375.18     0       PK      37.1    19.9    5.8    0.4    27.4     35.8       95.2 59.4
      3    375.18     0       AV      24.5    19.9    5.8    0.4    27.4     23.2       75.2 52.0
      4    500.24     0       QP      29.3    19.9    5.8    0.7    27.6     28.1       52.7 24.6
      5    625.30     0       QP      28.5    19.8    5.8    0.6    27.8     26.9       50.8 23.9
      6    750.36     0       QP      28.1    19.8    5.8    0.7    27.9     26.5       49.2 22.7
      7    875.42     0       QP      27.7    19.8    5.8    0.7    27.9     26.1       47.8 21.7
      8 1000.48       0       QP      27.5    19.8    5.8    0.7    27.9     25.9       46.7 20.8
      9 1125.54       0       QP      27.4    19.8    5.8    0.7    27.9     25.8       45.7 19.9
      10 1250.60      0       QP      27.4    19.8    5.8    0.5     27.8    25.7       44.7 19.0

     ANTENNA TYPE : 10kHz-30MHz (Loop Antenna)
     CALCULATION: READING + ANT Factor + Cable Loss - AMP Gain

     * The result is rounded off to the second decimal place. Therefore, there may be 0.1 difference for the result.
     All other spurious emissions are more than 20dB below the limits.
     Used Equipment: MLPA-01, MPA-04, MCC-(07+08+03),MAT-06,MTR-01

UL Apex Co., Ltd.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124                                                                       MF060b(10.04.03)

                                                                                        Test report No.          : 24KEOBSHO—2
                                                                                        Page                        « or 15
                                                                                        Issued date              : September 10, 2004
                                                                                        reem                     : ownwoiuees

                                                       —26dB bandwidth

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UL Apex Co., Ltd.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383—326 Asama—cho, Ise—shi, Mie—ken 516—0021 JAPAN
Telephone        1 +81 506 24 8116
Facsimile        1 +81 596 24 8124                                                                               MFOGOb(10.04.03)

                                                                                                Test report No.           : 24KEOBSHO—2
                                                                                                Page                         s or is
                                                                                                Issued date               : September 10, 2004
                                                                                                reem                      : ownwoiuees

                                                       29% Occupied Bandwidth

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UL Apex Co., Ltd.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383—326 Asama—cho, Ise—shi, Mie—ken 516—0021 JAPAN
Telephone         1 +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile         1 +81 596 24 8124                                                                                    MFOGOb(10.04.03)

Document Created: 2004-10-15 15:11:49
Document Modified: 2004-10-15 15:11:49

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