Test report


Test Report

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 Report Number:             F690501/RF—RTLO11743                                              Page:      1      of      32

                             TEST REPORT

                                   FCC Part 15 Subpart C §15.209

                                          FCC ID: CQ@OEDO4270

 Equipment Under Test                    : Smart Key ECU
 Model Name                              : EDO4270
 Applicant                               : DENSO KOREA ELECTRONICS CORPORATION
 Manufacturer                            : DENSO KOREA ELECTRONICS CORPORATION
 Date of Receipt                         : 2017.07.20
 Date of Test(s)                         : 2017.08.01 ~2017.08.17
 Date of Issue                           : 2017.08.18

In the configuration tested, the EUT complied with the standards specified above.

 Tested By:                                             ~=~         Date:                     2017.08.18

                               Jinhyoung Cho

                                                                    Date:                     2017.08.18

                                  Harim Lee

The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Ltd. (Gunpo Laboratory)   4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeonggi—do, Korea, 15807    hitp/www.sqsgroup.kr
RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                        Tel. +82 31 428 5700 /Fax. +82 31 427 2370           Ad(210 mm x 297 mm)

Report Number:          F690501/RF—RTLO11743                                                   Page:      2      of        32

                                                  Table of contents

   1. G@NBAl INfOFM@tION —————————————o—oonon coemnoennoennnnnnnnn en en enc n enc                                    3

   2. Field Strength of Fundamental and Spurious EMIS8IQN———————————————————————————                                  5

   3. 20 dB BAMUWIGth oooocoeccccomncnnncnnccnnccnnncnnncnnnccenccece                                                 28

The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory)   4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeanggi—do, Korea, 15807     hitp:/worw.sascroup ks
RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                        Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370           A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:           F690501/RF—RTLO11743                                                  Page:      3      of       32

1. General information

1.1. Testing Laboratory

SGS Korea Co., Ltd. (Gunpo Laboratory)
     — Wireless Div. 2FL, 10—2, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeanggi—do, Korea, 15807
All SGS services are rendered in accordance with the applicable SGS conditions of service available on
request and accessible at http//www.sqs.com/en/Terms—and—Conditions.aspx.
Phone No.          :0 48231 688 0901
Fax No.            :0 48231 688 0921

1.2. Details of Applicant

Address              :      8, Cheomdan Industry, Masanhappo—gu, Chang—won—Si, Gyungsangnam—do, Korea
Contact Person       _:     Kang, Sung—Won
Phone No.            :      +82 55 600 9340

1.3. Details of Applicant

Address              :      8, Cheomdan Industry, Masanhappo—gu, Chang—won—Si, Gyungsangnam—do, Korea

1.4. Description of EUT

 Kind of Product                  Smart Key ECU

 Model Name                       ED04270

 Power Supply                     DC 12.0 V

 Frequency Range                  Tx: 134.20 iit, Rx: 433.92 Mt

                          Tx      External Type (Coil Antenna)
 Antenna Type
                          Rx      Internal Type

 Operating Temperature            30 °C ~ 80 °C

1.5. Declaration of manufacturer

— The EUT has 7 transmit antennas and one receive antenna.
— The transmit antennas can not operate at the same time.

 The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory)   4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeanggi—do, Korea, 15807      hitp:/worw.sascroup ks
RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                         Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370           A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:          F690501/RF—RTLO11743                                                  Page:            4       of           32

1.6. Test Equipment List

  Equipment        Manufacturer             Model                  S/N          Cal. Date                Cal.          Cal. Due

   Analyzer            Ras                  FSvso                103102       Jun. 10, 2017            Annual       Jun. 10, 2018

                       Ras               SMBVvi0oA              255834        Jun. «15
                                                                                    15, 2017           Annual       Jun. un. 15, 15, 2018

      Power            Ras                HMP2020              020089489      May y 28, 20. 2017       Annual
                                                                                                           U        May ay 28, 28. 2018

Test Receiver          Ras                  Esuze                100109       Feb. 17, 2017            Annual       Feb. 17, 2018
 Loop Antenna      Schwarzbeck
                                         FMZzB 1519             1519—089      Aug. 0t
                                                                                    19, 2015          Biennial Aug. 9. 19, 19 2017
  Turn Tabie       Innce systems          Ds 1200 S                NA            N. C. R.                N/A            N. C. R.
  Controller       Inneo systems|
                      GmbH             contRoLLeR
                                        ©08000—4p             [Cosoooses/3
                                                                Bss0sion         N. C. R.                N/A            N. C. R.
   Anechoic                   .           L x W x H
   Chamber        SY Corporation    (9.6 m x 6.4 m x 6.6 m)        NA            N. C. R.                N/A            N. C. R.

1.7. Sample calculation

Where relevant, the following sample calculation is provided:
Field strength level (dBa¥/m) = Measured level (dBa¥) + Antenna factor (dB) + Cable loss (dB)

1.8. Summary of Test Results
The EUT has been tested according to the following specifications:

                                               APPLIED STANDARD

         Section in
        FCC Part 15                                      Test Item                                               Result

                                                   Radiated emission,
              15.209                             Spurious Emission and                                          Complied
                                             Field Strength of Fundamental

              2.1049                                  20 dB Bandwidth                                           Complied

1.9. Test Report Revision

 Revision              Report number                Date of Issue                           Description

                  F690501/RF—RTLO11743                2017.08.18                                   Initial

 The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory) 4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeanggi—do, Korea, 15807             Affp:/vwwsasoroup kr

RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                       Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370                  A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:          F690501/RF—RTLO11743                                                 Page:        5         of   32

2. Field Strength of Fundamental and Spurious Emission
2.1. Test Setup
The diagram below shows the test setup that is utilized to make the measurements for emission from 9. i#
to 30 Mk Emissions.

                                             Tum Table

         Power Cable                                                                            (€——Cable

                                                                                                  Ground Plane

                                                                                     EMI Receiver

2.2. Limits

2.2.1. Radiated emission limits, general requirements

According to §15.209 (a), except as provided elsewhere in this subpart, the emissions from an intentional
radiator shall not exceed the field strength levels specified in the following table:

            Frequency                             Field Strength                         Measurement Distance
               (Mb)                             (microvolts/meter)                             (meters)
           0.009 — 0.490                             2 400/F(i)                                       300
           0.490 — 1.705                            24 000/F (kik)                                    30
            1.705 — 30.0                                  30                                          30
              30 — 88                                    100**                                         3
              88 — 216                                   150"*                                         3
             216 — 960                                   200**                                         3
            Above 960                                    500                                           3

** Except as provided in paragraph (g), fundamental emissions from intentional radiators operating under this
Section shall not be located in the frequency bands 54—72 Mk, 76—88 Mt, 174—216 t or 470—806 M%.
However, operation within these frequency bands is permitted under other sections of this Part, e.g.,
Sections §15.231 and §15.241.

 The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory) 4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeanggi—do, Korea, 15807      Affp:/vwwsasoroup kr

RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                       Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370           A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:          F690501/RF—RTLO11743                                                 Page:      6      of     32

2.3. Test Procedures
Radiated emissions from the EUT were measured according to the dictates of ANSI €63.10—2013.

2.3.1. Test Procedures for emission from 9 k to 30 Mi
a. The EUT was placed on the top of a rotating table 0.8 meters above the ground at a 3 meter anechoic
   chamber test site. The table was rotated 360 degrees to determine the position of the highest radiation.
b. Then antenna is a loop antenna is fixed at one meter above the ground to determine the maximum value
   of the field strength. Both parallel and perpendicular of the antenna are set to make the measurement.
c. For each suspected emission, the EUT was arranged to its worst case and then the table was turned from
   0 degrees to 360 degrees to find the maximum reading.
d. The test—receiver system was set to Peak Detect Function and Specified Bandwidth with Maximum Hold
e. To get a maximum emission level from the EUT, the EUT is manipulated through three orthogonal planes
   (X, Y, Z). Worst orthogonal plan of EUT is X — axis during radiation test.


Although these tests were performed other than open field test site, adequate comparison measurements
were confirmed against 30 meter open field test site. Therefore sufficient tests were made to demonstrate
that the alternative site produces results that correlate with the ones of tests made in an open field based on
KDB 414788 DO1 Radiated Test Site vO1.

 The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
 report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
 does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory) 4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeanggi—do, Korea, 15807      Affp:/vwwsasoroup kr

 RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                      Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370           A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:            F690501/RF—RTLO11743                                                  Page:      7        of       32

2.4. Field Strength of Fundamental Test Result

Ambient temperature            :10   (2341) °C
Relative humidity              :0    47   % R.H.

The following table shows the highest levels of radiated emissions on both polarizations of horizontal and vertical.
The field strength of spurious emission was measured in one orthogonal EUT position (x—axis). Definition of DUT
for a orthogonal plane was described in the test setup photo.

          Radiated Emissions                Ant.        cgg&z‘:g"                     Total                       Limit

 "wo Can‘| e |m| &| o| on cin im "u"
                       o                                                     Actual           Actual      Limit              8

DRV Antenna

    0.134          56.60      Average        H       19.42       0.05        76.07            —3.93       25.06           28.99

AST Antenna

    0.134          56.50      Average        H       19.42       0.05        75.97            —4.03       25.06           29.09

BUM Antenna

    0.134          58.50      Average        H       19.42       0.05        77.97            —2.03       25.06           27.09

INT Antenna

    0.134          61.90      Average        H       19.42       0.05        81.37             1.97       25.06           23.69

INT3 Antenna

    0.134          61.80      Average        H       19.42       0.05        81.27             1.27       25.06           28.79

TNK Antenna

    0.134          62.10      Average        H       19.42       0.05        81.57             1.57       25.06           28.49

SSB Antenna

    0.135          40.70      Average        H       19.41       0.05        60.16            —19.84      25.00           44.84


1. According to §15.31 (1)(2) 300 m Result (dBa¥/m)= 3 m Result (dB@¥/m) — 4010g(300/3) (dBa¥/m).
2. According to §15.209 (d), the measurements were tested by using Quasi peak detector except for the
  frequency bands 9 —90 ki, 110 — 490 ki and above 1( in these three bands on measurements
  employing an average detector.
3. The limit above was calculated based on table of §15.209 (a).

 The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
 report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
 does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory) 4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeanggi—do, Korea, 15807         Affp:/vwwsasoroup kr

 RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                         Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370           A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:           F690501/RF—RTLO11743                                                       Page:      8      of       32

Test plot

— DRV Antenna

                             FREQUENCY                    134.3154            kHz
                             PK+      76.53        dBuy    (76.5       134.3154     kHz)
                             OPK       65 .62      dBuy    (65.6       134.3154     kHz)
                             AV       54 .07       dBuy    (56.6       134.3154     kHz)


                    dare: 1.ae.2017 r0—40.3e

— AST Antenna

                             FREQUENC Y     134.3218 kHz
                             PK+   7.85 dBuy (76.4 134.3218 kHz)
                             oPK  65.47 dBuy (65.5 134.3218 kHz)
                             AV    0.79 dBuy (56.5 134.3218 kHz)


 The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
 report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
 does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory)         4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeanggi—do, Korea, 15807     hitp:/worw.sascroup ks
 RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                             Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370           A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:          F690501/RF—RTLO11743                                                         Page:      9      of       32

— BUM Antenna

                            FREQUENCY                      134.3314 kHz
                            PK+        12.32        dBuy       (78.4    134.3314      kHz)
                            OPK        67.53        dBuy       (67.5    134.3314      kHz)
                            AV           4.70       dBuy       (58.5    134.3314      kHz)

                        mm                                                                   1   j
                              s                     i      i       is     i      is      l0      e

                   dare: t.aue.a0n7 rssimee

— INT Antenna

                            FREQUENC Y      134.3218 kHz
                            PK+  81.78  dBuy (81.8  134.3218 kHz)
                            oPK  70.86  dBuy (70 .9 134.3218 kHz)
                            Av   61 .82 dBuy (61.9  134.3218 kHz)


                   oare: t age. z007 besascse

The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory)          4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeanggi—do, Korea, 15807     hitp:/worw.sascroup ks
RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                               Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370           A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:          F690501/RF—RTLO11743                                                 Page:    10      of      32

— INT3 Antenna

                            FREQUENCY                134.3218          kHz
                            PK+      13.66    dBuy   (81.7      134.3218     kHz)
                            OPK      70 .80   dBuy   (70.8      134.3218     kHz)
                            AV         5.64   dBuy   (61.8      134.3218     kHz)


                   dare: t age.20n7 issc

— TNK Antenna

                            FREQUENCY                134.3218          kHz
                            PK+      81.96     aBuv (82.0       134.3218 kHz)
                            ork      71.09    aBav (71.1        134.3218 kHz)
                            ay       s1.99     aBuy (62.1       134.3218 kHz)

                        mt                                                            Lo

                   oare: L age.z007 besost2

The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory) 4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeanggi—do, Korea, 15807      Affp:/vwwsasoroup kr

RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                       Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370           A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:         F690501/RF—RTLO11743                                                      Page:     11      of       32

— SSB Antenna

                            FREQUENCY       134 . 6391 kHz
                            PK+  63.05  dBuy (63. 1 134.6391 kHz)
                            oPK  50.13 aBuv (50. 2  134.6391 kHz)
                            Av   40.64  aBuv (40. 7 134.6391 kHz)

                   dare: 1.auo.2007 usson

The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory)      4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeanggi—do, Korea, 15807     hitp:/worw.sascroup ks
RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                           Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370           A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:             F690501/RF—RTLO11743                                                      Page:    12         of           32

2.5. Spurious Emission Test Result
Ambient temperature              :     (2341) °C
Relative humidity                :0    47      % R.H.

The following table shows the highest levels of radiated emissions on both polarizations of horizontal and

            Radiated Emissions                  Ant.        Correction                    Total                        Limit
                      o                                                          Actual            Actual      Limit                8
  Frequency       Reading             Detect              Ant.      Cable                                                      Margin
                                                Pol.                            (dBy¥/m)          (dBa¥/m)    (dBa¥/m)
      Oe            (cBW)             Mode               (dBim)       (dB)       at 3 m           at 300 m    at 300 m          (CB)

DRV Antenna

    0.019          28.90       Average           H       19.52       0.01        48.43            —31.57       42.03           73.60

    Above            Not                .        .          .          .            .                .           .               .
    1.000         detected
AST Antenna

    0.019          27.40       Average           H       19.52       0.01        46.93            ~33.07       42.03           75.10

    Above            Not                .        .          .          .            .                .           .               .
    1.000         detected
BUM Antenna

    0.019          28.80       Average           H       19.52       0.01        48.33            —31.67       42.03           73.70

    Above            Not                .        .          .          .            .                .           .               .
    1.000         detected
INT Antenna

    0.019          28.40       Average           H       19.52       0.01        47.93            ~32.07       42.03           74.10

    Above            Not                .        .          .          .            .                .           .               .
    1.000         detected
INT3 Antenna

    0.019          28.90       Average           H       19.52       0.01        48.43            —31.57       42.03           73.60
    Above            Not                .        .          .          .            .                .           .               .
    1.000         detected

 The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
 report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
 does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
 SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory) 4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeanggi—do, Korea, 15807             Affp:/vwwsasoroup kr

 RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                             Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370            A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:            F690501/RF—RTLO11743                                                    Page:    13        of          32

              i       feat                              Correction                                                   Imi
          Radiated Emissions                Ant.          Factors                     Total                         Limit
                      i                                                      Actual            Actual       Limit                 i
 Frequency       Reading         Detect               Ant.      Cable                                                      Margin
                                            Pol.                            (dBa¥im)          (dBaWV/im)   (dBaW/m)
     (e           (dBaw)         Mode                CBM          C          ussm             atsiom       atsoom            >
TNK Antenna

    0.018         27.10         Average      H       19.54       0.01        46.65            ~33.35        42.50           75.85
   Above           Not             .          .         .          .            .                 .            .              .
   1.000        detected
SSB Antenna

    0.019         27.80         Average      H       19.52       0.01        47.33            ~32.67        42.03           74.70
   Above           Not             .          .         .          .            .                 .            .              .
    1.000       detected

1. According to §15.31 (1)(2)
  — 300 m Result (dBa¥/m) = 3 m Result (dBaV¥/m) — 4010g(300/3) (dBeV/m)
2. According to field strength table of general requirement in §15.209 (a), field strength limits below 1.705 M
  were calculated as below.
  —9 kW to 490 k : 20l0g(2 400 /F (k)) at 300 m (dBa¥/m)
  —490 k to 1705 Hk :20l0g(24.000 / F (kk)) at 30 m (dBa¥/m)
3. According to §15.209 (d), the measurements were tested by using Quasi peak detector except for the
  frequency bands 9— 90 ki, 110 —490 it and above 1. C in these three bands on measurements employing
  an average detector.

 The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory)    4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeanggi—do, Korea, 15807        hitp:/worw.sascroup ks
RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                          Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370             A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:           F690501/RF—RTLO11743                                                                 Page:    14       of       32

Test plots

— DRV Antenna

Scanning plots below 30 Mz

                                                                 *rem 200 us    makee t (ei )
                                                                 «vam sco us             s4.05 anay

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                                                                 *rom 10 kxs
                                                                 «vam 20 kx

                             s                                                                           es

                         g""’“%.x kx

                         seare iso uie                      2908 mey                     stop 20 me

                    dares L.aue.z007 to:s702

 The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
 report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
 does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory)         4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeanggi—do, Korea, 15807               hitp:/worw.sascroup ks
 RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                             Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370                     A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:          F690501/RF—RTLO11743                                                        Page:    15       of       32

Measured plots below 30 Mz

                            FREQUENC Y                      18.6026           kHz
                            Px+       32.31          aBuv (35.0         18.6026 kHz)
                            orK       28.11          aBuv (28.9         18.6026 kHz)
                            ay        27.40          aBuv (28.9         18.6026 kHz)

                   oares L.aue.zo07 tosarise

The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory)         4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeanggi—do, Korea, 15807     hitp:/worw.sascroup ks
RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                              Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370           A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:          F690501/RF—RTLO11743                                                        Page:    16       of       32

— AST Antenna

Scanning plots below 30 M

                                                                                    itfi tnle

                                                                                          Wk 2t

                         seae > ie                            telr kne              stop 150 e

                   oares L.ave.zo07| bs23iee

                                                                   *rom 10 kxs
                                                                   «vam 20 kx
                        net   90 cmay                 zo oo         se 200 ns

                         seae iso n                       2908 mey                   stop 20 me

                   oares L.aue.zo07 irssocre

The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory)         4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeanggi—do, Korea, 15807     hitp:/worw.sascroup ks
RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                              Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370           A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:          F690501/RF—RTLO11743                                                        Page:    17       of       32

Measured plots below 30 Mz

                            FREQUENC Y                      18 .6827          kHz
                            Px+       31.35          aBuv (35.4         18.6827 kHz)
                            orK       27.42          aBuv (27.7         18.6827 kHz)
                            ay        25.60          aBuv (27.4         18.6827 kHz)

                   dares L.aue.zo07 bi:29c23

The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory)         4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeanggi—do, Korea, 15807     hitp:/worw.sascroup ks
RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                              Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370           A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:          F690501/RF—RTLO11743                                                                  Page:    18       of       32

— BUM Antenna

Scanning plots below 30 M

                                                                       *rem 200 us    makee t (ei )
                                                                       «vam sco us             s4.01 aay

                            w                                                            dhicae l ie ol funw

                            .                                                                 P
                        l1                                                                   «e _|4
                            L.             puatel            hy                  L
                                                              Nommigmipntstaih       1+W\W

                   dares L.aue.zo07| ts:50:37

                                                                       *rom 10 kxs
                                                                       «vam 20 kx
                        net      90 cmay            tase   zs «o        se 200 ns

                         seae iso n                               2908 mey                    stop 20 me

                   oares L.aue.zor7 iscsocse

The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory)          4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeanggi—do, Korea, 15807              hitp:/worw.sascroup ks
RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                                  Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370                 A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:          F690501/RF—RTLO11743                                                        Page:    19       of       32

Measured plots below 30 Mz

                            FREQUENC Y                      18.5929           kHz
                            Px+       31.49          aBuv (34.1         18.5929 kHz)
                            orK       28.91          aBuv (29.1         18.5929 kHz)
                            ay        26.75          aBuv (28.8         18.5929 kHz)

                   oares L.ave.zon7 iscsiisd

The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory)         4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeanggi—do, Korea, 15807     hitp:/worw.sascroup ks
RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                              Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370           A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:          F690501/RF—RTLO11743                                                              Page:    20       of       32

— INT Antenna

Scanning plots below 30 M

                                                                  *rem 200 us   makee t (ei )
                                                                  «vam sco us              s3.73 anay
                        net     90 cmay          tase   as oo      ser ile a        te.zese23077 ie
                                                                                mss ez
                                                                                           egirs aon|
                                                                                   a accossfiacs in IWM

                                                                                              U]Mfivn 2t

                        max o me                                fa e                   Eror ns me

                   dares t.age.2007 resinces

                                                                  ~rem to es
                                                                  +vom 20 kns
                        nee 90 anay              tase zs s         mex 200 ns

                         s                                                                           jes


                         _                us|wonanan twAetwe

                        seae iso n                          2908 mey                    stop 20 me

                   oares L.ave.zo07 bessrits

The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory)         4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeanggi—do, Korea, 15807           hitp:/worw.sascroup ks
RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                               Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370                A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:          F690501/RF—RTLO11743                                                        Page:    21       of       32

Measured plots below 30 Mz

                            FREQUENC Y                      18.5609           kHz
                            Px+       33.09          aBuv (35.0         18.5609 kHz)
                            orK       28.63          aBuv (29.0         18.5609 kHz)
                            ay        27.93          aBuv (28.4         18.5609 kHz)

                   dares L.aue.zo07 besan:37

The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory)         4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeanggi—do, Korea, 15807     hitp:/worw.sascroup ks
RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                              Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370           A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:          F690501/RF—RTLO11743                                                                Page:    22       of       32

— INT3 Antenna

Scanning plots below 30 M

                                                                     *rem 200 us   makee t (ei )
                                                                     «vam sco us            s4.24 anay
                        nee 90 cooy              tase zs o            ser uce a      te—asoseasis ie
                         =                                                         mapimp
                                                                                            eles ons
                         s                                                          ioe.coneFlace uce M

                            "~1                                                                  1
                        oek                                                        e                     s
                            a                     i                     1    1
                                                   rrouf            jotimey it

                        seae > ie                               telr kne                  stop 150 e

                   oares Lave.zon7 issrid2

                                                                     *rom 10 kxs
                                                                     «vam 20 kx
                        net     90 cmay          tase   zs «o         se 200 ns

                        seae iso n                          2908 mey                       stop 20 me

                   oares L.aue.zor7 bssorice

The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory)         4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeanggi—do, Korea, 15807             hitp:/worw.sascroup ks
RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                               Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370                  A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:          F690501/RF—RTLO11743                                                         Page:    23       of       32

Measured plots below 30 Mz

                            FREQUENC Y                       18.6106           kHz
                            Px+        31.66          aBuv (34.1         18.6106 kHz)
                            orK        28.13          aBuv (29.1         18.6106 kHz)
                            ay         25.66          aBuv (28.9         18.6106 kHz)

                   oares L.aue.zo07| bssiesss

The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory)          4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeanggi—do, Korea, 15807     hitp:/worw.sascroup ks
RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                               Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370           A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:          F690501/RF—RTLO11743                                                                   Page:    24       of       32

— TNK Antenna

Scanning plots below 30 M

                                                                     «ram 200 ns   makee t (ei )
                                                                     «vam sco us             20.72 anay
                        net   90 cmay            tase   zs «o         ser cce a        te.asoseac1s in
                                                                                   made s m
                                                                                             efso aoa|
                                                                                      ida.z0     us   tacs TW

                                                                                                  m 2t

                         seae > ie                              telr kne                  stop 150 e

                   oares Lage.zo07| besticsd

                                                                     *rom 10 kxs
                                                                     «vam 20 kx
                        net   90 cmay            tase   as oo         se 200 ns

                         seae iso n                         2908 mey                       stop 20 me

                   dares L.aue.zo07 bes20cse

The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory)         4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeanggi—do, Korea, 15807                hitp:/worw.sascroup ks
RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                               Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370                     A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:          F690501/RF—RTLO11743                                                        Page:    25       of       32

Measured plots below 30 Mz

                            FREQUENC Y                      18 .4744 kHz
                            PK+  31.20 aBuv                (35.2   18.4744 kHz)
                            OPK  27.23 aBuv                (28.0   18.4744 kHz)
                            Av   25.36 aBnv                (27.1   18.4744 kHz)

                   oares L.aue.zo07 bestsise

The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory)         4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeanggi—do, Korea, 15807     hitp:/worw.sascroup ks
RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                              Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370           A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:          F690501/RF—RTLO11743                                                         Page:    26       of       32

— SSB Antenna

Scanning plots below 30 M

                            w                                                   ols esal ul 2fog

                        *‘WX                                                                     2t
                            m   w                      I                           Af{
                                                Pdtona o12y                               T




                        seae iso n                         2908 mey                 stop 20 me

                   oares L.aue.z007 rzsoror

The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory)        4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeanggi—do, Korea, 15807       hitp:/worw.sascroup ks
RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                             Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370             A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:          F690501/RF—RTLO11743                                                        Page:    27       of       32

Measured plots below 30 Mz

                            FREQUENC Y                      18.5769           kHz
                            Px+       32.56          aBuv (33.8         18.5769 kHz)
                            orK       28.05          aBuv (28.3         18.5769 kHz)
                            ay        26.36          aBuv (27.8         18.5769 kHz)

                   dares L.aue.zo07 i1:se:50

The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory)         4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeanggi—do, Korea, 15807     hitp:/worw.sascroup ks
RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                              Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370           A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:         F690501/RF—RTLO11743                                                  Page:    28       of     32

3. 20 dB Bandwidth
3.1. Test Setup

                  EuT                                                                         Spectrum

3.2. Limits

None:; for reporting purposed only

3.3. Test Procedure

 a. Span = approximately 2 to 3 times the 20 dB bandwidth, RBW = greater than 1 % of the 20 dB bandwidth,
    VBW = RBW, Sweep = auto, Detector = peak, Trace = max hold.
 b. The marker—to—peak function to set the mark to the peak of the emission. Use the marker—delta function
    to measure 20 dB down one side of the emission. Reset the function, and move the marker to the other
     side of the emission, until it is (as close as possible to) even with the reference marker level. The
     marker—delta reading at this point is 20 dB bandwidth of the emission.

The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory) 4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeanggi—do, Korea, 15807      Affp:/vwwsasoroup kr

RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                       Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370           A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:                  F690501/RF—RTLO11743                                                                               Page:       29        of     32

3.4. Test Result

Ambient temperature                               (23 + 1) °C
Relative humidity                        :0       47      % RH.

    Test Antenna                         Carrierghe)quency                                    Bandzvei(;ili (@2)                                  Limit

    DRV Antenna                                        134.329                                          0.998

    AST Antenna                                        134.329                                          0.984

    BUM Antenna                                        134.329                                          0.999

     INT Antenna                                       134.329                                          0.999                           Reporting proposed only

    INT3 Antenna                                       134.332                                          0.999

    TNK Antenna                                        134.329                                          1.014

    SSB Antenna                                        134.644                                          1.008

Test plots

« DRV Antenna

                      Ref Level 10.00 dam                         & rew 200 hz
                      ae             20 ce             SWT 0.4 ms @ Vaw 200 hz         Mode: Auto FFT
                      TP View
                                                                                                va[n)                                  ~oor
                     o                                                                                                                ©90.00
                                                                                                pitid                               —20.09
                     10                                                                                                          199,00140

                                        1 20.000

                     GF 1942 kitz                                               1001
                     Type | Ret | Te |                 X—value         |   Y—value        |__Eunction                 Function Result
                       m            m                   Tsm in              —20.93 dam
                           ne|    mil         i             see.0 ne           —o.01 d8
                           ms                 1         195.2000 knz         —0.92 dam

The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, except in full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Ltd. (Gunpo Laboratory)                   4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeonggi—do, Korea, 15807                             hitpyhyww.sqsgroup.hr
RTT5041—19(2017.07. 103(0)                                             Tel. +82 31 428 5700 /Fax. 182 31 427 2370                              A4{210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:                 F690501/RF—RTLO11743                                                                             Page:       30       of      32

— AST Antenna

                      Ref Level 10.00 dam                     & rew 200 hz
                      at             2o ds         SWT 9.4 ms @ VBW 200 Hz        Mode Auto FFT
                      TP View
                                                                                             va[n)                                   ooo
                                                                                              i1                                 —20.04

                                       1 —20.000


                    or19n.2 ki                                             1001
                     Type | Ret | Te |             X—value         |   Y—value       |__Eunction                   Function Result
                       m            m                 escams           —20.9¢ dam
                          ne|    mil       i            sea.6 he          —0.00 ds
                          ms               1        195.2000 knz        —0.90 dam

— BUM Antenna

                      Ref Level 10.00 dam                     & rew 200 hz
                      ae             20 ce         SWT 9.4 ms @ VBW 200 Hz        Mode Auto FFT
                      TP View
                                                                                             va[n)                                   ooo
                    o                                                                                                              s90.60
                                                                                             mitil                               —24.05
                    ao                                                                                                        199,09100

                                       1 c2a.030
                     orong kne                                             1001
                     Type | Ret | t|               xcvalue         1   Y—value       _|   Eunction     _|          Function Result
                          inx              i         19505 inz         —24.95 dim
                          ne|    mil       i            sea.6 he           0.03 as
                          ms               1        195.2000 knz        —4.09 dam

The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, except in full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Ltd. (Gunpo Laboratory)               4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeonggi—do, Korea, 15807                              hitpyhyww.sqsgroup.hr
RTT5041—19(2017.07.103(0)                                          Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370                              A4{210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:                 F690501/RF—RTLO11743                                                                           Page:       31       of      32

= INT Antenna

                      Ref Level 10.00 dam                   & rew 200 hz
                      at             2o ds       SWT 9.4 ms @ VBW 200 Hz        Mode Auto FFT
                      TP View
                                                                                           va[n)                                 ~oor
                                                                                           mitid                               —2nse

                                       1 2ns0o


                    or19n.2 ki                                           1001
                     Type | Ret | Te |           X—value         |   Y—value       |__Eunction                   Function Result
                       m            m              195051 ie         21.5¢ dam
                          ne|    mil      i           sea.6 he          —o.01 08
                          ms              1       195.2000 knz        =1.50 dam

— INT3 Antenna

                      Ref Level 10.00 dam                   & rew 200 hz
                      ae             20 ce       SWT 9.4 ms @ VBW 200 Hz        Mode Auto FFT
                      TP View
                                                                                           va[n)                                   ooo
                    o                                                                                                            s90.60
                                                                                           mitil                               —29.07
                    ao                                                                                                      199,09100

                                       1 23050
                     orong kne                                           1001
                     Type | Ret | t|             xcvalue         1   Y—value       _|   Eunction     _|          Function Result
                          inx             i        19505 inz         —23.07 dim
                          ne|    mil      i           sea.6 he          —0.00 ds
                          ms              1       196 9010 knz        —2.08 dam

The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, except in full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Ltd. (Gunpo Laboratory)             4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeonggi—do, Korea, 15807                              hitpyhyww.sqsgroup.hr
RTT5041—19(2017.07.103(0)                                        Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370                              A4{210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:                 F690501/RF—RTLO11743                                                                            Page:      32       of      32

« TNK Antenna

                     Ref Level 10.00 dam                    & rew 200 hz
                     att            20 as        SWT 9.4 ms @ VBW 200 Hz         Mode Auto FFT
                     i vew
                                                                                            va[n)                                   ooo
                                                                                            mitid                               —21.07

                                       1 2350


                    or19n.2 ki                                            1001
                     Type | Ret | Te |           X—value          |   Y—value       |__Eunction                   Function Result
                       m            m              193003 inz         —21.37 dom
                          ne|    mil      i         110198 kn            —0.00 ds
                          ms              1       198,3000 kiz         "1.35 dom

— SSB Antenna

                      Ref Level —1.00 dom                   & rew 200 hz
                      ae             10 ds       SWT 9.4 ms @ VBW 200 Hz         Mode Auto FFT
                      TP View
                                                                                            va[n)                                  ~nos
                    ao                                                                                                         1.00780
                                                                                            mits                                —a5.02
                    «o                                                                                                       198,18970

                                       1 ss510

                     ormone kne                                           1001
                     Type | Ret | t|             xcvalue          1   Y—value       _|   Eunction     _|          Function Result
                          inx             i       Tos. 1357 ie        —5.62 dim
                          ne|    mil      i          1.0075 kie          —0.08 08
                          ms              1       196.0026 knz        "15.01 dom

                                                     — End of the Test Report —
The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, except in full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Ltd. (Gunpo Laboratory)              4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeonggi—do, Korea, 15807                             hitpyhyww.sqsgroup.hr
RTT5041—19(2017.07.103(0)                                         Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370                             A4{210 mm x 297 mm)

Document Created: 2017-08-18 16:53:09
Document Modified: 2017-08-18 16:53:09

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