User Manual 4


Users Manual

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          USER MANUAL1


TABLE OF CONTENTS                             TABLE OF CONTENTS

The Basics                               6    Troubleshooting          52
Charging                                  8   Customer Support         53
Updating the Software                    11   Trademarks               53
Exploring Your HERO7 White               10   Regulatory Information   53
Taking Photos                            14
Recording Video                          16
Controlling Your GoPro with Your Voice   20
Playing Back Your Content                24
Connecting to Other Devices              26
Offloading Your Content                  28
Advanced Controls                        32
Customizing Your GoPro                   36
Important Messages                       40
Resetting Your Camera                    41
Mounting                                 42
Removing the Side Door                   46
Maintenance                              48
Battery Information                      49

THE BASICS                                                                 GETTING STARTED

    1.   Shutter Button [   ]                6. USB-C Port                 MICROSD CARDS
    2.   Status Light                        7. Touch Display              You’ll need a microSD™ card (sold separately) to capture video and
                                             8. Speaker                    photos. Use a brand name card that meets these requirements:
    3.   Microphone
                                             9. Mode Button [          ]   • microSD, microSDHC™, or microSDXC™
    4.   Side Door
                                             10. Battery                   • Class 10 or UHS-I rating
    5.   Latch Release Button
                                                                           • Capacity up to 128GB

                                                                           For a list of the recommended microSD cards, visit

                                                                           INSTALLING YOUR MICROSD CARD
                                                                            1. Hold down the Latch Release button on the side door, then slide the
                                                                               door open.
                                                                            2. With your camera off, insert your microSD card into the card slot with
                                                                               the label facing the USB port.
                                                                               You can eject the card by pressing it into the slot with your fingernail.

                                                                           HEADS UP: Make sure your hands are dry and clean when you’re handling
                                                                           memory cards. Check the memory card manufacturer’s guidelines for
                                                                           information about use in acceptable temperature ranges.

                                                                           PRO TIP: Keep your microSD card in good condition by reformatting it
                                                                           regularly. This will erase all of your content, so be sure to save it first.

Learn how to use the accessories that came with your GoPro. See Mounting
(page 42).

6                                                                                                                                                          7

GETTING STARTED                                                                UPATING THE SOFTWARE

CHARGING                                                                       Having the most current software ensures that you’ll always have the
Your HERO7 White has a built-in battery. Make sure it’s fully charged before   latest features and best performance.
heading out for your adventure.
                                                                               Updating with the GoPro App
                                                                                1. Download the app from the Apple© App Store© or Google Play.™
  1. Hold down the Latch Release button on the side door, then slide the
     door open.                                                                 2. Follow the app’s on-screen instructions to connect your camera.
                                                                                   If an update is avalable, the app will tell you how to install it.
  2. Connect your camera to a computer or other USB charger using the
     included USB-C cable.
                                                                               Updating with the Quik Desktop App
The camera status light turns off when the battery is fully charged.
                                                                                1. Download the app from
It takes about 2 hours to charge to 100%. For more information, see
Battery Information (page 49).                                                  2. Connect your camera to your computer using the included
                                                                                   USB-C cable. If an update is avalable, the app will tell you how
PRO TIP: For the fastest charging, use GoPro’s Supercharger (sold                  to install it.
                                                                               Updating Manually
                                                                                1. Visit
                                                                                2. Select “HERO7 White” from the list of cameras.
                                                                                3. Click “Update your camera manually” and follow the instrutions.

                                                                               PRO TIP: Need your current software version? Swipe down from the
                                                                               main screen, then tap Preferences > About This GoPro.

8                                                                                                                                                       9

EXPLORING YOUR HERO7 WHITE                                                  EXPLORING YOUR HERO7 WHITE

POWERING ON                                                                 TOUCH DISPLAY
Press the Mode button [     ] to turn on your HERO7 White.                  The information that you see on the touch display varies by mode.
                                                                             1. Camera Mode
POWERING OFF                                                                 2. Time Remaining/Photos Taken
Press and hold the Mode button [     ] to turn it off.                       3. Battery Status
                                                                             4. Settings
            WARNING: Use caution when using your GoPro. Always be           HEADS UP: Some settings are not available when turn your GoPro to take
            aware of your surroundings to avoid injury to yourself and
            others.                                                         portrait shots. Adjust those settings before rotating your camera.

            Abide by all local laws when using your GoPro and related
            mounts and accessories, including all privacy laws, which may
            restrict recording in certain areas.

10                                                                                                                                              11

EXPLORING YOUR HERO7 WHITE                                               EXPLORING YOUR HERO7 WHITE

USING THE TOUCH DISPLAY                                                  MODES
                                                                         Your HERO7 White has three modes: Video, Photo and Time Lapse.

                                                                         Change modes by swiping left or right and tapping the mode you want.
                   Selects an item, turns a setting on/off.              PRO TIP: The touch display won’t work under water. With the camera
                                                                         on, use the Mode button [   ] to switch modes.

                   Swipe Down
                   From the main screen, opens the Preferences.
                   From other screens, returns you to the main screen.

                   Swipe Up
                   Accesses your media.

                   Press and Hold
                   Activates Exposure Control.

PRO TIP: Be sure to swipe from the edge of the screen.

12                                                                                                                                              13

TAKING PHOTOS                                                              TAKING PHOTOS

HERO7 White takes 10MP photos with a wide field of view (FOV). The         ZOOM
wide FOV helps you capture as much as possible within the frame.           Use Zoom to capture a closer view of the action.
                                                                            1. From the photo screen, tap the zoom icon.
PRO TIP: Crop your photos if you want to eliminate the fisheye look
                                                                            2. Use the slider to choose how much you want to zoom.
around the edge of the frame.
                                                                            3. Tap anywhere to exit. The zoom level is locked until you re-adjust it,
TAKING A SINGLE PHOTO                                                          switch capture modes, or turn off your camera.
 1. Tap the photo icon.
                                                                           PRO TIP: You can set up your shot by using any combination of Burst,
 2. Press the Shutter button [     ].
                                                                           Timer and Zoom that you want.
Press and hold the Shutter button [    ] to take continuous photos at a
rate of XX per second. Release the button to stop.

Burst takes 15 photos in 1 second. It’s perfect capturing fast action.
 3. From the photo screen, tap the burst icon.
 4. Press the Shutter button [     ].

Set up the Timer when you want to take a selfie.
 1. From the photo screen, tap the timer icon.
    Choose 3 second or 10 seconds.
 2. Press the Shutter button [    ]. The camera starts the countdown and
    takes the photo.

PRO TIP: Take Burst selfies by tapping the burst icon before setting up
the Timer.

14                                                                                                                                                      15

RECORDING VIDEO                                                              RECORDING VIDEO

HERO7 White captures 1440p video with a wide field of view (FOV) and 4:3     RECORDING IN SLOW MOTION
aspect ratio. This is great for actions shots and sharing to social media.   HERO7 White lets you capture the action at 60 frames per second (FPS),
                                                                             then play it back at 2X slow motion.
PRO TIP: Crop you videos if you want to elminate the fisheye look around      1. From the video screen, tap the slomo icon.
the edge of the frame.
                                                                              2. Press the Shutter button [     ].
RECORDING VIDEO                                                               3. Press the Shutter button [     ] again to stop recording.
 1. Tap the video icon.
 2. Press the Shutter button [    ].
 3. Press the Shutter button [    ] again to stop recording.                 PRO TIP: You can watch your clips in 2X slomo or normal speed. See
                                                                             Playing Back Your Content (page 20).

PRO TIP: You can also record video using voice commands. See                 ZOOM
Controlling Your GoPro with Your Voice (page 20).                            Use Zoom to capture a closer view of the action.
                                                                              1. From the photo screen, tap [Zoom icon].
RECORDING A CLIP                                                              2. Use the slider to choose how much you want to zoom.
Your HERO7 White can shoot short video clips that are quick and easy to       3. Tap anywhere to exit. The zoom level is locked until you re-adjust it,
save on your phone and share on social media.                                    switch capture modes, or turn off your camera.
 1. From the video screen, tap the video icon.
 2. Choose a 15 or 30 second clip.                                           PRO TIP: You can set up your shot by using any combination of Clip,
 3. Press the Shutter button [       ]. Your camera will automaticaly stop   Slomo and Zoom that you want.
    recording a the end of the clip.

PRO TIP: Press and hold the Shutter button [       ] to take continuous

16                                                                                                                                                        17

RECORDING TIME LAPSE                                                         QUIKCAPTURE

Time Lapse speeds up the action by capturing frames every 0.5 seconds        RECORDING VIDEO WITH QUIKCAPTURE
and playing them back at normal speed. It’s great for sunsets and other      Set up QuikCapture to power up your camera and start recording video
shots that happen over a long period of time.                                with the push of a single button. The camera is powered on only when it’s
                                                                             recording, so you conserve battery power.
 1. Tap time lapse icon.                                                      1. Power off the camera.
 2. Press the Shutter button [      ].                                        2. Press and hold the Shutter button [      ] for 2 seconds.
 3. Press the Shutter button [      ] again to stop recording.                   Your camera powers on, beeps several times, and automatically
                                                                                 begins recording. The lights blink while the camera is recording.
ZOOM                                                                          3. The camera stops recording, beeps several times, and automatically
Use Zoom to capture a closer view of the action.                                 powers off.
 1. From the photo screen, tap the zoom icon.
                                                                             TURNING QUIKCAPTURE OFF
 2. Use the slider to choose how much you want to zoom.
                                                                             QuikCapture is on by default, but you can turn it off, if needed.
 3. Tap anywhere to exit. The zoom level is locked until you re-adjust it,
                                                                              1. From the main screen, swipe down.
    switch capture modes, or turn off your camera.
                                                                              2. Tap Preferences > QuikCapture.
                                                                              3. Tap Off.

18                                                                                                                                                   19

CONTROLLING YOUR GOPRO WITH                                                           CONTROLLING YOUR GOPRO WITH
YOUR VOICE                                                                            YOUR VOICE

You can control your HERO7 White with your voice using specific                       LIST OF VOICE COMMANDS
commands (see list below).                                                            Two types of commands are available with Voice Control:
Note: Voice Control performance may be impacted by distance, wind, and noisy           • Action commands let you immediately record video or photos.
conditions. Keep the product clean and clear of debris.                                  For example, if you just stopped recording video, you can say the
                                                                                         command to take a photo or begin taking time lapse photos—without
USING VOICE CONTROL                                                                      having to first change the mode.
Voice Control works best when you’re not too far away from your GoPro.
                                                                                       • Mode commands are useful if you want to quickly select a mode and
 1. From the main screen, swipe down.                                                    then use the Shutter button to record.
 2. Tap [    ] to turn on Voice Control.
     Note: You can also turn Voice Control on or off from the Preferences menu. Tap   You can use the action commands from any mode. Your camera records
     Preferences > On Camera Voice Control, then select an option.                    video or photos based on the settings you previously selected.
 3. If this is the first time you turned on voice control, confirm or change
    the voice control language.                                                        Action Command               Description
 4. Say a command from List of Voice Commands (page 21).
 5. To turn off Voice Control manually, swipe down on the main screen,                 GoPro start recording        Starts recording video
    then tap [        ]. Voice Control also turns off when your camera                 GoPro HiLight                Adds a HiLight Tag to video
    automatically powers off. For details, see Auto Off (page 37).                                                  during recording

                                                                                       That was sick                Adds a HiLight Tag to video
                                                                                                                    during recording

                                                                                       GoPro stop recording         Stops recording video

                                                                                       GoPro take a photo           Takes a single photo

                                                                                       GoPro shoot burst            Takes burst photos

                                                                                       GoPro start time lapse       Starts taking time lapse photos

20                                                                                                                                                         21

CONTROLLING YOUR GOPRO WITH                                                 CONTROLLING YOUR GOPRO WITH
YOUR VOICE                                                                  YOUR VOICE

 Action Command                Description                                  PRO TIP: If you are recording video or time lapse, you must stop recording
                                                                            before issuing a new command.
 GoPro stop time lapse         Stops taking time lapse photos
                                                                            CHANGING YOUR VOICE CONTROL LANGUAGE
 GoPro turn off                Powers off the camera
                                                                             1. From the main screen, swipe down.
 GoPro edit my story           Moves video and photos from your              2. Tap Preferences > Language (in the Voice Control section).
                               most recent session (based on location        3. Tap a language.
                               and date) to your phone to create a
                               Note: If the QuikStories feature is turned
                               on in the GoPro app, video and photos are
                               automatically moved from your camera
                               to your phone to create a QuikStory. This
                               voice command lets you move the content
                               immediately instead of waiting for the
                               automatic process.

 Mode Command                  Description

 GoPro Video mode              Changes the camera mode to Video
                               (does not record video)

 GoPro Photo mode              Changes the camera mode to Photo
                               mode (does not take photos)

 GoPro Burst mode              Changes the camera mode to Burst
                               mode (does not take burst photos)

 GoPro Time Lapse mode         Changes the camera mode to
                               Time Lapse (does not take time
                               lapse photos)

For the most updated list of commands, visit

22                                                                                                                                                   23

PLAYING BACK YOUR CONTENT                                                                PLAYING BACK YOUR CONTENT

You can play back your content on a mobile device, a computer, the                        4. To add a HiLight Tag, tap [ ]. HiLight Tags make it easy to find
camera’s touch display.                                                                      the best video and photos to share.
                                                                                          5. To return to the thumbnails screen, tap [   ].
 1. Connect your camera to GoPro app. For details, see Connecting to                      6. To exit, swipe down.
    the GoPro App (page 26).                                                             DELETING VIDEO AND PHOTOS FROM YOUR HERO7 WHITE
 2. Use the controls on the app to play back your footage on your                         1. Swipe up to access your video and photos.
    smartphone/tablet.                                                                    2. Tap [     ].
                                                                                          3. Tap the items that you want to delete. To delete everything on the
PRO TIP: While playing back your video with the GoPro app, you can mark                      camera, tap [    ].
the best moments by tapping [ ] to add a HiLight Tag.                                     4. Tap [     ].
VIEWING VIDEO AND PHOTOS ON A COMPUTER                                                    5. Tap Delete.
To play back your video and photos on a computer, you must first                         SAVING A PHOTO FROM A SERIES
transfer these files to a computer. For details, see Offloading Your                     You can save an individual photo from a burst series.
Content (page 28).                                                                        1. Swipe right, then tap the photo series that contains the photo that
VIEWING VIDEO AND PHOTOS ON YOUR HERO7 WHITE                                                 you want to save.
 1. Swipe up to access your video and photos. If your HERO7 White                         2. Press and hold the series to open it.
    contains a lot of content, it might take a minute for it to load.                     3. Tap [ ] to move through the series.
 2. To display only a certain type of content, select a filter:                           4. Tap [    ] to save a photo outside of the series.
      • Media - Displays all videos and photos.
      • HiLights - Displays content that includes a HiLight Tag.
      • Photos - Displays photos, including those that are part of a series
         (continuous, burst).
      • Video - Displays videos. Swipe up to scroll through the
          Note: For multi-shot photo series, the thumbnail displays the first photo in
          the series.
 3. Tap a video or photo to open it in full-screen view.
     Note: For multi-shot photo series, press and hold to open the series.

24                                                                                                                                                                 25

CONNECTING TO OTHER DEVICES                                                           CONNECTING TO OTHER DEVICES

CONNECTING TO THE GoPro app                                                            1. Connect your camera to the GoPro app. For details, see Connecting
With the GoPro app, your HERO7 White footage automatically moves to                       to the GoPro App (page 26).
your phone and transforms into a QuikStory™—an awesome video with                      2. In the app, open the camera’s settings, then tap Bluetooth Devices.
effects and music. You can also use the app to control your GoPro, create              3. Follow the on-screen instructions.
short clips, share your favorites, and more.
                                                                                      SELECTING A DIFFERENT CONNECTION SPEED
Connecting to the GoPro App for the First Time                                        By default, your GoPro uses the 5GHz Wi-Fi band to connect to other
 1. Download the GoPro app to your mobile device from the Apple© App                  devices. This band provides faster transfer speed than the 2.4GHz band.
    Store© or Google Play™.                                                           The transfer speed affects how long it takes for your video and photos to
 2. Follow the app's on-screen instructions to connect your camera.                   be copied to your phone to create a QuikStory.
     Note for iOS: When prompted, be sure to allow notifications from the GoPro app
     so you know when a QuikStory is ready. For more information, see Creating a      To use the 5GHz band, your phone and region must also work with that
     QuikStory (page 28).                                                             band. Otherwise, you can change the Wi-Fi band on your GoPro to
Connecting to the GoPro App after the First Time                                      2.4GHz.
After connecting to the GoPro app for the first time, you can connect in               1. Swipe down, then tap Connections > Wi-Fi Band.
the future through the Connections menu on the camera.                                 2. Tap 2.4GHz.
 1. If your camera’s wireless is not already turned on, swipe down, then
    tap Connections > Wireless Connections.
 2. In the GoPro app, follow the on-screen instructions to connect
    your camera.

You can connect your GoPro to Bluetooth devices that track statistics
about your activity. That data is then automatically added to your video to
create a more engaging record of your activity.

26                                                                                                                                                              27

OFFLOADING YOUR CONTENT                                                     OFFLOADING YOUR CONTENT

All of your video and photos are automatically copied to your                3. Connect the camera to your computer using the included
smartphone’s camera roll. Originals remain on the camera. If you’re             USB-C cable.
running out of room on your HERO7 White, the new content overwrites          4. Power on the camera and follow the on-screen instructions in Quik.
anything that’s already been copied to your phone.

CREATING A QUIKSTORY                                                        AUTO UPLOADING YOUR CONTENT TO THE CLOUD
QuikStories automatically copies video and photos from your camera          With a subscription to GoPro Plus, you can use Auto Upload to upload
to your mobile device. Then the GoPro app serves up an edited video,        your content to the cloud. You can then view, edit, and share it from any
complete with music and effects—a QuikStory. You can save and edit          of your devices.
your QuikStory, or delete it from your phone.                               Note: When you upload your content to the cloud, your original files remain on your
 1. Set up QuikStories:                                                     camera.
      a. Connect your camera to the GoPro app. For details, see              1. Subscribe to GoPro Plus:
         Connecting to the GoPro App (page 26).
                                                                                  a. Download the GoPro app to your mobile device from the Apple©
        Note for iOS: When prompted, be sure to allow notifications from
                                                                                     App Store© or Google Play™.
        the GoPro app.
                                                                                  b. Follow the app’s on-screen instructions to connect your camera.
      b. Close the app.
                                                                                  c. If this is the first time you are connecting to the app, follow the
 2. Record video and photos on your camera.
                                                                                     on-screen instructions to subscribe to GoPro Plus. Otherwise,
 3. Open the GoPro app and swipe down from the home screen. Your                     tap [       ] next to the image of your camera and follow the
    camera automatically moves content from your most recent session                 instructions.
    to your mobile device. When your QuikStory is ready, you receive a
                                                                             2. Connect your camera to a power outlet. When the battery is charged,
    notification on your phone.
                                                                                Auto Upload begins.
 4. Open the QuickStory and preview it.                                         Note: Once you set up Auto Upload, you do not need to connect your camera to
 5. Make additional edits, if needed.                                           the GoPro app to use this feature.
 6. Save the QuikStory, then share it with your friends.                        The files in the cloud are optimized for the web, so might not be full
                                                                                resolution. To offload files in their full resolution, connect your camera
OFFLOADING YOUR CONTENT TO A COMPUTER                                           to the Quik desktop app and offload the files to your computer.
To play back your video and photos on a computer, you must first transfer
these files to a computer.                                                  PRO TIP: You can also use the Quik desktop app to transfer your files to
                                                                            your computer. Quik then uploads the files to your GoPro Plus account.
 1. Be sure that your computer is running the latest version of the
    operating system.
 2. Download and install the Quik desktop app from

28                                                                                                                                                                29

OFFLOADING YOUR CONTENT                                                     OFFLOADING YOUR CONTENT

This option lets you upload content to the cloud without waiting for the    If you want to use a different wireless network for Auto Upload, you can
camera battery to charge. (Your GoPro must be connected to a power          select that network from the camera.
outlet to use this option.).                                                  1. Swipe down, then tap Connections > Auto Upload > Networks.
 1. Subscribe to GoPro Plus. For details, see Auto Uploading Your             2. Tap the name of a network. The network must not be hidden or
    Content to the Cloud (page 29).                                              require an end user license agreement (such as the network in a
 2. Connect your camera to a power outlet.                                       hotel).
 3. From the main screen, swipe down.                                         3. If needed, enter the password.
 4. Tap Preferences > Manual Upload.                                          4. Tap [    ] to save the new network.

 1. Open the GoPro app.
 2. Tap [    ], and then select Cloud. You can view, edit, and share your

PRO TIP: To turn your cloud content into an edited video, open the Quik
app, tap [ ], then select GoPro Plus.
You can temporarily turn off Auto Upload on the camera to prevent
automatic upload to GoPro Plus when you connect your camera to a
power outlet.
 1. Swipe down, then tap Connections > Auto Upload > Upload.
 2. Tap Off.

30                                                                                                                                                     31

ADVANCED CONTROLS                                                           ADVANCED CONTROLS

ADDING HILIGHT TAGS                                                         Exposure Control
If you want to mark memorable points in your video during recording or      By default, your camera uses the entire image to determine the
playback, press the Mode button [          ] to add a HiLight Tag. Once a   appropriate exposure level. However, Exposure Control lets you select an
moment is tagged, it’s easier to find it later for sharing.                 area that you want the camera to prioritize when determining exposure.
                                                                            This setting is particularly useful in shots where an important region might
PRO TIP: You can also add HiLight Tags during recording with the            otherwise be over- or underexposed.
GoPro app or Voice Control.                                                 When you change this setting, the touch display immediately shows you
                                                                            the effect on your image. If you change recording options, the camera
                                                                            returns to using the entire scene to determine the correct level of

                                                                            Using Exposure Control with Auto Exposure
                                                                            With this option, the camera always bases exposure on the area of the
                                                                            touch display that you select, regardless of what is in that area.

                                                                            Suppose your camera is mounted on your dashboard. You might want to
                                                                            select the upper part of the touch display so that the exposure is based
                                                                            on the scene outside of the windshield and not on the dashboard (which
                                                                            might cause the scene outside to be overexposed).
                                                                             1. Press the touch display until a square outline shrinks to the middle of
                                                                                the screen.
                                                                             2. Drag the square to the area that you want to use to set the exposure
                                                                                level. (You can also tap that area instead of dragging the square.)
                                                                             3. Tap [     ] in the lower right corner.

32                                                                                                                                                    33

ADVANCED CONTROLS                                                              ADVANCED CONTROLS

Using Exposure Control with Locked Exposure                                    Canceling Exposure Control
With this option, the camera locks the exposure. That exposure level           Exposure Control is automatically canceled when you select a different
remains until you cancel it.                                                   recording option or restart the camera. You can also cancel this setting
                                                                               manually (below). When you cancel the exposure setting that you
For example, suppose you are snowboarding on a sunny day. By manually
                                                                               previously set, the camera returns to using the entire scene to determine
setting the exposure level based on your subject's jacket, the images that
                                                                               the correct level of exposure.
you record throughout the day are based on the jacket. So, they are less
                                                                                1. Press the touch display until a square outline shrinks to the middle of
likely to be underexposed compared to the bright snow.
                                                                                   the screen.
  1. Press the touch display until a square outline shrinks to the middle of
                                                                                2. Tap [    ] in the lower left corner.
     the screen.
  2. Drag the square to the area that you want to use to set the exposure
     level. (You can also tap that area instead of dragging the square.)
  3. Tap Auto Exposure to change it to Locked Exposure.
  4. Confirm that the exposure looks the way you want it to, and then tap
     [     ] in the lower right corner to lock the exposure.

34                                                                                                                                                       35

CUSTOMIZING YOUR GOPRO                                                                CUSTOMIZING YOUR GOPRO

From changing the beep volume to turning off the status lights, you can               DEFAULT MODE
set up your camera to work the way that you want.                                     Sets the recording option that your GoPro defaults to when powering up.
                                                                                      The options are Stories (default), Photo, Video, or the last option used.
 1. Swipe down, then tap Preferences.                                                 Note: This setting does not affect QuikCapture.
 2. Tap a setting, then tap a new option.                                             AUTO OFF
 3. To exit, swipe down.                                                              Powers off your GoPro after a period of inactivity to save battery life. The
DATE AND TIME                                                                         options are 5 minutes, 15 minutes (default), 30 minutes, and Never.
The date and time are automatically updated when you connect your                     Note: Voice Control is not available when the camera is off unless the Wake On Voice
camera to the GoPro app or the Quik desktop app. However, you can                     setting is turned on. When using Voice Control, consider selecting a higher time period
                                                                                      (or Never) for Auto Off.
manually change these settings, if needed.
Note: If the battery is removed from the camera for an extended period of time, you
must reset the date and time (automatically or manually).
                                                                                      Turns off the touch display after a period of inactivity to save battery life.
DATE FORMAT                                                                           The options are 1 minute (default), 2 minutes, 3 minutes, and Never.
The date format is automatically based on the camera language that you                To turn on the touch display again, tap anywhere on the screen. When
select. However, you can manually change this setting, if needed. The                 the touch display turns off, you can still use the camera buttons and
options are DD.MM.YY, MM.DD.YY, and YY.MM.DD.                                         Voice Control.
BEEP VOLUME                                                                           BRIGHTNESS
Sets the volume of your GoPro's alerts. The options are High (default),               Adjusts the brightness level of the touch display. The options are 10% to
Med, Low, and Off.                                                                    100% (default).
Sets which status lights blink. The options are All On (default), All Off, and
Front Off.

PRO TIP: Turn the front status light off if you are recording in an area
with windows or mirrors that might cause reflection in the shot.

36                                                                                                                                                                              37

CUSTOMIZING YOUR GOPRO                                                        CUSTOMIZING YOUR GOPRO

AUTO-ROTATION                                                                 LANGUAGE
This setting determines the orientation of your video or photos to help you   Sets the language that appears on the camera.
prevent upside down footage.
                                                                              VIDEO FORMAT
 Setting                    Description                                       Sets the regional frame rates that your camera uses for recording and
                                                                              playing back video on a TV/HDTV. Selecting the appropriate option for
                            (Auto Image Rotation) Camera automatically
                                                                              your region helps prevent flicker when recording video indoors.
                            selects Up or Down, based on the orientation
 Auto                       of the camera when recording begins.
                                                                               Setting                  Description
                            Ensures that your resulting image is always
                            right-side up.                                                              Select this option to play back your
                            Camera is set to always record in right-side       NTSC                     video on an NTSC TV (most televisions
 Up (default)                                                                                           in North America)
                            up orientation.
                            Camera is set to always record in upside                                    Select this option to play back your video
 Down                                                                          PAL                      on a PAL TV (most televisions outside of
                            down orientation.
                                                                                                        North America)

Locks the touch display to prevent accidental input. This setting is off by
 • To turn on Auto Lock, swipe down, then tap [ ]. To temporarily
   unlock the screen, swipe down, then tap the touch display.
 • To turn off Auto Lock, swipe down, then tap [     ].

38                                                                                                                                                    39

IMPORTANT MESSAGES                                                       RESETTING YOUR CAMERA

HIGH TEMPERATURE                                                         RESTARTING YOUR GOPRO
                                                                         If your camera is not responding, press and hold the Mode button [      ]
          The Temperature icon appears on the touch display when         for 8 seconds to shut down the camera and then restart it. All settings
          the camera becomes too hot and needs to cool down.             are retained.
          Simply let it sit and cool before attempting to use it
          again. Your camera was designed to identify conditions of      RESETTING ALL SETTINGS TO THE DEFAULTS
          overheating and shuts down when needed.                        This option resets all of your camera settings to the defaults, except Date,
                                                                         Time, camera name and password, Language, and Video Format.
FILE REPAIR                                                               1. From the main screen, swipe down.
                                                                          2. Tap Preferences > Camera Defaults, and then tap Reset.
          If recording stopped abruptly and the video file wasn’t
          properly saved, the file might become corrupted. If this       RESETTING THE CONNECTIONS
          happens, the camera displays the File Repair icon while        This option clears your connections list and resets the camera’s password.
          it tries to repair the file. When this process is finished,    If you reset the connections, you must reconnect your devices to your
          you receive a message stating whether the repair was           GoPro.
          successful or failed. Press any button to continue using the     1. From the main screen, swipe down.
          camera.                                                          2. Tap Connections > Reset Connections, and then tap Reset.

STORAGE MESSAGES                                                         RESTORING FACTORY SETTINGS
                                                                         Follow the steps below to reset all settings, clear your connections, and
 FULL     Your storage is full. Move or delete some files.               deregister the camera from your GoPro Plus account. Your camera’s
                                                                         software remains intact. This option is useful if you are reselling your
                                                                         camera and want to reset it to its original state.
                                                                         NOTICE: Restoring factory settings erases all content from your
                                                                         HERO7 White.

                                                                          1. From the main screen, swipe down.
                                                                          2. Tap Preferences > Factory Reset, and then tap Reset.

40                                                                                                                                                   41

MOUNTING                                                                       MOUNTING

                                                                               ATTACHING YOUR CAMERA TO MOUNTS
                                                                               To attach your camera to a mount, you need The Frame. Depending on
       1                                                         2             the mount you’re using, you also need a mounting buckle and/or thumb

                                                                                1. Secure the camera in The Frame:
                                                                                    a. Open the latch.
                                                                                    b. Slide the camera into the frame. The front of The Frame has a
      3                                                          4                     raised edge. Be sure the front of the camera sits flush against it.
                                                                                    c. Close the door.
                                                                                    d. Lock the latch.

 1. The Frame                             3. Thumb Screw
 2. Mounting Buckle                       4. Curved Adhesive Mount

The Frame provides extra protection for your camera if you drop it, so you
might want to keep it in The Frame during certain activities, even if the
camera isn’t mounted.

HERO7 White is waterproof to 33’ (10m) with the doors closed—no
additional housing is needed when you use the camera in or around water.
                                                                                2. Attach The Frame to the mounting buckle.
NOTICE: The Frame does not provide additional waterproof protection.

PRO TIP: During water activities, use a camera tether for added security
and use a Floaty to keep your camera afloat (both sold separately). For more
information, visit

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MOUNTING                                                                        MOUNTING

 3. Follow the Mounting Guidelines (page 44) to attach the adhesive              • Apply the adhesive mount only to clean, dry surfaces. Wax, oil, dirt or
    mount to a surface.                                                            other debris reduce adhesion, which can result in a weak bond and
 4. Attach the mounting buckle to the mount:                                       risk of losing the camera should the connection fail.
     a. Flip up the mounting buckle plug.                                        • Attach the adhesive mount in room temperature conditions. The
     b. Slide the buckle into the mount until it clicks into place.                adhesive does not bond properly if it’s applied in cold or damp
     c. Press down on the plug so that it sits flush with the buckle.              environments to cold or damp surfaces.
                                                                                 • Check state and local regulations and laws to ensure that attaching
                                                                                   a camera to equipment (such as hunting equipment) is permitted.
                                                                                   Always comply with regulations that restrict the use of consumer
                                                                                   electronics or cameras.
                                                                                 • During water activities, use a camera tether and Floaty (both sold
                                                                                   separately) for added security to keep your camera afloat.

                                                                                             WARNING: To avoid injury, do not use a tether when mounting
                                                                                             the camera on a helmet. Do not mount the camera directly on
                                                                                             skis or snowboards.

                                                                                For more information about mounts, visit

                                                                                             WARNING: If using your camera with a GoPro mount or strap
PRO TIP: If you mount your HERO7 White upside down, the camera                               intended for use with a helmet, always select a helmet that
automatically changes the orientation of your image to be right-side up. This                meets the applicable safety standard.
setting helps prevent upside-down images when you view your footage. For                     Choose the right helmet for your particular sport or activity
more information, see Auto-Rotation (page 38).                                               and make sure that it is the right fit and size for you. Inspect
                                                                                             your helmet to ensure that it is in good condition, and follow
                                                                                             the helmet manufacturer’s instructions on safe helmet use.
Follow these guidelines when attaching the adhesive mount to curved                          Any helmet that has sustained a major impact should
                                                                                             be replaced. No helmet can protect against injury in
surfaces of helmets, vehicles, and gear:
                                                                                             every accident.
 • Attach the adhesive mount at least 24 hours before use.
 • The adhesive mount must be mounted only on smooth surfaces.
    Porous or textured surfaces do not enable a proper bond. When
    applying the mount, firmly press it into place and ensure full contact
    over the entire surface.

44                                                                                                                                                              45

REMOVING THE SIDE DOOR                                                      REMOVING THE SIDE DOOR

In some situations, such as charging the camera within The Frame, you       REATTACHING THE SIDE DOOR
must remove the side door to access the ports.                               1. Hold down the Latch Release button and extend the tab on the door.

            WARNING: Remove the side door only when you are using the
            camera in a dry, dust-free environment. When the door is open
            or removed, the camera is not waterproof. Never operate the
            camera with the battery door open.

 1. Hold down the Latch Release button and slide the door open.              2. Press the tab onto the small silver bar.
 2. Pull the door off of the camera.

46                                                                                                                                               47

MAINTENANCE                                                                        BATTERY INFORMATION

Follow these guidelines to get the best performance from your camera:              MAXIMIZING BATTERY LIFE
 • The camera is waterproof to 33’ (10m)—no housing needed. Ensure                 Your HERO7 White camera and battery are integrated. You cannot remove
    that the doors are closed before using the camera in or around water,          the battery from the camera.
    dirt, or sand.
                                                                                   The battery icon displayed on the touch display blinks and shows a battery
 • Before closing the doors, be sure the seals are free of debris. If              low message when the battery drops below 10%. If the battery reaches 0%
    needed, clean the seals with a cloth.                                          while recording, the camera saves the file and powers off.
 • Before opening the doors, be sure the camera is free of water or
    debris. If needed, rinse the camera with fresh water and dry it with a         MAXIMIZING BATTERY LIFE
    cloth.                                                                         Extreme cold temperatures can decrease battery life. To maximize battery
 • If sand or debris hardens around the doors, soak the camera in warm             life in cold conditions, keep camera in a warm place prior to use.
    tap water for 15 minutes and then rinse thoroughly to remove the               When you are not using HERO7 White, rotate it in the frame so the Shutter
    debris before opening the doors.                                               button is covered to prevent the camera from accidentally
 • In wet environments, dry the touch display with a soft cloth so that it         turning on.
    registers your touch.
                                                                                   Note: To prevent the frame from marking the surface of your camera, leave the latch on
 • For best audio performance, shake the camera or blow on the                     the frame open when storing your camera in a frame for a long period of time.
    mic to remove water and debris from the microphone holes. To
    prevent damage to the internal waterproof membranes, do not use                If the storage becomes full or the battery runs out of power while recording
    compressed air to blow into the mic holes.                                     video, your camera automatically stops recording and saves the video before
                                                                                   powering off.
 • After every use in salt water, rinse the camera with fresh water, and
    dry it with a soft cloth.                                                      To maximize battery life, follow these guidelines when possible:
 • To clean the lens or the lens cover, wipe it with a soft, lint-free cloth. If    • Turn off Wireless Connections
    debris becomes lodged between the lens and the trim ring, flush it out          • Use these settings:
    with water or air. Do not insert foreign objects around the lens.
                                                                                        • QuikCapture (page 26)
                                                                                        • Screensaver (page 37)
                                                                                        • Auto Off (page 37)
                                                                                        • Brightness (page 37)

48                                                                                                                                                                     49

BATTERY INFORMATION                                                                  BATTERY INFORMATION

RECORDING WHILE CHARGING                                                             Do not make any unauthorized alterations to the camera. Doing so may
Using the USB-C cable that came with your camera, you can record video               compromise safety, regulatory compliance, performance, and may void
and photos while the camera is plugged in to a USB charging adapter,                 the warranty.
the GoPro Supercharger, another GoPro charger, or the GoPro Portable
Power Pack. Although the battery does not charge during recording,                               WARNING: Do not drop, disassemble, open, crush, bend,
you can use one of the above methods to power the camera and obtain                              deform, puncture, shred, microwave, incinerate, or paint
extended recording time. When you stop recording, charging resumes.                              the camera or battery. Do not insert foreign objects into any
                                                                                                 opening on the camera, such as the USB-C port. Do not use
(You cannot record while charging the camera through a computer.)
                                                                                                 the camera if it has been damaged—for example, if cracked,
Note: Because the side door is open, the camera is not waterproof during charging.               punctured, or harmed by water. Disassembling or puncturing
                                                                                                 the integrated battery can cause an explosion or fire.

               WARNING: Using a wall charger other than a GoPro charging
               device can damage the GoPro camera battery and could
               result in fire or leakage. With the exception of the GoPro
               Supercharger (sold separately), only use chargers marked:
               Output 5V 1A. If you do not know the voltage and current
               of your charger, use the included USB cable to charge the
               camera from your computer.

The camera contains sensitive components, including the battery. Avoid
exposing your camera to very cold or very hot temperatures. Low or high
temperature conditions may temporarily shorten the battery life or cause
the camera to temporarily stop working properly. Avoid dramatic changes in
temperature or humidity when using the camera, as condensation may form
on or within the camera.

The integrated battery in the camera is non-serviceable. Contact GoPro
Customer Service for all battery related issues.
Do not dry the camera or battery with an external heat source such as a
microwave oven or hair dryer. Damage to the camera or battery caused by
contact with liquid inside the camera is not covered under the warranty.

50                                                                                                                                                               51

TROUBLESHOOTING                                                              CUSTOMER SUPPORT

MY GOPRO WON'T POWER ON                                                      GoPro is dedicated to providing the best possible service. To reach GoPro
Make sure your GoPro is charged. See Charging (page 9).                      Customer Support, visit

See Restarting Your GoPro (page 41).

PLAYBACK ON MY COMPUTER IS CHOPPY                                            TRADEMARKS
Choppy playback is typically not a problem with the file. If your footage
skips, one of these items is likely the cause:
 • The computer doesn’t work with H.264 codec files. For best results,       GoPro, HERO, Session, Karma and their respective logos are trademarks
    download the latest version of the Quik desktop app for free at gopro.   or registered trademarks of GoPro, Inc. in the United States and other
    com/apps.                                                                countries. © 2017 GoPro, Inc. All rights reserved. Made in China. Hecho
 • The computer doesn’t meet the minimum requirements for the                en China. For patent information, visit GoPro, Inc.,
    software you’re using for playback.                                      3000 Clearview Way, San Mateo CA 94402 | GoPro GmbH, Floessergasse
                                                                             2, 81369 Munich, Germany
Swipe down, then tap Connections > Name & Password.

From the main screen, swipe down. Then tap Preferences > About This
GoPro. The Version Number displays the software version that you
are running.                                                                 To see the complete list of country certifications, refer to the Important
                                                                             Product + Safety Instructions included with your camera or visit
I CAN’T FIND MY CAMERA’S SERIAL NUMBER                             
You’ll find your camera’s serial number here:
  • In Preferences > About This GoPro
  • On the inside of the battery bay (remove the battery to see it)
For more answers to commonly asked questions, see

52                                                                                                                                                        53

Document Created: 2018-06-18 16:08:59
Document Modified: 2018-06-18 16:08:59

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