RF Test Report-GSM-2


Test Report

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                                      Test Report   17071442-FCC-R1
                                      No.           46 of 89

UMTS-FDD Band Ⅱ (Part 24E)


          Band II - Low Channel-1                               Band II - Low Channel-2


         Band II - Middle Channel-1                            Band II - Middle Channel-2


          Band II - High Channel-1                             Band II - High Channel-2

                                     Test Report   17071442-FCC-R1
                                     No.           47 of 89

UMTS-FDD Band Ⅴ (Part 22H)


          Band V - Low Channel-1                               Band V - Low Channel-2


         Band V - Middle Channel-1                            Band V - Middle Channel-2


          Band V - High Channel-1                             Band V - High Channel-2

                                      Test Report   17071442-FCC-R1
                                      No.           48 of 89

UMTS-FDD Band Ⅱ (Part 24E)


          Band II - Low Channel-1                               Band II - Low Channel-2


         Band II - Middle Channel-1                            Band II - Middle Channel-2


          Band II - High Channel-1                             Band II - High Channel-2

                                     Test Report   17071442-FCC-R1
                                     No.           49 of 89

UMTS-FDD Band Ⅴ (Part 22H)


          Band V - Low Channel-1                              Band V - Low Channel-2


         Band V - Middle Channel-1                        Band V - Middle Channel-2


         Band V - High Channel-1                              Band V - High Channel-2

                                      Test Report   17071442-FCC-R1
                                      No.           50 of 89

UMTS-FDD Band Ⅱ (Part 24E)


          Band II - Low Channel-1                               Band II - Low Channel-2


         Band II - Middle Channel-1                            Band II - Middle Channel-2


          Band II - High Channel-1                             Band II - High Channel-2

                                              Test Report           17071442-FCC-R1
                                              No.                   51 of 89

6.6 Spurious Radiated Emissions

Temperature                                                 25 oC
Relative Humidity                                           58%
Atmospheric Pressure                                        1016mbar
Test date :                                                 January 16, 2018
Tested By :                                                 Aaron Liang

Spec                Item     Requirement                                                       Applicable
                             The power of any emission outside of the authorized
§2.1053,                     operating frequency ranges must be attenuated below the
§22.917 &             a)     transmitter power (P) by a factor of at least 43 + 10 log (P)

§24.238                      dB. The spectrum is scanned from 30 MHz up to a frequency
                             including its 10th harmonic.

Test setup

                    1. The transmitter was placed on a wooden turntable, and it was transmitting into a non-
                        radiating load which was also placed on the turntable.
                    2. The measurement antenna was placed at a distance of 3 meters from the EUT.
                        During the tests, the antenna height and polarization as well as EUT azimuth were
                        varied in order to identify the maximum level of emissions from the EUT. The test

Test                    was performed by placing the EUT on 3-orthogonal axis.
                    3. Remove the EUT and replace it with substitution antenna. A signal generator was
                        connected to the substitution antenna by a non-radiating cable. The absolute levels
                        of the spurious emissions were measured by the substitution.
                        Sample Calculation:

                       EUT Field Strength = Raw Amplitude (dBµV/m) – Amplifier Gain (dB) + Antenna
                       Factor (dB) + Cable Loss (dB) + Filter Attenuation (dB, if used)

                              Test Report   17071442-FCC-R1
                              No.           52 of 89


Result            Pass        Fail

Test Data   Yes               N/A

Test Plot   Yes (See below)   N/A

                                               Test Report        17071442-FCC-R1
                                               No.                53 of 89

Cellular Band (Part 22H) result

                                                 Low channel

                                                      Antenna         Cable    Corrected
  Frequency     Substituted level   Polarity                                                Limit      Margin
                                                       Gain            Loss    Reading
    (MHz)            (dBm)           (H/V)                                                 (dBm)        (dB)
                                                Correction (dB)        (dB)     (dBm)

    1648.4           -43.48            V               7.95            0.67      -36.2       -13        -23.2
    1648.4           -44.87            H               7.95            0.67     -37.59       -13       -24.59
    804.59           -53.35            V               6.16            0.46     -47.65       -13       -34.65
    778.54           -51.95            H               6.21            0.43     -46.17       -13       -33.17

                                                Middle channel

                                                      Antenna         Cable    Corrected
  Frequency     Substituted level   Polarity                                                Limit      Margin
                                                       Gain            Loss    Reading
    (MHz)            (dBm)           (H/V)                                                 (dBm)        (dB)
                                                Correction (dB)        (dB)     (dBm)

    1673.2           -42.88            V               7.95            0.67      -35.6       -13        -22.6
    1673.2           -43.57            H               7.95            0.67     -36.29       -13       -23.29
    248.32           -52.13            V               3.66            0.15     -48.62       -13       -35.62
    677.07           -51.81            H               5.96            0.32     -46.17       -13       -33.17

                                                 High channel

                                                   Antenna            Cable   Corrected
  Frequency     Substituted level   Polarity                                                Limit      Margin
                                                       Gain           Loss     Reading
    (MHz)            (dBm)           (H/V)                                                 (dBm)         (dB)
                                                Correction (dB)       (dB)      (dBm)

   1697.6            -43.38            V               7.95           0.68     -36.11       -13        -23.11
   1697.6            -43.15            H               7.95           0.68     -35.88       -13        -22.88
   324.18            -52.95            V               3.71           0.18     -49.42       -13        -36.42
   477.38            -53.07            H               5.99           0.28     -47.36       -13        -34.36

1, The testing has been conformed to 10*848.8MHz=8,488MHz
2, All other emissions more than 30 dB below the limit
3,GSM voice , GPRS and EGPRS mode were investigated. The results above show only the worse cases
4, X-Axis, Y-Axis and Z-Axis were investigated. The results above show only the worst case.
5, The radiated spurious test above 18GHz is subcontracted to SIEMIC (Nanjing-China) Laboratories. and found 30dB
below the limit at least.

                                               Test Report        17071442-FCC-R1
                                               No.                54 of 89

     PCS Band (Part24E) result

                                                 Low channel

                                                      Antenna         Cable    Corrected
  Frequency     Substituted level   Polarity                                                Limit      Margin
                                                       Gain            Loss    Reading
    (MHz)            (dBm)           (H/V)                                                 (dBm)        (dB)
                                                Correction (dB)        (dB)     (dBm)

    3700.4           -49.12            V              10.25             1       -39.87       -13       -26.87
    3700.4           -48.78            H              10.25             1       -39.53       -13       -26.53
    405.65           -53.54            V               6.23            0.42     -47.73       -13       -34.73
    679.18           -54.71            H               6.21            0.45     -48.95       -13       -35.95

                                                Middle channel

                                                      Antenna         Cable    Corrected
  Frequency     Substituted level   Polarity                                                Limit      Margin
                                                       Gain            Loss    Reading
    (MHz)            (dBm)           (H/V)                                                 (dBm)        (dB)
                                                Correction (dB)        (dB)     (dBm)

     3760            -47.96            V              10.25            1.01     -38.72       -13       -25.72
     3760            -48.76            H              10.25            1.01     -39.52       -13       -26.52
    459.61           -53.84            V               6.28            0.37     -47.93       -13       -34.93
    505.09           -53.26            H               6.14            0.38      -47.5       -13        -34.5

                                                 High channel

                                                      Antenna         Cable    Corrected
  Frequency     Substituted level   Polarity                                                Limit      Margin
                                                       Gain            Loss    Reading
    (MHz)            (dBm)           (H/V)                                                 (dBm)        (dB)
                                                Correction (dB)        (dB)     (dBm)

    3819.6           -49.15            V              10.36            1.02     -39.81       -13       -26.81
    3819.6           -49.98            H              10.36            1.02     -40.64       -13       -27.64
    330.95           -53.31            V               3.71            0.22     -49.82       -13       -36.82
    689.27            -52.3            H               6.09            0.38     -46.59       -13       -33.59
1, The testing has been conformed to 10*1909.8MHz=19,098MHz
2, All other emissions more than 30 dB below the limit
3,GSM voice , GPRS and EGPRS mode were investigated. The results above show only the worse cases
4, X-Axis, Y-Axis and Z-Axis were investigated. The results above show only the worst case.
5, The radiated spurious test above 18GHz is subcontracted to SIEMIC (Nanjing-China) Laboratories. and found 30dB
below the limit at least.

                                               Test Report        17071442-FCC-R1
                                               No.                55 of 89

                                      UMTS-FDD Band Ⅴ (Part 22H)

                                                 Low channel

                                                      Antenna         Cable    Corrected
  Frequency     Substituted level   Polarity                                                Limit      Margin
                                                       Gain            Loss    Reading
    (MHz)            (dBm)           (H/V)                                                 (dBm)        (dB)
                                                Correction (dB)        (dB)     (dBm)

    1652.8           -46.23            V               7.95            0.67     -38.95       -13       -25.95
    1652.8           -46.05            H               7.95            0.67     -38.77       -13       -25.77
    715.86           -53.14            V               6.28            0.38     -47.24       -13       -34.24
    425.14           -53.59            H               3.68            0.18     -50.09       -13       -37.09

                                                Middle channel

                                                      Antenna         Cable    Corrected
  Frequency     Substituted level   Polarity                                                Limit      Margin
                                                       Gain            Loss    Reading
    (MHz)            (dBm)           (H/V)                                                 (dBm)        (dB)
                                                Correction (dB)        (dB)     (dBm)

     1670            -46.88            V               7.95            0.67      -39.6       -13        -26.6
     1670            -46.05            H               7.95            0.67     -38.77       -13       -25.77
    280.74           -51.53            V               3.73            0.2        -48        -13         -35
    726.02           -52.94            H               6.31            0.38     -47.01       -13       -34.01

                                                 High channel

                                                      Antenna         Cable    Corrected
  Frequency     Substituted level   Polarity                                                Limit      Margin
                                                       Gain            Loss    Reading
    (MHz)            (dBm)           (H/V)                                                 (dBm)        (dB)
                                                Correction (dB)        (dB)     (dBm)

    1693.2           -46.93            V               7.95            0.68     -39.66       -13       -26.66
    1693.2           -45.34            H               7.95            0.68     -38.07       -13       -25.07
    420.31           -52.41            V               3.73            0.21     -48.89       -13       -35.89
    754.58           -52.79            H               5.99            0.32     -47.12       -13       -34.12

1, The testing has been conformed to 10*846.6MHz=8,466MHz
2, All other emissions more than 30 dB below the limit
3,RMC , HSUPA and HSDPA mode were investigated. The results above show only the worse cases
4, X-Axis, Y-Axis and Z-Axis were investigated. The results above show only the worst case.
5, The radiated spurious test above 18GHz is subcontracted to SIEMIC (Nanjing-China) Laboratories. and found 30dB
below the limit at least.

                                               Test Report        17071442-FCC-R1
                                               No.                56 of 89

                                      UMTS-FDD Band Ⅱ (Part 24E)

                                                 Low channel

                                                      Antenna         Cable    Corrected
  Frequency     Substituted level   Polarity                                                Limit      Margin
                                                       Gain            Loss    Reading
    (MHz)            (dBm)           (H/V)                                                 (dBm)        (dB)
                                                Correction (dB)        (dB)     (dBm)

    3704.8           -48.87            V              10.25             1       -39.62       -13       -26.62
    3704.8           -50.72            H              10.25             1       -41.47       -13       -28.47
    761.78           -53.35            V               6.15            0.44     -47.64       -13       -34.64
    485.6            -52.52            H               5.98            0.33     -46.87       -13       -33.87

                                                Middle channel

                                                      Antenna         Cable    Corrected
  Frequency     Substituted level   Polarity                                                Limit      Margin
                                                       Gain            Loss    Reading
    (MHz)            (dBm)           (H/V)                                                 (dBm)        (dB)
                                                Correction (dB)        (dB)     (dBm)

     3760            -49.87            V              10.25            1.01     -40.63       -13       -27.63
     3760            -49.63            H              10.25            1.01     -40.39       -13       -27.39
    619.89           -54.32            V               5.95            0.33      -48.7       -13        -35.7
    534.26            -53.1            H               6.21            0.45     -47.34       -13       -34.34

                                                 High channel

                                                      Antenna         Cable    Corrected
  Frequency     Substituted level   Polarity                                                Limit      Margin
                                                       Gain            Loss    Reading
    (MHz)            (dBm)           (H/V)                                                 (dBm)        (dB)
                                                Correction (dB)        (dB)     (dBm)

    3815.2           -48.31            V              10.36            1.02     -38.97       -13       -25.97
    3815.2           -50.04            H              10.36            1.02      -40.7       -13        -27.7
    526.19           -53.83            V               5.97            0.34      -48.2       -13        -35.2
    278.09           -53.87            H               3.65            0.17     -50.39       -13       -37.39

1, The testing has been conformed to 10*1907.6MHz=19,076MHz
2, All other emissions more than 30 dB below the limit
3,RMC , HSUPA and HSDPA mode were investigated. The results above show only the worse cases
4, X-Axis, Y-Axis and Z-Axis were investigated. The results above show only the worst case
5, The radiated spurious test above 18GHz is subcontracted to SIEMIC (Nanjing-China) Laboratories. and found 30dB
below the limit at least.

                                               Test Report           17071442-FCC-R1
                                               No.                   57 of 89

6.7 Band Edge

Temperature                                                  24 oC
Relative Humidity                                            53%
Atmospheric Pressure                                         1010mbar
Test date :                                                  January 15, 2018
Tested By :                                                  Aaron Liang


Spec              Item      Requirement                                                      Applicable
                            The power of any emission outside of the authorized
§22.917(a)                  operating frequency ranges must be lower than the
§24.238(a)                  transmitter power (P) by a factor of at least 43 + 10 log (P)

Test setup
                         Base Station        Spectrum Analyzer

                        -   The EUT was connected to Spectrum Analyzer and Base Station via
                            power divider.
                        -   The Band Edges of low and high channels for the highest RF powers
                            were measured. Setting RBW as roughly BW/100.


   Result            Pass                 Fail

Test Data         Yes                         N/A

Test Plot       Yes (See below)               N/A

                              Test Report       17071442-FCC-R1
                              No.               58 of 89

GSM Voice:
Cellular Band (Part 22H) result

     Frequency (MHz)              Emission (dBm)                  Limit (dBm)

         823.997                      -14.675                        -13

         849.005                      -13.460                        -13

PCS Band (Part24E) result

    Frequency (MHz)               Emission (dBm)                  Limit (dBm)

        1849.997                     -18.456                          -13

        1910.003                     -15.335                          -13

Cellular Band (Part 22H) result

     Frequency (MHz)              Emission (dBm)                  Limit (dBm)

         823.992                      -14.372                        -13

         849.012                      -14.506                        -13

PCS Band (Part24E) result

    Frequency (MHz)               Emission (dBm)                  Limit (dBm)

        1849.997                     -18.795                          -13

        1910.008                     -16.108                          -13

                              Test Report       17071442-FCC-R1
                              No.               59 of 89

Cellular Band (Part 22H) result

       Frequency (MHz)             Emission (dBm)                 Limit (dBm)

           823.997                    -15.364                        -13

           849.003                    -14.265                        -13

PCS Band (Part24E) result

    Frequency (MHz)               Emission (dBm)                  Limit (dBm)

         1849.996                     -19.396                         -13

         1910.003                     -16.531                         -13

UMTS-FDD Band Ⅴ (Part 22H)

     Frequency (MHz)              Emission (dBm)                  Limit (dBm)

          823.19                      -21.114                         -13

          849.02                      -23.290                         -13

UMTS-FDD Band Ⅱ (Part 24E)

    Frequency (MHz)               Emission (dBm)                  Limit (dBm)

         1849.02                     -24.733                         -13

         1910.01                     -23.480                         -13

                         Test Report      17071442-FCC-R1
                         No.              60 of 89

UMTS-FDD Band Ⅴ (Part 22H)

    Frequency (MHz)          Emission (dBm)                 Limit (dBm)

         822.83                 -23.393                         -13

         849.89                 -23.374                         -13

UMTS-FDD Band Ⅱ (Part 24E)

   Frequency (MHz)       Emission (dBm)                     Limit (dBm)

       1849.06                  -25.748                        -13

       1910.01                  -24.693                        -13

UMTS-FDD Band Ⅴ (Part 22H)

    Frequency (MHz)          Emission (dBm)                 Limit (dBm)

         822.83                 -22.682                         -13

         849.02                 -23.158                         -13

UMTS-FDD Band Ⅱ (Part 24E)

   Frequency (MHz)       Emission (dBm)                     Limit (dBm)

       1849.13                  -24.706                        -13

       1910.01                  -24.457                        -13

                                            Test Report        17071442-FCC-R1
                                            No.                61 of 89

 GSM Voice:
 Test Plots

              Cellular Band - Low Channel                             Cellular Band - High Channel

Note: Offset=Cable loss (4.0) + 10log                     Note: Offset=Cable loss (4.0) + 10log
(3.19/3)=4.0+0.2=4.2dB                                    (3.13/3)=4.0+0.2=4.2dB

               PCS Band - Low Channel                                     PCS Band - High Channel

Note: Offset=Cable loss (4.0) + 10log                     Note: Offset=Cable loss (4.0) + 10log
(3.14/3)=4.5+0.2=4.7dB                                    (3.20/3)=4.5+0.2=4.7dB

                                            Test Report        17071442-FCC-R1
                                            No.                62 of 89

 Test Plots

              Cellular Band - Low Channel                             Cellular Band - High Channel

Note: Offset=Cable loss (4.0) + 10log                     Note: Offset=Cable loss (4.0) + 10log
(3.15/3)=4.0+0.2=4.2dB                                    (3.14/3)=4.0+0.2=4.2dB

               PCS Band - Low Channel                                     PCS Band - High Channel

Note: Offset=Cable loss (4.5) + 10log                     Note: Offset=Cable loss (4.5) + 10log
(3.14/3)=4.5+0.2=4.7dB                                    (3.16/3)=4.5+0.2=4.7dB

                                            Test Report        17071442-FCC-R1
                                            No.                63 of 89

 Test Plots

              Cellular Band - Low Channel                             Cellular Band - High Channel

Note: Offset=Cable loss (4.0) + 10log                     Note: Offset=Cable loss (4.0) + 10log
(3.15/3)=4.0+0.2=4.2dB                                    (3.11/3)=4.0+0.2=4.2dB

               PCS Band - Low Channel                                     PCS Band - High Channel

Note: Offset=Cable loss (4.5) + 10log                     Note: Offset=Cable loss (4.5) + 10log
(3.15/3)=4.5+0.2=4.7dB                                    (3.17/3)=4.5+0.2=4.7dB

                                         Test Report        17071442-FCC-R1
                                         No.                64 of 89


         UMTS-FDD Band Ⅴ - Low Channel                          UMTS-FDD Band Ⅴ - High Channel

Note: Offset=Cable loss (4.0) + 10log                  Note: Offset=Cable loss (4.0) + 10log
(47.13/30)=4.0+2.0=6.0dB                               (47.26/30)=4.0+2.0=6.0dB

         UMTS-FDD Band Ⅱ - Low Channel                          UMTS-FDD Band Ⅱ - High Channel

Note: Offset=Cable loss (4.5) + 10log                  Note: Offset=Cable loss (4.5) + 10log
(46.98/30)=4.5+1.9=6.5dB                               (47.34/30)=4.5+2.0=6.5dB

                                          Test Report        17071442-FCC-R1
                                          No.                65 of 89


          UMTS-FDD Band Ⅴ - Low Channel                          UMTS-FDD Band Ⅴ - High Channel

Note: Offset=Cable loss (4.0) + 10log                   Note: Offset=Cable loss (4.0) + 10log
(47.06/30)=4.0+2.0=6.0dB                                (47.36/30)=4.0+2.0=6.0dB

          UMTS-FDD Band Ⅱ - Low Channel                          UMTS-FDD Band Ⅱ - High Channel

Note: Offset=Cable loss (4.5) + 10log                   Note: Offset=Cable loss (4.5) + 10log
(47.21/30)=4.5+2.0=6.5dB                                (47.12/30)=4.5+2.0=6.5dB

                                          Test Report        17071442-FCC-R1
                                          No.                66 of 89


          UMTS-FDD Band Ⅴ - Low Channel                          UMTS-FDD Band Ⅴ - High Channel

Note: Offset=Cable loss (4.0) + 10log                   Note: Offset=Cable loss (4.0) + 10log
(47.12/30)=4.0+2.0=6.0dB                                (47.27/30)=4.0+2.0=6.0dB

          UMTS-FDD Band Ⅱ - Low Channel                          UMTS-FDD Band Ⅱ - High Channel

Note: Offset=Cable loss (4.5) + 10log                   Note: Offset=Cable loss (4.5) + 10log
(47.27/30)=4.5+2.0=6.5dB                                (47.32/30)=4.5+2.0=6.5dB

                                            Test Report           17071442-FCC-R1
                                            No.                   67 of 89

6.8 Frequency Stability

Temperature                                               26 oC
Relative Humidity                                         57%
Atmospheric Pressure                                      1025mbar
Test date :                                               January 25, 2018
Tested By :                                               Aaron Liang


Spec              Item   Requirement                                                             Applicable
                         According to §22.355, the carrier frequency of each transmitter in
                         the Public Mobile Services must be maintained within the
                         tolerances given in Table below:
                         Frequency Tolerance for Transmitters in the Public Mobile

                             Frequency          Base,           Mobile ≥ 3          Mobile ≤ 3
                               Range            fixed               watts             watts

  §2.1055,                     (MHz)            (ppm)               (ppm )            (ppm)
                              25 to 50          20.0                 20.0              50.0
 §22.355 &          a)
                             50 to 450             5.0                5.0              50.0
                             45 to 512             2.5                5.0               5.0
                             821 to 896            1.5                2.5              2.5
                             928 to 929            5.0               N/A               N/A
                            929 to 960.            1.5               N/A               N/A
                           2110 to 2220         10.0                 N/A               N/A
                         According to §24.235, the frequency stability shall be sufficient to
                         ensure that the fundamental emissions stay within the authorized
                         frequency block.

Test setup
                                    Base Station

                                                                  Thermal Chamber

                                     Test Report    17071442-FCC-R1
                                     No.            68 of 89

             A communication link was established between EUT and base station. The
             frequency error was monitored and measured by base station under variation
 Procedure   of ambient temperature and variation of primary supply voltage.
             Limit: The frequency stability of the transmitter shall be maintained within
             ±0.00025% (±2.5ppm) of the center frequency.


   Result       Pass              Fail

Test Data    Yes                    N/A

Test Plot    Yes (See below)        N/A

                                     Test Report        17071442-FCC-R1
                                     No.                69 of 89

GSM Voice:
       Cellular Band (Part 22H) result
                                Middle Channel, fo = 836.6 MHz
                                            Frequency              Frequency
     Temperature   Power Supplied                                              Limit
                                              Error                  Error
         (℃)            (VDC)                                                  (ppm)
                                              (Hz)                   (ppm)
         -10                                   19                   0.0227      2.5
             0                                 17                   0.0203      2.5
             10                                17                   0.0203      2.5
             20                                13                   0.0155      2.5
             30                                15                   0.0179      2.5
             40                                17                   0.0203      2.5
             50                                19                   0.0227      2.5
             55                                17                   0.0203      2.5
                         4.2                   20                   0.0239      2.5
                         3.5                   19                   0.0227      2.5

       PCS Band (Part 24E) result
                                Middle Channel, fo = 1880 MHz
                                            Frequency              Frequency
     Temperature   Power Supplied                                              Limit
                                              Error                  Error
         (℃)            (VDC)                                                  (ppm)
                                              (Hz)                   (ppm)
         -10                                   22                   0.0117      2.5
             0                                 15                   0.0080      2.5
         10                                    14                   0.0074      2.5
         20                                    13                   0.0069      2.5
         30                                    17                   0.0090      2.5
         40                                    15                   0.0080      2.5
         50                                    18                   0.0096      2.5

         55                                    20                   0.0106      2.5

                        4.2                    17                   0.0090      2.5
                        3.5                    20                   0.0106      2.5

                                      Test Report        17071442-FCC-R1
                                      No.                70 of 89

         UMTS-FDD Band Ⅴ (Part 22H)
                                 Middle Channel, fo = 835 MHz
                                             Frequency              Frequency
       Temperature   Power Supplied                                             Limit
                                               Error                  Error
          (℃)            (VDC)                                                  (ppm)
                                               (Hz)                   (ppm)
           -10                                  19                   0.0228      2.5
           0                                    14                   0.0168      2.5
           10                                   17                   0.0204      2.5
           20                                   14                   0.0168      2.5
           30                                   17                   0.0204      2.5
           40                                   14                   0.0168      2.5
           50                                   20                   0.0240      2.5
           55                                   18                   0.0216      2.5
                          4.2                   20                   0.0240      2.5
                          3.5                   19                   0.0228      2.5

         UMTS-FDD Band Ⅱ (Part 24E)
                                 Middle Channel, fo = 1880 MHz
                                             Frequency              Frequency
       Temperature   Power Supplied                                             Limit
                                               Error                  Error
           (℃)           (VDC)                                                  (ppm)
                                               (Hz)                   (ppm)
           -10                                  21                   0.0112      2.5
            0                                   15                   0.0080      2.5
           10                                   15                   0.0080      2.5
           20                                   15                   0.0080      2.5
           30                                   17                   0.0090      2.5
           40                                   13                   0.0069      2.5
           50                                   21                   0.0112      2.5
           55                                   19                   0.0101      2.5
                          4.2                   21                   0.0112      2.5
                          3.5                   16                   0.0085      2.5

Document Created: 2018-01-26 11:11:43
Document Modified: 2018-01-26 11:11:43

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