03 FCC Test Report_Part90


Test Report

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                                                                                Test report No.        : 12514551H-R3
                                                                                Page                   : 1 of 35
                                                                                Issued date            : June 6, 2019
                                                                                FCC ID                 : CKEGKP2781

                             RADIO TEST REPORT
                                Test Report No. : 12514551H-R3
         Applicant                             :     Japan Radio Co., Ltd.
         Type of Equipment                     :     X-Band Compact Weather Radar Radio Module
         Model No.                             :     GKP-2781
         FCC ID                                :     CKEGKP2781
         Test regulation                       :     FCC part 90 Subpart I: 2019
         Test Result                           :     Complied (Refer to Section 3.2)
           1.   This test report shall not be reproduced in full or partial, without the written approval of UL Japan, Inc.
           2.   The results in this report apply only to the sample tested.
           3.   This sample tested is in compliance with the above regulation.
           4.   The test results in this report are traceable to the national or international standards.
           5.   This test report covers Radio technical requirements. It does not cover administrative issues
                such as Manual or non-Radio test related Requirements. (if applicable)
           6.   The all test items in this test report are conducted by UL Japan, Inc. Ise EMC Lab.
           7.   This test report must not be used by the customer to claim product certification, approval, or
                endorsement by NVLAP, NIST, or any agency of the Federal Government.
           8.   The information provided from the customer for this report is identified in SECTION 1.
           9.   This report is a revised version of 12514551H-R2. 12514551H-R2 is replaced with this report.

                          Date of test:                 September 21, 2018 to June 5, 2019

                          Representative test
                                                                   Ken Fujita
                                                          Consumer Technology Division

                          Approved by:
                                                               Tsubasa Takayama
                                                          Consumer Technology Division

                                                           This laboratory is accredited by the NVLAP LAB CODE
                                                           200572-0, U.S.A. The tests reported herein have been
                                                           performed in accordance with its terms of accreditation.
                                                           *As for the range of Accreditation in NVLAP, you may
                                                           refer to the WEB address,

       NVLAP LAB CODE: 200572-0

     The testing in which "Non-accreditation" is displayed is outside the accreditation scopes in UL Japan.
     There is no testing item of "Non-accreditation".

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile : +81 596 24 8124                                                     Report Cover Page - 13-EM-F0429 Issue # 14.0

                                                                           Test report No.       : 12514551H-R3
                                                                           Page                  : 2 of 35
                                                                           Issued date           : June 6, 2019
                                                                           FCC ID                : CKEGKP2781

                                     REVISION HISTORY
                                Original Test Report No.: 12514551H
 Revision     Test report No.    Date                 Page         Contents
 -            12514551H          December 13,         -            -
 (Original)                      2018
 1            12514551H-R1       March 14, 2019       P1           Addition of note No.8.
 1            12514551H-R1       March 14, 2019       P1           Correction of Test regulation
 1            12514551H-R1       March 14, 2019       P.4          Addition of note in SECTION 1.
 1            12514551H-R1       March 14, 2019       P.4          Addition of note for receipt date of sample in SECTION
 1            12514551H-R1       March 14, 2019       P.5          Correction of Clock frequency(ies) in the system in
                                                                   SECTION 2.2. From 9.000 MHz, 9.100 MHz
                                                                   to 9,000 MHz, 9,100 MHz
 1            12514551H-R1       March 14, 2019       P.6          Addition of note in SECTION 3.2.
 1            12514551H-R1       March 14, 2019       P.6          Correction of Test Specification
 1            12514551H-R1       March 14, 2019       P.6          Correction of Specification of Occupied Bandwidth and
                                                                   Emission masks in SECTION 3.2.
 1            12514551H-R1       March 14, 2019       P6           Addition of note for ANSI C63.26
 1            12514551H-R1       March 14, 2019       P7           Addition of note in SECTION 3.5.
 1            12514551H-R1       March 14, 2019       P10          Correction of frequency in Clause 4.2;
                                                                   From 50 Hz to 60 Hz.
 1            12514551H-R1       March 14, 2019       P16          Correction of test data of duty factor (9801.1 MHz) in
                                                                   APPENDIX 1; From 29.65 dB to 29.17 dB.
 1            12514551H-R1       March 14, 2019       P19, 20      Correction of frequency of Modulation Characteristics test
                                                                   data in APPENDIX 1
 1            12514551H-R1       March 14, 2019       P 21         Correction of Occupied Bandwidth test data in APPENDIX
 1            12514551H-R1       March 14, 2019       P 22         Addition of Emission masks test data in APPENDIX 1
 1            12514551H-R1       March 14, 2019       P 23, 26     Correction of Spurious Emission at Antenna Terminals test
                                                                   data in APPENDIX 1
 1            12514551H-R1       March 14, 2019       P 31         Correction of Frequency Stability test data in APPENDIX 1
 1            12514551H-R1       March 14, 2019       P 32         Addition of test instruments for RE (Below 1 GHz) in
                                                                   APPENDIX 2
 1            12514551H-R1       March 14, 2019       P 32         Correction of Last Calibration Date of LIMS ID: 142013 in
                                                                   APPENDIX 2; From - to 4/6/2018
 2            12514551H-R2       May 30, 2019         P5           Addition of Emission designator in SECTION 2.2.
 2            12514551H-R2       May 30, 2019         P5           Correction of Frequency of Operation in SECTION 2.2.
 2            12514551H-R2       May 30, 2019         P5           Correction of Clock frequency(ies) in the system in
                                                                   SECTION 2.2.
 2            12514551H-R2       May 30, 2019         P5           Correction of RF output power in SECTION 2.2.
                                                                   From 125 W to 130 W
 2            12514551H-R2       May 30, 2019         P9           Correction of Tested frequency for Emission masks in
                                                                   SECTION 4.1.
 2            12514551H-R2       May 30, 2019         P 21, 22     Correction of test data (Occupied Bandwidth and Emission
                                                                   masks tests) in APPENDIX 1
 2            12514551H-R2       May 30, 2019         P 23 to 28   Correction of test data (Spurious Emission at Antenna
                                                                   Terminals) in APPENDIX 1
 2            12514551H-R2       May 30, 2019         P 32         Addition of LIMS ID: 141885 and 151897 in APPENDIX
                                                                   2: Test Instruments
 3            12514551H-R3       June 6, 2019         P6           Correction of worst margin of Spurious Emission at
                                                                   Antenna Terminals and Field Strength of Spurious Emission
                                                                   tests in SECTION 3.2.
 3            12514551H-R3       June 6, 2019         P 23 to 30   Correction of test data of Spurious Emission at Antenna
                                                                   Terminals and Field Strength of Spurious Emission tests in
                                                                   APPENDIX 1
 3            12514551H-R3       June 6, 2019         P32          Correction of Test Instruments for Radiated Emission test in
                                                                   APPENDIX 2

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                              Test report No.            : 12514551H-R3
                                                                                              Page                       : 3 of 35
                                                                                              Issued date                : June 6, 2019
                                                                                              FCC ID                     : CKEGKP2781

CONTENTS                                                                                                                              PAGE
SECTION 1: Customer information.......................................................................................................4
SECTION 2: Equipment under test (E.U.T.) .........................................................................................4
SECTION 3: Test specification, procedures & results..........................................................................6
SECTION 4: Operation of E.U.T. during testing ..................................................................................9
SECTION 5: RF Output power ............................................................................................................12
APPENDIX 1: Test data ........................................................................................................................16
    RF output power (Conducted)(mean power) .................................................................................... 16
    Modulation Characteristics (Pulse chart) .......................................................................................... 17
    Occupied Bandwidth and Emission masks ....................................................................................... 21
    Spurious Emission at Antenna Terminals ......................................................................................... 23
    Field Strength of Spurious Emission................................................................................................. 29
    Frequency Stability ........................................................................................................................... 31
APPENDIX 2: Test instruments ...........................................................................................................32
APPENDIX 3: Photographs of test setup .............................................................................................33
    Radiated Spurious Emission ............................................................................................................. 33
    Worst Case Position Transmitter/Receiver (Horizontal: X-axis/ Vertical:Y-axis) ........................... 34

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                        Test report No.     : 12514551H-R3
                                                                        Page                : 4 of 35
                                                                        Issued date         : June 6, 2019
                                                                        FCC ID              : CKEGKP2781

SECTION 1: Customer information
 Company Name                          :     Japan Radio Co., Ltd.
 Address                               :     834, Inasatomachi, Nagano-shi, Nagano, 381-2289, Japan
 Telephone Number                      :     +81-26-214-7697
 Facsimile Number                      :     +81-26-214-7492
 Contact Person                        :     Masanori Endo

The information provided from the customer is as follows;
- Applicant, Type of Equipment, Model No. on the cover and other relevant pages
- SECTION 1: Customer information
- SECTION 2: Equipment under test (E.U.T.)
- SECTION 4: Operation of E.U.T. during testing
* The laboratory is exempted from liability of any test results affected from the above information in SECTION 2 and

SECTION 2:         Equipment under test (E.U.T.)
2.1       Identification of E.U.T.

 Type of Equipment                     :     X-Band Compact Weather Radar Radio Module
 Model No.                             :     GKP-2781
 Serial No.                            :     Refer to Section 4, Clause 4.2
 Rating                                :     DC 24 V(Transmitter/Receiver: CMN-827)
                                             DC 12 V(Signal Processor: CMJ-569, STALO)
 Receipt Date of Sample                :     September 17, 2018
 (Information from test lab.)
 Country of Mass-production            :     Japan
 Condition of EUT                      :     Production model
 Modification of EUT                   :     No Modification by the test lab

2.2       Product Description

 Model: GKP-2781 (referred to as the EUT in this report) is a X-Band Compact Weather Radar Radio Module.

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                       Test report No.      : 12514551H-R3
                                                                       Page                 : 5 of 35
                                                                       Issued date          : June 6, 2019
                                                                       FCC ID               : CKEGKP2781

Radio Specification

 Radio Type                            :     Transceiver
 Emission designator                   :     8M00V0N
 Frequency of Operation                :     Center Frequency: 9700 MHz, 9800 MHz
                                             Long Pulse: 9798.9 MHz, 9698.9 MHz
                                             Short Pulse: 9801.1 MHz, 9701.1 MHz
 Clock frequency(ies) in the system    :     12 MHz, 20 MHz, 96 MHz, 192 MHz, 640 MHz
 RF output power (specification)       :     130 W
 RF output power limit                 :     None
 Modulation type                       :     Non-chirp pulse: CW
                                             Chirp pulse: Frequency Modulation
 Antenna Connector Type                :     Coaxial
 Intermediate frequency                :     60 MHz
 Operating Temperature                 :     -20 deg.C to +50 deg.C

(Antenna information)           (* The antenna of the antenna gain maximum in the antenna with a used possibility.)
  Model No.                            :     CAY-78
  Antenna type                         :     Φ1.2m Parabolic Antenna
  Antenna Gain                         :     38 dBi

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                   Test report No.        : 12514551H-R3
                                                                                   Page                   : 6 of 35
                                                                                   Issued date            : June 6, 2019
                                                                                   FCC ID                 : CKEGKP2781

SECTION 3: Test specification, procedures & results

3.1         Test Specification

Test Specification      :          FCC Part 90: 2019, final revised on February 13, 2019
Title                   :          PRIVATE LAND MOBILE RADIO SERVICES

3.2         Procedures and results

No. Item                      Test Procedure         Specification         Remarks     Deviation     Worst margin      Results
                                                     FCC section
1     RF Output Power         FCC section 2.1046                           -           N/A           -                 *1)
      Modulation                                     FCC section 90.207                                                N/A
2                             FCC section 2.1047                         -             N/A           -
      Characteristics                                *2)                                                               b)
      Occupied Bandwidth                             FCC section 90.209,                                               Complied
3                             FCC section 2.1049                         -             N/A           -
      and Emission masks                             90.210(n),90.210(o)                                               c)
      Spurious Emission at                                                                           4.15 dB           Complied
4                             FCC section 2.1051     FCC section 90.210 -              N/A
      Antenna Terminals                                                                              (8958.000 MHz) d)
                                                                                                     9.8 dB
      Field Strength of                                                                                                Complied
5                             FCC section 2.1053     FCC section 90.210 Radiated       N/A           (39200.000 MHz,
      Spurious Emission                                                                                                e)
                                                                                                     Horizontal, Peak)
6     Frequency Stability     FCC section 2.1055     FCC section 90.213 -              N/A           -                 *3)
Note: UL Japan, Inc.’s EMI Work Test Procedure 13-EM-W0420.
*1) Since RF output power no limit.
*2) Refer to 90.207 (no accreditation matter).
*3) Since Frequency Stability no limit.

a) Refer to APPENDIX 1 (data of RF Output Power)
b) Refer to APPENDIX 1 (data of Modulation Characteristics)
c) Refer to APPENDIX 1 (data of Occupied Bandwidth and Emission masks)
d) Refer to APPENDIX 1 (data of Spurious Emission at Antenna Terminals)
e) Refer to APPENDIX 1 (data of Field Strength of Spurious Emission)
f) Refer to APPENDIX 1 (data of Frequency Stability)

 Complied              The data of this test item has enough margin, more than the measurement uncertainty.
 Complied#             The data of this test item meets the limits unless the measurement uncertainty is taken into consideration.
* In case any questions arise about test procedure, ANSI C63.26: 2015 is also referred.

3.3         Addition to standard

No addition, exclusion nor deviation has been made from the standard.

3.4         Confirmation

UL Japan, Inc. hereby confirms that E.U.T., in the configuration tested, complies with the specifications FCC part 90.

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                    Test report No.       : 12514551H-R3
                                                                                    Page                  : 7 of 35
                                                                                    Issued date           : June 6, 2019
                                                                                    FCC ID                : CKEGKP2781

3.5          Uncertainty


There is no applicable rule of uncertainty in this applied standard. Therefore, the following results are derived depending on whether or not
laboratory uncertainty is applied.

The following uncertainties have been calculated to provide a confidence level of 95 % using a coverage factor k=2.

Radiated emission
                                   Frequency range                    Uncertainty (+/-)
      3m                           9 kHz to 30 M Hz                        3.3 dB
     10 m                                                                  3.2 dB

      3m             30 M Hz to 200 M Hz (Horizontal)                      4.8 dB
                                         (Vertical)                        5.0 dB
                   200 M Hz to 1000 M Hz (Horizontal)                      5.2 dB
                                         (Vertical)                        6.3 dB
      10 m           30 M Hz to 200 M Hz (Horizontal)                      4.8 dB
                                         (Vertical)                        4.9 dB
                   200 M Hz to 1000 M Hz (Horizontal)                      5.0 dB
                                         (Vertical)                        5.0 dB

      3m                           1 GHz to 6 GHz                          5.0 dB
                                  6 GHz to 18 GHz                          5.3 dB
      1m                         10 GHz to 26.5 GHz                        5.8 dB
                                 26.5 GHz to 40 GHz                        5.8 dB
      10 m                        1 GHz to 18 GHz                          5.2 dB

                              Antenna terminal test                            Uncertainty (+/-)
RF outp ut p ower                                                                   1.3 dB
Occup ied bandwidth                                                                 0.96%
Emission mask                                                                       1.9 dB
Frequency stability                                                              0.0001 p p m
Sp urious emissions at antenna terminals                                            2.7 dB

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                      Test report No.         : 12514551H-R3
                                                                                      Page                    : 8 of 35
                                                                                      Issued date             : June 6, 2019
                                                                                      FCC ID                  : CKEGKP2781

3.6         Test Location

UL Japan, Inc. Ise EM C Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, M ie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone: +81 596 24 8999, Facsimile: +81 596 24 8124
NVLAP Lab. code: 200572-0 / FCC Test Firm Registration Number: 199967
                                                                                                                             M aximum
                       IC Registration   Width x Depth x       Size of reference ground plane (m) /
Test site                                                                                               Other rooms          measurement
                       Number            Height (m)            horizontal conducting plane
No.1 semi-anechoic                                                                                       No.1 Power source
                         2973C-1           19.2 x 11.2 x 7.7     7.0 x 6.0                                                   10 m
chamber                                                                                                  room
No.2 semi-anechoic
                         2973C-2           7.5 x 5.8 x 5.2       4.0 x 4.0                               -                   3m
No.3 semi-anechoic                                                                                       No.3 Preparation
                         2973C-3           12.0 x 8.5 x 5.9      6.8 x 5.75                                                  3m
chamber                                                                                                  room
No.3 shielded room       -                 4.0 x 6.0 x 2.7       N/A                                     -                   -
No.4 semi-anechoic                                                                                       No.4 Preparation
                         2973C-4           12.0 x 8.5 x 5.9      6.8 x 5.75                                                  3m
chamber                                                                                                  room
No.4 shielded room       -                 4.0 x 6.0 x 2.7       N/A                                     -                   -
No.5 semi-anechoic
                         -                 6.0 x 6.0 x 3.9       6.0 x 6.0                               -                   -
No.6 shielded room       -                 4.0 x 4.5 x 2.7       4.0 x 4.5                               -                   -
No.6 measurement
                         -                 4.75 x 5.4 x 3.0      4.75 x 4.15                             -                   -
No.7 shielded room       -                 4.7 x 7.5 x 2.7       4.7 x 7.5                               -                   -
No.8 measurement
                         -                 3.1 x 5.0 x 2.7       3.1 x 5.0                               -                   -
No.9 measurement
                         -                 8.8 x 4.6 x 2.8       2.4 x 2.4                               -                   -
No.11 measurement
                         -                 6.2 x 4.7 x 3.0       4.8 x 4.6                               -                   -
* Size of vertical conducting plane (for Conducted Emission test) : 2.0 m x 2.0m for No.1, No.2, No.3, and No.4 semi-
anechoic chambers and No.3 and No.4 shielded rooms.

3.7         Test data, Test instruments, and Test set up

Refer to APPENDIX.

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                          Test report No.     : 12514551H-R3
                                                                          Page                : 9 of 35
                                                                          Issued date         : June 6, 2019
                                                                          FCC ID              : CKEGKP2781

SECTION 4:         Operation of E.U.T. during testing

4.1        Operating Mode(s)

                     Test item                                  Operating mode                Tested frequency
  RF output power,                                    Transmitting mode                      9701.1 MHz
  Modulation Characteristics,                                                                9698.9 MHz
  Frequency Stability,                                                                       9801.1 MHz
  Emission masks                                                                             9798.9 MHz
  Occupied Bandwidth,                                 Transmitting mode                      9700 MHz
  Spurious Emission at Antenna Terminals,                                                    9800 MHz
  Field Strength of Spurious Emission

Justification            : The system was configured in typical fashion (as a user would normally use it) for testing.

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                        Test report No.        : 12514551H-R3
                                                                        Page                   : 10 of 35
                                                                        Issued date            : June 6, 2019
                                                                        FCC ID                 : CKEGKP2781

4.2       Configuration and peripherals

                                                        *1)             A
                                                              G                           9
                                                50 Ω
                                                                                          10                50 Ω
                                                              1                                             Dummy
                           6                                                              11
             F                                                2
                                                  50 Ω
                  15       7

       AC 100 V/ 60 Hz                                        3

             E             8

              H                                               5

       AC 100 V/ 60 Hz         AC 100 V/ 60 Hz

* Cabling and setup(s) were taken into consideration and test data was taken under worse case conditions.

*1) Used for Radiated Emission test only

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile : +81 596 24 8124

                                                              Test report No.      : 12514551H-R3
                                                              Page                 : 11 of 35
                                                              Issued date          : June 6, 2019
                                                              FCC ID               : CKEGKP2781

Description of EUT and Support equipment
  No. Item                    Model number            Serial number       Manufacturer              Remarks
  A     Transmitter/Receiver  CMN-827                 WA74558             Japan Radio Co., Ltd.     EUT
  B     Frequency Sinthesizer DCN-DC922-102IR         WA74568             Japan Radio Co., Ltd.     EUT
  C     Signal Processor      CMJ-569                 WA74559             Japan Radio Co., Ltd.     EUT
  D     DC 24 V Power supply PAN60-10A                SD002896            KIKUSUI Electronics       -
  E     Laptop PC                 CF-MX5              7EKSA50912          Panasonic                 -
  F     DC 24 V Power supply      PAN16-18A           UD001728            KIKUSUI Electronics       -
  G     Attenuator (30dB)         48-30-34            CA2888              Aeroflex                  -
  H     AC Adapter                CF-AA6212C          62J2CM316X109       Panasonic                 -

List of cables used
  No. Name                        Length (m)                            Shield                      Remarks
                                                            Cable                Connector
  1      Signal Cable             0.5                      Shielded               Shielded          -
  2      Signal Cable             0.5                      Shielded               Shielded          -
  3      Signal Cable             1.0                      Shielded               Shielded          -
  4      Signal Cable             5.0                     Unshielded             Unshielded         -
  5      DC Cable                 5.0                     Unshielded             Unshielded         -
  6      DC Cable                 1.3                     Unshielded             Unshielded         -
  7      DC Cable                 1.3                     Unshielded             Unshielded         -
  8      LAN Cable                5.0                     Unshielded             Unshielded         -
  9      Signal Cable             1.0                      Shielded               Shielded          -
  10     Signal Cable             1.0                      Shielded               Shielded          -
  11     Signal Cable             1.0                      Shielded               Shielded          -
  12     DC Cable                 1.6                     Unshielded             Unshielded         -
  13     AC Cable                 0.9                     Unshielded             Unshielded         -
  14     AC Cable                 1.8                     Unshielded             Unshielded         -
  15     AC Cable                 1.8                     Unshielded             Unshielded         -

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                           Test report No.       : 12514551H-R3
                                                                           Page                  : 12 of 35
                                                                           Issued date           : June 6, 2019
                                                                           FCC ID                : CKEGKP2781

SECTION 5:         RF Output power
5.1       Test Procedure    :         FCC part 2 section 2.1046
          The RF output power was measured with a Power meter connected to the antenna port.

5.2       Test data           :            APPENDIX 1

5.3       Test result         :            Pass

5.4       Measurement Block Diagram of RF power output

                                                                                       Power Meter
               Transmitter    Attenuator                          Power
               under Test     30 dB                               Sensor
                 (EUT)                            Microwave

               RF Power Measurement (FCC section 2.1046)

SECTION 6: Modulation Characteristics
6.1       Test Procedure     :           FCC Part 2 section 2.1047
          The modulation characteristics were measured with an oscilloscope with radio signal detector connected to
          the antenna port.

6.2       Test Data           :            APPENDIX 1

6.3       Test Result         :            Pass

6.4       Measurement Block Diagram

                              Attenuator                      Attenuator      Detector
                              30 dB                           20 dB
               under Test
                 (EUT)                        Microwave

               Modulation Characteristics (FCC section 2.1047)

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                             Test report No.   : 12514551H-R3
                                                                             Page              : 13 of 35
                                                                             Issued date       : June 6, 2019
                                                                             FCC ID            : CKEGKP2781

SECTION 7:           Occupied Bandwidth and Emission masks
7.1         Test Procedure    :         FCC Part 2 section 2.1049
            The Occupied Bandwidth and Emission masks was measured with a spectrum analyzer connected to the
            antenna port.

7.2         Test Data           :            APPENDIX 1

7.3         Test Result         :            Pass

7.4         Measurement Block Diagram

                                                                Attenuator     Spectrum
                 Transmitter    Attenuator                      20 dB          Analyzer
                 under Test     30 dB
                   (EUT)                            Microwave

              Occupied Bandwidth (FCC section 2.1049)

SECTION 8:           Spurious emission at Antenna Terminals
8.1       Test Procedure       :         FCC part 2 section 2.1051
  The spurious emission at Antenna Terminals was measured with a spectrum analyzer connected to the antenna port.
    Frequency           Below 1 GHz                              Above 1 GHz
    Instrument used     Spectrum Analyzer                        Spectrum Analyzer
    IF Bandwidth        Peak: RBW: 100 kHz/VBW: 300 kHz          Peak: RBW: 1 MHz/VBW: 3 MHz

      Transmitter spurious Limit: -13 dBm = 10 x log ( mean power (W) x 10 ^ 3) - ( 43 + 10 x log ( mean power (W) ))

8.2         Test Data           :            APPENDIX 1

8.3         Test result         :            Pass

8.4         Measurement Block Diagram

                                                                Attenuator     Analyzer
                 Transmitter    Attenuator
                                                                20 dB
                 under Test     30 dB
                   (EUT)                        Microwave

           Spurious Emission at Antenna Terminals (FCC section 2.1051)

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                        Test report No.     : 12514551H-R3
                                                                        Page                : 14 of 35
                                                                        Issued date         : June 6, 2019
                                                                        FCC ID              : CKEGKP2781

SECTION 9:         Field Strength of Spurious Emission
9.1        Test Procedure     :          FCC part 2 section 2.1053

EUT was placed on a polystyrene platform of nominal size, 1.5 m by 1.0 m, raised 0.8 m above the conducting ground
The Radiated Electric Field Strength intensity has been measured on a semi-anechoic chamber with a ground plane
and at a distance of 1 m(above 10 GHz) (Refer to Figure 1). Measurements were performed with quasi-peak, peak and
average detector. The measuring antenna height was varied between 1 and 4 m and EUT was rotated a full revolution
in order to obtain the maximum value of the electric field intensity. The measurements were performed for both
vertical and horizontal antenna polarization.
The radiated emission measurements were made with the following detection of the test receiver.
    Frequency           Below 1 GHz                           Above 1 GHz
    Instrument used     Spectrum Analyzer                     Spectrum Analyzer
    IF Bandwidth        Peak: RBW: 100 kHz/VBW: 300 kHz Peak: RBW: 1 MHz/VBW: 3 MHz

Transmitter Spurious Limit (General emissions): refer to FCC part 15 subpart C section 15.209

Transmitter Spurious Limit (Harmonics emissions): Carrier Level - (43 + 10 x log (Average power [W) = Peak power
x Duty))

The Result is converted from electric field strength in dBuV/m to EIRP in Watts using the following formula
    F [V/m] = 10 ^ ( ( E [dBuV/m] - 120 ) / 20 )
    P = ( ( F x d [m] ) ^ 2) / ( 30 x g )
              E = measurement electric field strength, in dBuV/m
              F = measurement electric field strength. in V/m
              P = EIRP, in dBm
              d = measurement distance, in meters = 3 [m]
              g = numeric antenna gain ( =1 )

9.2       Test Data           :          APPENDIX 1

9.3       Test Result         :          Pass

9.4       Measurement Block Diagram

         EUT          Attenuator                                         analyzer
                      30 dB          50Ω

           Field Strength of Spurious Emission (FCC section 2.1053)

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                               Test report No.         : 12514551H-R3
                                                                               Page                    : 15 of 35
                                                                               Issued date             : June 6, 2019
                                                                               FCC ID                  : CKEGKP2781

[Below 1 GHz]
                          Semi Anechoic Chamber

                  EUT                                                     Pre                 Test
                                                                        Amplifier           Receiver

0.8 m                                                            1 m to 4 m (antenna height)

                        Ground Reference Plane

[Above 1 GHz]

                          Semi Anechoic Chamber

                                                                          Pre              Spectrum
                                                                        Amplifier          Analyzer
                                                                 1 m to 4 m (antenna height)
1.5 m

                        Ground Reference Plane

SECTION 10:           Frequency Stability
10.1      Test Procedure        :           FCC part 2 section 2.1055
          Refer to FCC part 2, section 2.1055.

10.2      Test Data             :           APPENDIX 1

10.3      Test Result           :           Pass

10.4      Measurement Block Diagram

                Transmitter     Attenuator                        Attenuator      Analyzer
                under Test      30 dB                             10 dB
                  (EUT)                            Microwave

               Frequency Stability (FCC section 2.1055)

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                           Test report No.       : 12514551H-R3
                                                                           Page                  : 16 of 35
                                                                           Issued date           : June 6, 2019
                                                                           FCC ID                : CKEGKP2781

APPENDIX 1:          Test data

                              RF output power (Conducted)(mean power)

                    Report No.                   12514551H
                    Test place                   Ise EMC Lab. No.6 Semi Anechoic Chamber
                    Date                         September ,21 2018
                    Temperature / Humidity       23 deg. C / 47 % RH
                    Engineer                     Ken Fujita
                    Mode                         Transmitting

                      Freq.   Reading    Cable     Atten.     Duty        Result          Result
                                         Loss       Loss     factor    (mean power)    (Peak power)
                     [MHz]     [dBm]     [dB]       [dB]      [dB]    [dBm] [W]       [dBm] [W]
                     9701.1    19.83     2.03      30.00     29.03    22.83 0.19      51.86 153.46
                     9698.9    19.54     2.03      30.00     12.74    38.83 7.64      51.57 143.55
                     9801.1    19.22     2.03      30.00     29.17    22.09 0.16      51.25 133.35
                     9798.9    19.14     2.03      30.00     12.76    38.41 6.94      51.17 130.92
                    Sample Calculation:
                    Result (mean power) = Reading + Cable Loss + Attenuator Loss - Duty factor
                    Result (Peak power) = Reading + Cable Loss + Attenuator Loss

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                        Test report No.    : 12514551H-R3
                                                                        Page               : 17 of 35
                                                                        Issued date        : June 6, 2019
                                                                        FCC ID             : CKEGKP2781

                                 Modulation Characteristics (Pulse chart)

                    Report No.                  12514551H
                    Test place                  Ise EMC Lab. No.6 Semi Anechoic Chamber
                    Date                        September 21, 2018
                    Temperature / Humidity      23 deg. C / 47 % RH
                    Engineer                    Ken Fujita
                    Mode                        Transmitting

                                             9701.1 MHz Short Pulse

         Pulse          Pulse        Pulse            Pulse         Duty          Duty    Rise        Fall
         range         1 cycle     Repetition      50 % length                   factor   Time       Time
         table       time [ms]     rate [kHz]         [us]           [%]          [dB]    [μs]       [μs]
      9701.1 MHz
                       1.00           1.00            1.250        0.125       29.031     0.215      0.240
      Short Pulse

                    Pulse 1 cycle time                                     Pulse 50 % length
                       ⇒ 1.00 ms                                             ⇒ 1.250μs

                        Rise time                                               Fall time
                       ⇒ 0.215μs                                               ⇒ 0.240μs

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                              Test report No.           : 12514551H-R3
                                                                              Page                      : 18 of 35
                                                                              Issued date               : June 6, 2019
                                                                              FCC ID                    : CKEGKP2781

                                Modulation Characteristics (Pulse chart)

                    Report No.                      12514551H
                    Test place                      Ise EMC Lab. No.6 Semi Anechoic Chamber
                    Date                            September 21, 2018
                    Temperature / Humidity          23 deg. C / 47 % RH
                    Engineer                        Ken Fujita
                    Mode                            Transmitting

                                              9698.9 MHz Long Pulse

               Pulse       Pulse         Pulse       Pulse             Duty        Duty         Rise           Fall
               range      1 cycle      Repetition 50 % length                     factor        Time          Time
               table    time [ms]      rate [kHz]    [us]               [%]        [dB]         [μs]          [μs]
            9698.9 MHz
                           1.00              1.00          53.200     5.320     12.741          2.720        3.440
             Long Pulse

                  Pulse 1 cycle time                                              Pulse 50 % length
                     ⇒ 1.00 ms                                                      ⇒ 53.20 μs

                       Rise time                                                       Fall time
                      ⇒ 2.720μs                                                       ⇒ 3.440μs

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                         Test report No.      : 12514551H-R3
                                                                         Page                 : 19 of 35
                                                                         Issued date          : June 6, 2019
                                                                         FCC ID               : CKEGKP2781

                                Modulation Characteristics (Pulse chart)

                    Report No.                 12514551H
                    Test place                 Ise EMC Lab. No.6 Semi Anechoic Chamber
                    Date                       September 21, 2018
                    Temperature / Humidity     23 deg. C / 47 % RH
                    Engineer                   Ken Fujita
                    Mode                       Transmitting

                                             9801.1 MHz Short Pulse

          Pulse       Pulse             Pulse      Pulse          Duty         Duty        Rise        Fall
          range      1 cycle         Repetition 50 % length                   factor       Time       Time
          table    time [ms]         rate [kHz]    [us]            [%]         [dB]        [μs]       [μs]
       9801.1 MHz
                      1.00              1.00          1.212      0.121      29.165         0.221      0.221
       Short Pulse

                  Pulse 1 cycle time                                         Pulse 50 % length
                     ⇒ 1.00 ms                                                 ⇒ 1.212μs

                       Rise time                                                  Fall time
                      ⇒ 0.221μs                                                  ⇒ 0.221μs

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                        Test report No.     : 12514551H-R3
                                                                        Page                : 20 of 35
                                                                        Issued date         : June 6, 2019
                                                                        FCC ID              : CKEGKP2781

                                Modulation Characteristics (Pulse chart)

                    Report No.                  12514551H
                    Test place                  Ise EMC Lab. No.6 Semi Anechoic Chamber
                    Date                        September 21, 2018
                    Temperature / Humidity      23 deg. C / 47 % RH
                    Engineer                    Ken Fujita
                    Mode                        Transmitting

                                              9798.9 MHz Long Pulse

               Pulse             Pulse         Pulse       Pulse      Duty       Duty     Rise        Fall
               range            1 cycle      Repetition 50 % length             factor    Time       Time
               table          time [ms]      rate [kHz]    [us]        [%]       [dB]     [μs]       [μs]
            9798.9 MHz
                                1.00           1.00       53.000      5.300    12.757     2.800     3.440
             Long Pulse

                  Pulse 1 cycle time                                          Pulse 50 % length
                     ⇒ 1.00 ms                                                  ⇒ 53.00 μs

                       Rise time                                                 Fall time
                      ⇒ 2.800μs                                                 ⇒ 3.440μs

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                      Test report No.       : 12514551H-R3
                                                                      Page                  : 21 of 35
                                                                      Issued date           : June 6, 2019
                                                                      FCC ID                : CKEGKP2781

                                 Occupied Bandwidth and Emission masks

                    Report No.                12514551H
                    Test place                Ise EMC Lab. No.6 Semi Anechoic Chamber
                    Date                      May 28, 2019
                    Temperature / Humidity    23 deg. C / 47 % RH
                    Engineer                  Ken Fujita
                    Mode                      Transmitting

                                              Occupied Bandwidth

                          Mode         Frequency       99% Occupied       -26dB Bandwidth
                                         [MHz]            [MHz]                 [MHz]
                                          9700             3.534                 4.186
                                          9800             3.519                 4.181

                       9700 MHz                                                9800 MHz

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                     Test report No.     : 12514551H-R3
                                                                     Page                : 22 of 35
                                                                     Issued date         : June 6, 2019
                                                                     FCC ID              : CKEGKP2781

                                                Emission masks

                      9701.1 MHz                                             9801.1 MHz

                      9698.9 MHz                                             9798.9 MHz

  * The reference level value in this test uses the value of mean power from 「RF output power (Conducted)(mean

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                            Test report No.               : 12514551H-R3
                                                                                            Page                          : 23 of 35
                                                                                            Issued date                   : June 6, 2019
                                                                                            FCC ID                        : CKEGKP2781

                                   Spurious Emission at Antenna Terminals

                    Report No.                          12514551H
                    Test place                          Ise EMC Lab. No.6 Semi Anechoic Chamber
                    Date                                June 5, 2019
                    Temperature / Humidity              23 deg. C / 43 % RH
                    Engineer                            Ken Fujita
                    Mode                                Transmitting 9700 MHz

                            Freq.    S/A Reading Cable Loss Atten.Loss              Result      Limit    Margin         Remark
                           [MHz]        [dBm]      [dB]        [dB]                 [dBm]      [dBm]      [dB]
                               0.014      -99.74       0.00      29.65                -70.09   -13.00      57.09    -
                               0.175      -90.86       0.01      29.65                -61.20   -13.00      48.20    -
                            814.900       -80.91       0.91      29.96                -50.04   -13.00       37.04   -
                           3100.000       -68.09       1.74      30.03                -36.32   -13.00       23.32   -
                           8958.000       -50.17       2.96      30.06                -17.15   -13.00        4.15   -
                          13746.000       -63.35       4.29      30.65                -28.41   -13.00       15.41   -
                          16371.000       -63.92       4.72      30.76                -28.44   -13.00       15.44   -
                          24746.000       -60.28       5.86       0.00                -54.42   -13.00       41.42   -
                          25629.000       -58.53       5.98       0.00                -52.55   -13.00       39.55   -
                          33362.000       -58.07       7.12       0.00                -50.95   -13.00       37.95   -
                          37475.000       -52.04       7.65       0.00                -44.39   -13.00       31.39   -

                         Result[dBm] = Reading[dBm] + Cable Loss[dB] + Attenuator[dB]
                        *A waveguide was utilized for measurements of frequencies above 18GHz
                        *Other frequency noises omitted in this report were not seen or have enough margin (more than 20dB).

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                      Test report No.   : 12514551H-R3
                                                                      Page              : 24 of 35
                                                                      Issued date       : June 6, 2019
                                                                      FCC ID            : CKEGKP2781

                                Spurious Emission at Antenna Terminals

                    Report No.                12514551H
                    Test place                Ise EMC Lab. No.6 Semi Anechoic Chamber
                    Date                      June 5, 2019
                    Temperature / Humidity    23 deg. C / 43 % RH
                    Engineer                  Ken Fujita
                    Mode                      Transmitting 9700 MHz

                  9 kHz - 150 kHz                                          150 kHz - 30 MHz

                 30 MHz - 1 GHz                                               1 GHz - 5 GHz

                  5 GHz - 10 GHz                                            10 GHz - 15 GHz

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                      Test report No.   : 12514551H-R3
                                                                      Page              : 25 of 35
                                                                      Issued date       : June 6, 2019
                                                                      FCC ID            : CKEGKP2781

                                Spurious Emission at Antenna Terminals
                    Report No.                12514551H
                    Test place                Ise EMC Lab. No.6 Semi Anechoic Chamber
                    Date                      June 5, 2019
                    Temperature / Humidity    23 deg. C / 43 % RH
                    Engineer                  Ken Fujita
                    Mode                      Transmitting 9700 MHz

                 15 GHz - 20 GHz                                            20 GHz - 25 GHz

                 25 GHz - 30 GHz                                            30 GHz - 35 GHz

                 35 GHz - 40 GHz

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                            Test report No.               : 12514551H-R3
                                                                                            Page                          : 26 of 35
                                                                                            Issued date                   : June 6, 2019
                                                                                            FCC ID                        : CKEGKP2781

                                    Spurious Emission at Antenna Terminals

                    Report No.                          12514551H
                    Test place                          Ise EMC Lab. No.6 Semi Anechoic Chamber
                    Date                                June 5, 2019
                    Temperature / Humidity              23 deg. C / 43 % RH
                    Engineer                            Ken Fujita
                    Mode                                Transmitting 9800 MHz

                           Freq.    S/A Reading Cable Loss Atten.Loss               Result       Limit     Margin        Remark
                          [MHz]        [dBm]      [dB]        [dB]                  [dBm]       [dBm]       [dB]
                              0.012      -99.42       0.00      29.65                 -69.77    -13.00       56.77   -
                              1.046      -91.47       0.00      29.65                 -61.82    -13.00       48.82   -
                           813.300       -80.68       0.91      29.95                 -49.82    -13.00       36.82   -
                          3093.000       -68.41       1.74      30.04                 -36.63    -13.00       23.63   -
                          7383.000       -51.61       2.96      30.10                 -18.55    -13.00        5.55   -
                         13692.000       -63.48       4.28      30.68                 -28.52    -13.00       15.52   -
                         16329.000       -64.07       4.71      31.07                 -28.29    -13.00       15.29   -
                         24808.000       -60.39       5.87       0.00                 -54.52    -13.00       41.52   -
                         25583.000       -59.04       5.97       0.00                 -53.07    -13.00       40.07   -
                         33229.000       -57.96       7.10       0.00                 -50.86    -13.00       37.86   -
                         38762.000       -51.64       7.72       0.00                 -43.92    -13.00       30.92   -

                        Result[dBm] = Reading[dBm] + Cable Loss[dB] + Attenuator[dB]
                       *A waveguide was utilized for measurements of frequencies above 18GHz
                       *Other frequency noises omitted in this report were not seen or have enough margin (more than 20dB).

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                      Test report No.   : 12514551H-R3
                                                                      Page              : 27 of 35
                                                                      Issued date       : June 6, 2019
                                                                      FCC ID            : CKEGKP2781

                                Spurious Emission at Antenna Terminals

                    Report No.                12514551H
                    Test place                Ise EMC Lab. No.6 Semi Anechoic Chamber
                    Date                      June 5, 2019
                    Temperature / Humidity    23 deg. C / 43 % RH
                    Engineer                  Ken Fujita
                    Mode                      Transmitting 9800 MHz

                  9 kHz - 150 kHz                                          150 kHz - 30 MHz

                 30 MHz - 1 GHz                                               1 GHz - 5 GHz

                  5 GHz - 10 GHz                                            10 GHz - 15 GHz

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                      Test report No.   : 12514551H-R3
                                                                      Page              : 28 of 35
                                                                      Issued date       : June 6, 2019
                                                                      FCC ID            : CKEGKP2781

                                Spurious Emission at Antenna Terminals
                    Report No.                12514551H
                    Test place                Ise EMC Lab. No.6 Semi Anechoic Chamber
                    Date                      June 5, 2019
                    Temperature / Humidity    23 deg. C / 43 % RH
                    Engineer                  Ken Fujita
                    Mode                      Transmitting 9800 MHz

                 15 GHz - 20 GHz                                            20 GHz - 25 GHz

                 25 GHz - 30 GHz                                            30 GHz - 35 GHz

                 35 GHz - 40 GHz

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                               Test report No.             : 12514551H-R3
                                                                                               Page                        : 29 of 35
                                                                                               Issued date                 : June 6, 2019
                                                                                               FCC ID                      : CKEGKP2781

                                             Field Strength of Spurious Emission

                        Report No.                          12514551H
                        Test place                          Ise EMC Lab. No.3 Semi Anechoic Chamber
                        Date                                June 5, 2019
                        Temperature / Humidity              23 deg. C / 43 % RH
                        Engineer                            Yuta Moriya
                        Mode                                Transmitting 9700 MHz

         Polarity   Frequency    Detector   Reading Ant.Fac.    Loss      Gain      Result Result     Limit    Margin   Height    Angle    Remark
                      [MHz]                 [dBuV] [dB/m]       [dB]      [dB]    [dBuV/m] [dBm]     [dBm]      [dB]     [cm]     [deg.]
         Hori.        374.981          PK      57.0     15.1     10.6      31.9      50.8    -44.4     -13.0     31.4       100       49
         Hori.        499.939          PK      49.8     17.6     11.5      32.0      46.8    -48.4     -13.0     35.4       200      231
         Hori.        576.171          PK      53.2     18.6     11.9      32.0      51.7    -43.5     -13.0     30.5       111      288
         Hori.        624.936          PK      62.2     19.5     12.2      32.0      61.9    -33.3     -13.0     20.3       175      253
         Hori.        749.906          PK      57.4     20.2     12.9      31.7      58.7    -36.5     -13.0     23.5       133       48
         Hori.        874.802          PK      56.0     22.1     13.5      31.2      60.4    -34.8     -13.0     21.8       197      296
         Hori.       1124.805          PK      62.3     24.3      3.2      33.8      56.0    -39.2     -13.0     26.2       137      159
         Hori.       1624.700          PK      60.9     25.1      3.6      32.5      57.1    -38.2     -13.0     25.2       136      249
         Hori.       9000.000          PK      49.5     37.6      6.5      31.8      61.9    -33.4     -13.0     20.4       191      233
         Hori.      19400.000          PK      60.9     37.6     -2.0      32.3      64.2    -31.0     -13.0     18.0       150       88
         Hori.      27000.000          PK      80.0     43.4      2.4      77.5      48.3    -46.9     -13.0     33.9       209      189
         Hori.      29100.000          PK      95.0     43.5      2.8      73.7      67.6    -27.6     -13.0     14.6       206      226
         Hori.      36000.000          PK      85.0     43.7      4.4      75.6      57.5    -37.7     -13.0     24.7       204      235
         Hori.      38800.000          PK      89.0     44.2      4.9      74.0      64.1    -31.2     -13.0     18.2       209      191
         Vert.        374.981          PK      60.8     15.1     10.6      31.9      54.5    -40.7     -13.0     27.7       131      212
         Vert.        499.939          PK      52.5     17.6     11.5      32.0      49.6    -45.6     -13.0     32.6       100      328
         Vert.        576.171          PK      54.2     18.6     11.9      32.0      52.8    -42.5     -13.0     29.5       100       20
         Vert.        624.936          PK      64.2     19.5     12.2      32.0      63.9    -31.3     -13.0     18.3       100       11
         Vert.        749.906          PK      54.2     20.2     12.9      31.7      55.5    -39.8     -13.0     26.8       197      223
         Vert.        874.802          PK      53.2     22.0     13.6      31.1      57.7    -37.5     -13.0     24.5       100      321
         Vert.       1124.805          PK      62.2     24.3      3.2      33.8      55.9    -39.3     -13.0     26.3       137      237
         Vert.       1624.700          PK      63.1     25.1      3.6      32.5      59.2    -36.0     -13.0     23.0       141      200
         Vert.       9000.000          PK      55.2     37.6      6.5      31.8      67.5    -27.7     -13.0     14.7       163      156
         Vert.      19400.000          PK      63.0     37.6     -2.0      32.3      66.2    -29.0     -13.0     16.0       147       97
         Vert.      27000.000          PK      83.7     43.4      2.4      77.5      52.0    -43.2     -13.0     30.2       221      166
         Vert.      29100.000          PK      92.4     43.5      2.8      73.7      65.0    -30.3     -13.0     17.3       220      160
         Vert.      36000.000          PK      86.1     43.7      4.4      75.6      58.6    -36.7     -13.0     23.7       223      229
         Vert.      38800.000          PK      92.0     44.2      4.9      74.0      67.1    -28.2     -13.0     15.2       221      163
         Result [dBuV/m] = Reading[dBuV] + Ant Factor [dB/m]+ Loss (Cable+Attenuator+Filter-Distance factor(above ))[dB] - Gain(Amprifier) [dB]
         Distance factor : 10 GHz- 40 GHz : 20 log (1.0 m / 3.0 m)= -9.5 dB
         Result [dBm] = 10 x log( ( ( (10 ^ ( (Result [dBuV/m] –120) / 20) ) [V/m] ) ^ 2 ) / (30 x 10 ^ ( (Gain = 0 [dBi] ) / 10) ) x 10 ^ 3 )
         *Other frequency noises omitted in this report were not seen or have enough margin (more than 20dB).
         *Below 1 GHz was not signal detected.

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                                 Test report No.              : 12514551H-R3
                                                                                                 Page                         : 30 of 35
                                                                                                 Issued date                  : June 6, 2019
                                                                                                 FCC ID                       : CKEGKP2781

                                              Field Strength of Spurious Emission

                        Report No.                              12514551H
                        Test place                              Ise EMC Lab. No.3 Semi Anechoic Chamber
                        Date                                    June 5, 2019
                        Temperature / Humidity                  23 deg. C / 43 % RH
                        Engineer                                Yuta Moriya
                        Mode                                    Transmitting 9800 MHz

          Polarity   Frequency    Detector   Reading Ant.Fac.     Loss     Gain      Result Result      Limit   Margin    Height    Angle    Remark
                       [MHz]                 [dBuV] [dB/m]        [dB]     [dB]    [dBuV/m] [dBm]      [dBm]     [dB]      [cm]     [deg.]
          Hori         374.981         PK      56.3      15.1      10.6     31.9      50.1    -45.2     -13.0     32.2       100        50
          Hori         499.939         PK      49.5      17.6      11.5     32.0      46.6    -48.7     -13.0     35.7       210       235
          Hori         576.171         PK      53.2      18.6      11.9     32.0      51.8    -43.5     -13.0     30.5       111       285
          Hori         624.936         PK      61.2      19.5      12.2     32.0      60.9    -34.3     -13.0     21.3       169       254
          Hori         749.906         PK      57.9      20.2      12.9     31.7      59.2    -36.0     -13.0     23.0       134        50
          Hori         874.802         PK      53.9      22.0      13.6     31.1      58.4    -36.8     -13.0     23.8       100       302
          Hori        1124.805         PK      62.1      24.3       3.2     33.8      55.8    -39.4     -13.0     26.4       137       159
          Hori        1624.700         PK      61.1      25.1       3.6     32.5      57.3    -38.0     -13.0     25.0       136       249
          Hori        9100.494         PK      50.3      38.0       6.5     31.8      63.1    -32.2     -13.0     19.2       119       200
          Hori       19600.000         PK      57.3      37.6      -2.0     32.3      60.6    -34.6     -13.0     21.6       150        88
          Hori       27300.000         PK      84.0      43.5       2.4     77.4      52.6    -42.6     -13.0     29.6       221       200
          Hori       29400.000         PK      93.0      43.2       2.9     73.9      65.2    -30.1     -13.0     17.1       198       200
          Hori       36400.000         PK      86.2      43.5       4.5     75.1      59.1    -36.1     -13.0     23.1       212       158
          Hori       39200.000         PK      97.0      44.2       4.9     73.7      72.4    -22.8     -13.0      9.8       200       182
          Vert         374.981         PK      61.1      15.1      10.6     31.9      54.9    -40.4     -13.0     27.4       131       212
          Vert         499.939         PK      53.2      17.6      11.5     32.0      50.3    -45.0     -13.0     32.0       100       325
          Vert         576.171         PK      54.8      18.6      11.9     32.0      53.3    -41.9     -13.0     28.9       100        22
          Vert         624.936         PK      64.0      19.5      12.2     32.0      63.7    -31.5     -13.0     18.5       100        14
          Vert         749.906         PK      53.1      20.2      12.9     31.7      54.4    -40.8     -13.0     27.8       198       226
          Vert         874.802         PK      53.4      22.0      13.6     31.1      58.0    -37.3     -13.0     24.3       100       323
          Vert        1124.805         PK      62.1      24.3       3.2     33.8      55.8    -39.4     -13.0     26.4       137       237
          Vert        1624.700         PK      63.5      25.1       3.6     32.5      59.7    -35.6     -13.0     22.6       141       200
          Vert        9100.494         PK      55.4      38.0       6.5     31.8      68.2    -27.1     -13.0     14.1       206       180
          Vert       19600.000         PK      58.4      37.6      -2.0     32.3      61.7    -33.6     -13.0     20.6       150        98
          Vert       27300.000         PK      83.3      43.5       2.4     77.4      51.9    -43.3     -13.0     30.3       222       151
          Vert       29400.000         PK      94.0      43.2       2.9     73.9      66.2    -29.1     -13.0     16.1       223       152
          Vert       36400.000         PK      79.2      43.5       4.5     75.1      52.1    -43.1     -13.0     30.1       225       177
          Vert       39200.000         PK      92.3      44.2       4.9     73.7      67.7    -27.5     -13.0     14.5       188       164
          Result [dBuV/m] = Reading[dBuV] + Ant Factor [dB/m]+ Loss (Cable+Attenuator+Filter-Distance factor(above ))[dB] - Gain(Amprifier) [dB]
          Distance factor : 10 GHz- 40 GHz : 20 log (1.0 m / 3.0 m)= -9.5 dB
          Result [dBm] = 10 x log( ( ( (10 ^ ( (Result [dBuV/m] –120) / 20) ) [V/m] ) ) ^ 2 ) / (30 x 10 ^ ( (Gain = 0 [dBi] ) / 10) ) x 10 ^ 3 )
          *Other frequency noises omitted in this report were not seen or have enough margin (more than 20dB).
          *Below 1 GHz was not signal detected.

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                              Test report No.   : 12514551H-R3
                                                                              Page              : 31 of 35
                                                                              Issued date       : June 6, 2019
                                                                              FCC ID            : CKEGKP2781

                                                  Frequency Stability

                       Report No.                     12514551H
                       Test place                     Ise EMC Lab. No.6 Semi Anechoic Chamber
                       Date                           September 21, 2018
                       Temperature / Humidity         23 deg. C / 47 % RH
                       Engineer                       Ken Fujita
                       Mode                           Transmitting

              Test          Power Supply      Test            Measured          Frequency        Result
           frequency                       temperature        frequency            error
             [MHz]               [V]          [℃]               [MHz]             [MHz]          [ppm]
                                24.0             50          9701.082173        -0.017827         -1.84
                                24.0             40          9701.110282         0.010282          1.06
                                24.0             30          9701.123289         0.023289          2.40
                                27.6             20          9701.103282         0.003282          0.34
                                24.0             20          9701.102188         0.002188          0.23
            9701.1              20.4             20          9701.103718         0.003718          0.38
                                24.0             10          9701.103684         0.003684          0.38
                                24.0              0          9701.094281        -0.005719         -0.59
                                24.0            -10          9701.080832        -0.019168         -1.98
                                24.0            -20          9701.074400        -0.025600         -2.64
                                24.0            -30          9701.107528         0.007528          0.78
                                24.0             50          9697.986104        -0.913896        -94.21
                                24.0             40          9698.016917        -0.883083        -91.03
                                24.0             30          9698.048689        -0.851311        -87.75
                                27.6             20          9698.015721        -0.884279        -91.15
                                24.0             20          9698.011544        -0.888456        -91.58
            9698.9              20.4             20          9698.029038        -0.870962        -89.78
                                24.0             10          9698.032005        -0.867995        -89.47
                                24.0              0          9698.023688        -0.876312        -90.33
                                24.0            -10          9697.979571        -0.920429        -94.88
                                24.0            -20          9698.001087        -0.898913        -92.66
                                24.0            -30          9698.137737        -0.762263        -78.57
                                24.0             50          9801.122641         0.022641          2.33
                                24.0             40          9801.103398         0.003398          0.35
                                24.0             30          9801.120629         0.020629          2.13
                                27.6             20          9801.119213         0.019213          1.98
                                24.0             20          9801.106033         0.006033          0.62
            9801.1              20.4             20          9801.101893         0.001893          0.20
                                24.0             10          9801.101343         0.001343          0.14
                                24.0              0          9801.093364        -0.006636         -0.68
                                24.0            -10          9801.077055        -0.022945         -2.37
                                24.0            -20          9801.113581         0.013581          1.40
                                24.0            -30          9801.106729         0.006729          0.69
                                24.0             50          9797.998044        -0.901956        -92.97
                                24.0             40          9798.012794        -0.887206        -91.45
                                24.0             30          9798.024281        -0.875719        -90.27
                                27.6             20          9798.024998        -0.875002        -90.20
                                24.0             20          9798.025509        -0.874491        -90.14
            9798.9              20.4             20          9798.024912        -0.875088        -90.20
                                24.0             10          9798.026430        -0.873570        -90.05
                                24.0              0          9798.017049        -0.882951        -91.02
                                24.0            -10          9798.008309        -0.891691        -91.92
                                24.0            -20          9797.999597        -0.900403        -92.81
                                24.0            -30          9798.008651        -0.891349        -91.88

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                               Test report No.       : 12514551H-R3
                                                                               Page                  : 32 of 35
                                                                               Issued date           : June 6, 2019
                                                                               FCC ID                : CKEGKP2781

APPENDIX 2:           Test instruments
Test Instruments
Test Item   LIMS ID   Description          Manufacturer      Model                  Serial         Last          Calibration Cal Int
                                                                                                   Calibration   Due Date
RE          141885    Spectrum Analyzer    AGILENT           E4448A                 US44300523     11/07/2018    11/30/2019 12
RE          151897    Microwave Cable      RINEI SEIKI       SF101EA/11PC24/        SN             04/17/2019    04/30/2020 12
                                                             11PC24/2.5M            MY1726/1EA
RE          141266    Logperiodic          Schwarzbeck       VUSLP9111B             911B-191       03/25/2019    03/31/2020 12
RE          141582    Pre Amplifier        SONOMA            310                    260834         02/08/2019    02/29/2020 12
RE          141949    Test Receiver        Rohde & Schwarz   ESCI                   100767         08/06/2018    08/31/2019   12
RE          141554    Thermo-Hygrometer    CUSTOM            CTH-180                1301           01/11/2019    01/31/2020   12
RE          141532    DIGITAL HiTESTER HIOKI                 3805                   51201197       01/29/2019    01/31/2020   12
RE          141507    Horn Antenna 1-18GHz Schwarzbeck       BBHA9120D              258            05/10/2019    05/31/2020   12
RE          141417    Microwave Cable      Junkosha          MWX221                 1404S374(1m) / 05/07/2018    05/31/2019   12
RE          141581    MicroWave System     AGILENT           83017A                 650            10/04/2018    10/31/2019 12
RE          141513    Horn Antenna         Schwarzbeck       BBHA9170               BBHA9170306 05/10/2019       05/31/2020 12
RE          141517    Horn Antenna         ETS LINDGREN 3160-10                     152399         05/16/2019    05/31/2020 12
RE          160324    Coaxial Cable        Huber+Suhner      SUCOFLEX 102A          MY009/2A       11/08/2018    11/30/2019 12
RE          141152    EMI measurement      TSJ               TEPTO-DV               -              -             -          -
RE          142008    AC3_Semi Anechoic    TDK               Semi Anechoic          DA-10005       06/26/2018    06/30/2020 24
                      Chamber(NSA)                           Chamber 3m
RE          142183    Measure              KOMELON           KMC-36                 -              -             -          -
RE          142013    AC3_Semi Anechoic    TDK               Semi Anechoic          DA-10005       04/08/2019    04/30/2020 12
                      Chamber(SVSWR)                         Chamber 3m
RE          148897    Attenuator           KEYSIGHT          8491A                  MY52462349     12/20/2018    12/31/2019 12
RE          141588    Pre Amplifier        MITEQ, Inc        AMF-6F-2600400-33-8P   1871355        09/21/2018    09/30/2019 12
                                                             / AMF-4F-2600          /1871328
RE          141323    Coaxial cable        UL Japan          -                      -              07/03/2018    07/31/2019 12
RE          141424    Biconical Antenna    Schwarzbeck       BBA9106                1915           05/24/2019    05/31/2020 12
AT          141428    Temperature and      TABAI ESPEC       PH-4KT                 14005347       12/22/2017    12/31/2018 12
                      Humidity Chamber
AT          141547    DIGITAL HiTESTER     HIOKI             3805                   60500120       02/25/2019    02/29/2020   12
AT          141561    Thermo-Hygrometer    CUSTOM            CTH-201                1401           01/11/2019    01/31/2020   12
AT          141414    Microwave Cable      Junkosha          MWX221                 1207S407       08/21/2018    08/31/2019   12
AT          150449    Probe, Electrical,   KEYSIGHT          DSOX3102T, N2750A      MY56310068,    11/22/2018    11/30/2019   12
                      Oscilloscope                                                  US53331022
AT          141809    Power Meter          ANRITSU           ML2495A                825002         05/16/2019    05/31/2020 12
AT          141830    Power sensor         ANRITSU           MA2411B                738285         05/16/2019    05/31/2020 12
AT          141174    Attenuator(20dB)     HIROSE            AT-120                 901247         01/10/2019    01/31/2020 12
                      (above1GHz)          ELECTRIC
*Hyphens for Last Calibration Date, Calibration Due Date and Cal Int (month) are instruments that
Calibration is not required (e.g. software), or instruments checked in advance before use.

The expiration date of the calibration is the end of the expired month.
All equipment is calibrated with valid calibrations. Each measurement data is traceable to the national or
international standards.

As for some calibrations performed after the tested dates, those test equipment have been controlled by means
of an unbroken chains of calibrations.

Test item:            RE: Radiated Emission test
                      AT: Antenna Terminal Conducted test

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile : +81 596 24 8124

Document Created: 2019-06-07 08:17:29
Document Modified: 2019-06-07 08:17:29

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