Manual Pt3


Users Manual

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Uploading Images

 1   Press the       button to view pictures on the
     memory card. Display the first picture to be sent
     in single-image playback or highlight it in the
     thumbnail list.

 2   Press the center of the multi selector while press-
     ing the button. The image will be marked with
     a white “send” icon and transmission will begin
     immediately. During upload, images are marked
     with a green “sending” icon. Repeat this process
     to send additional images (pictures will be sent in
     the order selected).
     Images that have been successfully uploaded are
     marked with a blue “sent” icon. Images can be re-
     sent by pressing the center of the multi selector
     while pressing the button to change the blue
     “sent” icon to a white “send” icon.

   During Upload
Do not remove the memory card or disconnect the Ethernet cable during upload.
     File Names
If the destination folder on an ftp server contains files with the same names as images select-
ed for upload, the files on the server will be replaced by the images uploaded from the cam-
era. Selecting On for Custom Setting d6 (File No. Sequence) during shooting will prevent
the camera from creating files with duplicate file names. When uploading files from multiple
cameras to the same server, assign each camera its own folder.
    Loss of Signal
Transmission may be interrupted if the signal is lost ( 25). Transmission can be resumed by
turning the camera off and then on again, activating the camera exposure meters, or select-
ing On for Wireless transmitter > Wireless LAN system once the signal is restored.


Interrupting Transmission
To cancel transmission of images marked with a white “send” icon or green “send-
ing” icon, select the images during playback and press the center of the multi se-
lector while pressing the button. The icon will be removed. Any of the following
actions will also interrupt transmission:
• Turning the camera off
• Choosing Off in the Wireless transmitter > Wireless LAN system menu
• Selecting Yes for Wireless transmitter > Settings > Deselect all
Transfer Status
During playback, the status of images selected for uploaded is shown as follows:
    : “Send”
Images that have been selected for upload are marked
with a white    icon.
    : “Sending”
A green      icon is displayed during upload.

   : “Sent”
Images that have been uploaded successfully are
marked with a blue  icon.

    Turning the Camera Off
“Send” marking will be saved if the camera is turned off or Off is selected for Wireless trans-
mitter > Wireless LAN system while transmission is in progress. Transmission of images
marked with a “send” icon will resume when the camera is turned on, the shutter-release button
is pressed halfway, or On is selected for Wireless transmitter > Wireless LAN system.
   Removing the “Send,” “Sending,” and “Sent” Icons
“Send,” “sending,” and “sent” icons can be removed from all images by selecting Yes for Wire-
less transmitter > Settings > Deselect all? ( 47).


Network Status
The status of the link between the server and the WT-3 is shown by the status LEDs
and by the display in the top level of the wireless transmitter menu.
The Status LEDs
The POWER LED lights when the WT-3 is on. Signal qual-
ity is shown by the LINK LED: the faster the LED blinks,
the better the signal and the faster data can be trans-
mitted. The BUSY LED lights while data are being sent.
                      Status                              POWER          LINK        BUSY
Camera or exposure meters off, or Off selected for
                                                            (off )         (off )        (off )
Wireless transmitter > Wireless LAN system
Connecting to host computer or ftp server                    (on)          (on)        (off )
Waiting to send data                                         (on)        (blinks)      (off )
Sending data                                                 (on)        (blinks)      (on)
Connection error                                           (blinks)        (off )       (off )
WT-3 hardware malfunction                                  (blinks)      (blinks)    (blinks)

The Status Display
Network status can also be viewed in the top level of the wireless transmitter
Status area: The status of the                                    Signal strength: This icon
connection to the host. The                                       shows five levels of wire-
host name is displayed in                                         less signal strength. It is
green when a connection                                           displayed in red when no
is established. While files                                        signal can be detected. For
are being transferred, the                                        maximum signal strength,
status display shows “Now                                         ensure a clear line of sight
sending” followed by the                                          between the WT-3 antenna
name of the file being sent.        , : The estimated time re-     and the wireless LAN adapt-
Any errors that occur during     quired to send the remaining     er or access point. A icon
transfer are also displayed      images.                          is displayed when the WT-3
here.                                                             is connected via Ethernet.


Controlling the Camera: PC Mode
In PC mode, a camera equipped with a WT-3 can be controlled over a wireless net-
work from a computer running Nikon Capture 4 version 4.4 or later (available sepa-
rately) and photographs saved directly to the computer hard disk instead of the
camera memory card. The principal steps are:
                Connect to the computer...................................................................   26–27

                Control the camera using Nikon Capture 4 .................................                   28–29

The WT-3 Setup Utility must be installed on the host computer. Before connecting
to the host, create a host profile using the WT-3 Setup Utility ( 11–16) and be sure
that the host is running.
Connecting to the Computer

 1   To access the network via Ethernet, connect the Ethernet cable ( 4). Note
     that wireless transfer is disabled while an Ethernet cable is connected. Dis-
     connect the Ethernet cable before accessing a wireless network. Turn the
     camera off before connecting or disconnecting the Ethernet cable.

 2   Turn the camera on.

 3   Select PC mode for the Wireless transmit-
     ter > Mode option in the camera setup menu (

   Choose PTP
Before connecting the WT-3, set the USB option in the camera setup menu to PTP (                                     11).
    PictureProject Version 1.6.1 or Later
In PC mode, PictureProject Transfer can be used to transfer pictures to the computer, where
they will be cataloged in the PictureProject software supplied with the camera (version 1.6.1
or later required).


4   A list of available connection profiles will be dis-
    played. Press the multi selector up or down to
    highlight the desired profile and press to the right
    to select.

        Viewing Profile Information
    Press the camera       button to view information on the
    selected profile.

5   Select On for Wireless transmitter > Wireless
    LAN system ( 34).

6   The message “Now in PC mode” will be displayed
    in the top level of the wireless transmitter menu
    when a connection is established. For information
    on what to do if an error is displayed, see “Trouble-
    shooting” ( 51).


Controlling the Camera Using Nikon Capture 4

 1   Complete the steps in “Connecting to a Computer” (           26).

 2   Start Nikon Capture 4 Camera Control on the host
     computer and confirm that      is displayed in the
     camera control panel.

     Control the camera as described in the Nikon Capture 4 User’s Manual. Any
 3   photographs taken while the camera is connected will be recorded directly
     to the computer hard disk.

   Ethernet Networks: Do Not Disconnect the Ethernet Cable
Do not disconnect the Ethernet cable while the camera is on.
    Wireless Networks: Loss of Signal During Transfer
A loss of signal may interrupt the connection while pictures are being transferred to Nikon
Capture 4 Camera Control. If the POWER LED on the WT-3 is blinking ( 29), select Off for the
Wireless transmitter > Wireless LAN system option in the camera setup menu and then
select On again. Transfer will resume when the connection is re-established. Do not turn the
camera off. Transfer can not be resumed once the camera is turned off.


Network Status
The status of the link between the server and the WT-3 is shown by the status LEDs
and by the display in the top level of the wireless transmitter menu.
The Status LEDs
The POWER LED lights when the WT-3 is on. Signal qual-
ity is shown by the LINK LED: the faster the LED blinks,
the better the signal and the faster data can be trans-
mitted. The BUSY LED lights while data are being sent.
                       Status                               POWER        LINK         BUSY
Camera or exposure meters off, or Off selected for
                                                              (off )        (off )        (off )
Wireless transmitter > Wireless LAN system
Connecting to computer                                         (on)        (on)         (off )
Waiting for connection                                         (on)      (blinks)       (off )
Connected; camera control possible                             (on)      (blinks)       (on)
Connection error                                             (blinks)      (off )        (off )
WT-3 hardware malfunction                                    (blinks)    (blinks)     (blinks)

The Status Display
Network status can also be viewed in the top level of the wireless transmitter
Status area: The status of the
connection to the host. The
host name is displayed in
green when a connection is
established. Any errors that
prevent the camera from
connecting to the host are
also displayed here.
                                 Signal strength: This icon shows five levels of wireless signal
                                 strength. It is displayed in red when no signal can be detect-
                                 ed. For maximum signal strength, ensure a clear line of sight
                                 between the WT-3 antenna and the wireless LAN adapter or
                                 access point. A       icon is displayed when the WT-3 is con-
                                 nected via Ethernet.


Printing Pictures: Print Mode
Choose print mode to print JPEG pictures from the camera to a printer connected
to a network computer or to the optional PD-10 wireless printer adapter ( 32).
RAW pictures can not be printed directly from the camera, but can be printed using
PictureProject or Nikon Capture version 4.4 or later. Index prints are available with
the PD-10 only. The principal steps in printing JPEG pictures from the camera are:
                Select a printer .....................................................................................         30–31

                Print pictures ..................................................................................................   31

Before printing, create a host profile (                                    11–16) and adjust printer settings (                          17).
Selecting a Printer

1    Turn the camera off and insert the memory card
     containing the pictures to be printed.

 2   To access the network via Ethernet, connect the Ethernet cable ( 4). Note
     that wireless transfer is disabled while an Ethernet cable is connected. Dis-
     connect the Ethernet cable before accessing a wireless network. Turn the
     camera off before connecting or disconnecting the Ethernet cable.

 3   Turn the camera on and confirm that the printer
     and host computer or wireless printer adapter are

 4   Select Print mode for the Wireless transmit-
     ter > Mode option in the camera setup menu (

   Choose PTP
Before connecting the WT-3, set the USB option in the camera setup menu to PTP (                                                         11).
    Use a Reliable Power Source
Be sure the camera battery is fully charged or use an EH-6 AC adapter (available separately).


 5   A list of available printer profiles will be displayed.
     Press the multi selector up or down to highlight
     the desired profile, then press to the right to se-
     lect and return to the top level of the wireless
     transmitter menu.
         Viewing Profile Information
     Press the camera       button to view information on the
     selected profile.

Printing Pictures

 1   Select On for Wireless transmitter > Wireless
     LAN system ( 34).

 2   Select Print in the top level of the wireless trans-
     mitter menu to connect to the printer. The status
     LEDs will light as a connection is negotiated with
     the printer.

 3   Print photographs from the Print menu as de-
     scribed in “Printing Via Direct USB Connection:
     Printing Multiple Photographs” in the camera man-
     ual. The index print option is only available with
     the optional PD-10 wireless printer adapter.

    The Status LEDs
The POWER LED lights when the WT-3 is on. Signal quality is shown by the LINK LED: the faster
the LED blinks, the better the signal and the faster data can be transmitted. The BUSY LED
lights while data are being sent.
                          Status                          POWER         LINK        BUSY
Camera or exposure meters off, camera not connected
                                                             (off )       (off )        (off )
to printer, or transmission error
Connected to printer; pictures can be printed                (on)       (blinks)      (on)
Error connecting to printer                                (blinks)       (off )       (off )
WT-3 hardware malfunction                                  (blinks)     (blinks)    (blinks)


Printing Pictures Using the PD-10 Wireless Printer Adapter
The optional PD-10 wireless printer adapter allows photographs to be printed di-
rectly from the camera without cables or a computer. The principal steps for using
the PD-10 are:
              Create a profile for the PD-10 ..........................................................                       32–33

              Selecting a printer ...............................................................................            30–31

              Print pictures ..................................................................................................   31

See the PD-10 manual for more information. The first step can be omitted once a
profile has been created.
Creating a Profile for the PD-10

1    Connect the PD-10 to a PictBridge-compatible
     printer as described in the PD-10 manual and turn
     both the PD-10 and printer on.

2    Turn the camera on.

3    Select On for the Wireless transmitter > Wire-
     less LAN system option in the camera setup
     menu ( 34).

4    Select Print mode for Wireless transmit-
     ter > Mode ( 34).


5   Select Printer registration. Note that printer
    registration will not be available if the camera al-
    ready contains nine profiles; if necessary, delete a
    profile using the button.

6   The message shown at right will be displayed in
    the camera monitor. Press the START button on
    the wireless printer adapter for about two sec-

7   A message will be displayed asking if you want
    to connect to the printer. Select Yes to print pic-
    tures from the Print menu ( 31), or No to return
    to Step 5. The PD-10 can now be selected from
    the profile list as described in “Selecting a Printer”
    ( 30).


Menu Guide
This section describes the settings available for the Wireless
transmitter option in the camera setup menu when the
WT-3 is connected.

Wireless LAN System
Turn the WT-3 on or off. Select Off to reduce the drain on the
battery. When On is selected, power consumption is reduced
if no memory card is inserted in transfer and print modes or
if no data are being transmitted in print mode. Note that in
transfer mode transfer will resume immediately when the
transceiver is turned on.
Choose from Transfer mode ( 21), PC mode ( 26), and
Print mode ( 30). Selecting any of these options displays a
profile list showing the connections available in the selected

Choose Profile
Selecting an option from the Mode menu displays a profile list
showing the connections available in the selected mode. The
WT-3 can store a total of up to nine host, server, and printer
profiles. To delete a profile, highlight it in the profile list and
press the button. To edit an ftp server profile, highlight the
profile and press the button ( 35).
To view profile information, highlight the desired profile and press the        button.
The following information will be displayed.

     Profile name (   13, 49)
                                                           Device (PC, ftp server, or
            SSID (    14, 36)
                                                           Interface type (   13, 49)


FTP Registration (for Connection to ftp Servers Only)
In transfer mode, ftp profiles can be created without using the WT-3 Setup Utility.
See the Appendix for more information ( 48).
Editing ftp Profiles
To edit an ftp server profile, highlight it in the profile list in
transfer mode and press the button. Choose the settings
to be edited from Wireless, TCP/IP, and FTP, or select Done
to save changes and return to the profile list. Only ftp server
profiles can be edited in this fashion; to edit other profiles, use
the WT-3 Setup Utility.
This option contains settings for connection to a wireless net-
work and is only displayed if the interface type for the selected
profile is Wireless & Ethernet. The wireless menu has two
pages of options; to scroll between pages, press the multi se-
lector up or down.

   Text Entry
The following dialog is displayed when text entry is required.

 Keyboard area: Use multi selector                            Text display area: Text appears in
 to highlight letters, press center                           this area. To move cursor, press
 to select.                                                      while using up, down, left, and
                                                              right buttons on multi selector.
Use the multi selector to highlight the desired character in the keyboard area and press the
center of the multi selector to insert the highlighted character at the current cursor position
(note that if a character is entered when the field is full, the last character in the field will be
deleted). To delete the character under the cursor, press the button. To move the cursor to
a new position, press the button while using the multi selector.
To complete entry and return to the previous menu, press the        button. To exit to the previ-
ous menu without completing text entry, press .


Wireless Menu, Page 1/2
SSID: A BSS- or ESS-ID is required for connection to a wireless
LAN adapter or access point. To change the BSS- or ESS-ID,
highlight the current ID, press the multi selector to the right,
and enter a new ID as described in the note on the previous
page. Press to return to the wireless menu (1/2).
Communication mode: Choose a mode according to how the
wireless network is set up.
    Option                            Description
               Connection to wireless network is via access point.
    Ad-hoc     Direct peer-to-peer wireless connection to host.


  1                                              2
                Choose channel.†                       Return to wireless menu (1/2).

* Not required if Infrastructure is selected for Communication mode.
†The WT-3 offers a choice of thirteen channels (1–13), the WT-3A a choice of eleven channels

Wireless Menu, Page 2/2
Authentication: Choose the type of authentication used by the
computer or access point. The camera supports WPA-PSK,
WPA2-PSK, open system, and shared key authentication. WPA-
PSK and WPA2-PSK are available only in infrastructure mode.

     Using the Menus
If the shutter-release button on the camera or WT-3 is pressed while menus are displayed,
the monitor will turn off and any changes to the current profile will be lost. Do not press the
shutter-release button while editing profiles.


Document Created: 2006-07-12 10:01:52
Document Modified: 2006-07-12 10:01:52

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