internal photos


Internal Photos

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                                                                       Testing and certification of electric, electronic and
                                                                       radio equipment/installations including
                                                                       telecommunication systems

                               INTERNAL PICTURES OF AN ANTI PILFERAGE
                               SYSTEM XQ, BRAND NEDAP, WITH NCC-4, PG45,
                               E45OID AND EQ45

                                                            FCC listed         : 90828
                                                            Industry Canada    : IC3501
                                                            VCCI registered    : R-1518, C-1598

TNO Electronic Products & Services (EPS) B.V.
P.O. Box 15
9822 ZG Niekerk (NL)
Smidshornerweg 18
9822 TL Niekerk (NL)

Telephone: +31 594 505005
Telefax: +31 594 504804


Project number: pict CGDXCQ-MD4                                                                      Page 1 of 18

                                                                             Description of EUT:    Anti Pilferage System
                                                                                  Manufacturer:     NEDAP N.V.
                                                                                    Brand mark:     NEDAP
                                                                                          Model:    NCC4
                                                                                        FCC ID:     CGDXQ-MD4

Description of test item

Test item                                :          Anti Pilferage system
Manufacturer                             :          N.V. Nederlandsche Apparatenfabriek NEDAP
Brand                                    :          NEDAP
Model                                    :          NCC4, PG45, E45OID, EQ45
Serial number                            :          n.a.
Revision                                 :          n.a.
Receipt number                           :          n.a.
Receipt date                             :          October 2, 2004

Applicant information

Applicant’s representative               :          Mr. J. Hulshof
Company                                  :          N.V. Nederlandsche Apparatenfabriek NEDAP
Address                                  :          Parallelweg 2
postal code                              :          NL-7141 DC
City                                     :          Groenlo
PO-box                                   :          6
Postal code                              :          7140 AA
City                                     :          Groenlo
Country                                  :          Netherlands
Telephone number                         :          +31 544 47 11 11
Telefax number                           :          +31 544 46 34 75

This report is in conformity with NEN-EN-ISO/IEC 17025: 2000.
This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written permission of TNO Electronic Products & Services (EPS) B.V.
The test results relate only to the item(s) tested.

  Project number: 04011501.ext pict MD4                                                                                                Page 2 of 18

                                                                                                 Description of EUT:          Anti Pilferage System
                                                                                                      Manufacturer:           NEDAP N.V.
                                                                                                        Brand mark:           NEDAP
                                                                                                              Model:          NCC4
                                                                                                            FCC ID:           CGDXQ-MD4

Table of contents

1    Internal Photos NCC-4 ............................................................................................................................................................ 4
  1.1     Internal Photos NCC-4 Cover off.................................................................................................................................... 4
  1.2     Internal Photos NCC-4: PCB component side ................................................................................................................ 5
  1.3     Internal Photos NCC-4 PCB copper side ....................................................................................................................... 6
2    E45OID internal pictures......................................................................................................................................................... 7
  2.1     Internal pictures E45OID front........................................................................................................................................ 7
  2.2     Internal pictures E45OID front covers removed. ............................................................................................................ 8
  2.3     Internal pictures E45OID rear. ........................................................................................................................................ 9
  2.4     Internal pictures E45OID rear covers removed............................................................................................................. 10
3    PG45 interal pictures. ............................................................................................................................................................ 11
  3.1     Internal pictures PG45 front. ......................................................................................................................................... 11
  3.2     Internal pictures PG45 front, covers removed............................................................................................................... 12
  3.3     External pictures PG45 rear........................................................................................................................................... 13
  3.4     External pictures PG45 rear covers off. ........................................................................................................................ 14
4    EQ45 internal pictures. .......................................................................................................................................................... 15
  4.1     internal pictures EQ45 front. ......................................................................................................................................... 15
  4.2     Internal pictures EQ45 front covers removed. .............................................................................................................. 16
  4.3     internal pictures EQ45 rear............................................................................................................................................ 17
  4.4     internal pictures EQ45 rear covers removed. ................................................................................................................ 18

    Project number: 04011501.ext pict MD4                                                                                                                                   Page 3 of 18

                                         Description of EUT:   Anti Pilferage System
                                              Manufacturer:    NEDAP N.V.
                                                Brand mark:    NEDAP
                                                      Model:   NCC4
                                                    FCC ID:    CGDXQ-MD4

1     Internal Photos NCC-4
1.1   Internal Photos NCC-4 Cover off

 Project number: 04011501.ext pict MD4                                                 Page 4 of 18

                                                  Description of EUT:   Anti Pilferage System
                                                       Manufacturer:    NEDAP N.V.
                                                         Brand mark:    NEDAP
                                                               Model:   NCC4
                                                             FCC ID:    CGDXQ-MD4

1.2   Internal Photos NCC-4: PCB component side

 Project number: 04011501.ext pict MD4                                                          Page 5 of 18

                                              Description of EUT:   Anti Pilferage System
                                                   Manufacturer:    NEDAP N.V.
                                                     Brand mark:    NEDAP
                                                           Model:   NCC4
                                                         FCC ID:    CGDXQ-MD4

1.3   Internal Photos NCC-4 PCB copper side

 Project number: 04011501.ext pict MD4                                                      Page 6 of 18

                                         Description of EUT:   Anti Pilferage System
                                              Manufacturer:    NEDAP N.V.
                                                Brand mark:    NEDAP
                                                      Model:   NCC4
                                                    FCC ID:    CGDXQ-MD4

2     E45OID internal pictures.
2.1   Internal pictures E45OID front.

 Project number: 04011501.ext pict MD4                                                 Page 7 of 18

                                                  Description of EUT:   Anti Pilferage System
                                                       Manufacturer:    NEDAP N.V.
                                                         Brand mark:    NEDAP
                                                               Model:   NCC4
                                                             FCC ID:    CGDXQ-MD4

2.2   Internal pictures E45OID front covers removed.

 Project number: 04011501.ext pict MD4                                                          Page 8 of 18

                                         Description of EUT:   Anti Pilferage System
                                              Manufacturer:    NEDAP N.V.
                                                Brand mark:    NEDAP
                                                      Model:   NCC4
                                                    FCC ID:    CGDXQ-MD4

2.3   Internal pictures E45OID rear.

 Project number: 04011501.ext pict MD4                                                 Page 9 of 18

                                                 Description of EUT:   Anti Pilferage System
                                                      Manufacturer:    NEDAP N.V.
                                                        Brand mark:    NEDAP
                                                              Model:   NCC4
                                                            FCC ID:    CGDXQ-MD4

2.4   Internal pictures E45OID rear covers removed.

 Project number: 04011501.ext pict MD4                                                         Page 10 of 18

                                         Description of EUT:   Anti Pilferage System
                                              Manufacturer:    NEDAP N.V.
                                                Brand mark:    NEDAP
                                                      Model:   NCC4
                                                    FCC ID:    CGDXQ-MD4

3     PG45 interal pictures.
3.1   Internal pictures PG45 front.

 Project number: 04011501.ext pict MD4                                                 Page 11 of 18

                                                      Description of EUT:   Anti Pilferage System
                                                           Manufacturer:    NEDAP N.V.
                                                             Brand mark:    NEDAP
                                                                   Model:   NCC4
                                                                 FCC ID:    CGDXQ-MD4

3.2   Internal pictures PG45 front, covers removed.

 Project number: 04011501.ext pict MD4                                                              Page 12 of 18

                                         Description of EUT:   Anti Pilferage System
                                              Manufacturer:    NEDAP N.V.
                                                Brand mark:    NEDAP
                                                      Model:   NCC4
                                                    FCC ID:    CGDXQ-MD4

3.3   External pictures PG45 rear.

 Project number: 04011501.ext pict MD4                                                 Page 13 of 18

                                                Description of EUT:   Anti Pilferage System
                                                     Manufacturer:    NEDAP N.V.
                                                       Brand mark:    NEDAP
                                                             Model:   NCC4
                                                           FCC ID:    CGDXQ-MD4

3.4   External pictures PG45 rear covers off.

 Project number: 04011501.ext pict MD4                                                        Page 14 of 18

                                         Description of EUT:   Anti Pilferage System
                                              Manufacturer:    NEDAP N.V.
                                                Brand mark:    NEDAP
                                                      Model:   NCC4
                                                    FCC ID:    CGDXQ-MD4

4     EQ45 internal pictures.
4.1   internal pictures EQ45 front.

 Project number: 04011501.ext pict MD4                                                 Page 15 of 18

                                                     Description of EUT:   Anti Pilferage System
                                                          Manufacturer:    NEDAP N.V.
                                                            Brand mark:    NEDAP
                                                                  Model:   NCC4
                                                                FCC ID:    CGDXQ-MD4

4.2   Internal pictures EQ45 front covers removed.

 Project number: 04011501.ext pict MD4                                                             Page 16 of 18

                                         Description of EUT:   Anti Pilferage System
                                              Manufacturer:    NEDAP N.V.
                                                Brand mark:    NEDAP
                                                      Model:   NCC4
                                                    FCC ID:    CGDXQ-MD4

4.3   internal pictures EQ45 rear.

 Project number: 04011501.ext pict MD4                                                 Page 17 of 18

                                                    Description of EUT:   Anti Pilferage System
                                                         Manufacturer:    NEDAP N.V.
                                                           Brand mark:    NEDAP
                                                                 Model:   NCC4
                                                               FCC ID:    CGDXQ-MD4

4.4   internal pictures EQ45 rear covers removed.

 Project number: 04011501.ext pict MD4                                                            Page 18 of 18

Document Created: 2004-09-16 10:20:42
Document Modified: 2004-09-16 10:20:42

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