

Users Manual

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Quick start manual
VP1801 Reader Motor Control

The VP1801 is a Velos component that is used to identify animals for feeding, weighing, milking, heat
detection etc. The VP1801 is equipped with an internal switch to support a double Ethernet connection
(web interface ready) and the existing VC3 interface. The Ethernet channel is used for the main
functionality and communication like software updates and service. An extra communication channel is
available for the VC3 systems. The function is the same as the existing Single Feeder.
The VP1801 can be installed in a V-box.

                                                        Doc. part. no. 5278724 / Manual version 1.1 / 07-2017   1


    A VP1801 can be connected in different ways:
       • To a shielded Ethernet cable and controlled by a switch or VPU:

                                                                                         LAN next VP1801
                                                                                          Vin next VP1801

                                                                                                1. Shielded cable
                     Switch             1     1                                                 2. Shielded cable,
                                                                                                shield not connected
                    Power +         1                         2                                 to VP1801.
                    supply -

    When connecting the Ethernet cable, the VP1801 automatically detects TX/RX , plus and minus
    connections, and switches to the correct connection.

    •       To a shielded four wire cable and controlled by a VC3 host:
                                                       VC3 next VP1801

                                                       SYNC next VP1801
              -                                                   2
             D                 1
bridge                         1
              +                                                                                 1. Shielded cable
              -                                                                                 2. Shielded cable,
             D                                                                                  shield not connected
                      1                                           2
             R                                                                                  to VP1801.

     The SYNC connection is necessary for HDX ISO synchronization between other readers. For FDX a
    SYNC connection is possible, but not necessary if only one antenna is used. When two antennas are
    used the SYNC connection is always needed, even when FDX-only (no ISO) mode is enabled. The
    switching between the two antennas uses the ISO timing.

    The F SYNC connection is necessary when the distance between two antennas is ≤ 3 m. Connect the F
    SYNC as shown in the picture below.

                                                                                           F SYNC I next
                                                                                        O5 VP1801
                                                                                           minus next VP1801

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Installation steps Ethernet
 Step 1   Install the VP1801 in the V-box (or other box). See the manual of the relevant equipment (feeding
          station, separation unit etc.) where is indicated how to install the V-box.
 Step 2   Connect all required wiring. See the manual of the relevant equipment and the manual of the
          required behaviour component.
 Step 3   Power up and check the LED indicators, see also the overview on page 9.
 Step 4   When the system is equipped with the auto-addressing function, the host computer requires the
          address. Select “Sp > y” in the display menu of the VP1801, see page 6. Go to Step 8.
 Step 5   When auto-addressing is not available, set the required address manually via “Ad” in the display
          menu, see page 6.
 Step 6   Check the ip settings via “IP” in the display menu, see page 6. Default DHCP is on. When DHCP
          must be switched off, set the required ip address settings via “IP” in the display menu. When DHCP
          is switched off, the default IP address is
 Step 7   Check the antenna tuning. Select “HF > H1 > tu” in the display menu to start and enable autotune,
          see page 7. If external manual adjustment is used (e.g. adjustable antenna-trafo), select “AA” in the
          display menu, see page 7.
 Step 8   Test the functioning. See manual of the behaviour component. In case of malfunctioning of the
          connected devices like sensors, motors, execute a test with options from menu option “It”, see page

Installation steps VC3
 Step 1   Install the VP1801 in the V-box (or other box). See the manual of the relevant equipment (feeder,
          separation unit etc.) where is indicated how to install the V-box.
 Step 2   Connect all required wiring. See the manual of the relevant VC3 application.
 Step 3   Power up and check the LED indicators, see also overview on page 9.
 Step 4   Set the required VC4 address via “CO > SA” in the display menu, see page 8.
 Step 5   Select the VC3 application and other relevant VC3 settings via “CO > AP”, see page 8.
 Step 6   Check the antenna tuning. Select “HF > H1 > tu” in the display menu to start and enable autotune,
          see page 7. If external manual adjustment is used (e.g. adjustable antenna-trafo), select “AA” in the
          display menu, see page 7.
 Step 7   Test the functioning. See the manual of the VC3 application. In case of malfunctioning of the
          connected devices like sensors or valves, execute a test with options from menu option “It”, see
          page 7.

                                                         Doc. part. no. 5278724 / Manual version 1.1 / 07-2017    3


See the manual of the concerning behaviour component for a detailed overview of the connections. O5 is default
controlled by the identification process of the VP1801 itself, and can be overruled by the behaviour component. If the
V-box has a signal light, connect it default to O5.

When connecting the Ethernet cable, the VP1801 automatically detects TX/RX , plus and minus connections, and
switches to the correct connection.

Details VP1801 inputs and outputs
LAN                    Tx +     Transmit (shielded CAT5E FTP (Foiled Twister Pair, also called S/UTP) stranded
                                AWG26 or AWG24 (preferred)). Cable length max. 100 m.
                       Tx -     Transmit
                       Rx +     Receive
                       Rx -     Receive
                               Ethernet shielding
Vin                      +      Input voltage 25 VDC, +20% -20%
                         -      Minus
Vout                     +      Output (max 4A)
                         -      Minus
VC3                    DR       VC3 data receive. Shielded cable, cable length max. 40 m.
                        DS      VC3 data send
SYNC                     ~      Synchronisation for HDX or 2 installed antennas, AC (no plus or minus, cable must
                                be shielded twisted pair). Max. 20 devices parallel, total cable length max. 300 m.
                        ~       See above
I/O 1 .. 4              M       Motor output or normal output max 3.5A as total current for the 4 outputs. Cable
                                length max. 3 m.
                        M-      Minus for motor output or normal output
                         I      Input of motor or normal input
                        -       Minus for motor input or normal input
O5                      O       Output max 400mA continue. Cable length max. 3 m.
                        -       Minus for output (O) and minus input (I)
ANT 1                   +       Antenna 1 (core of coax). Cable length max. 10 m.
                        -       Minus for antenna 1 (shield of coax)
ANT 2                   +       Antenna 2 (core of coax). Cable length max. 10 m.
                        -       Minus for antenna 2 (shield of coax)
F SYNC                  O       Output for FDX synchronization of the antenna signal phase (core of coax: shield
                                connected with minus of O5). Cable length max. 3 m.
                          I     Input for synchronization of antenna signal phase (core of coax: shield connected
                                with minus of O5). Cable length max. 3 m.
The VP1801 has two antenna connections and one internal reader. When two antennas are connected, the used
application determines if the second antenna is used or not. In case the reader has to control both antennas, the
reader switches fast between the two antennas in a smart way. That means the identification time is divided over the
two antennas with a switching time that can vary between 24ms and 120ms in case both antennas have the same
priority. Priority is controlled by Ethernet control like a behaviour component.

The VP1801 is equipped with the autotune function. This means it can tune an antenna by itself due to an integrated
internal tuning-circuit on board. Tuning can be started with the display menu “HF > H1 > tu”, remote from an external
command over Ethernet or with the web-interface of the VP1801.

             Autotune works with all Nedap antennas. In case external antenna adjustment is used (e.g. adjustable
             antenna-trafo), the autotune function must be switched off to achieve the maximum reading distance.
             This can be done via “HF > HI > AA” in the menu display of the VP1801, see page 6. Then the autotune
             function is disabled until it is started again with the display menu “HF > H1 > tu”.

                                                                  Doc. part. no. 5278724 / Manual version 1.1 / 07-2017   4


Display menu                1            2

                                                                                         1. Display
                                                                                         2. Push button

               SERIAL NUMBER
               Shows last four digits of serial number

               SYSTEM PING
               Send system ping

               PROGRAM VERSION
               Shows program version

               DISPLAY ADDRESS
               Shows the actual address

               SET ADDRESS
               Change the address

               DISPLAY SECTION
               Show section (Default 0, enter 0 to have access to IP address settings)

               SET SECTION
               Change section

               Shows actual VPU unit address ( Default 0)

               SET VPU UNIT ADDRESS
               Changes the actual unit VPU unit address

               SETTINGS TO DEFAULT
               All address settings back to factory settings

                                 DHCP IS ON
                                 Press long until blinking to turn on DHCP

                                 DHCP IS OFF
                                 Press long until blinking to turn off DHCP

               DISPLAY IP ADDRESS
               Shows actual IP address (one by one)

               SET IP ADDRESS

               DISPLAY NETWORK MASK (only shown in case of DHCP OFF)
               Shows network mask (8=, 16=, 24=

                                                    Doc. part. no. 5278724 / Manual version 1.1 / 07-2017   5


SET NETWORK MASK (only shown in case of DHCP OFF)
Changes network mask (8=, 16=, 24=

All address settings back to factory settings

                 AUTOTUNE MODE
                 Starts antenna tuning

                 ADJUST ANTENNA
                 Antenna tuning level will be shown (sets autotuning position off)

                 ANTENNA POWER
                 Min/max 10 / 99. Normally set to 25 (=25% of maximum power).

                                     ANTENNA SENSITIVITY SQUELCH FDX
                                     Set squelch level FDX

                                     ANTENNA SENSITIVITY SQUELCH HDX
                                     Set squelch level HDX

                 SIGNAL LEVEL FDX
                 Shows signal level measured by the FDX receiver

                 SIGNAL LEVEL HDX
                 Shows signal level measured by the HDX receiver

                 TEST IDENTIFICATION
                 Shows last 2 digits of a tag number


                 Accepts only 999 or 984 country code responder numbers (Nedap)

                 Reads all responder numbers

All antenna settings to default

                 DISPLAY ERROR
                 Safeguard error

                 DISPLAY ERROR
                 Output error

                 DISPLAY ERROR
                 Other system errors

                                     Doc. part. no. 5278724 / Manual version 1.1 / 07-2017   6





Shows the actual address

Change the address

               NO VC3 APPLICATION
               Select no VC3 application


               ILS PROGRAM
               Select Identification Lon Standard

               WHS PROGRAM
               Select Walk through herringbone or side-by-side

               FSS PROGRAM
               Select Feed Station

               Select Full ISO tag

               TAG READER FDX ONLY
               Select FDX only no-ISOtag

               2 HOURS DATA
               Do not send 2 hours data over VC3 channel

               2 HOURS DATA
               Send 2 hours data over VC3 channel

               VC3 COMMUNICATION SPEED 1200 BAUD
               Set communication speed to 1200 Baud

               VC3 COMMUNICATION SPEED 2400 BAUD
               Set communication speed to 2400 Baud

               VC3 COMMUNICATION SPEED 4800 BAUD
               Set communication speed to 4800 Baud

                                Doc. part. no. 5278724 / Manual version 1.1 / 07-2017   7


                             Enter value 99 to return to factory defaults

          Press button until blinking                           To leave menu:
          Press button short                                    press button until display is empty

How to use the display and push button
Activate the menu         press short on the button, the display menu is shown
Scroll down               press short
Select                    press until blinking
Change and store          select item to change, open item by pressing till blinking, change by pressing short, store
                          by pressing to blinking
Check a setting           select the item to check, press until blinking, first value shown is actual setting

                                                                Doc. part. no. 5278724 / Manual version 1.1 / 07-2017   8


LED indicators
      = OK
      = not OK

    POWER                    Green on             Power on
                             off                  No power
    STATUS                   Slow blinking        Operating ok
                             Fast blinking        Downloading or error during download
                             Short blinking       Not connected to the host
                             Long blinking        Connection established to the host
    Display      on          Address indicated    No communication
                 off                              Communication status ok
    LINK/ACT                 Green on             Connection ok
                             Green blinking       Data transmit
    V in                     Green on             Input power applied
                             Off                  No power
                             Red                  Error, plus and minus swapped
    V out                    Green on             Output power
                             off                  No power
                             Orange blinking      Low power
                             Red blinking         Error, plus and minus swapped
    COM                      Green on             Connection VC3 channel
                             Green blinking       Data transmit VC3 channel
    M1…M4                    Green on             Output on
                             Off                  Output off
                             Red blinking         Output error
    I1….I4                   Green on             Input contact closed
                             Off                  Input contact open
    O5                       Green on             Output on
                             Off                  Output off
                             Red blinking         Output error
    Tuning/ID                Red blinking         Tuning
    One                      Green on             Antenna tuning ok
                             Red on               Antenna not tuned
                             Red blinking         No antenna connected or low antenna signal
                             Off                  Antenna off
    Two                      Green on             Antenna 1 tuning ok
    antennas 
                             Green blinking       Antenna 1 tag identified
                             Red on               Antenna 1 not tuned
                             Red/green            Antenna 1 tag identified + not tuned
                             Off                  Antenna 1 off
 The described LED indicators apply to antenna 1 (left LED indicator). The same indicators are used for antenna 2
(right LED indicator).

                                                               Doc. part. no. 5278724 / Manual version 1.1 / 07-2017   9


 Specifications VP 1801
 Dimensions                     143 x 120 x 68 mm LxWxH (excluding mounting rail). Weight ± 430 gr
 Power                          Input voltage 25 VDC, +20% -20%
                                Max current consumption without connected I/O = 300 mA
                                Maximum (total) motor output current 3,5 A
                                Protected against reverse connection power supply
 Software                       Check for available updates
 Inputs I1 – I4                 0V – 35V DC
                                Suitable for NPN sensors
 Outputs O1 – O4                In total max. 3.5 Amp continue, short-circuiting and overload protected
         O5                     Max. 400mA continue, short-circuiting and overload protected
         V out                  Max. 4A continue, short-circuiting and overload protected
 Synchronization                Synchronization according to ISO 11785
 Environment                    Temperature: Operating: -10 – 50 °C, Storage: -25 – 50 °C
                                Relative humidity: 10 – 93% non-condensing
                                Maximum noise level: 10 dBµA/m quasi peak, according CISPR 16-1-1
                                Conducted noise: according EN55022
 IP class                       IP 30. When installed in V-box IP 65 (cover and cables installed correctly !)

 Always use a NEDAP power supply. The Nedap guarantee-regulations are only valid when is installed as indicated
 in this manual. Install data cables at a safe distance from (high) powered cables. For more detailed information
 contact your local Nedap supplier or check the internet site.

Hereby, Nedap N.V. declares that the subject equipment is in compliance with the Directives 2014/53/EU (Radio Equipment Directive) and
2011/65/EU (restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances). The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available at the Nedap
Livestock Management Business Portal.

Model        : VP1801B
FCC ID      : CGDVP1801
IC          : 1444A-VP1801

FCC and IC Compliance statement
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules and to RSS of Industry Canada. Operation is subject to the following two
(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the
user’s authority to operate the equipment.

Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the

Cet appareil se conforme aux normes RSS exemptés de license du Industry Canada. L’opération est soumis aux deux conditions suivantes:
(1) cet appareil ne doit causer aucune interférence, et
(2) cet appareil doit accepter n'importe quelle interférence, y inclus interférence qui peut causer une operation non pas voulu de cet appareil.

Les changements ou modifications n'ayant pas été expressément approuvés par la partie responsable de la conformité peuvent faire perdre à
l'utilisateur l'autorisation de faire fonctionner le matériel

FCC and ISED Radiation Exposure Statement
This equipment complies with FCC and Canadian radiation exposure limits set forth in RSS-102 for a controlled environment. This
equipment should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 3 cm between the radiator and your body. This transmitter
must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.

Cet équipement est conforme a RSS limites énoncées pour un environne- ment non contrôlé. Cet équipement doit être installé et
utilisé avec une distance minimale de 3 cm entre le radiateur et votre corps.

ISED EMC Declaration
This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.

Cet appareil numérique de Classe B est conforme à la norme Canadienne ICES-003.

FCC Information to the user

                                                                          Doc. part. no. 5278724 / Manual version 1.1 / 07-2017         10


Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class B digital devices, pursuant to part 15 of the
FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This
equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio
frequent energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does not cause harmful
interference to radio or television reception, which can be determine by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to
try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
      •    Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
      •    Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
      •    Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver.
      •    Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's
           authority to operate the equipment.
      •    To ensure compliance with FCC regulations, use only the shielded interface cables provided with the product, or
           additional specified components or accessories that can be used with the installation of the product.
The VP1801 may be used with the following Nedap antennas: Single Loop Walk Through, Single Loop Walk Over, VP6011,
VP6012, VP6030, VP6040, VP6041, VP6042 and VP6050
Antenna VP6041 and VP6042 are identical. However, model VP6041 is adjusted for environments with lots of steel for short
distances. The VP6042 is adjusted for longer distances (1 m) recognition.

Nedap N.V. has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this document. However, Nedap N.V.
makes no representations or warranties whatsoever whether express or implied as to the accuracy, correctness, completeness or
fit-for-purpose or suitability for the purpose of this product. You use the products at your own risk. Nedap N.V. excludes any liability
to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law for the damages caused by errors or failures made during the installation or
improper use of this product or by not applying the instructions stated in this document.

Nedap N.V. reserves the right to make improvements or amendments to this document and/or the products described therein at any
time without any notification. The latest version of this document can be found on the Nedap Livestock Management Business
Portal (portal.nedap-livestockmanagement.com, Login required). Please contact your reseller for the latest version of this document
and keep a copy for your own records.

This document can be published in various languages but only the English language version will prevail. Nedap N.V. assumes no
responsibility for any errors caused for the translations into another language.

Warranty and spare parts
Please consult the Nedap products dealer from whom you purchased this product, in regards to the applicable warranty conditions.
This product cannot be used for any other purpose as described in this document. If the product is not installed according to this
document; the warranty provided is not applicable. At the sole discretion of Nedap N.V., Nedap N.V. may decide to change the
conditions of the warranty policy. You agree that Nedap N.V. is able to compensate you the pro-rata value of the warranty involved
rather than replacing or repairing the product depending on the technical or economical value of the product.

Prior to applying the warranty, please verify if you comply with the warranty conditions of the warranty policy, whether you can
successfully apply for the replacement or repair of a defective part.
Parts can only be replaced with original Nedap parts, otherwise the warranty policy will not be applicable on the product.
If the warranty is applicable, please contact the dealer or send the defective parts to the dealer.

The products will be disposed of by the end-user and discharge Nedap for any liability or responsibility thereof.

This information is furnished for guidance, and with no guarantee as to its accuracy or completeness; its publication conveys no
licence under any patent or other right, nor does the publisher assume liability for any consequence of its use; specifications and
availability of goods mentioned in it are subject to change without notice; it is not to be reproduced in any way, in whole or in part,
without the written consent of the publisher.

© Nedap N.V., Livestock management P.O. Box 104 NL-7140 AC GROENLO The Netherlands.

Please note that any translation of this document which may be provided to you is intended solely as a convenience. Any deviations
in a translation shall not be binding and have no legal effect. Nedap assumes no responsibility for any errors contained in such

                                                                           Doc. part. no. 5278724 / Manual version 1.1 / 07-2017           11

Document Created: 2019-08-13 10:01:14
Document Modified: 2019-08-13 10:01:14

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