SiXMedical EXHIBIT 3-2D Message Timing & Duty Cycle (SAR)


RF Exposure Info

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   2 Corporate Center Drive                                                                                                                              CFS8DL6MED / 573F-6MED
   Melville, NY 11747
                                                      SiXMEDICAL Message Timing and Duty Cycle Calculation

                      The SiXMEDICAL and its Access Point (AP) use an 802.15.4-compliant message protocol which is similar to Zigbee on the physical level. In the RF6 device
                      system, there will be one AP which will serve as the coordinator among all the sensor devices in the system. The AP generates a 5ms transmit ‘beacon’
                      every 245.76ms. The spacing between beacons is called a ‘’superframe’.

                     A timing diagram of the superframe is provided on the following page. It can be referred to to locate the items described in this section. Within a
                     superframe, the SiXMEDICAL and AP each has specific windows in which it is allowed to transmit. Outside of these windows, the device does not transmit.
                     The SiXMEDICAL is a sensor device. Within a given superframe, a sensor device such as the SiXMEDICAL can only generate one of two response types: a
                     device MAC response packet, or a 6LoWPAN response packet. The initial device MAC response packet is triggered by the beacon from the AP. Each sensor
                     has a reserved time slot (based on its address) in which it is allowed to transmit its initial device MAC response packet. If this transmission is not received,
                     the sensor will try to send the same packet at its next available opportunity, as described below. A device MAC response packet may contain alarm, status,
                     or supervision information.

                     In the same superframe, the sensor device may also generate up to 2 device MAC transmit retry messages. These may occur if the sensor device detects a
                     collision upon sending its initial device MAC response packet (i.e. it does not receive an ACK from the AP). The response packet has two opportunities to be
                     re-sent via a device MAC transmit retry message. The first opportunity is in a second time slot of the current superframe, shown in the timing diagram as
                     Device MAC Response Transmit Retry Window 1. If this is not successful, the sensor will transmit the packet again in the next superframe, during the time
                     window shown by Device MAC Response Transmit Retry Window 2.

                     There is one 6LowPAN time slot available per superframe. The 6LoWPAN time slot is designated for transmission of Internet Protocol information only. With
                     regard to this message, only one sensor is addressed by the AP in a 6LoWPAN transmit query. Only the sensor addressed may send a 6LowPAN response.
                     There are no retry time windows for the sensor’s 6LoWPAN response; there is the initial opportunity only.

                     PROTOCOL AND DATA RATE
                      The SiXMEDICAL utilizes O-QPSK with DFSS modulation in the 2.4GHz band, with a 250kbps data rate.

                     TIMING DIAGRAM
                      A timing diagram is presented on the next page.

                     DUTY FACTOR
                      Duty factor calculations for SAR exclusion are on the pages following the timing diagram.

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   2 Corporate Center Drive                                                                                                                                                                                CFS8DL6MED / 573F-6MED
   Melville, NY 11747
   516-577-2000                                                                                            TIMING DIAGRAM

                           The Access Point (coordinator) generates beacon every 245.76ms (superframe). As shown in the figure, the duration of the
                           beacon is 5ms.

                                                                                                                                                 AP 6LoWPAN
                                                                                                                                                 Request                                                                                        Post-
          ACCESS POINT

                                                                                                                                                 Window                                                                                         Process
                                                                                                                                                  13.32 mS
                                                                                            194mS                                                                                                         51.76 mS
                                                                                                152 mS                                                  Tx

                                                                                                                                                    7.6 mS


                               5ms              0.4 mS                           0.4 mS                                                                                            0.4 mS          0.4 mS


                                                  5ms                                                                                                                                               5ms

                                                                                                                                                                 42 mS

                                                                                                                  78 mS
                                                                         64ms                                                                         29.72 mS
                                                         Device MAC response window                                                                                                                              4.065 mS
                                                                                                                                                                               .250 uS
                                                         and supervision window:                                                                               4 mS
                                       1.6mS                                                                                                                                                                                            250uS

                                                         32 sensor devices, each gets a

                                                         2ms slot.                                                                                                                                1.6mS
                                                                                1.6mS                                                               0.4 mS                         7.6 mS

                                                  Device MAC Response                                                                                                                             Device MAC Response
                                                  Packet Retry 2    Device MAC Response Packet                                       Device 6LoWPAN Response Packet                               Packet Retry 1
                                                  30 bytes max.     30 bytes max. Time slot is function of sensor address and will   ACK = 5 bytes, DATA = 128 bytes max.                         30 bytes max.
                                                                    be positioned accordingly within the 64ms span depicted above.   Device 6LoWPAN response to the
                                                                    Access Point responds with an ACK (depicted on Access Point      6LoWPAN Tx message from the access
                                                                    time axis). If ACK is missed by the sensor, it will retry this   point (depicted on Access Point time
                                                                    transmission in Transmit Retry Window 1 of the this              axis): Only the one device queried by                                                   9.315mS
                                                                    superframe.                                                      the AP will reply. ACK and data are
                                                                                                                                     separated by 4mS processing.
                                            Device MAC Response Retry Window 2 (5ms)
                                                                                                                                     Device MAC Response Retry Window 1 (5ms)
                                            This is a second retry window for a failed Device MAC                                    This is a retry window for a failed Device MAC response
                                            Response Packet from the previous superframe, for which a                                Packet that occurred in this superframe. There is a 5ms
                                            the first retry during Device MAC Response Transmit Retry                                window in which this packet is allowed to be sent. The
                                            Window 1 of that superframe failed. There is a 5ms window                                Access Point responds with an ACK (depicted on Access
                                            in which this packet is allowed to be sent. The Access Point                             Point time axis). If an ACK is not detected from the AP, a
                                            responds with an ACK (depicted on Access Point time axis).                               second attempt to transmit this packet will be made in
                                            If an ACK is not detected from the AP, there will be no                                  Device MAC Response Transmit Retry Window 2 of the next
                                            more transmit retries for this packet.                                                   superframe..

Honeywell Internal
                                                                                                               Page 2 of 3

   2 Corporate Center Drive                                                                                                                                             CFS8DL6MED / 573F-6MED
   Melville, NY 11747
                                                          WORST CASE AVERAGE TRANSMIT TIME AS CALCULATED FOR SAR RULE PARTS

                     This section shows the average SAR calculations for FCC and ISED using the transmit duty cycle. The duty cycle calculation for this purpose defines the time period as the full
                     message cycle, as per FCC and ISED rules. The full message cycle is the same as the superframe, or 245.76ms.

                     Per the manual and functional description, the device usage (and therefore, on-time) is limited to button pushes by the user under emergency conditions. In reality, a user can
                     go days/weeks/months without having to initiate a transmission. Since the device sends a regular supervision signal once per hour, we will base our worse-case on-time
                     assuming a user would initiate a transmission once every 3 seconds for a full hour. This shows the total amount of on-time one can expect to see in a one hour period, also
                     taking into account the regular supervision signal.

                     Referring to the timing diagrams on the previous pages, it is seen that all of the sensor’s RF6 transmissions are captured within a superframe:

                     Device MAC Response Packet: 30 Bytes @ 250 kbps = ( 30 * 8 ) * ( 1 / [ 250*10^3 ] ) = 960 uS
                     Device MAC Response Packet Retry 1: 30 Bytes @ 250 kbps = ( 30 * 8 ) * ( 1 / [ 250*10^3 ] ) = 960 uS
                     Device MAC Response Packet Retry 2: 30 Bytes @ 250 kbps = ( 30 * 8 ) * ( 1 / [ 250*10^3 ] ) = 960 uS
                     6LoWPan Response Packet: 128 Bytes @ 250 kbps = ( 128 * 8 ) * ( 1 / [250*10^3 ] ) = 4096 uS
                     Ack Message Packet: 5 bytes / Ack @ 250 kbps = ( 5 * 8 ) * ( 1 / [250*10^3 ] ) = 160 uS

                     Transmit-on time per Single Button Push = [Device MAC Response Packet Retry 2] + [Device MAC Response Packet] + [ACK] + [6LoWPAN Response Packet] + [Device MAC
                     Response Packet Retry 1]
                                                             = 960uS + 960uS + 160uS + 4096uS + 960uS = 7136uS

                     Regular Supervision Signal (once per hour) = 30 Bytes @ 250 kbps = ( 30 * 8 ) * ( 1 / [ 250*10^3 ] ) = 960 uS

                     Thus, over a 1-hour period and at a rate of one button push every 3 seconds, one could expected a maximum of 1200 button pushes

                     So the total expected on-time over a 1-hour window would be  (7136uS * 1200) + 960uS = 8564.16mS, or 8.564s

                     This makes the duty factor, for purposes of calculating the SAR correction, equal to 8.564s/3600s, or 0.238%.

                     This equates to a 10log(0.238/100), or –26.2 dB correction to determine average output power from burst power.

                     The maximum rated conducted output power averaged over a 60 minute period becomes:

                                          12.98dBm – 26.2dB = -13.3dBm, or 0.05mW

                     This value is far below the 5mm distance threshold value of 10mW per the table “SAR Exclusion Threshold for 100MHz – 6GHz and ≤ 50mm” of Appendix A of KDB 447498 D01
                     General RF Exposure Guidance v06. As such, the SAR test exclusion is claimed.

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Document Created: 2018-05-15 07:10:40
Document Modified: 2018-05-15 07:10:40

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