User Manual_20180228_v1 - SiXCO EXHIBIT 9-2 Manual


Users Manual

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Wireless Carbon Monoxide (CO) Detector/ Wireless Carbon Monoxide (CO) Detector

Installation Instructions                                     Instructions d’installation
This device is intended for use with Honeywell control        This device is intended for use with Honeywell
panels that support SiX series devices. Before installing     control panels that support SiX series devices.
detectors, please thoroughly read these installation          Before installing detectors, please thoroughly read
instructions.                                                 these installation instructions.

Features                                                      Features
• 10-year life                                                • 10-year life
• CO Detector End-of-Life reporting (detector needs           • CO Detector End-of-Life reporting
  replacing)                                                  • Carbon Monoxide detector maintenance reporting
• Carbon Monoxide detector maintenance reporting              • Low Battery Detection
• Low Battery Detection                                       • Multi-color status LED
• Multi-color status LED

POWER UP                                                                              POWER UP
• Remove battery pull tab. Be sure                                                    • Remove battery pull tab. Be
  batteries are seated properly to                                                      sure batteries are seated
  avoid a low battery condition                                                         properly to avoid a low
  after 15 seconds.                                                                     battery condition after 15
• Upon power up, Green LED                                                              seconds.
  Blinks every 2 secs / Sounder is                                                    • Upon power up, Green LED
  Silent.                                                                               Blinks every 2 secs /
                                                                                        Sounder is Silent.

ENROLLMENT                                                    ENRÔLEMENT
This device can be enrolled and programmed either             Le dispositif peut être enrôlé et programmé avant
before or after installation.                                 ou après l'installation.
1. Set the Lyric Controller in Programming Mode and go to     1. Réglez le contrôleur Lyric en mode de
   Zone Programming. Select Add New and then Serial              programmation et accédez à la programmation
   Number.                                                       des zones. Sélectionnez Add New (ajouter
2. Remove the battery tabs to activate the device and begin      nouveau) et ensuite Serial Number (numéro de
   the enrollment process.                                       série).
3. The Green LED flashes rapidly during enrollment (up to     2. Retirez la languette qui recouvre la pile pour
   about 20 seconds).                                            activer le dispositif et commencer la procédure
   *NOTE: Enrollment time varies depending on the signal
    strength between the device and the controller.           3. La DEL verte clignote durant l'enrôlement
                                                                 (pendant jusqu'à environ 20 secondes*).
   • The detector sends its unique MAC ID (Serial Number)
     and Services information to the controller.                 NOTE: La durée de l'enrôlement varie selon la
                                                                           puissance du signal entre le dispositif et
   • The controller registers the device and displays the                  le contrôleur.
     transmitter data on screen.
                                                                 • Le dispositif transmet au contrôleur son ID
4. Enrollment is confirmed when the Green LED is ON for 3
                                                                   MAC (numéro de série) et l'information pour les
   seconds and the detector chirps.
5. Press SAVE.
                                                                 • Le contrôleur enregistre le dispositif et affiche
                                                                   les données du transmetteur sur l'écran.

6. If the detector is not successfully enrolled during the           4. L'enrôlement est confirmé lorsque la DEL verte est
  enrollment period, the LED turns off and the device                   allumée durant 3 secondes et que le dispositif émet
  powers down. Pressing and holding the test button, while              un pépiement .
  powering the detector, will arm the detector to perform a          5. Appuyez sur GARDER (Enregistrer).
  reset to factory defaults.
                                                                     6. Si le dispositif n'est pas enrôlé avec succès durant la
The device can also be manually enrolled. See the                       période d'enrôlement, la DEL s'éteint et le dispositif
Controller’s Programming Guide for details.                             se met hors tension. Pressing and holding the test
                                                                        button, while powering the detector, will arm the
                                                                        detector to perform a reset to factory defaults.
                                                                     Le dispositif peut également être enrôlé manuellement.
                                                                     Pour les détails, reportez-vous au Guide de
                                                                     programmation du contrôleur.

24-Hour Enrollment Deletion and Default

If the device is enrolled in a panel different than the          If the device is enrolled in a panel different than the
intended panel, and you are unable to delete it from the         intended panel, and you are unable to delete it from the
unintended panel, reset default the device to factory            unintended panel, reset default the device to factory
default setting:                                                 default setting:
This procedure is available for 24 hours after enrollment        This procedure is available for 24 hours after enrollment
with a panel and the device remains powered (battery             with a panel and the device remains powered (battery
installed).                                                      installed).
Remove power from the detector. Press the CO Test                Remove power from the detector. Press the CO Test
Button. While holding the test button, insert the                Button. While holding the test button, insert the
batteries. Continue holding the test button for 10               batteries. Continue holding the test button for 10
seconds and release. The status LED should start                 seconds and release. The status LED should start
blinking green rapidly to confirm its deleted enrollment.        blinking green rapidly to confirm its deleted enrollment.


MOUNTING                                                         MONTAGE
After enrolling and before mounting permanently,                 After enrolling and before mounting permanently,
conduct Go/No Go test (see controller’s instructions) to         conduct Go/No Go test (see controller’s instructions) to
verify adequate signal strength. Adjust the device               verify adequate signal strength. Adjust the device
location as necessary.                                           location as necessary.
1. Remove the CO with a counter-clockwise motion.                1. Remove the CO with a counter-clockwise motion.
2. Using two supplied screws and anchors, mount the              2. Using two supplied screws and anchors, mount the
   base.                                                            base.
3. Attach the CO detector to the mounting base with a            3. Attach the CO detector to the mounting base with a
   clockwise motion.                                                clockwise motion.
4. Test each detector as described in the Testing section.       4. Test each detector as described in the Testing section.
5. Confirm all desired signals have been received by the         5. Confirm all desired signals have been received by the
   Central Station.                                                 Central Station.
NOTE:                                                            NOTE:
NFPA 72 recommends the installation of detectors only            NFPA 72 recommends the installation of detectors only
after completing construction or any other dust                  after completing construction or any other dust
producing activity.                                              producing activity.

Ceiling Mount / Ceiling Mount                                    Wall Mount / Wall Mount


TESTING                                                          TESTING
Test communications between the detector and the                 Test communications between the detector and the
control panel. The detector has one test button (for             control panel. The detector mode has one test button
testing CO).                                                     (for testing CO)
The detector may also be functionally tested using               The detector may also be functionally tested using
canned CO. If the detector fails the test method, the            canned CO. If the detector fails the test method, the
detector should be replaced.                                     detector should be replaced.
NOTE: Testing the detector will activate the alarm and           NOTE: Testing the detector will activate the alarm and
      send a signal to the panel.                                      send a signal to the panel.
Before testing, notify the proper authorities to avoid any       Before testing, notify the proper authorities to avoid any
false alarms.                                                    false alarms.
CO Test (Alarm Test)                                             CO Test (Alarm Test)
Press and hold the CO Test button for 1 to 2 seconds.             Press and hold the CO Test button for 1 to 2 seconds.
The control panel should display and sound a CO alarm             The control panel should display and sound a CO
(all programmed CO detector loops are sent).                      alarm (all programmed CO detector loops are sent).

CO System Test (Functional CO Test)                              CO System Test (Functional CO Test)
Press and hold the CO Test button for 3-5 seconds to             Press and hold the CO Test button for 3-5 seconds to
enter the functional gas test mode. See Functional Gas           enter the functional gas test mode. See Functional Gas
Test section below.                                              Test section below.
Functional Gas Test                                              Functional Gas Test
Solo C6 brand canned CO may be used to verify the                Solo C6 brand canned CO may be used to verify the
detector’s ability to sense CO by utilizing the RealTest®        detector’s ability to sense CO by utilizing the RealTest®
feature as follows:                                              feature as follows:
1. Remove cover by rotating counter clockwise.                    1. Remove cover by rotating counter clockwise.
2. Press and hold the CO test button for 3 to 5 seconds.          2. Press and hold the CO test button for 3 to 5 seconds.
   The green LED will start blinking once per second                 The green LED will start blinking once per second
   indicating the detector is in RealTest® mode. (If the             indicating the detector is in RealTest® mode. (If the
   detector will not go into RealTest® mode, the CO                  detector will not go into RealTest® mode, the CO
   sensor may be in fault or at end-of-life.)                        sensor may be in fault or at end-of-life.)
3. While the green LED is blinking once per second, spray         3. While the green LED is blinking once per second,
   a small amount of canned CO directly into the CO gas              spray a small amount of canned CO directly into the
   entry port.                                                       CO gas entry port.
4. Upon successful gas entry and if functioning properly,         4. Upon successful gas entry and if functioning
   the detector will go into CO alarm and send an alarm              properly, the detector will go into CO alarm and send
   to the control panel.                                             an alarm to the control panel.
5. The CO test will automatically clear when the CO clears        5. The CO test will automatically clear when the CO
   from the sensor or in 30 seconds if no CO was                     clears from the sensor or in 30 seconds if no CO was
   introduced.                                                       introduced.
6. Reattach the cover to the detector.                            6. Reattach the cover to the detector.


HUSH FEATURE / ALARM SILENCE                                          HUSH FEATURE / ALARM SILENCE
If required, the audible alarm for CO conditions can be               If required, the audible alarm for CO conditions can be
silenced for 5 minutes by pushing the “Test/Hush”                     silenced for 5 minutes by pushing the “Test/Hush”
button. In addition, low chirping can be silenced for 12              button. In addition, low chirping can be silenced for 12
hours when the Test/Hush button is pressed.                           hours when the Test/Hush button is pressed.
During a CO alarm, if carbon monoxide is still present                During a CO alarm, if carbon monoxide is still present
after the 5-minute hush period, the alarm will sound.                 after the 5-minute hush period, the alarm will sound.

CO SENSOR END-of-LIFE FEATURE                                         CO SENSOR END-of-LIFE FEATURE
When the CO sensor has passed end-of-life, a trouble                  When the CO sensor has passed end-of-life, a trouble
signal is sent to the controller (if programmed). This                signal is sent to the controller (if programmed). This
indicates that the CO sensor inside the detector must be              indicates that the CO sensor inside the detector must be
replaced. If unresolved for 30 days, the detector will chirp          replaced. If unresolved for 30 days, the detector will chirp
every 45 seconds. The typical life of the CO sensor is ten            every 45 seconds. The typical life of the CO sensor is ten
years from the date of manufacture. It is recommended                 years from the date of manufacture. It is recommended to
to periodically check the “Replace by” date located on                periodically check the “Replace by” date located on the
the label on the back of the detector head.                           label on the back of the detector head.

Carbon Monoxide Detector: Events and Their ID Codes
 Event                              Alpha Keypad                          CS Report
 CO Alarm / CO Alarm                CO Alarm                              CO Alarm (CID 162) / CO Alarm (CID 162)
 CO Test / CO Test                  CO Alarm                              CO alarm (CID 162) / CO Alarm (CID 162)
 Low Battery / Low Battery          Lo Bat                                RF low-battery (CID 384) / RF Low-Battery (CID 384)
 Detector Supervision /                                                   RF sensor supervision (CID 381) / RF sensor
                                    CO Trouble
 Detector Supervision                                                     supervision (CID 381)
 Detector End-of-Life/Trouble /                                           Sensor Trouble - End-of Life (CID 380) / Sensor Trouble
                                    CO Trouble
 Detector End-of-Life/Trouble                                             - End-of Life (CID 380)
                                   Disarmed .......... CO Trouble
 Tamper / Tamper                                                         RF Sensor Tamper (CID 383) / RF Sensor Tamper
                                   Armed ................. CO Alarm

TESTING SIGNAL STRENGTH                                               TESTING SIGNAL STRENGTH
Perform this test in accordance with NFPA 72                  Perform this test in accordance with NFPA 72 inspection,
inspection, testing and maintenance requirements to           testing and maintenance requirements to determine a
determine a strong communication path with the control strong communication path with the control panel.
                                                              1. Activate the wireless system’s GO/NO GO TEST mode.
1. Activate the wireless system’s GO/NO GO TEST mode. 2. Press the detector’s TEST button (•) for 1-2 seconds.
2. Press the detector’s TEST button (•) for 1-2 seconds.          The detector should immediately transmit an alarm
    The detector should immediately transmit an alarm             signal to the control panel. The built-in horn will start
    signal to the control panel. The built-in horn will start     to sound about 2.5 seconds after pressing the button.
    to sound about 2.5 seconds after pressing the button. 3. The wireless system’s keypad should emit at least three
3. The wireless system’s keypad should emit at least              beeps when the alarm transmission is received and
    three beeps when the alarm transmission is received           display the transmitting detector’s zone number.
    and display the transmitting detector’s zone number. 4. When the console has received the test signal, the horn
4. When the console has received the test signal, the             will stop and a few seconds later the detector’s zone
    horn will stop and a few seconds later the detector’s         number will clear from the console display.
    zone number will clear from the console display.          5. If the console does not respond as noted, and if this is
5. If the console does not respond as noted, and if this is       an initial installation, try moving the detector to
    an initial installation, try moving the detector to           another location that provides proper reception. Also,
    another location that provides proper reception. Also,        be sure that the detector has been “enrolled” by the
    be sure that the detector has been “enrolled” by the          controller (see Enrollment section). Then, repeat the
    controller (see Enrollment section). Then, repeat the         test.
    test.                                                     6. Turn off the system’s TEST mode (typically security
6. Turn off the system’s TEST mode (typically security            code + OFF).
    code + OFF).


REPLACING THE BATTERIES                                        REPLACING THE BATTERIES
Remove old batteries. Wait 10 seconds and then                 Remove old batteries. Wait 10 seconds and then replace
replace with two new batteries. To avoid a low battery         with two new batteries. To avoid a low battery indication
indication when installing new batteries, both batteries       when installing new batteries, both batteries must be
must be installed within 15 seconds of installing the          installed within 15 seconds of installing the first one. Any
first one. Any low battery condition that may have             low battery condition that may have occurred should
occurred should clear when the base plate is installed.        clear when the base plate is installed.
 CAUTION!                                                       CAUTION!
 The batteries used in this device may present a fire or        The batteries used in this device may present a fire
 chemical burn hazard if mistreated. Do not recharge,           or chemical burn hazard if mistreated. Do not
 disassemble, heat above 100°C (212°F) or dispose               recharge, disassemble, heat above 100°C (212°F)
 of in fire. Use only Panasonic CR123A OR                       or dispose of in fire. Use only Panasonic CR123A
 DURACELL DL123, DL123A Lithium batteries. Use                  OR DURACELL DL123, DL123A Lithium batteries.
 of other batteries may present a risk of fire or               Use of other batteries may present a risk of fire or
                                                                explosion. Keep used batteries away from children.
 explosion. Keep used batteries away from children.
                                                                Dispose of used batteries properly.
 Dispose of used batteries properly.


CLEANING                                                       CLEANING
NOTE: Notify the proper authorities when the system            NOTE: Notify the proper authorities when the
      will be temporarily out of service.                            system will be temporarily out of service.
IMPORTANT:                                                     IMPORTANT:
This detector must be tested and maintained regularly          This detector must be tested and maintained regularly
following NFPA-72 requirements. The detector                   following NFPA-72 requirements. The detector should
should be cleaned at least once a year.                        be cleaned at least once a year.
1. Remove the detector from the base plate by                  1. Remove the detector from the base plate by turning
   turning counterclockwise.                                      counterclockwise.
2. Clean the outside casing with a cloth. Ensure that             Clean the outside casing with a cloth. Ensure that
   the holes on the front of the detector are not                 the holes on the front of the detector are not blocked
   blocked with dirt and dust. Canned air can be used             with dirt and dust. Canned air can be used to remove
   to remove any dust or debris.                                  any dust or debris.
3. Reattach the detector to the base plate by rotating         2. Reattach the detector to the base plate by rotating
   clockwise.                                                     clockwise.
4. Test the detector to insure it is fully functional.         3. Test the detector to insure it is fully functional. (See
   (See Testing section).                                         Testing section).
Notify the proper authorities and Central Station              Notify the proper authorities and Central Station
when the system is back in service.                            when the system is back in service.


MAINTENANCE                                                   MAINTENANCE
Do not paint, and do not use cleaning agents, bleach          Do not paint, and do not use cleaning agents, bleach
or polish the detector.                                       or polish the detector.
NOTE: Before performing any maintenance on the                NOTE: Before performing any maintenance on the
      detector, notify the proper authorities and                   detector, notify the proper authorities and
      Central Station that maintenance is being                     Central Station that maintenance is being
      performed and the system will be temporarily                  performed and the system will be temporarily
      out of service. Disable the zone or system                    out of service. Disable the zone or system
      undergoing maintenance to prevent any                         undergoing maintenance to prevent any
      unwanted alarms. Power must be removed from                   unwanted alarms. Power must be removed from
      the detector before performing maintenance of                 the detector before performing maintenance of
      any kind.                                                     any kind.
      The SiXCO detector reports maintenance                        The SiXCO detector reports maintenance issues
      issues to the control panel and communicates                  to the control panel and communicates them
      them visually and audibly per the table below.                visually and audibly per the table below.
TROUBLE FEATURE                                               TROUBLE FEATURE
When the sensor (supervision) is in a trouble condition       When the sensor (supervision) is in a trouble condition
(such as CO sensor end-of-life), the detector will send       (such as CO sensor end-of-life), the detector will send
a trouble signal to the control panel. Depending on the       a trouble signal to the control panel. Depending on the
issue, the detector must then be serviced or replaced.        issue, the detector must then be serviced or replaced.
NOTE: CO detectors are not to be used with detector           NOTE: CO detectors are not to be used with detector
      guards unless the combination is evaluated and                guards unless the combination is evaluated and
      found suitable for that purpose.                              found suitable for that purpose.


The SiXCO has a multi-color top LED:
Green/Green ...................... Supervisory indication; blinks during power on, reset, and during normal operation /
                                              Supervisory indication; blinks during power on, reset, and during normal operation
Amber / Amber ................. Signal maintenance and trouble events / Signal maintenance and trouble events
Red ......................................... CO Alarm condition / CO alarm condition

                     MODE                                          Status LED (Top)                             Sounder
RealTest™                                                   Blink Green once per second /           Silent / Silent
Functional CO gas entry test – Waiting for gas              Blink Green once per second
entry / RealTest™
Functional CO gas entry test – Waiting for gas
RealTest™                                                   Blink Red once every                    Modified Temp-4 / Modified
Functional CO gas entry test -Upon successful               10 secs / Blink Red once every          Temp-4
gas entry / RealTest™                                       10 secs
Functional CO gas entry test -Upon successful
gas entry
Low Battery / Low Battery                                   Blink Amber every                       Chirp every 45 secs after
                                                            45 secs / Blink Amber every             7 days / Chirp every 45 secs
                                                            45 secs                                 after
                                                                                                    7 days
CO Trouble / CO Trouble                           Double Blink Amber every 5                        Silent / Silent
                                                  secs / Double Blink Amber
                                                  every 5 secs
CO End of Life – First 29 days / CO End of Life – Double Blink Amber every 3                        Silent / Silent
First 29 days                                     secs / Double Blink Amber
                                                  every 3 secs
CO End of Life – after 30 days / CO End of Life – Double Blink Amber every 3                        Chirp every 45 secs / Chirp
after 30 days                                     secs / Double Blink Amber                         every 45 secs
                                                  every 3 secs
Normal (Standby) / Normal (Standby)               Single Blink Green every 10                       Silent / Silent
                                                  secs / Single Blink Green every
                                                  10 secs
Many cases of reported carbon monoxide poisoning                       Many cases of reported carbon monoxide poisoning
indicate that while victims are aware that they do not                 indicate that while victims are aware that they do not
feel well, they become so disoriented that they are                    feel well, they become so disoriented that they are
unable to save themselves by either exiting the building               unable to save themselves by either exiting the building
or calling for assistance. Also, young children, elderly               or calling for assistance. Also, young children, elderly
and pets may be the first to be affected.                              and pets may be the first to be affected.

SYMPTOMS OF CARBON MONOXIDE                                            SYMPTOMS OF CARBON MONOXIDE
POISONING                                                              POISONING
Carbon monoxide bonds to the hemoglobin in the                         Carbon monoxide bonds to the hemoglobin in the
blood and reduces the amount of oxygen being                           blood and reduces the amount of oxygen being
circulated in the body. The following symptoms are                     circulated in the body. The following symptoms are
examples taken from NFPA 720; they represent                           examples taken from NFPA 720; they represent
approximate values for healthy adults.                                 approximate values for healthy adults.


LIMITED LIFE OF CO SENSOR                                        LIMITED LIFE OF CO SENSOR
This detector is manufactured with a long-life                   This detector is manufactured with a long-life
electrochemical carbon monoxide sensor. Over time the            electrochemical carbon monoxide sensor. Over time the
sensor will lose sensitivity and will need to be replaced.       sensor will lose sensitivity and will need to be replaced.
The life span of the CO sensor is approximately ten years        The life span of the CO sensor is approximately ten years
from the date of manufacture.                                    from the date of manufacture.
Periodically check the detector’s replacement date.              Periodically check the detector’s replacement date.
Remove the detector head and refer to the ‘replace by’           Remove the detector head and refer to the ‘replace by’
sticker placed on the underneath side of the detector.           sticker placed on the underneath side of the detector. The
The sticker will indicate the date the detector should be        sticker will indicate the date the detector should be
replaced.                                                        replaced.
Reminder: This detector is also equipped with a feature          Reminder: This detector is also equipped with a feature
that will signal the panel once the CO sensor has passed         that will signal the panel once the CO sensor has passed
the end of its’ useful life. If this occurs, it is time to       the end of its’ useful life. If this occurs, it is time to replace
replace the detector.                                            the detector.
What to do if the detector goes into CO alarm:                   What to do if the detector goes into CO alarm:
If the detector goes into CO alarm (4 beeps),                    If the detector goes into CO alarm (4 beeps),
immediately move to a spot where fresh air is available,         immediately move to a spot where fresh air is available,
preferably outdoors, where the air is safe and call your         preferably outdoors, where the air is safe and call your
security service provider. Tell your provider the detector       security service provider. Tell your provider the detector
alarm status, and that you require professional                  alarm status, and that you require professional
assistance in ridding your home of the carbon                    assistance in ridding your home of the carbon
monoxide.                                                        monoxide.
This detector is NOT:                                            This detector is NOT:
• A substitute for the proper servicing of fuel-burning          • A substitute for the proper servicing of fuel-burning
    appliances or the sweeping of chimneys.                          appliances or the sweeping of chimneys.
• To be used on an intermittent basis or as a portable           • To be used on an intermittent basis or as a portable
    alarm for the spillage of combustion products from               alarm for the spillage of combustion products from
    fuel-burning appliances or chimneys.                             fuel-burning appliances or chimneys.
Carbon monoxide gas is a highly poisonous gas which              Carbon monoxide gas is a highly poisonous gas which is
is released when fuels are burnt. It is invisible, has no        released when fuels are burnt. It is invisible, has no smell
smell and is therefore is impossible to detect with the          and is therefore is impossible to detect with the human
human senses. Under normal conditions in a room                  senses. Under normal conditions in a room where fuel
where fuel burning appliances are well maintained and            burning appliances are well maintained and correctly
correctly ventilated, the amount of carbon monoxide              ventilated, the amount of carbon monoxide released into
released into the room by appliances should not be               the room by appliances should not be dangerous.

Concentration (ppm CO) /
Concentration (ppm CO)         Symptoms / Symptoms
             200               Mild Headache after 2-3 hours of exposure / Mild Headache after 2-3 hours of
             400               Headache and nausea after 1-2 hours of exposure / Headache and nausea after 1-2
                               hours of exposure
             800               Headache, nausea, and dizziness after 45 minutes of expo- sure; collapse and
                               unconsciousness after 2 hours of exposure / Headache, nausea, and dizziness after
                               45 minutes of expo- sure; collapse and unconsciousness after2 hours of exposure


CO ALARM ACTIVATION                                                                          CO ALARM ACTIVATION
Per UL standard 2075, the SiXCO detector has been                                            Per UL standard 2075, the SiXCO detector has been
tested to the sensitivity limits defined in UL standard                                      tested to the sensitivity limits defined in UL standard
2034.                                                                                        2034.

                                                      CO Alarm Thresholds / CO Alarm Thresholds
Parts per Million / Parts per Million                         Detector Response Time (Minutes) / Detector Response Time (Minutes)
30 +/- 3ppm                                                   No alarm within 30 days / No alarm within 30 days
70 +/- 5ppm                                                   60 - 240
150 +/- 5ppm                                                  10 - 50
400 +/- 10ppm                                                 4 - 15
Electrical Specifications
Voltage / Voltage.......................................................................................................... 3 volts DC
Battery Type / Pile Type ............................................................................................ CR123A OR DURACELL DL123, DL123A lithium
Battery Manufacturer / Pile Manufacturer ..................................................... Panasonic, DURACELL
Number of Batteries / Number of Batteries ................................................... 2
Sensitivity / Sensitivity .............................................................................................. Meets UL2034/UL2075 CO sensitivity requirements
Audible Signal / Audible Signal............................................................................. 85dBA
Physical Specifications
Diameter / Diameter .................................................................................................. 5.3 inches (13.46cm) Diameter; 1.65 inches (4.19cm) Thick
Weight / Weight ............................................................................................................ 7.7oz. (21g)
Operating Temperature / Température de Fonctionnement ........... 32° – 122° F / 0° – 50° C
Storage Temperature / Storage Temperature .............................................. -10 - 70° C (14 - 158° F)
Operating Humidity / Operating Humidity ..................................................... 20-95% RH
Tamper/Tamper ........................................................................................................... Wall Tamper/Wall Tamper



Warning – The antenna(s) used for this device must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 7.8 inches (20 cm)
from all persons and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter except in
accordance with FCC multi-transmitter product procedures.
Mise en Garde
Exposition aux Fréquences Radio: La/les antenne(s) utilisée(s) pour cet émetteur doit/doivent être installée(s) à une distance
de séparation d'au moins 20 cm (7,8 pouces) de toute personne et ne pas être située(s) ni fonctionner parallèlement à tout
autre transmetteur ou antenne, excepté en conformité avec les procédures de produit multi transmetteur FCC et ISED.

The user shall not make any changes or modifications to the equipment unless authorized by the Installation Instructions or
User's Manual. Unauthorized changes or modifications could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules, and Industry Canada’s license-exempt RSSs. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference
received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Cet appareil est conforme à la partie 15 des règles de la FCC et exempt de licence RSS d’Industrie Canada. Son
fonctionnement est soumis aux conditions suivantes: (1) Cet appareil ne doit pas causer d’interférences nuisibles. (2) Cet
appareil doit accepter toute interférence reçue y compris les interférences causant une réception indésirable.

Approval Listings / Approbations homologations                      Other Standards
FCC/ICC                                                             RoHS
ETL Listed to UL2075 and CSA 6.19 MAR2001 (R2016)



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Document Created: 2018-02-01 09:55:34
Document Modified: 2018-02-01 09:55:34

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