Installation Instructions


Users Manual

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                                                                                                                  K4460-1V6 2/06 Rev D

                                                                                                        ADEMCO 6150RF
                                   INSTALLATION AND SETUP GUIDE
The 6150RF Keypad/Transceiver is a combination unit incorporating a normally-open relay output and the functions of:
• 6150 Fixed Addressable Keypad
• 5881M RF Receiver
• 5800TM Transmitter Module
The 6150RF Keypad/Transceiver may be used on any control panel that supports the 6150 Keypad.
Wireless Features
The 6150RF supports the following:
• 5828/5828V wireless keypads.                                       • RF jam detection when the receiver is enabled.
• Up to eight wireless keys locally (programmed directly into        • Low-battery indications for the local wireless keys.
  6150RF) without occupying any zones supported by the control       • A nominal range of 200' for the RF transmitters (some
  panel.                                                               transmitters have a shorter range).
• Button-type transmitters (e.g., 5804, 5804BD) for local operation. • Wireless keys for control panels that do not support RF
• A maximum of 16 transmitters programmed into any 5800                themselves (such as 4110DL).
  Series-supported control panel.                                    • Sends status signals (Armed, Ready, etc.) to bi-directional
• Wireless keys with high-security (e.g., 5804E).                      units such as 5804BDV and 5828/5828V.

       The 5802, 5802MN, 5802MN2, 5804, 5804BD, 5804BDV, 5804E, 5814, 5816TEMP, 5819, 5819BRS, 5819WHS, 5828/5828V and 5850
UL     transmitters are not intended for UL installations.
Programming Features
• Auto Enroll mode for programming wireless keys.
• Provides a method for deleting a serial number and re-enrolling a new one in its place.
• Provides default settings for the wireless key functions.
Additional Features
• Operates the on-board relay in conjunction with the receiver (e.g., to trip a garage door opener).

UL      This feature is not intended for UL installations.

• Activates relays programmed into the control panel.
• Provides an End User mode to enable/disable local wireless keys (e.g., if a user accidentally loses a wireless key). Refer to the
  6150RF User Guide for this procedure.

Locate the 6150RF in an area and at a height where it is               5. Connect the wires for the relay output (if used) to the
convenient for user operation. The 6150RF must be at least                terminals on the 6150RF’s PC board.
10 feet from the control panel to ensure proper operation of           6. Reattach the keypad to its case back.
the RF receiver. Perform the following steps to install the            Note: Upon power-up or exit of the Program Mode, the 6150RF
6150RF.                                                                      alternately flashes "Ad" and the 2-digit keypad address and
                                                                             the 2-digit receiver address on the display. Press any key to
1. Push the two case release snaps at the bottom of the                      display the system status.
   keypad with the blade of a medium screwdriver (this will
   push in the release snap), then pull that side of the case
   back away. Insert the screwdriver in the side of the
   keypad (between the front and back case) and gently                       ARMED

   twist to release the side locking tab. Repeat for the other               READY

   side. Refer to Figure 1 for location of the case back
   release snaps and locking tabs.
2. Route the wiring from the control panel through the                       NOTE:
                                                                             TO REMOVE CASE BACK
   opening in the case back. (See the control panel’s                        PUSH IN THE TWO MOUNTING
                                                                             SNAPS LOCATED ALONG THE
   instructions for proper wire run lengths.)                                BOTTOM OF THE KEYPAD
                                                                             AND LIFT UP.
3. Mount the case back directly to a wall or electrical gang
4. Connect the power and data wires from the control panel

   to the terminals on the 6150RF as indicated in the                                          SNAPS                      LOCKING
   wiring table adjacent to Figure 2.
                                                                                     Figure 1 – Removing the 6150RF Case Back

                       WIRING TABLE
     Keypad           Control Panel            Wire Color
   ▲G               Data In                 Green
   −                − Aux Pwr (GND)         Black
   +                + Aux Pwr               Red
   ▼Y               Data Out                Yellow
  Note: NO (normally Open) and C (common) are the

                                                                                                            Y        G   NO C
        connections for the relay output


                                                                                         Figure 2 - 6150RF Wiring Connections

Use the following guidelines when planning an installation:
• Local wireless keys (wireless keys programmed directly into the 6150RF) may be used regardless of whether the
  RF receiver in the 6150RF is enabled or disabled.
• If using bi-directional devices, be sure to enable the transmitter module in the 6150RF.
• If transmitters are programmed into the control panel, be sure to enable the receiver. (Make sure you do not
  exceed the number of receivers supported by the control panel.)
• If a local wireless key is programmed to arm/disarm or to trigger a relay on the control panel, a user code must be
  entered into the 6150RF. This user code must also be programmed into the control panel.
• You must set the House ID only if you are using RF keypads and/or bi-directional devices; AND the House ID
  Source is the 6150RF (Local).
6150RF Application Guide
The following guide outlines how to program the wireless keys, RF receiver, and the House ID in the 6150RF for your
                                                      Are you using
                                                                                                                    6150RF Programming Options
                                      RF keys       RF receivers    RF keypads and/or       Program
     System Control Panel             beyond          beyond        Bi-directional        Wireless Keys
                                     system’s        system’s       devices on more            Into                  Receiver         House ID
                                     capacity?       capacity?      than 1 partition?                                 Enable          Source***
 4110DL, 4110XM, 4140XMP,               N/A             N/A                 N/A           6150RF                OFF               Local [0]
 VISTA-10P, VISTA-10SE, VISTA-          NO              NO                  N/A           System                ON [1]            System [1]
 15, VISTA-15P, VIA-30PSE               YES             NO                  N/A           6150RF                ON [1]            System [1]
                                        YES             YES                 N/A           6150RF                OFF [0]           Local [0]
 VISTA-20SE, VISTA-20P                  NO              NO                   NO           System                ON [1]            System [1]
                                        YES             NO                   NO           6150RF                ON [1]            System [1]
                                        YES             YES                  NO           6150RF                OFF [0]           Local [0]
                                        NO              YES                 YES*          System                OFF [0]           Local [0]
                                        YES             YES                 YES*          6150RF                OFF [0]           Local [0]
 VISTA-40, VISTA-50P, VISTA-            NO              NO                  NO**          System                ON [1]            System [1]
 128B, VISTA-128BP                      YES             NO                  NO**          6150RF                ON [1]            System [1]
                                        YES             YES                 NO**          6150RF                OFF [0]           Local [0]
                                        NO              YES                 YES           System                OFF [0]           Local [0]
                                        YES             YES                 YES           6150RF                OFF [0]           Local [0]

  * Two 6150RFs are needed for this application: one assigned to partition 1 and one assigned to partition 2.
  ** If using an RF keypad on only one partition, the 6150RF’s partition assignment in panel programming must match the partition.
  *** If set for Local on a partition control, the 6150RF’s partition assignment must match the one programmed in the BD device.


An example of an installation using two 6150RF                            shown. These values may be changed to suit the
Keypad/Transceivers with 2-Way Wireless Devices (e.g.,                    installation.
5828V) on Two Partitions is shown below:
                                                                          Entering Program Mode
                                                                          Press the [1] and [3] keys simultaneously for a few seconds
                             CONTROL                                      within 30 seconds after applying power. The keypad beeps
                              PANEL                                       three (3) times, and two dashes and two zeroes flash
                                                                          alternately in the upper left-hand corner of the display. If
                                                                          any other numbers or letters flash in the display, press the
     6150RF                                           6150RF              [✻] key.
       #1                                               #2                Note: The keypad will not enter programming mode if the system
                                                                                has been armed before the 6150RF was powered up or

     Settings            6150RF #1               6150RF #2                          Pressing the [1] and [3] keys 30 seconds or more after
                                                                                    applying power allows you to enter the User mode. This mode
 Keypad:            Must be assigned to    Must be assigned to                      allows you to enable and disable individual local wireless keys
                    Partition 1 in the     Partition 2 in the                       (useful if, e.g., a user accidentally loses a wireless key). Refer
                    control panel          control panel                            to the User Guide for instructions.
 House ID:          Match Partition 1      Match House ID in
                    House ID in the        Wireless Device                Programming Operations
                    control panel and                                     Once you have entered the Program mode, you may move to
                    House ID in Wireless                                  any program address simply by entering the program
                    Device                                                address number. The 6150RF will automatically exit the
 House ID           System                 Local                          Program mode if no keys are pressed for 90 seconds. While
 Source:                                                                  in the Program mode:
 Receiver           On                     Off
                                                                          • Pressing the [✻] key stores the information displayed,
                                                                            then moves you to the next prompt, and the keypad beeps
 Transmitter        On                     On
                                                                          • Pressing the [#] key erases the current information and
PROGRAMMING THE 6150RF                                                      moves you back so you may enter the correct information.
The 6150RF is shipped with pre-programmed default
                                                                          Enter a program address (e.g., press [1] for Keypad
values. Later in these instructions are diagrams showing
                                                                          Address; [2] for Receiver Address) to set the parameters in
the wireless keys' loops and their default functions.
                                                                          the 6150RF.The following chart lists the program addresses,
Regardless of which wireless key you use (even if it is one
                                                                          the keypad display, and the choices.
not shown), loops 1-4 are defaulted for all eight devices as
                         Description                Display                  Choices                                  Default
 1              Keypad Address                        cA         01-31                                  31
 2              Receiver Address                      rA         00-30                                  00
 3              House ID                              HI         01-31                                  10
 4              House ID Source                       hS         1 = System                             1 System
                                                                 0 = Local
 5              Wireless Key Editing                  d-         Enter Existing Device Number

 6              Receiver Enable                       rE         1 = On 0 = Off                         1 Enable
 7              Transmitter Module Enable             tE         1 = On 0 = Off                         1 Enable
 8              Wireless Key Auto Enroll              d*         Enter Serial Number
 8 then 2       Wireless Key User Code                u4         Enter 4-Digit User Code
 8 then 4       Wireless Key Loop Function            Ln         Enter Loop Number then Function        Loop 2      1 (Disarm)
                                                                 (See Wireless Key Function Chart)      Loop 3      2 (Arm Away)
                                                                                                        Loop 4      3 (Arm Stay)
 8 then 5       Wireless Key On-Board Relay            o-    Enter Loop Number then Relay               Loop 1      Close for 2 Seconds
                Assignment                                   Action
 9              Restore Defaults                   EE        1 = Restores Defaults
                                                             Any Other Key = Does Not
                                                             Restore Defaults
 0           High Security Mode✝                   En        1 = Enable; 0 = Disable                    0 Disable
* The keypad will display the next number that can be enrolled (i.e., “d3”)

            ✝ When operating the system in High-Security mode, non-encrypted wireless keys will not function.


Defaulting the 6150RF
To restore the 6150RF to the default values, perform the following steps:
    Step                                                                      Action
    1        Enter the Program mode by pressing the [1] and [3] keys simultaneously for a few seconds within 30 seconds after
             applying power. The keypad alternately flashes “oo” and two dashes.
    2        Press the [9] key. The display flashes “EE.”
    3        Press the [1] key to restore the default values, or press any other key to exit without restoring the default values.
             If you pressed [1], the keypad beeps three (3) times and returns to alternately flashing “oo” and two dashes. If you
             pressed any other key, the keypad will beep two (2) times, and return to alternately flashing “oo” and two dashes.
    4        Press [✻] to exit the 6150RF Program mode.

Programming Procedure
This section is divided into two parts.
•        Programming for an installation WITHOUT local wireless keys.
•        Programming for an installation WITH local wireless keys.
Using the programming procedure WITH local wireless keys, is necessary only if you plan to use wireless keys
beyond the control panel’s capacity, or on a system that does not support 5800 Series wireless. Refer to the 6150RF
Application Guide on page 1 for installations that require these settings.
Note: See the control panel's installation instructions for the acceptable keypad and receiver addresses.

             If you are using a wireless key in High-Security mode (5804E) in the control panel, it will occupy one of the devices in the 6150RF.

Programming for an Installation WITHOUT Local Wireless Keys
To program the 6150RF for an installation without any local wireless keys, perform the following steps:
    Step                                            Action                                                                  Display
    1.       Enter the Program mode by pressing the [1] and [3] keys                                  Alternately flashes "oo" and two dashes.
             simultaneously for a few seconds within 30 seconds after applying
             power or within 30 seconds after removing the case back.
    2.       Enter [1] (Keypad Address). Enter the 2-digit keypad address (01-31).                    Alternately flashes "cA" and the 2-digit keypad
             Press the [✻] key to continue.                                                           address.
    3.       Enter [2] (Receiver Address). Enter the 2-digit receiver address (00-30).                Alternately flashes “rA” and the 2-digit receiver
             Press the [✻] key to continue.                                                           address.
    4.       Enter [4] (House ID Source). Enter [1] (System) to use the House ID                      Alternately flashes “hS” and either "1" or "0."
             programmed into the control panel, if RF keypad(s) and/or bi-
             directional device(s):
              • Are used on the control panel.
              • Neither is used.
             Enter [0] (Local) to use the House ID programmed into the 6150RF
             (Program Address 3).
             Note: If the House ID Source is:
                    • System (1), RF keypad and bi-directional units MUST match the
                        House ID programmed into the control panel.
                    • Local (0), RF keypad and bi-directional units MUST match the
                        House ID programmed into the 6150RF.
             Press the [✻] key to continue.
    5.       Enter [6] (Receiver Enable). Enter [1] to enable, or [0] to disable.                     Alternately flashes “rE” and either "1" or "0."
             Enable the receiver if RF transmitters or wireless keypads are
             programmed into the control.
             Note: Make sure the number of receivers set for Enable (1) does not
                   exceed the capacity of the control panel.
             Press the [✻] key to continue.
    6.       Enter [7] (Transmitter Module Enable). Enter [1] to enable, or [0] to                    Alternately flashes “tE” and either "1" or "0."
             disable. Enter [1] if bi-directional devices are being used.
             Note: If the House ID Source is System and more than one 6150RF is
                   used, make sure each of the keypads have the Transmitter Module
                   enabled. See Note under House ID Source step 4.
             Press the [✻] key.


 Step                                        Action                                                            Display
 7.        Enter [0] (High-Security Mode). To put the system into High-Security           En
           mode, enter [1]. Enter [0] to disable.
 8.        Press the [✻] key to exit the 6150RF Program mode.                             “READY” or “NOT READY”

Note: This is all the 6150RF programming necessary for this application. Upon exiting the Program mode, the 6150RF alternately
      flashes "Ad," the 2-digit keypad address, and the 2-digit receiver address. If either of these is incorrect, repeat steps 1 through 3.

Programming for an Installation WITH Local Wireless Keys

           • The 6150RF is supplied with default settings for the functions of the wireless keys. See page 3.
           • If, during the programming of the wireless keys, you make a wrong entry and want to reprogram a wireless key, simply
             press the [#] key, then enter the correct information.
Perform steps 1-6 in the Programming for an Installation Without Local Wireless Keys section. Then perform the
following steps:
  Step                                    Action                                                              Display
      1.   Enter [3] (House ID). Enter the 2-digit House ID for the 6150RF (01-         Alternately flashes “hl” and a 2-digit number.
           Note: The House ID is needed only if RF keypads and/or bi-directional
                 units are used and House ID source is set for Local.
                 The House ID entered here MUST match the House ID
                 programmed in the RF keypad and the bi-directional unit.
           Press the [✻] key to continue.
      2.   Enter [8] (Wireless Key Auto Enroll). The 6150RF automatically               Flashes "d" with the next available device
           advances to first available device number.                                   number; followed by “- -“ (four times) and then
           Note: If all 8 devices have been enrolled, the 6150RF beeps three times      repeats the sequence.
                   and continues to alternately flash "oo" and "--."
      3.   Press any button on the wireless key to enroll the serial number. The        Alternately flashes "d" with the device number
           keypad will beep three times.                                                and the serial number.
           Note: If enrolling a wireless key in high security mode, see the
                   Installation Instructions for that Model for further information.
      4.   Press the [✻] key to accept the serial number; OR press the [#] key to       If you accept the serial number, the display
           reject the serial number.                                                    flashes the device number and a hyphen.
           If you accept the serial number, the 6150RF beeps two times. If you          If you reject the serial number, the display
           reject the serial number, the 6150RF beeps once and returns to the           flashes "d" with the device number followed by
           “enroll serial number” prompt.                                               “--” four times.
           Note: A maximum of 8 wireless keys may be enrolled into the 6150RF.
                   These wireless keys DO NOT occupy any zones supported by
                   the control.
           If you are finished programming for now, press [✻] to exit. Otherwise,
           continue with step 5.
      5.   Enter [2] (User Code). Enter the 4-digit user code for the wireless          Flashes "u4." Once the 4-digit user code is
           key.                                                                         entered, the display flashes "u4," the first two
           Note: The user code must be a valid code that is programmed in the           digits, and then the last two digits of the user
                   control panel.                                                       code.
           Press the [✻] key to accept the user code.
           If you are finished programming for now, press [✻] to exit. Otherwise,
           continue with step 6.
      6.   Enter [4] (Loop Functions). Enter the loop number (1-4).                     Flashes "Ln."
           Note: The 6150RF is shipped with the loop functions pre-programmed.          Once the loop number is entered, alternately
                   Perform steps 6 through 10 only if it is necessary to change any     flashes "L" with the loop number; and the present
                   of the loop functions.                                               function.
                   Loop 1 Close the 6150RF On-Board Relay for 2 sec.
                   Loop 2 1 (Disarm)
                   Loop 3 2 (Arm Away)
                   Loop 4 3 (Arm Stay)
                   See the Wireless Key Function Chart below for the choices.*
           * Entering a number other than the one specified may give
           unpredictable results


  Step                                           Action                                                            Display
   6.      Wireless Key Function Chart                                                               Default Loop Functions
(Cont’d)    Function                                  Entry                                                                     Loop 3
                                                                                                                                Arm AWAY
            Disarming                                 1                                            Loop 4
                                                                                                                                Loop 2
            Arming Away                               2                                          Arm STAY

            Arming Stay                               3                                                                         Loop 1
                                                                                                                                Close on-board relay
            Arming Maximum (Away Instant)             4                                                                         for 2 seconds

            Arming Instant                            7
            Panic Alarm
              Produces type of alarm [* & #]          # + 99                                                      5804
              programmed in control panel.
                                               # + 7 (VISTA-10SE, VIA-30PSE)                                                     Loop 2

            Manually Start a Relay Action      # + 7 + n (VISTA-10P, VISTA-15P,                                                  Disarm

                                               VISTA-20P, VISTA-20SE(HW))
                                               # + 8 (VISTA-10SE, VIA-30PSE)                        Loop 3
                                                                                                                                  Loop 4
                                                                                                                                  Arm STAY
            Manually Stop a Relay Action       # + 8 + n (VISTA-10P, VISTA-15P,                  Arm AWAY                         Loop 1
                                               VISTA-20P, VISTA-20SE(HW)                                                          Close on-board relay
                                                                                                                                  for 2 seconds
            Activate Relay as Programmed in    # + 71 (VISTA-40, VISTA-50P,
                                                                                                                    • • ••
                                                                                                                    • •• • ••
                                                                                                                       ••        SET
            Control                            VISTA-128B)                                                                      HOUSE

            Activate Relay as Programmed in    # + 72 (VISTA-40, VISTA-50P,

                                                                                                         5 8 0 4 B D / 5 8 0 4 B DV
            Control                            VISTA-128B)
            Activate Access Control Relay for  0 (VISTA-40, VISTA-50P, VISTA-          NOTE: If the loop is defaulted with a function (e.g.,
            Partition                          128B)                                           Arm, Disarm) and also is assigned to activate
           n = Device Number programmed in panel to be controlled                              the on-board relay, the system performs
                                                                                               BOTH functions.
           Press the [✻] key.
   7.      Repeat step 6 for the rest of the loops of the wireless key.
   8.      To program a button on the wireless key to control the on-board             Flashes "o-."
           relay, enter [5] (On-Board Relay Assignment).
   9.      Enter the loop number of the wireless key (1-4). Enter the relay            Flashing “o” and the loop number.
           action (0 = no action; 1 = relay off; 2 = relay on; 3 = relay toggles on    Once the action is entered, displays “o” and
           and off; 4 = relay closes for 2 seconds).                                   alternately flashes the loop number and the relay
           Note: The relay action must be "0" for UL installations.                    action.
           Press the [✻] key.
  10.      Repeat step 9 for the rest of the loops.
  11.      When all loops have been programmed for the wireless key, press the         Flashes “d” followed by the device number.
           [✻] key.
  12.      The 6150RF automatically displays the next available device number
           (one that does not have a serial number).
           If you want to program additional wireless keys, repeat steps 3
           through 10. Otherwise, press the [#] key. This takes you back to the
           main display, which alternately flashes “oo” and “- -.”
  13.      Enter [0] (High Security Mode). To put the system into High-Security        Flashes “En” and “0” alternately OR “En” and
           mode, enter [1]. Enter [0] to disable.                                      “1” if the keypad is in high-security mode
  14.      Press [✻] to exit the 6150RF Program mode.
Note: Upon exiting the Program mode, the 6150RF alternately flashes "Ad," the 2-digit keypad address, and the 2-digit receiver
      address. If either of these is incorrect, repeat steps 1 through 3 in the Programming for an Installation Without Local Wireless
      Keys section.
Deleting, Replacing, or Editing Wireless Keys
Use the following procedure to delete, replace, or change any of the programming for a wireless key.
  Step                                           Action                                                            Display
   1.      Enter the Program mode by pressing the [1] and [3] keys                     Alternately flashes "oo" and two dashes.
           simultaneously for a few seconds within 30 seconds after applying
   2.      Enter [5] (Wireless Key Editing). Enter the device number for the           Flashes the device number and a hyphen.
           wireless key you want to edit. This must be a device that has its
                                                                                       Once the device number is entered, alternately
           serial number programmed in the 6150RF already.
                                                                                       flashes "d" with the device number; and the serial
           To delete the serial number, press [✻], then press [9], and press [✻]       number.
           To exit without deleting the serial number, press the [#] key.
           Press the [✻] key to continue.


  Step                                     Action                                                          Display
   3.    To change any of the programming for the wireless key, perform one           Alternately flashes "d*" with the device number;
         of the following steps in the Programming for an Installation WITH           and “--.”
         Local Wireless Keys section.
         •    For the user code, perform step 5.
         •    For the loop functions, perform steps 6 and 7.
         •    For the on-board relay assignment, perform steps 8 to 10.
   4.    When you have completed editing the wireless keys, press the [✻] key
         twice to exit the Program mode.
* The keypad will display the last number that was enrolled (i.e., “d3”)
Note: Upon exiting the Program mode, the 6150RF alternately flashes "Ad," the 2-digit keypad address, and the 2-digit receiver
      address. If either of these is incorrect, repeat steps 1 through 3 in the Programming for an Installation Without Local Wireless
      Keys section.

The following error messages cause the 6150RF to produce rapid beeps for 5 seconds. The table below describes the
error messages and the corrective actions.
 Display             Probable Cause                   Corrective Action
 Lb                  Low battery in the wireless      1.   Replace the battery if the wireless key has a replaceable battery.
                     key                              2.   Replace the transmitter if the wireless key does not have a replaceable
 OC                 Open circuit                      Verify that the Data Out wire is connected properly.
 1C                 Incompatible connection           Verify that the control panel is not a First Alert-type control panel.
 Check 09 OR        1. 6150RF Receiver is not         1. Verify that the Data In wire is connected properly.
 Check 100 RF            communicating
 Receiver OR        2. Another device on the       2. Verify the wiring connections between the control and all other devices.
 Check 10n RF            keypad terminals is not
 Receiver*               communicating to the
                         control panel
 E8                 Too many RF zones              Verify the number of transmitters programmed into the control panel
*n = receiver address programmed in VISTA control panel

Physical:      6-1/4” H x 4-7/8” W x 1” D                               Voltage:      12VDC
               (158.75mm x 123.8mm x 25.4mm)                            Current:       Standby 80mA
Wiring:        Refer to Wiring Table on page 2                                         Backlighting on and
Range:         200' nominal                                                            Sounder on 105mA
Frequency:     345 MHz                                                  Relay:         Normally-Open, 1A, 28VDC
                                                                        Sounder:       Piezo-electric (fire alarm is loud pulsing tone;
                                                                                       burglary/audible panic alarm is two tone



 Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Part 15
 The user shall not make any changes or modifications to the equipment unless authorized by the Installation Instructions or User's Manual.
 Unauthorized changes or modifications could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.

 This equipment has been tested to FCC requirements and has been found acceptable for use. The FCC requires the following statement for your
 This equipment generates and uses radio frequency energy and if not installed and used properly, that is, in strict accordance with the
 manufacturer's instructions, may cause interference to radio and television reception. It has been type tested and found to comply with the limits for
 a Class B computing device in accordance with the specifications in Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection
 against such interference in a residential installation. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this
 equipment does cause interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is
 encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
 • If using an indoor antenna, have a quality outdoor antenna installed.
 • Reorient the receiving antenna until interference is reduced or eliminated.
 • Move the radio or television receiver away from the receiver/control.
 • Move the antenna leads away from any wire runs to the receiver/control.
 • Plug the receiver/control into a different outlet so that it and the radio or television receiver are on different branch circuits.
 • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

 This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules and RSS210 of Industry Canada. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This
 device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
 undesired operation.
 Cet appareil est conforme à la partie 15 des règles de la FCC & de RSS 210 des Industries Canada. Son fonctionnement est soumis aux
 conditions suivantes: (1) Cet appareil ne doit pas causer d' interferences nuisibles. (2) Cet appareil doit accepter toute interference reçue y compris
 les interferences causant une reception indésirable.
 This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
 Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.

                                                        WARRANTY INFORMATION
                                               For the latest warranty information, please go to:

                                                                                                      2 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 100
‡K4460-1V6%Š                                                                                           P.O. Box 9040, Melville, NY 11747
                                                                                                       Copyright © 2009 Honeywell International Inc.
K4460-1V6 2/06 Rev D                                                                                   

Document Created: 2012-01-11 08:09:26
Document Modified: 2012-01-11 08:09:26

© 2025
This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC